Hearts of Iron 4 Tutorial 🔴 How to Play HoI4 in Under 40 Minutes Guide! [No DLC]

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hey everybody I'm Mitarai bread you've already read the title of the video so let's not waste any time single-player new game we want to start in 1936 which is standard and we want to pick a really easy country to learn with which oddly enough is actually Nazi Germany we're gonna pick the German Reich select country and on Iron Man mode which means that no no save scumming no reloading old saves as well as historical AI focuses which I'll go into what that is later regular difficulty so we've loaded it into the game and this is what the main screen of the game looks like you can see that we're paused right now in the top right before I go into teaching you the game I just want to say that a commonly cited thing for people's worries about getting into this game is it looks so complicated with all these little units all over the place how do you control all of them along these front lines and everything well I'll go into this in greater detail later but we just select our units make a little group there then I can just do that and when I unpause it then they're all going to just walk into the line for me it is that simple to set up a front line I just wanted to explain that real quick and I'll go into way more detail and exactly how I did that later but that's just so you know how easy it is to actually do that little thing that people seem to always be really worried about how complicated that might be so the first thing I want to do is to show you each menu and explain of what it is we're looking at it's actually not that complicated once you get used to it so starting from the left here this is our political map here we can select our national focuses as well see our leader all of our little modifiers based on what country we're in we can modify our laws and governments and we can see what kind of government we have right now so to go through this stuff one by one here the important things right off the bat this is your government type Brown is fascist red is communist and blue is democratic this shows the breakdown of each amount that we have in our country that could be changed by other people trying to drum support for those political parties within our country or our own actions to try and flip our government there's also non-aligned which is gray some countries should be gray around here hungry right now is not aligned there you go we also have our laws in government as we get political power which is right up here and you get that naturally over time we can start to modify our government to do things like changing our conscription laws so that can have more or less manpower which is free and available people to be trained up or changing our mobilization laws these things will make a bit more sense later but this is where we can do little modifications through our political power to make us better at specific things again not something to worry about too much yet national focuses are something that is a very core part of this game every country in the game has national focuses with many countries having unique ones too only their country and some having generic ones as you get more DLC which this is a No Deal see tutorial you'll have more national focuses for more countries so you can see these are all the unique alternate history type things you can do almost every national focus takes 70 days and it doesn't take anything special either than cutting your political power gained in half although it's kind of assumed you always have one of these going so in reality not having one of these going is doubling your political power for the most part you're always gonna have one of these going for the first half of the game or so these are all interesting little things that will give you bonuses depending on your country for instance we could do with the four year plan get some research bonuses to industry I'll be showing you guys research very soon bonuses to building certain things that branches out and we could start going west wall building walls in the West or start going down here and get into our oil and rubber industry air innovations we could be spending time on trying to make our air support better or going into our more political things like re militarizing Rhineland like in real life we could pick between befriend in Japan which they did in real life or by friending China which is altering in history there's a lot of fun alternate history stuff in this we could ally with the USSR and never declare war on them we could do all kinds of things most major countries will have drastically different things they can do in here you could do all kinds of wacky things like as the United Kingdom you could go fascist if you wanted have Oswald Mosley I think that was the name of their fascist party leader have him in control you can do all kinds of fun things through the focused trade decisions now this was just adjectives game quite recently with the newest expansion although everyone gets this even without DLC I have all the DLC turned off right now this is where you can spend your spare political points on other things mostly just political power didn't have enough to use previously this is mostly a lot of things that will change your your government type try and keep people from changing your government to something you don't want it to be or to help turn into something you want it to be as well as to help your stability and war support through propaganda or improving worker conditions stability and will up your factory output mostly so that you're getting more resources and you're keeping more of your resources and war support is largely helping your mobilisation speed making a surrender limit blower making us so your people don't want to surrender when things aren't going your way and also giving you a more command power which will give you more options at war so generally stability helps you with production more support helps you with morale type