What If HOI4 Started In 719?! Hearts of Iron 4

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I will sacrifice as many lombardi ins as is necessary I very much have the attitude of the King and Braveheart where I'm killing a lot of my own men but I'm getting some of theirs too that's all I really care about what's going on everyone it's me goatee what's going on everyone it's me goatee Rambla here and today we're back on Hart survive [Music] thanks oh my god so we'll be doing today you'll like this one we're going to be playing the Dark Ages mod so this is what if I fall started in I've forgotten the date what if I fall started in 719 Wow right okay why are you pure wedding in the doorway so I believe this mod is a quite in early access I'm not sure if there's gonna be too many unique focus trees but it's always quite interesting to see what mothers can do when they put high4 into a different time setting and I'm always I really like the Dark Age period of history so I'll be interesting for me to actually see if they created the correct kind of borders also when you think of the goatee it's a look right I think you know I think I can actually pull this bad boy off right yeah so of course for more hearts of iron for please do comment like and subscribe and this is what the map appears to look like yeah and I'm just gonna take a little look down here so this this this Factory is just called the anglo-saxon kingdoms and that's not correct it should be East Anglia Wessex would have grown a bit more by then mercy would have had a lot more territory I believe I mean it's just during the height of mercy as power in the 8th century I don't think the kingdom of Kent was any more oh no they were a kingdom they were a kingdom Kent was a kingdom back then okay well they should have been the kingdom of Kent II know of east anglia mercy should be a bit bigger I think yeah it's like they were a mass re I'm getting really into into this part I don't think oh well we've got the Britons the Britons but also in call malam at that point sorry I know I'm being very like picky but I just really like historical accuracy but I'm sure they can easily make make map changes when they need to I will say oh look at the kingdom of stories about to fight back also got the kingdom of the Franks led by Charles Martel the Duchy of Aquitaine well if we got is that the Byzantine Empire yep kingdom of Lombardi it's got a bit of a mixed up Kingdom over here we've got oh wow this is a rather chunky boy and is that Russia is nothing okay I'm not sure which nations have focus trees so we're just gonna jump on in of course comment my subscribe for more Hawaii I'll try to be too picky about anglo-saxon England so I believed Lombardi at least has their own focus tree so we'll we'll jump on in as the kingdom of Lombardi but if we just take a look at the interesting countries they will have the same brief history and it looks like no one has any unique trace oh but we'll go for the kingdom of Lombardi see see what see what see what this mods all aboot okay so we do have a unique focus tree sort of if the Byzantine Empire has the same kind of thing no they don't the Byzantine Empire does not have a focus tree scan Lilith's what about the Franks no it might just be Lombardi at the moment that would be a shame Japan has its own focus tree though apparently why is did you put your bow oh and so does the Ming they've got a little bit of a focus tree too so you know a few nations do have focus trees it'll be great when more nations in Europe can also get their trees working and said that the Mayans down here and the only nation in North and South America brilliant but we'll go ahead as the kingdom of Lombardi I don't know much about their their stuff in this period but I guess I'll go for the old invest in the realm and has - oh wow they've actually changed the tech tree how long would a great war tank take yep yep okay but we can't get arches yes please 5,000 light can all do Archer only when I replay the mod okay so what can we start producing basic infantry equipment some smugglers that's fun because what do our divisions but like at the moment basic infantry hmm and do we have an army no oh when its food rations rather than oil okay that's a nice little did you there but we are on we're led by Desiderius mm-hmm I'm gonna try and unite Italy and humble the Byzantine Empire and as I actually have to take the entirety of the Byzantine Empire then oh right agricultural investment give stuff to the peasants what is our ideology here autocracy we could also have nobility as the clergy and there's also the peasants do I start a communist Dark Age Italy mmm mechanical computing you say yes I like the idea of that Oh blacksmithing tools preferred researching radio into war archers oh our muzzle research support equipment as well yeah but let's get some whites recruits marches into the into the into the men I'm not making much sense at the moment the swedish vikings have declared kerfuffle i don't know who on what they'd done against blank okay they're okay oh well we could get a religious zealot a peasant revolt ER or the supporter of nobel rules so they've actually added in that which is nice i'm gonna go for pal from lobe instead just cuz it will free up more of our i'm just gonna call them farmers serfs to go and do stuff for me Oh a bandits the air force oh that's weird ah we have some