HoI4 Guide - Japan: Sunrise Invasion - Tojo Shot First - Tour de France Achievement - La Résistance

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with the state of war declared we can now drop a nuclear bomb on california i'm sure many of you have had the same idea in the past and with that tojo has shot first but first if you like these videos leave a like consider subscribing for more of them and hit me up in the comments with what you want to see next now onto the video hey folks it's me bittersteel here back with another video for hearts of iron 4. today we will be playing as the nation that brought us anime and the samurai that's right we're gonna play as japan also has anyone noticed that it's only the axis majors who have leaders wearing hats i'm seeing some sort of hat conspiracy here alright as japan we will be going for a few achievements at least one we'll see if we can get the others we will be trying to get ourselves the sunrise invasion which requires us to successfully invade mexico followed up by successfully invading a coastal european province before 1945 i believe and while we're doing that uh let's see if we can get some of these other interesting japanese achievements i believe there's also tojo shot first which requires us to develop nuclear weapons before the us and then bombing the us doesn't seem too difficult and finally la tour de france which requires us to occupy all of mainland france and have i believe 20 fully equipped bicycle divisions let's see if we can uh make any of these happen shall we hop on in just stick to iron man mode and historical ai focuses on for that predictable gameplay and here we are 1936 japan isn't she a beauty let's start out by looking at the military okay we got 60 divisions most of these are garbage 30 of them are some sort of garrison division let's see this template yeah not perfect 12 combat with infantry not perfect the actual decent infantry we have 15 of these oh they're chunky they're chunky we can work with this we can work with this so that's 15 of those leaving us with 15 others ooh marines 14 others these are our fast divisions okay uh let's balance this out someone okay we'll have one army that will devote to decent infantry we'll convert these shitty ones we'll have another army full of whatever is left of the infantry units we'll convert these when we have the equipment too so we'll need a lot of equipment these are not even fully equipped as of yet and then we have 12 of these faster units that we're not really going to be using much after our initial gains actually i'm just going to get rid of these two that leaves us with 10 units and that's the limit we can use on early game naval invasion we'll start our first naval invasion with these guys because of their speed and for now that's army organization done next up the navy japan starts with a very extensive navy now personally i'm not great at micromanaging a navy fortunately if you're playing single player like i usually am you can bypass all of the naval strategy by researching and producing submarine threes with the best equipment you can fit on it the ai has nothing to counter it but since japan starts with an extensive fleet might as well make use of it what i like to do is just select all of your ships put them in a single fleet then once they've grouped up i like to split off my submarines from my surface fleet and then divide these two fleets into different task forces depending on how many sea areas we need to cover and how many ships we have available to us we'll do that in a bit the game needs to pass a few days for the ships to group up production we'll need guns so five factories and guns need a bit more support equipment as well we will need a lot of artillery for what i have in mind so let's fill out a full line of those leaving us with two more spare military factories as you can see we're only producing fighters and carrier naval bombers i would like to produce some carrier fighters as well and some close air support the sky is still a very important battlefield in hearts of iron 4. now i do recommend filling out this artillery line first artillery takes quite a bit longer to reduce than inventory equipment so i recommend filling it up somewhere along these lines you can fiddle with the inventory equipment and support equipment if you notice a large deficit in either one and once all that's filled out we can get some more planes out there as for the naval production not much going on here we can simply either delete all of these ships we won't need them or just leave them running i'll just leave them running considering it's not that important and will have plenty of steel to work with anyway with production out of the way let's head for construction military factories just build military factories in our high infrastructure provinces once these are all done we can throw in some infrastructure in your resource producing areas to get ourselves some more steel some more tungsten or uh well even more military factories depending on the needs of the campaign research is nothing fancy just our basic industry techs such as engineering construction and basic machine tools and we will also start out by getting rid of the grand battle plan doctrine and switching over to superior firepower personally i much prefer superior firepower i pick it almost every time unless i'm playing a nation that is very suited to mobile warfare doctrine or if you absolutely need the early game defense that you get from trench warfare such as uh if you're playing china for instance but we're not so superior firepower it is now i'm not going to constantly be calling out what i'm researching it's not that important it's just basically you keep up with your industry tax and you keep up with your infantry equipment then use either spare research slots or if you have a hundred army experience or navy experience or air experience to get those respective doctrines and those techs whenever you need them really one thing i would recommend you research early is the ki-27 the 1936 fighter for japan as it's better to have a good fighter early on so you can start producing some of them and finally focuses we will be starting out with the army expansion law for that 30 army experience we will need quite a bit of army experience to change out our templates 30 should be enough i don't think we'll need to exercise our troops so we can conserve some equipment the strategy i have in mind does not provide us with a lot of early game army xp for free so we'll take