HoI4 Guide - South Africa: Crusader Kings 2 Achievement

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hey guys it's me bittersteel back with another video for hearts of iron 4. now today i bring to you south africa which can only mean one thing that's right we are going for the crusader kings 2 achievement we will have to complete the anti-colonialist crusade release the countries of angola congo kenya mozambique and zimbabwe and last but not least we have to control the greater london area either us or someone in our faction that sounds like a very tall order but thanks to some help from our community discord and a member named antacil big shout out anthesil thank you so much for helping me with this achievement guide i've managed to piece together somewhat of a decent guide for this achievement but first if you like these videos leave a like consider subscribing and check out the channel for some more similar videos also hit me up on twitter if you're into that and we've also set up a discord so if you want to find a place to hang out talk hearts of iron maybe set up a multiplayer game check out the links in the description below now on to the video now be warned the ai is going to be the ai nothing is ever going to be identical to this run but after a few play test runs this is the setup that will work best even if it's not a hundred percent there will always be a little rng involved but this will help you get on your way regardless let's hop right in south africa we turn iron man mode on we also turn historical ai on as i like to have my games be predictable when i'm going for achievements now let's see what we have here let's start out with the military just assign all of them to a general the army can be set to permanent exercising until we have five army experience next up construction let's start off with a single civilian factory down here in natal then research we will start out with some construction here and follow up with electronic engineering in our second slot next step focuses we will go abandon westminster and then straight into empower the workers we will be turning communist as soon as possible looking at our production not much that we can do here we only have the one factory but let's look ahead to the future you will need a few more factories on guns and we will also be requiring some artillery i think this is a good place to start and that's the initial setup done now we wait until we can go on our civil war three days later and with electronic mechanical engineering done we will head into mechanical computing and with empower the workers done we're one step closer to our glorious communist nation we can't proceed down the tree yet so we'll head for south african railways first and we'll use that 150 political power we get ourselves a communist revolutionary this gives us access to the communism decisions we will not be opening up political discourse no we'll be going for the um the other option and that we finished construction let's pick up production with a nice 50 bonus not bad at all a few moments later so now we have 50 pp let's prepare for civil strife what you want to do is hit expand civil support twice to bump you down to below 70 stability and then we can ignite our civil conflict here the south african railway is done let's repeal the native representation act now as for industry i would usually go with this purse but since we will be sticking to a relatively small core territory concentrated is the better option giving us more factories in our very few states we will be having a lot of puppets but not a lot of land we control directly with mechanical computing done let's head for the key to our victory submarines i'm gonna start making them early we'll need them we also have a five army experience so we will no longer be requiring the services of the military we can simply disband all these units there we go we have repealed the native representation act we are ready to ignite our civil conflict however i'm going to wait for this factory to finish construction in six days we won't lose any time on the focus six days isn't a big deal but if we fire the civil war now the construction here would be cancelled i don't really understand why it just happens every time i do this so i will simply allow this factory to be built and then we move on 12 seconds later there we go the factory has been built we can ignite our civil conflict our country has been split in half keep the game paused have a few things to do go into the division designer create a new empty template a mobile cavalry unit with just a single unit of cavalry in it and save this is why we saved up that five army experience see how many we can train up yeah eight let's train up eight and deploy them in port elizabeth on high priority and immediately push them out the door when we can we'll be rushing the um other side's victory points they won't have time to get any units out the door anyway as for focuses let's expand the mining industry two more civilian factories sounds great as for construction we will be building military factories followed up by naval dockyards a lot of naval dockyards in future so two mills and one dockyard and we'll be filling our other coastal provinces with dockyards before we unpause let's have a look at spain spain will be key to our victory ideally i would go to war with the nationalists however i have no realistic way of defeating the nationalists after many many tests it's just not worth it so we will be declaring war on the republicans instead like the good communists we are now the game thinks we're still a democracy just just let a day take bye there we go justify a war goal on them and we'll uh we'll be tag teaming them with the nationalists and this is also the point where i like to create an intelligence agency this agency will be beneficial to us in future there we go we can squeeze all those horses out don't worry about these uk units they're not involved and simply