Mexican Cheese - Mi Casa es tu Casa

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and we need to create our own faction in which we are going to do with Columbia and release them as a puppet right a faction with them this is gonna be called achievement unlocked hey I'm feedback gaming and it's more lots of my own fault I used to hate your treatments but I guess you guys liked them so that's what we're gonna do from now on another Mexican achievement you don't tell you most of my videos I rehearsed them well not today I'm a non-historical AI focuses off let's do this what achievement you ask we are gonna do as Mexico hosts a government in exile what does this mean that means we have to go democratic and that means we need to have someone below as in our faction and then that nation that's below us has to get capitulate and they become a government in exile that's the plan and I'm gonna do something I've never done before I'm going to support general siddi leo we're gonna done the national focus and reach that point now National Bank first so we have to be democratic we have to lead a faction and we have to be a major in that faction actually I think about it would have to lead the faction but we need to be a major anyway and the easiest way to become a major powers to get 50 factories we only have 13 the moment we need to build some cities here and here search wise we'll just work on our industry to begin with we delete all of our divisions aside from one the biggest one we have is the infantry that we kill off all the others and exercise you virtually at the start the game is pretty good we'll stick with this we're also going to make a few destroyers as well also something else you could do at the start the game is make a pride of the fleet and this will give us an extra 5% more support after national bank winner your libera is the bank sector if you're not familiar Mexico there's three possibilities of civil wars you could have first of all it's a rebellion second is the Catholic state trying to take over and X is the atheist state trying to take over the easiest way to avoid the Catholic and atheistic Wars is just to keep a balance between the power between the church and here we get an option now to get even more Church power or less in this case we're going to go Limor Church power just avoid an atheist state which is all the way towards well in this case a church 'lest Society next up is to end land reform privatization disperse industry kadhi Leo's private armies also we have the option to get a little bit more war support there is a reason we'll do this so this gives an extra 5% war support and inside tensions gives an extra percent of war support we're gonna do both of these which would give us 25 percent war support but will be able to go up a partial mobilization a little bit earlier than normal we're also exercise our planes as well and then finally support general heavy Leo it becomes a Field Marshal and we also get a chief of army attack expert Ostrom OBE let's go also for the financial expert minus 5% consumer goods here he is he's reckless trickster for attack to defense let's go Trotsky has arrived we'll go for him extra 12% division organization is pretty sweet going Democratic as Mexico is really tricky if there's focus is all over the focus tree to switch you a little bit more tamaak recei siding with the UK and USA gives you a bit of support institutional revolution does too and so does Knights of Columbus sorts work down that path now next up is to exile calles Kalles on below tell me if I'm saying that right then we're gonna control the army that will making this division bigger and bigger I wonder why I'm doing this might want to check out one of my other videos mmm why do I do this mmm next up we've got antidisestablishmentarianism social reformer not only does it give his democracy boy 15% stability rewrite the constitution of 1917 machine tools and also working on electronics Knights of Columbus at this point we have to be very careful because powerful Church leads on to Catholic Church which could fire a civil war event right now we're about to finish Knights of Columbus boom and we are currently a powerful Church next step is Catholic Church so we can't allow that to happen so we have to step down to assertive Church we could do with an extra research slot so I think we'll go for church schools and we're also gonna go up a superior firepower it's tribute time in the Second World War there was a squadron of Mexican pilots that joined the American Air Force they were referred to as once in World War two there was a green punch of Mexican pilots jaundice the United States Air Force they were referred to as what if you know comment below all right divisions complete for XP and we'll also go for another division that's gonna give a nice bite to it right now we need to go down the oil path to go down to the bottom of the focus tree we have to go for strike breaking huh okay this is not what I expected so if I don't flip to a democratic immediately I get a civil war I think this is core game mechanics do because I don't think this is a built into the mexican pokers tree oh well Cheers this is a normal civil war built into the core Holly for mechanics I can choose this civil war what we'll do is individually spawn divisions and just gobble up all the victory points probably making a few more divisions when you gather pumped a few more out lightly annoying and go there I think that's it 93% Oh all right we need to wait for 40% democracy and there we are and then we go for institutional revolution then we're gonna go back to democratic even though we've just to feed them in a civil war yep that that just happened I'm gonna go back to exercising r1 dude yay meanwhile in Europe Germany's declared war on Austria and Hungary and eaten them I've just had a thought we can go for cavalry genius the wouldn't it be wise to convert this division into an artillery cavalry division yep this is gonna be our new division this will be our bread and butter gone for artillery designer because artillery is super strong due to all the soft attack so you break those infantry stacks and now we're gonna go for nationalize the oil fields what I'm doing now is pumping out every 50 Air Wing size of close air support and exercise and so I'm gettin