The Mod Where Germany Wins Has FINALLY BEEN UPDATED HOI4 (A New Order) Hearts of Iron 4

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My favourite part was when he didn't think South Africa could get into a war while playing a demo about the South African war.

He was so utterly blindsided!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 131 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ArcWilliam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nixon mad.

Watergate mode activated.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ParvaLupisNavis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I liked the video, but I wish his thumbnails weren't so click-baity.


(I say this as someone who is subscribed to his channel and likes his content.)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 85 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheXenoRaptorAuthor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Alex the Rambler: Suppresses the ANC and promotes apartheid, radicalizing them against the south african government

Also Alex the Rambler: What did I do to deserve this?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PlaneAnything πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly that was a quite good video. I think I'm still traumatized from Drew Durnil's representation of TNO in the last demo. ("Why is nothing happening? Let me just use the console to have the US declare war on Germany")

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Liecht πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Definitely got to give this a watch!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MicroMaster01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how the suod he was using only censored some of it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/megaluxray1344 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bruh, at a couple points when he shows the diamond decisions, he was doing nothing with them other than the ones to increase diamonds per month

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrunkenSoviet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh diamonds I like diamonds I would like more diamonds I just want diamonds can I have more diamonds all diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds expand the diamond mines diamonds I love diamonds diamonds what's going on everyone it's me goatee Rambler and today we return once again to hearts of iron for now just before we begin the scenario this is the updated a new world order mod or is the is the new demo for it essentially and what this is is the new order don't surf this is set in 1962 and Europe rests under the jackboot so the jerk Germany has has won it wins the the second world capital Hilter lays on his deathbed and it's basically the Germany's gonna kind of implode in on itself I am very much enjoyed the demo a few months ago and this new demo focuses in Africa particularly the Dominion of South Africa the right commissar shank of sued West Africa the hedonistic sea Greek mother of Central Africa and the imperious and fanatical rights commissar hands the dig of Aust a frico so I'm really looking forward to playing through this new demo I really enjoy it the first iteration and I'm looking forward to playing more I do need to do a bit of a channel update now this won't last for long and I know a lot of you will skip it but I would ask you not to skip it as it relates to your hearts of iron content all right content might be a bit more sporadic over the next couple of weeks I'm having a very stressful time in my personal life at the moment I know you're very much enjoying when my girlfriend appears from the distance and the in the intros that won't be able to happen for much longer as in a few days I need to fly back to the UK my medical insurance is running out in Canada and they won't extend it to cover cd19 so I can't afford to be in a country where I'm I don't have access to healthcare I'd have to pay for it all privately and if I have to go to hospital it will financially ruin me so I'm being forced to fly to the back to the UK essentially so I don't know when I'm gonna see my partner again and I also run the risk of you know getting infected either at the airport or on the plane and then passing that on to my family who I'll be staying with and I'm very stressed at the fault of getting them sick as well so I'm just having a very stressful time in my personal life so there might be interruptions in content and coinciding with that the channel has also had a really bad month just in terms of viewership so I'll be reverting back to videos which I know should do well ish I can't really afford to experiment too much of content at the moment because I've suffered a 60% drop in advertising revenue because of this global pandemic pretty much every other channel would have encountered the same thing so I need to focus on content which I know will keep bringing revenue because I I have a very close friend of mine who now edits for me full-time and quite frankly I don't think the channel would be running as much without him at the moment so got to keep that fella paid and got to keep making a living for myself you know should be able to ride this out the for however long this this happens you know I'm I'm not a quitter I will keep I keep on trekking on the grinder I've been grinding on YouTube through almost a decade so I'm not scared of a few challenges