HoI4 Challenge: Finland - Finnish Him

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hey guys it's me bittersteel here back with another video for hearts of iron 4. today we'll be playing as finland and as finland i want to give myself a little challenge here recently paradox announced the winner of their create an achievement contest and that winner was finish him as finland conquered the ussr without joining a faction so that's what we'll be trying to do today in the current version of the game 1.9.3 with all dlc enabled sound fun let's go leave the game on iron man so you know i'm not cheating and i'll turn historical ai on just to give us that little bit of predictability but first a message from our sponsor the tax institute for technological supremacy are you tired of getting used and abused tired of getting carved up by their german and russian speaking neighbors do you long for something greater in your life is your culture built on irredentous nationalism do you have what dreams at night to remake a medieval empire in the modern era like this accept no alternatives the taxed tank division is here for all your conquest related needs make your tank divisions invincible embrace it enjoy it revel in it bathe in its glory drink salty wearable tears while they cry about how you shouldn't be able to beat glorious tiger 2 tanks as they break down for their 50th time in a polish ditch just one local insertion turns even the bulkiest infantry divisions to mince meat bring any infantry charge to a halt while they stop cry and die simple results guaranteed get that tax tank division today reported side effects including over confidence supply issues mass counterings strategic new side of this lucid monomial heart failure loss or impairment of speech and excessive negative growth attacks institutes psychological pregnancy takes no responsibility for thoughts or actions like fish ah finland a proud and mighty nation with a population that's roughly the size of that of leningrad so uh yeah we're not gonna be doing any human wave offensives here let's start off with the army 18 divisions that's not too bad it's not too bad at all also got some fairly decent generals yes and one hell of a field marshal this must be the best field marshal in the game right now yes carl gustav emil manaheim gotta make him proud got to make him proud right these divisions i like uniformity so i'm changing all of them over to the basic infantry template i'm not even going to try and pronounce that that's extremely difficult for me now for research i want transports the rest is fairly standard after the transports are done we'll just dip back into engineering going to keep engineering and industry up to date while we take on some infantry stuff here and there as well as the doctrines doctrines are going to be important for our survival military factories yeah that's not great it's not great at all we need that support equipment because our basic template contains it and engineers are a gods and add on some infantry equipment additional guns pretty great also going to need towed artillery in future because artillery is pretty good at eliminating the enemy and toad anti-air why toad anti-air well it's simple toad anti-air has enough armor penetration to neutralize the early game light tanks which is great versus the ai plus it will allow us to survive a little bit better against the onslaught of a russian aircraft we we cannot contest them in the air there's no way that we'll be able to build enough planes to actually make a meaningful difference so i'm not even gonna try instead we'll just be gunning them down with toad anti-air and we can just build some convoys with our one dockyard construction well uh i think i'll build one military factory and then we'll have to head into landforts now i i generally don't build landforms in the isthmus the karelian isthmus this is a very good defensive position as is and since it's only two tiles we can concentrate forces there so i'm not going to bother with that it's impossible to hold this entire russo finish border it's way too long so we'll have to make use of finland's excellent geography plus most of our victory points are in the south that's all we have to hold i'll just build something along the rivers and using these lakes here as choke points this should be okay i could move this one one tile forward but this one tile can be attacked from three sides while the tile i've selected here can only be attacked from one side making it so much more favorable to the defender and if i'm not mistaken that will give us a continuous ring from the gulf of finland all the way down to this uh island here near karelia i i keep forgetting what these are called next up for focuses sadly we will have to head towards nationalism and then pick up militarism first it's not the best ideology i suppose it's it's so great that i can't even pronounce it on video for fear of the algorithm catching me but it's still better than the red one over here now a true challenge would be to go democratic but democratic is just yeah that's more of a headache than i'm willing to endure so we'll rush down towards militarism first now if you've been paying attention you'll notice that i am researching naval transports which means naval invasions well as i mentioned earlier finland does have a rather lacking population and population is one thing