HoI4 Guide - Kingdom of the Netherlands: Treading the Narrow Path Achievement

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So did I screw up by taking the focus where I get Luxembourg and Belgium as part of the realm before 1945 thus giving me European states that “I” lost control of (even though they were lost before my control)?

It’s now mid-way thru 1945 and it says that this achievement is not available even though all check marks are green?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/notquiteaffable 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
there we go 1945 we made it now let's have a louver view of the country we still control Holland we still have full control of Friesland because we control 57% of the victory points and we have also retained full control of Brabham's because again we control 87% of the victory points so our requirements to not lose our continental States has been fulfilled sir there's a works have been continued and completed so we can check that mark off as well and finally it is 1945 go to our achievements we have complete treading the narrow path did not cave the de Germans we continue to serve the say works and we did not lose control of any of our continental European states until 1945 and as a nice cherry on top we did it the royalist way the right way all that's left now is to capitulate the Germans and the rest of the axis which might prove difficult considering the Soviet Union's also in this but this game has just evolved into a giant mess just for the achievement we're done here I'm not gonna continue this the AI has given me a killer headache but first if you like these videos leave a like consider subscribing for more of these and tell me what you want to see next down in the comments now onto the video welcome back folks bittersteel here with another guide for hearts of iron for not the day we're taking a long hard look at the Netherlands and the narrow paths achievement meaning we have to make it to 1945 continue deserted Z works and we can't lose control of any of our component estates and to spice things up we're going to do so via a monarchist path now as a Belgian it pains me deeply to develop such a successful strategy for the Netherlands but for you guys I shall endure now first off country overview we are despicable neutrals meaning we can't really get involved with anything until we get rid of this national spirits but for the purpose of this guide this one is pretty irrelevant next up the shell-shocked spectators this basically giimpse our manpower and factory output into near nothingness and we want to get rid of this as quickly as possible the creases yaddam a pretty bad modifier to our construction speed and we're also going to be getting rid of this as soon as we can and finally weak government it's well not great we're also not the end of the world this one is going to get you eat it along the way anyway so for a plan of action let's start with research we have three slots pretty decent gonna start out with the classics focusing on electromagnetic or electronic engineering and the basics of industry once we catch up on those we will shift our focuses between industry and improvements to our army as for army improvements or focus on getting engineers these are vital to our survival antitank to keep those german panzers out of our beautiful Polar's and doctrines now it's a bit of a toss-up between grandpa pan for the entrenchments and defense and superior firepower for the organization and soft attack both are viable while grant battle plan lends itself very well to just sitting there and waiting for 1945 droolin especially if the Allies completely fold while superior firepower will give us more options to counter once the initial fire zone calms down now other than those be sure to keep up with industry infantry equipment and whatever support units you might want to add such as anti-air or artillery for production we're going to kick things off with guns lots of guns and nothing but guns the boys need their weapons otherwise we can't even get them out into the field now as for our army you notice we are sitting on not a lot of manpower not the world's greatest manpower pool we do however have a puppet with a lot of manpower which we can simply steal so we're going to go into these templates Dutch East Indies and copy both of their templates the infantry division is pretty it's close to our desire to 20 comma with and then there's this garrison division we're going to be doing is spamming out a bunch of these garrison divisions at a high priority and well these have to be deployed in the Dutch East nice but the troops will ferry home they're not in much danger yet and we're just going to be spamming those out now as for our starting troops it's not a horrible template it's identical to the colonial one only this one uses actual Dutchman instead of Colonials but we don't have the manpower to support these just yet so what are we going to do we're going to switch all of these over to the K and il : Yale Academy zoom the smallest of the two colonial templates giving us a bunch of infantry equipment Oh some infantry equipment that then goes towards these troops that were training getting more of them out into the field quicker we don't need to set any frontlines just yet it's just parked them somewhere sinai general there and any new troops will go here until we have roughly 54 divisions in the field so that will be enough to fill out two full armies since one of our general can command 30 troops instead of the standard 24 now once the army is printed out we'll be converting into a useful template and focus on actually arming the men now construction Bureau and build a forts we're going to turn this into fortress Holland we're going to build level six efforts in the city of Leo Arden which is the port up here in Friesland then a line of level six forts between the city of Utrecht and ain't joven and then we're gonna build another line on the Belgium border between the city of and joven and the coastal tile right above Belgium so if not this stretch down here but the one that has to take the land crossing towards Belgium now you'll notice that this