HoI4 Guide - Yugoslavia: Communist Huge-oslavia - La Résistance

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Huh, how did Turkey get pulled into the peace deal?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Flickerdart 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh there we go after years of trials and tribulations after a lot of bloodshed and hard Wars were there click there we go the Soviet etheral Republic of Yugoslavia or rather huge-o Slavia we have all the territory required that's another achievement in the bag it's done boys Yugoslavia dominates but first if you like these videos leave a like consider subscribing for more of them and hit me up in the comments with what you want to see next now onto the video hey folks bittersteel here back with another video for hearts of iron for today we're gonna try another achievement slash challenge we are gonna play as Yugoslavia and we will attempt to create huge o salafi ax which will involve us conquering every single one of our neighbors and what is the challenge part you say well the challenge is we will not be using the method of extremely flexible diplomacy to cheese our way through conquest no we will stick with one path the one true path to play Yugoslavia and that is under the capable leadership of Josip Broz Tito that's right communist Yugoslavia coming up Yugoslavia at the start of the game is not in a terrible position you have a relatively sizable army 22 divisions gonna take the army and convert all of them to be standard infantry template set a fallback line around here somewhere because our first target will be Austria we're gonna grab that before the Germans can and since the Austrian border is quite narrow and mountainous it's not the perfect terrain for fighting so let the Austrians come to us we will deal with them in our own time production we won't be needing support equipment so get rid of that one on infantry equipment will do for now I would like more but we have what we have and put two maybe three if the factory finishes early on transport planes and keep making transport planes until we have a three four maybe five but minimum of three transport planes once you have those just get rid of the line and fill out five factories of infantry equipments for put some artillery three should do and a line of Fighters because air is king and the Navy just make some convoys at the start no need to trade for steel it's just the convoys being delayed to all fix this later on construction military factories and that is pretty much all we're going to be building for most of the game just straight-up military factories we will need a very powerful economy to pull this off research I told paratroopers I think you know where this is going and general industry following that up after we finish the paratroopers dedicate that line to electronic engineering that should be it for research now ask for this run there's no specific research path to take except for maybe air get the I k2 early so can start making these and that's it for now for research we'll come back to that later focuses we're going to work on recognize the Soviet Union start work on hernias country communists as quickly as possible trade we're not gonna trade for steel just yet that one steel is only required for our convoys not a top priority we will trade for rubber now recruitment you can see we need a very large amount of infantry equipment that's fine we'll be taking more than enough from Austria Rinaldo we're gonna be training a few of the east yes seven should do high-priority mountaineer divisions why the Mountaineer divisions well they're the smallest divisions we have we'll just convert these to paratroopers once they've been deployed and we have paratroopers research this is just a to get them out the door quicker force deploy them as quickly as possible every time you can just get seven out the door why seven well Austria has seven victory points if we para drop all of those at once we knock Austria out of the war nearly instantly that's it now which is cranked up the speed and we wait until we're communists now two more things I almost forgot first off the Intelligence Agency if you're playing a country that has the potential to create an Intelligence Agency early I recommend you do so spies are very powerful of use right and they're just outright fun to use as well so we're going to create an agency secondly the entire military will be continuously exercising until we hit ten army experience once we hit ten army experience you're going to remove this Engineer Company from the standard infantry division that way we won't need to produce support equipment and we can focus our industry towards the basic infantry equipment and the artillery we can ads those support companies back in later as our industry is more robust after having consumed some of our neighbors a few moments later now by far the most powerful use of the Intelligence Agency at least in my book is to use the cryptology Department and get those ciphers so that's what I'm going to do now where will we send our spies you ask well we're not going to send any to Austria Austria will capitulate before spies play any part in there we are going to be fighting some more powerful nations along the way as well most notably Romania will fight Romania and Greece at the same time is quite powerful relative to us so every little edge helps a spice can provide a huge edge in battle with the soviet union recognized we'll start forming peasant councils and get that communism support ticking with our peasant councils form it's time for mutual economic aid now as for research i'm not constantly going to tell you what you should be researching it goes along the basic lines of industry keep up the date with this engineering keep up to date with this and then focus on