Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: India strikes back at Britain

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hello everyone I am Tauron welcome to another one of my husband fall challenges today were going to play as the British Raj our goal is to get our freedom and beat up our current masters United Kingdom I might pop Adam will say this video also has a sponsor but we'll get back to that in a minute first I want to give you a game plan for what's going to happen first we're going to gain our independence from the United Kingdom and then we're going to and beat them up without using the order 66 because some of you don't like it so let's use something else we're just going to have to use a brute strength and get all the way up here there are two basic ways we can do that either by aligned with the axis and helping them invade Britain or by befriending the Soviet Union and just running through Europe with them in the meantime we'll probably take over a bit of China Afghanistan Iran as much as we can to build up our strength before beating up the Brits and that's the plan this is going to be half improvised because I have a general idea what the strategy will be but I don't have a specifically planned out one all right now a message from a sponsor for this video and then we start our conquest this video is brought to you by World of Tanks blitz it's a game about tanks you drive tanks and you shoot the tanks I used to play similar games with my cousin a couple of years ago I was actually pretty bad at it initially I wanted to try this one out before advertising it to you I'm still doing pretty badly against higher level players but I'm actually doing pretty great against almost anyone on tier one because all the Year beginner players seem to not have realized yet that you can hide behind rubble if you would like to try this game there is a link down in the description that you can use to download it and of course doing so supports my channel and one more thing World of Tanks blitz now has a new math games mode with two new tanks that were created in collaboration with the Peter pound who was a vehicle designer for Mad Max fury road the first one is that the scavenger tier 5 medium tank that can get an accelerator boost and the other tank is the gravedigger tier 7 heavy tank that can get invisibility and has a sweet ram on the front which you will be able to unlock if you have at least one a tier 5 vehicle game is available on Mac steam iOS Android and Windows 10 if this looks like something you'd enjoy follow the link in the description below alright back to the game regular difficulty I'm an old historical focuses I'm on British Raj 1 let's go in order to break free we need to do a civil war either this one or this one I mean we could just use the quit India movement now that is painfully slow we also start with very limited manpower due to some negative modifiers we have and with only cure research slots we also cannot access this a focus tree until world tension is at least 10 so for now we're going to focus on getting some extra research thoughts let's get a doctrine I'm gonna do must assault at this time and some extra research let's start off by getting some extra military factories I'm gonna need guns and I'm gonna need them soon also or our production goes to guns we have some planes I'm going to disband them from now there's a civil war is coming and the let's make as many convoys as we can as for current troops let's send them to a port so we can maintain control of them during the Civil War or I could just disband all of them and deploy one unit when the Civil War starts the result would be the same it would just win easily but this way we save with the troops let's unpause and speed the game up as I just did remilitarization of the Rhineland has happened and we're going down this path so that we can get some research thoughts as soon as the world Hessian reaches 10 we're going to follow the path that will bring us freedom but we're not allowed to do so yet also we have all those negative modifiers that are very very detrimental to our country unfortunately there is not much we can do about them now we have enough political power to hire an advisor let's take a silent workhorse which is usually the best course of action and do Tucker Steele also follow our doctrine research Spanish Civil War is happening I think I will base my strategy on who win is the Spanish Civil War if it's a Republican Spain I think I'll go with the Soviet Union if it's nationalist Spain I think I'll go with Germany especially as a refinery ad digger boy I'm assuming they're digging there a research thought that's why a popular figurehead the extra stability will increase our protocol power income slightly as well as our factory output and so on we've done the Institute of fundamental research but the world tension will still not let us do this focus tree so let's do lessons of the Great War instead because that leads to the final fifth research thought now we only have three at the moment but once we are at war and have a nice Ally we'll be able to get number four from here let's go to a free trade for extra factory output and construction speed and research in this burg incident Oh Victoria is an option or rather would be if we were not on historical focuses let us do Indian ization of the army industrial concern Japan is attacking China which means we are going to be able to do our