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[Music] you what the [ __ ] so I'm starting a Playstation what the [ __ ] was that sound like daddy is indeed back I don't know how to write schedule that's for sure gentlemen welcome to the new apartment it looks just the same it is ridiculous it looks just the same unbelievable next week it should be done my brother's coming next week we're getting the PC we're getting the monitors we're getting you yes I'm gonna take you on a little trip we're taking the the entire the anti screaming walls we're taking that off and we're getting it all too many we have it's already over I hereby announce PI I'm announcing Germany I'm announcing Germany I don't wanna again I want to not announce my role play I like this one I don't want to announce my role play anymore because everybody is just always it's guys and don't really want to play Germany Yanis Poland do it I feel like Jana is a big Mimar man I feel like Janna is kind of memeing games I like him he's funny as [ __ ] but he's always just memeing games man like seriously more Payan you say that's good I don't want pie next to me because he's so meta he's so scary well guys it gets a Blair's in a few moments later oh yeah dad I'm already in a game third immunity me god damn it that rents so fast okay I'm announcing the industrial of building of Germany there you go oh my god guys really you take care of the depression first right but let's get rid of the depression first goddamn it you guys are [ __ ] killing me I obviously want to go to the Civil War okay I'm obviously gonna I want to go to the Civil War so I'm gonna do dad what if I just don't go to the Civil War I mean I SP don't I I delete the Air Force today I'm not gonna again I need to go I need to play men are right i need to play metal cuz everybody [ __ ] does that now it's so [ __ ] you know what anyway I don't wanna play men are playing men are so [ __ ] boring they can say ninja I'm gonna play a bit met up with [ __ ] going tanks of [ __ ] but I'm not gonna play I'm not gonna be one of these [ __ ] gang cuz me because this guy that has 20 rough city infantry I'm not gonna do that that's so [ __ ] that that is just so [ __ ] ooh okay let's rock'n'roll play its role play again I'm gonna reach it as it comes in first of all I have to do my own [ __ ] I need to tell Siam my dear friend Germany is buying eight of your rubber and is hoping for a trade back this could lead to a friendship between our nation's and future trade agreements so that's my role play with Joseph we find your positioning along the lower Rhine River alarming perhaps we could both agree to keep troops before boards to whet any conflict that must be France my apologies friend these units are training directional training these units are training to intervene in a possible Spanish Civil War appointing economic positions what oh this is a different focus tree than last time I'm feeling this is a different focus treat and I had last time right hey ma chatte construction speed on waiver wait you get 10% resources also you get 5% destruction speed but - five mils this one gives you political power this is bad I want 5% I obviously want 5% building speed don't take him oh this won't give us a [ __ ] ton of sips so we're going with the high set about getting all the sips and we're going into free trade maybe do a roleplay announcement man dancing wants support and replacing the city's Commissioner anything for our Drummond brothers well I don't want to lose - 1 PP man that's for sure so I'm gonna support that sake it's not like a player I guess right yeah we have a player what is your position and your question about the future of dancing my polish friend my drummer friend dancing has been growing more unstable for every day to pass as the Germans in the city are really evil to join the right we will be willing to return the city if we're able to create a deal the return of our former music former territories of East Prussia code leads to an alliance and non-aggression pact with you by upmost motivation is to bring back all former areas - the Vice very aggressive here towards my German friend are we only talking about the states of Jena and Enza core we talk about more just remember that the more states you demand the bigger the price will be Poznan Gd Nia whatever it's called and dancing all rightful German clay the AMA says mr. Hitler I think we shall speak alone about this ok this melody can make it even simpler mr. Kent the Italian people be guaranteed by universe even rhythm lost too much poom effect 416 I'm gonna invite people to my throne room little discs or thank you guys hello mr. Udall and gentle Adolph hello my German friend we are welcoming to Berlin Ignazio speech thank you thank you mr. Adolf I read about you you used to be one of the best chemists of Warsaw University oh I'll simply the best but you don't talk about how I got the great creative oh come on I do what a man gotta do you know yeah they just announced that Franco is starting a civil war Spain I must kind of Oh blimey Oh Sofia garita miserable so to show our friendship in the shadows we have traded two aluminium and one steel to you so we would request full trade back - our friendship and the resigning of the non-aggression pact between the German and thank you tomatoes vacant mr. mr. most chichi mr. ah the friendship between Berlin and Warsaw does not depend on train more nice promises or nice talks the friendship between our nation's depends on the future of Poznan gee Dina and dancing it has my friend but we need to resolve this issue there does not be hasty did I get it right in your telegram dad your nation seems to have patches structures growing yes my friend