your infantry equipment your artillery and your land doctrines as you have opportunities as you have a more army experience or bonuses or just specific needs one thing I do recommend you get early is the 1936 fighters the I k2 because as Yugoslavia we have a focus giving us an ahead of time bonus for the ik3 meaning we can start making 1940 fighters way ahead of other countries and good fighters can really dominate the skies we will not be spending our political power until we can take the Communist revolutionary because of our Macedonian opposition national focus will need a little bit more than 150 that's okay we'll wait until we can get this revolutionary a few inches later now we also have our paratroopers research we can take all of these deployed Mountaineer divisions and swap them over to the paratroopers template and yes I know that the Army is extremely poorly equipped but that's okay they won't do much actual fighting anyway which is gonna pair drop into Austria almost instantly capitulate then and then equip our army with their guns there we go we got our Communist revolutionary next step we will abolish the monarchy in true communist fashion after we finish this focus we will not be taking any other focuses until we have either swapped to the Communists or until we have enough political power bank who immediately swap to the Communists as soon as we have the communists of port this will depend a little bit on how many events will pop up sometimes you get none sometimes you get like me and it boosts you by 15% so it's a bit relative I can't say ahead of time how your game will go and our second Spy can take a little trip to Greece there we go we now have three transport planes it should be enough for our power tripping operations I'm going to delete this line and for now we're gonna let this setup fill in we not be preparing for civil war we will open up political discourse and go the referendum path are already up to 150 spare political power and we still haven't reached the 50% communist support at this point you're safe to pick a national focus I like to go with local militias first to get some manpower because oh boy we are already scratching the bottom of the barrel eventually if wat we can hold our national referendum we are the socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia I believe and Glory is the Josip Broz Tito is now in charge but let's make sure Austria knows Conqueror goal just a fire will go rather for the eight political power 240 days sounds great now next up we will save 71 political power so we can justify on Greece as quickly as we can before they get any other guarantees besides Romania on them with my spy networks we're reaching their full potential I like to set them - or is it this one propaganda this will lower their war support and stability a little bit making them that much easier to invade with the local militias done we'll start getting a little bit of manpower and meanwhile we will head down the industrial tree towards develop military industry getting ourselves three military factories let's also prepare our airborne invasion of Austria shall we we'll simply stick one paratrooper division on every victory point they have which is 7 and this is the glorious mess we'll end up with one paratrooper for every victory point their army should be drawn into Yugoslavia away from their homelands and when the Austrians are far enough into Yugoslavia we'll just pair drop their undefended victory points they might be defending one or two we'll get enough for a quick capitulation and 71 political power means we can justify a war well on Greece now with our 10 army experience let's change this template a little bit throughout the engineer companies that should alleviate some of our pains okay because I'm an idiot and forgot to hit record on time we missed the declaration of war on Austria no matter things are progressing as planned can see the Austrian army is marching its way down into his la vía away from their victory points all of our paratroopers are queued up and ready to go so we'll just hit activate and we'll see where we end up avala Austria has capitulated virtually instantly quite a few guns and some support equipment that is great news let's see send everybody back I'm gonna send the paratroopers to this Greek airbase in Macedonia the regular army can demand the border with Romania let's have a look at the spies they're all working on their war propaganda but I do think it might be a good idea to install a collaboration government increases just get there capitulation doesn't work or that way we can we knock Greece out of the work better now this this could end up being an incredibly stupid idea but I'm gonna give this a try we have about a little over a hundred days before that more gold finishes anyway with developed military industry out of the way I like to go for the Yugoslavian path to communism and down to the Federal Republic just to get rid of some of those pretty nasty national spirits set up another army to man our Macedonian border with Greece like them to head for Thessaloniki if possible and exercise until they're no longer green preferably let's move all the airplanes not all the airplanes leave a few like 50 around Belgrade defend the Western Balkans the other fifty can go down to Macedonia fight over Greece move the transports as well yeah set up another airborne invasion plan Greece will concentrate most not all but most of its army to the north meaning they usually leave up the southern part of their Little Kingdom here up for grabs see if we can snag that out from under them with our paratroopers so if all goes well we will capture most of southern Greece in one fell swoop ah there we go our justification for conquest is complete let's have a look at this operation longer is 15 days I'm going to