we need we need men on the line and we need reserves so we can absorb the losses that we will definitely be taking when the soviets come knocking it will help that we go towards the nationalism focus and the military youth that will give us a little bit of extra recruitable pop but our pop is already so small that on the grand scale of things it matters fairly little so we have to go in search of a source of manpower we could take sweden but sweden itself isn't really that populous now i need another very populous nation that is very easy to conquer and that's accessible by sea yes we will be hitting the netherlands first the idea is to take the dutch east indies from them and then start using indonesian troops as our frontline units the dutch east indies have access to a very large manpower pool and that's exactly what we need now if you would like to invade the netherlands as well do so from the south i've noticed that they tend to put their entire army towards the northern ports when they notice you're justifying on them which would make sense those are closest to you however we are smarter than any i and we'll simply outplay them we'll be hitting them around then hague rotterdam and this one tile here next to breda i'm also going to set up my basic defensive lines so they're in place by the time things kick off i'll be using the experienced divisions to make the naval landing and the other divisions will start off being defensive units something like that is nice and organized now for the navy the navy will be contributing to this let's give them commander doesn't really matter who okay uh we have two heavy cruisers and four submarines should be fine we'll take the heavy cruisers and set them to naval invasion support in the upper baltic the lower baltic and the danish belts they can't go any further than this but that's okay we still have submarines the submarines get to convoy escort in the eastern north sea the regular north sea and the english channel they won't be active there just yet but once we flip to the correct ideology we can get naval access from germany and use their ports to contest those sea tiles giving us naval supremacy the dutch almost always keep their fleet in port so there's hardly any contesting going on and with that done those are the basic preparations made let's kick things off you'll notice that we have a massive equipment shortage so i would not recommend exercising these units just yet you need some more equipment first and that might take a while and with that first focus done we can pick a political advisor and we are going to pick the demagogue here whose name i cannot say for fear of the algorithm yes i quite dislike that as well but here we are so we'll be picking bruno here and he will slowly tilt us over towards the brown party meanwhile we keep working towards militarism and on our path towards the brown party we will not be doing any civil conflicts here now that's a bad idea we'll lose too much for too little gain instead we will be opening up political discourse more industry there's something to be said here about the concentrated industry line since we won't really be switching out equipment all that much but i'm just such a fan of this burst especially because of the factory bomb vulnerability bonus here with the soviets having total air domination this will help us getting bombed less and now that we have our transport chips we can also go down the engineering path for that research speed and with those transports we can finally assign these 10 divisions that we had earmarked to the naval invasion the netherlands are about to have a very bad time a bit of a shame that we have to get rid of this guy i quite like his mustache all of these things are a little bit ahead of time yes it's all a little bit ahead of time i will start devoting one of my research slots to our doctrines doctrines are going to be key if we are to survive against the soviet onslaught and the doctrine of our choice will be the grand battle plan doctrine it's not the best but if you want to defend and hold your line it is quite powerful especially because much of it is front loaded that extra ten entouragement for the first tech alone is is a game changer now i'm quite sure you could make superior firepower work just as well but i've found that grand paddle plan just performs a little bit better in this scenario now how quickly we flip to uh the brown ideology is going to depend on the events we get if we get no events this might take a while nationalism out of the way militarism next a little bit of army experience but more importantly recruitable population because as you can see we are already 20 000 fins short as for the production queue i've made a few changes i think it's more important to get a lot of infantry equipment out the door first we are seriously short on infantry equipment so i just want to get this fixed before i start on any of these others we do have the time for it i believe now a quick note on those uh fort lines that i was building earlier you can see here i'm not going above level three because sports costs exponentially more for every level so they become just so expensive that we'll never be able to finish them all before the soviets arrive and well soviet airpower is going to be bombing most of them into oblivion anyway but at level 3 they still provide a decent bonus early game they're