rush your horses to cape town maybe assign them a general we could go with george here or we could go with a new commander and make george our field marshal because george is level four and he gets a few very nice traits there we go we walked into cape town and that concludes that civil conflict the horses did well won't eat horses we will simply turn all of these units all these eight units into the district force the district force being this template we will build on this template turning it into a seven two just your basic infantry template these eight units will be our elite force for the african front we will be using the district brigade so start training a few of those as well we will need to have roughly 12 to 15 out the door by the time we're ready to tackle portugal district brigade isn't particularly great it's only 6 combat with but as our stockpile of guns and manpower improves we will improve this template as well but uh first things first we need to get guns to our troops in the field with our intelligence agency in place we can recruit a spy just pick whoever you feel is most suitable for the job and we'll deploy them in portugal portugal will be our first target and a little bit of espionage will help in the coming battles with the mining industry expanded let's un-ironically support spain yes we will be supporting the um the republicans upon who will be declaring more don't question it just go with it and with our submarines done we can start producing some of these soon could go for 1936 submarines who are much better but we also need to work on the army so i'll be getting a radio first that additional reinforcement is huge sadly we don't have any dockyards yet so i can start pumping out submarines until we have some dockyards and some naval experience there we go support spain done gives us this event with three options either we get the option of sending volunteers no thanks we could give up 5 000 manpower or we could do nothing at all you might be tempted to do nothing at all since we will be going to war with the republicans anyway but i suggest taking the second option this will cause us to give up 000 manpower yes and we will be supporting an enemy sure however once the spanish civil war ends these guys will be returning giving us a national spirit which will improve our military overall so i think it's worth it as for our next focus we will be taking infrastructure effort followed by armament effort built up the nation with concentrated industry done let's get improved machine tools we need more guns production production production and 150 pp let's invest that in the silent workhorse improving rpp these tiny district force units the three battalion units can just be deployed on your african borders with portugal with the proof machine tools done it would be nice to work on the industry but with war on the horizon it's time to improve the army let's get the weapons and equipment first and the radio out of the way let's get those doctrines in we'll be going superior firepower as grand battle pram not that great mass assault not my style and mobile warfare not feasible so superior firepower the bread and butter of small nations another 150 pp let's bump it up to limited conscription before we go to war we don't have a lot of manpower more manpower would be great with armament effort out of the way let's head over towards a seaward defense force this will give us a naval dockyard and some naval xp we can start pumping out submarines eventually there we go our justification on the republicans is finished they're still clinging on in spain so there's some time to make a little bit of an impact let's immediately declare our war let's have a chat with franco here he will be asking him for military access which he will grant because we are both at war with the same person and we'll also be improving relations we want the spanish to be our friends and we'll send the eight elite units over to spain to get some experience now note we don't have a great deal of stability or war support so we're not in a very good state right now we could improve it with work conditions but i'd rather spend a little bit of political power on the army first and on our laws this is something to watch out for in your game if you feel you want to improve this first be my guest there we go our units have arrived in spain now they will be making a huge impact we'll mostly be using the spanish war to level up these units so they're no longer green and it was our ticket into getting naval access and military access from the nationalists we will need that to take on portugal so what we will be doing in spain is just small-scale operations aimed at improving our own position just get our units some experience don't go to gung-ho and waste equipment we are already quite short on most things to just take it easy get a few easy engagements in and with the seaward defense force out of the way let's head for a special service battalion giving us 10 army experience and opponents for land doctrines pretty good deal and now we have a dockyard let's start making some submarines we can make early submarines we just need to slap on some torpedo tubes and voila we'll be pumping out as many of these as we can they're not great but they're all we can realistically produce and with that first infantry equipment done the 1938 stuff is a little bit ahead of time still let's pick up artillery first and with a special surface battalion done it's time to head back to the political part of the tree and burn the king's portraits with the first doctrine done we have a bonus for the second doctrine might as well pick it up a little bit extra work not bad and another batch of 150 pp is available let's get a chief of army maneuver guy or defense guy i think i'll take the maneuver guy and with our interwar artillery improved it's now 1938 we can start taking some more infantry equipment there we go we've burned the king's portraits time to