I Was Asked, Can You BREAK The Netherlands? - Putting the Raid on the Medway to Shame

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how about Normandy oh my goodness they are so generous today do you know what will be called Germany do you know what would be cool all of this what I did that was a joke I didn't think they'd give us all of that hey I am feedback gaming and this is hearts of mine for the World War two a strategy game the most common request I get is the Netherlands you guys want me to play iron man and get achievements for the Netherlands let's see what we can do for you iron man hysterical save let's go I only want people to subscribe to my channel if you believe in what I do it's come to the stage now we are inches away from a hundred thousand subscribers if you would do me the great honor and subscribing right now that would be amazing I love you to avoid disappointment and me wasting five hours recording time I did a test of this run and we did the putting the raid on the Midway to shame which you'll eliminate all carriers battleships battle cruisers heavy cruisers basically all capital ships of Britain and plays the Netherlands I'm going to show you today how you do it and with that achievement you will also get this one for free pride in extreme prejudice sync at the British pride of the fleet do is we have to sync every capital ship we're eventually going to get the pride of the fleet at some point but first of all trivia time in what year was the Netherlands liberated from Germany in what year was the Netherlands liberated from Germany if you know comment below alright first of all we need to get rid of shell-shocked spectator of the Great War and to do that we need to go for war on pacifism so first off we're gonna abandon the gold standard to move down that path makes we're gonna work at our army we artillery and we need anti-air and the rest will go understand the guns when it comes down to our Navy we're gonna produce as many level two subs as possible also what's handy is convoys so what we do is to say we're gonna make a hundred of these and assign a single naval dockyard and we'll just gradually produce these into with made a hundred industry we're gonna make civilian factories at the start of the game research first of all we need to get our doctrine so we need superior firepower for the extra byte for our infantry we also need trade interdiction for our submarines and we machine tools to start kicking out industry to do the one division trick as usual just like this dude check which is the biggest division which is that one and we just exercise this guy one cool thing about the Netherlands is you start with a lot of fuel than a lot of rubber so my advice to you its merger up the entirety of your Navy and exercise them from the get-go you've got lots of fuel the white as well on this use it exercising to get more naval XP next up is overturn military budget cuts you don't want to find the division to make it bigger and we will stick with 20 width and then later on we'll add on support anti-air and support artillery this is going to blow your mind but we're gonna go for concentrate industry explanation dispersing juice is more effective if you're continuously adding more military factories or changing out your production lines why would you do that because your nation is expanding very rapidly to just conquering nations and getting many military factories also nation that has lots of research lots so it is gonna be diversifying its research quite often in that case dispersed industry is the way forward alternatively if you're a nation that's relatively small and will stay small for the most part concentrated industry is gonna be more beneficial for producing those low quality guns in mass hence why nine times out of 10 I would normally go for disperse but in this one case this is the one exception though the next step is to prepare the indonesian lines honda nation at 1 next up we're gonna work on electronics we can't progress any further between 10% world tension the minute we get 10% well tension we need to go for these focuses or for now we're gonna go for prepare the naval expansion make our ideal division support support van to like tick mass-produce it get an idea how many guns we need and it is just anti-air and regular guns that we need for this production is totally fine next up we're gonna work on the first fighter the fokker d.xxi i'm not going to tell you what that sounds like more research concentrated to now we can go off or continue the public works which gives a boost for industry so we can go for concentrated 3 repeat do not spend your political power do not spend it do not spend it do not spend it you need it it's your little peepee piggy bank don't spend it this is also a good idea to turn that on to automatic split off when damaged and also up the amount of David dockyards for repair so we can keep on top of our repairs we don't want to lose any ships due to accidents at sea that would be pretty bad right next up we're gonna go for the cornerstone of colonial defense doctrine to start producing fighters now right now it shows we have no rubber nope we have rubber and that is with us subject the Dutch East Indies starts to import that rubber and now we can go for rely on submarines now we've got the boost that's worked on trading diction concentrated three is available with a hundred percent boost and we're also gonna go off a computing machine to summarize the plan we need to get naval dominance over the UK and the easiest way to do that is to span high-tech submarines with trade in diction next up we need to form a new government okay we're just behind on guns now but what I'll do is shift this to the top that means it will get the steel first and the production will be higher see producing 7.5 add a pop it here losing three point four a day a list is in order of what gets the resources first next up is gateway to Europe and we'll start training our divisions now as well eleven divisions will be enough now we have to cave to the Germans