HOI4 So They Added A 1500 Start Date (Hearts of Iron 4)

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they have France is a great nation all right then are you freakin hold on the Holy Roman Empire's take a newfound huh Newfoundland and Labrador can I get some stuff please excuse me I've got 600 PP doing nothing do they have any Factory they start off with 39 civilian factories are you having a girafft son what's going on everyone it's me starting to look a bit like a hobo roundly here and today we're back on hearts of iron oh that's the most uneventful intro in a very long time isn't it I must be running out ideas got to stay hydrated I'm all right so you join me once again in my attic and this will be what you see for a few months so get used to it and today we're playing a mod called Age of Discovery 1500 so this is a mould setting an alternative 1500 of what if the holy roman empire united under one nation Oh in the on the Mod Description law kinder after Thea through the world in the new century a new Empire form this Empire was the Holy Roman Empire but not as we know it no this Empire was under one nation instead of a lot of the small states this upset European powers that just France and Spain which made the two crowns closer the Holy Roman Empire now is trying to seek out allies around the world where their main target as allies are England and Denmark slash or in brackets Kalmar this is upset the French and Europe is close to a great kerfuffle conflict else than this there is race for colonies around the world oh so if we take a little dingle-dangle look at the map this is this is the state of the world we have Denmark Norway and none of okay Africa's apparently not in the mod the same as in the India's gone India's no longer here along with most of Asia apart from the mahadji Apetit Empire led by Maximilian the first okay so got the Ming Dynasty led by pushy I think that the only real ones kind of developed are they're kind of the main European nations such as you know England the Holy Roman Empire Spanier etc so of course for more hearts of iron please do comment like and subscribe if you've got any mods that you want me to cover that I haven't so far comment them in the comment stuff I know how to YouTube so I think we're gonna play as the kingdom of Spain today I was tempted to play as the Holy Roman Empire because that's the focus of the mod but I played them in the last video so we're gonna play a Spain I rarely play a Spain and we're gonna be led by Carlos the first the thirst no the first so yeah we'll just we'll just jump on in we'll just jump on in so to begin with it looks like we have a freaking massive Navy of 230 so we have the UK Navy we have the whole fleet oh my apparently we have aircraft carriers in 1500 okay okay I guess we'll do greater Spain haha so we're just gonna be role playing I guess because I don't think that the descriptions have been added which is always a shame I really wish I'd like again I always say like I I don't have the time or the patience to mold it's just when I'm playing a game I would love it if if these were filled in but we'll have to say that greater Spain our King has ambitions for glory and greatness to expand the mighty nation of Spain the English could add Gibraltar please be gone oh well there are no aircraft but this is still the same okay looks like construction etc is all done - I guess I'll do we have medium tanks researched well I know how I'm gonna exploit this I don't have too many factories which is kind of understandable although they wouldn't have really been you know mass production of factories in 1500 but that's the problem with hearts of iron mods you're kind of limited by the actual technologies and these ones clearly have not been changed around at all yeah like I am gonna get medium tanks why not Holy Roman Empire has lots of Steel we'll trade with them even though they are probably gonna be my arch nemesis oh all the commanders have gone that's a shame but do we have any national we don't have any national spirits just the Holy Roman Empire have any national spirits they do they've got protests in the country and religious differences and they are led by Maximilian the first oh he dislikes France and France dislikes the German emperor hmm Louis the seventh do I dislike anyone I dislike the German emperor does Henry the seventh he's just chillin he's just chillin uh-huh oh I guess like there's more law Europe is in a dark state the Black Plague ended 100 almost 150 years ago but the face of Europe is different population is growing again but the plague have injured the future of Europe in the whole world many are afraid of a new plague could break out but maybe they should have been more afraid of a great conflict in Europe air Dark Age tensions have only risen up since the Holy Roman Empire United in 1493 and the newly formed Empire have already made a lot of enemies the Ming Dynasty declared war on the Ming on the Ching the Ming versus the Ching who's gonna win nobody knows we're out of manpower somehow I don't know why we are 100% Catholic which makes sense for Spain and France has put their whole army on my border what you doing there sir and I have lots of what I think are events happening but there's no way for me like I keep hearing the DB Bibi Bing but no event is actually coming up you know what let's support the French shall we all right Louis I'm gonna help you all right we can't have the Holy Roman Empire doing