HoI4 Guide - Germany: Forming the German Empire and HRE Challenge - La Résistance (Fixed Audio)

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and that's the Swiss out of commission we have the entirety well the the bits of continental Europe that matter under our control let's go to our decisions let's have a look here there we go revive the Holy Roman Empire all that territory that we just conquered will become core German territory ladies and gentlemen I present you the Holy Roman Empire but before we get to the video I want to take a minute and say thank you thank you to all of you who have subscribed to the channel so far we've hit 1000 subscribers recently and I am truly humbled by the support you've shown me over these few months already so I'd like to ask all of you to continue hitting me up in those comments you've given me great ideas in the past so keep recommending achievements country guides and other challenges and I'll keep trying to put out quality content for you guys and if you like these videos consider subscribing for more of them and remember to hit that Bell icon to be notified whenever I put up more up content now on to the video hey folks bittersteel here back with another video for hearts of iron for now today we're gonna try something else not a straight up achievement or country guide in fact we're going to be trying a bit of a challenge really as the Germans yes of the mustache man we are going to try and reform the Holy Roman Empire which means first reviving the Kaiser I and then having a horrible accident happen to the imperial family just leave it on iron man historical a ion and hopin now as for our initial setups take the army here see what we have 24 infantry divisions and six others these can all be light tanks yes stick the army and put them on the French border French are the biggest threat the tanks are going to prepare a naval invasion from Hamburg into Dunkirk and Calais it's a science of generals it's a sign these of Field Marshal I don't want to use any of these field marshals I'd rather use Guderian because of the strategist treat so I'll have to wait until I can promote any other than that let's take the entire Air Force and put them in the spare field in need of sleazy they will serve their purpose next up the Navy command of etiquette trainer and this one won't have a big big chunky boy exercise exercise as well construction start out with a few more military factories in our high infrastructure provinces yes so 8 to start off with and then we're going to go into the civilian and infrastructure like I like putting infrastructure here because of the amount of resources in the Rhineland and then followed that up with some cities cities are always good production-wise need a lot of guns we need some more support equipment need that much artillery I don't think we'll be using 7-2 infantry I think it will go straight up with 10 0 / infantry blocks won't need tactical bombers just yet and the rest can go into tanks research artillery benefits both our tank and infantry divisions and the rest is standard really just the basic electronic engineering and industry focused builds nothing fancy here as for our focuses we're not gonna start out with oppose Hitler I want to postpone this until after I've taken care of France and it's a little on top I'm gonna go with naval rearmament first because it's only 35 days and because the Navy does play a little part in this speaking of the Navy let's sort that out get rid of these subs they're outdated won't be needing them we can finish off the ones that are in production or these destroyers in finish off this sponsorship we can finish off these later points like the battleships the Scharnhorst admiral hipper and the merced organizing now but the rest our main focus should be the destroyers after we finish the Deutschland focus on the destroyers after so the three runs of 1936 destroyers will finish the first two with just one ship in them and then in finnaly repeat the last run and keep dumping that into our fleet with that done see decisions nothing relevant here turn all this off it's just a nuisance production has been sorted now very well so all that's left now is to speak to max and let the good times roll before you let the good times roll however let's train a few of these cavalry division's we'll need some more troops and c24 well do two runs of them on a high priority somewhere near Czechoslovakia these very shitty cavalry brigades will serve only one purpose and that is to be a meat shield to guard or border against Czechoslovak while the actual fighting will be done by the tanks so just whenever you can deploy one of these or several of these is keep force deploying them out they don't have to be trained they just have to stand there and take any eventual Czechoslovakia salts a few moments later and with naval rearmament done we also end up having 50 political power 50 political power is exactly enough to justify a war goal on Yugoslavia now why Yugoslavia simple luka Slavia is part of France is a little on Tom's if you will which is a network of guarantees between Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia and France there's also a bit of Romania involved but by declaring war on Yugoslavia Romania does not get involved this way with a declaration of war on Yugoslavia we draw in both Czechoslovakia and France and we'll be able to defeat them piecemeal while at the same time Yugoslavia is completely isolated and we don't even