head further down the anti-colonialist crusade okay i believe these units are experienced enough for our needs we've picked up a nice bit of army experience not too much so i'm going to leave the nationalists to clean up this mess on their own we have other targets let's uh take the port of cadiz and launch a naval invasion into porto let's also improve this division a little bit we can add on support artillery we're not lacking any of that so that will give them a little bit of extra bite and we can also add on another unit of infantry we're still lacking some infantry equipment but we're producing it rather quickly and more political power means we can improve the army some more yes army regrouping please now that all of our troops that are deployed are equipped so these eight units all have a nice full yellow bar it's time to force these smaller divisions out the door as quickly as we can we are nearing our war with portugal and we want to have some units on these front lines here in south africa so just deploy these it's not a major front the ai is not likely to launch large scale operations we just need them to sit there and take it and with these guns done let's head on to the other infantry equipment we want the army to be in as best shape as we can manage and as i said before the volunteers from the spanish civil war return giving us a nice five percent division organization not bad for five thousand manpower that's two ticks into the superior firepower tree the next one is going to be a little bit too expensive for our tastes can't afford that just yet tillery is ahead of time we're working on the infantry equipment we could get some more industry but i think it would be a good idea to get better boats early and with our next batch of 150 political power we now have the war support because the world tension has shot up dramatically to go up to partial mobilization not a bad deal with the union of the african people out of the way it's time to make our first move and liberate the portuguese colonies portugal is first of all we have 14 of these rather terrible units out the door they're all green but that's enough to man our front lines i've shortened the northern one this province is a little bit irrelevant should have enough troops on the line to hold the portuguese at bay at least long enough for us to mess with them in their homeland and these brave souls will make that landing it will try to hit porto and then quickly capture the victory points required to capitulate portugal let's also improve these divisions a little bit more let's add some artillery onto it a little bit short but i think we can take the hit 20 minutes later now as our war with portugal draws closer we will need naval superiority to pull off that naval landing we only have two subs but that will be enough for now let's send them to the port of cadiz and because the portuguese navy is not out at sea we have a hundred percent naval supremacy this will change when we declare war but uh the ai usually messes up its fleet enough for us to be able to launch a naval invasion there we go liberate the portuguese colonies is done let's move on to the belgian colonies next that's right belgium we're coming for you all that's left to do is to declare war on portugal now let's uh first set off this naval invasion giving it the best odds of actually leaving the moment we make our declaration then we go into uh portugal and declare our war and take the speed way down this is very micro intensive no there unfortunately portuguese ai has decided they're having none of this so yeah we don't have the naval supremacy we will get it once they send their fleet back to port but uh until then yeah good luck we have improved infantry equipment done that finishes out the infantry tree let's get some uh let's get some research unfortunately there's really not much else to do but wait until they send their fleet back for some repairs 1936 hulls are done so i have submarine twos let's work on the industry a little bit let's also start production of a new boat let's finish the one we're making let's make a new design here better torpedoes better engines this is absolutely not required this is just something i like to do just make these ships as good as i can and start making the new ones 20 minutes later so yeah they finally shipped their fleet back to port for a second giving us enough naval supremacy to get the naval invasion going unfortunately that took almost 70 days and we have to liberate the belgian colonies next not ideal we'll see what we can get out of this i ideally would have to instantly declare war on belgium but uh that's gonna be a tall order we still need to finish off portugal we'll see what i can manage as for political power what can we do what can we do we could get industrial concern could pick up an elusive gentleman ship designer might be nice chief of the navy not bad i think instead we'll do some war propaganda against portugal and improve worker conditions let's get the war support and stability and now let's take the speed down now that the naval invasion has gone off after we liberate the belgian colonies it's time to head down the war measures act let's head all the way down to expand the cape core let's check out belgium no guarantee on them yet portuguese are attacking me in the south a little bit that's uh fairly irrelevant really okay so we are now engaged in the naval invasion of porto and unfortunately two of the units on the tile are actual decent combat units and one of these catsadores or casa i i don't know these are very tier units we have to break them through the liberal use of force attack what might happen with belgium is france or uk could guarantee them because world tension is over 25 we're not justifying on them through conventional means so the ai won't respond to that not to our focus but it is possible that they will immediately plop down the guarantee once we get our war goal so meaning the um focus