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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RhapsodicHotShot 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/doyoupeeintheshower 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
and there we go guys the kingdom of Macedonia and we now have cause on all of Bulgaria and Turkey pretty broken right hey I am feedback gaming and this is hearts of mine for single-player new game 1936 the Hellenic Republic Greece seems have gone through a few changes like having poor governance hmm having an isolationist policy hmm and oh dear let's have a closer look oh it just gets worse and gets worse welcome I'm FIBA gaming I play strategy games on YouTube and I am from the United Kingdom if you want to support me and help my channel grow consider subscribing if we get 150,000 subscribers I will restore Britain to its proper former glory you want to see that well then subscribe boy and girl a popular question is what nations in the next expansion will have focus trees will we get a rework on Italy will we get maybe Bulgaria will we get Turkey will we get maybe the Soviet Union I will we get bankruptcy it was a trick question we're getting bankruptcy today's video won't only be mid maxi today's video what only be exploitative but today's video will do something that has never been done before in hearts of iron 4 and that is to bring back the glory Alexander the Great's Empire the kingdom of Macedonia this is the part where your Greek you and subscribe no depth to condone and subscribe we need 150 K come on boys and girl first of all let's go with military empowerment to get rid of some of those nasty national spirits straight up we're gonna grab a lot of Asians move them on to the Bulgarian border make a lovely front line and exercise them to level 3 research we are gonna go for machine tools but also focus a little bit more on weapon really on with interwar artillery as well as support weapons observe the game we have a penalty of 75% for construction speed that's pretty painful so whatever you build it don't really matter cuz it's not gonna be building very quickly anyway so we'll just drop that and that now I'll do well change the support equipment to artillery and the rest will be hopped on to Potenza and regarding the naval dockyard would just make convoys general we're gonna go with is oh my goodness no no no stop no I'm not gonna be pronouncing any names in this video apart from this guy which we're gonna call Legolas yes Legolas with these +4 attack yes that guy and the Field Marshal will be Alex five speed let's go oh we also have a navy just made you merge that baby up and then we have two Admirals with horrendous names I'm gonna select this guy because he's got a pipe empowerment is done and now we're gonna work on rightful heirs which gains as the event of makedonia n-- fate hmm yugoslavia yields yugoslavia decided to accept our proposal and give us back our rightful land for greece and the future we become the controller of the state of makedonia okay history time this day from a classical Greek perspective was never considered makedonia this was considered makedonia also facts makedonia and Macedonia are both correct pronunciations tell me are wrong I am in the comment section PS I'm not wrong next focus military propaganda do you see bonuses we're all propaganda doubt military counselor next researchers disperse industry superior firepower and electronic mechanical engineering we want radio for the reinforced rate we want soft attack from the superior firepower we want more industry or output from the dispersed industry because our industry output right now it's pretty horrific minus 75 percent a treaty you say gain an axe or go against Bulgaria here we go and now we're ready without further ado go go go all right so we're gonna glitch this the aie tends to act kind of stupid but in some instances it does actually go okay but what we're gonna do is move forward and make attack plans and try and help maneuver the AI the plan is to move into the gaps in the frontline we're gonna tell them to go go aggressive and pin the divisions on the frontline and we're gonna move forward and try and capture as much land as possible if we can grab Sofia in the first wave we're doing good I made a nice little encirclement in the setna that's good to see locks into divisions in the center and it by looks of things we can grab Sofia come no yes no there we go that depends I can well we wanted to be and we're just gonna wait now pin everything in position and everything is looking very good the secret to this war is not to defeat the Bulgarians in open combat it is just to move forward into the gaps in the frontline and take all their key victory points and there we go capture those because your points in the east and this should give it you like them 97% and 100 done right converting all the divisions to the basic infantry and put them onto the frontline of Turkey go go go and we're also gonna add on the artillery on to you there we go in the meantime we're gonna go for this the two-year plan industry old boosts we need to go for damage control need to go for repaired industry and eventually will go for Rize of the Fenix this gets rid of this awful national spirit which the Greeks like to refer to as patriotism we're gonna train a few more divisions and we're going to prioritize their equipment and we will deploy them to the frontline as quickly as we can we need to up our overall army size to 150,000 we're pretty close so it should be about three or four divisions next up damage control and also deploy those few divisions