we need to get them more than 25 trade influence in this case there are at 20 so we will just placate to the Germans which cost 10 local power you'll work on radio because we're gonna go to war soon and there we go cave to the Germans this also Pops's on to free trade instantly costing as no political power nice also go for interwar artillery as wealth extra soft attack work on arid options as well operational integrity for the extra agility Germany has just an arch loss 22 world tension as way down this path protect against the British deploy those divisions pop them onto this army up onto this guy nice general from line and Field Marshal offensive doctrine +1 attack yes an organization first - next up is war on pacifism I made a mistake before you go for farm new government which gets you this new prime minister I'm guessing he reduces war support my man is 10 percent prior to selecting this you want to change up from volunteer oh and it's a limited conscription because I can do right now because my war supports to low that's a nice to know for you guys advanced submarine warfare but my Navy XP and get it a hundred percent faster ok we're going to import a little bit of Steel now as Germans now production is a lot more balanced I'll start working on construction because we're gonna end up building more Naval Dockyard anyway right we've got war on pacifism so how does it work you get a bunch of decisions and you have to click through them several times until you get through shell-shocked from the great war the top one reduces stability the middle one reduces factory output and the bottom one just removes political power my advice the bottom one every single time next national focus is going to be Volk n vader lund work on you submarine 3 we're now feel right now so we can send these guys those divisions in the Dutch East Indies might as well pull them over and bring them to Europe you need to continue clicking on anti pacifist propaganda you have to do at least 5 times and with that you can go up a limited conscription now as well we can now progress this down this area the focus tree so what we'll go for is one of these texts that buffs our construction and infrastructure I would advise you to go for the raiding fleet designer which gives less sub detection service detection max speed for submarines and again we're gonna break away all the divisions that are already level 3 and exercise the rest right we've got submarine 3 now so we will discontinue all the old models off the best tubes on and the best engine that's the one good work on encryption and decryption the reason why we do this it gives a slight attack advantage on land and it gives also extra spotting chance at sea after getting 25 world tension we can go for pass from over recommend you do that as soon as you can it is now time to make lots and lots of naval dockyards lots over 50% fascists now so we can go for the referendum boom now we have this chap which has 10% extra war support and we should have wait for war economy well gonna take all my feel from my papa hopefully I can keep my ships exercising for longer and gain more naval XP we can go if the strength over blood right we could shift all of these to the bottom all of our steel needs to go towards our Navy all right I recommend you go with Netherlands first that doesn't mean you're not gonna join Germany you still are gonna join Germany but with this you get bad bonuses gonna go for improve compute machine get the extra encryptions later in the game by the way don't forget about anti pacifist propaganda there are a few bonuses you can go for submarines so the torpedoes do more damage and it's these two and this one to let you submarine survive a little bit better by not revealing there location when they fire the aluminium from the East Indies right now we're completing Netherlands first we can join the access as cool as this focus is to get the United Netherlands it just comes way too late so at this point Jim is gonna beat you to it by going around imagine it so wait and bypass it makes lever recommend continuing the continue the zoo desi works that's the best you're gonna get alright a divisions are in position right now on the front line we've got our Air Force put them on air superiority and our fleet is gonna come back from exercising and repair and we're gonna hire this God general my advice is to reduce visibility increase retreat chance and reduce reveal chance as well you know join the wars the Italy and Germany are currently fighting in and in a minute that Germany declares on Luxembourg and Belgium will join in the war as well all right we need to split off fleet now so I've got our subs which was splitting them more than likely twice one and two auto splits offered and repair an automatic a reinforce and then we'll set all new submarines to go into the theater to auto reinforce the way it starts out you want to focus on making your submarine survive the longest so reducing reveal chance at sea is beneficial then you'll get a death stack of submarines so many that the Allies won't make the coat we do anymore then you flip things the other way and you want to try and hunt and hit and do as much damage to the Allies as possible so survival first then focus on firepower in that order Belgium John the Allies and here we go ideally we want to be on aggressive because we want to inflict as many casualties on ourselves did you just hear me just right I just said I want to inflict as many casualties on me the reason why I said that is because that calculates your war participation and more casualties that you have inflicted on yourself results in more participation more participation means that I can ask Germany for control of stays and we want control of this this this rip Belgium we've got more table d'hote yards here so we're gonna pop them they're just that production just a little bit pop that here and now we can send off our submarines to do actual damage we'll start off somewhere pretty gentle which are just in the middle of the Atlantic and Cape Verde plain