this and uh work with it now finally in our decisions tab we'll see a lot of things the naval treaties we don't care italy violates them anyway none of these are particularly interesting except for these the inter-service rivalry there's a few options here such as prioritized steel for guns where we get some military factories in exchange for losing some dockyard output and some dockyard construction speed we also get some bonuses to factory output and factory construction speed takes 50 political power and this is basically a um a representation of the struggles that japan had at the time between its naval component and its regular army component constantly jostling for supremacy now you can have a read through these they're all quite interesting i personally just prefer to stick with power steel for guns to get a lot of stuff out there but the other ones are certainly interesting if you want to play around with them and with that our basic setup is done before we unpause the game let's have a look at our fellow future axis members here first off italy let's ask for docking rights maybe maybe you already have an idea what i'm going to try here and then the germans let's see if they want us in their faction to join faction this is going to create a little bit of world tension and nothing too serious and they'll accept with that we can unpause the game and get kraken and voila acceptance across the board now with germany having allowed us into the axis we can now access their territory and we have use of their naval bases italy gave us use of their naval bases as well greatly expanding our naval range why do we need so much naval range you ask and why do we need it in europe well as you can see the united states and mexico are all the way across the pacific well we could go island hopping across the pacific hit hawaii and then from hawaii go on to uh invade the us and mexico yes we'll need to take out the us because of this guarantee here no fighting mexico on their own unfortunately well we could go across the pacific but where's the fun on that when we could just go from here now look at this area here curacao and i believe suriname these are two dutch territories now where are the netherlands located right here in europe next to germany so what we're going to do is start a naval invasion from the port of wilhelm's haven and hit the netherlands in the back these 10 divisions will be landing in the netherlands and due to their speed they'll be able to capitulate the netherlands before the dutch army has any chance of responding when we knock the netherlands out we'll simply be taking their american holdings so we can use them as staging grounds then we'll puppet them in their european territory and we can also take the dutch east indies from them doing that already guarantees us access to european coastal territory before 1945 so if you're not up to fighting a large war with the allies you can call it quits after we take out the us and get yourself an achievement but that's not all to us that's just phase one of the plan so getting your troops there won't be an issue they'll just sail over there getting the navy there however might be a bit of a challenge as you can see the naval range is insufficient to sail to europe in one go all of these red marked territories are outside of our naval range we do have the use of the european bases here and some of the african coast is accessible to us but we can't sail through this red territory meaning our fleet is stuck in japan or is it let's have a look here our converted hulls the kaga hosho and akagi have a naval range of 4 000 kilometers which should be enough however they are being held back by the smaller vessels such as the destroyers who only have a naval range of 1500 kilometers so we can simply bypass that by taking out these converted ships putting them in their own little fleet and we select this tiny fleet here and you can see there's a gap in the red area meaning our ships can actually sail to europe without problems we'll have three aircraft carriers in europe and in theory that should be more than enough to get ourselves naval superiority over the dutch fleet however i've also discovered a bit of cheese that allows the rest of our food to get there and i'll get to that in a minute we'll also want to justify a war goal on the netherlands we can either just take one of their european territories we'll take 39 pp 195 days and get us percent world tension however they have a puppet what if we justify on the puppets same cost same duration but only two percent world tension and as a fascist nation i think we like to keep world tension low for as long as possible so we'll be justifying on the dutch east indies once we can a few moments later ah there we go our aircraft carriers have arrived in europe now for a bit of cheese if we were to select this fleet and then order it to merge with the larger fleet this would cause the carriers to sail back to japan that's not what we want however if you were to select the large fleet excuse me i'm gonna split off these submarines now if i were to select this larger fleet and tell them to merge up with the carriers that will cause the large fleet to sail to europe to group up with the carrier task force and for some reason they completely ignore naval range i have no idea why paradox still hasn't fixed this but for now it still works in 1.9.3 simply select the fleet that has insufficient range tell them to merge up with the ships already at location and they'll simply sail there one hour later and i got carried away we have more than enough political power to get our justification in let's justify a war goal on the duchy's indies 39 political power so i'm nine days late doesn't matter we're still well within the world pension limits and as you can see the entire fleet has arrived they have completely ignored their naval range and have simply sailed to wilhelm's haven great i guess i really hope paradox fixes this it's a bit stupid uh the army expansion law is done let's have a look for other focuses here there's two ways to go about this i would ignore the leftmost tree operation unthinkable or the unthinkable option the communist path i would ignore that same for the democratic path as they will make it very difficult to be powerful enough to achieve our goals now the two center branches i think they'll both work you can either purge the kohada faction or support it one is the typical fascist path on the left and on the right you have the more monarchist oriented path like i