wait 15 days before the clearing this war so this operation is ready and our spies have a chance to start taking up a bit of a spy network again 12 seconds later 15 days have passed we have completed this collaboration since flies blackouts that's not bad 9% reduction might actually take them out rather quickly alright time to declare war on crease but first see if the Soviet Union will be friends as we're gonna join their faction this will draw a great deal of Romanian troops away from our border and forced them to man the Soviet border as well Claire Warren Greece we're not gonna call in the Soviets that's not a good idea it'll get a lot of war score I will have to give up territory to them not the plan we'll fight this on our own make this beat down they've refused that's unfortunate oh well I'll improve the relations see if that helps start our para dropping of southern Greece the Federal Republic is formed let's head for modernized the air force all the way down to the i kiiied so let's get as a 1940 fighter well ahead of time [Music] so far so good hiring into Greece seems to be successful [Music] oh yeah this is a massive success so far [Music] okay so our PAC troopers have taken quite a big chunk of southern Greece if we can actually hold on to it now how far off is Greece from capitulation shouldn't be too far now what are their clothes their clothes [Music] and that's throwing the entire Greek army into disarray there's just moving all over the place and them down and see how many victory points we can take before this goes sideways [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's great Greeks are out of commission a lot of guns from the mess great excellent okay so turns out that collaboration governments are not terrible good to know and take all their land okay so that's Greece out of the picture Oh Romania's Kristen Hart I need to do some last stand orders and get the military organized or some defensive operations in the area send it to the Belgrade Airport all productions coming along nicely we we do have quite a stockpile of guns so it's significantly beefed up artillery production here many artillery guns are required and we'll follow up with some fighters as for political power I'd like to get the popular figurehead now 15% stability because we will be sitting below 50% stability for quite a while during this war opening us up to some pretty nasty events I rather avoid those events so I'll pick the popular figurehead to over military improvements for now finally Soviets are willing to let us in that should relief quite a bit of pressure from here as the Romanian army will now start redeploying to the Soviet front finally gives us a few openings to counter-attack [Music] [Music] [Music] just keep pressing in the advantage once we find the [ __ ] in their armor [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep trying to expand your lines while at the same time going for small encirclements destroy Romanian troops piecemeal or if you can just avoid them entirely and press their victory points and if you're a better player than me you might actually be choosing these paratroopers too something I I tend to forget but they're great for making some impromptu encirclements [Music] sweet with almost the de thing with the stuff circle men's boys they're great [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see here Hungary is doing renounce the Treaty of Trianon you're gonna wait until right after they finish this focus because it was going to turn them fascist the instant they become fascist we will justify a work will on them because they're fascists the Allies won't guarantee them and because they're hungry they still have a very large modifier against joining the axis if we were to declare war on them so they're basically free real estate the instant they switch to fascists [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] evadne kingdom of Romania is no more bit of equipment from them and a lot of land going to take all states so gobbled up three countries now without having to get Soviet Union involved the Allies are not involved we're well on track for taking Hungary as well that would just leave Albania which is gonna be part of Italy so we'll have to deal with that not no way around that and Bulgaria not bad not bad let's set things up to deal with good old McCarthy the moment hebron ounces the treaty of trianon he's gonna regret that well for hungry there's not really much fancy foot required we outnumber them troops or higher quality just just line everyone up we can walk in once we have our work oh well let's keep pumping our troops manpower is a bit low so first order of business will be to swap to a limited conscription no effort maybe I could just keep building convoys but think it would not be a bad idea to start checking out some of these submarines as well give us a bit of a insurance policy against Italy in future we have a nice stockpile of basic infantry equipment we're gonna keep producing nice and lots of it because I think we'll need it to prop up the Soviet Union in future but I am going to focus my efforts for now on towed artillery so I can change these templates over to the seven to seven infantry to the seven infantry battalions and two artillery battalions not optimal but versus the I it's more than enough to win there we go the Hungarians have finished the renounce the Treaty of Trianon turning them fascists so we can now justify water on them with impunity none of the Democratic factions will guarantee them the Soviet Union won't guarantee them none of the Axis powers will guarantee them either and Hungary will not join the axis because they still suffer from a very large opinion modifier I believe it's minus 200 to join the axis or to join Germany for some reason so this is free real estate one