focuses now yes Chinese United Front and or that provincial elections it is and researching some industry let's get the military theorists provincial elections are Dunn's do safar ash let's also get a captain of industry we don't really have a lot of research thoughts and we will be fighting very soon I think we will be better off with mass mobilization we will have a lot of manpower in you a member that will make it even easier we won't have to rely on puppets Spanish Civil War still largely unresolved right as far as movement makes gains and boot to the All India Forward Bloc I think the fascists are gonna win which means an alliance with Germany but let's wait a little bit longer and is depend making gains not really they will eventually but we have some time yep nationalist Spain is gonna win which means we're going to I the Germans now all India Forward Bloc is complete and we have to choose an evil ideology to align with either fascism or communism let's have a look at Spain I can't want to do communism because we haven't done that for a while but going fascist is just more efficient in this scenario especially since nationalist spain is winning so let's go fascist seek help from germany they will probably refuse but it doesn't matter we can easily win the civil war on our own the end of the Spanish Civil War and nationalists are one since national Spain is a thing we'll be better off with fascism and Germany refuses to help doesn't really matter we can easily win the civil war ourselves let's proceed to start the civil war we could of course fight the civil war normally and we would win it easily but there are two ways of almost completely bypassing this of war one is you send your troops out to sea and when the war triggers you will maintain control of them and the other is you just disband all your troops and have some ready to deploy trained completely but with no location set and when the war starts we just deploy them and win both of those ways are very effective we'll do the one with transports because we won't have to train these two again but the important bit is to do that at the right moment otherwise it's not gonna work when we're at 68 progress I'm gonna send them out to see go here they are at sea now the civil war starts and we fine assign them to a new army and actually we only need to take these two victory points to win if I understand this correctly someone let's just do an order like this and be super aggressive we'll have any generals we have one we'll get a focus to get more in a moment and go win this for me quickly and in the meantime I can start just to find some more more goals I'm gonna do Afghanistan 280 days that is a bit excessive but did you have a guy that makes it take a longer time could I do Iran instead I could but Iran would be better defended I think I'll leave that for later alternatively I could do to better let's see how many factories they have to tibet has a nine and Afghanistan has seven I feel like Tibet seems like the better target all right let's do Tibet 215 days now they should not get any guarantees because we haven't really generated a lot of world tension yet there you go take this for me actually half of you just go straight to Delhi I guess I can do the standard thing just just around the United States and that will cost me sympathic apartment that's fine drives up the world tension 270 it drives up my war support 260 which lets me go to war economy and excessive conscription and now I cancel it because I don't need it anymore council war go justification and the world tension goes back down and they should spread it down yes they did we have annexed them and we are now free in order to beat up the British without resorting to or the 66 or anything like that we will have to gather up some strength we will have to conquer some people and become more powerful Tibet is our first to target two full armies should be enough for now actually I won't need to farm used to conquer Tibet but we will be going after China afterwards depends making gains in China very quickly I hope I can beat up to bed before they finish I should probably be able to just join their faction can I do that now I could if I had enough fascist popularity oh that is a bit of a problem I probably should have higher the just demagogue rather than the captain of industry but we can also remedy that with some decisions here the mobilize our economy there I always forget about this one mmm that's fine we'll enjoy the strikes I suppose I'll do anti-democratic raise consumer goods 20% yeah that is pretty nasty but we will be at war soon which should get rid of that and now that we have all those officers let's get a field marshal the highest level guy will just be promoted to a field marshal and he's gonna get offensive organization and charismatic skills that's higher an infantry expert go China hold out a bit longer Germany claims mammal also not my problem and our work on Tibet is ready as declare war immediately let's see do two strikes and disappear also let's start justifying on China immediately fifty days that is a bit long isn't it yeah well hopefully I can do that in time the strikes indeed did disappear come on be a bit more aggressive perfect let's take half of you go here and here that should do it China hold on and Tibet has been taken care of I will just take everything now let's get ready to beat up the Chinese in Japan would you like me to join your faction you