I'm very worried that they might cover the government soon we're trying to take them down but they're too many right we're not sure if you can keep them oh the non-aligned government mr. Morici mr. keema Caudill miserable if it is true that war sword is getting closer to fascist structures beliefs and doctrines the future alliance and the integration of Poland into the axis might be possible but in order to shake hands with the fascist of Warsaw the German territories must be returned to Berlin only then and that that's the the Nationals not the nationalist Socialist Party Koch look into the possibility of the unholy alliance between mr. mr. yonder your advisor and mr. mr. Kamin it's very good unholy alliance of the meme Lord Prime and mr. must issue if you're willing to sign the deal I just proposed to you we are willing to trade you back for any traitors we're not pushing you sips but we will trade back anything you trade with us we require a free civilian factories done and the non-aggression pact which one come to Sandra I'm gonna send the diplomats right now do better you so you're willing to bring back the territories I am willing if you help us in the east to reclaim the polish-lithuanian column common where the Communists of the east or the training of the people don't have long as man we need to take the dog it's not all high I gave you my signature it says Hitler in a very aggressive way of writing mr. Otto let's shake hands on this moment let's check him polish you all and the German Patrol each an additionally United at this the communists my friend you did not make the wrong decision today and even though mr. machi Chukchi you lost territories in the West you will regain territory in the East it will be done sir adult it's been a pleasure thank you sir but before we go we have to fire young he's becoming a monster we have to what we have to fire the minister of poland you get a beam there catches and rice and Poland that's just a game whichever come now I must go now I'm very busy buying this rod loaf kissing me on the cheek we struggle I know this is holy I struggle thank you very much straddle the bat least let me stay get the puck out then I got [ __ ] to do there we go the technocrats if we have if you want to have an economically powerful draw Murray we must side with the technocrats you get infinite stability it seems forever which is ridiculous I get my peepee back and +5 construction speed very very big very very big very nice German army training in the mountains of Spain there's also no spare player it's just Russian people actually there's no Russians I really don't see them we're just training here we're training up mr. Alvin they're having a spring trained but you're right Thank You clone for the tent hello sir there you are people always sad when they meet the feel the first time I'm yes how are you today my friend I am glorious to meet with the leader of this superlative nation of yours I see you're a man that knows how to speak internationally diplomatically now I I have regretted my decision to denounce the claim to my territory and I agree that mammal is German but I would like to make sure what you say in the end I would like to make a deal where you instantly receive a mammal but I get something for it as well what do you want so you receive mammal but you Sephora pee through Renly's or factory Asuna so I can invade swiftly invade romantics mr. Smith una before I answer that I want to ask you a question before when you were still shy there's rumors that you dislike Germany can you can you emphasize on that I can I can respond to this claim these outrageous claim because first of all my nation is tilting towards a fascist path as you can see I am currently going to the nationalism and I am currently hiring a minister as a fascist demagogue named Vladimir honest I'm not willing to send economic light to the frame ok but the deal that I would sign of you is in response for the German annexation of memo you will get a contractual guarantee that in case of war against Latvia Estonia or even the Russian bear you will get a German lend-lease package of 100 planes 3,000 guns and 200 support women these sounds superb and the I agree and then I signed as the officer I'm willing to sign that yeah I am signing right now as you can hear I sign it too I sign it - yes there we go my friend thank you sir my generals in Spain they're always asking where all you hit go why do we talk to you the frania [ __ ] one year when we're dying in Spain so I must go I know what I'm gonna do I know very well so we have Russian the East Communist bulwark we see that the yard Kingdom stop coming please can't do that can't do that Oh communists believe democracy is failing all around Europe kings are returning communists taking over the future of Europe is a grim one there's only one ideology that can save Europe the German people at the future against the monster that is communism gentlemen F in the chat for Tommy being banned today for I am it's just a joke for Chapman's did she just again the announcing the Treaty of Versailles an official denunciation of the messiah treaty would clearly show up for the requisition the world and with drama support for costs in a civilian population stability plus 5 minus 25% justification and wilhelm flick will join the cabinet it seems to be the only way to save Europe of the Red Menace we must stay strong come on I always go [ __ ] Kaiser man come on I always go Kaiser and it's do something [ __ ] different for once come on men unlocking oh it's sector German ideas I never seen them we got the Aires hours plus 10% a security guard Eman the answer new front row for warfare and every great power knows this what do you