HoI4 Guide - Manchukuo: Hail to the Qing Achievement

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I have tried this so many times and it never works I almost got it once but then Japan declared on me and I died

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/let-me-yeet 📅︎︎ May 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
there we go full control of mainland China over two and a half million men on volunteer only recruitment we have 98 civilian factories ready to build whatever you can need we have 93 military factories pumping out all the equipment you could possibly need to equip an army and 16 dockyards aren't growing to build that Navy to take the fight to Japan at this point you can go wherever you want 1943 games still young you can take this China anywhere but first if you like this video leave a like in the comments consider subscribing and check out my channel for more of these guides now on to the video welcome back folks bittersteel here with another guide for hearts of iron for today we're taking a look at an unusual but very interesting nation Manchu quote this Japanese puppet has the potential to be a global superpower but only if we can get the Japs off our backs and Chiang Kai check out of China now a word of warning before we dive in depending on how Japan does against China this playthrough could take well into the 1940s so be prepared for a long one there is also a few achievements associated with this and following along with a guide you should be able to get these as well now these would be the good the bad and the weird having max level infrastructure in your starting lance and produce 15 oil hail to the Ching finish the final focus claim the Mandate of Heaven and the dragon swallowed the Sun annex Japan without ever being in a faction now that said let's dive right in a set Ironman historical mode and go as you can see man Chico is in a very sorry state we have several negative modifiers not to mention our industry we have the one civilian factory which isn't even available to us we have just the one military factory and resource wise were not that much better off either however we can turn things around starting with our focuses we're going to go straight in to pacify the countryside now in preparation for this focus to finish we are going to take our entire army and convert all of these units into the booby template this is your smaller template and we will recruit roughly nine more of those with a high priority why because we are going to need them for the decisions pacify the countryside we are going to choose the pacification instead of the eradication as this will lead us to have a few more units and with the bandits pacified we won't have to suffer any more bandit raids now if we first deploy all the units that we're recruiting and put them in the appropriate areas we should only have to suffer one bandit raids event now the appropriate areas are Jaeho to the west hail lumpiang to the north and some cang to the east six divisions and every one of these areas should do after we finish our decisions we'll also have 30 army experience meaning we can tinker with our templates production-wise all factories well factory but anything new is going to go towards infantry equipment so we are able to squeeze out every gun we can we will be adding artillery and other stuff eventually for some more added punch but first off guns constructionwise we don't have access to any factories yet but in preparation for the time that we do just queue up a few already next up research we only have the two slots so we have to make them count we'll go with electronic engineering with one slot and the second one on general industry but avoid picking construction for the time being until you have a few civilian factories that actually do construction otherwise this will be a waste of time now with all that done all that's left to do is set that speed to 4 sit back and relax lay bail with the country pacified we will move down to trade delegation expand the textile industry a law university for that extra research slot and some civilian factories and then straight into assertiveness freeing up more of our factories because we become a puppet instead of what we're now and this will also allow us to deny any calls to arms the Japanese will have when they start their world China and as you has become available start using the pacification decisions as you can see we will have to suffer one bandit raids but the other ones should be finished before the second timer for bandit rate starts and today then keep force deploying your units industry wise will focus on dispersed it's simply the best choice for a country like Mantua for our first batch of political power investment pickings are rather slim I suggest just going for the industrial concern the steelworks for that 15% research boost our second batch of political power is going to be spent on the infantry equipment designer of the Mucca Dan Arsenal our troops will need all the help they can get and the faster we get that equipment out there the better if we're caught up on electronic engineering like here just start devoting that research slots to help out with construction and general industry and with our research slots available let's throw those into the weapons and equipment here now that the countryside is pacified and we can start freely using our equipment let's start training some troops but first we're going to take the division designer and create a new template simply anything that's you can name it whatever you want I like calling is the fodder it's gonna have one infantry battalion in it and we're gonna spam this out thirty-six should do and recruit these at a high priority second thing we're going to do is take the second infantry template at Koo Jun this is your bigger one and expand this up to 20 width so it's