Hila Is Back... And She's Being Sued - H3 After Dark # 45

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My favorite part about this new lawsuit is that they assume this subreddit is moderated lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 263 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CocaineAndMojitos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Okay, Ethan losing his shit midway through his rant about Ryan Kavanaugh also known as the guy whose partner accuse him of running a Ponzi scheme as reported by Variety was pretty hilarious. I could sit down and hear him rant about Ryan Kavanaugh also known as the guy whose partner accused him of running a Ponzi scheme as reported by Variety for more hours if I get some of that juicy Ethan losing his patience because the guy suing him is a fucking moron.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 123 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/elevenyearss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

the Karen at the Victoria Secret store made me cringe into another dimension

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 72 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toonamagoopy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Im still tripping that Ricegum has never heard Ethan say Yo. Ethan says Yo like every two minutes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zombieauthor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The goddamn foot emoji in the court filing has me rolling

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kristal010 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I never thought Id read "FOOT SOLDIERS ASSEMBLE" in a court document... but I am so oddly proud lol. This whole thing is so nuts.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 164 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kmelis22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I lost it when Ethan starting screaming direct quotes about Kevin Hart and the app being β€œflipped”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/imreadyiam5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Clap if your pussy smells like water πŸ‘πŸ‘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 113 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CocaineAndMojitos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This lawsuit is so pathetic and makes Ryan look worse. He really is a slime ball and I’m not someone that considered themselves a huge fan of h3 or anything.

Ethan didn’t do anything wrong and trying to make teddy fresh into some scheme is just pathetic. It can be disproven so easily that I’m surprised anyone would bring a suit like that and waste their own time.

His app IS trash. I checked it out for my daughter before Ethan ever mentioned it snd thought it was a sad wanna be tiktok but way way worse. It’s just cringe.

I guess eventually they will drop the lawsuit when they realise it isn’t scaring anyone. I can’t imagine taking this before a judge. The proof they show is really really poor and wouldn’t even be counted. The third party comments they added in alone made me roll my eyes so hard I thought they may stick that way.

Ryan is a POS. He is the embodiment of slime.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tiny_Maintenance8031 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
you you're watching age 2 3 3 30. those glasses on just last minute can you pop up you want to pop up the dark part are you like oh they come right off oh my god you don't care about those at all impressive welcome back ela ela kleiner's rejoice shredders say hi to everyone shredder has this tenant whenever anyone collapsed he just barked yeah i think he just wants to participate maybe that's his version of clapping yeah right you want to test it round of [Laughter] applause oh today's episode's sponsored by hellofresh and upstart how are you today how are you good i'm so happy to be back in the best country in the world with the planet hell yeah brother usa usa no i'm not i'm not trying to this israel but you know yeah look israel's a tougher place nicer here israel's a tough place it's a little bit nicer so i'm happy to be back and i missed everyone you did yeah deeply everybody missed you i brought some uh israeli gifts for the crew oh this one is like a traditional black coffee oh yeah all right you just drank that with um hot water can we brew some and do a taste test can we get olivia is it whole beans yeah you don't need to do anything you just need hot water oh this is what they call turkish coffee yeah where the the grounds oh yeah yeah i've had turkish coffee gotta let it sit at the bottom you don't want to mix everything they call it mud in israel yeah it's good yeah my grandma used to predict the future with that people yeah any accurate predictions oh yeah people do that they're all like very generic right yeah i think she ripped off a lot of people to be honest she's like i predict that tomorrow will the sun will come up pretty much and then your uncle will die something like uncle will die what the hell it's a little more dramatic very specific though oh my god it's white clock game everybody and that's right it's friday it's friday baby [ __ ] yeah baby [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] baby yeah i'm i'm in front of starbucks i hate it i hate it whoa wait you hate something what's wrong with starbucks it's howard he's a chose um i hate that guy wait which guy what happened our trolls oh yeah oh he sold the beloved super sonic to um play bennett and then move that team to oklahoma city that's how the thunder started most hated guy it's sports stuff yeah yeah so we're just saying we're just giving a shout out to [ __ ] starbucks right now today [ __ ] baby [ __ ] [ __ ] day [ __ ] yeah cool anything else going on gabe how you been we haven't talked to you in a couple weeks well we've been busy and stuff we're working on this merch right here let me see let me get a good look at that wait is that fried chicken fried chicken wednesday fried chicken you deserve fried chicken baby [ __ ] oh oh yeah whoo it's gonna send us some gabe is right you're sending us some he's sending us some merch nice get them soon before it's all gone oh yeah yeah absolutely it's so nice to hear from you you know after two weeks did you miss us oh yeah i i miss you guys yeah i miss you too by the way all right man well have a great friday it's friday baby drinks kick down some white clothes for me okay oh sure definitely it's the weekend baby it is the weekend isn't it all right take care baby [ __ ] yeah maybe [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] baby [Music] yeah [ __ ] baby [ __ ] [ __ ] baby [ __ ] baby white claws [ __ ] baby all right take care buddy we'll see you soon okay all right all right appreciate you that is white claw gabe with a [ __ ] starbucks on this beautiful friday afternoon so oh boy check check out oh the market's closed but i was gonna say check their stock right now it's gotta be tanking yeah it's got the tank wondering if it's tanking right now um back to where i was uh white clock gabe on cameo everybody if you want a personalized uh shout out from him please go ahead i also brought harvard i don't know if you guys had it it's um it's like a snack but it's healthy oh that is not healthy well kind of no it's made of sesame it's made of sesame fat and sugar it's like healthy fat keto baby moms will tell you that it's healthy this ain't healthy i'm surprised it's just a block of fat and sugar i don't know about that it's a it's a dessert well it's a dessert this is actually my dad's favorite snack there you go the parents love it yeah well they're fooling themselves it ain't hunting and then i brought little magnets that have the they have hebrew slang words on them is that real it also says in english and in arabic how to say it oh wow okay so yeah that is as if yani yeah oh that's german i'm a [ __ ] such a weirdo okay um bottom line the topless is i don't know the end of the way baby there's nothing better the best yeah sofa there all the way yep hamsa i know what and that's also what you call the evil hand right right it's a hamsa the good luck that's not really slang is it did that yeah one by one yeah para also means cow but you can say by cow you can say and yes means or yes yeah and then uh yeah that's it everybody gets a magnet you get a magnet and you get american well ela i don't know i know you've been busy and you weren't able to really keep up with everything we've been up to since we've been gone so we made a little compilation for you to catch up on what we've been up to since you've been gone so here is a here's a brief little rundown for you ela and you can tell me what you think okay okay all right it's friday baby let's 57 double quarter powder with cheese meals oh euthanize ian won't put you to death [Laughter] [Music] oh my god you [ __ ] monster oh god that was so gross thank you guys i think she's great and i respect her hustle you guys trying to get me in trouble yeah become