whatever it wants can we now they are already drawing up expansion plans mm-hmm I think this mod is in a very early stage I hope they don't abandon mods like this is a pretty fun they're a mess but again Luc chi-ching what's going on we could get a tank designer in 1500 I presume all the military high commands have been taken out and not added yep so nation Francois has to exist in order for me to join the French however I very much doubt that's going to happen because there are they Protestant I can support the lower classes by getting them to work in the factories yes yes that sounds good I know they are the nation Francoise so why I don't know why I can't join them okay oh yes I would like to train the army however can I do Spain demand controlling the Maldives I could and then England gets an event civil war I'm gonna do it I think with scenarios like this I could just do whatever the heck I want really can't I it's not like any of this is matters Owen just FYI it's everyone's favorite chunker its back my girlfriend secretly packed it for me in my suitcase because she I think she knew I forget so hey we've got el Chango good old cop English tea because if you haven't realized I back to the United Kingdom on on Friday all right so that would be like a week ago when this video comes out so I think I'll be here for the foreseeable future until I can get my work permit sorted out because Canada is unopened to visitors not open not an open it's an open okay Spain come on come throw in the Maldives has anything happened I don't think anything has happened apparently nation Francois has what they probably have decisions fer to create colonies right ah here we go they're creating an anti German front they have France is a great nation alright then British austerity the British steel you still don't can I though some I don't know how long that's gonna last oh that's kicked off rather earlier than it well I don't know can they actually get there though or do I have the only Navy oh the Venetian Republic someone isn't using spellcheck oh no I hope that sounds really mean doesn't it I make spelling mistakes all the time that's fine Oh homely the via nation Republic is becoming a chunky boy and now the via nations are in charge of the Pope oh okay let's join the French because I think that France has created the anti German front Oh the Republic is going to war with Naples and Sicily and oh wow that's so many so many conflicts going on okay so we've joined Elle France oh and they have a lot of divisions I guess Oh haven't you always hope apparently I have a focus that can stop Venice from expanding however we might be a little bit late yeah Venice is already united Italy okay this rate is only going to be like five nations in Europe chunky Oh Poland ponens joint or the Commonwealth aha and by John the first el bair okay so I did the claims in the Benelux to get me an extra six factory straightaway because I want to do this Iberian unification as soon as I can hold up English is establish inland as established in the thirteen colonies is that gonna be do they just get all 13 colonies straightaway yes what are you freakin hold on the Holy Roman Empire's take a newfound yeah Newfoundland and Labrador can I get some stuff please excuse me I've got 600 PP doing nothing do they have any factory they start off with 39 civilian factories are you having a girafft son okay I can do IB reunification I'm gonna have to yeah I will get my empire don't you worry this mod could have a lot of potential but it needs a lot of work saying annex will go Oh a Portugal okey dokey you're safe for now I'm off to Portugal I really hope France doesn't declare war and the Holy Roman Empire too too soon all the Commonwealth the second Rome oh wow they're demanding Sardinia I don't think so I will decline you sir Manuel you're going down they even have an army no alright then up to 91 factories this this is the very quick experience for a mold isn't it I just need some armed exp please if I can decline this that mean there's gonna be a harsh probably send I'm a fool fall of a Duke quickly oh we got there we got there I will keep Sardinian thank you it is mine know how all these other nations able to get these bippity Boppity x' whereas i cut what am i doing something wrong because this is baffling that they can all get stuff and I can't even you know it's pain at the moment well I guess I should continue doing secure Aragon I just want I just want my own Empire to pleat no am I missing a mechanic here see I think that pop up is like do you want to spend PP on stuff yes I would like every like Tim Bing Ching yep like every time that happens people get more territory what am I doing wrong I just want some territory to come on now imagine Muscovy is gonna take most of Felucia so we'll just go in against Aragorn they're not gonna be able to do March I get a little bit of army XP which will help my units be aggressive sirs be aggressive there is no reason we can't crush them by the summer Oh we're approaching bass hello wonder if Manuel is hiding there to you Oh actually I should get some motorized yeah I'm gonna get tanks I'm gonna get a massive tank army I'm gonna be a chunky tank boy actually yeah I could just conquer every nation and and expand my empire that way screw this mechanic that I can't seem to take advantage of let you be the freakin Calabar there you're getting some of Africa what the Frick be a strong king guru the Kalmar Union declared