things and different countries will have different things here everybody has these political actions and these propaganda actions but you gain more things depending on what country you are research this is another really big thing of the game there are all these different research tabs and there are these big research trees now I'm gonna tell you right off the bat basically everybody's always agreed on this one is you immediately want to open most countries have three research slots major ones tend to start with four and some really impoverish one starts with two the big opener you always do is basic machine tools in industry you want electronic mechanical engineering in engineering for research speed and you want construction one in industry whatever you do with the fourth one that's up to you but usually you do some kind of military thing so the really really really quick overview of this because these aren't going to be anything I can teach you here isn't gonna be as helpful if you don't know how to fight yet but infantry is all about your infantry in your Special Forces so about giving you better equipment for your infantry mobile infantry which is getting them on trucks and whatnot to move faster with unique battalions Special Forces which are people like Marines who are really good at naval invasions Mountain infantry who are really good at defending and attacking in mountains and paratroopers who can be sent in through specialized planes to get deep behind enemy lines as well as some upgrades generally to all of your Special Forces support companies are companies you can attach to any pettalia n-- engineers are all about making us who you're better in rough terrain you can entrench better for defenses on a big frontline recon will help your generals pick the right counter tactic because they'll have better intel on their enemies as well as having a better idea of what who you're fighting before you've gotten in the fight Military Police help a company occupy land without resistance cropping up maintenance companies will help your mechanical stuff not break down like failure rate on tanks and whatnot field hospital will help make it so some of the people who would die can get back in the battlefield that's good for keeping a battalion at a high experienced level because their veterans are coming back into the fight as well as minimizing manpower losses so the field hospital is very important logistics company helps you have a larger amount of troops using up less supply it's especially useful when fighting places outside of Europe where the supply might not be as good and signal company which is all about reinforced rate so helping your troops get back in the fight quickly and react two things armored this is all about your tank research in your light heavy super heavy and eventually modern tanks artillery is as you could imagine all of your field artillery your and he air rocket artillery eventually for some mobile artillery and anti-tank rifles doctrines we'll get into later Naval Research is all about getting your different kinds of ships our research is all about getting your fighters and your bombers engineering is about research speed encryption and decryption as well as radio towers for better Intel and eventually into atomic research and rocketry for the nuke as well as other kinds of rockets an industry is all about of course your industry it's all about making the most out of the resources that you have when producing gear for your people being able to build buildings quickly being able to make the most out of the resources that you naturally have in your land and in making synthetic oils and rubbers through plants so now into the doctrines real quick you get to pick one doctrine for land naval and air so there are four different doctrines here I'll go over them incredibly quickly because I don't want to get bogged down too much this this really could be its own video mobile warfare is all about moving fast hitting hard and not giving them a chance to react superior firepower is all about having lots of artillery and making the most out of a small population it's generally considered to often be the best choice but certain countries are better at other things Germany is especially good with mobile warfare grand battle plan is fighting kind of world war one style it's all about taking it slow large front lines and well-planned battles mass assault doctrine is all about basically the Russia China tactic of throw never-ending waves of people at them to defeat them that's good for a country that has tons and tons of manpower but not a very strong industry so basically the opposite of superior firepower which is all about a strong industry but not many people on the field naval doctrine we have trade interdiction on naval doctrine which is all about submarines and hitting trade routes to try and knock out international trade over the water base strike which is all about focusing on carrier planes coming off of your ships and fleet in being which is all about having a big fleet big battleships and whatnot the Navy is gonna be its own episode if you guys ask for it because naval combat is actually quite rare in this game and very complicated so I'll make that into its own video if you guys are asking for that in the comments section lastly we have air doctrine here you have battlefield support which is all about how your closed air support interacts with your ground troops it's all about supporting your ground troops we have operational integration which is all about tactical bombers and having your bombers be good at both bombing runs on enemy buildings as well as ground support and we have strategic destruction which is all about your bombers laying waste to enemy buildings whether those be bunkers or factories or whatnot generally people tend to agree that battlefield support is most often the best choice but in some instances for instance against heavily industrialized nations strategic destruction is quite powerful at breaking a stalemate operational integrity is