would not I don't have enough fascist support yeah I should have hired the fascist demagogue justification is ready let's attack perfect look like war now Japan you might want to invite me to your faction now I can just ask to do that let's join of action okay then let's join your war also we're at war with everyone not just China we don't want me to join your war I hope China will call everyone else in yeah I don't need to China to call everyone else in I can just attack from their territory regardless since we're both in the war and that will give me a little bit of war score alright Communist China has joined space Sun ma effect Shang she can get sinking to join will be beneficial and Yunnan even is in the army unfortunate we have to take the expensive option but let's unsuspended that borescope on something first how about an offense expert yeah let's select a research collaboration now if this war lasts for a little while longer I will be able to get we number four from Japan Sakina has capitulated without fighting me which is a pity but not really a problem call to arms from Japan yes I will accept and we can make better guns though now I need the Chinese to hold out until this focus is complete we are progressing into their territory oh no that is unfortunate essentially what just happened is we're not going to be able to finish that focus yet well let's a shadow puppet China so we can get the territory without the Japan interfering pass a few times to accumulate enough war score so we can just take all states take all states there we go it really is very a very unfortunate what the hell what you release to bed god dammit I should have released Tibet then they wouldn't be able to do that and we would have connected our territories that's a pity this is not looking very well is it yeah well we'll have to endure that or I can just release Communist China as a puppet but for now let's use these factories we don't really have any need of a puppet it is unfortunate that we did not finish the research thought focus but we'll do that soon well let's do Japanese technology so we can join a research collaboration and I probably should have not taken the focus gap damage mutinies again I can't do anything about that now how long until Germany attacks Poland okay I have to do the expensive option for mutinies but I will not be able today and to do any new focuses we will only be just fine alone against and after the walk has broken out in Europe because we don't want any guarantees on them and when the eyes aren't distracted they will not guarantee them immobilize our economy again I hate that non Japanese technology we are not going to do any new focuses for now because I need to justify I work on and get extra stability I'm not about to get strikes from a war economy probably should have just stated own partial mobilization we are in the positives in terms of protocol power now and Germany's about to attack when they attack we started justifying well as soon as we have enough political power that is bond refuses German ultimatum and joins the eyes and now we can start justifying on against them if we have enough points and we do not have enough points now we do now we can return to doing focuses and yes we do have strikes which is horrible should just stay that partial mobilization I guess yeah you know what I will probably just go down to partial mobilization because this is just annoying me Germany's gonna do fine is it though what the hell is that France and Germany what happened here I mean I think they're going to strike back but you know there's the mobilizer economy it's not worth the hassle it's too much and bullcrap with that well if Germany gets defeated it will be hilarious and I will have to adjust my plans but I was just focused in Afghanistan though how does they got some nasty events they are attacking Denmark and Norway even though they're being invaded by France right now this is relatively funny but also have no idea what's going on I don't think I've ever seen the Allies do so well not the Germans are fighting back they always were actually doing well for once of course they had to screw something out but they were doing well human way of offensive his done France has been defeated apparently Hawaiian men trying to post too much is happening yep France has been defeated just occasion Afghanistan is ready let's attack it immediately just fight on Iran as well as should we do turkey now I suppose we could want to do turkey as well it should work how's the attack in Afghanistan going fine it's going fine problem with Turkey is and Turkey is guaranteed by Romania and fighting Romania can be a little bit of an issue for us but now actually if Romania attacks Bulgaria that is perfect for us because we can get Bulgaria to Romania Yugoslavia Bulgaria in the meantime Afghanistan is almost taken over so I'm not going to try this again because we're about to end the world and again perhaps I should hover is it the precipice of ending the war just to make sure I finish the focus yeah let's try that do research collaboration and make sure we do not end the war but we almost ended the war you just never joined the Allies and Bulgaria joins the axis alright a lot of stuff is happening Bulgaria joins the axis you suffer joins the allies so we will have a hard time getting to Romania you know what I will worry about that later perhaps they will not come in to defend turkey when they have problems