How does a breakup affect him?

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a Tony Gaskins here you know I wanted to drop in and talk to you about this strand of a man that's going around right now and I'd be honest we because you know every now and then I have run-ins with them and they come across my page and you know just butt hurt and I don't really understand it I mean I get it but I don't get it I just never really been the type of man to go to another man page and try to curse and take shots and call names because of what that man doing on his page you know I rather make my own page instead of going to another man page trying to say something to him the slow him down or divert his attention but I want you to understand because you you especially to the ladies because you're gonna be out here dealing with these type of men and let me help you really get this but I'm gonna also talk to the man who just happened to watch this video to understand if he's in this situation and where he is operating from now see this what happens the world the media has its ways of selecting you know this in this selection process I won't even call it a natural selection but the world has this selection process of what is beautiful what is attractive what is unattractive what is the acceptable height what's the acceptable skin tone complexion what's the acceptable weight and then the media at large takes these certain faces and puts these faces in the movies in the magazines on the television shows and pushes it out to us for our consumption our entertainment and so if you don't fall inside of those constructs and here's the thing that a lot of us don't really realize is I've been pay attention to this but if you really pay attention to the movies and you look at the movie stars and you take away the fact that they are making millions of dollars on the mega movies the really large movies and you remove the fact that there they are a famous actor or actress and you bring them all the way back to ninth or tenth grade and then picture them in that body with that face you'll realize that a lot of them are average everyday looking people it's not like this chiseled you know person who was just perfect dropped out of the heavens with everything symmetrical and not a blemish in sight like um an example look at Morgan Freeman you know he he has his own look look at on Forrest Whitaker who has the eye situation I don't know maybe it's like a lazy eye or maybe something happened to his eye but we'll look at these people and these individuals will be able I saw a title the other day with more than Freeman in the picture and they said let women chase you I didn't watch the video I just think had time for that but he probably does have women chasing him but if you take Morgan Freeman take away all the movies he would be your uncle he would not be a heartthrob you know he would be your uncle like you know just think about I don't want to go into all the details of the man facing all of that but get what I'm saying to you so what's happening here is it's men who look like Morgan Freeman who don't have money and they see their look in the movie so they think they're gonna get that same privilege that same benefit and that women gonna chase them like they chase Morgan Freeman and they go and get them a relationship and another example Tracy Morgan you know it's men who looked like Tracy Morgan Tracy Morgan is a whole lot of money got to show the last og but if you remove the money you remove the fame that's your cousin you know that's your cousin I was looking at a gentleman yesterday he passed away I can't remember his name but my wife and I was watching a movie on a white gentleman he played in the movie Along Came Polly and he was like the you know the the actor who was in a movie a long time ago ahead fell off and was shooting a enews story of his life himself and even the star guy in the long cane Polly I don't know his name either but you look at these guys these guys famous you know famous all this money but you take that same look and put it in the real world that's the guy who sat in the back of the class who didn't say nothing walk with his head down you know war the the inexpensive the cheap $10 shoes nobody talked to him everybody ignored that's the same guy but when we see them become famous and we see them become somebody now we start to have these beauty constructs and what we think is handsome and Nate I remember seeing a test being done where they showed a man who was you know heavyset he probably looked like 300 pounds but he was taller so probably was around six foot six - so it didn't so it probably looked at like 280 250 to 280 and they showed the man they put the man picture it was the Tyra Banks Show when she had her show they and they went on the street with the man picture and he said you know here's his picture his job would you know electrician or something made thirty thousand a year and [Music] his height weight ranked this man on the scale to 1 to 10 and he came out of 3 his average thing was a 3 they took that same piece of paper with the same stuff and what they did is change his job change him to a doctor put his salary at 325 thousand a year and his average score on a scale of 1 to 10 based on looks and just was a head shot maybe a little bit more I was a nine from going from $30,000 a year to three hundred twenty-five thousand women rated him a nine from a three so now it's a couple lessons in there the first lesson is y'all wrong you're wrong for that you wrong for wounding man for his money I just read up quote today of said a man could take a broke woman and change her life but a woman won't even look the way of a broke man