have to worry about them they their war or our war with them will become irrelevant eventually anyway now with the naval requirement done let's look into the army get army innovations this will get us that experience meaning we can change our tank templates to have a little more org and gets a nice bonuses for land doctrines 12 seconds later so we've finished one of these cavalry armies just a sign whichever general you like I think I'm fairly sure Rommel go anywhere so he can command some of these divisions and just line them up on the Czechoslovak border here and we can set them to exercising so they don't go in this as green which let's give a fairly nasty penalty now again for research there's nothing fancy to it for this guide or this video rather there's the basic concept of keeping up to date with electronic engineering and industry text and then putting all your extra efforts towards what branch of the army you need help with right now such as do I need better tanks or can I get better tanks because I have a research bonus then you go for the tanks do I need more equipment or the only better infantry equipment because I am at war or going to war then you look at the infantry equipments same for the doctrines really just follow what your focus bonuses give you and what you need right now once these finish also assign them to this last army and that should have recruitment finished now you can see we still need a Field Marshal should have enough command power now yes we do let's promote the Darrien Darrien can lead our armies once enough command power is garnered or gathered or collected or whatever I get him aggressive assault or offensive doctrine and either charismatic or organization first I prefer organization first just given these good field-marshal traits with army innovations done we'll head for treaty with the USSR giving us a two years ahead of time bonus for medium tanks meaning we can start making medium tanks very early if the Soviets agree and this being historical they will agree speaking of that that focus takes about 70 days if you have any research slots fly construction one here that finished in 60 days don't immediately assign it a new task just wait a little bit until the focus finishes and then research medium armor on that one won't waste any research and you'll have a fast track to better tanks better tanks so just for a Germany dirt amazing now you'll see I have these six tanks assigned to a naval invasion why do I do this simple to prepare the naval invasion I can now abandon disorder and as long as I don't delete it it will still have its preparation done meaning I can reassign these tanks and immediately send them off on their quest to invade France France usually does not garrison these Isles or at least this port and even if it does it's very lightly manned and our tanks will easily be able to take it and push towards Paris and with this bit of France taken that should be enough for their capitulation but France is the secondary targets primary target will be Czechoslovakia and for that we'll assign our tanks here without destroying or deleting the naval invasion order set a small front-line order here in this southern tip give them spearhead towards the opposite side of the country and we will simply be cutting the czechoslovaks in half now the Czechoslovak army looks very large and it is sizeable and that combined with their fort line makes them a tough nut to crack if you're going through their fort line this style here this single tile does not have a fort on it so our tanks can push through it and immediately cut Czechoslovakia in half and drive up towards prac prison and tub or straight like a dagger through their underbelly so that's how we are going to take out the Czechs also having cut the country in half we're gonna use some of this cavalry to push south and take these victory points meaning the Czechs will capitulate rather quickly with minimal casualties on our side just remember not to delete this naval invasion order a few inches later now for your industry I prefer this first industry now with our first investment for political power other than justifications for war we can get from cholera in the army offense experts now before I forget you'll see here we have ten army experience from our focus let's go into our division designer take the Panzer Division and we're just going to slap on to more motorized infantry to increase the organization someone's to more acceptable levels making these tanks a little stronger you can see the combat with isn't great but this early in the game they're still going to be excellent and well we have to work with what we have right now our treaty with the USSR finishes in eight days we have a spare research slot so let's keep this open until we can get those fancy tanks right I forgot about the air force here I can get rid of these navels and get these transports needing them just yet it's up these two more respectable numbers so these the training I know these are being replenished these are not so I'll just let them here on standby yeah treaty with the USSR done you can go to the four-year plan or something else no let's get air innovations first a little bit of air experience some better air basis and research bonuses for the Air Force doctorates Air Force is pretty big in this game so I like having a good Air Force there we go because this is historical the Soviets will accept giving us a nice bonus to put a research the armor there we go two years