marvellous there we go right now we asked Germany well not ask German here we begged Germany the control of this land and they say yes and now we can form the United Netherlands now we're a slightly different shade of orange more flesh and orange and there we have bypassed that one excellent launch of the Atlantic is going well right now losing the odd submarine every now and then more than likely they'll be sub to the sub trees are the ones we don't really want to lose we're unlikely to lose because they've got so much HP and they do so much damage I totally forgot that this focus takes 210 days to complete holy moly you can get a little bit of an idea of how well you perform in at sea with these shows by looking here so we've got 10 9 7 10 now the idea of fleet size is 10 so we are three behind at the moment gives you an idea that alright we're a little bit behind so we need to up our production of subs or move our subs to a location with a slightly safer but the moment I think things are going quite well up naval invasion and denied kind of oh I can't believe they that's even possible ah alright I have a plan to prevent that from happening again which is prestigious we've just lost eighty ninety days worth of production on the national focus I have a way we can get around it and we do that by popping fort on the border and these will be placed on the border and put you guys on guard forts and there we go now if they do try and land I don't likely be able to hold them back and work on fire too now I don't want to start focus on this one because I might lose it again so let's go for Phillips all right the progress is going quite well we are three behind on Serbs we're hearing a lot of them at the Atlantic all right we're losing a lot of convoys in English Channel here what i'ma try and do is bypass them to go a more scenic route around the UK it's not good for convoys this because we're end up using more but it means we won't lose them how are things happening at the Atlantic it just seemed like we're seeing a lot less ships now I have a feeling they're probably going through the Suez Canal there once we get brave enough we've got another excess reserve of subs we can push into the African coast Iberian coast and then sneak into the Mediterranean as well do you go look at the world and just say where the convoys going so from the UK if they want to go to Malaysia for instance that might go around here around the Cape to hear all the got a shorter route which they go to Gibraltar and straight through the Suez Canal to hear also something to note as well if you look at your submarines you know it's that more and more and more of them again in experience as time goes on particularly this flu these are beauties those time goes on only we get more advanced subs not only we get more experienced subs not only we get better doctrines and technologies but you'll reach a certain point with your snowball and your subsidy so strong you'll bear to put them in any part of the world and they'll do just fine places you want to avoid though tend to have lots of air presence such as the English Channel if you get naval bombers here because these have got zero air attack air attack of zero would normally be in combat stats in the centre they will get completely blown out of the water all right it's time to be more adventurous African coast is next oh yeah United Netherlands you could do that one as well there you go even though all those things are really cool we're gonna go back to the zanga z works singin zinga zinga bazinga whoa a fighter plane brand new pop a big engine on to you okay not that big there we go marvellous we're also gonna go for an able bomber no yeh 99 you don't get much XP from convoy rating 100 boom also we've got a comments rating genius go for that guy oh no running our fuel trade with the Soviet Union gate things at the Atlantic are going swimmingly yep all looking good and right now we've got three subs in reserve so can go for the Iberian coast now so we're completely cutting off UK from the Suez okay I'm gonna see if I can try and cheese Germany right now they keep saying that they'll accept if we ask control of a state what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna boost relations with them and then ask for Calais and see if that works I take my encryption and decryption very seriously okay but seriously this gives more spotting more spotting means more convoys detected more combat detected means more convoys sunk more naval dockyards more more more more MORE the AI is quite smart and if you don't come by rate a full region from the Arctic down to in between Africa and South America the AI will just say I will pass them all through the Denmark Strait that's reason why go as high as the Arctic as low as Cape Verde plane a the bazinga works have finished we know we can rush concentrated 551 days Dane oh there's so many Dulce bonuses here so would you like war support would you like some stability in extensive conscription would you like some extra get out / would you like some more Dockyard output alright our main man is just leveled opening go for a new tray and we're gonna go for loading drill master - 25% cool down for torpedo launchers which is just reload speed 25% faster reload speed come on paradox stop naming things so weirdly oh look what was I saying about submarines mmm they have no anti-air but my naval bombers are just ripping them apart rip rip rip Netherlands is a minor power tends to have difficulty when importing large amounts of goods unless they already have those goods within their nation the Netherlands starts off with zero chromium and that's a problem if you want to work on more advanced ships in this case the submarine for not only requires one extra steel it also requires chromium so I'm gonna be importing way more materials to result in less submarines been in the field so overall my advice to you is yes do go for this submarine for but just use the hull of the submarine 3 and pop on top he tows and a bigger engine the question is Germany how much do