quick enough to be repaired and they they make enough of an impact that our boys can hold their own and we have another 150 pp and since we're nowhere near flipping to the brown ideology here i might as well invest that in the silent workhorse more pp and with militarism out of the way we could head for military youth but i don't think we need that two percent recruitable pop just yet instead we need industry and we need industry badly so we'll be rushing down the industry tree all the way down to the extra research slot we'll also be picking up the military factories along the way my personal preference is to pick up one of these construction efforts so we get a civilian factory and quickly create ourselves an espionage agency we need that one factory because we're one short after that we finish out the armament branch and we pick up the rest of the tree all the way down to extra research slot and since industry is still a little bit ahead of time let's give the infantry some better guns one thing i really like about these starting generals for finland is that they immediately have access to adaptable adaptable is pretty great i guess winter expert isn't bad either as far mandarin himself unyielding defender is going to save our bacon versus the soviets and i guess the vision recovery rate is going to be great that extra recovery rate will uh keep us in the fight when the soviet onslaught threatens the de-oracle units excellent these are the kind of events you really hope for the threat of communism we will be the vanguard against the red threat this gives you 10 popularity for the brown ideology as you can see that pushed us much closer to that goal of 50 that we need for the referendum and since we're that close now i'm going to hoard my political power just a little bit so we can make things happen faster once we flip the ideologies i want to hold enough political power so that i'm able to take the decision as well as immediately start justifying on the netherlands all right industrial effort done oh what's this the anti-common turn pact well that's a bit of a no-brainer of course we'll join now i will be taking one of these construction efforts and then swapping over to the armament branch i can use the three factories i need five i'm also trading one away to france for aluminum so with that fresh factory i will have five and i can create an agency get myself a little spy also fun fact because i just finished construction of a military factory i've lost a civilian factory to consumer goods thanks game thanks so now i'll need to take two construction efforts to get my spy it's time to head back into the industry tree gonna pick up improved machine tools more production efficiency is great and yes this burst and another one of those beneficial events for the brown ideology five percent popularity as well as a little bit of recruitable pop and all we have to give up is five percent stability yeah our stability isn't great so this is one of those things that you might want to fix first let's see here we can hold our national referendum voila more stability gone and we're now greater finland yes let's start emphasizing that by justifying on the netherlands world tension is still low enough see if we justify on friesland that will get us a five percent world tension but what if we justify on the dutch east indies that will give us one percent world tension i mean it's just a four percent difference but that could be the difference between a guarantee by the uk and you getting a free puppet so why not yes i'll leave production like this for now three on infantry equipment and then one on each support equipment towed anti-air and towed artillery we'll bump these numbers up as the game progresses but this is a good start i believe just to get your initial units outfitted besides we'll take a bunch of guns from netherlands once we capitulate them one more thing we can do let's see ask for docking rights from our good friend that we can't name excellent now we can base our ships there and what ships are going to base there where are they submarines we're gonna park our submarines over here in wester m's i'm gonna put the submarines in a different fleet and set them to convoy escorts in the eastern north sea the regular north sea and the english channel and then manually move them to westerms for some reason when you set orders the ai forgets any movement orders at first actually i'm going to set them to convoy raiding not convoy escort split them in half so they can cover more ground and that should be enough to get naval superiority in all of the sea zones from finland towards the netherlands now we are in no way shape or form able to contest the dutch royal navy it is quite large for the size of the country but that doesn't matter for some reason the dutch ai doesn't really use its fleet wisely or at all so this should be enough to get ourselves to the dutch shores again improve machine tools done more construction yes we need forts we can modify the government as well more ppe i think we have the manpower for now so i'm not going to bump it up extensively yet instead let's go to um word i can't say economy thanks youtube now that we've bumped that up ah yes yes yes yes good it's going to trade let's cancel one of these trades for now and create an intelligence agency great now it's not exactly required i guess but i do like playing around