you're wrong for that I get you underst I get your explanation of the man posed to be the head the man posed to be the provider that's why we don't want a broke man I get all that but you're wrong for that because you let demands money determine your loyalty or your love so you're wrong for that when money is a prerequisite to what you're looking for in your husband because a man could have nothing that's why I tell you all the time let a man's character be his currency and that's why you deal that's another part of the problem right here with what what a lot of these men going through but this way they're going through what they're going through because this exacerbates the situation I don't know if that's a word but it sounds good right there okay so we're gonna use that today vocab now what I need you to understand this what's happening with these men that y'all seeing on YouTube and I don't know what the name of the videos but it's some kind of pill type of move and it's another one movement mm gee and somebody the man going their own way or something like that and when I popped in on a couple of videos okay one was a white guy one was a black guy the black guy is what we will affectionately call look ugly okay I'm not saying that the man is ugly I'm not calling the man okay but I'm saying that's what we will affectionately call him look okay so the black guy this what I seen I seen a man who was shorter than average you know under the five nine maybe five six two five eight looking and dark you know dark complected so on the complexion scale got the short end of the stick in society because we all know that the darker you are the worst society treats you and less jobs less opportunity and that's really pretty much around the world not just America like it that's why the skin lightening cream is selling so much because people struggling with their identity if you have pigmented skin and so here here this guy is social I seen that so I see complexion I see height you know and then just the natural set of his face you know the natural set of his face was kind of like and I'm not saying anything to be derogatory like I look at my face I feel like we all look like a doll okay in our own ways so me I problem when I look at my face I see kind of like a Doberman Pinscher you know this guy looked like a French Bulldog and so it just don't now if you are light-skinned French Bulldog and you six-foot your life gonna be different if you 5:8 and you a dark-skinned French bull at all you're gonna have a different set of problems that you don't want to deal with but then this what this what if what I sent from this guy what I sent from this guy that he came into a little bit of money made what a construction on his own business got the six-figure mark and this one me and go wrong cement get money and because men are so used to seeing women chase money this man he goes from wanting a woman who let's say his type would be let's say his type in the real world if we was you know all on the same playing field let's say his type would be Tiffany Haddish right let's say that would be his equal but then he taking says he wants Sanaa Lathan which that's a different look different height maybe different body type and so Tiffany Haddish has a specific type that they mesh that you mesh so now lengthen gonna have a specific type that they mesh because like attracts like and so you have to own when you're dating you got to be realistic about who is for you it's not to say that you are there and they attractive you this and you that but it's just like attracts like there are exceptions to the rule but is when you look at a certain type of person not understand it's because I'm a relationship coach and I was a matchmaker so I get to see this so I got to see all different high shap sizes complexion weight and get to see their type so I was able to see what this type is attracted - so that's why when I look at a celebrity couple I could tell if it's for money and power and economic advancement or if it's for love because I can tell and you can - even not being a relationship coach or a matchmaker you can - you could look at some relationships at all she with him for the money oh he would hurt for the money yeah yeah mm-hmm yeah you could tell it but a lot of time we can't say that publicly but everybody know everybody know you might look at my wife banksy with me for the money but guess what me and my wife got together when she was 19 I was 21 so what's no money involved like we was roped together we lived in the hood together and we built you know to a decent living which still got a lot long ways to go but what you have to realize is they're certain and a lot of people and now listen to this now listen to this now hit hit go a caveat right here it's so many people when I post a picture with my wife now this was right here make sure you pre-order the book a woman's influence stop what you're doing pre-order this here book none so many people when I post my wife they say y'all look like siblings now me and her do not feel that way then let me in let me help you understand something that is not no compliment okay you might get blocked when you say that you almost get blocked okay Oh y'all look like Sybil listen do you know what that is if siblings together in a relationship so stop saying that to people that's not a compliment and I know what y'all be trying to do - you be trying to take shots anybody you ain't crazy ain't no way in the world you think telling somebody their spouse look like this sister gonna be a compliment that's a whole nother rather whole now understand is but that speaks to like the tracks like so subconsciously the fact that some people say