often a very good choice if you don't have a very strong industry and so you don't have much of an opportunity to diversify much in what kind of planes you have you could just invest in bombers and try to get them to do as much as possible with a very light investment in fighters to try and protect them so that's it for our research we're gonna go over to the next menu which is diplomacy now diplomacy this menu doesn't help us much but if we right-click on other countries we can see our diplomacy with other countries so we have France right here for instance based on Intel so we can see what what focused trade they're going into right now if we had better until we could see everyone they've also done but we can see their whole tree here we can see what they're doing but not what they've done until we have better intel on them you can see that much like in other paradox games we have all kinds of diplomatic things we can do like justifying a war goal on them improving relations stuff like that and the points we use up to do these things are political powerpoints we could try boosting party popularity try and make them more fascist to try and have them have an internal coup or something like that we can also go to their details page and we have a rough idea of how many divisions they have in their country how many military factories they have things like that so you know you want to check this to see what governments they have what laws they have what kind of troops they have gives you general ideas on the relative strength of that country like we know that France is much much weaker than we are we have way more manpower than they do they have that many divisions somewhere between there we have only 30 but we can crew many many more we have many more factories in them we generally know that with a little bit of a buildup we could crush France pretty easily we want to go over to trade now this video looks very complex but it's not really it's telling us that we're short on oil we have plenty of aluminium and we have too much tungsten being imported so yellow means you're importing more than you need all you need is a positive number on anything green means you have a positive number red means you have a negative number now when you're in the negatives on something it means that you're producing things that require that much slower if you're in the positives it means that you're probably exporting some of this you use civilian factories to import things you basically trade away the production of this factories to import things I believe it's one factor gives you 8 in most instances if there's an alliance that might be a different number and people might be trading their factories for your use if they're using up some of your spare that you're giving away how much you have spare and how much you're trading away is dependent on your export laws which of course is over in the political menu right here we have limited exports so we're sending very few resources to market which also means that we're holding on to a lot but we have less to sell to other countries for extra factories construction menu this is where we build buildings so you can see infrastructure air base and here radar station all kinds of things here in general you're going to be billed a lot of military factories so you can see how many we have built in each place and how many we can build as well as the infrastructure percentage so if I were to queue up a few you can see that in order they're all going like this the first 15 out of 15 factories are building the first one the spares are building the second and we run out so these are just cute you can hover over these and see when they're gonna be completed and you can see the breakdown on the percentages of what's speeding up so having construction research and whatnot would speed that up as well as better mobilization these military factories are what's making our gear for our troops civilian factories are what's building these so civilian factories are used for trade they're also used for building things infrastructure just got a big update in this noop in this new dlc as well as to everybody who doesn't own the dlc where infrastructure is no longer just the supply in an area and the speed at which you can move through the area because of railroads and whatnot it also increases the amount of natural resources you get there for instance right here we normally getting 90 steel as we increase the infrastructure we'd be adding even more steel to that so that's just another use for infrastructure infrastructure is separate from building factories you can see all of these things take up the same slot here like our naval dock yards which is what builds our Navy our synthetic refinery so we only have so much space and we need technology to get more over here we have forts naval bases and coastal forts Costa forts help you defend on the coast land forts help you defend on the land you can have up to ten of them on a tile and naval bases helps you talk more boats in that Navy as well send more supply overseas lastly we can convert factories from military ones to civilian and vice versa with this button here and yeah we're gonna go on to production now so this is our production line of everything that we're making this is what our military factories are for you we can have it sorted by seeing individual ones there's 15 slots see it by 5's or see it by tens organize this you can also turn off and on any category because this will get messy later in the game so there are a lot of things you can turn off and on so we're producing infantry equipment we're making 29 a day and if we wanted we could put more factories on that now for the sake of showing you how this works we're gonna start up another infantry equipment line here I'm just gonna drag this up near the top of the list the factories always go from top to bottom in order so if we were to run out of factories or kill more than we had it says shows gray ones here so it knows when we build more it'll Auto assign them to that you can