HoI4 Guide - Austria-Hungary: Miklos Horthy and the Habsburg Prince Achievement

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now with that pzl concluded we have what is probably one of the ugliest ins especially a china an Islamic a China but we do have the territory required for the achievements that is one of the hardest achievements in the game done in 1.9 point two with all the DLC first if you like these videos leave a like consider subscribing for more of them and hit me up in the comments with what you want to see next now on to the video he folks welcome back it's me bittersteel with another guide for you for hearts of iron for now this one's gonna be a doozy it's going to be drumroll Hungary now specifically I'm going to be trying to show you how to do the cloche horthy and the Habsburg Prince achievement you know the one this one here the giant nightmare achievement based almost entirely on rng so this one should be fun and to add a bit of an extra challenge to us I'll be doing it without swapping ideologies which means we will keeping Otto on the throne instead of randomly switching to fascist and communist whenever the tide turns so I'm not on story mode on and go now hungry doesn't start out particularly strong just take its army and we're gonna Park it on the Austrian border for production now for production we're gonna start making some transport planes because I do love myself some paratrooper cheese and a bit of artillery here the rest is gonna go into infantry equipment construction nothing special here we don't have the factories to really start building bills and because we have that modifier treaty of trianon this one here we are only building them at half speed anyway so important building mills so it's some infrastructure for the time being research it's just your basic electronic engineering and industry and once you get caught up on those you can shift into what you prefer infantry maybe some doctrines some aircraft personally I like to get some tanks early on so I can start producing some light tanks to help me pitch like France quicker and beat up some of my miners around me while keeping up to date with aircraft because air power is so important in this game now now for national focuses we are going to go down towards protect Czechoslovakia which means having to go through this entire tree now to do that we're first going to rush down towards invite the Habsburg Prince why am i not going any further right away us well paradox has changed the way focus outcome events work now before you could just rush down both demand a referendum and protect Czechoslovakia and if the event outcome wasn't to your liking you could simply reload an older safe game one that finishes a few days before your focus finishes and keep trying until you got the outcome that works for you that is out either you change something in that playthrough either by taking a different focus or changing some of the inputs for the event or you start a new game because the random seed connected to these events is created at the game start which means no more safes coming or at least a lot less safes coming what can we do to optimize like I said we're going to rush down towards invite the Habsburg Prince once we have him in the pocket we are going to take we integrate the railroads get ourselves another opinion modify with both Austria and Czechoslovakia and this one also influences both events regarding their annexation it's something of a hidden modifier if you will now once you've done that and you start their respective focuses demand a referendum and protect Czechoslovakia are you also going to want to do is to improve your relations with them to have those maxed out this is going to give you the best odds of an sing both of them this is not a guarantee for Austria 90% of the time they will agree to annexation that's all great and dandy Czechoslovakia is a bit more hit and miss you may need to restart a few times now if Czechoslovakia is very insistent on either only becoming a puppet or refusing outright one more thing you can add before you finish protect Czechoslovakia is taking secret rearmament because that extra recruitable pop will mean a few more troops in your army which will make you a little more threatening to Czechoslovakia making them that bit more inclined to saying okay just an axis but for now just balance budget will do for trade just trade with whoever I like to trade with the German Reich early game because we will want to use the Germans as our sledgehammer early game aircrafts as well just set them to some air exercises do we have any good gels though yeah I think we do yes even Indy now with all that set up we can start going down or focuses and pray to the gods of RNG and just hope this works as intended a few moments later for political power investments it only makes sense to take the silent workhorse first the improves our power game next up we're going to be taking the military theorists since it's one of the easier ways to get army experience now with one division training being patched out industry wise as usual this first industry is the better choice for a country like Hungary now as their third political power investment you'll notice we are locked into our civilian economy and disarmed nation so those are out what I like to do depending on how my playthrough