to op overall troop count we need of the four divisions next up we're gonna go for construction one keep deploying divisions another two divisions then we'll be on traffic DK like so we're gonna go for found there HDS just a factories a little bit perfect and deploy the last one done and now we can go for this focus the final moments of peace war goal against Turkey and sets compliance for all the bull Gator 50% don't mind if I do alright put everyone on the frontline you stop training divisions right disperse industry 3 get the boost and now we can hop on to construction 2 as well as hop on to machine and tools - oh and the Turks have now become red ottoman empire now I never heard of it right 5 moments of peace stop exercising give it a few days we're going to progress down here and get our civvies and hopefully repair the industry at the very same time we are gonna declare war on Turkey we might have an opportunity just to push into here really quickly and potentially make an encirclement hopefully can we can we can it be done and be done yes now we're in a lovely opportunity to make a juicy encirclement on the Turks you probably didn't cave hang on a minute how did you defeat them and push them out the way so quickly you're right click on them and look at the national spirits we have unorganized military yeah yeah they're ripe for the picking right nice and easy all right now we're gonna select the whole army cancel their orders make a fall back like the mountains behind the river as well as the forest yep back get back I don't wait for them to come forward again and rinse and repeat go for the infrastructure update make a front-line once again put them on the frontline to build some planning burners go for a staff office plan it's some juicy attack bonus wait a few days and let's try that again see if we can make another encirclement on the state of Constantinople looking pretty difficult to break through here but looks like we can just get through annex focus is joint research projects for the research lab stop them from reinforcing our focusing on more support weapons broken through and you guys are trying to reinforce nope denied pinned and potentially encircle potentially can we do it no two divisions there we go another encirclement wasn't as easy as the first one now I like there Oh they've got a lot of supply never mind they don't we all lose organization so we just have to give them a gentle very gentle push now we can repair the industry a little bit more right we're gonna focus a little bit now on naval and we're gonna go for light cruiser 2 to this day I have no idea why you have 37 supply you technically should be encircled mysteries of hearts of iron for a and this Bacchus which will remain unpronounce forever gives max infrastructure in all of our capital regions as well as removes poor governance which is what's eating into our stability war support and political power we need to fix that now finally we've enclosed the pocket and we're eliminating one at a time still have 35 supply from where no idea and they're gone them again fall back to the original position wait for them to come forward come on come forward and now we look for another opportunity move in pin them in is that it I've run out of divisions out no yeah there we go all right done I think at this point they probably should have next to no divisions of Sutherland they have one to two which might just be one let's get over to mainland Turkey let's sort this out put them on aggressive go go go go go option to get a boost for doctrines why not also go for depth charges we're gonna need those later on yeah I think it is just one division that one boy all right expose we're gonna go far is we need to go for rides of Phoenix we need to work our way down here so we're gonna go for expand the HDS series I'm not going army now I'm just gonna beeline and snake all the way to the victory points basic like battery yeah good idea done what are we gonna take everything of course infantry expert essential next work is we're gonna go for is future government go and resistance is becoming a problem hmm Greek government choice this is just election which focus you want to go down we have got none aligned we've got the Hellenic Empire and we've got resorb ID zantium nah never makedonia for the win the kingdom of makedonia the rightful king of Greece returned and restored the kingdom of Macedonia once again this time though we will not watch makedonia crumble go let's diversify the industry let's go for a little bit of a a just a little bit not that much focus the rest onto our guns and mate continue to make convoys let's get a full Army Group so I say another another seven trade interdiction hmm what are you up to Dave what are you doing and we'll slap on that a a I'm also slap on some cavalry reconnaissance and we need to get some support equipment so pop two of those there as well done the basic death charge he's followed by the death charge that can be thrown this will make it a nice addition to our Navy and there we go guys the kingdom of Macedonia and we now have cause on all of Bulgaria and Turkey pretty broken right speech of the king our King has given a speech all the people in makedonia and the people are not sure what to think about it but for now they support him and now what is this gonna lead to +60 war support now the King speech has finished we have found something out he really likes horses and we're giving these three beautiful horse divisions for free okay well two of them aren't very good but this one goes I think the King might be going a little bit mad he seems to have crowned himself