of their own all right you guys stop attacking her heart stop as the orders or I should also make them cautious Romania is going to attack the axis and also a point to pro axis government I wonder what will happen to them focus is complete we can continue our attack on Afghanistan that should do it there you go that's just an X everything front lines on Iran are ready let's check for guarantees no new guarantees oh and turkeys guarantee has been revoked that is perfect for us we should be able to invade Iran and Turkey quite sir easily might take a rack as well later I think it's time to do the sterling Mach 1 this is ahead of time and this is going to take a long time but it is going to provide a tremendous boost let's do some encryption and decryption and attack as you can see we have huge amounts of manpower let's see if Turkey has guaranteed because of our actions it looks like they're not going to what are my targets not getting current Eid by the allies well I explained that in a separate video if you're interested look for avoiding guarantees or just guarantees on my channel and you should find that essentially they're busy with other stuff and I'm too far away for them to be concerned it's important to time with ease right but as I said I explained this in detail in the other video Romania Bulgaria which means Romania will be joining the eyes now that is weird behavior for Romania to join the Allies first that's not my problem because they're not guaranteeing turkey anymore and is gonna be defeated now Finland was beaten by the swords they've given Bessarabia up to the soviets about their to be indexed by Bulgaria and Hungary and maybe Italy and artistic ation on Turkey is ready now it is valid for two months but I'm just going to decline now why because they might still get a guaranteed if we have a war go and we're not using it Oh Germany tax the Soviet Union good I'm gonna do that too once we're done with Turkey I'm still undecided if I want to bring Japan into that we are still in Japan's faction so we could bring in Japan to beat up the Soviets I think that will be the best course of action and Iran is taken care of I'm just going to annex everything in the meantime can you attack Iraq as well how quickly will that be ready 160 days well that is a bit of time I suppose I can spare a while now I'm going to need all of you guys to rush to other Turkish border and attack quickly before they can mount a proper defense well we at least got one province and it seems they were not ready for our attack if we can keep the momentum or will be well and Greece is joining the eyes which is not my problem and Romania capitulates to Hungary and Bulgaria maybe you can take over Saudi Arabia as well before we beat up with the Soviets should not take too long they don't have and the devisor that makes it more difficult we don't need to rush the attack on the Soviet Union too much let's just let them fight it out with Germany I'm working on civilian factories and once those are done I'm going to work on leaven having a lot of dockyards because we are going to need to invade Britain everyone just to rush their victory points we are so much stronger that this should not be a problem I wish there was a super aggressive set up for the front lines in which they would just get into any free undefended territory they could find automatically now this is not the most efficient way of doing this some of them will get trapped and so on but we're just so much stronger than our opponent at this moment that whatever we do we should do fine it would have to bomb that's awesome can we or can we not get to Istanbul quickly and that is our last research thought all right there should be about to capitulate as soon as we take Istanbul yes that's enough yes it is that's the next Turkey hold on until we have our goal in Iraq two months and let's quickly beat up Iraq and get ready to obliterate our the Soviet Union because it's time and then we can get back to engineering the demise of the United Kingdom oh I forgot I'm doing Saudi Arabia as well that's fine no need to rush too much how long until our last distillation is ready a hundred days hold on until how long would it take to justify on the Soviets a hundred and twenty days because we all just find on a bunch of people you know that's fine let's give ourselves 20 days to conquer Saudi Arabia should be sufficient and then we can go after the Soviets need to take a break now I hope I will remember my plans after I'm back I am back from my break and hopefully I can remember the plan right we are justifying on Iraq Saudi Arabia and the Soviet Union and and they could guaranteed how about the Saudis they could guarantee it as well well that is a very unfortunate actually going to cancel these justifications I am not willing to start fighting the eyes at the moment I am willing to start fighting them later on and Germans are not doing so great actually you might be better off if we just joined the Soviet assault on the Germans no no let's follow the plan was to make sure they're all the same template so we're gonna modify it neatly I suppose I will increase the size of the regiment to get a better combat with the 19.2 sounds bar to right let's do 19 point to make them a bit bigger no I'm not sure what the risk of famine does but I think we would do well to remove it with this focus here especially you like the picture that's a boot crushing a British spider so that's very