a terrorist can you come to me pitching me logan paul who are you texting dan people people die from suicide from all those things i agree i think it's a it's a decent yeah because i think i don't have the same opinion on poker stream maybe if you uh knew that you would you could turn around and say i'm a [ __ ] hypocrite for that i'm giving everyone's [Music] all i wanted was to pitch a camper outside your house and get and for you to hook me up with all your young female friends not necessarily saying under the age of 18 but close [Music] [Music] ethan literally every one of my ideas was horrible it's really hard not to get cancelled without eli here you did it though oh so so yeah we kind of actually for the first time ever ela went to israel and i didn't get embroi embroidered in a major controversy yeah so thank you anything to say i was very proud of you thank you keep it up yeah thank you thank you thank you although well that's half true and that you're being sued by ryan cavanaugh yeah what's the deal ryan so ryan cavanaugh oh well can you get a life i would wish she would get i wish she would just run his business instead of trying to show us like he must be desperate for cats yeah i mean i can give him a little tour a little run down on how to run a business do it that could be good in the settlement you hear that right kevin you can get uh you can get business advice from a real ceo yeah because actually personally i wouldn't have time to mess around with some stupid lawsuit but i guess you have a lot of time yeah you bring that over here thank you baby yeah i mean and also unlike brian cavanaugh you attempt to make your money through actually selling products and not suing people no legitimate products and we pay our taxes pay our taxes well i don't know if he pays his taxes or not i mean i'm just saying we're doing everything as legitimate as possible oh yeah oh yeah and i don't know if you got this memo but that so apparently oh oh we pay our employees um yeah if you you maybe heard about ryan's bankruptcy yeah sometimes it doesn't always pay people yeah oh there's a lot there's like a thousand debtors from the bankruptcy but i don't know if you heard that ryan cavanaugh this man here was accused by his ex-partner of running a ponzi scheme so that's interesting yeah it's so awkward but anyway let me get actually into this believe that was reported in variety just for clarification right yeah yeah variety magazine so here's what i'm going to say all right how was that to feel like all of a sudden the lawyers are like uh don't panic but uh so triller is suing you and teddy fresh no it was like what how why what do they want i literally have nothing to do with them yeah and you can here i'm gonna pull up i was trying to tell my family about it and they're like but why and i was like i s i have no idea it makes no sense well okay it the only way it actually makes sense is when you consider that they're just maliciously harassing us yeah but that's what i'm saying like does he not have a life i mean i wouldn't have time for petty stuff like that well he's trying to intimidate us to shutting up or paying up but again ryan kavanagh really i don't know who he thinks he's [ __ ] with like that's just not my i would never do that i will never either bring it on in fact the opposite is true i'm just going to turn everything into content wait till you see this complaint okay so they issued a new they filed an additional lawsuit to the copyright one yeah and this is fantastic the fact that they even uh filed this is amazing so here we go and this is it from triller llc so this isn't even like weird fight like this is ryan's business okay now look at this [ __ ] they they include these amazing screenshots look at this this is actually in their complaint oh my god this is so dumb wait till you wait to you and analyze so he goes he's his whole thing is like this is war h3 podcast we're going to war foot soldiers assemble um what's the date on this oh january january 29th when was the [ __ ] fight when was it oh yeah exactly i didn't even catch that when was the fight tell me that oh thank you we got mud and halva nice when was the fight somebody told me the date of the fight the broadcast what do you what was it the logan no it's jake paul versus uh fight was a disaster april 17 april 17th i'm not a mathematician wow but i'm pretty sure oh my god this [ __ ] screenshot oh my god gotcha got your hat i'm pretty [ __ ] sure that january 29th is before april april again not a mathematician no we'll have to let the lawyers prove that you know yeah they're get the lawyers they'll need to subpoena the calendar exactly the whole [ __ ] thing about lawsuits is like they're gonna have to now prove like well your honor if you start chronologically from the beginning of the year and count the days you will find it's like you have to do proof for everything so again ryan nice [ __ ] try douche maybe you should try paying the people you bankrupted instead of actually trying to go after us trying to think but nothing happens actually you know what they should do is try to improve triller because i've been hearing they're getting a lot of one stars i hear it's flipped it's yeah and that's from someone who they pay flips oh so awkward here i have a i have a bunch of the main excerpts but i just want to show you guys the memes this is another meme they included what they're taking to meme they're taking memes from the subreddit oh my god it's like this is mad cost 2.0 it totally is first no it's matt in the deposition ethan had to define what a meme is 100 this is repeating it's matt haas with money it's totally matthaus 2. oh my god so they go by the way i've never even seen this meme i don't know where they're going is who cares yeah i think it was on the sub yeah there was a lot of them but i don't think this was like a major i mean they put honest in quotes because it's a direct quote that you wanted them to give an honest review i don't see how this is evidence of anything yeah it's like this you can't make a legal claim where you be like this isn't what he said but this is what he meant that doesn't [ __ ] work that way dude i want you to give a trip to give triller an honest review exactly that's what i said honest thanks for quoting it here's what they say but can you imagine that they're actually giving shout outs to our subreddit users i guess it's cool but they they actually think we're responsible for what's posted on on reddit yeah i mean it's insanity yeah it's amazing it's hard to believe well i'm having a heart a less and less hard time believing the things that happened from this guy well the thing that really pissed us off is that before they filed this lawsuit we were entered into what me and our attorneys thought was good faith negotiations to end the lawsuit yeah we were both like let's just let's end this let's figure it out and we were in a good faith conversation this pathetic [ __ ] wanted to come on our show i didn't know you wanted to reveal that it's too late matt hoss wanted to do the same thing i'm just saying matt haas wanted to do the same thing you should let him step in the lines then i'm still crowder says yeah i'm still in shock that that really happens ryan cavanaugh wanted to come on the show and talk to me doesn't that just show that ulterior motives i mean he's just just wants to use this platform for publicity yeah he wants to promote chile we got nothing to talk to you bro but anyway i said no i don't want to you've already proven you have no life so what would we talk to you about just go back well i would ask him about the ponzi scheme yeah oh that would actually be nice right i would ask about um there's some really interesting court filings we found about the bankruptcy where he bankrupted a couple times right well i i would ask him about him that he didn't pay her like a hundred thirty thousand dollars he sniffed the nanny like that he got sued for left to him can you pull that up since we're talking about it there's some really interesting court filings we found in a video we're planning it would be a great interview actually but we found some really interesting court filings one of which is really [ __ ] interesting i mean we dug deep ryan let me just say this cav cav you know what that means ryan [Music] [Laughter] you should be scared of the knowledge i have could ruin it man cap cav coming for you cab cab let me just say this about cav cav in minecraft we're coming for you in minecraft with peace and love gonna add that to the last that's allegedly allegedly coming for you in minecraft your honor this clearly is a threat yeah i'm sorry which document am i looking for oh the nanny's suing him got it yeah so this is the kind of guy who stiffs his [ __ ] nanny do you guys know what saints nannies are oh yeah i mean that like the most important job night nurse in a person's life i mean to me my nanny is the most important person to me obviously excuse me sorry but nanny is your world like out of like anyone that you pay for yeah if your podcast producer is sitting right