actually decent in combat this is what we will be changing our other father template to once they're deployed as more experience becomes available I suggest also expanding the cavalry up to ten combat with you can get more experience by simply training your divisions now to organize your army use some fallback lines set one full army to concentrate on the Japanese affront and use a second army that will be filling up to about half to focus on the front with Manku quo and then use the last army which we will be filling up to 24 as well these will be cavalry division's because we will need their speed to rush down into Korea so these templates will later on be converted into what we need them to be and simply force deployed the fodder they need no training will change their templates anyway now with assertiveness out of the way let's double pack and pick up some Japanese settlers for some extra civilian factories and follow this up with request control of the railways which will give us access to some decisions that give us free or virtually free building slots now that all of this fodder has been deployed let's organize them in such a way that you have a twenty-four units army on the Japanese front about twelve units on the front with Manku quo and the rest of the fodder will be concentrated on the Korean border these will be converted into the cavalry template the full army on the Japanese front will be converted into our twenty with combat with template and the ones on the border with men kukuwu will remain as they are and later on we can convert them as well we will recruit nothing else from now on just focus everything into reinforcing these troops and converting them into their proper templates our third batch of political power should be used on the army logistics expert reducing our attrition from the training now with a request control of the railway is done check your decisions tab and see here divert machine tooling for 90 days and 50 political power we will get a civilian factory as basically free so keep clicking this every 90 days as for focuses five equal people's it is now the order of our next focuses is going to be bolster nationalism followed by purge the General Affairs Council and then finally in to empower in the Legislative Council this way we will get a nice chunk of political power at the same time we reach 50% war support meaning we'll be able to click that war economy instantly also after bolster nationalism is done consider recruiting the banded remnants in the decisions tab to give you a few extra units of speedy cavalry to rush down into Korea now at this point Japan will have gone to war with China just let them they'll ask for your help but we aren't very inclined to help them are we so just keep declining their call to arms will stab them in the back as soon as we're ready and they are fully committed in 1.9 point one Japan tends to do not very great against China so there probably won't be a very hard push in the north but have to make sure that we don't engage them until we notice that they're actually fully committed now as for research at this point we are pretty much caught up in tech in both infantry equipment engineering and industry so now might be a good time to start devoting a single research slot to doctrines and I suggest the superior firepower doctrine as being the go-to option here now that we've purged the General Affairs Council we have access to prepare to cease Japanese armed depots keep using this decision as long as you have the command power to do so we can do it about four times but keep doing this as long as it will allow you the more times we click it the more equipment we'll steal from the Japanese when we declare war on them and the higher the penalty the Japanese will receive in terms of combat with us and with the legislative council empowered we can either go for the independence war now but considering how close Japan is and they're not truly that committed to China plus our army isn't really in any states to fight just yet let's go out and get some help from foreign investors instead don't forget this is your time to click the war economy with a foreign investor is invited let's go and kiss up the Germany we have five factories and infantry equipment now as well as just at just the one two toward artillery so we can start building some of it and keep pumping the rest into guns now is also a good time to start adding a theorist the military theorists now since we are ahead of pretty much everything research-wise right now consider researching support equipment we don't have to start producing it right away but it will give us options in the future with our mission to Germany completed let's head down here and start on White Russian advisors down into five people armies and meanwhile we're improving our relationship with Germany so it can continue down the tree as well and considering we're still pretty much ahead of time with every important like weapons and equipment and industry let's just take a slot and start researching fighters so we might be able to produce them should we find the economic power to do so from this point on all of your political power investments should go to improving the military with the five people armies done let's get Falken housing from Germany and after that considering just how badly Japan is doing we should be able to declare war on them the people's volunteer divisions with these very cheap infantry units that spawned from the five people armies just assign them to an army we're gonna use them to take dylon I'm going to assign a Falken housing there once he becomes available twelve seconds later now under your decisions you'll notice execute the plan you'll see that when we do this decision we will get about 20,000 units of infantry equipment and 500 units of artillery taking that into account with our