in the line with the theme of this challenge German demands french indochina that is not our concern and our logo is ready let's make sure they all get their planning bonuses and then we can attack they have a non-aggression pact with our faction leader that is unfortunate but I don't really need Japan anymore so uh goodbye Japan sorry also I would like to declare war on the Soviet Union now and perhaps a rejoin Japan in their faction if they agree that would be helpful they have accepted we have rejoined them after attacking so in Japan come and help me perfect see that's how you trick your allies into joining your Wars and we are doing very well on the first assault we'll see how long that lasts let's integrate princely railways doing well progressing quickly what is our more participation 12% that is a lot of war participation actually Infantry's honestly the best units in the game well not the best almost less the best is bicycle infantry we're going to have to start working on some documents and researching some ships now and get a naval company ace telling mark one time to do naval stuff let's research submarines submarines are the best not for long-term engagements but for quick attacks and I'm strengthening Germany by buying their steel the Soviet Union might be powerful but it can't handle an attack from all sides unfortunately Russia is kind of big so it's gonna take us a little while to beat them up as you can see the axis are regaining territory they lost because we are now helping them once we're done beating up the Soviets I will exit at the Japanese faction and to join the axis leading an attack on the United Kingdom or attack is progressing nicely the Japanese are helping as well let's have a look as participation oh we have almost passed Germany that is great because if we have the most war score we will have first to pick on the Peace Conference of course Japan is attacking everyone and the United States join as the allies which is a little bit of an issue for us because we will not be able to get the peace deal with the United Kingdom until we deal who the United States may be here let's make Mexico fascist although I probably should have started out the earlier if we would succeed in that we would be able to attack from there only 2% behind the Germany and we didn't take too many casualties even though we are doing pure infantry aggressively going into Russia free India moving up we are actually different quite well on our march towards Moscow I'd direct March can we get there before the Germans I think I'll just let them do their thing they might actually be able to take Moscow even without connection to supplies actually Germany would you like to give me military access because if you do I will have supply in this pocket which would be amazing yes give me military access please and here comes supply so yes yes you can take Moscow actually right if the Germans stop for a moment to recover dammit they got it we now have 34% only and they have more full of Moscow and they have capitulated all right a peace deal is in coming but they capitulated to the Germans which is a bit of an issue we will see in a moment how that plays out we can actually get quite a lot that the Germans did take quite a bit yes they did and I'm pretty sure the Japanese will also try to take stuff and but if I'm puppet the Soviet Union we will get our the best results so once puppet of the Soviet Union right I still don't have enough points let's pass another time right we have secured against the Germany now I'm not sure if I need to secure us against Japan but let's do that as well now all this territory here will not go to anyone else now theoretically they could create puppets but I don't think they will let's take all the other stuff that we can take we have sort of set up a shell Soviet Union if I just take all the territory that's in the middle directly I am completely within my rights to do so we actually had about the exact required amount of war score to do what we needed to do now we have two options I can take everything inside those boulders directly and you will see glorious Bogor or I can continue giving it to my puppet the border go that will result in just taking it directly it won't be glorious so let's do that I'm going to pass a couple of times as you can see this is all secure nobody else can take it because they can't but they don't bother it and it's not you know through sea either and now we take everything that's left just directly with a shell of Soviet territory around it buuuut and the turn done now can you honestly tell me this is not a work of art you can't can you now what do we do we have over 300 factories alright so just focus on a little counts and once we have maxed those out I will and next the Russians so we can have some more and they will duck out a room over here yeah we have tacked up already so we don't need this let's do the minted exports this way we will keep most of the steel and that is produced in the territory and that we have acquired and it's not a problem anymore now free trade is great it's usually the best thing ever but yeah at the point where you are running out of steel you might want to get out of it but usually it is worth even keeping until the end of the game now we focus on beating up around the UK we will need a navy lots of submarines I'm gonna send the former Soviet Union all of my newest guns that I'm producing rania of Jhansi division