get us Germany then you get a blitz across the lands plus 5% division speed [ __ ] hell man German work ethic plus 10% production efficiency god damn it then you get got our secrets you get Enigma program plus wrist with an encryption no mercy for scum - 20 % well that's like the SS Oh God ein [ __ ] I'm high and fuel plus 5% attack and defense and then everything for the costs for arcing hell dude I feel like we're in trouble today we should go and kill them all I believe yes oh I'm gonna think this conversation is about the Baltics I want Estonia and Finland to state their motivations the Balkans quickly yes the Estonians announce that we would like to integrate the country of Latvia into our great nation and turn our government towards a right-wing government as a stalwart defense against the red man is in least a friend Germany's PC era and has no intervention it's not gonna intervene in the annexation of illegal [ __ ] very good Brandeis a busy busy business to attend to I am asking Finland do you have anything still you need to ask the great fuel No No thank you thank you for don't forget brothers thank you I need to start researching tanks man I'm also announcing to stop trade the poles they have been supported for one year Syria has been given to turkey communist bra what's going on I feel like the whole world is already [ __ ] uniting against me my friends you come here today to Berlin to talk about matters against communism is that true we see hey hey hey how come a man that tells me into my face he stands against communism has giving his Syrian colonies to the communists of Ankara well Oh at the Z time they were not communists so they tricked you yes just like the dirty Communists they are understand John our countries were enemies in the great war we never had a good relation but my friend it seems that the time has come that France and Germany stand united against the Red Menace do you agree I totally agree and tell her fashion together we cannot my friend but it is abundantly clear that a France and Germany would meet in a war it would only help the Communists of Europe young we must sign a nonaggression pact we must sign a pact of non-interference in each other matters we must guarantee Charles independence and we must stand united against the fret that's coming from us west and east that's what we need to do John then it will be done let us sign this historical pact but before I sign this pact the people of alsace-lorraine where are calling they are calling with all due respect John the German industry has overtaken yours and the people and workers of eldest Lorraine are calling to join the like once more well due to the number of civilian factories in that area perhaps if I were to transfer the territory to you you would give an economic advancement on par with it how much are we talking sir four million francs or for some Union factories Shawn Doyle you're a great man a great diplomat and a wise leader of France let us sign the Paris Berlin pact of friendship and the payment of forcible factories for the return of eldest Lorraine we hope that you and the French people don't see this as an act of this regard or disrespect of course that we understand completely I'm signing the pact and I'm telling my Minister of economics to transfer foreign factories right now to Paris we came by my minister to transfer the state to my friend it is done thank you this was a very clever a good move for this deal stance and John let us stand united against the Red Menace and I am Telling You right here right now because I don't want to go so I'll just rain to hang over our relation and poison it that you will be given territories very very soon and another location as a lot of payment files a string to show you my friendship people of Germany people of Germany are being united as rain that's been brought back into the Reich without any bullet fire the eastern claims the eastern territories also returned to our glorious nation got them I'm gonna get bent so hard ah man it matches some Normie to jetan watching this and not getting the jokes then I've so much PPS Germany like [ __ ] sake I'm just gonna finish my [ __ ] economic ideas man [ __ ] it I'm just gonna finish it bonus affects your work ethic 10% production efficiency god damn Germany's all pee man thank you for seduced walk back to the Netherlands I hereby announce the build-up of the first tank division ask that Panzer army Guderian here we go man this is the boys that will change everything this is the boys that will change the world plan in the video game by the way Heinz Guderian it's time to find allies around the world brothers it's time to find allies I always said his name wrong dawn of the Titanic order Spain joining satanic order Anton my cert here Hitler listen I know we have had rough times I have lost a lot of men on the beaches of the market I wish to give you bedroom in return for peace please I do not wish to die you don't need to die but I am tired of being surrounded by treacherous fools and communists here's how this will work Anton you have two choices right now you can either cry the Communists for help or like many communists maybe you should sir Anton yes yes the only way for you to stay in charge the only way for you to stay alive is to be the declared nice commissar the art Benelux under the order of the assay Germany yes yes yes yes if you accept these terms I have to accept please don't kill me you will be taken and then re-released as the rice commissariat needle under which will be given all off the Benelux it's brilliant becoming a champion of Greater Germany I salute you take my country then take your lips off the border and join the Empire I will join you didn't further