Historical Science | Compilation | Horrible Histories

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hi I'm a hot Egyptian scientist and welcome to wonders of the Egyptian universe you know we ancient Egyptians were amazing scientists we're nothing but bits of string and word and maths lovely magnificent mathematics we were able to construct perfectly shaped pyramids using millions of stones to an accuracy of 0.05 percent can you imagine that you imagine in it amazing and it was those Egyptians who first tracked the movements of the stars using them to align our buildings in perfect symmetry with the heavens perfect symmetry amazing and it was those Egyptians who realized that the Pharaoh had to perform a magic ceremony in the mornings otherwise the Sun wouldn't rise sorry Brian what was that last bit before us Egyptians no one had any idea that the Sun travelled across the sky by being rolled by a dung beetle whoa whoa whoa stop you there Brian Adam vehicle a vast giant dung beetle called Khepri it's ancient Egyptian scientific fact all right reality check Brian if it's dung beetle is so massive why can't we see it a giant vast invisible dung beetle okay you actually doing really well up until the Pharoah and the dung beetle but that is just crazy how else is a song gonna travel across the sky why is it just gonna stand still why this entire massive planet revolves all by itself I'm talking about ancient Egyptian scientific fact here sure about that Brian how else would it get to the other end of the sky where it gets eaten by a cow goddess okay I've heard enough fellas but I haven't told you about the planets now they're actually gods who can predict the future it's ancient Egyptian scientific fact it's amazing our Tudor Queen Elizabeth the first was a very difficult woman to impress Christmas Lord Dudley Mayor Yuletide merriments know no bounds your majesty Oh a present yeah whatever could it be what does one get the Queen who has everything why something that no but there has how did this tiny club get stuck in this bangle to the wrist clock your majesty the first of its kind with your permission now when there is no clock around you can tell the time with a simple look at to your list this is far and away my favorite present ever ended marvelous sessile yes your majesty let us drink to this new invention to the wrist look the wrist clock hmm oh dear me there seems to be no clock here in the throne room and I need to know the time ah would you happen to know what time it is your majesty oh dear Lord Dudley there appears to be a serious design flaw with your wrist clock indeed your majesty although man evolved from monkeys millions of years ago it wasn't until the Victorian era that the theory of evolution was first put forward by a man called duh [Music] people thought all animals arrived here unrelated the world began and then came an all perfectly created but then someone looked up the tree and said that monkey looks just like me so what really was a mystery what I'd learned in natural history so I joined HMS Beagle [Music] [Music] natural selection means each animal evolved to blend with its surroundings two changes were involved so birds with different routes see different beaks a duper time they'd modified so just a fittest of the all survived on the Isles scientist Acronis London swimming but my new theory was winning in the Tareq Oh son [Music] but without rage from the chitchat chitchat Church of England [Music] that we came from Chechens questioned by a Christianity [Music] to disagree every species new Protection Act a perfect explanation it's inception must protect deception combination is a frito limitation so rich creatures it's a collection meaning animal collections grow unique means of protection surveil pages inspections immediate action Winston [Music] hmmm interesting but that's not what's supposed to happen darling I don't want to worry you or anything but I think you might be dead hmm I don't think so darling well this newspaper seems to think you aren't it's always been very reliable in the past dr. Alfred Nobel the Swedish chemist and inventor of dynamite died yesterday in the French resort of care let me see that grief it does say I'm dead look what they're calling me here The Merchant of death says here dr. Alfred Nobel became rich by finding ways to kill more people even faster than ever before honestly by reading this you'd think that just because I'd invented dynamite I am personally responsible for the death of thousands of people I mean honestly have you ever heard such nonsense I said have you ever heard such rubbish Sophie if you have something to say well you you did invent what is at this point in time the most powerful explosive on earth and it has gone on to kill thousands and thousands of people what's your point all I'm saying is you have to accept when people hear the word Nobel they're always going to think of dynamite no I should have called it Annabelle's safety powder I mean do you really think that when I actually do go this is how I'll be remembered Oh sweetheart of course it is my very cheap little death merchant well not if I can help it I shall reinvent my own image what I shall use my massive fortune to establish a special prize one that rewards positive human endeavors in the pursuit of peace so that when I do die I won't just be linked to explosives but I Alfred Nobel will call this special Peace Prize I some height darling why don't you call it the Nobel Peace Prize I love you darling but you have absolutely no idea when it comes to marketing [Music] howdy bill why how did you hear I'm bang on schedule although I did manage to run into an ambush again and I had to ride all through the night in a storm and the horse got spooked by a