alright I got some extra general let's see Lakshmi so as saga' we're going to take a little break and focus on building our country up and the next thing with the Russians and actually let's prioritize at the naval tokens that are in their territory so that we can index them faster let's research the advanced and landing craft it is going to take forever and we're probably not going to finish it before we beat up how the you came but it's always good to have some extras and we can now lower Russia's autonomy let's do that and wait a little bit longer we need to have 300 volts of power saved up for when we finally decide to annex them so let's not like to focus for a while I'm just in love with this shape of our country so beautiful coming up to submarine 3 then joined eyes and Suzanne capitulates in the moment submarines are great for two reasons they're cheap and who's been invited really I'm gonna need to help the axis soon what was I saying oh yeah submarines are great because they were cheap and they have a very longer range oh there is a naval production focus that is actually going to be very helpful once we finish and seeing the Russians let's do some manpower thievery shall we let's set up some templates let's save it and make a lot of those like a lot of those that should suffice 500 cavalry division's to be deployed over here and let's make another template infantry template for seems to be the biggest that I can find we don't really need to edit that that's over 10,000 manpower ones get it to 20,000 manpower that is more than we need but you know I like having a margin 20,000 men par per unit times are 500 units that's what ten million men are how much man party have you have 1.3 million when I give you back your land you'll probably have around five or something like that make sure to finish all the construction we're doing because it can bug out at the moment of annexation I don't want to waste all that production we have put into it and Italy is not doing so great not doing so great at all and something else happened as well but I clicked it away too quickly other last the Russian Dockyard is about to be completed there you go right now I'm going to give them back older core territory Russian Empire return territory it's going to lower our amount of factories and all that that's just temporary now let's have a look at their manpower on pause two million that is much less than I expected them to have let's just give them another day and see if it changes it doesn't change two million is very little but we can make use of it of course let's switch all these to a higher template infantry templates for now we've drained all the Russia's manpower haven't we yes we have and now we can index them and that is taken care of me to garrison all the territory that we own that has ports we wouldn't want to get a naval invasion would we should probably also do some fighters yeah it's fine if I get too much into equipment I can just send it to my house we have also inherited the Russian Navy I'm going to rebase them all to muisc why here well they can easily get at English Channel from here and as for the new submarines I'm just going to assign them to some fleets that already exist and that I have just rebased two more mice now let's proceed to build even more dockyards and take the continuous focus for naval production I've set up some orders for the territory that we're bordering that's allied it is time to exit as the Japanese faction let's leave the faction and join the axis instead we are currently at war but joining their faction does not make us join their wars we will do that soon but not just yet for now let's prepare some naval invasions all will go through the English Channel we should be able to dominate it with our Navy why do have a lot of planes I've confiscated reduce those to help our guys cross the English Channel okay we're all set we just need to wait for our guys to finish their preparations and of course we also have to beat up lists in the United States later on but that can just wait a bit in terms of land and air force we are pretty much good to go in terms of ships we could use some more now that we are in the access I can actually rebase my fleet over here let's do that this is there a naval battle v our submarines well once we join that is going to be a laughably small force but let's sir have a look how many ships do you have left you have oh we have a hundred and fifty ships kinda but the United States only have nine well inviting them might be easier than I thought I thought about it a little bit and I've decided to delay my joining of the war until I can simultaneously in be top of the United Kingdom end the Americans why is that well because I think that will be cool once we finish the highest level of landing craft we'll be able to send 150 units simultaneously so I think I will send fifty here fifty here count fifty here so we can you know catch them unawares and attack them from all sides and hopefully most of the united states army will be busy in Europe and we'll be able to take them over more easily that way I think we'll see I do have a ton of man on but I think I might want to go with infinite manpower we still have not done anything with China why well because if I'm using pure infantry I'm gonna be using up a lot of manpower so I'm actually going to release Communist China of course as a puppet how much manpower do you have and they have a total of 25 