we look like siblings when I really sat down and I look that I said well babe I knows by coast similar you know my lips I got soup coolers not and this is soup cooler when you blow the soup so cooler that what we call them sooo cool don't know what y'all call them but my lips twice the size of her lip but we kind of cheeky we kind of round both round face you know kind of similar I setting I placing I shape so I'm like okay I could get it I'm just God left me in the oven a little longer being you he had a shortage on yours so had to bring you out a few minutes early left me in now at 450 a little longer but I'm not okay I get him the benefit of doubt I'm not gonna block him the day I make block him tomorrow but I kind of I see what they saying okay but that could mean that could show you subconsciously how like attracts like you see what I mean and so what happens is sometimes people get to a place to where they want to date from their insecurities so instead of having the not the process of natural selection which that term could mean something totally different in another industry but I'm using as what I mean by is that you select the person who naturally is you feel is on your wavelength on your level and looks compatible but every now and then people will date from a different place in their heart that's not a genuine place so they're dating from either insecurity or they're dating from you know greed or frustration or bitterness and here's an example okay bitterness let's say bitterness where you will have and I've done this and I've saw this done you will have a black male date a white female and he's doing it solely to get back at white males it has nothing to do with that woman he's not attracted to her he's not attracted to her race but it is his way of sticking it to the man because he feels disrespected discriminated against just marginalized ostracize overlooked and he is looking for a way that he can make the man pay and so he will choose his woman out of bitterness anger frustration on the flip side of that you were I've seen this - the same thing - where you have a black male who would date a female of another race a white female or an Asian female or a Hispanic female and it is solely because he has been made to feel that his own people are inferior he feels that they are ghetto that they are uneducated that they are unkept that they are unclean and the women from his place from his struggle he may have been with them and caught a little hint you know of the situation and it's because her mother was working two three jobs did not teach her how to properly cleanse herself did not even have soap all the time did not want the water to beer and water was cut off for a few days at a time so a bath could not be taken but they come from the mud what we call got it out the mud so he his experience with women of his race and this could be the same for Hispanic for Asian for white it could be the same so just kind of you know invert this and apply it how it needs to be applied I'm just using this because I'm a black male and this is my experience being around black males so one day out of revenge frustration anger bitterness one dating out of insecurity inferiority feeling less than less than and so but neither one is a pure attraction like wow that woman is gorgeous she's beautiful I want to talk to her for that reason and then Wow her personality is amazing we hit it off we mesh like peanut butter and jelly oh my goodness this is euphoric but we got all kind of old cavalier where the date night so now he gets with her for the wrong reasons because it wasn't an organic thing that he bumped into her and just they hit it off and so here's the thing like before my wife my ex was my color before her the person was Caucasian and so for me it was just it wasn't about color and all of this here when I met my wife my wife is Jamaican but her dad is an Indian Jamaican her mom is a black Jamaican which would be from Africa so you got African and you got Indian both converged on India happen to meet up boom boom had a baby that's my wife so when I saw her in the mall working at the jury stand I thought she was a porter wrecker so the reason why I approached her because I still was a dog and a grown boy I thought she was a puerto rico soul and our translation that's the way my grandmother who was from alabama pronounce it I'm saying Porto Rican but me and my grandma we god rest her soul we pronounce it for the record and then I found out my wife is Jamaican now y'all hurt me I'm saying Jamaican but me and my grandma pronounce is Jamaican okay so no offense intended accent so when I found out so first I was looking for a taste of the rainbow you see what I'm saying so I'm like oh ain't never happy no border recognized let me get a look piece of this here baccala Saba you know and then she told me she do make it I was like oh so not my mind switch so I said but okay you look like the dude making that I know cuz you a couple shades lighter so I said so what's going on here and she said well my dad is the Indian Jamaican my mom is a black Jamaican like your color my mom probably a shade or two darker than me and I said okay immediately in my head I said I'm gonna get credit for you and what I meant by credit meaning is black love you know what people try to throw out that because in the past having been outside of my race before when you come home your mom and your sister looking at you like what you doing you know and so when wife told me she would you make I said okay I'm gonna get credit for you then but still I was just Dibble and dabble lookbook taste of the rainbow as a grown boy but turn out her class her inner beauty her outer beauty which