said i believe they both work i personally like to stick with the purging as this will uh yield more predictable results but if you want to go and restore the emperor perfectly fine now the focuses you'll want to be getting first no matter if you support or purge the faction will be these in the center as these will improve your industry and mobilization loss giving you a more robust economy through the factories you get for free here there are also some bonuses involved on the left and on the right and the national mobilization law will give you war economy for free which is great and even further down the national defense state will give you total mobilization for free which is not terrible but you do lose quite a bit of recruitable pop doing it so that's up to you if you want to pick this or not now i recommend going if you're following my path going down purge guide the zaibatsu's the national mobilization law nationalize the war industry and then the national research policy if you want to do the tree on the right simply follow its mirror path after you get down here and get the last research slot you can pick whichever focus you like it doesn't really impact the rest of the run now i also have a nice chunk of army experience here that we can now put to use we will be editing the large infantry template as you can see it's 24 combat width already so it's quite chunky and we want to make it even chunkier and for exactly 30 army experience we can turn this into a 40 width infantry artillery template this is fairly decent for offensive operations being 40 with it has a nice amount of soft attack because of the four artillery battalions it has decent ish defense and breakthrough it's not perfect but versus the ai this is a very competent offensive template and considering japan isn't really in a position to start mass producing tanks just yet this will be the template of our choice we will be primarily an infantry based nation until we have dealt with the united states of america and as you can see our industry has its work cut out for it we are heavily in the red and let's also convert all of the units in the decent army into the new template these units will be the backbone of our american offensive now if like me you like playing with the intelligence agency features of la resistance i recommend you build it early and focus the espionage part on the united states early game to build a network to be able to defeat them easier and also so you're able to do some operations like collaboration governments reducing their resistance to occupation once we finally do take their territory any cryptology can be focused on future enemies like france or the united kingdom because it will simply take too long to get it done before it will have any effect on our american war and with that our justification is done we'll simply select the netherlands being the overlord and declare our conflict don't call in the rest of the axis though we can do this on our own we don't need them meddling and taking territory make sure you have the fleet on convoy escort or invasion support whichever gets you naval superiority and kick off our invasion and uh well that concludes our invasion i think it took less than two seconds and in the peace deal let's see let's satellite the dutch east indies for that sweet sweet rubber we'll be taking the area of kurosawa and suriname for ourselves these will be our staging areas and now we'll simply puppet the netherlands we can now use these american territories as staging grounds for invading the united states once we have dealt with the us who are very weak this early in the game we can turn our attention to mexico we can simply sweep them aside and conquer whatever we need all we need for the achievement is to simply gobble up the remains of the netherlands through the subject mechanics and we'll have that achievement done in no time we'll be launching a naval invasion from curacao with our good units and hitting the south of the us near mobile and biloxi will want to improve the infrastructure or at least the naval base in the area will be taking heavy attrition our secondary reserve army can sit on suriname we'll also move the fleet over they will be starting naval escorts along the caribbean sea and florida coast making sure we can actually get our naval invasions to land now one thing i do like to do is split off a smaller naval invasion to hit panama if we take the panama canal our supply route will be much shorter and won't have to go all the way around south america now our fast units have done their duty we will no longer be requiring their services so i will simply be disbanding them now as for our political power investments we won't have to worry about going to a war economy we can get there through our focuses mainly specifically this one national mobilization law so our investments will be put to good use in other places a good first investment is usually the silent workhorse getting that 50 bonus early now for our war goals on the mexicans 36 pp 180 days and only raises world tension by 5 and again i was super slow and got distracted so i'm a little over target but the overall strategy doesn't change this is this is perfectly fine now for other pp investments i recommend spending that political power on the military first and the infantry expert is always a good place to start as was the army logistics i'm gonna take arm logistics first to minimize our division attrition and with the national research policy done personally i'm going to start heading for bicycle battalions myself and with that our justification is complete we're now ready to take on the big dog the united states of america well and mexico but oh mexico doesn't matter so we'll just slow the game way way down and let's see if we can win this also don't forget to take at least some protective measures along your own coastline to ensure your trade isn't completely destroyed it will be a short war but still once the carrier task forces have done their job along the american coast you can redirect them through the panama canal provided you've taken it and help secure your own c-zones [Music] do [Music] so [Music] and with that the united states of america have capitulated that takes out the biggest giant in the game very early on if we're not looking to do tojo shot first now would be a good time to simply puppet the united states and use their manpower use their factories use their templates etc without having to police this entire area however that makes it difficult to do