million manpower all right I'm going to have to steal that from you where is that edit templates are used to steal from the Russians oh there it is let's train some of those sure a thousand should suffice now if I want to do these simultaneously that means I'll have at least a year more of building submarines so I suppose I could use that time to add some support companies to our units we have a release to China we'll also need to work only reducing their autonomy and since we are going to be adding support companies I should probably build up some equipment for those as well machinists Payne joins axes good we are capable of doing 150 units simultaneously attacking so I'm going to make 10 armies 15 unit each and sent for here three three here and three through here of course that will require some naval management but at least some of them should get through and give us victory I'm also going to experiment with support companies I'm not sure if I'm going to add artillery or maintenance companies to the unit's but the four normal template will be decided upon once we annex China because I think I'm going for huge 40 with units everywhere logistics will be important for that but actually I can prepare the template right now kourin doctrine and reduces the size of an infantry unit so we have 40 with with this that is impossible to beat up when defending almost not so strong an attack unfortunately we're going to add a signal companies logistics companies recon engineer and possibly artillery or maintenance you know let's see if we switch to a maintenance company what would that change so to reduce our supply use and increase our reliability thus reducing it Christian which is helpful this should work out nicely we'll see and we can annexed China now I should have done to lend-lease a thing earlier so what we're gonna do now is take older expedition of or so that they've sent us and send them back home otherwise it bugs out take these thousand units and switch them to this template here it will take all their manpower and just have a look on pause 18 million has been delivered here and now we can annex them and take over all that manpower let's do that now with these guys I don't need that menus or this song but I do need to some I'm going to switch all the ones that are going to be invading America and written to that where's that template here you know not this one should have named it something else I think that's this one there you go let's check that's the template yes that's the template now these 90 units will be used as reinforcements but and the rest of you just get disbanded now I need to update some orders with the newly acquired units they are all is fine let's activate all of them and then we still need to get some naval coverage now let's have a look how many ships did you manage to make over 400 well that is a sufficiently many I'm going to have to reorganize the fleets a little bit how many will we need one two three four five six seven we need at least seven fleets so let's make it eight so we can get nice equal numbers so make sure the newly produced ships a reinforce all of them our ships have arrived at least most of them we can now give them orders let's just do patrol you're gonna do these three you are gonna do these three and you one two three there is some overlap and what we have covered everything yeah right now the other side now the highest level submarines have a very long range which is one of the main reasons I like submarines so much so you're gonna cover this you're gonna cover this 1 2 3 1 2 3 pretty much everything we need has been recovered and now we need to double down on the English Channel and this area with the last fleet we have you are going to patrol here and here and here and you're gonna get the admiral herbert fitz herbert here is a cool name i think it is time for us to act and stop all the training make sure you regain your organization before you attack right we're pretty much ready our Air Force is ready to hold the English Channel our ships are everywhere our naval invasion czar primed Germany I'm going to join your wars and if all these different versions of launch that's gonna be a sight to behold let's have a look I'm posing we've joined war let's see who launched all of you are launching and good but how many of you are going to get intercepted about here also everyone's what we're launching and same here good ok let's see how many of you survived and we're already trying to land hmm i targeted provinces next to ports because i assumed that the ports would be guarded that usually works but this time i know where they're just going through they're ordered a garrison the area and first landings have happened good you take this port you take this port not paying attention to the army's going in for the americas now because well essentially it's gonna take them a while to get there and we have our first port also i've secured the ball this with the others here and here making nice progress and another landing has been successful all right you guys should go and take it over and actually i can assign some reinforcements to the armies that have already landed here and gotten ports so let's select nine units and have them do you and are you landing or are you involved in the naval battle hmm well it was inevitable it would happen at some point one of our armies has been trapped in a naval battle but that's fine because three have already landed it's