but yet my personal life is is it's stressful at the moment so please be patient with me please be kind in the comments if you would that'd be much appreciated I really want to move on from hairline jokes now please try and avoid them I think I've encountered tens of thousands of them over the past year and a half to begin with I try to own it and turn it into a bit of a joke as well but then it really got away from me and now all people see is a as a hairline joke creator and I think I'm a lot more than a hairline all I calls beard like I suffer from male pattern baldness a lot of men in the world due to a lot of you that make fun of it will probably encounter in your life too it's nothing to be worried about I've been losing my hair for about nine years like it's just it's just us that's it that's that's all that's happening you know in a little bit I'll probably just go in and then you'll get a bald goatee rambler and I think I look freaking badass so you know but yeah content will still hopefully continue throughout my time in the UK I'm just rather stressed at the prospect of not seeing my partner again for an indefinite amount of time because because Canada are not allowing any visitors to enter the country and I don't have any form of residency I'm working on it I'm setting up a company in Canada and then I'll be sponsoring myself to work for myself so it's just a very long and expensive process I don't want to go into any more detail than that because I've complained about it a lot on my twitch streams and stuff so I've oh god it's a pain it's a pain but you know it's worth it or will be worth it in the end hopefully there won't be content every day probably just every two to three days now because I'm just done I've got other stuff to worry about Oh apparently YouTube is trying a feature so if you have a YouTube premium subscription it gives you a free monthly youtube membership so if you want to use that on me feel free you just click the join button if you click on the like Alex the round the channel bit go click join and then I think if you're in the UK at least you can gift a free subscription so if you want to do that that will help me out as well no no pressure it's fine if you don't I think that's it thank you for your patience and your support over the past few years I've been doing YouTube full-time now for almost three years and as a hobby for our turnover at least a decade so thank you for making this a reality now we're going to play the game okay so we could play as the union of South Africa a monarchy without a monarchy in a nation without direction there's also the Wolfgang shank as the reichskommissariat sued West Africa uh-huh we have the rights comment sorry out of Central Africa all we have a staff Raqqah I think I'm gonna play as South Africa we're gonna go for the Commonwealth South Africa has found itself increasingly struggling to hold back the forces of unrest waiting to tear the nation asunder while the bows have never managed to take power in the nation their presence is felt more and more as they clamor that either representation or outright independence sorry this text is very small we have a divided nation oh dear we have desperate neutrality Oh we've got to change that and an empty throne Oh South Africa's situation is slowly falling into chaos we could try and maintain the status quo or we have the African National Congress and we're currently led by Sir de villiers graph so Germany has it has won and this is the state of the world the Italian Empire what the frick has happened here have they what the heck have they done to the map oh my god oh yeah Russia's just torn asunder like Japan like China's a mess like the whole world's a freakin mess so let's just play we still have the United States of America this little they're still going but yeah we'll start sorry for that long update I probably share a bit more of my life than I need to but that's that's a big this will affect the channel me moving back to the UK but yeah anyway region info oh my gosh mode features uh-huh oh there's an economy mechanic Oh No so I'm probably gonna run my economy into the ground this is probably gonna be quite a tricky one all right onwards so we actually controlled a fair amount of territory we have a fair amount of units too while I'm a fan of the mud in general I'm not really a fan of the color scheme I'm it it doesn't I don't know I just don't really like it it's quite confusing I much prefer the base one maybe that's just cuz I'm used to it okay we'll get extra radar our industry also isn't too hot right now we have various military and civilian construction okay let's take a look at our economy okay so we're in an annual deficit am i just really old because I'm really struggling with all of these designs which I know are probably a lot of effort has gone into making these but it just doesn't I think I'm getting old so we're lacking steel Sweden I'll get some steel from you oh no nevermind maybe I won't Louie low on manpower uh-huh oh my god selector national focus South Africa is slowly falling into chaos yep we're on the brink of total collapse okay so if you look at the factions oh wow the traveler look at the traveler they're a chunky boy so is the unity pact the organization of free nations and South Africa's just chillin out I guess we have a lots of decisions that we could do diamonds I like diamonds we will gain an extra one diamond a month yes sure I like diamonds give me