infantry do we have any generals to lead them of course not because that would be too easy oh my good League ooh okay yonis you can lead the basic infantry oh we could get cavalry to our archers supporter equipment yes they act as artillery ah yes I think I found what I want to do I don't know that I want to take on the caliphate might be a bit too much for me you know just a smidge we'll have the light anti baton did companies know there are some what's going on we've got the owl Andaluz going up against the Duchy of Aquitaine Oh so does that mean I could just justify on Bavaria give it a go eh so I could either go down from King to Emperor figurehead monarch I know I want absolute monarchy or I am quite tempted to actually go and talk with the peasants and then oh you can implement a harsher serfdom on them absolute subjugation sure let's talk with the peasants I don't mind getting extra stability okay let's add in some archers nice oh I do have the will of expansion Oh oh I could have just done that oh well I'll get myself some extra support before we go too long with the barrier anyway so don't know that they're gonna part much of half fire the moment well they have actually changed the armies around so you can at least see them with spear is this they're still in their ww2 uniforms but hey oh yeah they currently don't have enough troops to cover their border I'm hoping they'll continue until we can just ruffle stomp them oh then we have the cavalry to get join our force as well wouldn't quite say they're gonna be the winged hussars but they might be able to just stomping there's always it's always jarring when modders try and turn high4 into a setting that it shouldn't typically be in I admire the effort and I'm sure once everything's been changed over a bit more then things will work a lot nicer okay the kingdom of okay yeah let's go against Bavaria I don't think they'll be able to do much to defeat us an early expansion for the kingdom of Lombardy infantry equipment yes let's go fam what can you do hmm that's not going as well as I was planning on it but we might be able to push this is embarrassing aha but then we can just push through while we keep everyone else pinned down just keep up the pressure okay so my cavalry got around them into Munich we go so how many Lombard Ian's had to sacrifice they're like 13,000 so far oh dear okay so we're just gonna wear them down through attrition I will sacrifice as many lombardi ins as is necessary to increase our expansion come on Lombardi we will generate generate we will make the Lombardi and Empire probably keep pushing it's just the mountains it's not my own incompetence if the mountains they're the problem do you understand I very much have the attitude of the King and Braveheart where I'm killing a lot of my own men but I'm getting some of theirs too that's already care about and that's their entire army encircled pretty much nice if we can actually hold that encirclement then we've won boom Lombardi grow us all of these have no effect okay so that's annoying okay so much the focus tree isn't complete gotcha that's a bit disappointing yeah higher errors are missing I don't know if that's a problem with my particular mod it's always it's always frustrating when things aren't going as they should be you know or the annoying side but hey ho we'll continue on be tempted to go out to the Franks but I think I would absolutely get annihilated oh they're in a faction you say the Confederate of European nations ah yeah don't want to go after them what I would love to do is just go in on the Byzantine Empire and take take take some stuff not all of it just some like I need to leave them with some territory don't I I shall not be repeating what happened in the Fourth Crusade okay let's actually do that first yeah just take a little bit of modern-day Austria I'll be back for you but teens don't you worry don't you worry so I think at the moment this mod is in a bit of a map painting simulator because there's not really too much you're able to do so I think this kingdom has been to represent the kingdom of the lombards and I only and they only survive until 774 until the Frankish invasion ah okay watch out for the Franks then I guess in the meantime I will go for Callan tinea by the Dark Age period Risley it really is a fascinating time in history if you haven't had too much interest in it before in your life I would definitely recommend just reading a little bit about it I particularly find anglo-saxon England quite fun to read about drunk against Bohemia next I guess working my way a bit further north than I'd like but hey-ho territory is territory and I want a lots of it yes siree Bob just building up my strength a bit more so when I when I am in conflict as device aunty and oh my god when I only comfortably Byzantium then then then boom I stand a chance I don't know why I'm fluffing over my words all the time the power of the goatee should compel me so I apparently need a battery but I think batteries are a technology little bit ahead of my time so I don't know that this these are gonna work the early cruisers well allright bohemia' you're mine I don't have enough troops to cover their border good alright so nobody looks a little weird right now but that's okay that's okay I will now justify on Croatia I'm just gonna keep working my way down until I can actually just strike into the heartland of the