to level three and getting all the bonuses right next up we're gonna go for oppose the Yayoi imperialism yes the Communist path even though we've gone Democratic that's why I love this focus tree it's so wonky I love it interational proletarian ISM and Democratic by the way slight detour down the focus tree I'm gonna go for this one for the extra steel and the civilian factories with a hot horn to that industrial concern and we're gonna drop on to free trade as well we're now in the Comintern even though we're democratic hmmm okay let's start working on our guns now we get a little boost because we're in a faction with the Soviet Union interior defense plan lots of forts it was to be a historical game China is in a faction with their selves mutual assistance of themselves they're assisting themselves don't forget to keep making civilian factories build them in areas with the highest infrastructure first right we've got the option now to march southwards so we need to make our ideal divisions we can make ten of them alright drop down the boys gonna go here got a cavalry expert which we need to get the extra bonuses of exercising you you can just sit on the Capitol will only disband that division if we're desperate for guns at the moment we're not so you don't matter what Amala you are first a low org in the moments that are moving and they go and it's always nice to finally kill them on their capital region that way you can surround every division and you get bonus xp for that damn we got cavalry expert really quickly rip Czechoslovakia and Guatemala rip all right we're gonna unify Central America and we're going to continue to push southwards under us next OOP I forgot to go for cavalry expert on couple genius there we go knife through butter gonna go for the limited conscription just so I can mobilize a lot earlier than I need to now let's do it right so now I need to make a faction and the only way you can do that is to focus straight so you have to go down this area to focus tree the first time we're gonna ban political militias the only part of Europe that looks different is Poland's form this home faction part from now this is just another world war two game alright let's go next and next Costa Rica europe yeah we also need transport ships otherwise we're not gonna be able to get to Panama we need to take that capital we need to boost our economy as much as we can so right now we'll take a few bits of Steel from the Soviets is that enough to get the economy going [Music] yes all right let's put a naval evasion from here to here usually Panama normally has about one division so that's enough can't sign a division to this but as long as I've planned this ahead of time it should mean that when I get the technology this will already planned in advance anyway hopefully go for war propaganda and also go for working conditions this is a core focus professional army adds extra planning and logistics at every single one of your leaders so I guess what you could do is if you wanted to time this really late just for a tactic where you get lots of awesome stats you go for this after when you've already leveled your generals up really high and you can have some awesome stats on them food for thought meanwhile in China the Chinese giant front is now called the mutual assistance bloc oh and the Guan see clique has taken over China okay meanwhile in Europe the proxy war has gone on until April 1940 and Poland isn't intact I also want to produce a little bit of AAA as well just for support so we'll go for two of those yep it works I'm just got transport ship and the planning has already been done or do now is get our Navy put them on naval invasion support and go go go all right naval invasion in the north want to divide them as much as we can and you in the south back you all up oh yeah right election time we either go for the gentlemen president stability or we go for the revolutionary general which makes a lot of stuff cheaper I think I'm gonna go for the stability guy okay we got the option now to support the left or the right the left is on the right and the right on the left make it really confusing we're going to go with the left because of the game of extra war support and stability and if I get close to an atheist church I get extra factory output so we'll do that we have the option now to transfer lands to the church which gives them more power or nationalized church lands which makes them weaker we are going to make them weaker so one thing I didn't talk about is if your stability is really high above 60% you don't get a civil war if you're an atheist or a Catholic Church so as it stands right this very moment we're doing pretty damn good on stability but be aware that when you declare war you lose about 20-30 percent stability so that's something to keep in mind if that's how you guys to build more cities yeah you need lots of civvies remember you need civilian factories propel your economy the reason why you need that is because it made you make sure a major power more sieve is the better I think I just dawned on me too is I've completely forgotten about our salvadore will drop off these extra divisions you are and we'll storm the el Salvadorians there we go week church 10% extra factory output that stacks also with the strike break in so extra 20% output and if we finally go for atheist Church I believe that gives us an extra twenty percent all right we declare they're gonna attack us no they're gonna shuffle no would never do anything okay let's just attack them they do it a little bit more steel again probably from all the military factories we've got from El Salvador that we also the option doubt on AAA which we will do that and we're behind on am now by 281 pieces there's 261 days in that case we'll just shuffle the production a little bit 68 days there you go alright we can push them to Colombia Ecuador Venezuela let's do that 20% on top of extra 10% insane bringing it back to the achievement now we have the ability to go for realpolitik allows us to great factions we need that to get people underneath us so we're then we can make a bit capitulated so therefore we can have government-in-exile yes okay I'm gonna pump out a few fighters as well not on that many who will do and I'll givers just a tiny little bit of air superiority which I'll