HoI4 Guide - Mexico: Revenge of Montezuma - New Home of the Revolution - Sunset Invasion Achievement

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hey folks betty steele here back with another video for hearts of iron 4. today we'll be having a look at one of my personal favorites mexico now i think mexico has one of the most interesting focus trees in the game especially its communist branch mexico also has a few fun achievements associated with it and we'll be going after those today first off the revenge of montezuma we'll need to take back all the land lost in the mexican-american war it's gonna be a tall order then there's the new home of the revolution we'll have to put trotsky in power and puppet the soviet union not as difficult as uh one might assume and that leaves us with a sunset invasion taking a coastal province in europe while not being in a faction with anyone else other than our puppets or south american nations were not exactly known for their power let's hop on in historical on iron man on and uh boom but first if you like these videos leave a like consider subscribing and check out the channel for some more similar videos also hit me up on twitter if you're into that and we've also set up a discord so if you want to find a place to hang out talk hearts of iron maybe set up a multiplayer game check out the links in the description below now on to the video ah mexico a true paragon of stability as you can see at 22 stability 10 war support yeah that's uh it's not great we also start off with a bunch of garbage national spirits like all of these are trash as if that wasn't bad enough we also start next to the biggest player on the block the united states of america but we'll deal with that that's why we're here first off we'll start with the army it looks fairly decent let's change all of these to the basic infantry template just assign all of it to a a general and then split off the two strongest divisions and give them a different general we have plans for this man this small army will serve a different purpose later on the large one can be set to perpetual exercise we desperately need that army experience our production's up next three military factories well it's not great it's not great at all oh well it is what it is let's get rid of the cass would be nice if we could get it but our economy doesn't allow that we're pretty much going to be pumping everything into basic infantry equipment or well into guns really maybe we'll add a few factories to towed artillery we can move that around a little bit depending on the needs but mostly we'll be needing guns and a lot of them construction see we have a hole how many do we oh yeah we have a whole five factories not terrible and we'll be using them to just build military factories in our highest infrastructure provinces and we'll sorely need those military factories you've just seen what we've got uh yeah next up research we'll be needing to research a few things i'm going to start off with the better guns we'll need better guns soon and the quicker we can start producing them the faster our efficiency is going to ramp up we'll also need production now for the research here ideally before we go to war with the united states we'll want to have both of these 1938 infantry techs researched to give our troops the edge we need we will completely ignore support companies will completely ignore tanks we can do that later when we've conquered the us if there's time consider investing a little bit in the interwar artillery we absolutely must have the first tech of superior firepower it would be nice if we get the rest of these as well but realistically that's not going to happen also we will need transport ships there will be some naval invasions going on well at least one and transport ships are key so make sure you get transport ships early we will completely ignore the air until the american war is done if there's time invest a little bit in electronic engineering quicker research is pretty good other than that i recommend focusing your industry on production which means production efficiency and the industry my personal favorite is always going to be this first industry now for focuses our first goal will be to get rid of general cedillo down here along the way that will greatly improve our pp gain and more importantly it will eliminate one of our three possible civil wars yes you heard that right we run the risk of suffering not one not two but three different civil wars well two are sort of mutually exclusive but still not a great place to be now once we get rid of general cedillo we will need to balance out the church power you can see here the church is currently weak as a communist mexico we can afford a powerful church meaning anything above atheist state is good if we let it drop to the lowest level we run the risk of a cristero uprising basically christian rebels sort of so we need to keep the church happy or we need to keep our stability over 60 either will do now we can do this with some good timing of our focuses and a little bit of luck so just follow along and you should be fine pretty much we'll be we'll be going for anti-disestablishmentarianism somewhere along the way but that's for the future let's head down towards arresting general cedillo and with our basic setup done let's dive right in ah as for dealing with the church every now and then you will get one of these events or an event similar to it it has two options one is question r.i.p for those uninitiated in latin this will improve the church power in this case bumping it up from weak to assertive assertive is great if we um tell them to burn in hell that will bump us down to atheist state and oh not great really not great the first one of these events to pop up and ideally actually even every single one after we can simply pick rescue and it would virtually cancel out the civil war and we do have a few focuses that will bump the church power back down so have to keep an eye on that never allow it to drop the atheist state unless you can guarantee 60 stability which i'll tell you is a bit of a challenge when you're at war so let's just bump this up to a surf church now and let's uh let's look into our focus a bit more so once we've dealt with general cedilla we are going to head down control the army followed by anti-disestablishmentarianism this