the great maybe a little bit premature call himself the great maybe a bit premature to call himself an empire builder maybe mmm-hmm mmm-hmm maybe next one is it makedonia expansion the time has come to reclaim our once hold lands we should try to take our areas by surprise we've put a quick offensive unlocks something very special makedonia expansion decisions hmm got those divisions off we're making an army group of 24 can we do 24 now we'll make a slightly smaller division that we can always just convert over yeah they will have two full army groups good move you guys here and we'll start trading you guys to level three we're gonna import just a tiny little bit of Steel just so we can keep up with the production of our weapons we're a little bit behind and that's a concern for now partial mobilization if there's an extra five civilian factories which is gonna help us out in the long run right we're gonna rush for improved compute machine the reason why is we want to get there better fire control that's right you probably go about these technologies didn't you didn't you yeah I forgot about them two mated only an expansion is finished now we've unlocked some new cool decisions but in the meantime I'm gonna go for rise of the Phoenix and go for a chase alternative these guys on the other hand I gotta go on the order of Iraq and if you look very closely we now have the option to expand into Iraq for 50 political power bargain right okay one thing to be aware is because we're over 25 world tension when this finishes and we get a war goal in Iraq either France or the UK will guarantee them so what you're gonna do is wait for it to get to one day on here probably down to three speed bring up the menu to declare on Iraq wait for it to turn green and pause immediately there we go and that way they don't have time to guarantee Iraq in that case we could push into them and it's just free Pickens get it yellow get rid they only have like five divisions so she should just completely storm over them and walk all over them the King had a glorious idea that we should prepare some war games to train our troops and raise their spirit I have no control over this I guess we're doing it I suppose mine Oliver who's next Iran let's go deploy some divisions Oh a leader seems to think he's good enough to be an actual field marshal let's give him a test run after all the years we were finally able to retake Baghdad the Congress should strengthen our cause increase the support of our people for Georgio's the great Baghdad will now be referred to as Giorgio of dad cool Jim again when it gets down to the very last day top it down to three speed watch very close slave for where you get your war declaration and the declarer immediately daily go boom go Clare aggressive go-go-go and are actually going to be more aggressive actually gonna be line to the capital that way we hopefully annex them incredibly quickly that's the plan anyway go go go go go to focus on light cruisers in trade interdiction there's only really three doctrine texts that's gonna bonus you the first one this one radar patrolled and this one down here combined operations raining yeah it's just those three so we'll go for the first two first more wargames okay to run has been taken Turan is George Iran sure why not Oh could you rise the Phoenix down get rid of their awful growing economy and actually have a full-blown modern economy improve the airplane catapults we're gonna get some big fat catapults this gives us lots of spotting which we are gonna need if we're gonna engage enemy fleets Iran is dead what am I gonna take all of it Afghanistan yes why not let's go do you know what Georgio's the great let's prove how great you are you will on your own attack into Afghanistan and you know what you can take all your horses with you as well pull on horse army right go go go and go the british large would like to send us some support women sure hmm sure mmm i don't think they know what's coming but sure right a few more civilian factors in our capital regions all with a hundred percent infrastructure not opie in the slightest yes that's right i'm in a research military police they are incredibly strong at the moment so yeah let's take advantage of that garrison division will be the horse and the horse will be modified ever so slightly without the reconnaissance that will do perfectly and okay maybe a few more horses there we go oh no the mud and mountains of afghanistan is slowing us down will we be able to take Kabul is it gonna be possible Georgio you meant to be the great you meant to be the chosen one alright ladies were gonna go for local dominance then work our way down pressure the anglo-french colonists this will give us access to Syria and the Levant from the UK in France but we couldn't do that while they're at war so we've got lots of time to work with with a prioritize Garrison's and we're gonna focus on our garrison divisions once MPs when we do at the Mon we'll be able to get that resistance down nice and low DePaulo Bastille to pump out those guns so Mountains mountains mountains and mountains hit him with your best shot this might help infantry expert full blown horse attack into the mountains everyone said it could not be done and by the looks of things they were right okay that took way too long you to note when you attack Afghanistan just don't give them any opportunity to dig into the mountains history seems to repeat in itself cabal has been taken Giorgio bull I feel like all these sick noobs are actually sounding the same military police and military police too and we'll add on you boys some MP alright we're