finishes the game needs a little bit of time to process that like maybe a day or a few hours and the ai will start throwing out their guarantees one way to bypass that if you notice that happening in your game is when the focus finishes you are immediately awarded to war goal just instantly declare war before the ai has any time to process and throw out their guarantees this didn't happen here so i think we're in the clear six hours later very well 32 days after we started our naval invasion we have managed to land in porto so it only took us a hundred and two days to get this far i really really dislike the ai and they're immediately attacking us yeah thanks that's that's gonna help a lot all right what we're gonna do here is immediately start fanning out pin them in place and uh aggressively push for victory points all that matters is that we take some victory points quickly we want to capitulate them as fast as possible make these small attacks to pin their divisions in place they're not meant to defeat them just keep them where they are while we do our thing [Music] [Applause] is [Music] now with a little bit of micromanagement you can see it doesn't really take that long to knock out portugal the hardest part will actually be launching the naval invasion which is very luck dependent i'm sorry i wish i had a better way for you maybe if you build a cruiser instead of an early submarine oh well and uh getting the landing if you're very lucky their port is not guarded if you're a little lucky they only have a unit on it if you're very unlucky they actually have combat divisions on the port we were very unlucky but still we're managing but not as quickly as we'd like [Music] and now that we're making such headway on their european territory i wouldn't want them to pull out all of their cadillac troops so we'll go on the offensive and the colonies as well meanwhile the navy should stay in place with a convoy waiting order trying to pick off or at least slow down all the units they keep sending back home [Music] there we go we've taken enough of portugal's victory points and they have capitulated great not as fast as we'd like but still good enough what we want to do is take all of the territory in africa and this one here as well oh yeah they have a little bit of angola here as well while we're here might as well take it and we'll puppet the rest that is portugal under our belt we'll immediately redeploy the african divisions to the front with belgian congo we'll take our army in portugal set up a naval invasion order from porto and hit these two ports gent and antwerp will just declare war right away get them out of our hair so these guys will prepare a naval invasion order the navy will be convoy raiding all provinces along the way the belgian navy is literally non-existent so this should be easy enough and you'll notice that after we have taken those provinces off of portugal we can liberate them in the anti-colonialist crusade decisions this is what we'll be doing with all of the territorial liberate just have a quick check every now and then if there's stuff here we can click i think that's three we can liberate these three countries and when i say liberate i mean turn into a puppet don't do it manually don't go in the occupied territories that we're not touching this for anything in africa we need to liberate them via these decisions to count for the achievements we have another batch of political power ready to go maybe a chief of the navy i'll take a navy chief i think while we wait for the naval invasion to be ready don't bother with taking anything in congo that we actually want the belgians to keep funneling troops into this area every soldier that's in the congo isn't in mainland belgium and when we hit mainland belgium that's it for them okay we've finished our concentrated industry from this point onwards i'm not constantly going to be repeating what you need to research you'll have to figure it out for yourself i would recommend staying on top of doctrines when you have the army experience for the boost staying on top of doctrines for the navy as well focus on convoy raiding keep getting better submarines get your best submarines out the door as quickly as you can subs will be our lifeblood other than that keep the infantry equipment up to date keep the artillery up to date and keep the industry up to date eventually all right naval invasions ready let's fire this off and see if we can knock out belgium quickly okay looks like we're landing pretty quickly let's keep pushing pushing pushing pushing as you can see all of belgium's victory points are in the north so capture these victory points above the river muse and you've got him with her pants down and they have very few troops left in this area i think they ship most of it off to africa there we go belgium capitulated very quickly with most of their army being stuck in africa and again just take everything they have in africa i don't recommend puppeting belgium the germans will do their around imagino focus giving them a war goal on belgium not a great outcome instead just annex all of belgium just take all of this now with the area under our control a few pointers i would not recommend manning this entire line with our eight divisions nothing's gonna happen there that's not uh it's not gonna work out rather i suggest just sticking to the ports and maybe holding on to brussels to control the vlaanderen region up here that way the ai france will be declaring war on can start walking in until they meet germany somewhere in the middle and the germans can do their regular push on paris yes we will lose control of most of belgium but once the war is over control of it will revert back to us liberate the congo and rwanda and burundi so that's uh several colonies in the bag now we'll just set up the african divisions around this southern tip of the uk's territory we don't need to man the borders where the former belgian and portuguese colonies