focus opens up a decision in our decisions tab it's a simple decision that for uh in exchange for 75 political power we get to bump up church power by one level basically this means whenever an event or a focus bumps us down to atheist state we can simply pay 75 political power to bump us right back up and out of that danger area and since it takes 150 days to trigger the rebellion we'll always have enough time to get 75 political power to take the decision there's only one caveat here we cannot do anti-disestablishmentarianism until we have trotsky in the country that's the one caveat wait with taking this focus until trotsky is in there might be a bit of a weight involved so take focuses that don't drop your church power below assertive because it needs to be at least at assertive until trotsky is in the game i hope that's a little clear for you i understand that's uh it's a lot of explaining speaking of all these decisions take a look at all the decisions we can take fortunately most of these are garbage the one we are looking at is this one here transfer lands to church but for that we need to have completed anti-disestablishmentarianism so that's one we'll be taking later on should the need arise you can also see the caudill rebellion is ticking down but it's fine we'll get rid of the general long before he has a chance to rise up against us other things of note here are uh this one here the improved worker conditions it's the easiest way to get stability you will effectively trade 100 political power for 12 stability you can do this once every year or once every 365 days give or take so i recommend taking this if you have the political power to spare i wouldn't bother with any of these church power events except for transfer lands to the church that's the only one that's really worth it all right with that first batch of research done we now have the mondragon m08 so better guns let's move on let's get our research speed up and our production pumping i prefer to go with this burst industry here simply because of the production efficiency retention it's pretty great if you switch lines around every now and then and switch up our production to the better guns so we can start ramping up that production efficiency now we have a hundred political power we could improve worker conditions for that uh big stability boost but i don't think we'll actually need it i'm going to wait until we have 150 political power and get the military theorist we definitely need a lot of army experience for what we're about to pull off and with our research speed improved once why not do it again let's upgrade the research speed once more a few moments later very good we have arrested the rebel general now let's head towards control the army now trotsky still hasn't showed up but we can at least do this one maybe in the 35 days it takes trotsky is going to show up if it doesn't that's fine we can head down legacy of the revolution this one doesn't mess with church power so that's another 70 days we have for trotsky to show up and our first batch of political power is spent on the military theorists there we go we now control the army sadly trotsky still hasn't showed up oh well we'll head towards a legacy of the revolution first we now also have five army experience time for our first change let's head to the default template here you can see it's a fairly decent 18 combat width all we have to do is add one more infantry unit we now have a 20 combat with fairly decent defensive template ideally i'd like to add engineers but we realistically we can supply those so that's an infantry division for defensive purposes ready to go we're going to duplicate this and uh give it a new name something uh ominous yes these will be our elite shock troops the units that will be punching through we will be altering this template as we get more experience and we'll turn it into the poor man's shock troops which means 14 infantry battalions and four artillery battalions the classic 14 14-4 it's not perfect but it's something we can realistically achieve and these two units that we split off earlier these will be the prototype of those units 20 minutes later happy days leon trotsky has arrived in mexico exiled from the soviet union three options here we can give him asylum it's okay i guess we can extradite him to the soviet union yeah we're not gonna do that or seeing as he's an organizational genius we can invite him to join the government this makes him available as chief of the army and more importantly we can later get him as the leader of our country so we always pick the last option here organizational genius and once we have 75 political power we can put him in place with this burst industry done the other techs in this branch are a little bit ahead of time so let's move over to the naval tree and get our transport ships first there we go we now have enough political power to get to leon trotsky the man who built the red army will build a new one for mexico now fortunately we got leon trotsky in before we finished legacy of the revolution opening us up to anti-disestablishment next now if in your game the the great trotsky is a little slow to arrive consider taking a few of these uh focuses under the national bank and headed towards the ihido worker militias something along these lines these are the good parts of the tree for our communist brothers especially this one for the added recruitable pot so these are some good ones you can do along the way just make sure you don't push the church power down to below assertive church we are lucky so anti-disestablishmentarianism it is now the units that have been exercising are devastated exercising costs a lot of equipment we can't really replenish all of it so we're just going to turn this off they've done their duty they got the templates that we need we'll get the rest of the army experience some other way we need to start uh fixing this huge deficit anyway now we can push on towards the redshirts followed by international struggle this one will allow us to send volunteer forces to spain a great source of army experience and here's another one of those lovely church events either we bump up to powerful church nothing us consumer goods bonus in exchange for stability or we can bump it down to a week's church for factory output in exchange for stability you can see we will