the diamonds the issues we face alone in the wild are all this text is so much better it's so much easier to follow I could actually read this do i do stronger glasses though there's so much text our Dominion stands alone on the continent is a genuine state that is not corrupted by the horrific and brutal ideology it stands alone mm-hmm gets the event the choir American the Germans are funneling support to the National Party whoo oh yeah so we've got all four at Arian democracy oh wow okay so we've got lots of different parties we have various military laws women a ban from service oh we can get operatives okay let's build a maybe in sued West let's just stand a little scoot aboot Oh Hilton Ames Goering as a successor okay okay the monarchy debate I think we should have the monarchy let's get a speech yes a tall man stepped out of the plane carrying himself down the steps breathing in the South African air okay so I presume a spy from the USA has come on in serving in the shadows waiting in the mist there's so much text we can roll over this land as a republic as prisoners headboards the point of striving this not before for the people men of the Union Party uh-huh Oh the Boers are making right okay so this is all just politics they're trying to they're trying to make sure that the monarchy doesn't return and I could actually say oh I could actually take him to the judge it's his right as a member of parliament to insult the crown he's allowed to do that I have a bit concerning national parties oh yeah no the oh the hnp are getting more popular not good for me tbh the portraits that they've designed look really nice Oh who's that oh we got mr. Nixon in charge okay that Franco Wow he's old and he's gained on Mussolini's gone and got Chi on oh oh the son-in-law of Mussolini there's so much text there's so much to this mod it's baffling the amount of detail they're putting into this is quite bonkers okay so we're gonna have a referendum on the monarchy soon oh I would like to keep that above all we want equal political rights because without them our disabilities will be permanent I know this sounds revolutionary to the whites the person speaking is Nelson Mandela a man on trial for four counts of sabotage and attempting to overthrow its government or the defendant is sentenced to life imprisonment oh my okay let's go to a referendum Louise 20 divisions so our army isn't too too bad 180,000 men in the field okay most of them have guns I would like more diamonds or I could lower worker pensions they just want diamonds can't I have more diamonds so we're down to 14% stability and not a lot of war sport I don't see how South Africa can recover from the so I would just like to get on a boat and maybe just sail over here to st. Helena Helena and chill out that's what I would do referendum celebrations despite the great opposition put up by the Union Party Hertzog's party came out victorious South Africa would have to put up with the Boers they were getting clutch horses there much deserved victory to control greater the land Oh a plan for the future yep the future looks grim enough as it is yeah it certainly does oh my gosh I'm gonna be at Germany to implode upon itself that'd be nice to see Oh miles is independent but the Union Scotland is also independent Hey okay man dude I don't know why I say that I apologize I apologize Scotland okay choosing our strategy I could support the ANC or get rid of them so we have no alternatives the Dominion should break down the ANC and that way because I I don't know I'm just to rub just role-playing here let's increase the support for the monarchy haha oh dear the rebellious natives of the biggest fresh crossed oh dear I guess the proper thing to do would be just to talk to the ANC and then release political prisoners etc etc instead I'm going to be put in the Army on high alert and riot training oh my oh dear okay I think I've gone down the naughty route holy moly what is this bad boy and then I can increase the support for the monarchy whenever ended oh the collapse of the triumvirate oh ho Deary me posters appear on the Cape okay this will reduce support for the monarchy how dare you sir we must have the monarchy Oh Alice I love a massive bombardment boom boom boom with me gone little pecker I mean okay I will restrict their protests or further instigate the ANC and do heavy-handed measures oh dear I could maintain our neutrality yes why not South Africa saved itself from German supremacy by carefully playing his cards and refusing to recognize Edward or Elizabeth oh just keep the other factions happy right I don't need to get involved with nothing people could go on their own little Wars I can just chill out and about Oh Brazil wins the World Cup in 1962 there you go there are a lot of events for a demo actually this demo is 2 gigabytes I don't know many mods that even are that size usually they're like 100 megabytes intend to build a factory apparently quite a long time because I've got a look at that construction time oh you hate to see that okay restrict their protests give me diamonds okay I'm do it I'm gonna decrease the military budget oh no I'm not actually use all my liquid reserves to pay off my national debt oh oh I don't have any liquid reserves I don't think we're gonna be able to do too much in this in this in this mod I don't know when we're gonna be able to have a little cheeky war with someone oh my god the world tension is very high isn't it the Hawaiian