is going to go is get either an aircraft designer or a tank designer to give those early tanks and planes a bit of an edge now as hungry we have a lot of aluminium so I'm just gonna take the aircraft designer and start pumping out some airplanes once we can and like I said research wise we are sort of up on our industry and electronic engineering I like to get myself some aircraft now and while I'm here I'm also gonna start work on light tanks and there we go we have invited the Habsburg Prince good old otto von Habsburg it's now back it's a bit of a weak-ass moustache may do but okay now instead of rushing for demanded referendum we're going to take industrial revitalization and we integrate the railroads first to maximize our chances of success now as for our political power at this point I like to conserve it so that by the time we do go to war we could immediately ramp up to war economy and change out our conscription law to at least limited conscription maybe even extensive conscription because Austria Hungary even with all the land it controls being court much of it being court anyway does not have a very large manpower pool and we will be meeting a lot of troops for this now going to demand a referendum in Austria and while we do that we are also going to improve our relations with them creasing the odds of success so fingers crossed soap I don't have to reload again ah another spot of good news France and Britain announced alliance which means the French are in the allies which is good for us because that means they have revoked their guarantee on Yugoslavia and their guarantee on Czechoslovakia now their guarantee on where are they Romania is still in place so Romania is still not up for grabs but we'll come to that later I have a plan to deal with them now good news of the referendum succeeds and much trouble we now have annexed Austria now don't panic you'll see here where are we will start getting some resistance to occupation this is a new olara systems feature nothing to be concerned about our next focus restoration of austria-hungary will see that we receive cores on all of that territory and that resistance will go away they also have a Field Marshal that's quite a bit better than our so we'll steal that one line up our troops on the Czechoslovakian border now that we have integrated the Austrians we also have access to their divisions most notably their infantry division is quite good it's already 18 combat with so all we need to do is add a unit of infantry to them and now we have a 20 combat with pure infantry division which is really great for defending that's just a front line filler really while your armor does the heavy lifting and since we do have the experience we'll also add on support artillery to give them a bit of extra punch now we still don't have the manpower to fill all the divisions but we are going to be working on that so let's change over everyone to this new infantry division and it will fill up a little time as for our occupation template let's change that to be division cavalry they're not ideal but we can change out that template as we get more army experience later on I also like to clean this up because I'm not going to be using most of these anyway a lot of terrible templates in there and now we are going to do the restoration of austria-hungary getting us course on that territory we just took from Austria followed up by secretory armaments I like doing this one because it gives me a bit of extra manpower to fill out those divisions that we've just converted and then we do protect Czechoslovakia and pray to our in Jesus again this one is a big big RNG troll if this fails you have to restart is there's no point in fighting them and having them as a puppet is just not not worth it at this point in the game if they don't accept just restart until you get them to accept seeing as we're pretty good for political power and we're still ways off from our first forays into war still going to take the industrial concerns speed up our industry research a little bit twelve seconds later there we go a restoration of austria-hungary we are now a nice white color and all of this Austrian land is cored next secret rearmament now that we've gotten a few extra factories from the Austrians invest them wisely gonna need some more support equip and some artillery the rest into infantry equipment and I'd like to prepare a line of Tanks also because we will be using tanks mostly as our breakthrough units to create gaps and encirclements straight-up infantry is not ideal for pushing battle lines so let's just start making a few tanks early well since we're still swimming in political power might as well get either an infantry equipment designer or a war industrialists captive industry whatever you prefer really I like to get some of my research out of the way get my troops a little more in fighting shape by the time war breaks out and with secretory armaments done we're going to roll the dice on to protect Czechoslovakia now what we've just done does not guarantee success I have to stress this it improves your alts as much as you can influence them yourself without waiting for the eyes to do anything like Germany demanding is Sudetenland this will give you the best odds to get Czechoslovakia early doesn't work I'm sorry you'll you'll have to restart let's see what