see there's a big red bar here this is our efficiency cap so we can speed this up and get the cap higher through technology this is when you start having factories on something it's slow and it takes a while to become efficient because they're trying to basically build the factory to be useful for boosting that thing so you can't just switch all these people to going straight to support equipment and have them be a full efficiency right away is to incentivize pre-planning a little bit so we're gonna just get rid of that production line so you're gonna have to learn how many things you need of everything to figure out basically efficient building of your economy we can see here that we're just stockpiling inventory equipment whereas we're upgrading our light tanks to level two which means we probably have old tanks and as we build more they're upgrading the old ones we can also see our resources here at a glance so we can see that although we have enough resources for all of these things we don't have any rubber or in any oil for these motorized so they're being built slower that's why over here is yellow you can see a lack of resources 15% negative so we're building these guys 15% slower these are motorized vehicles next we're gonna go on to recruit deploy this is row B train new troops we can set our priority for reinforcing and upgrading I like reinforcing to be the highest priority upgrading to B middle and actually training troops to be lowest so that the troops that we have already on the field reinforcing and upgrading them are a higher priority than training up new guys that's what I personally like so we want to train some infantry so we hit train on the infantry let's add some units to it we're gonna do five divisions over and over infinite times first we set a location we can have it anywhere in our core territory it doesn't really matter where we can change this at any point is where they deploy from so we have it said right here and if we want we can click this circle and have them deploy left-click to any general we have that already has orders so they know it the second that they get out on the field go join that company and do whatever mission they're on so you can see here how many resources we need so there's not enough manpower equipment for the four divisions it's equipment that they need and they'll start training here as they get their equipment whenever it maxes out they come out or we can send them out early if they have their equipment but not their full training although they'll be weaker and need to be trained on the battlefield which can be dangerous but if you need emergency people on the field you can do that lastly we have logistics you probably won't use be using this menu much is just a condensed cleaner looking menu to see hey what am i lacking I need a more infantry command I need a more artillery I need more support equipment how much do I have stockpiled you can see I have a little bit of light tank stockpiled things like that this is just a very quick overview of what your production well your supply and demand is like to quickly go over these top menus by the way political power we know what that is we know these are manpower this is how many available people you have to be recruited manpower is a very important statistic you get this up through taking more core land and through having more steep conscription laws which have other drawbacks so be careful with that you really want to make sure you don't run outta manpower and this is why medics are so important your con voice is how many convoys you've built these are the guys who do trade over the water for you enemies in war will probably trying to and attack these convoys so that's used for naval trade factories this just tells you how many factories you have grand total between all of your factories and dockyards command power is used for certain general abilities which we'd probably get it into in another video where I can show you more on war our me experience goes up as you have military theorists in your government or if you fight or do drills to train your troops use this to change troop layouts naval experience is for making custom boats their experience is for making custom planes and all of your notifications what you need to pay attention to is here let's quickly go into world tension you can see it's a zero percent here and we can click on it so this is world tension nothing has happened yet and the only war going on is Italy versus Ethiopia world tension goes up every single time a war breaks out there was a really unfair annexation of land random events like the Marco Polo Bridge incident is what that was called I think that's what that was called might be called an idiot in the comments for that one if I got that wrong but you know things that make the world tense make world tension go up it's exactly what you think it is now what are the consequences of world tension it unlocks certain actions for countries now in general communists and fascists can pretty much do whatever the hell they want from the beginning there are some national focuses that will require certain a world tension but for the most part they kind of have free reign to do militaristic things early whereas a democratic nation like France or the United Kingdom they need to have the world be tense enough to justify making a big faction or declaring war on someone doing things like that they don't have the special right to do through their focus trees so they want world tension to go up quickly so that they can catch up with fascist and communist nations whereas fascists and communists nations who want to keep the world tension low or at least get as much done as they can well it's low so that they can get a head start on the democratic nations because the democratic nations outnumber them so that's the general idea of how that works it's pretty much guaranteed that by the time that the world war breaks out however it ends up breaking out in your game the world tension is going to be very very high non-aligned