rattlesnake reared up and threw me into a cactus yeah as if my buck wasn't sore enough I'm gonna spend 20 hours in the saddle just to deliver the mail to you yeah this is for you bill why Thank You Kylie Jim diggity it says here they finished the telegraph line running right across the whole of America so all I have to do is connect up this here Telegraph machine and I should start receiving message it it works now bill you know there ain't nothing that can get your messages from the east coast to the west coast faster than the Pony Express it only takes us 10 days well Telegraph only takes 10 seconds I got my first message it says Pony Express out of business stop tell rider to get another job stop well that is just a pain in the butt ooh and so is that one second I got me some plies [Music] with imagination inspiration innovation and creation was called the rocket so we paid the week for me I'm using I was a total building rich creating high rocket ship craft employee rapid search our away take my train through my tongue cross my bridge to my ship and Sally my steamship it made the trip in just 14 days there across the ocean was clever old me I'm going to stop and record yes that's why he's called my assembly like the first to make it cheap to buy a motor car before cuz you can't afford I think you'll find me just one kind but never raiding congregating introducing mass-producing original model chica ng the birthplace and bike skills works in our shoes what's the brains the brawn my brother Wilbur right find the plane made the first sustained flight our engine small [Applause] [Music] they were supreme machines away what we achieve looking back we help change time transport we added color oh well as long as it's black [Music] one of the most famous Victorian inventors was Alexander Graham Bell who came up with the telephone ring a bell yeah-ha-ha but his design was to be improved by American inventor Thomas Edison good day to you thank you what does that even mean no I bought your telephone it's a new invention by this guy Alexander Graham Bell I thought it might interest it ties in nicely with the experiments we're doing on the transmission of sound really it allows you to talk to somebody down a cable you can talk to somebody in a different room and maybe who knows one day in a different building extraordinary well can we try it of course but mr. Bell insists that we use the official telephone greeting which is a hoy horn as the caller I have to say ahoy hoy to you you say ahoy hoy back that way we know we're receiving each other understood are you ready sir oh yes indeed here we go oh-ho oh no sir you have to say ahoy hoy back to me yes I was just shocked that it actually worked so the Victorian expression of surprise crept out hello Zin Wow shall we try it again yeah oh oh you said it again so did you well I was surprised that you said it again well I'm still surprised it works okay sir shall we try it one more time hello oh you just said hello of course I said hello I was surprised that you said ahoy hoy I thought I was gonna say ahoy hoy first and then you said ahoy hoy that's why I said hello hello sir you have to it doesn't matter I'm gonna take these away no wait I was just getting the hang of it in fact I think I can improve on the design I very much doubt it sir you cannot even grasp the official telephone greeting imagine a world where people say into the telephone hello goodbye hello hello I think I have a problem twas the age of Queen Victoria's up notorious so many brand-new goods we did create our list is long and glorious though I don't intend to boyars was a time of great invention really what did we admit then well I'm just about to mention a drumroll please let's raise the tension we invented this music hall well I chuckled Henry Bessemer invented molten steel which led to other chaps creating the automobile which led to a petrol tires and bike so all that was required was rude so concrete came and tarmac for hire [Music] [Music] we invented bulbs [Music] [Music] cleanest toilet paper sewing machines x-rays comics icecream trains and lines and bridges and the underground as well [Music] doctors instruments one last unmentioned brand Victorian was invented the world's first conveyor band invented 1902 the year after Victoria died [Music] we invented dynamite [Music] okay notes or boy time for our final checks what let's have a look at some of this good old British equipment so a writer captain Scott sir thin woollen jumper that freezes weren't worked jack scratchy woolen rousers guaranteed to cause a rash check agonizingly hard leather boots just put them on sir I've got blisters already topo insufficient food supplies Jack that better not have been my half of the Apple absurdly heavy wooden sleds that sticks to ice Jack party sled dogs perfect for the South Poles weather conditions no certainly not sir haha walternate's oh boy literally got you the Norwegians ears those the big girls poor quality horses ill-suited to at Arctic terrain section but I make that five but they were just about ready to go let's show those Norwegians won't fall sir sometimes I think with all this top-notch equipment sir it makes it venturing almost too easy [Music] it's 1928 and historical crime fighter's Lou and Dave have come to the laboratory of scientist Alexander Fleming in some areas Hospital London mr. Fleming before there is a brilliant scientist supposedly but he's not a brilliant tardy opera telling it for nothing Oh crikey this is worse than your bedroom this is dive dirty puts and dishes everywhere full of all infectious bacteria sound believe this guy it's been experiments with bacteria and he's gone on all day without Todd you know pester himself first is mounted in a petri dish how here he