be constantly losing stability we are doing the redshirts now which will bump us down to weak church so if we take this event also bumping us down to weak church i will end up with atheist states meaning we'll need to pay 75 political power so i'm gonna make a pass on that we'll bump it up to powerful church and then the redshirts will just take it back down to assertive church all right we have our transport ships researched let's head on to the infantry equipment and in the other tab we finish the mechanical computing let's get production rolling meanwhile now one good reason to take improved worker conditions even though we have secured that cristero war is that we don't want to be below 50 stability while at war and we're already at only 38 while at peace so more stability would be good since war reduces your stability by 30 percent we'll need to find a way to get more stability richard's done onto international struggle and with international struggle done we can send a volunteer forces to spain now you might be thinking oh that's great we can support to republicans and give them a chance to win the civil war yeah but the units we'll be sending aren't that great and the republicans will probably end up losing the war even with our help they're just really bad it'd be nice if we could set tanks that could actually impact these battles but alas instead we'll be sending our troops to the nationalists because those will actually win and we won't risk losing our troops so just send those two divisions that we split off earlier and they can do a lot of fighting in spain and get us nice army experience as for the national focuses we will head down to revolutionary class war spanish civil war refugees loyalists of spain and then we can pick one of these alliances but first things first a revolutionary class war and with our volunteers arrived in spain just look for provinces that don't have this modifier the unplanned offensive and concentrate your forces there to do some fighting and get army experience army experience is very important we need to change our templates as soon as possible later alright we've finished support weapons one seeing as the 1938 tech is still quite a bit ahead of time let's get ourselves the land doctrine now we have another big old batch of political power good place to spend that would be limited conscription we are already quite low on manpower and we'll need to recruit some more troops to fight the big boss usa later on speaking of fighting the big boss usa skew up a few divisions i'll need about five of these regular infantry divisions and two more of these red guards actually train these red guards at a high priority as well we might first deploy the infantry divisions but we want the red guards to be at least fully equipped before we push these out the door alrighty we have our industry tech done we have a nice bonus as well so we can either push down to disburse three but that will take quite a while i'd rather get my improved machine tools quicker again maybe this isn't optimal i just find that this works for me from this point onwards we have a few options regarding these alliances either we can take real politik uh giving us only positive events really but it does lock us out from the smash the bureaucrats national focus it's it's pretty good the bolivarian alliance on the other hand doesn't give us direct bonuses but for one it leads to smash the bureaucrats which is not bad and two it allows us to invite other south and central american countries to our faction personally i tend to go with the bolivarian alliance for flavor okay those machine tools are in i think a radios would be a pretty good idea for that reinforcement very well we have the bolivarian alliance settled now we could head further down the coastal defense plan and then march southwards but first things first we want a communist revolution in our country giving us a nice stability and war support more communism support and most importantly trotsky will become the leader of our nation so the communist revolution waits for no one we've also farmed more than enough army experience here in spain just keeping the units in combat really helps excellent the first tier of superior fire powers in the bag it's not realistic to try and get these other ones until we have that 100 army xp to spend it on we could start on these support weapons but a little bit ahead of time and we want to maximize our research so let's get the interwar artillery here there we go the communist revolution is successful leon trotsky now leads mexico or more accurately the mexican soviet republic now let's keep heading down this path here and go for the coastal defense plan later another good thing to spend that political power on would either be the military high command for the infantry expert or the uh partial mobilization usually i skip these early ones and go straight for war economy but our war support is pretty garbage and will be for quite a while so partial mobilization does seem worth it unfortunately the spanish civil war has concluded with the hated nationalists winning our troops are on their way back home and will sorely meet him to invade guatemala there we go the march southwards is completed it's time to pick the next one unify centro america giving us more annex four goals all right with our military returned from the spanish civil war we are now ready to start conquering our way down the continent we'll simply line up our troops and start taking out these countries one by one one thing that might be interesting is to set up a little naval invasion order from this port here in yucatan down to uh panama city down there just one unit on there so they can start preparing a naval invasion the idea here is to push all the way down to the northern border of panama making the panamies go oh no we need to garrison this and then as they send their meager divisions to that border we simply naval invade panama city and capitulate them as it's their only victory point so let's declare war on guatemala and get things started oh you can see that they are guaranteed by the us but that's irrelevant because we are also guaranteed by the us and that sort of cancels each other out and into our artillery in the bag let's hit the improved infantry equipment oh and before i forget let's also update these excellent divisions