the dice have for us now for research considering we're up-to-date on our industry electronic engineering and we're working on our support equipment or weapons sera we can get some doctrine work out of the way you have two options here you can go down the bog standard superior firepower doctrine boosting your soft attack your organization etc this works well for almost any nation and it certainly will work well for Hungary the other option is a mobile warfare doctrine because Hungary gets several bonuses - mobile warfare doctrine through their focus tree and the desperate defense down here offers you a total of 5% recruitable population and Hungary even as Austria Hungary isn't a very populous nation so more recruitable pop is helpful if you want to play around with tank battalions or if you think you're gonna need the extra recruitable pup I suggest trying mobile warfare I'm going to play it safe here and I'm going to stick with superior firepower there we go we did everything we could do and Czechoslovakia still refuses that's very unfortunate at this point all you can really do is restart and play up to this point again and hope you get better luck I'm sorry that's exactly what I'm going to do and through the magic of editing we'll be right back many months later there we go after a few restarts we finally managed to convince the Czechs to join our side so we're going to do now is to take the entire Czechoslovakian army and just distribute it amongst our own army and line all of our boys up to the border with Romani a free game why Romania you ask simple our next focus will be cream Transylvania claim Transylvania upon completion will trigger an event the event has several outcomes the first and most unlikely outcome will be for Romania to simply give up without a fight and give us the entire Transylvania region this won't happen we don't meet the requirements for the events it requires us to have overwhelming superiority not gonna happen we are too closely matched option two is Romania does not back down and international mediation is called for this is the one where you're going to go for you will have an event pop-up asking you to choose a mediator which will be one of the great powers like the UK Germany Italy or France we're going to pick Germany when we pick that mediator there are four different outcomes of which only one is favorable to us well technically there are a few favorable ones but we just want one specific outcome which means yes save scumming again good news though this specific event can still be saved come so bear with me so those four outcomes are as follows Romania says screw you we're not giving you anything and you will go to war with Romania on your own which is bad since Romania is guaranteed by France and you'll be at war with the Allies on your own with Germany sitting behind you plotting to take your Sudetenland that's great option two Romania is willing to back down and will give you a northern Transylvania not what we want so we're just gonna rebuild another save when that happens option three arguably one of the better ones they sign over the entire Transylvania region to you which in different playthroughs is great because it will mean not having to fight an early war with the Allies but we want an early war with the Allies so we're going to go for option for this one is rather unlikely but this is the one we want this will mean we go to war with Romania and Germany has our back and also declares war on Romania which means Germany is going to be at war with the Allies at the same time as we are at war with the Allies giving us an easy way into the axis and once we're in the axis we can use Germany and Italy as battering rams to take down Romania Yugoslavia Poland and maybe even Bulgaria if we have the opportunity to just consolidate this part of the world for our own personal gain after we have conquered all the Balkan miners and Poland we can then either wait for the Germans to use their around the Maginot Focus and quickly beat down France or we go up through the Alps if Italy is madly successful it will depend on just how the AI does things once France has fallen we will use our paratroopers to pair up the UK usually the East Anglia regions and suss accretions have their ports minimally or not guarded at all so we use our paratroopers to get as much land plus a port use the paratroopers to push out and quickly ferry our army across preferably with a few armored units if we have produced any by that time if we're quick enough we can capitulate the UK before they are able to really muster their Home Guards to put a stop to our incursion speed will be of the essence because the Royal Navy will be preventing much of our supply reaching us so it has to be done quickly but first we will need to see the outcome of Lane Transylvania as for our political power we're going to hoard it considering our goal is to go to war to hoard as much as we can and ramp up our conscription loss and economy laws as quickly as possible once war is declared which has the upside of removing the Treaty of Trianon now in preparation for the event to fire you're also going to want to improve relations with Germany why gives you a better chance of them backing you up and going to work the Romania once again this is all very orangey heavy I apologize but it's the only way I've