does mean giving up some territory to the Germans but for achievement doesn't matter Leviathan and Utrecht will give us control of that area along with its resources and factories and same for Brabant we can give up Maastricht and the province next ant oven as well as that time splotch next belgium if we hold on to the rest we maintain control of the province and that is what matters for the achievement now four focuses we are going to go abandon the gold standard and then straight down to continue the survey works this will focus on getting rid of the construction penalty early and giving us a serious industrial edge as well as not having to worry about relying on the AI to retake our land for us since we need full control of Friesland to take this focus and it will be terrible to sit there in 1945 in an unassailable fortress but we just can't push out because we don't have the manpower and the AI is brain-dead so if we get that out of the way all we need to do is ride out the storm till 1945 and then the gold standard as for your ships just make a few convoys we'll be trading a lot speaking of trade at the start France is a decent trading partner even if those factories will end up going to Germany if you're opposed to this the United Kingdom is a viable alternative and with all that out of the way we're going to set the speed to maximum and just kick things off so we're just gonna sit here for a bit force deploying these terrible units until they have filled up these two armies as for our industry we're going to be focusing on disbursed industry it's simply the better choice for a country like the Netherlands we'll be shifting our production lines around a lot so dispersed is we'll start getting a few more military factories keep putting them in infantry equipment at the start we want to have at least five factories on infantry equipment we're going to have a massive shortage of it so the more guns we can put out the better as we get more factories available to us will also be diversifying into support equipment so we can equip our troops with engineers and some anti-tank so he can get rid of or at least slow down those German Panzers trying to wreck our polders and our windmills in the research tree the industry branch will be focusing on construction at the start we want to get our construction speed as high as we can because we really need those Forks built to keep the Germans at bay and have ourselves a nice little fortress Holland this way it lines up nicely with the bonuses we get from going down the construction speed path of our tree towards the suburbs it works and with others day works itself a few moments later and with that we have our 54 yes 54 54 troops in the field they're all garbage I know so we're going to be converting their template into something a little more reasonable the colonial infantry busy this one is 18 with and we'll be modifying it into a 20 with division as soon as we're able to convert these troops over now you'll notice we are short a lot of guns but fear not even if we cannot get rid of this shortage by the time the war kicks off the Allies are more than willing to send us many many guns in the early months of the war that should get rid of our shortage altogether now as for our battle lines now might be a good idea to set up our troops we're going to be staying we're going to take the largest of the two armies and they're going to man this line stretching from the coastal province up to the province right above antal while the Second Army is basically going to be split in two with half of them guarding you today and half of them gardening louanddan now this will leave the largest of the two armies a little more stretched out we can amend this by either having some Allied troops filling up that gap as British troops might get stuck in our lands or decide to defend here or once more resources free up will start to ploy more of our own troops here as well to fill in those gaps and ease the pressure on the line but for now this is what we're going to be working with in preparation for more factories to come out we'll set up production lines for some more things we'll need we will need artillery we will need support equipment and as soon as we have researched it should be done relatively quickly once we've caught up with industry is getting ourselves some anti-tank so you can start production of that as well now as these troops have just been converted into these templates we're going to want them to exercise until trained to get rid of the horrible penalty of being greed once these fill up with the required manpower their experience also isn't going to decrease as new equipment floods in that only happens when their manpower pool is replenished now as for political power we're going to take our first investment and take the anti-revolutionary for additional political power gain ten percent we're going to be following up with a military theorist second and third a war industrialist so we can get ourselves some military factories quicker after that it's going to depend on our war support and how things are moving in the world but ideally we would follow that with partial mobilization the army infantry experts then the army defense experts and then probably a war should fire once the war has started we can get and get war economy and invest our political power at our own leisure by then but we'll come back to that what's its relevance now you may be wondering but bittersteel what about the Navy did you forget about those well yes yes in fact I did you can group up your Navy and set them to do some naval exercises in either the channel or the eastern North Sea doesn't really matter but make sure to group them up give them an admiral the Navy isn't particularly strong but it's sizable and it will help us secure our convoys in the English Channel during war anti-tank one of those things we want to get quickly as well as the Engineer Company that extra entrenchment is going to be vital now as for doctrines I'm going to go with trench warfare here the grand battle plan because I have very little faith in the AI actually performing consistently so trench warfare so they're going to give us the biggest