ahead of time we can get ourselves some panzer threes very good now these cavalry division's don't need to be trained up all the way to regulars once they're trained that's enough to remove that a horrible combat penalty and you can stop training you can serve some infantry equipment because they will still need to be reinforced someone air innovations done let's turn to the four year plan and get to work on the industry so what the four year plan does is give us to research bonuses for industry 100% so what we want is to be researching this one's almost done in the sun's almost time to be researching improved machine tools 1937 as well as dispersed to so this - and improve machine tools so that by the time the focus finishes the bonus will apply to the 1939 tech so we can get these boys a little bit ahead of time and to that end let's get to work on the machine tools even if it's a little bit ahead of time for our next political power investments we could go for the infantry expert he's not bad but armor will be what wins us these early Wars so I'm going to go with urban Rommel the armored genius I think 53 naval experience is enough so I'm gonna stop the Navy from exercising to conserve some fuel fuel is a premium for Germany two hours later and with that we have finished our justification for the conquest of Slovenia as left now it's the declare war on the humors laughs and that's defeat these boys in short order to do so let's take the speed all the way down France is going to come to the rescue soon but we have our boys on the Maginot and the Yugoslavs can't even reach us because well Austria is in the way so they're also not really a concern of ours there you go the Czechs are in the middle is taking these thank you boys at first there let's finish giving these lots of maths and doctrines so how are we going to destroy Czechoslovakian well we're gonna take these 6th armoured divisions and start pushing and keep pushing until we have cut Czechoslovakia in half I will be our first order of business also don't forget to support them with your Air Force air superiority is very important as it influences both the battle and the speed at which units can move now if you would still have a Navy out here exercising this is the point where you want to pull them back to port you don't want your Navy to be caught out by the French Navy we are saving our Navy for our mad dash across the English Channel for our naval invasion so it would be ashamed to waste them beforehand the French Navy is significantly more powerful than ours at this point so let's just conserve ours until already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look Yugoslavia suddenly found itself with the cancer Croatia has popped up because they are at war with the axis well that's no concern of ours we're not going to invite them into our faction which is going to leave them to die they are not the focus point of this video [Music] Prague has fallen what does that Iran to us yes that does it Czechs should be capitulating now there we go Czechoslovakia asked which later and just take all of their stuff let's pause the game a little take the armor and assign them back to the naval invasion then we'll take all of the horse voice and the Maginot and when the horse lads arrive we're gonna take this experienced infantry and send them close to a port to reinforce the armor should it be needed also take the air wings see these guys can go here these guys can go here and the fighters did imagine oh okay so these horse divisions are arriving in France shouldn't be counter-attacking anything just gonna move the infantry to their fallback line near the port there'll be the reserves for when the tanks get trouble ah medium ones are done ah doctrine serious just as we have quite a few like tanks already let's dial down our lights tank production - - and instead start building a bunch of medium tanks like a whole bunch of medium tanks eventually all right so the armor is ready for its naval invasion you can set this to active I'm gonna look towards the Navy convoy escort in the western North Sea and the channel the subs can do the same let's reinforce that with some bombers over the channel and these what are these the Stukas the close air support over the western north sea or rather eastern north sea sorry they'll help us achieve that naval superiority needed to launch the invasion let's hope yes there we go we have naval superiority the naval invasion is off to a good start and immediately reassign these planes to northern France and start bombing the out of every signed fighters as well we assigned these boys in northern France as well just need them there to get the air superiority or other naval superior your naval invasion will fire after that that's irrelevant also be the Navy now select these guys and set them to naval invasion escorts for your plans done I don't expect this French war to really take another 70 days so instead I'm gonna take the naval effort here only takes 35 days and modified the government captain of industry was a good idea and with our six tanks landed virtually unopposed we can just push straight for Paris and the northern victory points now what usually happens is the French have one division in the port of Dunkirk so they will be assaulted by three of your tanks trying to make a naval invasion while the three tanks landing in Calais will have free reign what you do then is simply cut around towards little so you surround Dunkirk and then use the