I must go now it's time to go to Amsterdam goodbye goodbye my friend the first act of war has started we start with the annexation of the Benelux States integrating them into the German realm from flaming them but nice commissar yeah I'm getting way too much into character of getting into trouble so I take it all and then I yeah okay don't leave the game near the Netherlands don't leave the game cuz now I open I do wait wait don't leave the game don't leave the game don't leave the game don't leave the game guys come saladin ananda there we go now he needs to join us dead and then i give him everything there you go R and X there you go good job the rise of an empire brothers so now I give him everything I'll give it a Luxembourg dog it is no time to integrate the people of Switzerland into the realm true German people the great wars upon us gentlemen let us all stand united let us all hope for the best gently [Music] may all these brave salts of this war if we're gonna call World War 2 the war of freedom begins communists frets life stance be victorious great war is upon us [Music] hence we DeLeon is pushing fruit the Russians will support the chase Larkins leading into an all-out war [Music] [Music] anything is green man probably can get welcome to the round changes the lockdown you chose wrong des time brother you chose wrong this time [Music] integrating the Switzerland those people Switzerland - we set up throwing people almost United voice the German people are almost united this [ __ ] happening right the seeds in our world the right people write articles about me llama Nazi did you see the picture the [ __ ] of these pictures men no wonder people think I'm goddamn it it's time for the final part of operation German unification the first and second army of Germany it's now coming together at the borders of the austro-hungarian Empire this cannot be allowed they need to be integrated into the great nation of the German Empire only then we can acquire enough strength to take down the communist threat and unite the world once more in peace check enigma but first the final war of the unification of the German people many Mountaineers of media division by Austria but they will not be able to overcome the power and the structure of Heinz Guderian tank divisions still making for PP goddamnit now just to mention random person watching you play it Larry III if it let me watches my channel and doesn't know sent the contacts obviously that's weird but this is twitch and this is why for only crazy [ __ ] that have issues watch this channel if your normal you don't click on my channel right if you're watching this right now if you look into ours right now you have issues made why are you watching this you're watching your fat ginger role-players Hitler think about that think about that I'm gonna watch this you wanna watch list do you wanna watch list but miss yourself just man let's welcome back to the realm people of Australia [Music] [Music] the end is near Austria's gone oh I've greater Finland than that oh that's unfair I'm gonna obviously not do that I'm not gonna take Finland why can I take this uh I'm not gonna touch Finn it that will be unfair I'm not the Iceland clear hmm dancing needs to be taken my friend Heintz get there brother we must demand the communist stronghold of dancing after that weekend proclaim the greater German Reich and start the war against the Russians I'm not gonna take Poland man come on god damn takes so long to take dancing there we go [Music] go in hinds OB friend Poland is gone Oh woof befriend cook well oh I'm a dwarf Poland now oh oh oh wait peace deal peace deal peace deal how do you make the peace deal they were any decision oh [ __ ] we're [ __ ] band oh my god it kidding me higher restore the status scroll with here we go come on man it's a [ __ ] storage the game I can't get Ben for this [ __ ] the war ends there we go gentlemen it's time it's time to meet the Russian bear bear not be a fair in the battlefield first we take down as puppet Romania opening the line of press Arabia to go into the lands of Russia yeah I games [ __ ] game is [ __ ] we had a good run boys we had a good run turkey did very very well I think I did also very well I had to play metal it sucks a bit we can try we host I faked the save father's [ __ ] now we can try but this is mostly safe well [ __ ] but we can try William yeah my girl called yeah it was a great game I can't [ __ ] [ __ ] talk anyone that was great that was great roleplay everything and thank you so much for watching friends in the nation Suffolk to the patrons press that follow button check out YouTube we just released a new video today the merchants on its way I'm trying to get it done next week we will make pictures so much that's the ending song thank you very much boys I love you I honestly [ __ ] do check reddit check don't you owe me one yeah well it's okay goodbye hands if I die on the highway tonight [Music] bye-bye-bye [Music] now you're sitting yourself [Music] now [Music]
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 287,250
Rating: 4.9556599 out of 5
Keywords: HOW, GERMANY, CONQUERED, EUROPE, PEACEFULLY, WITH, DIPLOMACY, IN, MP!, HOI4, Multiplayer, Roleplay, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 funny, hoi4 mp in a nutshell, hoi4 mods, germany, german, funny montage, funny, hoi4 mp, hoi4 multiplayer, man the guns, hoi iv, hoi4 rp, hoi4 role play, hoi4 roleplay, hoi4 germany multiplayer, hoi4 german empire, hoi4 greater germany, tommykay, hoi4 roleplay multiplayer, hoi4 tommykay, hoi4 tommy, hoi4 diplomacy, hoi4 germany guide
Id: B89z02WAfbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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