found to make this achievement viable as a neutral austria-hungary if we want to keep auto we can't swap to fascists or communists on a dime we have to be flexible with our diplomacy and we just have to be lucky with these events but enough set let's see what the outcome of the event brings a few inches later there we go the first event has fired Romania does not back down you're going to go with if they went too far this time now this gives us a nice bonus you can see here the national spirits war preparations giving us a quicker justification for war goals we're going to abuse this by simultaneously justifying a war gold on Yugoslavia meaning we'll be able to draw them into the war quickly and conquer that sooner we knock them out the sooner we can take this decision to reintegrate the Empire giving us more cores meaning more manpower and more in this now let's see what the rest of the events bring now we are asked to choose a mediator as I said we will approach Germany and hope for a favorable outcome this is the beneficial outcome as far as the game events are concerned Romania transfers Transylvania this is however not the event that we want so I'm going to be reloading the save game until I can get Germany to join me in my war against Romania and the Allies so through the magic of editing see you in a minute and then J there we go this is the event that we want now on to war so with ourselves and Germany at war with Romania we are in for some fun times this will essentially kick off World War two why because France has guaranteed the independence of the kingdom of Romania so they're going to join this war and France being in the eyes means all of the Allies are gonna get pulled in as well this is fine we can easily finish up the kingdom of Romania move on to Poland and Yugoslavia and once we have secured the entire Balkans region you can take Bulgaria if you like in Greece as well even we will then knock out France as soon as Germany does its thing to the Low Countries and get our paratroopers into the UK but first things first see if we can take out Romania one more thing just because you're both at war with Romania doesn't mean you're in the axis just yet you'll have to do that manually simply ask Germany to join their faction this will put us in the axis and I will keep them from stealing our Sudetenland a later date as your focuses we are going to be eating Yugoslavian next I'm going to claim Galicia since we're already having a war goal fabricated on Yugoslavians this will allow us to munch on Poland just a little bit quicker remember to get your Air Force up in the air every little edge counts now all of these war declarations take about 24 hours or an in-game day to pass meaning we are now free of the Treaty of Trianon and we can ramp up our conscription loss immediately do that if you have a little more political power saved up you can also immediately go to war economy I was a little bit off on this playthrough I you must have clicked something somewhere but you still have a decent shots Romania should not be much of an issue you can micromanage your way through most of this simply break divisions go for encircle masses officially as possible and especially with Germany piling in on the border to help you out this shouldn't really take you that long ah Thank You Germany try not to do too much fighting in this mountainous region of Transylvania like either try to cut through in the top here like the north or the south and just use the planes and your speed to your advantage to just bypass the Romanian army and get their victory points minimize your casualties really because austria-hungary does not have a large manpower pool [Music] there we go by simply bypassing their main front line with a few breaches we've managed to capitulate Romania let's check out our losses hope we're not too terrible like damn it so 44,000 lost that's acceptable now with Romania knocked out let's line everyone up on the Yugoslavian border they're next on the chopping block Lucas Latvia also not a very powerful nation they don't have such a large army and their border is much larger and less well fortified than the one with the Romanians shouldn't even be any challenge at all we are going to standardize our army at least I prefer to standardize my army at this point and turn everything into infantry division's straight up infantry and exercise our troops a little until we are ready to declare war having conquered or rather integrated the checks gave us a nice supply of light tanks that little war with Romania gave us some army experience so we're going to turn one of our divisions into a decent armor two templates like what's decent at least 40 width with a good amount of hardness I know this probably isn't the optimal way of designing a tank template it's just what I always do it's just to take ten tanks and ten motorized or mechanized if you have mechanized research and are producing a lot of it and just use this template now I don't have enough army experience to create the full division I need to round this out with some more mechanized infantry this is just my cheap and easy armored division it's by no means optimal there's plenty of guides out there for division design I'm just lazy against the AI this this will break through most places and they're rather speedy at 12 kilometres an hour at a