current stockpile would actually mean we would be well-equipped so we can switch our production around little get some more artillery out there and we can add artillery to our templates as well in preparation of our war with Japan take note of where their troops are and position your armies in fallback lines to be able to respond immediately to what they do which means garrisoning the border where you will trigger defensive combat the moment the war starts gassing the border with Manku quo so you can start pushing in and trying to capitulate them as fast as possible to lock out all of these Japanese troops from supply and taking the ports of dylon and possibly the one in Hebei if they haven't lost it to the Chinese yet because without these troops the Japanese forces on the mainland will starve equally as important if not more so Korea prepared to have your cavalry pushed down into Korea hard and fast it has to be a rush down to at least the narrowest point of the peninsula otherwise the Japanese will simply ferry troops across to the port of Pusan and flood into Korea and with the independence war firing it's time for some intense micromanagement to get the Japanese off the mainland so you can take on China in peace with war breaking out we'll have take the speed way down and immediately start responding to what's going on first urban business is making sure that man cuckoo is in this war by simply clicking declare war and going rights torturing that all their troops are pinned down to the greatest extent possible and don't forget to use the decision to execute the plan giving Japan a massive penalty when fighting against us have your cavalry make the required moves to cut off Korea and rush down the peninsula as fast as possible take the port near the island as soon as possible and don't forget the garrison it and use whatever divisions you have left that are not busy fighting someone or something to mop up the Japanese as quickly as possible speed is key in this war the Japanese won't have much supply and your troops will definitely have the advantage as for focuses we're going to work towards reclaiming the Empire so we can head down to the war goals associated with China now for training this will be the time when we want to train up fresh divisions of our best units as front lines are cleaned up like in this case Rhee divert those troops to taking out Japanese pockets elsewhere in the country now with Manku Kuo capitulated all the Japanese troops that are left on mainland China without any ports they can access will slowly starve and be destroyed easily in case in your game the Chinese are not this successful or the Japanese have pushed out very aggressively focus your troops I'm taking the port cities first as well as capitulating man cuckoo oh and then solidifying your frontlines let the Japanese run into your lines after you've cut them off from supply and they will simply tire themselves out and they'll be easy for you to mop up when pushing into Korea focus on encircling the units that Japan is starting to send in so you can destroy them immediately and keep moving forward don't get bogged down and trying to push their lines the option to raise the banners gives you a few divisions of relatively high quality infantry that you can assign to whichever army needs the most help and they'll be very handy in cleaning up leftover pockets now with ourselves and China mopping up northern China and clearing the Japanese out of there us holding them busy in Korea whatever naval invasions Japan has made in China should be relatively easy to clean up for them once those are pushed off and we have made enough gains in Korea the surrender event will fire a few moments later there we go Japan offers peace this gives us two options either we conclude the war here which will result in them giving up everything they had on the continent to us or China whoever controls it as well as releasing Korea as an independent country we can simply an experience with a easy invasion or we continue this war this has both up and down sides if we enter the war here we won't have to bother with Japan until we are powerful enough after unifying China to simply invade them however if we do that and Japan has signed the tripartite pact that will pull Germany into the war because Germany will have a guarantee on Japan if we continue the war however we will need to spend significant resources on constantly gassing our ports and cleaning up naval invasions however Germany will not be a problem because the guarantee does not work backwards meaning since we are already at war with them before they'd guarantee Wendon we can simply conclude our war with Japan without Germany ever getting involved so this choice is really up to you I prefer to simply call it a game here take the continent and then focus on China and I'll come back for Japan later on we'll be more than powerful enough to take on the axis at this point so we're gonna click here the war has been won now one thing to note in 1.9 point 1 is Korea is a broken mess as you can see here we cannot justify a war goal on any of their provinces and that is very simple because we still occupy Korea the game thinks we still control Korea we still get the manpower from it we still get the factories from it and we still get the resources from it for all intents and purposes Korea is King China it just says Korea on the map right now now if you're playing this in a patch where they fix this bug the solution is simple you justify a war goal invade them annex them simple as that by the time you're done with your justification they shouldn't have more than one or two divisions you simply walk in and take their lands with Japan off the continent we can finally turn east and beffort our attention to China we're gonna use this breathing room to improve our template meaning will prepare