Missile Crisis okay further investigate the ANC I'm just looking forward to this turning into a massive mess as for a former the former Russian Russian states are all going I'm gonna have another Oh licking good time oh wow yeah the tram for us just completely collapsed I'm looking forward to when there's a German focus tree that would be quite fun to to do that heavy-handed measures oh dear enforce the law to the utmost small but sure and Swift oh gosh let's just do small the army on high alert ah geez this isn't gonna go very well for me at all is it okay try and convert the Orange Free State to support the monarchy so we have mixed support high support low support but a very low support in orange one day in the B opt tongue the some arrests were made okay armies now on high alert watch out watch out what you gonna do what you're gonna do when I come for you crack down on their publications how much political power on again every turn per day 0.58 I'm a tax haven maybe I'll move there okay who is leading them okay we're gonna try and take out the leaders of the protests good let it happen and now let's suppress voters in the Orange Free State boom I'm coming for you ooh okay that's gonna increase support for the monarchy a few kilometers off the shore of Cape Town is a small flat oval-shaped Island recently it's become a new permanent home to a number of radical prisoners hmm I'm out who is funding them yes who is who is funding all of these protests and supporters I will destroy you all so we have support for the monarchy 58 58 64 81 in the Cape so should we go to Abu Tran land bucho Juana sorry Beck wanna Beck wanna people want the monarchy got our troops on high alert on the border got a couple of forts here oh wow they're actually changed the templates around that is cool look at that that guy I can't even do anything with my intelligence agencies because I don't have enough civilian factories broadcast aunty oh man I'm definitely getting to monetize alright I'm back we've met bollocks no well not with those I don't know why my webcam is really lagging I apologize I don't know why that is but here's Mitch Anka yeah it's really really like I don't know why sorry I'll try and fix that for her for the next video can try and fix it now actually yeah I'll try to fix it now okay I think I've fixed it a little bit have I [Music] I think I have I will be getting new equipment so you won't always have this like pixely terrible webcam all right I am gonna invest in new equipment if you're watching at this point a lot of you don't watch the end of my videos travesty absolute travesty unless all respect for you how dare you not watch these half hour videos no I'm kidding girl geez specialized riot training of course yes I would love some while our police are now well-equipped to take care of armed bands there's another President issue we can't simply open fire on unarmed demonstrators we need to devise tactics yeah I really hope they haven't moved the events where Hilter dies because they erupted into like a massive civil kathal which is always fun to see our income to deficit ratio is a hundred and seventeen percent just let it burn let the whole thing burn okay we're gonna radicalize the ANC in an effort to protect South Africa from instability we must constantly be battle ready with tensions rising to unheard levels in several irresponsible radicals pushing our country's African and majority to violence we should be called to defend our nation sooner than we might expect all diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds expand the diamond mines demands I love diamonds give me everything there looks pretty Oh Madagascar's declare war on the Republic of Madagascar alright and the Hindu white movement and the rice commissariat oh okay Madagascar look at that oh that's a mess what am I looking like conservative democracy is looking like it's gonna win no an Orangeman orange the citizens Defense Force I don't know do we so we still have the empty throne a desperate neutrality yeah and we still have a divided nation I could pacify the ANC yes then for South Africa Oh okay let's reassure the Americans they're our closest trade partners okay Americans are rich old America and we will now do the same with Germany will be lowered by 6% it's an Germany gives us some weapons rebuffed their diplomats as expected both the USA and Germany have tried to make us join their alliances with the old order crumbling with every passing day they're trying to strengthen themselves to the coming storm and are enlisting all possible help predictably our envoys have returned daaa with truckloads of course we'll do no such thing our neutrality is paramount okay did I say we we will gain diamonds Oh des monts when will the German leader die make him die make him die when will he die in Smythe's shot despite the police in the dead ends pull over the foot oh my god we were not perfect justice to play sait the mold that might bring my stability down to 1% but that's fortified just in case the world is on the brink of another major crisis in our neutrality my service very little as it did for Belgium and the Netherlands BOK will fortify our borders let's go we should probably sign frontlines but you know what even if I do end up getting into a war I'm absolutely screwed to be honest with you I would like diamonds give me with diamonds trade with the pact is available would you like diamonds expand the demons okay so I've almost