thing to note that with the death or dishonour DLC hungry is now using its new focus tree one of those focuses is reaffirm territorial claims this one here this gives them several more cores and for the achievement we need to occupy those cores as well now most of these are Romanian territories so we'll have that my disappoint the only thing that's not Romanian territory is southern slovakia this province here heart of czechoslovakia either we will take this from germany or Czechoslovakia will accept the events where hungary demands the territory and gives it to hungary and then we'll simply conquer hungry either way just make sure that in the eventual peace deal shouldn't you not already have conquered the province to take that province it's a core we need it and with the ik3 finished we can start research on our 1940 fighters well ahead of time let's turn our attention now to expand the university of zagreb now we can pick here either integrated rail network or improve serbian rail network I like to pick the Serbian rail network because it leads to central management another five percent factory outputs I think that is more powerful than the local self management would only be yields us five percent construction speed and again we're rather short on manpower so that's turned towards extensive conscription and already we are not a very manpower rich country we have finished the justification for transdanubia it's just a matter of walking in but first let's check we could wait thirty five days and get the collaboration government in I think I'm going to wait 35 days do I have 35 days yeah I'm gonna wait 35 days before we declare war now before we walk into Hungary a bit on the next part we will need to conquer Bulgaria as well but Bulgaria is a non-aligned which means the democratic nations of the world will still be guaranteeing their independence should we start justifying on them that's not something we want really so how do we avoid this it's simple before we justify our goal on Bulgaria we are going to go around wasting tons of political power justifying war goals on Norway Sweden Denmark maybe even Turkey just a bunch of irrelevant minor nations preferably Democratic ones so they can absorb of all those guarantees of independence from France the United Kingdom and even Belgium and once they have four maybe five of them done they won't have the political power required to guarantee the independence of Bulgaria and we can simply take Bulgaria without much of a fight happy days because we waited a little bit longer Germany was able to do the first vienna award which gives southern slovakia to hungary meaning we only need to conquer Hungary and we won't have to worry about taking this in the future peace deal that's great our collaboration government with Hungary is done Wow 45% not bad now we simply declare war we don't call on the Soviet Union our we walk in 12 seconds later oh they full look like white tissue paper so with the three wars we have taken almost all of the land we need now how it just need Bulgaria and it's like and it'll is the only challenging one at that think it's time now to also change up our divisions of it this is a 20 combat with ten infantry block this is purely defensive and I'll be using some of these to guard my course then the original templates each team come up with which means we need to change our two of these for artillery regiments and we end up with the cookie cutter seven infantry battalions two artillery regiments inaugurated military terminology sorry just seven to seven infantry to artillery now from this point on your your focuses don't really matter for the strategy just pick whatever you want to give yourself the best chance giving the circumstances your campaign is in I like to fill out my industry and then focus on military projects you do you it doesn't really matter at this point six hours now usually once World War two has started the UK France and other countries stopped guaranteeing other nations that aren't directly involved especially if they're non-aligned but this isn't set in stone so you can risk it now and start justifying on Bulgaria but there may be a chance that France or the UK guarantees Bulgaria still so just keep that in mind okay the Netherlands are knocked out they're marching into Belgium I think now is a good time to justify on Bulgaria fingers crossed boys who an ally they do very well we have completed our justification on Bulgaria and along the way they did not pick up any guarantees now the big moment of truth will decide whether or not this goes over without a hitch or if we've ruined the playthrough they could join the axis but it's also entirely possible that the axis doesn't actually get involved so let's see how this turns out will we all right moment of truth here to capitulate Bulgaria before they have a chance to join the axis so uh they're there with me here boys fingers crossed going in don't call the Soviet Union once again never call your allies until it's an actual war with a major faction [Music] Oh scary cable Dara joined the axis but the axis hasn't actually declared war on us yet they haven't joined I think they won't because well the Soviets have quite a few troops on the German border I have quite a few troops on the German border and they have none on our border sing with the Italians if they're not quite matched to us I think they're too busy with their their own entanglements I don't think they'll actually back up Bulgaria in this but let's keep the timer go and see where this goes okay Bulgaria has capitulated and the axis did not get involved this makes me think we're in the clear here so let's keep this timer running for a little bit longer no we'll be sure and we got a peace deal excellent okay so in this case it all worked out I think you can get Bulgaria to capitulate