with it plus it allows us access to uh some non-aggression packs which we'll definitely need time to head into the armament effort branch we need a lot of uh factories on guns hmm i don't think we need that many guns now i'm gonna take one factory off infantry equipment and put in total artillery yeah i think that's a good idea construction of the fort line has begun hope it's enough to hold off the red tide and we'll put this by in the netherlands for now we're caught up on industry again let's get ourselves radios now as for research i'm not constantly going to be repeating what i'm doing i'm mostly picking industry and technology first just to give us a good base to work with once the soviets come knocking as the conflict with the ussr draws ever closer i will shift my focus towards infantry equipment and things related to the artillery and the anti-air guns but we first need a decent industry to back that up okay we have those production lines starting i think in future i'll move towards two artillery two in anti-air and two in equipment called support equipment and then put the rest in infantry equipment that's going to be direction i'll be taking lateral i think we've mostly fixed our equipment shortage as well so i'm going to set the units to exercising i'm just going to use that shift exercise button so they stop when they're level three more political power to invest i'm going to take a theorist here faster speed on those land doctrines and a little bit of army experience we need to change our templates quite a bit speaking of templates what do these even look like oh yeah they're not great definitely not great let's get maintenance companies these are going to be very important as well against the soviets eventually excellent our justification on sumatra is finished so let's go ahead and knock the netherlands down a peg everything is positioned let's stop training we have the naval supremacy required i believe yes so we'll just uh activate this naval order go to the netherlands and say hello and goodbye and our boys are on their way now i've just noticed that um well our stability is very very low so it might not be a bad idea to do some worker conditions when we next get to 100 ep all right we're at the shore speed all the way down let's see how this works out okay i think this is actually going to go perfectly very well we've made landfall let's send one units north send one unit north and then into amsterdam the final unit straight into amsterdam alright everyone's made landfall [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's it so we took 9.9k rifles off the netherlands fantastic and we capitulated them now let's have a look here we'll start by passing a bunch of times giving us some points then we will satellite the dutch east indies first we are going to personally take control of these territories the netherlands holds in america for the oil and curacao and the aluminum i believe in suriname for the european holdings ideally i would puppet them however that's going to put us on a collision course with germany and since we won't be joining the axis that makes us a target so if we just take all of that land and then release them as a puppet after they've gone around the maginot germany shouldn't bother us hey voila let's have a look we now have the finnish east indies as a puppet that's great can immediately make use of those divisions what can they build it's pretty chunky not great not great yes yes there's some options here going to copy their basic infantry division and edit it a little bit we're going to add on engineers super important and we'll also add on some support artillery and add one unit of infantry that should yes that is a 20 with infantry division with good defense it's not perfect but it will hold the line at least it should hold the line and we'll be training a bunch of these yes that will do but we'll probably be trading more it's just that we don't really have the equipment to do so right now as for the standing army we have right now we're also going to swap all of them over into this new division template and we'll be bringing our boys home uh just assigning them to this defensive line that we've set up earlier there's going to be a bit of resistance to occupation it should die down relatively quickly in the american holdings since there's quite a bit of compliance there already but the netherlands themselves that could take a while one thing to do is just to put your spy there just root out resistance yeah that'll do the navy will just join these guys back up they don't need any orders and we'll simply park them in the helsinki harbor i'm also going to change my occupation template to the horses not because they're perfect at it but they don't require artillery might as well ask the dutch east indies for some support and suppressing yes garrison's support how much manpower do the dutch east indies actually have oh that is quite significant and they're still on volunteer only so 441k on volunteer only they'll probably be bumping that up as well if we call them into the conflict so yeah we have secured our source of manpower it's perfect we'll also be releasing the netherlands soon once germany has gone around imagine so now all that we have to do is focus all of our attention on resisting the soviet union have to say swapping out our fins for those indonesians really does help the