tanks that landed unopposed to push into Dunkirk that should make short work of whatever weak garrison they've left [Music] now we've pushed to Paris virtually unopposed Paris is taken let's see if that was enough and it's close though it's close once the rwan and La Habra fall ldiots I think one itself will just be enough already Paris victory for the fatherland Reims Saddam yeah they should be capitulating now there we go the French are out of this war now this is a bit where we have to be very attentive of our world tension we want to generate just enough to get to 40% so that Austria will be willing to join us but we don't want to generate too much because that will reduce England's opinion of us and we need 100 percent of opinion to take the last decision to get Queen Victoria rather impressive Victoria so we're gonna walk a tightrope here to try and get around 40 percent maybe a little less a little more somewhere in that area first things first let's take all of mainland France they couldn't hold on to it they don't deserve it oh we're here Corsica as well resource-rich in North Africa we'll take that as well we'll take Vietnam yes this island here in umeå New Caledonia with its very large amount of I think it's tungsten tungsten is it that that other metal ball things and the turn see where we end up 58 mm much still we can still reduce this by liberating countries though have a look around see if there's areas you'd like these guys have rubber I like rubber now we can just start liberating some countries and you can see our world tension is going down as we liberate more and more of these I think Ali's native liberate this list of countries and just take all the rest that should get you right where you need to be if it doesn't just fiddle around with liberating some territories taking other territories if you're taking territory take the resource-rich stuff and just give away the rest and with that we have concluded our war with the French and the czechoslovaks you notice we're still at war with Yugoslavia but uh well they can't even get to us so why should we even bother with that war what we're going to do now is hmm five days and I won't even need to finish the naval effort here instead let's cancel it and start opposing Hitler going to oppose Hitler and to do that we're going to disband our entire military everyone including the Air Force all of it has to go and what we're going to do now is let this focus run until they 68 and I'll be right back and we're back with a pose Hitler on the 68th let's apply a little bit more cheese to this sandwich shall we to do that we are going to go to Spain this guy know primo de Rivera first time I see him start a lend-lease I just give everything we have every last bit of equipment every tank every plane every gun and to do that I've set my lend-lease to give them once and I've tucked in a ridiculously high number this is the highest number the game will actually allow what it is this doesn't really matter you don't have this much equipment I just send them to Spain now all of that equipment is going to be I presume boxed up and put in storage somewhere meaning that when the Civil War fires neither side has it nobody knows where it went and since there's no stockpile to split up nobody gets any guns and the only thing both sides will get is the event spawn troops but there's a catch and you'll see that catch in about two days there we go purchase the Nazi scum now for our cheese let's let's have a little chat with the Spanish because well I think we've changed our mind about that lend-lease we're just gonna click clear all and just cancel the whole deal now all of that equipment is now gonna come straight back to us and by us I mean glorious mustache man with giant head August for mackenson and not piu nice mustache tiny hat man mr. H so in preparation of all that stuff coming back let's train about six or seven of these just once high-priority just get them out as quickly as we can sign all these troops to one army Kesselring you'll have your time to shine now now another benefit of our early conquests is not only do we have a lot more industry than the nationalists or the fascists they have another border to contend with as you'll see in a second the moment I unpause many of these divisions here are gonna be pulled off the front line facing me and are gonna start gobbling up the Czechoslovak lands those are undefended which looks bad but is actually very beneficial you see both sides now have twenty four divisions that's about just enough to fill this frontline when they start pulling troops off they'll start leaving giant gaps John gaps I can push my units into and quickly start taking their land not only that but because they don't have the equipment to immediately train fresh divisions and I do in a few days time I will be able to get seven of these Panzer divisions out the door divisions they can never stop with this shitty template they just have they have the same one just named differently they'll never be able to stop them so this entire Civil War is now trivial now four focuses we can't progress along the political tree here yet we have to finish the Civil War first it might take more than 70 days so we're just gonna go with girls Bomb wheel shaft as this opens up a path to align both Romania and Hungary to us a second note we could get Austria in now can create a faction with them and then there will be a referendum firing an event which has about 90 percent chance of