later date we will be updating this to medium tanks which do pack a bit more punch and also adding on mechanised if we haven't achieved our goals by that point and with gillies Eklund we're just gonna run down this Focus 3 all the way down to reclaim the Empire get us some claims claims help reduce the resistance in the areas once we've conquered and once we finish the tree here we are going to move on towards the industry tree get ourselves some factories some research slots and bonuses and check out the army branch as well for some good bonuses to army doctrines etc hey gal there we go our justification is complete declare war on the u Slavens and we will quickly overrun them there's really no challenge in this now do note there is a bit of an orangey element involved in this as well as long as Yugoslavia has this modifier the Croatian opposition there is a chance for the state of Croatia which spawns in Dalmatia and Croatian these two provinces to rise up and join the axis you would think having an ally on our side would be beneficial actually it's not that great it's not terrible but it locks us out of the reintegrate the Empire decision because we need those provinces under our control to take this and this decision will give us cores on a large amount of Yugoslavian territory poor's means manpower and we need manpower now as you can see here they still have the national spirit so there is a chance for the uprising to happen but it's not guaranteed it doesn't always fire so let's just quickly kick some yoga Slavia Nass and right back after this commercial break lay down a voila we have overrun Yugoslavia now just to mock up these few British divisions here and we can turn our attention to Poland let's have a look at Poland mm-hmm we have some claims here yes start working on those justify war gold take a claim state krakow looks nice and juicy don't forget we are going to need to leave behind a few troops we don't want the British to just walk in here and take all of this stuff back that will be terrible I would have made us waste a lot of time for Poland's just line up our army the Polish border they should be spread incredibly thin because they have to man both the Soviet border the German border and our border so we should be able to walk in there relatively on a post I also like to put my few tang divisions in the area they can do the most damage the Polish of low countries and not not fighting here in this hilly and swampy terrain now that we just have Poland to take out and potentially Bulgaria depending on how long it takes to not pullin out of this war we should also be preparing to take out the UK and France once we knock out France we're going to take our paratroopers and hit the United Kingdom with a bit of cheese but first we need to prepare our divisions this is too large these paratroopers will not do any actual fighting so we're going to reduce them to a single battalion all they have to do is land on an unoccupied port tile the UK usually leaves several of its ports unguarded they just need to land take the territory and hold just long enough for the actual army to land we're just gonna take full army of them they're not expensive trained one run of those at high priority we can even force deploy them whenever we can and in preparation of our polish campaign let's also get a new chief of the army army offense 10% division attack that's nothing to sniff at there we go justification for conquering Krakow is finished just going to declare war pretty much just walk in there they are stretched so thin we're going to be over running them especially with our armored units punching holes right through their lines and columns in the Allies as well there we go Britain's trying naval invasions keep an eye on these sometimes they can land a lot of troops at once overwhelming your port defences if you see that happening divert some troops south otherwise is going to be a nightmare recapturing all that territory now with the worm pool and progressing nicely I'm just going to prepare to knock Bulgaria out as well it's gonna justify on them they'll join the Allies that's fine who can knock them out in our paratroopers are complete this is to sign them in general anyone will do really doesn't need to be a genius and we'll just Park them somewhere in Germany for now we'll be trying to use the French airports as they give us more range and with poll and kapha chelated that's the end of the British Expeditionary Force apparently sometimes they do send a lot of troops over here every soldier that dies in Poland is one you don't have to fight on the home island so that's great justification incomplete for Sophia it's just naca Bulgaria Alice as well this just removes them as a factor in the future we don't want them to be a problem doing no we don't and they're doing around national so by the time we have knocked out Bulgaria we should be ready to blitz France through the North now with Bulgaria out of the running it's just a matter of lining our troops up on the Dutch or Belgian border and just blitzing right on through here so we can knock out the Low Countries and France and then we can focus on parrot dropping in the UK now we do have quite a bit of civilian factories at this point and resistance the occupation is rising in some of these areas so I will look here yeah it's at 59 overall