even faster if you have more transport planes leading up to this that way all your paratroopers drop almost instantly instead of having to wait several hours and you might actually capitulate them before they have a chance to join the faction but I also think that even if they join the faction the axis are too busy at this point to really bother with the Comintern just yet and I think there's still a non-aggression pact in place between the Germans and the Soviets and that works in our favor not sure though but it all worked out just fine right now and now after a few rather short and pretty easy Wars we control most of the territory we need for the achievement we just need Albania and Italy and those are a package deal so what we have to do now is defeat the axis while at the same time getting a large amount of war score so we can take everything we need in one piece view ideally worst-case scenario we have to fight two wars maybe three if the Communists do some stupid but we'll see two ways about this one easiest way is to prop up the Soviet Union with some big lend-lease and maybe be deploying some troops somewhere while you push hard for Italy using paratroopers to get across the this is eg the Adriatic and trying to get Italy out of the war quick that way you control all of that occupation or at least most of the occupation or we do the same thing with Italy but we let the Germans run roughshod across the Soviets even allowing the Soviets to be capitulated however it had is a very difficult proposition because we are not a manpower which country and having to fight the greater German Reich on our own that's not gonna be easy so I'm gonna opt with keeping the Soviet Union alive while maximizing our own war score in this but first listen big preparations need to be made keep production ramping up ever higher we need more stuff we always need more stuff all right at this point for your political power pretty much up to you I recommend investing in the military since we'll be going up against the axis and well Soviet Union isn't that great we are quite short on manpower so we could go to service by requirement but I like to postpone this as long as I can those negative modifiers are pretty bad and we still have a bit of manpower in coming as our compliance in the occupied territories arises we should get a few hundred thousand more men that way so I I suggest postponing service by a requirement you won't start losing a lot of manpower until you start getting into some pretty heavy offensive operations I suggest going with the the army or if you're you're fond of it maybe get the elusive gentlemen get even more spies or either the Prince of terror as well for some more non core manpower it's it's up to you really which way you want to go personally I think I'm gonna go with the elusive gentlemen this playthrough more spies I really like with Italy also another way to get yourself some more score relatively easily strategic bombing so I'm gonna start making some strat bombers you don't have to do this I just want to do this to try it out and then you okay so Germany has started their focus war with the USSR that means we're getting ever closer to the inevitable clash with the axis militarily were quite capable we have decent templates a relatively large army we desperately need more manpower so it would be a good idea to ramp up the service by requirement eventually but for now we will focus our efforts on holding our line with the German Empire while pushing into Italy as hard and fast as we can to knock them out of the war quickly one to alleviate pressure on our rather extended lines and to ensure that we have occupation of that territory and the Soviets or the Allies don't start taking things in the peace deal as you can see I've set up quite an intensive para dropping campaign on central Italy my plan is to try and cut their country in half and then ferry some more troops across to really take the fight to them now you want to capitulate Italy as fast as possible I've set up simple defensive line to their north we are quite stretched here but the Soviets will funnel more troops in to help with the defense and at least the Austrian parts of our empire are very mountainous and well defendant is gonna let the time pass and see if we can hold out against this German onslaught there we go Germany has broken the molotov-ribbentrop pact war is on time to take the speed way down micromanage our way to victory this is going to take quite some time I'm not gonna do all of this on screen I'll be cutting a lot of this but I'll try to leave in key victories and turning points in the war so bear with me here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right seems like the pair drop has been a resounding success we managed to take a port and ferry quite a few divisions across after which I then converted everything to the standard infantry division's because there is not going to be a lot of time for additional paratroopa ng to the north we've also managed to break through around Venice this is very good of itself I'm gonna keep exploiting Italian weakness they don't really have that many divisions because of my ridiculous amount of espionage I can see almost everything about them they have 61 divisions so I think we can deal with Italy relatively easily here we're holding against the Germans but the Soviets are gonna be taking quite the kicking from Germany well well keep playing see where we end up well it seemed like the only way to get across to Sicily was to turn a few of those units back into paratroopers and dropped on this port here next to Palermo I usually don't guard it having concentrated everything on the victory for an end Palermo and on the Messina Strait crossing and after that simply ferries some more troops across deal with the south and start