Austria agreeing to become annexed by us this is great I want to try postponing that until after we've puppeted Hungary and Romania just after you eat austria-hungary doesn't want to play anymore for some reason there's some historical animosity here I believe could be maybe so I first want to try and get the Hungarians and the Romanians in and then eat the Austrians but first things first let's get the civil war going you also got a nice chunk of political power me going to see they're all walking away trying to take bits of the check our Slovak lands I assume boy are they gonna regret that now fuel could be a bit of an issue but nothing's really stopping you from going to the US and having a bit of an imports and don't forget with our supplies being returned to us that also means our fighters are back and we can establish air superiority over these guys and as soon as you can deploy these divisions just force them out the door yes they'll be green but they'll still be a lot more powerful than anything the master [Music] bottom if chespin start aligning hungry now with a little bit of decent micro you could end this war a lot quicker but I've played through this like half a dozen times already this week so I'm a little tired of it you just gonna let things run this will be important enough to win this and with that the German military hunter is triumphant the Nazis are defeated now next up we will try to use align Hungary and align Romania to get them to join our faction we can create a faction to get them into it after that we can use integrate war economies to Vasily's them and then we'll see if austria wants to talk about being our puppet or rather being eaten by us another thing to note is you'll see that we're no longer at war with Yugoslavia now why is that well that's because the Nazi government declared war in Yugoslavia not innocent all August von mackensen so all's good with Yugoslavia and we're no longer at war now to prevent Hindenburg from blowing up we want to sharpen air safety regulations this should prevent the event of the explosion and we can't have that thing blow up because if it does well that's the end of this run that means we can form the hree now for the Nazi leaders just just hang them unless you don't want to be it could be useful at some point later on maybe but I'd prefer just hang them two hours later you'll notice I've completely deleted to my army that is because we are no longer at war and we won't be at war for quite some time and more importantly after we do these focuses Ally in Romania integrate war economies side note on that a line hungry doesn't make them want to join your faction there is a very large opinion modifier against Hungary wanting to join you good news is you don't need any of the Hungarian land so if they join you great they won't join me so I'm just gonna ignore them I will align Romania integrate the war economies and then go down this path towards return of the kaiser by the time return of the kaiser finishes we would have to get rid of our military anyway because we want the netherlands to say no to the return of wilhelm ii and the only way they will do that is if they know they are significantly stronger than germany and we need wilhelm ii to not come back to be able to continue on our path towards restoration of the holy roman empire so we are going armless for the time being I will create a faction here we central powers get Austrian this should set them on the path to the event for annexation 12 seconds later and some time after getting Austria in your faction you will get to this event the Austrian pro-german sentiment source 2 options yes the lesser German solution was a mistake this will cause Oskar to have a referendum event with a 90% chance of being annexed by you or we could outright refuse I don't know why you would pick this it's obviously the worst option and there we go the Austrian people a vote for a unification now if the alignment focuses then you'll see that we can't integrate war economies yet we'll revisit this at some later point when Romania is willing to join us that for secure at the new state brave weeks later there we go now the Romanians are willing to talk business and with the Romanians in our faction that means after revive Lacaze Iraq we still have to wait until we get 40% support for the military hero in that time we could just integrate our economies and turn Romania into our puppet so we only have 66 army experience to work with meaning I can't completely finish the template but you'll see where this is going try to aim for 12 maybe even 13 medium tanks and filling up the rest with motorized infantry and later on if industry allows it even consider switching those out for mechanised infantry for even more hardness this division should have a very good breakthrough stats as well as good soft and heart attack these are the units that will be punching through front lines so all that's left to do is to swap off these last three light tanks we can do that later on once we get more arm experience now while we're changing divisions let's have a look at the infantry division as well this is a decent division 18 combat with so if we just throw on another infantry division that's a decent 220 combat with defensive infantry division Infantry's main purpose in this game is to defend anyway adding on artillery only reduces their defense that's and makes them more expensive to produce and maintain so I prefer to just use straight-up infantry blocks like this