here sorry everyone but you know she's not theodore all day no you're right the nanny's like the the responsibilities is crazy i think it means he doesn't love his kid are we stiffing his nanny by the transfer property right the math checks out the math checks out and dan i do believe is a uh as the authority on this one oh i don't know that thumbnail's pretty intense cam well let's talk about it after the show hey i was over here i was over there helping him uh what was the explanation on this again it's made of sesame like tell me if that tastes healthy to you then i mean is it supposed to be no either thinks it's healthy well it's like it's pretty sweet it's like a healthy it's pure fat it's sesame fat it's like healthy fat though that's true i mean it could be just because it's full of fat doesn't mean it's unhealthy that said it doesn't taste healthy here uh well go ahead ela read your findings i don't know go ahead and read it halva increases the body's protection against chronic diseases such as cancer heart and premature aging well it's going to de-age me oh it's sick load up it's just alva it does everything anyway it's like uh the most classic israeli i think a middle eastern in general i really like it because it's like hummus it's like you use the tahina and everything the hummus the candies yeah it's the same [ __ ] but anyway let's focus no you lose in the real world in the trenches doing how the research it's you can get it from and i think you can buy it here too by the way if people want yeah you can buy it you can buy it and this coffee is great too oh i didn't try the coffee do you guys like the smell of it it's like yeah pretty cool this oh it's like this i've had before and this this stuff's bomb it's really good it's spiced or something yeah hell hell it's for help that's funny that that was that was speaking of brian kelly's speaking of ryan kavanagh and hell imagine being this guy hollywood executive well ex-executive he bankrupted his business sued by babysitter and wage spat it's not just a babysitter she's a night nurse that's when you have a newborn baby and they take care of the baby at night it's such an important job they take care of your newborn baby here hollywood producer not anymore and financier not anymore he's being sued by a former babysitter for his newborn child who alleges she is owed more than 175 000 now you may ask yourself that's a lot of money but here's why he abruptly fired her in 2020 only two months into her 13-month contract now the deal with these night nurses is that they have to set aside time for one specific client because it's hard to find my family and they're they're they're like transient they go because when the baby gets bigger you move on to a new family so it's hard to find employment it's not that it's hard to find they're actually usually really um they have there's a lot of need for them but they'll sometimes stay with the family like between six months to like here they wanted her for 13 months so they have to secure their job every time afterwards so they get booked up you know exactly and they decline work when they have a contract exactly so it really screws them to fire them but you would think so like in the contract it's like if you fire me you owe me a certain amount of money because obviously she settle side and turn down work to come work for you so when i was like 175 000 how does that work well let me explain to you how that works this [ __ ] guy he he in the contract she was going to work 12 hours a day at 40 dollars an hour that's how so he [ __ ] her good yeah [Music] yeah i mean imagine not paying like a working-class person uh as when you're like apparently a billionaire i mean hello this guy cares about people and wait till you hear about the other [ __ ] kavkav god i want to say i don't know if we're ready to talk about it yet but there's like such good stuff i mean this is like super villain [ __ ] and this was written down by a judge so when i say it i say it with full authority i know he likes beard too or likes alcohol like his uh like the other kavanagh we'll get into that too we drank beer do you like beer senator having some beers with friends turns out he has the kavanaugh's have a lot in common they like beer center you like beer senator do you like beer mr cavanaugh we drank beer we drank beer so anyway so then the other thing so this is how they're suing teddy fresh ela yeah they go please explain yeah okay so this is how they justify this and some absolute alternate universe legal alternate universe upon information and belief yadda yadda there exists a unity of interest between defendants individually or separate between and has i don't know what the [ __ ] all that means ted entertainment and teddy fresh are the alter egos of mr and mrs klein uh ted entertainment and teddy fresh are and at all relevant times they're saying they're shell companies instrumentalities and conduits through which mr and mrs klein carry on business in the name of uh teddy entertainment teddy fresh while exercising complete control and dominance over them their business and assets to such an extent that our individuality or separateness between them on one hand mr and mrs klein on the other hand do not exist teddy fresh and entertainment were conceived intended and used by mr mrs klein as a device to avoid liability and for the purpose of substituting an under capitalized entity namely teddy fresh and tan entertainment in the place of mr mrs cline ted entertainment teddy fresh are at all times hearing mentioned were so at inadequately capitalized which by the way i guess they have like a clairvoyant or something because i'm not sure where they're getting this information from like a psychic oh i think they consulted a crystal ball on this so inadequately inadequately capitalized that comparing the business done by mr mrs klein and the risk of loss their capitalization was illusionary and trifling in addition many assets of teddy fresh were transferred without adequate consideration to mr mrs klein mr mrs klein diverted assets from teddy fresh to themselves to suit their own convenience in carrying out business matters which were and should have been the domain of teddy fresh teddy fresh are and at all times hearing mentioned control dominated and operated by them as alter egos in that the activities and businesses of teddy fresh were carried out without annual meetings and without keeping records or minutes of any proceedings or maintaining written uh uh resolutions sorry what yeah exactly so they're saying adhering to the fiction of this this separate entities is ryan projecting i mean is that how he does business he must be totally projecting this is definitely written or it's just an outer ego i mean that's kind of like an artistic way to look at it but it's a legal claim but like you have to have intimate knowledge of the company's finances to make such a claim and of course he doesn't know anything it's not that hard to find anything about teddy fresh it's all i mean it's as legit as you can get and what what did they want this is so dumb the co-mingling of assets and unlawful business conducts and other accusing us of breaking the law as alleged here fully within by defense was intended among other things to allow mr and mrs client to avoid liability to the plaintiffs so basically they're saying these companies are fake and we're using them to hide assets from ryan kavanaugh teddy fresh exists for the purpose of hiding assets from ryan kavanaugh yeah an alter ego would be for example let's say ryan kavanaugh company went bankrupt okay what was the company of his that went bankrupt is relativity media so let's say well this isn't hypothetical this happened let's say he bankrupts his company relativity media yeah that did happen but let's say ryan cavanaugh sets up like a another company called i don't know ryan is um you know ryan triller is a one-star app llc and ryan moves like a bunch of money from the bankrupted relativity media to triller's a one star app llc yeah and then he goes well or sorry incorporate it so be like look i'm incorporated over here at triller's a one star app and and so i'm not liable well that would be an alter ego because it's not a real the company is is not really doing business it's just it's like a sham company yeah to shield from liability right because part of what a corporation does is it protects the owners from liability if they were to get sued or something you know but what this is so stupid yeah it's insane well they just pulled it out of thin air because it's obviously all super untrue i don't have meetings what was that about no he's j they're lying i mean they're making [ __ ] up it's insane they because they can't file the complaint based on nothing so they're just lying out of thin air we're we're carried out without annual meetings and without keeping your records sorry yeah no they're they're exactly they have to say this but they have no information they're lying they're just lying to intimidate you they're going after you elo all right now here i pulled up our favorite moments