these red guards to the final form this will be the final form of our red guards division this is going to be our um heavy hitter early game now we do have some army experience left over we can use that to edit this brigada arc and turn this into a bit of a garrison division just add a bit of infantry to it and some support artillery save that and we can train up a few of these to guard our ports against the inevitable naval invasion launched by the us we have about seven ports that we need to garrison we'll abandon the others so we'll need seven of these divisions [Music] and that's guatemala out of commission next up on the chopping block honduras simply declare war walk in and with central america unified we can head down to seizing the panama canal this will set us up for our war with the us later on with that done i suggest we take some time to take stock of the situation we're not quite ready yet to take on the us face-to-face we need a little bit more time we still have more time it's still early 1938 the us is still weak enough for us to handle what other focuses can we take we can head down these uh worker militias here for some added manpower or we can head over to uh the enforce the kaya's laws to get ourselves some more war support that's also pretty great an extra research slots pretty good i think we'll head down to these worker militias first [Applause] and that's honduras out of the picture as well take all states and we move ever onwards next up is nicaragua hi and bye and that was even quicker now we have or are researching all of the tags that are required or at least recommended for facing the us now's the time to start freewheeling you can start picking whatever you choose just make sure you choose things that are actually useful to us there's no point right now in researching air we have no realistic means of producing a significant amount of it so i'll just go with research next up costa rica goodbye god this is easy and you can see there's uh panama's alone division sitting on the border here means they don't have anything in panama city so we'll just declare war and send our naval evasion across and that concludes panama all right so far we've taken uh most of these uh weak ones now there's just san salvador left and uh well san salvador is a different animal they start out being fascist means they've got a significant lead on the rest of these countries they have more manpower they have more equipment and they start pumping out divisions fortunately for us they're trash divisions and we'll simply take them out more political power to invest seeing as war is on the horizon infantry expert this is the basic uh setup you'll want regarding your advisors anything else is gravy but these are pretty important if you are to face the us now time to deal with el salvador three hours later and finally el salvador falls take their states as well that concludes the unification of south america more or less now for the next stage we will be hitting the panama canal let's park our best units on this border rest of the army can go north and defend against the united states and their inevitable counter-attack we will be giving up baja california and this one tile of sonora and we'll simply dig in along the rio grande river we will be taking these uh brigada agra rista and setting them to garrison the ports all of our ports except for the ones in baja california will be abandoning the area anyway the us really likes the naval invade now as for all of these central american territories we just conquered how about we release those again i don't want to police them that will cost us a lot of equipment and i'd much rather those countries start running through their focus trees so we'll simply start releasing these guys as puppets we can integrate them later on via very cheap decisions anyway except for panama we need to hold on to panama for a while because we need to control it in order to do operation just cause which is the little border conflict over the panama canal that's why we have our good units here we have to hope the rng system of the border wars mechanic picks these units now as we're drawing ever closer to our war with the us um once we start offensive operations against the americans we will need more divisions the front will widen and we need to cover more ground so we'll train up as many of these as we can until we start running out of equipment to do so we can spam these out once they're trained we just don't want to spam them out when they're unequipped so only spam out the ones that are green and fully equipped so with everything in position our ports are garrisoned the northern army is ready to fend off the americans it's time to hit operation just cause see what happens this is going to be the big fight with the united states of america and because border war mechanics are stupid we're currently losing this engagement oh well yeah this is stupid and a few days after the border conflict whether you win or lose the united states will declare war on us this is it this is the big fight we've been waiting for so let's slow the game way way down let's get cracking also don't pull in your puppets that just gives the us more more ports to naval and aid well first things first we need to uh clean up this little bit here the panama canal this is a pretty fierce crossing so if you can't make a push from here just wait until the u.s walks into panama itself and just come up from behind to the north situation is looking interesting i don't think the us has enough troops to man their border let's have a look they are the giants of the continent but um they're still on undisturbed isolation so they're pretty much fighting us with one hand tied behind their back and they're still a disarm nation so they're fighting us with two hands tying behind their back i think we can do this especially given that there's not such a huge discrepancy in force here they have at most 55 divisions and i think the game is overestimating that while we have 35 divisions of superior quality yeah i think we got this in the bag it will be slow and steady but we can win our plan for the us military is to simply attack them hidden divisions in place and sneak in through gaps in their line that will form eventually either because they don't have the troops to fully man their front line or by the time