she even more beautiful today than she was when I met her she was uh she way more beautiful she was beautiful for them what's he waiting more beautiful today just cuz she like fine wine see some people like soda I might be like soda you know you leave a soda open it gonna get flat that wine you put that wine yeah then why not gonna get better it's getting more expensive with time so my wife she's like fine wine me unlike a coca-cola that you love the the the cap off foot and so I don't went down she didn't went off and when I realized her personality I stayed with her but let me help you understand something now y'all know how I make my points we got to go round the brow we got to go round about okay we just can't just get right down okay we got to go round and about so we hit it all we end up married but guess what let me tell you something that before my wife I had been on more than a hundred days okay and you can infer what dates mean and but that number was not spoke about it was not talked about my wife didn't ask me how many dates should have been on how many women you've been with she then asked me that you know she didn't want even wanna know the answer so she asked the answer and so she just judge me for who I was right then in the moment and she watched me from now but mind you before that with my wife I had never been hurt by a woman it was one time I hurt by a woman and that was the Caucasian woman I mentioned to you when I was in college slept with five of my teammates but the reason why I really really wasn't hurt is because I had stepped out and been out there with eight you know other women oh yeah not transparent it ain't many men gonna tell you they business like I tell you my business but I tell you all my business just because and then I know some people use my own business against me and then get blocked for trying to take shots but I'm telling it so you understand the experience is over man and you understand where my wisdom comes from it comes from God but it's rooted in experiences that God has sprinkled wisdom on top of so that I could make a point and so I was hurt when that happened with the young lady but because I had done dirt she was doing it because I did so I told myself she could've did it even if I was 100% faithful but in my mind she was retaliating so I didn't count that as being dogged out by a woman because I was being a doll so let me help you understand this is the reason why you see these movements of like men versus women and he meant angry on the other side the other man I saw he was a white gentleman with his movement one of the pills some kind of pill movement that they own and this guy if I take him back to the high school he was the guy that got punched in the eye just for having a high like I and I say that because that literally used to happen to a young you know Caucasian guy I went in school with one of my homeboy you punch him in the eye every day and I'm like bro this man got a black eye every day why do you keep punching that man in the eye like every day I'm like man would you stop doing that like let that man I heal like why are you doing that we asked it was in elementary and I just did not understand why he would do that to the man and so that guy that I saw on YouTube that's pushing this you know movement against women he looked he remind me he is the adult version but that guy that used to get punched in the eye every week at school some high every day and that's what I want y'all to understand like a lot of times men come at me and they say Tony well man why you why you taking up for the winter why you man you think women can't do no wrong you think women ain't you man what man you blind man you need to wake up the smell of coffee there's like road never been doled out by a woman like you I've never been hurt by a woman like I did all the hurt I caused all the pain that's why my message is what it is because I'm trying to heal what I broke I'm trying to fix what I broke I'm trying to write my wrong like if you've been hurt you'd have been dog not miss cheated treaties on all that cuss that all that then you got to find your purpose but so I want you to understand that that's what these men but see the thing is they may have money now they may be sitting down talking to you and they in a nice studio they they got a nice backdrop which appears to be a big home or a nice home and so you're not looking at him and because women are easier on men when it comes down to looks you might not look at him and say man he look like the back of 67 Chevy you may see a grown man but when I look at him I could see the high school middle school version of him and I know what that guy went through see the the elementary middle school high school version of me I was the star athlete I was the best football player I was the best basketball player so I didn't have any problems when it came to dating when it came to the guys like I wasn't picked on you know and in a way that it really affected me like they'll take shots at me my homeboys talking about my head being and all that but they knew who I was they knew I was giving them 20 on the basketball court they knew if I touched the football it's getting ten yards or a touchdown again the first down or a touchdown they knew that so I didn't have those kind of issues to God be the glory because of sports and as me and we already you know I won't wait hold on somebody something okay okay y'all forgive my make so no process serve was my not trying to steal so that's that's the difference between what you sin it needs man it's just me who have been dialed down but this way I happened let me help you understand and let me help these men understand why