um that i'll read to you so it's like i mean this is the legal system guys you can just lie about [ __ ] and that's what it is so here you go [Music] the scare quotes surrounding the word honest utterly belie any defense that this post encourages legitimate users of the app to leave good faith reviews based upon their actual oh they misspelled experiences dumb asses defendants social media activity established an overwhelming record to the contrary bro what is i want you to give triller an honest review and i still do well we didn't make this post i didn't make this post so what even are we talking about exactly they don't understand the internet they're just they think i'm an idiot they think we're stupid as [ __ ] and they can intimidate us and let me be very clear i still want you all of you to give an honest review to trailer that's still that's still something i'm passionate about you know and no air quotes i'm not doing this i want you to give an honest this is the opposite of airplane honest review of trailer no air quotes i'm honest honestly yeah yeah by the way our lawyer said that um not that i did this but he's like if he wanted to you could straight up say everybody go to triller and give them a one star and that would be free speech protected i didn't do that though i didn't even do that uh did you okay so here's another one to detract attention from the copyright action and in a deeply misguided attempt to exact revenge for the copyright action and to gain an unfair advantage in the highly competitive entertainment industry what am i competing against them now what does that mean so so the this other lawsuit which is called uh [ __ ] i remember i forget what it is but they're saying we're getting an unfair competitive advantage against trailer i'm not a competitor to trailer you [ __ ] idiot oh maybe they found out about ethan's feet that's kind of a social media [ __ ] yeah love damn it you're screwing us up you guys can just tell them to sue me instead yeah sue love i don't i don't even get any of that merch money that's all love he's coming for your hundred dollars in merch money love you better [ __ ] hide that you better make a new company oh there you go that [ __ ] wait wait wait hundred dollars how much did you make be honest 376 you better all-star ego that [ __ ] fast did you see the emergency selling no oh yeah i'm taking this money i'm i'm gonna dip you're gonna you're gonna rub pole rut pull the rug out on ethan's feet so love made ethan's feet you know about ethan's feet right yeah guys don't go here it's going to crash please oh my god maybe i might have updated the service i'm not sure uh oh it's not loading [ __ ] every time okay here it is take it for life oh you have made from merch on the [ __ ] home page 70 000 side views that's pretty good 25 plus merch sales dude you are [ __ ] you are so made bro well wait til you see them it's actually the worst merch i've ever seen i hate it so well this just says ethan's feet.com but wait did you see this design cameron made this for for love cameron are you getting any kickbacks on this yeah this is the worst thing i've ever seen you're doing everything i need to text before i send it to cam oh oh yeah that's for sure that is fair make sure to make sure to make a shell company called ryan cavanaugh runs a one-star review what was that country called that the gambling site was on carousel you could definitely set up a shell company i'm just wondering yeah anyway this is funny so congratulations everybody on the all the merch cells love is crushing it with ethan's feet he saw an opportunity he took it man that's what i like about him it crashed yeah it's crashed all right [ __ ] i'm having so much fun all right let's thank our our sponsors and ryan cavanaugh no you cannot get a cut of this i'm having trouble finding my monitor here it is all right let's do uh we have two sponsors real fast let's give him a quick shout out and then we'll get right back to it hello mother loving fresh i love hello fresh with hellofresh you get fresh pre-measured ingredients and mouth-watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door skip trips to the grocery store you can count on hellofresh to make home cooking easy fun and affordable and that's why it's america's number one meal cake you see that beautiful that's the that's the one that ian and sam cooked up and how did you guys like it ian oh it was really good yeah very good sam was going wild about it i believe she said quote it was bomb um listen get better value with hellofresh it's 28 cheaper than shopping at your local grocery store and 72 percent cheaper than a restaurant meal without sacrificing any of the quality um i'm trying to find mine hellofresh offers flexibility you need to easily customize your order on the app within minutes you can change your delivery date food preferences plant size or 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refresh and does one two uh one to five hundred announced they're going to war with certain affiliates of fight club the [ __ ] is dude are those one to five hundred i'm not sure but are they referring to this post from january 29th because that is not good legal we drink beer we drink beer so we're going to war they say threes is this exhibit three i guess it doesn't say here but i mean i'm assuming that's what they're referring to with certain affiliates of fight club including triller and ryan cavanaugh and furtherance of that war defendants specifically instructed their rabid fans come on you guys known as foots guys they're insulting our fans now they're insulting yeah you called you guys rabid fans you are rabbits that's too far that's that's no no no you guys are not rabid absolutely not if anyone's rabbit it's ryan kavanagh for money god um he doesn't pay his own nightmares leave thousands of negative so-called troll reviews for triller's uh app well i mean if they're leaving reviews i'm assuming it's because your app is bad right you know and it's flipped if your [ __ ] wasn't flipped yeah maybe if your [ __ ] maybe your reviews will be you can flip that review score i mean if it wasn't if it wasn't flipped yeah you probably like i find it iron i find it very funny ryan kavanaugh that somehow your app getting bad reviews is my fault all i've said is to leave honest reviews my thing's flipped and that's what people are doing and they're not rabid [ __ ] defendants have advanced their schemes via various social media platforms including but not limiting to defendant's dedicated form on reddit.com shout out shout out h3 productions on reddit a popular social news aggregator the h3 subreddit upon information belief defendants and or sub sub defendants employees moderate and thereby control the posts you guys are being blamed for this one you didn't delete they're literally crying to the mods yeah why don't you guys just send a report in the subreddit yeah i mean dan underscore h3 that's my uh username on reddit uh if you have a problem with the post take it up with the mods right via the official channels brian's just mad because he got banned they're listing people's comments yeah yo yo they give shout outs to posts look you guys for example in may 2021 reddit user our conversational actual 77 shout out shout out bro shout out to his family posted to this take down triller let's all rate trailer a one on the app store for being greedy little [ __ ] first of all i don't condone that if you give them a one let it be because you don't like the app but we have no say on what people comment on reddit yeah i'm surprised they don't include uh posts on like 4chan subreddit about you know something else it's like oh well oh another sh well i'm just saying well what why not blame us for everything bad posted on reddit while you're out there yeah uh another shout out on july 2nd reddit user 2 poke us2 shout out posted to the issue foot soldier's time to bank down triller app called by the king himself bank down what does that mean i'm too old to know that one well i don't know sorry i can't i actually can't wait because i don't know what bank down means explain so when he says called by the king himself i don't know what that if this gets to trial you should you should ask them if they know what that means yeah because i don't i mean i didn't post it so i can't read his mind for all i know ryan cavanaugh posted this to try to frame me ooh don't don't put that on to poke us too yeah it's true on july 8th another shout out don't blame me 13 posters of the h27 foot soldiers assemble take the triller app we can do better than this hey listen listen if that's what they want to do that's between them i didn't ask anyone to tank the trailer app with a one star rating upon information and belief this is a a substantial precedent for defendant's foot soldier brigading websites on defendant's command uh-oh indeed approximately one year ago business insider reported that old spice dropped its sponsorship of h3h among the brewing troll war with keemstar whoa whoa whoa they're actually trying to gain sympathy i did not see that that's incredible [Laughter] there was a conspiracy theory that keemstar was feeding him my dirt and then this kind of supports that like in what world would they bring up keemstar being dropped can't wait all spies and sponsorship reported following a spat with mr klein and keemstar it's like a romeo julia went over to produce a video about keemstar title content nuke great video by the way yeah yeah check it out keem did they really refer to him as keem that's his real name isn't it his last name daniel oh no his last name is keem okay yeah no that's okay yeah keemstar shut up shut up content nuke that accused keem of lying about klein committing fraud right yeah it did i think what they're trying to do is put like my dirty laundry quote unquote and public finally but you don't really get to do that do you it's completely unrelated it is totally unrelated that's like so frustrating i think it's a good thing if you're worth a billion dollars in the like all the dirt you can find is like keemstar [ __ ] like it's pretty sad you're pretty squeaky lying about me i have a feeling they're in contact bro because this is just so out of luck it makes noise yeah so he goes um climb went on to produce a video about keemstar called contact nuke the accused keemstar of lying about client committing fraud and additionally compiled examples of keem's offensive behavior including a controversial interview with the tubular a youtuber who would later die by suicide right why would you where team appeared to suggest jumping off a bridge that's [ __ ] insane why are you including that that actually seems like so inappropriate to bring that into this i'm like really sick it doesn't it's so irrelevant it yeah i mean the goal is to make you look bad by citing when you went after somebody yeah for like a really good reason but i think they're just trying to make it look make me look like a messy person or something i don't know but they're using kit edica's suicide for no [ __ ] reason they're saying it's bad that you called him out for doing that it's like what in what universe does that help their case against you they said business insider further reported that after content nuke debuted g-fuels long-time sponsor of keemstar were spammed with comments asking for the energy drink company to end its sponsorship of keem sounds like they had a pretty good reason to do that like and and equally i would even say it sounds like people leaving a one-star review of triller have a pretty good reason to be doing that sure because they don't like that why not because they need to get that [ __ ] flipped free speech garbage it's just they need to unflip their ass i need to unflip their app [Laughter] it's so simple yo can you blink me that note the no back i want to watch that yo trailer defendants go on to incite their foot soldiers ex exhorting them by saying i'll be checking in on the trailer reviews and asking that foot soldiers try the app listen to this this is the best they have okay listen this is evidence try the app see how it goes and give it a one star or more laughter one or more stars some amount of stars between one star and up to maybe five stars download triller and rate it one star or more that's what i do that's evidence of me trying to take their app it literally is me being partial i call that evidence of a sense of humor exactly your honor you click this is not legal argument by the way saying your honor you know what they meant okay that's not legal argument you know what they meant your honor imagine the judge being like but was it funny yeah and you've only mentioned the app store to give a fair review correct if i'm not only ever i mean this is all they have this is the worst thing okay well if you look up triller app review there's about five other websites that all have a lower rating than the app store oh really the app store is actually the highest anyone could google that and there's like four other websites app review oh that's well let's do that yeah send me the they're in the discord oh great that's that's really interesting so you're saying to the contrary that the one they're what they're claiming is that i tank their their app store review but clearly if you look at it on other apps it has a way lower rating so like how can i have tanked it if that's their highest rated spot correct perhaps the foot soldiers actually increase their score so this is like a this is like a media review of trailer by an app review by nelly johnson if you scroll down there's comments three stars parents say one star kids say four stars okay so somewhere between one and four stars see i was even more generous yeah you said one and five so maybe you encouraging the audience to give a fair review help them out right maybe they should hire you how can they draw that distinction that i'm causing one stars when this guy gave it a three star they still have a 4.6 on the app store by the way noah back on who's being paid to be on trailer just a little call back yo trailer my thing's flipped my camera's like flipped around right now but look i'm so i'm trying to uh it's so awkward because it didn't go hey guys like look it's when i put it this way oh i see it yeah weird it's like mirrored should i head off i love that great content so how do they expect five car reviews when their [ __ ] is flipped like even their people they're paying to be on there can't say nice things about them oh it's so awkward good call good uh catch baby yeah there's more websites in there and then i sent three different ones let's see i i i wouldn't just tell me what the ratings are i don't need to look at everything okay let me just go back and check i mean here appgrooves.com let's see what they gave them a 4.5 oh that's oh is that the app store on google play whatever i'm over it no this is an app review 2.2 out of two 5. five you see anyway um download trailer give it a once although defendants state that we do not condone okay so again although defendants did state that we do not condone and we do not encourage troll reviews defendants visible and audible laughter while making the aforementioned statement coupled with defendant's promotion of various supposed troll reviews who's to define who's to decide what's a troll review and what's a serious review this seriously is like this is so crazy it's so bad this really this is this is like discord mod drama like the way that this is all structured more than like a legal complaint this is somebody crying to the mods on reddit about how they got banned unfairly yeah right first of all yeah it's all like basically their whole argument is judge judge you can read between the lines yeah that's not how the law that's not a lawsuits work we don't read between the lines so they're saying yes he said we do not condone and we do not encourage but they were laughing they're not allowed to laugh when they say that they were mean they were so mean to me according to triller every one star review is a troll review um anyway we'll be back every episode to review the reviews reveals defendant's true motivation to inspire foot soldiers to leave troll reviews indeed just seconds after reporting to disavow troll reviews defendants joke about their foot soldiers would never brigade us website on their command there's no precedent for that how did we get that name again it's funny because he still hasn't figured that out you still haven't explained why we're called foot soldiers [ __ ] to show keemstar and the videos defendants make false misleading and malicious statements concerning triller mr kavanaugh including that triller is and mr kavanaugh run a ponzi scheme excuse me i never [ __ ] said that your ex business partner is the one that said that buddy as reported in variety magazine uh leading trade paper in the entertainment industry it's [ __ ] excuse me [ __ ] i never said that you run a ponzi scheme oh listen to this one that triller falsely represented that comedian kevin hart uses the app well you're the one that wrote it where's his [ __ ] account and by the way they updated their [ __ ] they removed it from the description kevin hart so clearly my feedback was of some use to you show me can you link me the new description yeah it's in the dark out here let me say i defamed them because kevin hart doesn't use the hat well we're giving art on your outfit it clearly said that kevin hart used the app and i checked last night and they updated the copy to remove kevin hart's name so where's my [ __ ] money for helping improve your dumb ass app amazing the original description was create share connect with global superstars such as josh richards charlie demilia no back kevin hart tyga and more well guess what their copy don't say that no more look where's kevin hart they removed it great share with josh richard uh charlie d'amilia noah beck and tyga where's kevin hart why'd you remove it why'd you remove it why the [ __ ] did you remove it and i defamed you no you you defamed me i lied to me that kevin hart was on your app true that's false advertising i downloaded triller because i'm a huge fan of kevin hart and i wanted to see him on your [ __ ] app you defamed me you [ __ ] lied to me and maybe that's why i gave you a one star and other people did too because kevin hart wasn't on the app also that listen to this they're right the app is flipped defender the malicious statement saying the app is flat [Laughter] i found the original screenshot i have of the original description just just know that we have proof just say approve yeah here's the original screenshot we took just so they can't say i lied what's the name next to noah beck kevin hart they said the app is flipped it is flipped do i need to open noah back again saying yo trailer my thing is flipped the app is flipped they broke that according to what they wrote mr cavanaugh bears a physical resemblance to harvey weinstein and for the record i always said i didn't really see it they do yeah i don't really see it i don't know a lot of people disagree have to republican that i disagree a lot of people feel differently but i i just i don't see it i don't see it are you gonna call this defamation i'm allowed to say you look like harvey weinstein yes harvey weinstein's a notorious convicted sexual predator are you self-reporting i said you look alike starting to look closer and closer the more i look at it it they're so similar looking [Laughter] the vincent's defendants also state mr kavanaugh is suing them mr cavanaugh never sued defendants well he does own triller and the lawyer literally said to us kavanaugh's behind this lawsuit and also why are you upset then if you're not suing me that you said you're including in here that mr kavanaugh bears a physical resemblance to harvey weinstein if you're not suing me if you're not involved in this lawsuit then why is it all about you you're telling you don't see the resemblance i didn't at first but i'm starting to it's growing and like i'm starting to see what you're talking about thank you yeah the chat's saying do a poll that's a good idea i mean let's just be fair let's be fair but you could find out for yourself let's decide yeah they can add a screenshot of the poll now i'm allowed to have an opinion about what he looks like he'd say you look like mary [ __ ] poppins it's not defamation it's my opinion [ __ ] let's do it are you working on her love doing it baby's got it okay all right guys cast your vote does ryan kavanagh have a physical resemblance to harvey weinstein yes or no yes or no any resemblance at all it doesn't need to be identical just any resemblance at all i'm setting it up give it a second the poll is going up now harvey weinstein convicted predator oh do you think ryan is gonna vote he's voting no he's probably watching he's voting no he's sending it to everyone in his whatsapp right now vote no vote no [Laughter] all right i've pinned the poll right i'm also spamming him doesn't mean you did his crime i am spamming the poll right now all right guys let's see um and here i will pull it up here we go and i am going to place my vote right now way down it's okay here we go and i want everyone to be honest oh no yeah okay let's see the results oh my vote's been counted all right so the results we'll see the results it's a big moment you click it nothing's happening i think it's going slow are we cracking strawball again no no get your votes in we [ __ ] crashed straw poll that's insane you guys yeah i guess we shouldn't hear you well people are passionate they want to get their votes in i could give you where it was at have it 323.00 okay oh here okay but i got it i got to show it on screen yeah it's very so you i've never seen such a conclusive poll before in my life i've never seen such a conclusion can you try refreshing dan he just he just did i have never seen such a conclusion maybe you try to open a result ever you hold this then okay guys we asked does ryan cavanaugh have a physical resemblance to harvey weinstein you guys took the poll and you sent your answers the results are in we've crashed the site people are passionate straight up we can't get i can send a screenshot i think yes obviously you want to just read off the result no okay here it is 95 yes i have never in all of my life and all of my life doing struggles have seen the result 95 of 6 500 ballads cast ryan don't feel bad five percent a lot five percent is every five percent is everything five percent it just comes up again and again that means everything maybe straw poll is another alter-ego company of ours yeah we own trouble but like to say that mr kavanaugh bears a physical resemblance to harvey weinstein to say that that's false and misleading and malicious how dare you 95 but the best part of course is that the trailer is flipped the app is flipped is by far the best thing in here the defendants and videos defendants misrepresent a june 7 variety magazine article and claim that variety article supports their statement that triller is and mr cavanaugh runs a ponzi scheme okay back the [ __ ] up no one ever said triller is a ponzi i have ever again another self report yeah i have never said triller is a ponzi scheme i gave it a one star because that's was my experience because they lied about kevin hart mm-hmm right misleading false advertising job rule gotta rule what do you remember what where are you what do you call it when you say kevin hart's on this app but he's not i would call that uh false advertising right even ja rule and trust me know something about your falsehoods how to dig ourselves out of this [ __ ] man it's not going to be suing elon definitely not so they said i say triller's a ponzi scheme why don't you include the quote then [ __ ] i never said that [Laughter] oh yeah also you're the partner of the one said you're running a positive defendant's statement that triller is and mr kevin kavanagh runs a ponzi scheme are false misleading and malicious edges finance knows i don't know [ __ ] your partner said it i don't [ __ ] know false advertising indeed indeed the variety article defended per uh purportedly based their false mis okay so it's variety's fault what do you what is it my problem variety article uh purportedly based their false misleading and malicious statements upon neither mentions nor references triller well neither did i yeah where are they getting this we never they're picking it up they're making it up it's a flat out [ __ ] lie and expressly and unambiguously disavows any claims regarding a ponzi scheme okay great that's between you and [ __ ] god i'm just quoting your ex-business partner as reported by variety public information yeah and variety does include the court docs just i find yeah they have the whole complaint let me read it for yourself what the [ __ ] do i care i never called them a ponzi scheme but if you're self-reporting then fine is is triller a ponzi scheme now i mean it doesn't even how would it be a ponzi scheme it doesn't even on its surface it doesn't make me right but it's now i'm wondering no other ponzi scheme i mean i'm not sure how that would work but it's so awkward so it's so awkward ted entertainment teddy fresh were conceived intended and this is the alter ego yeah so our companies were of were created for the sole purpose of avoiding liability and our businesses are under capitalized somehow how in the future would they know that we read this part earlier yeah i know i'm just yeah how would you know that my business are under capitalized you can't even figure out the base facts of this case like that i never said [ __ ] i never said triller was a ponzi scheme you freaks maybe because it's teddy fresh sells out so quick they're like look there's never even any merch maybe now the reason they're doing it is because once again they think we're morons and this tactic would maybe work on some people but when they do the alter ego it's them setting the road map to go after your personal assets so they go oh you're not safe we're coming for everything but obviously it's [ __ ] and i know that and like so they're just again it's just fear tactics during the july 8th video mr klein appears before a background that contains among other things a review for the app left by ethan klein right the review states using trillar has been one of the worst experiences of my life i would rather get a colonoscopy from a chain-link fence over having to use the software one more time i would rather get e coli from a dirty sanchez on the scorching day in death valley instead of trying to operate this tick-tock knockoff ever again i would rather listen to david dobrik's luciferian demon laughter play on a loop as my ears bleed it's substituted hellish vlog night terror i can't wake up from instead of walking into the trailer app also brian cavanaugh was involved in a ponzi scheme according to his former business partner allegedly one star app yes yes that's my review god i hope they asked someone to elaborate on what a dirty sanchez is in the courtroom yeah if i didn't matter so this is some of the highlights so pretty [ __ ] insane nice thank you for the rundown i still wouldn't know how to explain it to my mom when she asked well it's just it you could just describe it as a frivolous lawsuit kriller