we have our elite divisions in position they can be used as a punch to get through their lines and create encirclements from there also stability is not looking great ideally you're not sitting below 50 while at war that opens you up to some pretty terrible events on the plus side we do get a nice boost in war support because we're in a defensive war now the us declared war on us so that's positive now to deal with stability you can either find it somewhere in the focus tree there's always uh let's see here focuses like this one which increase your stability by moving the church one way or the other or simply giving base stability but while you're waiting for that you can always take the where is the the social reformer where in exchange for 15 daily democracy support you get 15 stability that's exactly what we need to get out of the danger zone here so i'm just going to take this guy for a bit and we'll dismiss him when his surfaces are no longer required [Music] i would suggest concentrating all offensive efforts on the east of the front line for one the west side of the front is entirely almost entirely mountainous as you can see here while it doesn't hold a lot of victory points there's los angeles and san francisco and i believe san diego around there somewhere as well but most of the united states victory points are on the east coast anyway plus it's excellent terrain for pushing almost all of it is planes even if there's some big rivers here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with every one of these little encirclements that's more us troops that will fall and they really don't have the manpower ironic as it may be to quickly replace these units not to mention the industry they're so hamstrung by their national spirits and their early economy laws that they're really just a paper tiger [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right we we desperately need more manpower we're sitting at zero we need some for the garrisons oh no garrisons seem fine but we definitely need more for the army oh yeah we are about 40 000 men shorts not that many but we certainly need more manpower we could go up to extensive conscription that's a big bump the only downside is a more training time but i think we'll wait for these uh worker militias to finish that gives us another two percent recruitable pop not bad and this way we can go up to war economy first i don't think we need that much extra manpower for this conflict [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so all right as the line stretches these enormous proportions be careful not to super extend your units because the front line ai is incredibly stupid and will get your own troops encircled and there's just a lot of fights to manage and a lot of individual units far apart so take things slow and try to keep an overview of what's going on we are definitely going to win this but i want to minimize casualties as much as i can and not do anything stupid like get units in circles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay two percent two percent uh if i take chicago that's them out uh yeah that should be possible should be possible is that enough yes it's enough capitulation in three two one united states has capitulated that's an end to that war okay great news now we just need to take the states for the achievement now i believe these are the states required for montezuma's revenge i don't feel like uh capturing the rest of the us i think it's more beneficial to just leave them and integrate them via the puppet mechanics so we get their fleet and later on we'll get chorus on this through our focus tree it's gonna satellite hawaii satellite puerto rico and the mariana federation we're not gonna touch the philippines if we satellite the philippines we're gonna get drawn into a war with japan i'd rather avoid that the philippines aren't that valuable to us anyway so we're just gonna leave the philippines and simply puppet the united states of america so that's one achievement in the bag let's move on to the next one with our large neighbor under control we have a few options for dealing with them the easiest one is to go into your focuses and down here we can take redeem aztlan this will simply annex the communist states of america and give us course on the territories of texas new mexico arizona and whatever else we just took basically the lands required for the achievement however the downside of doing it this way is we will not gain access to the us fleet which is huge i'd much rather have the fleet so i would recommend you simply annex them through the puppet mechanics and just funnel a lot of stuff to them build in their territory infrastructure is good and send them a ton of convoys as for these smaller states down here now that we no longer need them as a buffer we simply wait for them to run through their focus tree the little generic focus tree has a very good industrial branch and once you notice that a country has finished all of the factories infrastructure and um civilian factories we can simply annex them for about 50 political power each in the territorial integrations decisions now to gain access to these decisions we need to take the focus integrate the south and as a few uh requirements attach them because i am a massive idiot i forgot to do this focus before i set all of my puppets free we need to have at least one of those countries under our command we'll just take the panama canal when we integrate the americans and after that we can take all of those decisions we'll also start preparing to take on papa stalin in the soviet union we could invade now but that would pit us against the full might of the soviet union we're not quite ready for that yet what i recommend we do is wait for the germans to start invading the soviets and then we'll just make a cheeky naval invasion here on vladivostok and start pushing our way west and taking all the land that we can before the soviets eventually capitulate a good staging point for those invasions is uh one of these tiny islands just build up the infrastructure and the port here and you'll have a relatively easy naval invasion of vladivostok now to prepare for that invasion we'll need to do a few things first off research now that we have some leeway we can start getting our support equipment we can start working on some tanks get