you like me Calais Bowles mr. Lowe recap of what would produce an heir research for submarine 4 we're not gonna use the whole but we'll use the top Eidos and the bigger engine construction for construction purposes homing torpedo for extra damage once we get 50 naval XP we can boost that one for faster research and we're also working on the air doctrine which is cool because we get to work on naval mission efficiency as well as extra agility for fires both are very important for the build we're currently going for meanwhile in the Dutch East Indies things aren't going too well surprisingly I've not lost this little island us full of a fuel I could have put some troops here to secure the aluminium that's something you could do the problem is with the Netherlands though you like troop so you need the troops to push into Belgium to get to these states or I'm gonna group some of these fires up just for convenience that the list is getting way too long popular question people ask me is what's the ideal airwing size smaller the better but below 10 you sent a get diminished returns as the game progresses though you just tend to find the bigger airwing size just are more convenient for micromanagement purposes my advice to you is make them as small as you can not below 10 though until against the point where you micromanagement becomes a nightmare so in that case go to at least 100 200 all right let's expand our reach into the Caribbean we hit convoys here more than likely will oust any ships here and they won't we have to enable invade here there's a lot of convoys in this area my guess would be because they want oil from Colombia and Venezuela boom boom boom boom boom you get the idea right to expand our area of courage now we're gonna go for Bay of Biscay and the Western Approaches over time well the AI will do is select certain regions and put them on avoid or block and eventually you'll see less and less combos in those regions that's why you can't lead to expand the area that you're covering but also keep an eye on this convoy efficiency if it drops below 100% means you're gonna get less spotting chance therefore you convoys are more likely to sneak by you and you won't be able to sink them meanwhile UK has 23 convoys it's not looking too good for them it's reached that point now where we have so many submarines that the UK even if they wanted to probably couldn't even contest with the force that we have so what we're gonna do is this increase the engagement rule too high what this means is if they engaged with screening ships which is destroyers and cruisers even though they've got depth charges and spotting chance they'll still fight them or less that chance where the risk is so high they will still run away now if you wanted to you could change this to always engage but I would not recommend that cuz they're gonna fight boughs that they're gonna lose don't do that anyway high risk there we go like this watch this oh look the destroyers are running away from my subs hmm I wonder why hmm alright piece of ice a really important this don't join the war against the Soviet Union repeat don't join the war against the Soviet Union there is no way you'll be able to get oil from if you declare on the Soviets and at that point your submarines are useless wow wow wow Wow Wow Wow well you get the idea at this point because I put my submarines are more of aggressive stance I've chosen to keep some reserves back just in the case that we do lose a few because you will lose a few particularly some of the old ones the sub ones that you start the game with and the subdues mum my mum my mum my mum mum mum aah Mamiya okay so this is a really unusual thing that happens quite often this though we're in the axis right now and Japan is going for the focus of strike the southern resource area which declares on the Dutch East Indies so the very unusual thing happens right now Germany's gonna be at war with Japan and I don't care let them fight out gonna implement the program hey Germany Calais join mcgivers Calais Oh they've just given us Calais I really expected and today no to that alright so the ideal submarine we're gonna make is gonna we're gonna disable the submarine for and we're gonna make adage us meant to you giving you the biggest fattest tubes and a big engine - there we go perfect what we do is just change them over once the previous ones have completed get some rubber from Brazil a little bit from Germany as well okay in that case then we'll probably invest in synthetics the numbers you want to keep an eye on to let you know how successful you are how many convoys each of the Allies have UK has 14 convoys France is here and they are 29 and the United States as three yeah I think we're doing quite well right now alright time to encircle the whole of the United Kingdom know it's important when you do this you have full air control the English Channel because they could just now bomb you here and just annihilate you submarines even the really high tier ones so remember air security here that's why we focus on our air force so heavily and to push towards Cape of Africa as well if we can wrap around to the sewers to the other side that'll also be great too yet we can - let's do it I'm unable to cover so many zones because we have so many wolf packs in this case now we've completely encircled Africa Suez is cut off gibraltars cut off Panama canal's cut off there's no where convoys can go anymore this is always funding to lookout click on your naval tab click on lost ships we have a little cheeky look if you want to of how many total ships you sunk like 200 destroyers for the UK and 18,000 convoys sunk we lost 51 is a good ratio comment below if you know the ratio get your calculators though with the Netherlands focus tree there's not a lack of things to go for you've got so many options but if you have no idea what to go for you've got two options naval production and air production right now air production is more of a priori we need to pump out as many knobs as we can but you never seen this before oh wow Germany