defense and entrenchments bonuses now if you want you can still go with superior firepower it's really up to you for your game I just have very little faith in the AI being competent now as for timing I suggest doing the first one of these early like now and then waiting on doing the next stages until later down our focus tree once we can do appoint new Supreme Commander this will give us to research bonuses to land doctrines and give us a much increased speed in getting them it's more efficient that way trust me now with towed anti-tank researched so back to the industry tree keep working on optimizing the industry and set up a factory to start producing anti-tank as soon as we have a factory available to do so in fact it's a noble cost to destroy Panzers so let's just take one away from infantry equipments pop it right back so it fills up as soon as one is available just start getting some anti-tank out early we'll need a lot of it if we are to slow down the Germans now as you're doing the server's day works you will have some of these events I believe too one will give you a nice bonus - construction speed for infrastructure while the second event is going to give you a bonus - I believe military factories and civilian factories don't quote me on that you'll see later on in the video unfortunately we're not building any of that and we won't be for quite a while so these are not an excellent idea we don't have the funds for this right now sadly we need our political power for other more useful things like aiding military theorists considering that research-wise were almost caught up in industry and will be starting on some of these infantry equipment techs it might not be a bad idea to just get the inventory equipment designer first before getting the war industrialist because for the meantime we're still gonna be building these bunkers instead of military factories now that we have a bit of army experience not much but enough we're going to take our infantry divisie now we're going to edit it add a units of infantry to it that should make it 20 with an a very decent amount of defence as more experience trickles in we also be adding on support artillery an engineer company and if our production allows for it anti-tank and anti-aircraft gun we're going to turn towards overturned military budget cuts then prepare the ANA nanana the inundation lines Germany is the greater threat obviously and finally wore on pacifism so we can start getting some of our own manpower out onto the fields or at least having some of its available for use because this is really terrible now with the reserves they works behind us we now have a nice boost to our ahead of time and we can get construction three really early and really quickly the military budget cuts done it's prepared to flood the country and since we have two of these lovely bonuses we're also going to get this person in is 3 3 we ahead of time which is very nice we need a lot of those guns out in the fields that oh god we need a lot of guns I mean at this rate we'll probably make it by the time war rolls around we still need a lot of the other stuff as well so as you get closer and closer to 1939 and 1940 consider taking a few factories out of infantry equipment and move them towards support equipment artillery anti-tank and all that other good stuff because guns are something that your allies are very willing to send you while the other stuff not so much this is a hole we can fill relatively easily well for the other stuff we are very much on our own in fact let's have a look how much of it we're going to be needing to equip our boys with at least some Engineer companies oh yeah we need a lot of support equipment see how long is that gonna take almost 2,000 days yeah we're gonna take one factory away from guns and put it towards the support equipment our next batch of political power not much interesting to get except for you war industrialists at this point this man is going to help us build military factories once we have our fort line in place yes Germany is the greater threat as you can see having prepared the inundation lines we now have the event or decision to inundate the water lines giving us a nice bonus to both entrenching speed and division defense at the expense of making our divisions super slope which is fine because we don't want them to move and it's going to damage our infrastructure and factories but that's something we can repair reasonably quickly that defense bonus is going to be saving our bacon when the Germans come so we're gonna use this as soon as war starts and with another 10 army experience in the bag let's add on some support artillery and another very large hole we need to fill here oh yeah oh it's a lot of guns now having confirmed that Germany is in fact a greater threat we will be taking the war on pacifism yeah screw you pacifism now I'm being hopeful here we're also going to add on a production line for towed anti-air on the off chance that we will ever get to produce some of it the fort line is more important than factories but towed anti-air could be it could be helpful if the Allies are not keen on providing air supports now with the war on pacifism done we now have a few more decisions here under knee or of no or on pacifism you have three options the first two are terrible the last one is not so terrible the anti pacifist propaganda you want to take this until the modifier shell-shocked spectator of the great war is gone so every tick of this takes off 10% 5% and 4% meaning to get rid of it completely we have to do it five times another nice bonus of this is it will give us some weekly war supports meaning if we do it enough we are finally capable of shifting away from civilian economy into partial mobilization and for our focuses we are we aren't going to appoint a new Supreme Commander just remember to keep clicking these anti pacifist propaganda decisions every time it becomes available so every 60 days until you've gotten rid of your shell-shocked spectator and with our news preme commander appointed it's time to do some more appointments I like a new government ours is the new one is not going to be all that much better but it's a