more doctrines and most importantly we can get the air force into a functional state researching casts and fighters you will need more research slots though two is not exactly enough but we can get there through the focus tree there is a research slot under state education there is another research slot under rural schools bringing us up to two research slots and i believe there is another research slot down here under television innovators so that's a little bit off still three hours later and after a little more than a year of significant investments in the united states of america we are able to annex them outright this will give us access to their fleet and allow us to continue down our focus tree so say goodbye to the united states of america hello mexican soviet republic now with the united states integrated we can casually work our way down here to redeem astlan giving us course on at least some of the territory while preparing our military industry to the utmost we will be naval invading the soviet union soon either we wait for the germans to make the first move or we get a leg up and go straight for smash the bureaucrats and start our invasion before the germans do maybe giving us a bit of a leg up in the eventual peace deal choice is yours really six hours later and as expected the germans have broken the molotov ribbon drop pact and have started their inexorable push east now in current versions of the game germany beating the soviet union is a done deal there's hardly any challenge to it i'm actually going to cancel this and just go straight for smash the bureaucrats there we go we have completed smash the bureaucrats we are now the fourth international and it's time to deal with the mustache man himself it's time to show joseph stalin who the real communist leader is simply declare on them and launch our naval invasion and naval invading vladivostok really should not pose any problems the ussr has almost everything focused on their western front and they have almost nothing left in the far east this is usually a cakewalk and we've landed without opposition time to immediately push out and establish a large beachhead now as your troops advance through the soviet union you'll notice that the east isn't exactly um high in infrastructure so what you're gonna want to do is use all of that american industry that you've liberated for the people to quickly build up infrastructure and ports as you keep pushing gotta keep the troops supplied 20 minutes later our advance seems uh pretty unstoppable for now once the front widens you can start shipping across more armies though these will be of lower quality troops there's not much fighting going on in the far eastern theater anyway one eternity later well so far the war is looking good we have a healthy 27 participation and we're pushing towards the euro mountains it's a slog but uh as long as we continuously build infrastructure as we go shouldn't run into too many troubles meanwhile the ussr has managed to stall the germans significantly i would have expected them to have pushed in much harder than this oh soviet union's starting to hurt the germans are pushing but very slowly meanwhile we're almost at the urals from the back door let's see how this is going we have 36 participation not bad we've lost 148 000 men not great not bad meanwhile we have uh killed 1.6 million soviets over the germans have killed four and a half million this is uh absurd but the soviet union is clinging it's clinging to dear life so much later that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one hello after almost three years of war we've walked to the ural mountains all the way from vladivostok we're so close and with the germans taking moscow that's it we're in this peace deal let's see oh nice amount of guns there first off for our achievement we will puppet the soviet union that's one province in we have them puppeted secondly we need to take a coastal province in europe now we can simply take one of these provinces they're all super expensive some of them are affordable though luga here is coastal and only 176 participation so we'll take luga now i don't feel like capturing all of this personally so i'll just start feeding the soviet union some stuff and with that horrible horrible peace treaty we have completed two more achievements we have the sunset invasion because we have a coastal province in europe the european mainland under our control luga here and um and the new home of the revolution is also complete as you can see our subject the soviet union under leon trotsky as it should be that's this game done now if for some reason you are not able to take a coastal tile in europe in this peace treaty there is always the option of simply building up the soviet union building up your infrastructure and pulling a reverse barbarossa on the german reich you can build more tanks you have the massive industrial capacity of america at your disposal there's realistically nothing they can do to stop you or if you want to go another route you can keep the soviet union as a puppet out of the war and simply naval invade from one of your northern ports in new england and hit iceland iceland is almost always in the allies because the british declare war on them hit iceland and from there go to norway when you take a norwegian coastal province that should also fire god that's delicious border gore now if you enjoyed this video hit that like button consider subscribing for more videos like this and hit me up in the comments with suggestions for achievement videos you want to see achievements you want to see me try or maybe even if you want to see me play a few mods i hear there's very good mods for this game out there if you didn't like the video that's perfectly fine hit that dislike button hit me up in the comments tell me what i did wrong i'm always looking to improve now this has been me bittersteel i hope you've enjoyed this video i'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 29,808
Rating: 4.9632788 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4 guide, hoi4 achievements guide, Bitt3rSteel, bittersteel, hoi4 mexico, hoi4 trotsky, revenge of montezuma hoi4, sunset invasion hoi4, the new home of the revolution hoi4 guide
Id: JClVy1zBq4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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