countries like let's say Romania here they also tend to have a lot of handicaps based around world tension there's a lot they can't do into a world tension is high generally nobody is more handicapped than non-aligned people also those historical AI Focuses we saw at the beginning of the game that we had that turned on that just means that every major country either than our own of course whoever we're playing as as our choice will have a preset amount and direction that they go into for national focuses so if it's set to that France will always go in the same direction for all of these until they run out of preset ones and just do whatever the hell they want so generally without your involvement if you're some minor country and you don't get involved if you have historically I focuses on for the most part World War two will always break out in the same way around the same time if you don't have historical a focuses on they go a random path and you get whacky stuff like communist France without your own involvement let's go for really quickly how these general things work I selected my troops I left clicked on one of these plus symbols and we got our setup for our army here so first thing we want to do is assign a commander we can see all the commanders that we have you can spend political power to get more down here now this is a bit of a mess it's it's probably hard for you to see right away but this is something you learn over time let's just pick we have generals here a general commands your army capacity of 24 divisions before he starts having detriments we have a list of his abilities down here like like this is an urban Rommel he has Trixter he's better reconnaissance he's great has a great experience factor for tanks cuz he's a Panzer leader he's good on attack and defense not as good at planning or a supply we're gonna select him and there we go 24 24 divisions if we give him extra he has detriments because it's too much for him to command now let's say you start having a really big army and you have multiple commanders and you're fighting on some really big front like you're fighting Soviet Union over here who's really really big and you need more than 24 divisions and it's getting to be a pain to manage all of them well that is when you select your generals here's we're gonna shift and click to get both of these and we're gonna give them a field marshal so we have a few field marshals here we'll select one of them the field of marshal just rules over a bunch of our generals this is so that we can do way bigger grand battle plan type things generally you want one of these guys whenever you can also you'll be able to level up these guys later as they fight they gain skill so we have our whole little setup here we can click on him and it will select every general under him or we could select individual people and make battle plans so I'm gonna show you real quick battle plans here of how I did this so we're just gonna right click on delete hit okay that deletes all of our plans so that all of our guys have nothing to do they have the red exclamation point they have no orders so you don't need to do know all of these yet the in-game tutorial does an okay job of explaining these all you need to know right off the bat for a European war is that frontline is said you just click on a country's border and we have a frontline our guys will know to spread out and try and cover the entire frontline we'd also use edit and hold a right-click on these to drag it around if we want to defend more or less area with a specific division then X is our offensive line so I can make an offensive line draw it with my right click by holding it something like like this so I want to have my Harmy push up to this river defend across the river so that they have a hard time crossing and we'll take these cities which are these dots as well as the capital of Warsaw the lower a country's war support is the more likely they are to surrender so you need take less cities for them to surrender in general you pretty much always need to take the capital though so I have these orders if a war were to break out I could tell them to hey hit the checkmark execute the orders it says that they have a way inferior enemy and then these troops will start deciding where and when to attack to try and follow at the order that you set you can also by defaults balance but you can tell them to more cautiously or more aggressive they execute the battle plans if caught if careful they'll pretty much only attack when they have a massive massive advantage whereas when aggressive villa tack every time they get a chance very recklessly whereas unbalanced they'll attack when they think they have a reasonable chance to win the fight they'll also try and get little pincer attacks where they can attack from multiple directions to try and stretch the enemy's line thin so that is something to worry about of stretching your own frontline thin we could even change this I want to change this right here this attack line I could change it to be something like that now this would mean that I'm going across the river and not quite defending at the river so they have an easier time attacking here but at the same time it means that we don't have troops all along here we just have a little bit right there and I'd be stretching our own troops less thin all kinds of little things like that you'll learn and get better at the game through that so I'm gonna give you an extremely simple idea of troop division layout so we're gonna go to our recruitment deployment and we're just gonna look at the edit page of our infantry division good god you have no idea what any of this means this is even largely gibberish to expert players because it is so vague how the numbers and math work out on a lot of this I'm going to give you just a freebie here and show you a very common very accepted layout for a great Infantry Division so the number you care about the most right now organization is how much damage they take before they have to retreat that's important you