help break in these difficult terrain such as jungles and mountains alright they have about 30 to 50 divisions this is actually gonna be a tough one to break we have to be pretty quick to break them and see if we can land here and maybe try and encircle this may be tricky because these two mountain terrains are gonna be very hard to get to I think we need to get a little more sea control here and here but I think we need to launch everyone at the same time remember we're democratic the United Mexican states right now declaring on the South America's remember that don't forget that now that glue into your mine let you remember that and we land interesting there's a division that's broke that's actually really annoying because one division that breaks means it's potentially could have issues I've landed here there's so many divisions [Music] all right so you guys can push southwards you're gonna push this out too like we're gonna lose these divisions here that's okay it was worth the attempt just to try and see if we can break into the south unless that we've making some gains all right this is the plan so we're going to try and swish around and see if we can engage this stacks here I don't think we can there's just too many divisions but once again I'm gonna give it a try and get a tiny bit sure Bom Bom and so I move my fleet just here 1.6% 0.8% Shore bombardment nice okay super winning right now is wearing the common term why don't I bring the Soviet Union in this will definitely mean that the Allies will join this war so I can't do that all right we've joined the two front lines up now so we merge all of them onto the best general right a front line just like stabilized for a little bit o the serious have declared on Poland and their faction as well how about mixed results though not all green Polident survived until 1941 so this is a very me Poland all right this is the plan we're gonna make a knighted push here right in the mountains should be enough firepower to break this it's not gonna be easy if we unify our firepower should be enough and what I would love to be able to do now is push directly on their capital will it be enough to capitulate them I don't know probably not oh it means they're gonna lose a big chunk of the factories that is their main state but about ten factories all on that one tile a lot of divisions holding here I've got very low strength so a lot of these divisions have been broken be and then battered probably due to the air support more likely all right we're getting a lot of air wings now something I'm gonna merge a few of these so just for micromanagement sake now we're in the position to make an attacks let's go this is all like it's in my favor to begin with but what will happen is the air support was solely bombard them over and over again this is prediction here is based if there was no actual air support as you see keeps changing every day that goes on again I'm just gonna keep plowing to the capital over and over again to eventually get a break and at the moment because they're struggling with the production eventually they will break it's a difficult push though because we have to get over this river here and also into mountains not easy then this might be yeah and after the fourth Porsche by gaining percentage points all depends if they reinforce though and the breaking is this it there we go however it's gonna spread out really quickly I don't even need to rip if I'd known that you just expect this say and this city the capitulate Colombia what I probably would have done is just peridot on top of them that probably would have been the easiest thing to do alright the next part of this is a bit depressing because we have to form a faction so we're gonna have to leave the Comintern that face and we need to create our own faction in which we are going to do with Colombia and release them as a puppet right a faction with them this is going to be called achievement unlocked I spelled that right oh no paranoia no longer allowed to trade with the Soviet Union because they don't like us anymore oh boy minus 40 traitor I'll do now what we got to do is we're gonna move our army all the way back the Panama why is going on here Germans are kind of losing here and Poland's beat in the Soviet Union what anyway what the pilots to get the achievement guys ok Cheban unlock time okay so we're gonna do now is declare war on Ecuador we have to make doubly sure that Colombia joined the war oh look at Sweden and the Netherlands editors in the read okay are there's so much that so many things going on in my head right now all right slow down all right I want to go for excessive conscription but honestly I don't think it's worthwhile okay alternatively we can integrate the South but non core manpower is 2% but if it's a core we get a hundred percent but potentially a 19% increase of manpower in all of these states to do that is integrate the South which costs a lot of political power there he's done training these divisions by the ways to hope I could bait the Allies and descend in his guns that's what I want to do so now we play the waiting game as Ecuador slowly creeps into Colombia and anaxes Colombia you know what I'm doing here right you know what I'm doing here so just let you know the criteria Phyllis the host nation has to be democratic I have to lead the faction which I do I have my own faction here achievement unlocked then a member of that faction whether being a puppet or not which I wasn't too sure which confirmed he can be a puppet gets capitulated and that means then the government-in-exile goes to Mexico and the result of that is we get a government in Excel as Mexico which gets is the achievement Oh sad reconnaissance on to my horses meaning we're probably behind on support equipment on over actually okay alright okay alright we need them to take the Colombian capital for some reason they're very lucky to do so don't know why go Ecuador Go Go there we go it seems to be a sync to Colombian divisions which I'm decide to go here run away all they need to do now is take the capital are they still moving in there I've never seen in AI so reluctant to move forward oh my goodness just go come on just go I'm almost certain Ecuador will go to join a faction but they've not I probably should turn off the air wings - because