Byzantine Empire from the off and still generate you know enough of a military to take the mainland of Italy at the same time truly my genius knows no bounds if milady was here I'm sure she'd agree with me but I believe she's in the boudoir if I decided to get forty combat with infantry division's with this bit the feared will pretty much yeah let's get forty combat with feared so the feared were basically just farmers etc were called upon in times as by their leader Lord essentially as a nice simple way of putting it there we go very much doubt my troops will have enough equipment yes we're lacking 4,000 archers Oh occupied territories LP per would you let's just go back just go to have basic cavalry civilian oversight then I imagine it everything will all be okay maybe local police force that'll sort of moot the cult of the crown don't mind if I do they're not doing anything but the focus is but you know what can you do I would love extra manpower though oh that's where I'm gonna be limited because I can't core anything I mean I technically could with my state transfer at all mod but I don't really like to cheat as shocking as that is I did I can start justifying on them I did because I don't know if any of what any of this is changed Byzantine oh the ville ET it just keep going further and further north don't know that I really want to do that I want to reclaim you till a from the Byzantine Empire I'm maxing out my builds laws oh dear I've reached maximum capacity almost and I can't switch to extensive conscription because Oh over the clergy or the peasants must be in the control are they going to be able to do much against me I mean I'm hoping I can beat them with forty combat with infantry you think I should be able to and then if we throw in that which I don't know what the point is there to be honest yes okay forty combat width appears to be enough to like break through their lines hopefully I won't take too many casualties there we go okay so forty combat wait for doing a nice a nice nicely job then if I can just encircle their whole army there we go then we crush them and all is good in the hood my dudes or as is P used to say gravy babies she still say that I don't know who knows what that madman says there we go crush them all yeah it's really easy to beat the AI many casualties if we caused them 100k to 10k noise alright well we're just bypass them now okay step by step we're working our way down there however as you can see I am completely out of manpower so I might actually have to get rid of the king and go for like the clergy etc oh gosh do I get the peasants sure what yes let's let's let's get the peasants to rule that's gonna go very well isn't it although would I even be able to know because this isn't I won't be a change my own ideology about going into a civil there are way to encourage my people to have more children really quickly maybe I should just have a Cathar for with the Byzantines that way I can get too extensive and actually ruffle stomp them is the theory continue perpetual exploitation well I'll do that I don't I don't need a focus tree for that how's this all changes the Byzantines I can't strike against and he just continued strike against all the people in the north in the north let me into your faction not the leader let me into your faction so now I've joined the Franks oh yeah baby and I can assume leadership of the faction sure I'll take it over I am the leader now that's twelve D Ches right there so the Franks would have probably invaded me but now I mean I'm in control I'm in control and I get the whole Frankish horde to help me against the Byzantine threat oh yeah baby oh yes let's get extra Helms support weapons for the peeps I would like more than to research Lots though that would be nice and in terms of the rest of the world not whole Lots going on but we are the Confederate European nations nice okay is that just a tyre like I'm a DS and I think that my troops are a lot better than theirs as it's being shown from well 84 casualties - oh sure I call them all in never stood a chance how many catched it 59 - 1000 know you'd love to see it so how long the 3rd of September we're in July I have a surplus of all equipment I'm just going to update my feared they're kind of the elite year now they're not they're quite decent I mean as as Dark Age Europe goes there all right so if the Franks and Aquitaine can just hold off the Byzantines in France I should be able to I am out of manpower but I should be able to hopefully storm in for these two tiles and just keep forcing the back and back and back from whence they came Rome will be retaken for Italy / Lombardi as he strokes his goatee mmm okay let's see County medic or in mortar so there we go I do that then I immediately change to extensive conscription then I immediately call in the Franks because I will need their help there we go at the Byzantines winning they have a lot of divisions oh my god well I'll be honest this isn't going how I thought it would do they have any manpower they do have a little bit left okay yeah they have a lot of troops I shouldn't have underestimated the Byzantines that's my bad but yeah if I wasn't in this faction I would be absolutely screwed I guess just attrition to where the Byzantines down kind of forgot they're in the eighth century they're actually still pretty tanky but I have 40 combat with divisions without with archers