want that to be high you care about soft attack and a heart attack soft attack is your damage to non armored targets heart attack is damage to armored targets in general breakthrough is your ability to attack an enemy and push through without getting hurt and combat width is how many troops you can have in a fight this depends on the trained this depends on how many divisions you have in and the width of the divisions in general you them to be divisible by two more specifically you want it to be twenty or forty most people agree that forty is better because of the way compact works in this game however you might not have the manpower to do forty so what we're gonna do here we have nine inventory we're just gonna replace two with artillery so where it's seven infantry two artillery that gives us a twenty combat width and this would give us a lot of soft attack this is a really good infantry division support does not increase your combat with at all this is adding extra dudes you really want your engineering company your recon company and your support artillery later you want a medic company as well as a logistics company once you have those researched what you want to upgrade this to the forty width when you finally have enough supplies and manpower to do that you add two more artillery and then you just keep adding infantry until your width is at forty and there we go that'd be 40 so it costs army experience which you get through either doing drills which you just have a division here and you tell it to do an exercise so that will lose a little bit of manpower you'll lose some you'll lose all your organization's so you don't want to get attacked well you're doing an exercise preferably you want to do it at peace or not near the enemy and this will get you a little bit of army experience as well train those troops up a little bit or more importantly if you go to theorist you could spend some political power and get any kind of these theorists who give you daily army experience or when the world war breaks out you're likely gonna be getting very quick arm experience just through regular old battle very quick rundown on using your air force cuz it's actually quite simple you can see that we have these airports around and some of them are filled in not these little hollow looking ones that means that there are planes there we can see that there are 200 planes of 1200 is how much that Airport can hold we just click on that we go to our Air Force map down here you can see f1 through three switches between default which is land Navy and air we can see we have planes here so these are some tactical bombers and some closed air support they're both selected this is the range that they can fly in one can fly farther than the other so we just tell them hey fly over western Poland is where we want them to attack and we have them selected as we accept the orders they're set to no treat I'd rather they be set to normal operations you know fly if their fly home for a pair is if they're too hurt and we can do closed air support strategic bombing naval strike and port strike so this is just telling them what orders we want these specific planes to do if we had fighters here I'm sure we have fighters in one of these airports naval bombers here can have them fly over there do naval strikes I fighters here have them fly over northern France and do some air superiority and some interception real quick what all these things are air superiority is all about trying to shoot down other planes to make sure that we have the good Intel we have air superiority it boosts the trips on the grounds ability to fight when it's mostly your planes in the air it's also helping to stop enemy bombers and whatnot over here we have interception which is mostly trying to stop enemy planes from doing their missions closed air support which is all about attacking ground troops to help your troops do better strategic bombing is bombing enemy buildings to try and make it so that you know we break down their factories their forts give us an advantage in the long run their naval strike is trying to hit enemy boats if you're over the water and poor strike is trying to blow up their ports and their docks so that they don't have a place to station nearby and repair their boats you then pick whether they have normal operations low intensity or no retreat as well as if the executions day and night only a day or only at night safer at night but you also get less done at night so that's the trade-off there that is all you need to get started on hearts of iron for though if you guys want to see me do any more of this stuff on hearts of iron 4 where I teach you more things please ask questions in the description I'd love to make more videos on this I also have an old playthrough of this that I started doing with my and Alger Hill here on YouTube I'll have that linked in the description as well as on the end screen here I also did one of these tutorials last week for Crusader Kings 2 with no DLC if you'd like to learn how to play Crusader Kings - I love that game and I'm sure I'll be doing a new playthrough with all the DLC and everything with alder Hill before you know it thank you everybody so much for watching until next time have a nice day
Channel: Mah-Dry-Bread - Gameplay & Streams!
Views: 631,631
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Keywords: hearts of iron 4 tutorial guide for beginners, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hoi4 tutorial, hearts of iron 4 guide, under 40 minutes, English, gameplay, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, 2018, how to play, tutorial, guide, no dlc, walkthrough, grand strategy, hd, tips & tricks, tips, paradox, how to, review, hints, hearts of iron iv, paradox interactive, tricks, hoi iv, hearts of iron, hoi 4, hoi, hearts of iron iv gameplay, germany, strategy, how to play hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 tips, hoiiv
Id: xl76NrDw27s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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