finished the focus tree I don't know what's going to happen after this well pacify the ANC my party popularity is quite chunky that reminds me o ha has burgundy finally done it oh dear oh that's a large that's a large that's a large by so large that's a large nucular okay for South Africa here we go with our internal problem Salvador's contained for the time being we begin addressing more pressing concerns there's so much to be done for the good of our country forward to the future I don't meet the requirements I guess I wait and see what happens always gone Hilter is dead Albert hurts all calls for a national vigil why don't I get well what's my stability drop again oh my Ghibli gue police refused to crack down on the the Boers must be stopped their army their army must be sent the army must be sent in okay yep Oh the end of the Reich Germany's art is it this is it that's a great little sound so hydrants declare war on spears Germany oh my let it turn into her huh Wow Borman Speer Goering I prove I'm presuming oh he's not doing anything oh this Heydrich Goering Speer Heydrich again Borman let them all fight amongst themselves the Cape Town mare Oh Oh No the results of the referendum have been announced the city of Jamar Nia will now be garrison by the forces of Speidel Rommel and other Germans law to their cause and neutrality oh look at that they've even made like a little I think that's taken themselves this little image or is it from the Magnum high castle yes oh I'm I'm pretty doomed the monarchists winning with a we won we won the Reich is divided of course oh my kid League ooh yeah it's all falling apart for them really isn't it oh of course Africa freakin factional unite there cold don't hit ceases the Crimea oh my god what is happening here dΓΆnitz what you doing mate the Frank opened der nian war oh my god is all kicking off in it well the French state appears to be screwed because of Himmler going in Oh a South Africa let's go yay the boa Republic how many divisions today have I wonder I don't know all I know is I'm out of fuel I don't I've got negative fifty-five stability oh dear iiiiii I think I'm screwed of course of course it messes up the way the front light why are you the way that you are front lines just go in and take a lot Flom in perhaps the Boers should have prepared for a little more huh Oh Mandela oh dear well I think that this is going to be I'm now at war with the rights commissariat Africa why just leave me alone [ __ ] oh England's having a civil war okay I don't know how much territory I can lose probably none my surrender limit must be absolutely atrocious but I mean what choice do I have but to fall back behind this river line here hey I have no choice I will I'm just gonna completely cap it the ANC revolts so I probably didn't play this how I should have done and now I'm getting absolutely punished oh I do it my way wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're telling me I had another army will have militia we're saved with frickin save get to your defensive positions why is everyone trying to gobble me what did I do to deserve this hey all I wanted was Elizabeth so I'm probably doomed we shall not go down without a fight though Germany is pretty chunky compared to my units it seems the Yanks are coming thanks Yanks tile by tile I'm just getting pushed back yeah I can't do anything I'm just I'm getting absolutely screwed okay we might have to set up a final defensive formation here we need them to fall back to the final defensive points just kidding could I have prepared more for this yep well it's over I'll observe now well that went terribly didn't it whole I'm only well the bow is one it's now the bow Republic good for you guys sha sha sha sha sha sha what a man in Germany let's just observe Germany for a bit shall we as a complete Rambler fail though nice I'm looking forward to when this is more updated for sure this is a great mod I still can't get used to the blue text but that's probably just a personal preference so borman's doing your eyes ger rings on the back foot and I could actually take over the various nations now that'd be fun although there's no national focus tree right there's no national focus trees there's no point hey that's my ball man's gonna win yeah a ball man has won the Civil War there we go is that led by yeah it's founded by Martin Bormann alright well on that note I think I'm gonna end it here today I'll leave a link to the mod in the description if you did enjoy the video please do leave a like comment and subscribe and I'll be back very soon Tolu many thanks to onion duck Maximillian foreman wire green fat Boston Zechariah Mosby warranty George Gregory Craven a Dave the Don Lambert vowel Hannibal's Guzzi dibbsy ya boy one back cookie DAF Alcon Ryan Cox jacked Roku Aiden shear jiggly crotch news beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous forever supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 167,333
Rating: 4.9244981 out of 5
Keywords: The Mod Where Germany Wins Has FINALLY BEEN UPDATED HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4, a new order, a new order hoi4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler hoi4, alex the rambler, spiffing brit, isorrowproductions, isorrowrew durnil, a new order mod, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 mods, a new order dont surf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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