it's reducing their movement speed alright we can integrate the South now which we're going to do in bulk well just to confirm this makes them cause causes two things it gives us access to the full hundred percent of the manpower in each of these states which is currently five percent for non core territory and also accesses some more building slots as well this is gonna be a joke right this is gonna be a joke these divisions aren't even our faction so there's no reason they shouldn't move forward and they're just staying here behind the river in the mountains oh my okay now we have core territory in all this land as you can see there's a lot more building slots have opened up and we've got access from over 50,000 manpower nice pad this isn't working and I don't know why why are you moving Ecuador Ecuador worst country in the world confirmed all right we have to declare on Venezuela and is a very very high chance they'll join the axis here does it matter the axes are about to die anyway alright we're declaring war in Venezuela as well the Venezuela has 29 divisions and they're all here every single one of them I could only has seven we're doing a good job cleaning up so I think should be the end of them yeah it is yay government-in-exile achievement unlocked there we go yeah okay now we can counter-attack like a madman war propaganda against Ecuador okay Ecuador hasn't got any division so I think well I'm just bear up doing it just swooping down and just taking the capital and then the divisions they've got probably aren't a very strong are they they are just battalions of infantry oh my girl we're gonna destroy them right put you guys on aggressive go go go Italy has gone communist Wow and slow as Slovenia how its living even got independent I don't even know Oh Jimmy's finally break in France they've still got disjointed government no they're gonna have to chew through half the country gonna be difficult these divisions are easy to break all right we've got Ecuador rip all we did was sneak to the mountains to the south they don't had a few divisions anyway easy right now Venezuela has 29 divisions and the most of them are here so all I'm gonna do is slide across their coastline and just take them out immediately right we're gonna go now it's gonna push further south grab Argentina Chile Uruguay Paraguay and all that Jess might as well gobble it all up and become a superpower and if we're looking I haven't tested this but if we're lucky it'd be really cool to restore the old borders of Mexico by pushing to the United States now that would be pretty sweet but USA is very strong that is not an understatement they aren't very very strong let's get rid of Venezuela there's some war bonds it's a propaganda we're spending the political power for those some of the battles a mix but with full air superiority eventually we break them so all good and push for the capital rip from work the autonomy system a little bit as well build a few factories inside of Colombia then we can maybe annex them or integrate them or whatever a gal that's all gonna get rid of some of these divisions I've gotten reserved just so I can get a little bit of excess manpower and then with that we can make sure our divisions are at full strength nation-building Colombia that's to boost democracy and we also have this one public recognition of the government in exile exile they exist what right the plan is this we've got our extra divisions that can hold this front in the north and then our main force or push around the coastline which is there mmm a desert and then a few mountains in the south as long as we can break through heavy in the desert we'll be fine I don't want to fight too hard in trench troops in the mountains hmm now I don't even know how they've even done this ah they've gone to reaffirm the Monroe Doctrine what do we do panic time boys all I would say guys it was been an excellent adventure and I have cherished every moment I've had with you I have no clue how are we gonna get troops up here in time Oh No there goes our Navy one bowel we're struggling to break the Panama Canal here never mind hold by the waves in the north and I am defeated I've become a puppet of the United States and they've liberated all of a Central America okay so little lesson for you guys when you turn historical off the game becomes quite random and it's very hard to predict like so many events happening around the world lesson if you want to learn it from me here is to keep an eye on what the night United States is researching and the minute they got for reaffirm the Monroe Doctrine you need to put troops on their border ah damn what a fail oh that was cool and though I got their treatment I wanted and I kind of tried to reach further they could it was just out of my view and I tried and I failed but that was cool guys if you enjoyed this and you want more of this and you enjoy the achievement runs and they are your cup of tea perfect like this video and lets me know that dave want more of this stuff and if you subscribe don't forget to ring the bell otherwise your subscription means absolutely nothing I don't make the rules but that's the way YouTube works sadly if you don't know where I've not been uploading a lot of content to my channel recently and the reason why is I'm moving or my youtube Network contacted sense so there will be a period of time well I'll not be making any ad revenue so if you do want to help me in these hard times you can become a patreon the link is in the description below guys I'll see you later have a good day and look after yourself okay I love you see you later [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 190,303
Rating: 4.9483614 out of 5
Keywords: break the game, feedbackgaming, hoi4 man the guns, can you beat, everything is broken, funny moments, game exploit, game glitches, hoi4 exploit, hearts of iron 4 exploits, broken, hoi4 funny, man the guns, man the guns tutorial, hoi4 achievement, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, steam summer sale guide, funny montage, perfectly balanced game, funny moments montage, mexico, Mi Casa es tu Casa', hoi4 achievement run, achievement steam, achievement, Mi Casa es tu Casa
Id: HjF2Cqs_aSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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