were we'll be releasing those as puppets and will not be calling them into the war meaning they won't factor into any of the future combat with the uk we'll keep training some units here until we have at least two full armies while we're at it let's change our divisions a little bit improving templates our elite units can have some more artillery bringing them up to uh 7-2 we'll need to produce more artillery to make that work and our shitty african units they can have some more infantry bringing them up to 10 combat with and we'll have another 150 political power now i would like to go up to extensive conscription for the manpower but we can do that later it only requires 20 war support so we can still do that after we declare war i am going to bump it up to war economy now because we need to well 50 or support we're never going to get that while at war war economy first also going to start splitting off some units of the african core i have some ideas here about what to do next i would recommend launching a naval invasion we want to hit this region kenya we need kenya for the achievement and unfortunately kenya is very close to italian territory and in the current version of the game 1.9.3 italy tends to do very well in east africa here so the idea is to launch a naval invasion and take the port of mombasa which is also a victory point if we can take this and quickly push out even if it's just one or two tiles we should secure the area of kenya for us the rest of these areas are not as much of a problem sure the uk might funnel a lot of troops in but it's very easy to cut them off and they'll be under supplied because it's a terrible supply region well we'll be fighting close to our home front with very small units who should not suffer from supply issues that much now as for the naval invasion we could set it up from our own territory here in durban it's a bit of a longer way that's not ideal we could also use this port here in mozambique we have to wait a little bit if we set up the order now and mozambique is freed and becomes our puppet all orders in the area are deleted so we'll have to wait another 90 days and then set up our naval invasion starting at this port i would recommend using this one that's a lot less territory to cover it's easier that way let's also pull the navy back and uh set them to convoy rating on the east african coast now at this point i like making a little bit of support equipment we took quite a bit from the belgians this will give us the option of adding a few support companies to some of our templates i haven't decided which but i like having the option in future ah there we go the events for the african countries are starting to roll in these are the events that we need to use to free the countries otherwise they won't qualify for the achievement so we have two options here the top option will release them as a puppet while the bottom option releases them as a faction member that is free i would recommend releasing everyone as a puppet that will still qualify for the achievement and make our life a lot easier seeing as we can just take their manpower instead of ours and it just blocks off a lot of the movement the uk can do in the area provided we don't call them into the war now that mozambique is free we can also use their port as a staging ground for our naval invasion at mombasa now if you want to use your puppet's manpower just go into your division designer hit this and pick the country you'd like pick someone with a lot of manpower i know angola and mozambique have roughly 30 000 manpower without bumping up their conscription laws that's not great the congo has roughly 80 000 uh portugal not sure really i should check yeah portugal doesn't have a lot because they have a lot of deployed troops already anyway you go in here you pick the country and you take one of these templates just simply copy it over and you can edit it as you like because they are released from our territory they are released with our division templates in place so these are the ones we use anyway and we can simply swap these out for those other nations use their manpower instead there we go the germans have declared war on poland and started world war ii let's see after we expand the cape core we'll be going after the british colonies and get ourselves involved as well now again this is uh rather unfortunately up to ai behavior once again we need kenya so we'll have our fingers crossed hoping that italy does not push hard towards kenya we'll see what happens i can't offer any guarantees that they won't but uh i've set us up with the best option of taking kenya as soon as we can and we have some more political power here i personally like to play with spies quite a bit so i'll just get an elusive gentleman now as for future political power investments i'll leave those entirely up to you good ideas would be design companies and the military theorists and keep an eye on manpower because you will have to bump up manpower laws a few times south africa does not have a lot of base manpower there we go we are ready to liberate the british colonies it's time to end centuries of oppression and return freedom to the people of africa we will be striking at the french and the british the historical colonizers of this continent let's set right an ancient wrong alright before we declare this war let's have another quick overview their troops are most likely deployed against the italians so they're not going to be near our borders right away that said i am going to pull a few of these units off the line to guard our ports i would very much not like the uk or its dominions to suddenly start landing troops behind our backs we're not really equipped to deal with that i'm also going to put a division on the capital just in case they land next to a port and rush the capital would not be a good idea i can always pull this unit off later as for kenya the divisions are ready to launch their naval invasion we should