it's happening to you so when I used to when I was dating around I was dating right and I was in relationship women would always come to me and say I'm the one time I was dating a young lady in college that I was telling about the Caucasian woman who slept with five of my teammates it was a african-american woman from DC I'm saying woman I could be saying girl cuz we are just consider us girls and boys cuz we was in high we was in college she said cross from me at the table these real true life story and she said to me you were waste of a fine black man oh [Music] and I not be honest with you okay we was in West Virginia I was on the floor football scholarship it was we had sixteen hundred students at our private college and it just wasn't a lot to pick from so I just was getting what I could get it wasn't something with my oldest what I want to be honest which the woman came on to me in the library that's how it happened I didn't pick her she picked me ass and just so happened she just would hit me up every day and ain't had nothin else to do so it was really just accidental and then the black women that was on the college campus literally look like they'll eat a man I mean just attitude just rude Jeff just like that that young lady Adele sitting across from me like okay you can thank that but for that to come out your mouth I hate that bit see what you'll be like in a relationship with you when you say this to somebody you don't even know I'm gonna my security guard he's just so happy he is Beijing he is he the colour of his hat and he Beijing and just rich the women say he just got beautiful skin it's the color of his hat but it's just rich you know got a natural oil glisten to it not a blemish in sight and he could color this he'll had and he Beijing he from Barbados he just so happened to meet a Caucasian woman and he had been through a lot but they just so happened to hit at all he told me one time they was standing at the red box and a lady a black lady walked out the store I hate you black man in the black guy behind him I thanks he talking to you bro she said I hate you black man and so when this woman said that to me in college seemed like you were waste of a fine black man I was like whoa this is thought we really deal with but we don't like to talk about it okay so here it was that was me Dayton Brown but I had never considered being hurt like in a relationship but when I look back and I see these guys what happened with me is I would always date this my point about me I would date realistically so I wouldn't go for the woman that everybody in a mama wanted like I didn't I didn't go for the woman that looked like she a life-sized Barbie you said I mean because you know when they make a Barbie doll they're gonna make that completely proportionate completely perfect according to the media standards you don't see a Barbie doll that's disproportionate like what you would see in real life in a human you know in a real person they make it the perfect image right and so I wouldn't go for that in real life I would just go for the woman who she like the girl next door you know she's like the girl a lot of women called my wife beautiful my wife is absolutely 100% beautiful but when I met her it was I didn't say to myself wow she gorgeous I said it's a pretty woman you know she's a good-looking woman but it wasn't like drop fall I pass out she wore a ponytail no makeup no lashes I don't even know if lashes was in a thing back then no lashes no micro blading on the eyebrows it was like she was just her and just natural beauty and so it wasn't like pass out you know tight because she had tried to doll herself up and all of that so what happened is I would always date on what I consider my level but see what he's what these men has running these movements what they did is they tried to get a woman that didn't want them because he it was women that didn't want me because I'm 510 so a lot of women want a man who is 6 foot or taller some women day minimum height is 6 to 6 for I meet women in person today and I say what you looking for a man and they know me they know what I represent they know what type of man I am the way I treat my wife and they will look me in the face and say he gotta be six foot tall anything on six plus short and I'm looking at him like what do you think I'm here so you just gonna look me in the face and tell me that if I was single on the market you treat me like chopped liver and basically that what this is like yeah you short I've been meeting one of my clients in person and the woman was five three and she said are you short you find 3/10 I'm 511 with these shoes in and the one called me short so that's what me and go through so look at the man that's leading these movements and and what you're gonna see is a lot of pain you're gonna see a lot of insecurity you're gonna see a man who tried to date out of his league who and what I mean by this try to woo a woman that did not want him and then she got with him feeling cornered feeling force in the cheating on or in the not cheating on but just leaving them and then now he hurt booty bother he is but hurt he because he was taking advantage of so he feels he feels like she used him for his money she cheated on him slept with the milkman the man she really wanted all of this right here that's what he feeling so now he hurt so now is men need to go our own way now is this kind of pill that kind of pill now it's all these strategies alpha-male strategies and all of this stuff because of pain listen if you a man and you in all them strategies and all them video lists and you got the heal my boy you got the heal like don't get mad and other men like myself who have not suffered