there's quite a bit of resistance and it's climbing so it might not be a bad idea if we got ourselves an intelligence agency so it can use spies to keep resistance at lower the Germans starting their declarations of war here let's start our plan of cutting right through the Low Countries yes it's all coming together now I'm just gonna use my armor to cut through these very flat areas of the Netherlands and go round the shore basically cutting off more British reinforcements and it's flat terrain all of it making it very easy to rush our tanks across and all we need to do is take these coastal victory points here and then a rush along the Seine towards Paris and we can capitulate the French very quickly and out 26 transport plates should also be enough so we're gonna completely delete this line of production who only needs those transports once and then we can forget about them [Music] and we've taken Paris so the French should be surrendering any minute now that didn't even take a minute excellent the French have capitulated now let's set up paratroopers here straight for Calais I like to use Calais because this Airport will give us the best arrange to power drop on southern and northern England we're gonna be trying out to hit as many ports as we can but mostly the ones in Sussex and East Anglia they tend to be not or very lightly guarded [Music] now that's our paratroopers setup pretty much two divisions per paragraph order hitting the ports in southern England as well as the tiles next to the port to provide a bit of a buffer while I move the main army in the moment we to actually take a port be sure to have your units ready to follow the paratroopers to park them on a port close to the English Channel now with the Germans cleaning up these British pockets and nicely we're gonna fire off our power tripping order this may not always immediately fire but simply leave the order active and don't deploy any planes over the areas they're going through the a I will more than likely keep their planes where the fighting is going on being in this area here or in Africa or wherever as long as you don't deploy your planes there they won't immediately put up planes of their own so this gives you a small window of opportunity now let's see how our paratroopers fare shall we now initial parrot up on Dover successful immediately send over my armor we will need their speed and break through to quickly capture land supply will be an issue so we'll have to take him most of it from the British until we are well and truly affect them we're going to do next is just send our army across and aggressively push towards Liverpool and Hull and depending on just how many troops the UK has in its home island and how quickly they are at responding to our threat here we'll just see how they can deal with us [Music] those look like they're mustering a lot of troops against us but with the speed of our tanks if you're able to just push through a few tiles we can quickly capture some supply territories and just throw their troops into disarray with our speed and our break through the rest of the infantry just has to hold speed is of the essence as you can see art our supply route efficiency is that apparently 5% that's not enough to supply these armies this has to be done quickly now you have to capture British supplies to get it done once we have really broken through and we have captured most of southern England this will be the supplied ways on which we can draw up the supplier army at this point we should have enough to really kick out the UK the Brits are really putting up a fight in this playthrough usually they don't have this many troops on the ohm Islands I think this is it this should be the breaking points of those UK troops oh thank god with the capitulation of the United Kingdom that concludes our war we've got a nice amount of war score because of our participation first order of business let's take everything that we want [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and after that very long peace deal we are now in control of all the territory that we need to take from the Allies what's up next is we're going to be building up our industry and our military while we wait for the German Reich to go to war with the Soviets now to properly outfit our new Army in training we are going to be producing a lot of military factories who will need a lot of stuff to fully equip our troops we will need a lot of troops to ma'am this frontline and we are going to be creating somewhat more aggressive template for the infantry besides just relying on the armor for offensive operations this is a fairly standard 40 with offensive infantry template which is basically double width of a 72 the old best air quotes infantry division this is fairly decent for offensive operations but it's going to require a lot of artillery to outfit so we will need a lot of factories to build that artillery oh the USSR occupies eastern Poland and because we are in the axis for some reason that gives Germany the rights to give away these two provinces to the Soviets it's unfortunate there's quite a bit of manpower here but it's not the end of the world we don't need these areas for the achievement and it helps us to create a somewhat narrower frontline with Germany it's fine the Soviets are going to be our best friends once we break