will probably sue her soon enough yeah no one in your family is safe they're gonna disturb theodore yeah apparently the relationship with your mom is an alter ego right the height of assets do break dubrick dubrick dubrick dubrick anyway so cool so that's it welcome back you're being sued thanks and i would once again wrap this up by saying i encourage all of you watching and listening to give chiller an honest review of your experience make sure you do that why not you get it oh yeah not that when i say honest i'm not doing [ __ ] air quotes honest fully on this is me saying fully honest no air quotes no laughter okay try to transcribe this no laughing oh god try to transcribe this no laughter serious as a heart attack give triller an honest review all of you honest honest honest really hard for me not to laugh what's funny i'm i just laugh at everything sorry you're a happy person you're gonna sue me for that is that illegal to be happy yeah all right well ryan i don't know what to tell you back to my first statement why don't you get a life mad house 2.0 yeah yeah she's right though you on the wrong street cuz that's right wait just i mean i would show him a day in my life working on teddy fresh but i would not waste my time on that so well he wants to come on the show so yeah that's not happening he got he got mad when i said no start your own podcast brah called the called the i was accused by my partner and variety of running a ponzi scheme podcast haha [ __ ] i'm laughing cause you big mad you know ricegum's still talking [ __ ] about you too either he is cheese guys grilled cheese grilled cheese yeah i don't know where this guy gets off he's still mad what's happening between me and ricegum nothing he's still just insulting you for no reason here did we talk about him i don't even remember i mean i'm always [ __ ] talking i think he knew you're out of the country and you felt safe to talk [ __ ] again well he's back now [ __ ] damn balenciaga never looked worse yeah oh my god one million last month yo yeah what is his deal yo you guys see how excited he is i've never seen him this excited over his own girl his own girl's so [ __ ] boring he fall asleep bro like he's looking you've tried yo you're making yo yo i've never heard him say yo i'm his girl be so boring like he just he like he's looking for something out he like he like dang out all his favorite i need to find out more energy bro his girl is literally bro that girl talks like so slowly she talks like this hey guys today we're going to you know what i'm saying so he was talking to a new girl got a little excited never i've never seen not from america [ __ ] idiot what's your excuse i mean ricegum doesn't sound that good when he talks no he's one of the dumbest sounding people just based on his i wouldn't go there but if you want to go there i mean no i totally agree listen to yourself well it's just i find it odd that he goes ethan's so famous and he has so much clout i'm surprised you couldn't get a better it's like i'm married to the baddest [ __ ] in the [ __ ] game self-made millionaire ceo of a [ __ ] fat quick growing company with what now like 35 employees head [ __ ] creative designer [ __ ] gorgeous mother this is the baddest [ __ ] in the game i'm sorry you don't [ __ ] know what real [ __ ] looks like and you've never made it more clear like i'm sorry dude i got the baddest [ __ ] and even before i had clout or fame so what the [ __ ] you you'd be a virgin if you weren't didn't have 12 year olds watching you on twitch thank you guaranteed this [ __ ] would never even have touched a tip before and that's the only way he understands relationships is through clout and fame because he knows he wouldn't he would never get any action if he didn't have that to offer because as a human being he's completely irredeemable and he calls me boring like you sound brain dead like i would not spend a second with you also dude you got money get a septoplasty he needs his his nostrils are blocked oh you think that's why i'm absolutely positive you need a septoplasty dude there's more there's a part two what's this one i reacted to the same [ __ ] bro i literally saw it out the way i saw it on the way up so cool dude you need to get a better [ __ ] you can't breathe you can't breathe i'm telling you guys the dude can't breathe what a beta can't even breathe right [ __ ] [ __ ] ass better nose i need it i got a septoplasty but i'm alpha i have an alpha nose bro i can breathe fine rice comes such a beta knows xqc and altar guys dude this guy's girlfriend's so boring i've been trying to what does he do again that's a good question well he recently he he sells uh save the kids cryptocurrency uh okay to people and um steals a bunch of money from his fans all right it's one of his latest activities um well sorry uh legitimate running business is boring yeah he doesn't know what that is what i do all day because you rely you run a legitimate business what are boring i think that's why he's so stupid i think he's not getting the right amount of oxygen to his brain that's a very bad he's probably a really nice guy he just deprived of oxygen yeah he's great permanently you know remember that episode where homer had a crayon in his brain right and then they dislodged him because right that's right yep here's a gucci bag in his brain so boring i'm so cool [Laughter] knows that's [ __ ] he's only ever had beefs like real beefs with women he's never he talks [ __ ] about guys he ran into the guy from team 10 i forget his name and he [ __ ] breaks the only person he's ever gotten beef with and actually physically touched her was gabby when he knocked her phone out of her hand yeah but to answer your question he stopped doing youtube because it's too hard or something i don't know he just he does like weird i actually don't i'm not going to comment i don't know what he does i'm not going to say like and like does he live with aiden i'm sorry did you just invite yourself on my show like that drama [ __ ] like we talk like you know i mean that would be crazy seriously how is this guy criticizing me no i'm just saying like what is he talking like he does when he's from vegas how was how was being from like his accent everything it's all fake it's all about trying to be moving oh well he does have likes he does put on like a fake accent right yeah he's from vegas he's not yeah i love vegas i'm not talking yeah but why is he thinking he's coming on my show how much [ __ ] like we talk like i can't get over that he thinks he's got he's invited on the show that's a miracle he knows how to stream he figured that out yeah he probably had help aiden did it for him but like dude you think you would be an interesting guest i'd rather talk to it i'd rather i'd rather talk to a chia pet if he brings a translator maybe he can go on the ryan cavanaugh show ryan gavin could have a really riveting conversation if i ever go on his [ __ ] like that drama [ __ ] like we talk like you know i mean that would be crazy rice do you have a fantasy about coming on this show that was crazy he really wants to come on this show that's pretty sad that would just be toxic though he a hater like a big hit a big old ass hater with his weak ass bro his wife is oh my bro don't don't get me started bro the devil is my uh what the [ __ ] is this fit no i'm fun with it bro people say match the top with the bottom you know red on red type [ __ ] this is kanye wow he knows colors bro the kanye mask thing you guys know that kanye mask thing oh is that it i think i need to i love that he wants to come on our show man that's amazing it's like the mess looks cool but i think it'd be even harder for me to breathe than that [Laughter] can you grab a soundbite of him doing that zach i know it's obscure but just i'm going yeah i can look for one sniveling little turd so eli you heard about how kanye's not leaving the stadium like yeah so he did this whole big show where he was supposed to premiere his album it wasn't finished um they were apparently recording uh vocals backstage here is backstage before the album's supposed to premiere the recording vocals why does he do this ian i don't understand like just take the time to make that out to finish the [ __ ] album it's like this is it he keeps doing this what is the deal yeah i don't really know it's some sort of spontaneous thing hi the album you said you liked yay he took the picture that cover photo he took that driving to premiere the album like on the way there he pulled over and took that picture it's tough though because i i don't think that picture is bad you know no i like that album i like that one the photos easy the album are secondary to the content of the music that you just said the whole thing was uh it's it's been a recurring theme you know it's very last minute you've said to me before just speculating and maybe other people speculate this too but it kind of makes sense to me i think that at this stage in his life him announcing the album is his way of motivating himself to actually do it like if i say i'm going to release an album there's