at the hands one because we chose not to this thing if women that I could have suffered at they hand but I I wasn't gonna put up with that are you not fitting to talk to me any kind of way you're not gonna be yelling at me cursing at me you're not fitting to be condescending and rude and nasty to me absolutely not on my body here but some men allow themselves to go through that and didn't want to be mad and didn't want to have you know this onslaught against women and just just angry and bitter and hurt and then with me when I come and I give the benefit of the doubt and let me help you understand why I do what I do the way I do it and it's hard to do it because sometimes even women turn against me and be like you know oh these meaning like that the man not hearing like that a lady asked I had a block of lady yesterday she told my um the man that you describing is swearing at me scaring me did you have a Sikh religion with a man that hurt you I mean you block why don't you block did you just ask me if I had a secret relationship with a man who hurt me it's like no I'm telling you about the man that I was these men that I'm describing only video wrong boss I'm telling you about the man that I was and I ain't even telling you as bad as I was cuz you wouldn't even be able to really fathom it hate telling you half for what I'm a scene man do because you really if what I'm talking to you about preparing you for is depressing you you can't handle the truth yeah man it's a hot mess me a hot mess that's why he needed Jesus that's why I don't condone women dating a man that don't know Jesus the word of Jesus the Holy Bible that has a man who is not who has not been renewed or trying to be renewed I don't condone it because I don't trust that because I am a man and I grew up amongst and I saw the things with my very eyes that men would do to women and around women and behind the backs of women listen it's real lot here that's why I show up I try to show up every day and put your video on here to level the playing field and so let me tell you to these men you got the heel you got the heel and this why I do what I do because let me help you understand something when I look at a woman who is and this were my conclusion comes from when I looked at a woman who is a savage of a woman when I look at her life I see that she has had experiences with savage men I see that she was violated at a young age or at a vulnerable age she was violated she was mistreated she was done wrong I see that either her dad was absent or he was that the wrong person he was the man in her life who derailed everything and this is what I say all the time if you give a woman a good father or a good brother or a good husband her life will be change when you meet a woman who was a no-good woman a savage woman she didn't become that way on her own it was her experiences in life that made her adapt to the game because she came with open arms and a pure heart and then saw the fangs of these no-good men and she said it's either get a you you you either gonna be a dog or get dog and she adapted a lady coming in yesterday women don't cheat as much as men women cheat better than me and that's what I mean is the worst thing a man's worst fear is for a woman to learn the gang and attack and adapt to the game because she gonna play it better and that's what a lot of these men that's what these men have experienced they've experienced a woman who was toll on the flow of who she was hurt broken and taken advantage of and now she adapted and now she's savage hearted and he come in oh dear I looking like Bambi in the head like silver f150 coming 90 miles an hour down a dark empty road and so here he is looking like Bambi getting ready to hook the f150 thing an f-150 bout to give it a hook and then so now he wake back up come to life and now is leaving wait a minute listen man if I sit you down and I tell you my story oh hi I was out here with eating women you really gonna understand why my message the way it is while I'm trying to level the playing field they're trying to you know help women understand the nature of men sorters they run into a man like a man that I was that they'll be protected that they'll know what they up against and that they'll come with a a come they were they a game they a plus game because if they come in like like like Bambi in the headlights they're gonna get annihilated they're gonna get really really used taken advantage of and it ain't gonna be pretty and so that's why my message is the way that it is because I know what's real out here and so yeah you may say well I'm a good man I'm a good man it's like are you really are you really if you're a good man show me you loving a woman show me how you love your woman and if you a good man then you know how many know good men there are if you truly a good man but see what a lot of y'all man doing on my pages you you double agents you kind of trying to get the message so you could play the game better and then you can't stand my message and you waiting for the opportunity there tell me how you really feel I already know what you up in a bar because a real man ain't never gonna be offended by my message because it's coming from a real man gang recognize gang real recognize real if you don't recognize me then we ain't cut from the same cloth if I won't look familiar then then let me know you ain't real I already know that because I Know Who I am I know how I treat my wife I know how I love my wife I know I'm a hundred Center faithful to my wife I know I love my wife the way Christ loved the church so I know what I am so if you disagree with me that let me know where you stand let's say more to me about you than it does