a seven to division template seven infantry two artillery twenty with we will be recruiting those from now on and to get that done we will be shifting our industry towards producing more artillery but be sure not to neglect the basics like support equipment and guns artillery works wonders against the Chinese as they mostly filled straight pure infantry divisions so soft attack and annihilates them we're also gonna work our way down reclaim the empire after it's done we'll offer vassal ization to the Warlord's this will make our trip into China that much easier it does mean that we have to annex those warlords who decide to join us through the puppet mechanics later on so be sure that you have to gather from victory if you want to choose that path and depending on which words join us we will need to adjust our frontlines accordingly there is no way to be sure which warlord accepts there is no one way to continue but the overall tactics will always be the same we try to encircle and destroy as many Chinese divisions as we can at either one at a time or large pockets seize opportunities by pinning down units and plunging faster units like the cavalry into those gaps and getting the encirclements we're gonna be focusing at first on taking the Chinese industrial centers along the coast and slowly pushing on without overextending our front lines too much we'll be doing it very slowly very steadily now that we have offered the Warlord's and vacillation let's check out which ones have decided to join us so it turns out to have submitted ma bufang and Learn long unit that is the Yunnan free Empire and sea base an MA not the greatest to join us but still pretty okay those borders will draw troops to them that we otherwise would have to fight as for focuses we will be taking Imperial divinity followed by Imperial University after that the choice really depends on the sea situation if you're doing fine on land consider sending a mission to the US to get access to some ship technology and fighter technology if you need more factories consider sending a mission to Germany for additional military factories and some bonuses to the army now that we know which words are gonna join us and who will not we can start working on our strategy since shang-chi is not on our side we can't close the gap here that would be ideal to cut off all those Chinese visions however we can still do some encirclements in the north and prepare to push towards the rivers in the south overwhelming these inferior Chinese divisions as start of the war and to start our war we simply declare war on one of the Warlord's who has refused to join us and they should call China in with them put the speed way down and we'll go into war boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] so in about three months time we've made significant progress and really hit the Chinese hard they're hurting our troops are simply better equipped and of higher quality we just need to keep the current pace up strike at the industrial heart and just encircle and destroy now that we finished the Imperial University we can also get the research and education departments this is because we now have more than 50 factories having taken quite a few of them from China if you're not at this point in your playthrough that's okay you can always go with closer ties with Germany for more civilian factories that leads down to the tank plant for more mills and the US for some shipping by the time you're ready to take on Japan after a few months of encircle again the serene Chinese divisions you'll start noticing that they don't really have the manpower or the troops in the field required to fill their entire frontline with you as you're moving along the coast and at the same time they're still wasting a lot of the troops that they do have just garrisoning the borders with your puppets even though those puppets aren't in the war so just exploit that create those gaps just dive in with your fast units like your cavalry and create more encirclements because every pocket you destroy that's a unit they're not going to replacing soon because you're taking their factories and you're destroying their equipment if by this point you've secured in the province of Beijing oh why not move your capital there now if you're caught up on tech regarding your industry and your military equipment might not be a bad idea start looking at some submarines or at least the transports to get yourself to Japan eventually you get the Warlord's involved in the final peace deal when you finally kick China's ass make sure you capture at least one of their tiles so take one from every warlord that's not capitulated by the time you manage to get China to its knees every now and then you'll see China make a massive counter-attack this is the time to just stop attacking and just to focus everything you have on reinforcing those red that pop-up rotate units in and out of combat use the last stand if you have to this is actually an excellent opportunity because once these attacks stop they can support these they don't have the equipment and most of their troops are already on low organization once those attacks stop that's your time to make an immediate counter-attack and benefit from their loss of entrenchments and their loss of organization now as you can see our lines are starting to reach the limits of what we can extend to so if you find yourself in a situation like this with rather too few troops to keep up the pressure just work on shortening the front lines as much as possible for instance what I'm going to do here is try and collapse Shang she and Communist China so that I can then shorten all this line down to this small bit here and I can push into China because see base on ma is my own vassal don't have to worry about them and Sinkiang can't get anywhere because they're blocked off by a vassal that