necessary step don't forget to keep up with the pacifist propaganda and now that we do have a new Supreme Commander let's appoint him in the Winckelmann you'll have some very good defensive stats unyielding defender defensive doctrine and let's make him charismatic as well this is the man who is going to keep the Germans out of our Polar's there we go a new government forms let's hope it's more stable than the last let's have a look and it's awful at least it has a great mustache next order of business gateway to Europe is will allow us to start taking some of these decisions to placate the British or placate the Germans with the end result being us taking all their political power it sounds like a noble cause to throw our weight behind now with Gateway to Europe complete you'll notice we are still locks out of maintain trade neutrality we first have to get both the German Reich and the United Kingdom 250 trade influence and they can be for more than five points apart while we work on that let us develop their own stats get ourselves some more civilian factories and yes I know the research bonus for concentrated industries doesn't help us but if we go down the zone stat which does give us a bonus the dispersed air it requires us to have full control of Friesland down the tree and trust me we're not going to have full control of Friesland for the rest of the game plus barons that leads to the emergence steel mill giving us more steel which is vital for our factories and a nice airplane designer so I choose that on stops start out by locating the Germans so bring them a little closer to the British 20 minutes later there we go we have both the Germans and the British on 50 trade influence and we are about to complete that on stats so we're all primed for the next focus that next focus being maintaining in the trades neutrality meaning we're going to take all that political power that Britain and the Germany have invested and use it for ourselves meanwhile with our war support climate wait for it to reach 25 percent so we can finally switch out to partial mobilization get construction going a little bit quicker and with production of anti-tank in full swing start adding that to our templates as well we've started producing some towed anti-air but with only one in stock pal might want to hold off just a little bit before we start adding that to our templates there we go we have maintained trades neutrality next order of business what I knew Bothans go with the Queen we don't want the legacy of the Xavier provincia mutiny that's the filthy commie path we are going for new Laureus monarchs get ourselves Queenie here now I keep pumping out the anti pacifist propaganda if you need it before the war support 12 seconds later now with 25 percent war supports in place we can finally switch out to partial mobilization and use some of that hefty political power that we just took from Germany and Britain to also get ourselves an infantry expert 10% division attacking defense that's nothing to scoff at 20 minutes lay down now with or Anubhava complete we are well on our way of establishing monarchists Netherlands just need to get more daily support for unaligned and get that through a symbol of resistance but we can hold off on that one first we aren't gonna get the fort line completed fortress Holland and with the next batch of political power let's get chief of the army Henry link among army defence under 10% division defense boy we're gonna need it if we're gonna keep our windmills safe now in preparation for the war and seeing that we need a lot of equipment start adding some factories to fill this out once they complete fortress Holland completes we can now modernize the grab a line more forts more forts more forts for fortress Holland a few inches leg L with mr. drebber line modernised that's going to be all the forts for us before the war kicks off now let's prepare for that eventuality by signing with Britain we know they're gonna have our back so I start to go with Britain now in preparation will that focus to finish improve your relations with Britain because if they're this low they're never going to accept you want it to be as high as possible and having the British on your side early means they both ferry troops into your country and help shore up your lines so the Germans won't just walk in while your troops are a little undersupplied speaking of undersupplied that's add the final support company for now to our divisions support anti-air yes we don't have enough of it we'll rely on the allies to give us more and we can always produce it so we're working on that as well our stockpiles are nowhere near full but as I said before once the war kicks off you will get so many offers for lend-lease you won't even believe it you won't even have the convoys to take all the stuff in and there we go the Second World War has kicked off with Poland refusing determine ultimatum now for the next 35 days none of our concern we have finished go with Britain and due to our high relationship with the British a Netherlands joins the Allies British have accepted us next focus we're going to take is a symbol of resistance improving our division attack and defense on core territory by 10% which is amazing considering the amount of the Germans we are up against as well as improving daily support for an alliance meaning we are going to be a little bit closer to getting the Queen in power now we're not going to spend our political power just yet we're gonna hold on to it for a little bit longer until we go to war so we can get more economy that's just that much better than partial now as you can see because we are a member of the allies France feels compelled to defend our borders and so does the UK it's very wonderful the more defenders the merrier now this does mean there are fewer troops left to man the out fronts the Maginot but the Maginot is not getting penetrated unless France is really stupid but mostly there are fewer troops left to defend the gap created by Luxembourg and Belgium so there is a very high possibility that the allied AI will fail spectacularly and see the entire continent overrun now we should have enough divisions and they should