have naval superiority in the region i don't think the royal navy is here they're not in these ports i can see that much and even if they are in the area it will take them time to arrive because i think there's a fleet here near madagascar but by the time they arrive to the east africa sea tile our divisions will already be on their way to hit kenya i don't know if they guard the kenyan port sometimes they do sometimes they won't but if there's units here they will most likely be pulled towards the italian front or they'll start pulling them south to contest our major push into botswana and rhodesia to the north here i have decided to pull these units out i much rather have them sit somewhere safe such as portugal we will not be calling portugal in if they put them here we'll be at risk of the french overrunning us which is not entirely likely but to get anywhere sensible we'd have to run a gauntlet of the royal navy and we'll lose a lot of equipment along the way not a good idea so before we declare war i will be pulling these units out of this area first and with that we are ready it's showtime boys don't call your allies in we will keep our puppets out of this this will narrow the front and it will give us far fewer ports that we need to defend now as for focuses i recommend investing a little bit more in the industry focuses first we will need a lot of equipment to uh support our drive on the uk eventually okay so we had a good bit of luck here i don't see any units in the tile so we can take the port and immediately start pushing in we'll have to hurry because the italians are on their way we need to capture these two victory points to control the area we need mombasa and nairobi to control kenya so right after the naval invasion lands start your drive on nairobi very important to take that area other units can simply start fanning out and taking as much of the territory as possible ideally linking up with the port in that salaam improving our supply and after we control this area we'll push towards rwanda and burundi and cut off any uk divisions still stuck in the south here and seeing as we no longer need the ships in this area i'm gonna pull them back towards the cape of africa and start convo raiding here a lot of traffic passes through here this is a good place to get some kills especially should the uk lose control of the suez now as for our european divisions we're gonna set up a naval invasion order we'll have to hit the uk mainland i'm gonna start in porto and i will opt to hit the area near liverpool and try to cut the island in half and then work from there i would recommend against hitting these southern ports because the english channel is very very unsuitable to submarines submarines are great but the uk navy is gigantic and we need every edge we can get that's why i opt to land from the western approaches that doesn't have such a negative modifier for submarines one thing you might not want to forget is to leave garrisons at the ports you conquer we would really not like the uk and its dominions to start landing troops [Music] while you're working your way through africa you'll notice you'll start getting more of these decisions available to you i recommend taking all of these right away because if we wait until the eventual peace deal to take these decisions we risk the access taking the area and we don't want to go to work with the axis again i mean maybe you want to but it's going gonna make the achievement a lot more difficult this way we can liberate the african colonies we need and then hit london at that point all we have to do is control london for a second and bam that's the achievement in the back now ideally we're going to london to take the rest of the country but should the invasion fail but you do take london at least you'll have the achievement right i'm gonna stop my offensive in the south here i will focus on cutting the uk off by closing the gap here that will shut all of these units out from supply and then we can come in at a later date and just sweep them away when their organization is whittled away to nothing i don't want to throw men and equipment away at this if we don't have to we control the ports that if we can close these gaps they will not be able to get any supply in any way [Music] [Music] okay so far so good once the units in this pocket here starve out and we can close the pocket that will be the territory we need for the achievement we need to control angola which is done congo also done kenya we control it just need to release it mozambique already released and the area of zimbabwe down here we're working on that as being released next after that we just need to be a faction leader which we are of the african people's union and last but not least we hit london now ideally i would just hit the port here and push right into london but that's not realistic the channel is really really not suitable for our submarines so we'll be hitting the uk from here and uh hope that works out it should work out our divisions are pretty good and once we can free up these african divisions we have a lot of troops to work with many months later looks like italy was able to close the gap up here with little luck they'll be able to push all the way north and clean up the uk from africa that means we can free up another 24 terrible divisions to send towards our european front here now naval invasion is turning into quite the pain so i'm gonna give it a go over the english channel and hope that the german navy or air force might want to get involved in this getting the naval superiority is the hard part there is a lot of rng involved because our navy is so small we can't really make a huge impact we just have to rely on the ai being stupid and moving their fleet away let's see if we can uh maybe get naval superiority in the english channel like it's really not ideal for our ships the submarines do poorly in this area but i'm not having any luck with the western approaches