about me cuz I know me and I know how I live and I know what I don't live through I know what I had to come through I know and I know what I have seen not just at my at the end of my hand but at the end of the next man hands I know what I have seen done and I'm here to tell you I I could count on one hand how many men that I have seen maybe two hands seen and feel like he loves his woman to waste she ought to be loved that's why I'm doing the work I'm doing because men knuckleheaded and don't want to listen so I got to get a game to women so that they prepare because I can give a game to the man and tell him how to be and what to be but men don't listen to nobody but they daddy daddy daddy absent then they really ain't listen nobody and they full out all the way ruthless so a woman left to fend for herself and what I see is that it's so men and women that's deer in headlights that's thinking that that's sitting there thinking the f-150 bout to give it a bit hood and then they get pummeled and then they sitting there and and so men and women are Coke can't even recover from what they've been through like I didn't I didn't work with women who their biological father was the one who did that to them understand what I'm saying when I say that yeah they biological father took from them yeah their innocence and then for the ones it's not their biological father it was this stepdad then it was others that it was their their path assistant pastor deacon man that they trust the schoolteacher the police officers of the firefighter men that they trust me and that that's supposed to be upstanding respectable citizens but then guess what you can say oh well women and did that too how many women pastors you know then took the innocence of a young man women schoolteachers we haven't seen that but that ain't the innocence it's a 15 16 year-old boy who feeling grown and he know what he getting into he doing that but she take the fall because she an adult and she know better but guess what she operated from loneliness she operated from loneliness pain she didn't been hurt she didn't been used a teacher that sent her third is dealing with her 15 year old student come on now you know what she got to be operating from but you know what you was at 15 that was a dream that was a fantasy he knew what he wanted he knew what he was doing and and but she take the fall for so listen the plate that I see women go through I don't see men on in an equal way yes you have some men who have gone through this but when I tell you it's countless women that have suffered at the hands of a man and it is not countless man yes you maybe have as a man yes you may know one man two men who was one do you really believe he was 100% faithful was he really 100% faithful okay if he was 100% faithful and she stepped out on him was he dating seeking approval was he trying to get a woman that he know was out his lead that didn't want him but he coerce her and kept on chasing a chase on a chase until he got her but was ignoring a woman on his level that wanted him and would love him and treating him like a but he didn't want to treat her like a queen he wanted the woman that wanted the man that he is not he wanted the woman that wanted the man who is 64 and makes six figures and look like a Greek sculpture carved by the mythical Greek gods that's what she wanted and he is over here looking like this and want to keep chasing her and then he got what he was bargaining for you keep barking up the wrong tree so I'm gonna fall out of hitch in the head and that's what y'all man got to understand like it's a woman for you that's gonna love you down that's gonna love you like a king treat you like a king but you got to be realistic with yourself and know where you at no no one love with you on and you got to look at this woman and see this is the problem a lot of these men thinking with this they thinking with that so you got what you got because you were chasing lust you was letting lust lead you instead of let logic lead you instead of letting love lead you you was letting lust lead you and and that's why you got what you got but see here's the thing what I've seen so often is men like myself who had no reason to be a doll like nothing happened to me growing up nothing happened to me it was so many men that I met and it's like bro you don't even have a story like nothing has happened to you you've never been bullied you've never been abused you've never been taken advantage of you know it like you had good role models and you still treating women like the limp between your toes that's what I did and that's what I seen countless other men I was a college football player we had 95 men on the team I played that for three years before that I had been in locker room my whole life and teens my whole life so I saw the way the average everyday man interact in and it was not pretty it was not pretty listen to what I'm telling you so where I'm coming from I was at the top of the food chain I understand you know young fellow if you was on the other end of that I understand if if you was being mistreated and overlooked and and then you got hurt that's the only reason to have to be in one of these movements that's me and versed women and men attacking women and men trying to gain and strategize against the only reason of being one of those movement is if you was hurt as if you was hurt by one I have not been hurt by no one but I did a whole lot of damage and that's why my message is what it is so understand me there are feeling that right there and what I'm here to tell y'all me and you got the heal you got to heal bro because you're not making the world better you being vindictive you being angry and upset