is not in the war basic principle here is simply extend the line if you have more troops in the enemy so you have gaps to pour into if you notice that your lines are coming too long just focus on contracting them again so you can use your troops effectively without risk of an enemy break through or getting your own troops encircled if we search slots allow you and you're caught up on all your other tech consider investing in naval bombers as well these will help tremendously with getting rid of the Japanese Navy by the time you're ready to invade a few moments later now at this point you'll start noticing a very great deal of these Chinese divisions including their puppets will be under strengthen they won't have the industrial base anymore to replenish their losses let alone recruit new troops because at this point we control the industrial heartland of China now you could start an all-out push and capitulate them relatively quickly despite still taking significant losses yourself if you do that just be aware that's before China capitulates Mae sure to take at least one province from everyone in their faction otherwise they will not be included in the peace deal and you'll have to fight them separately which is not a big deal unless those countries are Communist China or Cinque yang if Sinkiang are Communist China are not included in the peace deal and you declare war on them after they could end up joining the Soviet Union now if you're considering pulling one of your subjects into the war one idea is to at least request their forces so you can set up front lines for them in places that makes sense instead of relying on the AI to do it we all know the AI is not that great two hours later and with that we have defeated China and its allies now if in this peace deal Japan is also involved because they have somehow managed to rejoin the war with China focus on taking land that is coastal or that adjoins Japanese territory first that way the AI will be less inclined to take land also the land you control will be way too expensive for Japan to ever take especially if they don't have a lot of war score cuz you've managed to push hard at the start so let's just start taking some land from China there we go we now control almost all of mainland China for our achievements hail to the king we will need to complete this focus claim the Mandate of Heaven and to do that we need to simply integrate our puppets sea bass and map and the Yunnan free Empire to integrate these the easiest way to do so is to simply send them a lot of lend-lease equipment convoys are especially useful for this for the account for a lot and just build things in their territory that will benefit you as well such as infrastructure while we do that we can prepare for our war with Japan by garrisoning our borders focusing on building a strong air force and submarines and preparing some naval invasions 2,000 years later now for some reason Japan may declare war on either you or some of your vassal states don't really understand the reasoning behind it but at this point it shouldn't really matter you have full control of the mainland you have a powerful military you should have more than enough troops to garrison your ports and with Japan declaring war on us that really takes the guessing out of it we won't have to worry about Germany at all so now it's just a matter of capitulating Japan so we can annex them so much later that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one there we go we've claimed the Mandate of Heaven we are the Chinese emperor you can see he has his fancy get up now chuan tong military we have 93 military factories they can produce whatever you'd want from this point onwards civilian factories in 95 I think those will do for all your needs resource wise not looking too bad either from this point onwards all you really need to do is capitulate Japan it's a matter of building up submarines and naval bombers to give you the required naval superiority to make a naval landing crush them you have way more and much better troops than them at the peace conference if you're not sure that you have the required points to take all of Japan the core territory Japan has start out by puppeting them and then giving all of the cores to that puppet it's much cheaper and that way you probably will not have to fight the allies at the end of the day if you do well considering the size of your country and the resources at your disposal it will take a long time but you are perfectly capable of doing this so that's it for this video I hope you liked it it's been a bit of a long one but I had a lot of fun making it if you want to see more of these videos some more of these guides hit that subscribe button leave a like tell me something in the comments or what country you want to see next or if you want to see me try and achievements or get a guide out for that I would love to hear that from you guys if you didn't like it hit that dislike button also tell me in the comments what you would like to see changed I'm always open to some more feedback I hope to see you in the next video this has been me bittersteel love you guys bye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 44,976
Rating: 4.9576569 out of 5
Keywords: HoI4 guide, hoi4 guide for beginners, hoi4 china, hoi4 qing, hail to the qing, achievement, hoi4 la résistance, hoi4 achievements, achievement guide, Hail to the Qing, hoi4 qing restoration guide, hoi4 manchukuo guide, hoi4 manchukuo to qing, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 manchukuo, hoi4 qing china, qing china, hearts of iron, hoi4 the dragon swallowed the sun, hoi4 hail to the qing achievement, hoi4 achievement run hail to the qing, hoi4 the dragon swallowed the sun achievement
Id: CPu4Sr_FBrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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