gonna rush for Cruiser three now on the other side of the focus tree we can improve the Greek military force which is cool don't get me wrong I think that's pretty sweet and you can prepare naval investment that's also pretty quick sweet but then we've also got this one compete for naval dominance - 80 % costs but light and heavy ships wow wow yeah let's let's work our way down there some local newspapers have released an article that claims that the King said someone favorable things about parts of our population they present no proof but the population is furious what has he done right we need a few more armies let's drop another 24 they will run behind on now is a a a little bit of artillery - right we're gonna go for the war industrialist and we'll also go for army offense as well this is the division we're gonna go with the time being it's very well rounded doesn't really have any and really big advantages but we can mass-produce them which would be handy for what we're gonna go with in the moment with particularly with the big front lines as well let's go for advanced fire control I think I've clicked this like probably three times at the entire time I've played all of hearts of iron for yeah not very often you seem to have a thing called World War 2 happening right now yeah let's not be a part of that pressure the anglo-french colonies give is your colonies boy well they're my resistance for experience inter all these occupied territory Prince of terror is a really good idea reduces the damage the Garrison's by 25% that pays off in the long run by a massive factor yet it and that was an incredibly quick fall of France we can demand roads and also demand Cyprus they're at war and they both yield give us those islands let's make an ideal Cruiser we now have crews the three or is it cruiser three here it is there we go cruiser three will go autumn see what we get now we don't want this we're gonna fit it with lots of light guns load of light guns no not the cruiser ones that light guns light batteries light batteries loads of spotting very last one is gonna be some death charges so we can just engage some submarines we need lots of a a we need a best fire control we don't need a radar sonar module because we've got lots of spotting with the catapults big engine secondary battery and the best armor we can afford there it is beautiful the catch-all spotting fighting cruiser three will make one of these through these three these four of these yeah here France and the UK have caved in look at all this beautiful land oh look at all the resistance - hmm only two things left to do and that would be Egypt and India for us to go for Egypt we need 5,000 guns now let's start banking those guns Damascus has been retaken and Jerusalem has been retaken tella giorgio teller Georgia that one rolls off the tongue I love it Jorge Castillo Dukas the master majek he get the idea alright let's go for the naval buildup and get some needle yards and we will also top that off as well yet naval dockyard in the main regions all those regions the Egyptian autonomous states disturbed the British Empire's colonies by feeding them few guns to the Egyptian populace what could happen hmm more steel from the Soviet Union decisive battle yes yes indeed and Egypt is now free kind of free a kind of free puppet free yeah that kind of free Cairo odd guy ro gyro Jia Jia it's got a different name okay Greek capital ships well kind of cruises I guess and here we go compete for naval dominance we have to compete with the other great naval powers by focusing our industry on the Navy we found some private investors who will be willing to help us out in this matter this is a focus that is incredibly P but I also has some big downsides whenever you're doing this you're suffering a massive loss of 20% political power losing 10% of you consumer goods and you're losing a huge a massive go gank sherwin 50% of your factory output whenever you're doing this you're moving lead higher T of your country's industry towards naval production which gives a beautiful 8% reduction for light holes and heavy ships lovely it works a little bit like me for bills the more you go for it the more political power will cost at the very very end of it you have a 50% cost for consumer goods for a hundred days when it's finally ended to pay the whole thing off they'll be aware for a hundred days at the very end you're industry will shut down you'll have no industry basically be aware of that one is when it comes it really stings and here we go naval build up costs for light ships - 80% be aware you will need to import a lot of steel to keep this up to make sure we're taking advantage of all that lovely production what I'm gonna do is go down here and go for naval production plus 20% and to make sure I'm take advantage of it all the way I'm gonna go for free trade and we're gonna need a lot of steel to keep this up that's why you better build all those civilian factories and that's why you need to build those naval dock yards ahead of time because you are gonna be needing and a lot of equipment to keep this earth cavalry recruitments I King as a glorious idea that we should invest some more of our resources to recruit more cavalry division's we've just lost loads of manpower and to gain more crap horses yay yay more steel more turn to execute the second part of the plan justify on Malaysia place army on the board of the raj time to go go go and go british raj famine ooh right the naval buff has ended and industry has shut down as I thought it would right now our consumer goods are seventy five percent sixty eight of my civilian factories