be dug in well enough to hold of the Germans it's going to be a wild ride if you are not interested in fighting this alone what you can do is draw your troops down to also cover the province of Maastricht and the Belgium and Luxembourg border with your troops in place combined with the French and British forces and the rather sizeable Belgian Army you should be able to hold against the German onslaught but you will not be able to go down here and revive the buffer state proposal which requires Belgium and Luxembourg to be to pitch elated now we are banking on the fact that Belgium and Luxembourg can get overrun while we will be holding fast like a rock in the waves maybe after the war netting us a significant amount of territory alongside our achievement now with war looming it's time for the Navy to do something useful we're going to set them to convoy escorting in the British channel the English Channel as this is where most of our trade passes through and Germany is putting pressure on the Benelux it's a matter of time now before they declare war on us in Belgium and Luxembourg now the German AI is something rather weird they will realize that while fighting Poland it's not the best idea in the world to declare on other strong countries like for instance a heavily militarized Belgium or Netherlands and they might even hold off declaring war on Luxembourg if they cannot capitulate either us or Belgium quickly so in your game this situation might not evolve at the same pace that is a very unfortunate I'm sorry about that but that's just way the AI is programmed to work it will respond to the reality it's faced with a few moments later there we go the German Reich has declared war now we're in it to win it first order of business modified the government ourselves war economy second order of business we are going to flood the country and inundate the water lines this will give us a hefty 50% division defence bonus at the expense of reducing our division speed by half while 50% it's not a big problem we don't want our divisions moving all that much anyway and it will also damage several factories in the States but we can repair those and like I said before having entered to the war the amount of lend-lease offers you will be receiving is actually so large that you probably don't even have the convoys to accept all of it just accept everything people offer you every free gun is a free gun and the Dutch East Indies can stay out of this war otherwise they will ship their troops around to strange places now as it looks like the German AI might push into Belgium rather quickly might be a good idea to change the composition of our lines slightly shifting two of these troops from the north down to the southern part of this line extend that into the next province meaning that we can fold back these are me on the Belgian border just a little bit making it a bit of a denser line with the symbol of resistance complete we can finally get rid of the defeatist government that terrible terrible Prime Minister let's kick him out replace it with little Churchill and keep accepting all these offers for free stuff free stuff free stuff man meanwhile now you'll notice that Germany is rather slow with pushing into Belgium and they haven't even declared war on Luxembourg this is that a strange AI behavior I mentioned before in part because they also have to keep a significant amount of their force on my borders meaning they can't go ham on Belgium and they just consider Luxembourg to be too much of a threat now if in your game they steamroll Belgium that's fine we are fortress Netherlands fortress Holland we will hold for as long as we have to all that we need to do at this point is to reach 1945 intact without losing any more provinces now if Belgium and France hold at this point that's also great for the achievements all you have to do is let the game pass and run along until 1945 for your achievement as well so let's just see what happens now for the Dutch East Indies and in preparation of the inevitable Japanese attack we can start training up a few of these colonial infantry divisions these are actually the excellent template we have just designed and they will serve as port guards for our Dutch East Indies about two for every port tile should do more one might even be enough and Japan can launch all the naval invasions it's once they will never take the islands of Sumatra and Java while we man the ports the rest of the islands are expendable now you'll see after a few successful runs of the lend-lease our deficit of guns has decreased significantly we are almost ready to equip every soldier in the field with a rifle and yes the French AI is brilliant attacking a head first into the Alps into entrenched positions thanks France now with our defeatist government to replace let's have a look at some more options we're going to be heading towards this research slot here but to do that we have to get through Philips first which gives us a nice bonus to electronics research and it looks like in this run Belgium is toast it's going to be a fortress Holland time boys and when the US offers you a thousand guns a month you say yes and thank you sir and another political power investment the concealment specialist 5% reduction to enemy air support which is going to come in very handy when all those German bf 109s come screaming into our airspace now because the Germans are going to be throwing themselves at our lines once France Falls we're going to need more soldiers and it's going to be risky the ship in colonial troops directly so we're going to train a few of these colonial you can assume troops we can make these from our own manpower a few of these do you more and deploy them anywhere in our home territory and once they have finished training we are going to swap them over to the infantry the template we've just created to get ourselves some more troops to fill in gaps in front lines reinforce weakened spots and very importantly to garrison our ports because we don't want some silly German walking into our ports and ruining the achievement for us till Mara now it might be a good time to start working on the improvements of our Dutch East Indies is 