manpower pool now we can modify the government again big pp spending well it's december of 37 so it's a little early to start investing in the military high command i don't think we need extensive conscription just yet either this leaves us with a few options either the captain of industry i don't see much use in it or just go to free trade yeah free trade seems like a no-brainer now for trade i realize it would be very beneficial to trade with our puppet especially for rubber but i don't want to trade with the east indies quite simply because i don't want them to raise their dependence level or their subject level if they managed to raise their autonomy level one level suddenly we would need to be contributing a lot more manpower to these divisions that we're stealing from them and i really don't want that i could spend a little bit of time on fighters i will be using fighters later on maybe if industry allows actually why not i'm just gonna research fighters we're not going to be dominating the ussr in terms of air power but it's nice to have the option to make a few fighters later on ah some of our divisions are starting to arrive let's add these to a new army let's assign our second general to them different color so i can keep you apart you will have a frontline order near leningrad i will try to take leningrad as soon as uh the game will allow sitting behind that river might not be a bad idea and take a few divisions and we'll set you up on the future defensive front here near the uh islands or rather the lakes so we'll just be adding more units into this but this is the basic shape of our defensive formation so we'll be giving up lappy but some more salah and large portions of karelia and saavo more political power what do we do what do we do think it's time to start looking towards the military side of things and who else but karl gustav mangerheim to oversee the defenses of finland in army defense genius 15 division defense wow i actually think i made a mistake there i will probably have been better off um improving worker conditions yeah oh well i might just do promises of peace and improve worker conditions later i want to start off getting like two maybe three units on every tile and then start stacking the leningrad front many months later all right as for doctrines we've just got prepared defense the next one grand assault here only offers breakthrough and soft attack i don't think we're gonna make much use of that especially in the early stages of our little tussle with the ussr so i think i'm going to go back to this later on when we have that 100 army experience bonus i'm gonna leave doctrines for what it is we got the big ones prepared defense and trench warfare some infantry equipment perhaps and we also have the extra research slot now let's head down to military youth all the way down to ideological fanaticism this gives us a little bit of division attack on court territory allows us to create factions but most importantly it gives us 10 division defense on court territory that's a big one some more army experience put it to good use and get maintenance companies maybe not looking very likely uh maybe later can we get the anti-air guns that is a little more realistic there i'm also gonna exercise my units so they'll be level three it's going to cost us a little bit of equipment but i think we can take the hit it's very important that our units are as strong as possible by the time the ussr rolls in one hour later excellent we have ideological fanaticism now other options well i think it's not a bad idea to go down army efforts and get some bonuses for doctrines doctrines are quite important after all maybe some tech bonuses as well there's not much points in going aviation effort at least not yet or naval effort really we cannot really dedicate much to a fleet but the soviet baltic fleet is not much of a threat so i think i'll go army effort oh that's gonna be expensive we're a thousand equipment short over a thousand but we need it we need it so badly i'm gonna shift my production lines around a little bit there that should help i hope this is a prelude to our disaster after the germans and soviets conclude the molotov ribbon truck pact you have about six months to live rather six months before papa stalin is going to come a knockin so best be prepared see the state of our army manpower perfect mostly equipped with anti-air guns full artillery yeah just need a lot of support equipment okay so they have done their around imagino focus perfect which means we can go to occupy territories and release the netherlands as a puppet oh yeah that's a big hit to our factories oh well it's more beneficial to have this puppet than it is to control the area directly and the ussr occupies eastern poland so yeah it's going to happen any day now there we go joseph stalin questions the motives of greater finland yet they're justifying on us so no more army training no that's good all right what can we do here we can get promises of peace here get us a little bit of stability that will bump us over 80 percent meaning we'll still be above 50 percent when the declaration hits that's good i don't want strikes and i'll also get warp again they're rolling giving us war support that counteracts the promises of peace debuff so that keeps us above 60 percent also good anything we can spend pp on here uh we could go up to extensive