comes dr. Doolittle what's going on tell you what's going on mate you're gonna clean up this little Balaji starting with that mouth they're extraordinary not really might that's what happens when you go on holiday and leave your dirty dishes no look the staphylococci bacteria and this is completely normal right or as in this dish it's been destroyed by the mold you know this means blooming strong mouths exactly I must grow some more don't think I might die a mild killer no stop look you don't understand right this small stops other bacteria from growing I mean this could be a really important medical discovery one day we could use this to treat infections AAHA Raj doctor doctor I'm feeling really ill Arthur art is some mouths how can I win a place for this one day yeah you will mate the filthiest laboratory award 1928 here's your award right come on let's get out of here I'd like to thank my mother for never making me clean a room disgusting to have the old jibber-jabber dive hello and welcome to the news at when when around seventy years ago when the United States of America and the Soviet Union centered around modern day Russia decided to try and settle the growing argument over who was superior in a way that was quite literally out of this world here with more details on this starry story is our very own space cadet Bob Hale with the space race report Bob thank you Sam well the years 1945 World War two has just ended and after years of having to be battle buddies America and the Soviet Union could now finally embrace the fact that they are much like each other you see these two superpowers run their countries in very different ways called chalk and cheese I mean communism and capitalism so I've grown to distrust each other intensely but luckily both of them captured some of the German rocket scientist who built Hitler's wartime missile which suggests a rather exciting way to settle whitson power is best in space yes the space race is on with an early lead going to America who to find out if it's possible for living creatures to survive space travel start firing monkey starts by sand rhinos into outer space no not rhinos and with the Soviets following soon soon loads of animals are sent off into starry skies with many of them never coming back I guess they liked it up there oh right rest in peace guys anyway now the race really starts hooking up as both sides rush towards the next major milestone putting a man-made craft into orbit around the earth with the points this time going to the Soviets yes in 1957 Sputnik one a radio beacon the size of a beach ball just becomes - thank you really helpful honestly yes Bartok becomes the first-ever satellite but America's not far behind and in 1958 they launch explore a while this is about the size of a grapefruit don't even think about and what its even-steven the score wise the Soviets are now on a roll they send an unmanned rocket right around the moon launch a probe the photographic surface in 1961 after successful test using a dummy yes very funny Russia's Yuri Gagarin becomes the first ever man in space and America starts getting pretty sick of second place so in 1961 US president john f kennedy announces to the america will attempt the impossible to put a man on the moon not because it is easy but because it is hard the exact same reason why I keep trying to set the clock on my oven so a new series of rockets known as the Apollo program are dedicated to mooning I mean the moon landing but this after strikes when a fire during your simulation kills the crew of Apollo 1 meaning Apollo's two three four five six become unmanned flights to perfect the design until finally in 1968 the USA gets some badly needed points when the crew of Apollo 8 become the first man in history to orbit the moon than just one year later America is finally ready to do what mankind has always dreamt of teaching a pig to tap-dance I don't know man that makes more sense with all the lists I see in the verified so Michael Collins Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong climb aboard Apollo 11 with the aim of beating the Soviets once and for all their mission is simple fly to the moon land on the moon walk on the moon leave the moon fly home and Bob's your uncle though only if you're my nephew's I mean what could possibly go wrong well since the navigation computer was about as powerful as a chip inside a modern toaster I'd say pretty much anything but the dates been set the cameras are primed in the eyes of the world watch with bated breath which is difficult for eyes as on July the 20th 1969 the lunar module eagle separate from the command module Columbia and yes display prices finally won but store-bought chattering victory to the US of A as Neil Armstrong takes one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind the Soviets accept defeat wait to buy to a moon they never reached and turn their attentions of building space stations leaving America to build a moon colony with a burger bar in the coffee shop right roll in fact only 12 people ever set foot on the moon and don't once being there since 1972 a tragic oversight that I'm gonna rectify right now yes it's time to take one small step for Bob Hale but one giant leap for the good people at Bob Hale space rocket industries goodbye Sam I've always loved you will you wait for me no I'm not going [Music]
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Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, slimy stuarts, vicious vikings, awful egyptians, history for kids, tv show for kids, science for kids, science, british science show, science week, vile victorians, horrible histories season 5 songs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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