1940 after all and Japan is going to come knocking soon and you want that cheese it needs to be in a good fighting shape by the time they arrive well I'm sorry guys this playthrough might not be the ideal way of how to deal with the German Reich when you're all along but hey it is what it is the AI will do crazy things this is just one of the eventualities you might run into and you'd be fortunate to have it this way Chima is gonna be easy it does look like with German help they might actually be able to push through the Alps so this game might turn interesting after all now could it be could the Italians actually have broken through in the Alps well we'll see in another year or so at this rate it looks like the French and British have launched a series of suicidal counter attacks on German lines good job guys good job always nice to have the Allied AI on your side now it does look like a large Italian offensive to the South has finally managed to break the French lines so it looks like this is going to be an interesting game after all no it's certainly an interesting game at this point but with the AI being where it is it's hard to predict the outcome of these games really and with Wilhelmina's mini bag let's head down the fat police request Allied favors and should France fall we might actually be able to revive the buffer state's proposal meaning we will get all of this Belgian and Luxembourgish territory once we take it now this is assuming that we have a significantly higher war score contribution than we do now let's have a look yeah yeah we're gonna need more but this this should come relatively easily once France Falls because we will be the only thing left on the frontlines raking in the points but all that is assuming France actually Falls now with Wilhelmina ISM you'll start getting these fun events German defectors forum divisions basically you will get these voice a a decent template the classic is-7 - with minimal equipment but they are full up on manpower they will reinforce your army and will help you to put the Kaiser back on the German throne which brings us to the second fun parts of the Wilhelmina's Enfocus once we take significant amounts of German land a German Civil War will fire with a small portion of the country deciding to side with the Kaiser in this portion of the Germany will be our puppet for the duration of the war making it a little bit easier to take out Germany so current status of the game with us throwing a roadblock into Germany's way Japan doing terribly Germany doing terribly and Italy doing terribly the axes are completely neutered because they could not walk through us into France during hell at this point there is little else to do but wait for the Americans to show up and push the Germans all the way back to Berlin it looks like the Soviet Union has also gone off the rails they're attacking Turkey now okay then oh do we have a breach it looks like we have a breach this might actually turn up interesting after all now if France holds on this long even if they do fall apart now defending our country is going to be a walk in the park if France folds very early you'll actually have a challenge on your hands but with the AI being what it is I'm sorry but I've recorded several of these now and they all turn out almost exactly the same it's just a bunch of incompetent countries trying to fight each other two hours later ah there we go the fall of Paris and France has capitulated now we are going to experience the full force of Germany's war machine against are fortified ring of dikes to the windmills boys now as you can see the Germans are so intimidated by the strength of our army and the sturdiness of our dikes that they're not even attempting to attack us oh this rate is just sit here and wait for 1945 I guess it's look like the Soviet Union has completely gone in sync they could just gone to war with Turkey Iran and Afghanistan well historically the war in Afghanistan turned down great for them so I don't see why they wouldn't oh well holy look at that the transatlantic soldiers trade has begun and the US has started funneling its entire army into the allied war boy that's a lot of American divisions dying in French fields many months later oh great the Soviet Union has declared war on Greece which means the Allies and the Comintern are also going to slug it out this is wonderful this campaign has really turned into something insane so much data that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one there we go 1945 we made it let's have a low overview of the country we still control Holland we still have full control of Friesland because we control 57% of the victory points and we have also retained full control of province because again we control 87% of the victory points so our requirements to not lose our continental States has been fulfilled served as a works have been continued and completed so we can check that mark off as well and finally it is 1945 go to our achievements we have completed treading the narrow path did not cave the de Germans we continue to serve the say works and we did not lose control of any of our continental European States until 1945 and as a nice cherry on top we did it the royalist way the right way all that's left now is to capitulate the Germans and the rest of the axis which might prove difficult considering the Soviet Union is also a risk but this game has just evolved into a giant mess just for the achievement we're done here I'm not going to continue this the AI has given me a killer headache you
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 31,723
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 netherlands, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, treading the narrow path, la resistance hoi4, Bitt3rSteel, Gaming, achievement, hoi4 guide, hoi4 achievement guide, hoi4 achievement run, hoi4 achievements, hoi4 united kingdom of the netherlands, kingdom of the netherlands, treading the narrow path hoi4 guide, treading the narrow path hoi4, treading the narrow path achievement, hoi4 netherlands monarchy
Id: 0m6i4rc74LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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