conscription but do we need that manpower yet i don't think we do i'll just get a material designer more infantry equipment all right finished doctrine effort that's all the military doctrine bonuses we're getting i could pick up some bonuses here but i think i want to go for naval effort get me some naval dockyards i will need a lot of convoys once the soviets cut me off from sweden and it would not be a terrible idea if i could produce some submarines to make a mess in the baltics all right let's overview the lines real quick we have a total of 16 divisions on our stalingrad front these units are dug in with a battle plan but they don't have forts so it will take quite a beating but with a little luck they'll be able to push into stalingrad and take the airport and then dig in along the vistula river no wait that's not the vista that's the neva a little north we have eight divisions dug in along a fort line between these two licks they should be able to hold same story here eight divisions dug in between some lakes and fortifications and then the long line to the north behind the river here i think we're in a good position i hope we can train up more of these um reinforcements so i can shuffle these in as needed because i think the russians are just going to keep constantly attacking with human wave offensives and i'll simply de-org even if i'm not losing the combat still need quite a bit of support equipment but it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be ah and here's the big one the russians demand corellia finland has absolutely no intention of surrendering corellia if you want it you will come and claim it we will do carl gustav manaheim proud and we will dig in and we will hold let them come if they dare and there we go the soviet union has come knocking time to slow the game way way down speed 3 is good and micromanage the defense now the plan here will be to hold these lines for as long as it takes how long you ask well eventually germany is going to do operation barbarossa and they are going to catch the soviets with their pants down and in that moment when we see this soviet ai completely lose it that's when we counter attack but for now we're going to sit here and micromanage our defense by shuffling units in and out of combat as organization drops i will be cutting a lot of footage this is just not that interesting to watch a constant stream of green bubbles on screen i believe but i'll try and leave the good bits in might as well ask sweden for some help sure oh no they've called in mongolia oh whatever shall we do oh sweden what's it gonna be oh well some volunteers is better than nothing so yeah the soviets are now slowly going to envelop our position and start hammering away at our lines should be able to hold i'm gonna try and get some more units out the door i really want to get my hands on stalingrad but it feels feels a little pointless so i might actually win this no no you're going to keep trickling troops in no i'm going to call off this assault it's too risky i don't yeah just just look at the amount of the visions that are there it's not happening they've started making some probing attacks to the north but we're holding just fine laytale well so far the front line is stable it's all green no numbers are dipping low so uh yeah i think we can hold this airwise yeah that's that's not something we're going to be competing with anytime soon however i do think it would not be a terrible idea to start producing a few airplanes just some fighters we won't be deploying them just yet but it's nice to start making a few this green air is is pretty great well in the first few months of this contest of machine gunning russian conscripts finland's doing quite well one hour later 26 000 dead fins and all that took them was over 900 000 soviet men i mean i'm really liking these odds so far i mean just look at these entrenchment bonuses that's insane how are the east indies doing for manpower 1.9 million available manpower that in mind i'm going to make a new division let's duplicate this one this is going to be our offensive division there we've added four artillery battalions and four infantry battalions now i have a 40 combat with offensive template that we can use in our counter offensive when germany starts barbarossa germany is going to ask you to join their faction quite a bit but since part of the challenge is to never join a faction we're just going to keep declining if you could have joined the access this would have been incredibly easy anyway well it's now march of 1940 so what's it been five months of this not sure anyway it has cost the soviets uh 1.3 million men we've lost 34 000 and i think most of those are um indonesians we've got a bit of manpower left and we can still bump this up to uh extensive conscription and more if we have to this is going pretty well i have to say in the last six months alone the soviets have lost almost 4 000 artillery pieces and 150 000 guns to us oh the ai is so bad all right some slight reorganization going on green army or rather the leningrad front will slowly be converted into these 14 fours and this yellow army here will try and cut across the uh area here near onega and kariala and cut soviet forces off in the north of finland and then we can destroy them and push south now all of this is assuming the soviets don't respond extremely well to barbarossa but i doubt