ties with the axis anyway around this time I'd like to make an alternate Armored Division based on the medium tanks instead of the light tanks these are a little bit slower but they do have significantly more break through an armour giving them a nice bite against the AI divisions you can improve these some more with adding support companies and replacing the motorized infantry with mechanized infantry also don't forget that because you have several subjects if you have decided to go that way in the former peace deal with the Allies at least you can start using their manpower instead of yours to start getting some more to turns out their one eternity later helm and it's October 1941 the German Reich has declared war on the Soviet Union now what we're going to do is not join in on this fun but we're gonna wait until Germany is well into the Soviet lines and then we are going to leave the Axis declare war on the Germans and just go right in just barrel our heaviest units into the heart of the German right now one way to give Germany a bit of a surprise is to not immediately leave the axis just stay here for a little bit but start preparing a war go on Vichy France she'll take us 60 days and because Vichy France is guaranteed by the German Reich they will join the war when we declare on Vichy France now the idea here is to justify the war go leave the axis and immediately declare war on Vichy France this should cause the Germans and by extension the rest of the axis to join in that war but they will still be out of position because their troops are moving around and fighting the Russians we're gonna use that opportunity to quickly push in as much as we can before they have any chance to really solidify their front lines giving us an early edge in the war and another good idea is to simply start a bit of a linen lease agreement with the Soviets just prop them up a little bit you're gonna need it and our justification is complete we're going to leave the axis and immediately declare war now the real fun begins and because we're at war with their archi nemesis the Soviet Union is more than happy to allow us into their faction we're going to accept this we won't need anything from the Soviets anyway and this will allow their troops into our territory bolstering our ranks and they've pulled Italy in as well this is an excellent opportunity to quickly take some Italian land because they are idiots they haven't really garrisoned any of it just use the initial weight of you units to capture some territory both the German and Italian on the Italian border just dig in and hold out Italy is not really a threat and as for Germany just start encircling units using your Panzer divisions and your better units while at the same time letting Germany smash itself against your lines you can afford to fall back a little bit as well Germany is going to out of equipment eventually they don't have the large industrial base of Bohemia and the Austrian territories they're very neutered at this point so just keep wearing them down and cutting into pieces defeating them piecemeal they'll be exhausting themselves against your lines and against the Soviets 20 minutes lay down making use of the speed and breakthrough of our armor we've managed to cut the German Reich in half well not quite half but we did manage to cut off most of the German Eastern Front now to stabilize us and close this pocket 2,000 years later 1943 the Germans seemed in complete disarray and retreats along the entire line the Italians are missing for some reason so I think this is the time to make our final push and put a stop to this [Music] and with the collapse of Germany all that's left to do now is take the territories you need for the achievement which is these two in Germany in either - listen or --brush listen this is French territory here Lebanon and then a few Italian provinces as well if I'm not mistaken Lombardy Emilia Romagna and Tuscany these would be the ones required for the achievement tomorrow now with that pzl concluded we have what is probably one of the ugly remapping existence especially ooh yeah China an Islamic of China but we do have the territory required for the achievements that is one of the hardest achievements in the game done in 1.9 point 2 with all the DLC now I hope you enjoyed the video if you liked the video leave a like consider subscribing for more of these if you dislike the video tell me in the comments what I did wrong always looking to improve and well if anyone has more recommendations on achievements or country guides hit me up in the comments always looking for some more ideas this has been me bittersteel goodbye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 69,405
Rating: 4.9526196 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4 hungary, hearts of iron 4 achievement, hoi4 achievement, hoi4 achievement guide, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 austria hungary guide, hearts of iron iv, miklos horthy and the habsburg prince, miklos horthy and the habsburg prince achievement, hoi4 monarchy, hoi iv la resistance, Bitt3rSteel, Austria, Hungary, austria-hungary, austria-hungary hoi4, austria-hungary hearts of iron 4, lets play a little game just between you and me
Id: PlsOFsrIg5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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