to shop first because they'll still be able to do research and you run the risk of them getting nuclear weapons before you plus it's quite expensive to then annex them through the subject mechanics only to then release them again bomb them then annex them again it feels a bit pointless so for the purpose of this video we'll simply annex them we are gonna satellite hawaii and puerto rico we'll set the light in the philippines and we'll simply take all states fortunately we have some good compliance in place due to our earlier espionage operations the best method of dealing with resistance is a good garrison template this is a good starter template to deal with suppression just fill it up completely with cavalry once you have it researched add in the military police and once your industry allows for it you can start switching out individual battalions for armored cars for some more durability now we just have mexico to contend with [Music] i think our stockpiles will allow us to change our secondary army over to the good templates as well for a little bit of infantry and short but that's no real issue [Music] and that's mexico dealt with we'll simply take all their states it's quite a big look in japan 1938 not bad not bad we've got um two things done already we have all the requirements we need once we annex the netherlands through the public mechanics and once we have developed nuclear weapons all we have to do is release the united states declare war on them bomb them and simply annex them again so that's two down one to go and the last one we have to occupy mainland france now the frenchmen are in the allies so that means having to deal with the uk as well fortunately they're both pretty weak let's get everything in position shall we two hours later it looks like the troops are starting to file in now to deal with the french and the uk we'll probably have to resort to some naval landings well we could just cut through belgium but why bother really we can just make a cheeky naval landing and go straight for paris instead same with the uk we will try to hit dover and other ports along the southern shore and just roll them up all the way to liverpool and manchester and capitulate them that way our armies are far superior to anything they currently have they may outnumber us somewhat but our troops are far higher quality and i think it will be a good idea to go to war early so we'll simply justify a war goal on the french and hit them where it hurts and with the justification on france finished it's time for the empire of japan to defeat the last two major opponents and claim its spot among the great powers of the world and for us to get our achievements and again we're not gonna call in our allies we can handle this on our own [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well the french army is large and they're keeping us fairly well contained but once the uk falls that's another 24 divisions i can swing south and that should be the last nail in the coffin of the french we're right outside of paris but they're putting up stiff resistance here the french army is quite large [Music] hey voila that is france dealt with now for the peace deal we don't really have any designs on the united kingdom itself but we do have designs on france we require all of mainland france for the achievement tour de france so we'll just take mainland france as for the united kingdom not much to do here i suggest just uh if you want to conquer it by all means do so i feel like satelliting a lot of these things and we'll puppet whatever is left of them and that concludes our war with the allies now we control and own all of mainland france this is also enough for the achievement sunrise invasion so that one's in the bag without having to annex the dutch good for the dutch now for our tour de france achievement we need to 20 fully equipped bicycle divisions they they never state how well equipped that bicycle division has to be this one qualifies just a single unit of um bicycle boys here if he were to convert one of these armies into these bicycle units that would conclude the achievement as well it will give us tour de france and now finally for tojo shot first all that's required is for us to develop nuclear weapons which were still a bit off because it's only 1938 but oh well we'll always beat the united states to them because the united states no longer exists so we'll just get nuclear weapons we'll release the united states bomb the united states and then annex the united states again and the circle of life is complete one eternity later and we're back it's 1945 we have developed some nuclear weapons and we're ready to release the united states in case you were wondering the world has turned to um in the meanwhile i tried to do some funky things against the axis did not play out as intended lost france dug in in the netherlands i'm slowly slowly pulling a reverse barbarossa from what used to be russia on the upside i did manage to get the italians out of north africa but back to the purpose of this last part we will release the nation not as a puppet we will simply release this nation at the united states justify war goal will take 10 days 12 seconds later all that's left now is to declare our war with the state of war declared we can now drop a nuclear bomb on california i'm sure many of you have had the same idea in the past and with that tojo has shot first i hope you've enjoyed this video it's uh it's been interesting making it i've not played japan in quite a while so i had a lot of fun now if you like this video leave a like consider subscribing for more of them and hit me up in the comments with other interesting challenges or achievements you want to see me make videos of if you didn't like it that's fine hit that dislike button tell me in the comments what i did wrong or what you want to see changed i'm always looking for some feedback this has been me bittersteel and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 155,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bitt3rSteel, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, sunrise invasion, lets play, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 guide, achievement guide, how to, hoi4 japan, tojo shot first, hearts of iron 4 guide, hoi4 sunrise invasion, hearts of iron 4 achievement, hearts of iron 4 japan, tour de france, hoi4 japan guide, hoi4 japan guide la resistance
Id: deIBZAINakc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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