pushing north we have the Italians quite well bottled up should be a matter of time before we deal with Italy and then we can focus everything on Germany because Germany does post quite a threat they're hitting us hard and we're just barely hanging on in some areas a few inches later and well italy has capitulated thanks to our extensive espionage in their territories they're out and they immediately start with quite a bit of compliance I would have liked to finish that second collaboration espionage deal but oh well this is also quite good so let's redeploy our spies and prepare to take home Germany okay so my advances into Germany will be slow there will not be a very large massive push for the time being Germany is still very strong but the initial plan will be to create small encirclements by using concentrated force destroy that pocket and then move on so I will systematically cut German troops up and as I keep doing that eventually they'll weaken to the point that I can make an all-out assault along the and another nice little encirclement that we can clean up at our leisure and later on this is another nine divisions Germany's not getting back another small encirclement they'll never see those troops again either slowly but surely we're starting to break the Germans down this this could take quite a while but at least this way we'll get ourselves a nice war score out of it and we have a good chance of taking Italy in Albania in the peace deal many months later okay so it's December 1941 and it's just the Germans left in the axis we've got ourselves a very respectable amount of a war participation and by the time we reach Berlin this will have gone up significantly or so I hope everything is looking great so far that does appear that Germans have reached there are close to reaching the breaking point let me put in a little bit more micro but mostly I'm just gonna let these battle plans run yes this is gonna cost us a lot of manpower but I've been at it for two hours now at speed two and three I think we've done enough we we can win from now on Oh every pocket I close the Germans lose troops they can't replace this is good we've advanced quite significantly we'd cut off the Soviet Union for taking too much land I just hope we can push into Germany proper before the Allies through their d-day sea as for war participation I believe were on top now with 36 percent so we would get to go first at the peace deal that's great but More war participation is better what I think as much as we can before the Allies or the Soviets have any chance of ruining this achievement for us well for some reason the u.s. decided to declare war on Vichy France don't mind me I'll just I'll just walk in from behind them oh if Germany being forced to stretch its troops even further with the incorporation of Vichy France into the war this is just one more nail on the coffin and it could just be the final nail there now it's stretched so thin I'm advancing along the entire line air Oh beautiful beautiful so many German divisions circled oh boy that's a total collapse of the German lines gaps Foreman everywhere we're just pushing pushing pushing they've got nothing left oh it looks like the Allies have finally made their naval landings gotta keep pushing gotta keep pushing don't want to fall behind on war score or this peace deal it's gonna be a nightmare eventually there we go we're finally at the negotiating table we get to go first because of our high war score now it's gonna be a matter of taking the provinces we need and if we can take them directly to at least satellite Italy and maybe Albania so we can get their land that way so what what we can take okay taking everything directly too expensive however we can just pop it Italy and take the Dodecanese from them that works fine and that is the end of that peace deal we control all of the land we need except for the Italian bits it's Elijo ever is our puppet so now it's just a matter of funneling resources into our subject of Italy and clicking that annex state button and the fastest way to get them to give up their independence is to simply ship them all your convoys and build stuff in their territory 2,000 years later oh there we go after years of trials and tribulations after a lot of bloodshed and hard Wars we're there click there we go the Soviet Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or rather huge-o Slavia we have all the territory required that's another achievement in the bag it's done boys Yugoslavia dominates I hope you enjoyed this video I sure liked making it this is one of my favourite achievements but if you liked the video leave a like consider subscribing if you want to see more of these and hit me up in the comments with some more suggestions for future videos or if you want to see some specific achievements or maybe some specific challenges or mods that you want to see me play if you didn't like the video that's okay hit that dislike button tell me what I did wrong in the comments always looking to improve nobody's perfect and I'm definitely definitely not perfect but this has been it for me thank you for watching goodbye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 80,061
Rating: 4.9239941 out of 5
Keywords: Bitt3rSteel, hearts of iron 4 strategy guide, hearts of iron 4 guide, paradox interactive, how to, lets play, walkthrough, yugoslavia, hoi4 yugoslavia, hearts of iron 4 yugoslavia, hearts of iron 4 yugoslavia guide, hearts of iron 4 yugoslavia death or dishonour, how to play yugoslavia hoi4, tito hoi4, communist yugoslavia hoi4, hearts of iron 4, la resistance hoi4 guide, hoi4 achievement guide, huge-oslavia, hoi4 huge-oslavia, huge-oslavia achievement guide, hoi4 achievement
Id: oAhAa5bkvZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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