about your past man bro listen what you think need women went through okay what you think women went through I can't even tell you on here because there's somebody else network I can't even tell you the stories that I have heard that if I hear a man story the worst man story possible it is really almost equivalent to average story of a woman and the things she didn't seen and been through at the hands of a man listen to what I'm telling you it's not we can't pretend like and that's why what what make the work hard to us because some women is ignorant to the plight that most women have to go through and and he'll come to women oh well women ain't perfect nobody said women was perfect Oh women do the same thing in do Oh women just as bad a man look women ain't perfect I know that I'm married to a woman I know women ain't perfect I know but i but I know the level of pain that women have to deal with and go through is not equal to love man is far greater than what a man goes through like men on average we have it even when it come down to the fact that we not the ones getting left like do a study of how many single moms versus how many single dads do your own study don't don't try to go find a census that people don't even respond to when they're coming to mail go do your own study and I guarantee you you're gonna bump into ten times more single moms who was left by no good sorry man then you're gonna bump into single dads who was left by a no-good sorry woman you're gonna meet some man who was left by a no-good sorry woman but you're gonna meet ten times that on the other side talk to me and who was that there at a young age taking advantage of at a young age talk talk to man and see how many you can find and then see how many on the other side you're gonna find on in women it's gonna it's gonna pale in comparison it's gonna be so the divide is so wide that you're gonna be like wow but see this what I live on a daily basis because that's what I do as a professional I'm in the trenches I'm getting the data I'm seeing the numbers I'm seeing the numbers and I'm trying to tell you like I could count on one hand how many men came now all y'all wanna come in the comments because you want to be a con man for you but do that on a real level where it ain't no cloud attached to it a lot of me I want to come in the comments and have an argument and have something to say cloud chasing just to play devil's advocate just for the sake of arguing come and tell a lie I'm a man too I know cuz man don't even tell our business like that to be in the comments oh I would cheated on by a woman a woman cheating on me she slept with 19 of my friend so you trying to tell me women ain't and then she went to the bank and she stole all my money and she left me you know she left me one cent she loved me once in this real store that's what a man will come me and only telly business like that if a man gonna tell you the business it's gonna be one-on-one it's gonna be in private and I'm gonna tell you I literally probably had five to 10-minute come to me and said I was completely faithful to my woman and she cheated on me five to ten man if I start to count how many times I heard that from women I'm in the hundreds of thousands I'm in the hundreds of thousands literally literally you want to tell you so that's why I'm trying to help y'all fellas understand out here and I'm gonna help y'all women understand with each man with the movements it really ain't got nothing to do with you but it's got to do with his past pain that he has not healed from that he refuses to confront and he refuses to forgive cuz men what I told y'all men on men don't forgive that's what he meant lead knees spiteful hateful movements because they don't forgive so that one woman are them two women that hurt him in they life they gonna take that and run with that for the rest of their life and someone it'll be because they don't child support it'll be because the woman put him on child support not all of sudden all women trash it would be because he was with her begging her begging her begging her she telling him like I don't know I don't know I don't know maybe so maybe not I don't know and then she went and cheated on him with her baby daddy or with her ex-boyfriend and he found out nine women the worst thing God never thought about creating it's pain its pain it's ignorance its immaturity we need to be trying to level the playing field instead of trying to divide the playing field and every man got to work in his purpose for his purpose not from his pain if I was working from my pain then I'd be out here bashing and going against the other race because I'm from the south where these groups that don't like people who look like me came to my school with a uniform y'all know I'm talking about try not to say all the words on here but I'll be up against that fighting that movement if I'm still operating from pain know I had to forgive I had to heal it had to see what God got for me and that's what y'all man got to do when it come to your heart being broken in the past you got the heal and you got the now turning into purpose so that you could be a shining light an example for your songs of your daughters not this spiteful blood hurt broken bitter man that's pushing this propaganda nonsense and understand I'm operating for my purpose and this between me and God my message hanging about women it's not about me it's about my vow to God
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 109,485
Rating: 4.8412042 out of 5
Id: yS_b_SlizBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 14sec (3554 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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