war with the world whoa oh but also Japan that's new I something the hood right there there you go achievement on long yay if I didn't already have the achievement oh my goodness Germany's closed her economy I hate when they do this they may be gone free trade and then they closed their economy British Raj is looking way too good right now how about we encircle them and also straits of malacca god damn look at the range on this here to here that's insane I should do this a long time ago but let's get screwdrivers right what I'm gonna do is go for limited exports and then we can import significantly less equipment and that gives us access to more of our economy Oh excellent we barely need to import oil now hey Germany would you like to give us this date yes so generous today all right Rama do is delete a few factories outside of these states all military factories which we're not really taking advantage as much as some of the other factories and the reason I'm doing that is so I can pop more refineries inside of you oh now Jimmy's open their economy again I've never seen the AI do this before how about Normandy oh my goodness they are so generous today do you know what will be called Germany do you know what would be cool all this what I did that as a joke I didn't think they'd give us all of that and my next trick is to embargo the entirety of the Japanese mainland whilst also combo rating the Caribbean see the D X X X it sounds like an extra-large condom you know other thing just dawned on me we could actually upgrade some of these older ships as well particularly the ones that have got a lot of experience so like you for instance you need upgrading and you so this is a really good strategy never really thought of this so you make a more up-to-date model with the existing hole and then the ones that become veterans do you grade them is such a good idea the only downside is how long it's gonna take them to upgrade oh it's only gonna take two weeks three weeks tops brilliant definitely worth it for the extra speed as well as the extra torpedo damage meanwhile Japan blockade is uh quite well very well okay I think I might have gone slightly overboard with the upgrades yeah yeah yeah the more I deal upgrade would have been just to change the torpedoes and not to change the engine changing the engine on any ship where there been a submarine a capital ship is extremely expensive and I wouldn't recommend it and there we go the Dutch conquest of France it took seven years but we we did it I know this is gonna be good fighters got xxx on the end of it this is gonna be the best fire oK we've added a big radar to our submarine so we can upgrade all the models over got a big stock file of fires right now so I'm gonna put it on southern England and just dock by Japan rip convoys zero this isn't my greatest moment here we go again the atomic bombing of Sussex a there's an airport there boom Big Ben child for the last time having been melted by the blast oh boy goodbye yogscast playing that old game where i just shoot down planes and eventually gain air superiority it's working just takes a long time some time later and this is the world right now 3rd of february 1950 the netherlands and a bit more what's happened what have you missed well me nuking the UK over and over and over and over and over again probably about 50 nukes if you play this game quite a bit you probably realize that the I are allies or the axis will naval raid over and over again with really bad divisions and this will happen this and it's unsuccessful because pretty much the UK sits on its five hundred divisions and well just depends at the moment I don't think they're even breakable as we speak but I've been new kid these big fat stacks over again and over again and over again until they have zero manpower meanwhile in the air air superiority at this point you can say that you've achieved all the achievements pride of the fleet gone all the capital ships of the UK gone United Netherlands and some more done to this point this is just for funsies and how do I recreate this how do I reduce the population of the UK down to zero BAM power well you just nuke them over and over and over again and pop them on the coastline I don't look here you've got at least 18 divisions that is ripe or Zee nuke and boom half the strength is depleted so that's probably a hundred thousand man power destroyed instantly oh look at this one here 20 divisions boom look at this spaghetti I was hoping to get amphibious to research but it's gonna be too late now because the Italians have already got foothold in the South Germans in the middle bench in the north UK isn't looking too good so let's just go that's London to Dover and we'll pre preemptively nuke it and get out of the way beautiful this is the division template London has fallen and the rest of the UK and due to our war participation we control the most of the UK that is insane the United States on the other hand they've reached the point brag almost a thousand divisions so taking them out without carpet New Kingdom is gonna be the only way of doing it which is pretty sad but that's the only way you can do it did you enjoy this video wouldn't like it do you like watching my videos then like it do you know know where you're going in life then like it like it have a good day I love you and goodbye [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 488,938
Rating: 4.9425755 out of 5
Keywords: feedback, feedbackgaming, broken, exploit, PDX hoi4, hearts of iron 4, break the game, gaming, howto, adsense, gamer, pcgaming, marketing, blogger, clickbank, digitalmarketing, admob, makemoney, theme, commercial, adsenseblogger, webdesigner, youtuber, branding, googleads, youtubers, mobile games, minimal, freelancer, earningmoney, optimize, monetize, hoi4 netherlands, hearts of iron 4 netherlands, netherlands navy hoi4, man the guns navy, Putting the Raid on the Medway to Shame, hoi4 achievements
Id: KwD90RLjTYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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