iberian coast easy enough to secure but it appears the uk has a lot of their fleet in this area most of their home fleet is at home which is a bit of a problem oh happy days it looks like that worked with invasion support on we were able to get a quick tick of naval supremacy in the english channel i believe that's because they actually have the most of their fleets where we were active like the western approaches that's the hardest part done now it's just time to uh marcu the uk into destruction another stroke of good luck here the uk did not garrison the port of dover if they do just use the force attack button to uh push them out and quickly expand speed will be everything they will be responding to this now that we have made our landing in the south it's not going to be possible to cut the uk in half so we'll have to be pushing up north it's very important that we secure enough supply to support the rest of our army that will be shipping across as soon as we can and to take the greater london area if you want to win the war we need to capitulate them if you want the achievement well we just need to take the greater london area here it's the area around london we have already liberated all of the countries you need for the achievement you just need london now [Music] we've managed to get a foothold on the uk it's time to send the rest of the military over we'll need a lot of these divisions it looks like the uk is lightly defended but i'm fairly certain they're going to start pulling a lot of troops from the rest of the island especially because i see they have lost control of egypt or most of egypt that means they don't really have any regions to put troops and they're going to focus virtually entirely on the home islands this is going to be a very tough fight i'm not entirely sure we can capitulate them in time it's a 21st of january already which means the us is only a few months off and if the us joins there's no hope of us winning this war we might be able to take the islands but the us is gonna funnel so many troops in here it's not gonna be winnable so we have to take the capital quickly for the achievements and then try and push on towards this line and hope to capitulate them before the west joins this is going to be very spicy very interesting i'm looking forward to it [Music] okay okay okay okay good news good news we managed to take london so as far as the achievement is concerned we have control yes we have control of the greater london area we can take that off and we have liberated angola mozambique zimbabwe the congo or just congo zaire and kenya we've also completed anti-colonialist crusade and we are a faction leader so that is crusader kings to complete with that achievement in the bag let's try and finish this run see if we can knock out the uk before the us gets involved a lot of these uk divisions are low strength i think they either force deployed them or they've come from overseas and ran a gauntlet of german submarines [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we're hurting them now this is very micro intensive don't just set battle plans and let them run you're guaranteed to get the floor white with you but if you carefully micromanage your divisions you should be able to create small gaps dive through them and just throw the ai in the disarray encirclements are going to be key here i think we can take him yeah we're getting close we're getting close [Music] okay quick overview we just need six percent of their victory points to make them capitulate i think birmingham and liverpool should do it they still got a lot of truce this encirclement really did help though freaking killed us off that's uh several hundred thousand of them gone we are going to win this it's now march 18th we still have a bit of time before the us shows up well unfortunately as you can see the game bugged out just as we were capitulating the united kingdom something went wrong with the engine and the game thought we were still in the allies or so i assume and the axes have gobbled us up completely i think this is italy occupying our territory yeah and the germans managed to get the most of the united kingdom that's a very unfortunate bug however i still feel the guide is sound it works i did win this war even if the game disagrees the important bit here is to free all of those african countries before you hit the united kingdom and to just rush london quickly if you want the achievement as with all these guys sadly there is a bit of rng involved mostly regarding what britain does with its home island and how you can manage to get yourself naval superiority i hope that despite those troubles this guide helps you i had a lot of fun creating it this is one of the harder achievements in the game if you want to see more achievement runs or more challenge videos leave a like hit me up in the comments with your suggestions and consider subscribing really helps out the channel try to also hit that bell icon so you get notified whenever i put out the new guide if you didn't like the video or if you think i do things wrong just tell me in the comments i'm always looking to improve nobody's perfect this has been me bittersteel i'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 26,091
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: Bitt3rSteel, bittersteel hoi4, crusader kings 2, hoi4 guide, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 achievement guide, ck2 hoi4, south africa, la resistance, hoi4 la resistance, funny, Hearts Of Iron 4, Hearts Of Iron 4 Crusader Kings 2, Crusader Kings 2 Achievement, Crusader Kings 2 Achievement Guide, Crusader Kings 2 guide, Hearts Of Iron 4 achievement, Anti-Colonialist Crusade focus, achievement guide, iSorrowproductions, playthrough, gameplay, Lets Play, paradox
Id: B2VU94FW10k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 34sec (2794 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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