and use my armor to do actual offensives and encirclements while the infantry just holds a line and plugs so this is what I'll be using in this playthrough there we go the return of the kaiser is done and because we have no military netherlands prevent the return of the kaiser perhaps they have a point we have other candidates which gives us will help the third another step closer to our Holy Roman Empire with Wilhelm now on the throne we're going to sit on our ass while we build up our military once more and we can go through some of these political decisions here first we will need to reinstate parents Wilhelm's right of succession focuses well we're going to refrain from things like a seat to the east in front these things ad world tension we're going to work instead on rebuilding the nation from this point forward until we have empress victoria on the throne we are going to refrain from generating any more world tension now speaking of getting our new army out there we're going to train a few of these tank divisions we're out of thanks for now we'll build more quickly enough five army experience in the back a new entity template slab one infantry division in there it's good and trained a good number of these we're gonna be pumping these outs just force deploy them when they're ready and as they roll off the production line we can start creating actual divisions from these just assign them to an army [Music] Comfort infantry division this one there we go set them on whatever front line you like and exercise one eternity later home and really for the first decision to reinstate prince will homes right of succession next step modernize the succession laws another 150 political power now as you may have noticed I used up a little bit of political power before I got to this point in your game it might be in your interest to actually wait a little bit and save up that power so you can power through these decisions I didn't do that that's on me I need the time to rebuild the military anyway now as I said earlier not to generate additional Wordle tension this is the one exception we need to do this focus there's no way around it this one leads to an alliance with the shade and we have to get this focus and after expatriate two communists keep heading down towards an alliance with the shade this is the one we're after as you can see I am a mustering forces around Italy we need quite a bit of Italian territory to form the Holy Roman Empire this is where we'll be stacking our tanks and tanks suck up supply like crazy speaking of our tanks we are going to concentrate them on the port of nice and push into Italy along the coastline here all the way across the peninsula and try and cut the country in half then rush our tanks down what is a good place to try yourself a bit of a naval invasion is the southern tip here Sicily Italy tends to fall back to the island and the quicker you can capture it the less hassle you'll have with this Strait crossing year it's a nightmare getting across we can out modernize the succession laws three days later there we go we have finished an alliance with the shade and the United Kingdom will now accept us into the allies now the next part for reforming the Holy Roman Empire is to finish this focus request a restoration of British titles so we need another 150 political power or close to that but we also need British opinion of us to be plus 100 what a bit off here you can see we have a very big negative for generated world tension this is the reason why we don't want to generate too much world tension cuz otherwise the British won't ever reach 100 positive opinion of us it's already quite close we'll just start boosting relations as for focus is basically up to you I like to get some of these industry ones done now we're quite close to that 100 opinion I don't think we'll reach it with just improving relations fortunately we can also guarantee their independence for quite a bump there we go 100 and that should be enough to a finish the decision there we go the restoration of British titles taking the decision will pop up at this event the here you will make a choice whether or not you will receive the Empress Victoria naturally we want her as our head of state and as such we will send her ahead as a liaison a few moments later and this is why we don't want Victoria to travel with the rest of the family the hindenburg has blown up a little later than usual killing the entire royal family except for Victoria kaizen of the people she has some very good stats plus she gives us access to this decision to revive the Holy Roman Empire and we need quite a bit land starting with the Italian provinces two ways about this either we justify on them and wait for our world rule to appear that way or when Italy eventually goes to war with Greece we can simply guarantee Greece's independence Italy will declare war and that'll be that we can just walk in that way eventually everything went according to plan Italy has declared war on Greece okay and we have a call to arms firm Greece calling us into this war though we're just going to accept this call to arms kick Italy's ass the Italian war shouldn't pose much of a problem as Italy will have moved a large portion of its army to the Greek border here and you can see the Italian presence on their border with us as minimal at best so immediately going to exploit this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go we've knocked Italy out please please ignore the horrible