it how are stalin's generals selling this to him really no one thinks this is a good idea 42 000 finns lost in exchange for 2.36 million russians okay well at this point i can just let the game run on high speed and just watch the green bubbles go it's absurd we're still not quite ready for a counterattack though many months later oh there we go germans have broken the pact now we just wait for the russian ai to shuffle troops all over its borders and we can hit them while they're not looking oh yeah they're significantly weakened now now's the time to strike boys oh that reminds me it's 41 which means japan is going to be doing business in the pacific um i'm gonna send my spy there to exert some diplomatic pressure i'm going to improve our relations as well see if i can't get a non-aggression pact out of them excellent we've taken leningrad and pushed all the way to the neva river i think we do have the strength to keep pushing a little bit more though just gonna micro these offensives i want to push out but push out carefully i don't want to overextend because things might go south very quickly for me let's also attack with the blue line yeah this this is something i don't like the germans are taking territory here i don't like that that's my territory sir excellent we got ourselves a non-aggression pact with japan so he won't be inclined to attack the finnish east indies all right we're pushing our past leningrad that's great [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] there we go finally soviet union's capitulated doesn't look like they had all that much left as well all right let's see what the germans did in their first turn not bad we can work with this so what i wanna do is puppet them the germans are gonna take large chunks of territory now it's our turn i want to do is block the germans off from getting more territory so we'll take everything that borders whatever they already took and anything with a port they don't have a port they don't feel like taking it that includes these far eastern territories some of this stuff is just really cheap at zero points stupid not to really now if i'm not mistaken that is all the territory that borders whatever germany took and all of the ports now we just keep feeding our puppet all the land we can give them oh no i messed up guys i messed up they they went for this province as well i don't know why it doesn't have a port why would you do this oh stupid germany there now now he should be boxed in there we go that concludes the peace deal let's see what we end up with eventually and results is a very nice russian empire that we can work with we're going to run our army off russian soldiers with russian equipment and we're going to give the germans quite a headache for you see to conquer russia we need to take all of these russian corps back so we're going to go and have a little chat with the axis now it's just time to build more divisions we need a lot more divisions if we're going to tangle with the germans fortunately we can suck russia dry let's see here 5 million manpower to work with not bad and i believe they still have yeah they still have 91 factories not terrible what does that do for us okay we can work with this we can definitely work with this gonna have to see how many germans or romanians or whatever ends up in this little pocket here that's going to decide how many troops i assigned to it i don't want them getting any ports so i'll definitely have to guard these ports by the time we're ready to move but for now i'm going to take a wait and see approach also going to assign some troops to the north and norway i'll do that later on let's get recruiting more templates to make this is 20 combat with that's perfect throw in the right support companies and we're good to go really and we'll start training a bunch of these the plan is now to build our strength until we're ready to really have a go at the germans we have a very large eastern front that we can push from we can make a lot of divisions out of this russian puppet and we have this little dutch bastion here that we can use to strike at the german homeland if such an opportunity presents itself it's gonna depend on what the allies do i don't think they're doing all that great just yet but uh we'll see how that ends up six hours later all right that's our port guards deployed don't think i'll be signing them in general uh let's have a final check here i think i have front lines everywhere i don't have anything to the north of here but realistically where are those troops going to go they're super low on supply they're super low on org we're just going to sweep this pocket away and then push hard in the german territory all you have to do now is wait for that justification to finish and with that our justification is complete now it's time to make or break this challenge we have to conquer germany to get access to those russian provinces we need this is going to be a hard one this is quite a strong germany we're up against but nothing we can beat if we just put speed down and micromanage our way to victory i'll just declare on hungary let's immediately close this pocket here there's a lot of german troops here that we can crush and naturally we'll call in our russian friend here okay this is pretty much cleaned up i'm gonna pull the yellow army away they need to shore this up good more allied naval landings