like I should be able to beat their bog standard infantry there we go we'll eventually get it come on oh god why must I clench so hard there we go we've pushed through and we've trapped him nice nice nice oh yeah oh that's like 20 divisions Oh crumble crumble in front of me Byzantines what you're gonna do now mate what you gonna do now you're screwed aren't ya oh yeah oh and they're slowly getting crushed up here and down here we're almost into the Byzantine heartland this is amazing hit a roadblock again it's always the case like I just can't seem to get through the mountains very easily but I do have chunky 40 combat whip division says that whatever moment there might make sense I just don't get it I don't I don't get how their pitiful little bands are able to hold off the might of me oh they do actually have some artillery base two divisions trapping some more divisions in the no good see if I can just encircle them they just crumble come on destroy them destroy them all and their cycle charging me here which is robber dum-dum just attack with full force maximum effort will eventually clear them out of law the problem now is the lack of supply because of the assistance I'm getting from the Franks it's a bit of a pain in the buttocks yam even our supply in Italy brilliant I gotta hand it to the Byzantines there there's certainly a decent defensive force and it's partly my own fault for trying to go through this narrow passageway see I get to like 95 96 and then immediately we were unable to take it because they just reinforced but I have decent divisions that should just crush them why aren't they being crushed need tanks just need loads and loads of Tanks they're in a bit of a stalemate I can't push and they can't push me so what does one do see I just don't get 540 combo of units are struggling to take out them okay I'm gonna try and go for Serbia and I'll open up a second front well but just a wider front for me to destroy the Byzantines with if this doesn't go to plan Oh screwed my god that's a scary faction really isn't it how many troops drink and they have too many surround the capital the rest of their troops are now out of supply oh boy yeah Serbia fell very quickly sorry chaps a Lombardi coming through oh let's so much a Constantinople dududududududududu dude take that Byzantines weren't expecting that bad boy were yeah oh maybe they were ah yes wait coming for you a constant and open we're coming for you surprised they haven't reduced the amount of troops they have in Italy to try and save their capital all of this effort just just just to try and get back Italy and I haven't even been able to get that bit oh the old woops front line messed up I've never encountered that before in hearts of iron haha just kidding oh my gosh the siege of Constantinople let's see if it can fall seven centuries before it was meant to I have a feeling we can push through they stopped attacking after one minute it doesn't make any sense to me and the cavalry are going further maybe this is why I've been struggling the whole time because of all these stupid units of cavalry alright send in the infantry there we go look it's just bog-standard infantry and I've got a ridiculous amount I should be able to defeat them Oh giddily go oh we're almost at Rome okay that's good I can't even offer peace this is what's annoying like under normal rules medieval war you'd be able to make a peace deal here instead my troops can't even attack because of the freaking AI cycle charging okay I really don't know what to do here could I change some divisions around can I get like this cruiser scheme like if I could just get a navy it'll be gravy because of this stage if it was by EU 4 or Imperator Rome I would be able to piece out the Byzantines and take the little bits that I want but with Hawaii I need to find a mod that allows me to do that because I just don't like how this goes so unfortunately I think that's what I'm gonna leave this scenario I definitely wanna return to this mod when it's more complete but at the it's just in a very alpha state but we did turn the kingdom of Lombardi into a bit of a tank and we do have the Confederate European nations and it's just the Byzantine Empire that we haven't been able to foil party through my own issues probably through dumb AI I think be a if you want me to cover this one again I'd be happy to you I just let me know in the comments below and I'll be back with another scenario very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion duck Maximilian Foreman wire green of fat Boston Zechariah Mosby Warren Pete you're Gregory Craven a Dave the Don Lambert Valhalla Falls Guzzi Tibbs yeah boy wombat cookie Daffy Alcon Ryan jacked Roku Aiden shear jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous rounder supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 179,392
Rating: 4.9451284 out of 5
Keywords: What If HOI4 Started In 719?! Hearts of Iron 4, What If HOI4 Started In 719, Hearts of Iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, spiffing brit, drew durnil, isorrowproductions, what, if, started, in, 719, dawn of the dark age, dark age, hoi4 mod, hoi4 steam workshop, hoi iv la resistance, hoi iv steam, hoi4 dark age, hoi4 funny, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 italy
Id: JogWaql6y2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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