micro there I was a bit distracted with things around the house but nonetheless we've managed to take out Italy with minimal casualties and because the UK is not involved in this we can just take whatever we like really these provinces are the ones required this was absolutely vital we take these first I very much like to puppet Italy given the opportunity there we go or war concluded and our good friend C Victor Emmanuel the third is back in charge in Italy we have the provinces we need we now also have the Italian fleet under our control let's have a look at the requirements for the HR e we still need Luxembourg we need the Swiss States and the Dutch and Belgian states can handle that very easily before we can conquer any of these lands that we still require we'll need a lot more political power so let's work on getting a nice stockpile of political power while we expand the military further and through the power of the legendary order 66 we'll be able to contain those wars very quickly however to successfully pull that off we'll need a lot more troops weeks later we have a nice supply of political power now it's time to start making preparations to take the rest of the continent start out by leaving the Allies and immediately ask for military access from the United Kingdom as for the British Raj it will be best if some troops are deployed in the area and with the UK having so graciously allowed us access to their country we simply go into garrison in the south of Britain now with all these German divisions in the South of England we will have no difficulties whatsoever establishing a foothold our Navy will be more than sufficient to secure the channel for us making supply a non-issue we will quickly overrun the Low Countries send our armoured divisions across the channel and then quickly knock out the UK now this is 1940 and it's very like that by this time the rush will be a major and will have to be knocked out as well for that we can use our position in Vietnam as a staging ground to start pushing them out from here and let's not forget French India here as well start by justifying a war goal on the Belgians it's just a fire war go on the Duchess well cancel justification on the Belgians and just a fire on the Belgians again this will make our two war goals complete simultaneously now we can rule this into one big war once we have these completed we'll finish up with Luxembourg and Switzerland ideally we will have knocked out the Allies faction by that point but if the United States have joined this war it's going to be a little bit more protracted but that's okay by that time we will have secured the United Kingdom and continental Europe and good luck America invading Europe at that point we can always take the fight to them at a later point if you so choose one eternity later them and our justifications are complete it's time for the next stage in this global conflict to kick off and let's declare this war see where we end up right let's also not call in our allies we can do so at a later date but this would keep our puppets out and our faction members securing those flanks and keeping attacks from outside at bay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's not forget that we also need to eat Luxembourg it's just a fire war goal yeah 135 days and the Swiss let's conquer them as well 195 days yeah sure and that knocks out the last resistance or rather the last allied country on the continent as a matter of mopping up this pocket and sending as many reinforcements as possible to deal with rosh I believe my armor will be well suited to the task [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that's the Swiss out of commission we have the entirety well the the bits of continental Europe that matter under our control let's go to our decisions let's have a look here there we go revive the Holy Roman Empire all that territory that we just conquered will become core German territory ladies and gentlemen I present you the Holy Roman Empire now I'm going to end this video here on the high note we have reformed the Holy Roman Empire it's December of 1941 the worlds in chaos and we're having a ton of fun if you'd like to see me continue this playthrough leave a like in the video maybe tell me in the comments what you want to see next if not that if you dislike the video tell me what you disliked about it hit me up in the comments always looking for some feedback dress that dislike button and if you want to see more content like this on a regular schedule consider subscribing to my channel I love you guys we have just hit 1000 subscribers so I'm gonna work on something big as a big thank you to you guys it has been me bittersteel goodbye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 42,197
Rating: 4.9380035 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 la resistance, hearts of iron 4, la resistance, hoi4 guide, hoi iv germany guide, civil war, hoi4 guide germany, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 german empire, hoi4 victoria louise, hoi4 holy roman empire, hoi4 hre, hearts of iron 4 hre challenge, hoi4 annex france, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, Germany, German Empire, hearts, of, iron, Bitt3rSteel, hoi4 holy roman empire guide, how to form holy roman empire hoi4, paradox interactive
Id: A4EqLXRc8Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 40sec (2980 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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