are use for consumer goods ouch and we now have no ability to import anything because we have no free civilian factories once again ouch but we have 40 or Cruisers nice Singapore declaration done Raj joined the war I'm just gonna declare nevermind just go for it go guys go go go yes I have left that gap open to the north I don't care if the AI just proves its divisions through understand I don't care end of the day if they do they're gonna get encircled and they're gonna be in a whole lot of hurt also don't bring you pop it into the war because you don't want them invading Egypt and have to worry about a second front war so just just worry about the rash for now deploy the ship so we're gonna use them for convoy rating in the eastern Mediterranean see how much joy they have yep engaged and has them apart so much light attack it just tears them to pieces meanwhile in India we've pushed them out and with encirclement in the north zactly how i suspected it would go meanwhile my leader seems to recruit more and more horses by the day nice completely annihilating the destroyers as well Delhi has been taken and has been named by Georgio's the great to Delhi all hail Delhi the average bowel with these cruisers results in complete destroyer annihilation and cruise annihilation oh all the cruisers and destroyers have arrived and there get an eyelid as well cruiser power too damn high oh my god that's brutal so many destroyer losses a night light oh my goodness it's just so good to have a decent Navy and to see it completely wreck the enemy's Navy oh my god this is so satisfying to watch I don't forget to do Auto splits off because otherwise you're gonna run into issues like mmm like a secondaries knocked out yeah that could be a problem and yeah immediately they all run to port to repair yeah that's gonna be a concern might want to do the repairs and also might want to import just a little bit oil from the Soviets to feel like we're gonna run into problems with that encircled in Afghanistan and pushing through the heart of the Raj - I don't know where the Allies are right now but definitely war with them are we here we are right we've got our industry back so let's get the steel in help us out Soviets and also help us with the oil as well and also the tungsten back the convoy raiding all right we need a spy agency because we need to be able to get more intel on spotting that's right more Intel results in more spotting so it's crucial well go for the cutting Intelligence Agency yeah that one now we can hop off free trade as well now the limited exports Raj has collapse now all we do now is sort out Egypt we're just going to build lots of civilian factories inside of him and that will hopefully reduce their autonomy down meanwhile we're gonna go for a macadamia and we are finally United all the old makedonia land and now can proclaim the makedonia Empire to secure our course unlocks the Forum level nation may Sidonians empire 105 days import more fuel much as we can maybe slip from the united states as well yeah we need so much fuel dense of conscription definitely needed spies into the UK let's build some intelligence at hopefully spot their Navy all right let's move them over to the central Mediterranean see what we can spa a naval supremacy here is 14,000 to 19,000 so they have a lot of ships they're probably capitals - I really like to see how our cruisers do verse bigger fatter capital ships another spy northern England and there we go the Macedonian Empire we can form it once we take out Egypt and we need to integrate them the easiest way of doing that is to land lease them lots of stuff this case a hundred eighty convoys and what else have we got a lot of thousand support equipment yeah sure 1,500 artillery sure the house and gun monthly sure you can't be stuff that we've not made though because I won't affect the autonomy it has to be stuff that we've manufactured so that will do beautifully right reducing the autonomy of Egypt and to an integrated puppet one more step required and then we've done and another spy and Scotland now we have the ability to annex Egypt and then finally form the Macedonian Empire which keeps cause on all which we have conquered all of it boom a slightly different shade of blue was it worth it probably not Biagio your ancestors that you're not related to are smiling and the crown looks [ __ ] hey did you enjoy this video tell me by subscribing performer suggests games below in the comment section that I should play in my channel but don't worry how's the wine pours aren't going away let me know what games you're playing in the moment ah nice day see you later bye currently guys ad revenue has tanked the lockdown as totally frozen YouTube economy if you want to help me out the best thing you do in these dire times is become a patreon the link is in the description below thank you boys and girls probably [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 390,059
Rating: 4.868175 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of Iron IV, HOI4, hoi4 china, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 collaboration government, hoi4 la resistance guide, hoi4 la resistance tutorial, hearts, of, iron, my, day, feedback, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 guide, how to play hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, la resistance hoi4, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, hoi4 funny, greece, hoi4 greek, hoi4 greece, hearts of iron 4 greece, hearts of iron 4 greece byzantium
Id: wplyQxrY5ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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