war on the Teutonic order I see how that goes they've got the base focused tree kind of stuff does England have they have a few okay yeah even without the proper resources I'm still getting like my production is still pretty good let's get some tank divisions in the field haha yeah shall we expand to the east expand to the west expand SAS expand to Z West I don't know what that's gonna do I presume it will allow us to actually I start getting some colonies I want gold gimme the gold I wanna be rich give me the gold Oh what do I want that one expand to the west for the second time it would be nice if I had the decisions to increase my holdings down here but yeah beggars can't be choosers oh I guess I should help have a lot of divisions I think mine are better though especially when I make them up twenty combat with and I think because I have claims on this don't I I do so I get control of it ha ha we have been a grand old time in the Benelux okay what do I want dish one what I get oh yes hold on why the Frick is France getting it excuse me okay cuz I'm coming for you next France does anyone have rubber Siam exists I'll get it from you how do you Roman Empire's doing a decent job of holding I think mainly because of course Poland is taking a lot of casualties Oh Germany has tanks - hmm do I want Australia or I could have noir for neo or the central I'm gonna go for Australia Spain shut off Australia aha okay it's quite okay these focuses are quite fun are my tanks in position yes can they defeat their infantry just a boot oh yeah what you gonna do humph live actually maxed out my billed slots almost it's pretty impressive I rarely do that tanks in 1503 who would have thunk it this really is an alternate history isn't it you think about getting more troops in 9th infantry to the front lines should be able to change this to extensive oh I'm so happy with myself aren't I look at that I'm a popular monarch and it will be oh no they've got out they got out the bastards oh I will take the rio de Oro noise I would hope that they run out of manpower or equipment or something soon that'd be nice I mean how many can't they take on 1.3 million casualties my man plow is a constant struggle oh hold on Oh Kalmar Union joined the anti France pact oils I already have a hundred and ninety oil let's go convoy raiding did it did it did it so what's this looking like now we've got the Teutonic order Holy Roman Emperor ah yeah I have blockaded the English Channel good hopefully they won't defeat the Spanish Armada this time France is running out of equipment that's less than ideal TBH I am losing a lot of ships oh dear oh wow yeah my name is been obliterated ah well I've got controlled with the Sahara though so that's nice I guess alright oh dear I appear to have run out of manpower I can't be held responsible for that are you having a giraffe I think it's time to abandon France I'm taking my army leaving goodbye do I feel bad about leaving them to their fate no I guess now I have to see if I can hold with zero manpower all France messes up it's always France I don't know how I have any French viewers oft often the amount of ribbing I give them it's a joke yep they are crumbling Oh Mike Italy gue I feel the like like Napoleon why don't men in France is feeling a bit like could be the coalition I hope I can hold in the mountains 40 width combat with tank should hold them we'd like to see them try and break my loins now yeah kids they may very well break my lines very soon I don't have any steel let's go boy there's an imaginary Nations I can get it from yeah this is I wish I had aircraft no one has aircraft though it's just me fighting in the mountains I cannot win this I don't believe I think they're just gonna grind me down to a pulp oh I've been in I've lost herbal Eric's ha and the game crashed well you love it when that happens I guess I'll see if I can load the save feel like I'm slightly outnumbered now I could sacrifice Barcelona to fall back gonna do it yeah well at least I formed Iberia are you serious you will starve and it crashed again I I think that's just gonna be the case permanently now but we could all see where that was going it was going badly I think I would have lost that one the that's the mod at the moment in his current state if you would like me to cover this again when it's more complete please do let me know in the comments below I will say goodbye for today comment like and subscribe and all that jazz why not check out my affiliate links in the you know get yourself some games and stuff alright bye bye many thanks to onion dark of Maximillian foreman wire green fat Boston Zechariah Mosby warm p-dog Gregory Craven a Dave the Don Lambert vowel hammer Falls Busey dibs ya boy one bat cookie Daffy Alcon Ryan cough jacked Roku Aiden shear jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley to being ridiculous rounder supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 152,522
Rating: 4.9098177 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 la resistance, hearts of iron, hoi4 mod, hearts of iron 4 mod, HOI4 So They Added A 1500 Start Date, so, they, added, 1500, start, date, hoi4 funny, hoi4 funny moments, hoi4 funny mod, new hoi4 mod, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, spiffing brit, yogscast, Age of Discovery, age of discovery mod, age of discovery mod hoi4, hoi4 spain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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