they should have an easier time of it now every unit that's on these pockets here is a unit not on our front lines so far we've done well almost killed a million germans i'm just gonna give russia control these states yes that's a lot less border gore and we're being pushed a little in the south but we're holding pretty well along the line generally speaking we're holding our own as well in the northern front which is great pushing but not pushing that hard and the 14 fours are doing their job very nicely just inching our way forward until we see an opportunity for a big breakthrough meanwhile the allies are still doing their little naval landings i i hope these steamroll pretty soon because oh boy the germans are pushing we have given them quite the hurt and we've not taken that many casualties three weeks later well so far i'm not doing great but that's mostly because the allies are being absolutely terrible usually they put more pressure on germany this late into the game now well we just have to endure i suppose and if we're comparing casualties i still think i'm doing quite well many months later [Music] that's australia gone i think uh japan dominates the pacific now yeah that's uh all japan except for the finnish east indies i don't want them to turn on me so i'm gonna put my spy there again just to apply some diplomatic pressure and then i'll get a new non-aggression pact also improve relations how's the us doing there's a lot of divisions but you're not really using them wisely i'd say [Music] okay so i've been at this for an hour now we have managed to uh terminate 4.9 million germans and it doesn't even phase them they just keep coming meanwhile our losses are very modest very modest indeed even the russian losses are pretty low i think a big d-day would be welcome around now anytime now allies anytime [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah i think i've reached the point where i can just draw one big uh field martial order now or take a lot of headache out of the equation and just just head for the rhine yes just go there well i have been hampered by what i can only describe as the weakest allies i've seen so far but i think we've got this one all russian territories already been conquered back so we just need to finish this time to pull the dutch into this open up another front see if this helps okay this is a nightmare alright so now the allies have declared on us as well thanks i'll tell you this i'm not ending the war with the allies i'm just going to capitulate the axis and that's it for me i i cannot deal with any more ai stupidity for what reason would the uk have to declare war on an ally that they're fighting a war alongside with just this ai is so brain dead sometimes 2 000 years later so germany is pretty much out of this once i take vienna i could mop up in the balkans but there's really not much point to it i was just waiting for italy then what not the best time to be joining this nationalist spain oh god this is such a mess fortunately spain is not considered a major it's just italy and at least this is over and i can have a i think if i want to deal with the allies which i i gotta be honest with you guys i don't think i want to continue this run i'm not having fun anymore the ai completely sucked all of that enjoyment out of this with that stupid declaration by the uk i just want this to end really a few inches later is that it is that italy out it's not oh no no fishy france is a major oh there that's it we won we've concluded the war with the axes god finally let's just make this peace deal all right i'll give this to my russian puppet and in my turn i'll pop up the germans see if i can pop at the italians as well okay i think i'm done with this peace deal i've puppeted germany and given them what i could i've puppeted italy and done the same i restored all of russian territory to my russian puppet and i believe i also managed to puppet slovakia and greater hungary now let's see how this peace deal turns out oh it's great isn't it it's great wow this has been a horrible ordeal but i believe that i've met the requirements for finishing we've conquered the ussr as finland and never joined the faction we've even restored all of the russian territory lost to the germans and really all that's left for me to do is simply click this button to demote them alright ladies and gentlemen when i press this button the challenge will be complete and it's lagging please don't crash and with that greater finland stands dominant i hope you've enjoyed this video my sanity certainly suffered in the making if you liked this video consider subscribing hit that like button and hit me up in the comments with more challenges you want to see me try or achievements you want to see completed if you didn't like the video that's fine just hit that dislike button and hit me up in the comments tell me what i did wrong i'm always looking to learn this has been me peter steele and i'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 63,991
Rating: 4.9181032 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, finland, USSR, winter war, Mannerheim, bittersteel hoi4, Bitt3rSteel, hoi4 challenge, germany, finish him hoi4, hoi4 memes
Id: Mk3yX_9CHlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 54sec (3474 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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