always good to separate your naval invasion into multiple paths because as you can see this army he has been blocked by the navy but the others were able to go around it when are you guys going to take dover come on who some of them seem to be involved in the naval battles hopefully we can have a successful landing some of them got through more or less how about here nearing the coasts good I want to invade them from two sides mostly because it will be cool but also because if they want to counter one of our invasions with their forces and we've learned it then they will carry the leave the other coast exposed let's go inland I'm going to manually send some of them along the coast and let's wait for other landings to happen you're almost over landed so we have already landed over to American coasts how are we doing written not as well as I had hoped and to more successful landings wonderful once you all have ports I'm going to rearrange the orders a little bit yeah the coast seems to be largely undefended we can take the port quite easily which is of course great right how about the other side only one of the armies has a landed successful in but it has land as a very successfully we have finally reached Dover good girl attack everything everywhere Britain's down for at this point they can't handle an attack like this this will sort itself out don't we have to focus on America seems like the Americans have all other troops in Europe which is good for us now the American capital is in Chicago and Germany is taking over Ireland yeah you have your phone Germany will do all the work again manual management would have done this quicken but I hate mine your management United Kingdom has capitulated completely to me are you being lazy you're being lazy aren't you just go deeper motorized would have simplified everything but we're on our way to victory there are a few more victory points along the coast I think once we reach and dollars they should capitulate but even if they don't that will happen soon after yeah maybe it wasn't necessary to do a massive assault - like that from all sides but I found it entertaining I missed San Francisco that's why I haven't won yet let's go there and your current capital is San Luis and also there are a few more victory points in the middle here and they have capitulated and here's our peace conference and beautiful we have beaten them now the goal of this place who wants to puppet written someone's due just on that puppet in Britain and we do have more war score than Germany yeah I suppose not just puppet Britain to humiliate them and all that and the rest we'll take it directly let's end the turn well the Germans did take quite a lot of territory from the Brits but it doesn't really matter to us what matters to us is that they're our subject not how much land they have okay vitamin was that who puppeted the United States for me I knew I should have a shadow puppet of them well they just have one state not a problem it wasn't our goal anyway no one's left Germany took quite a bit why puppeted Britain as a humiliating tactic we have also taken most of North America with the exception of this German puppet well we could have prevented that shadow puppet thing but we didn't really care that much so that is the end of it our goal was to beat up the Brits and we have beaten up as a Britain of course if I wanted to continue this and we easily could we have a huge fleet lots of troops infinite manpower terms of factories and so on the easiest way to go about this right now would it be to attack the Japanese now we'll still have help from the axis and then turn against the axis in the meantime we might also take some neutral countries out we're still at war really with Dutch East Indies we don't really care let's have a look at the factions map mode see here is the Japanese faction we could easily take them out we have a powerful navy huge Navy indeed have a look over 600 ships we could just cover all of this with submarines and land invasions in Japan and it would surrender so we could do that we could invite some neutrals or we could just betray and the axis still I'm not going to do any of that because world conquests are usually pretty boring once you get past a certain point and we are at that certain point now in conclusion that is how you'll beat up the Brits as India without using the order 66 you could also use that strategy of course but yeah some of you really don't like it so I wanted to do a video that you would enjoy as well okay I'm going to end the video here I hope you enjoyed watching it and I will see you again soon and we might do Dutch East Indies I still haven't decided don't forget to post your suggestions in the comments if you have any and that is it again goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 681,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman india, hoi4 british raj, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4, world conquest, iron, of, four, hoi4 france world conquest, hoi4 india, hoi4 gameplay, taureor, hearts of iron 4 fail, hoi4 indian empire, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 annex united kingdom, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4 meme, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4, hoi4 annex ussr, hearts, hearts of iron 4 british raj challenge
Id: rYHvOr9LOCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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