going to be the public pressure to do so and i actually will be motivated doesn't it sounds like he actually want to make music what were we going to say kind of yeah um the it's i don't know he's he's like uh he's one of those artists that are probably kind of like all over the place but he's is uh totally in it you know it's just he used to i feel like and you can correct me from wrong and he used to complete the albums um yeah yeah i mean back when you had to put cds in stores you know i think that was a big thing you know the label's like we have to ship a thing now he can update it streaming you know change a song change a track it's also easy there's no physical stuff anymore so you don't have to necessarily finish an album now well at any rate he's staying in the [ __ ] studio i don't know why but he says i'm not leaving this stadium until the album's done and here he is cruising around in the same exact outfit during like a soccer game or something that happened the next the next so he's just cruising around i don't know how he gets that clearance but there you go uh here's his living here's his living quarters oh no it was removed you guys oh we have a backup good nice job guys here's his living quarters in the uh looks like a prison but it does get it done so anyway i have basically um something prepared for you ela um is that you know since since you've been gone yeah i've also been living in the studio so it's a little embarrassing to admit but i noticed you've been making so much content exactly it's a little embarrassing to me but we do have a video uh prepared for you so go ahead ian [Music] ethan what are you what are you doing here hey b what are you doing here i was just watching i was just taking a break what is this family's your united videos what are you watching are you all right dude yeah it's military homecoming surprises i'm just it just came up on my recommended pages it has nothing to do with anything dude how long have you been here are you staying here i don't know since friday friday yeah dude this isn't good man you need to get out i was just staying and working on the podcast i just wanted to make sure that it was perfect you want some doritos man no i don't want dude ethan this is this is bad man i'm worried i'm worried i'm going to walk around the fog drivers i just want to make sure the podcast is perfect i don't understand which is a big deal i i'm committed to the crap i'm going to make sure it's burglary have you fed the dogs yeah doritos they like the rails i'm going to call dan i'll i'll be right back i don't see what's the big deal man can't i can't eat there he doesn't sleep in the office for three days captain crunch [ __ ] this hey dude what are you watching what the [ __ ] it's military family [ __ ] what are you wearing it's a fanny ho you can't eat through the [ __ ] pantyhose why are you even wearing this jesus scare the [ __ ] out of me you look insane i'm working why this is not working no worries it's not work it worked with what i used today working what is it you're just making yourself cry with these reunion videos yes dad i'm sad okay and i'm working you're [ __ ] messed dude what am i gonna eat yeah eva's coming back ethan ethan you can't force me dan let's go gotta clean you up i'm a bit heavier than you thought aren't i spilling coke oh you're laying in filth dude jesus you can't force anything of me this is my work this is my passion come on heavier than you thought yeah a little bit that's right [ __ ] i've been drinking now i've been drinking doritos [ __ ] you [ __ ] smell like [ __ ] yeah move me [ __ ] you can't do [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] you are [ __ ] so we've all been down bad this in the past couple weeks are you gonna kill dan is ours he's dead in trouble i think overall dan did pretty okay considering we haven't been canceled so thank you dan you're a good bad dad good man dan [Applause] yes good stuff i'm gonna come yeah it's been hard i'm not gonna lie dan saying he's gonna come i'm gonna come so i wanted to get your take on this okay i waited for the story because i wanted to ask you about this okay ash ashton kutcher oh you said it yeah i was i knew i was gonna come with a picture for their action puncher and myla mia mila no mia me i mean say they don't believe in bathing their kids you've read this i saw the article let me read that let me read the details they said on a podcast that they don't believe in bathing often and i guess they're talking for themselves too it rids your bodies of oils yeah that's what soap does they that's what that that's why you bathe uh they only wash their vitals private areas and armpits each day at that point just get in the shower so they wash their [ __ ] privates and only watch the kids when they're visibly dirty me myla mila mila all of a sudden i can't say her name i know her name mila mila mentions that she never bathes her newborn child ashton adds if you can see the dirt on them clean them he said otherwise there's no point kusher says he does wash his armpits and crotch daily and nothing else ever and has a tendency to throw some water on my face after a workout and get all the salt out thoughts ew some weird hips my thoughts aren't you i mean i have i don't know we've been through that phase but the which phase of like a newborn because she said their new the newborn they they don't watch it ever and it's like you it's really i i think that's gross because they sit in a diaper all day and sometimes they have this like not sometimes actually when they're early like newborn they have a lot of like really gross diarrhea kind of poop like it's almost always and yeah like i'm starting to remember but so i don't know i find that really gross listen people have been bathing for tens of thousands of years i think we're fine you guys i think the invention of like running hot water is [ __ ] awesome i mean like we sometimes we wouldn't bathe him every day that's fine no they're saying yeah you know i think bathing is great you guys and i don't think you guys need to be all again people have been bathing every day for tens of thousands of years we made it we made it we've arrived i'm not becoming a billionaire to stop showering like ashton is a billionaire also if you're at the point of washing your genitals and armpits what's the deal you're monster you're savage just step in the shower these people are savages they're taking bars of soap to their [ __ ] junk what about your feet like but your whole damn body they must stink bruh hahahaha i peed in my basement but also i i the thing that really it's like if you don't want to shower that's fine but your baby needs a [ __ ] bath dude yeah i never watched i don't know with kids like now that theodore kinda is uh grown up he actually gets more and more dirty throughout the day because he he plays and he like i don't know he's in the sand all day plays in the playing playground it's like they get really dirty the thing is too these kids are not gonna understand they're gonna be like okay i don't have to shower they're gonna grow up with horrible hygiene because kids don't understand how to take you have to shower so they're going to grow up being all [ __ ] like they're going to be like pig pen from charlie brown it's just weird it's a weird take i didn't know people out there just watching the armpits and crotch so oh my god i forgot to show this um this is actually kevin hart this is a visual representation of uh them changing their description on the trailer store well trailers flip dude yeah you see that flipped hard when he realizes the app is flipped i can't believe they wrote the app as a defamatory statement i mean that logo was clearly flipped i i don't know what to say it's so awkward anyway you talk about trailer all day by the way it's like i'm still thinking about it like even when theodore eats you get the food all over and we get so sticky kids throughout the day kids are by the end of the day i can't wait to watch it get really dirty yeah they're disgusting listen guys take a bath please do it for everyone do it for the world some pediatricians are saying that it's enough it's sufficient not mine they're saying that well at least a few that i've seen right now are saying that culturally uh we as americans have got used to showering them too much but right now one or two a week unless they're dirty unless they're doing you know playing outside or something that's i mean i think at the very first stages i think that's fine you're not a newborn or whatever the newborn stage i think that's fine well it's in direct response to this article so yeah but i mean it's it's still sparking controversy i mean you hear both sides but people are a lot of the doctors but also with kids the shower is actually it's like really important as part of the night routine when you try to teach them to go to sleep at night and you know sleep the whole night you kind of have to make a night routine for them and it's always like dinner shower you know put pajama read a book go to sleep it's kind of like the basics i'm getting anti-vaxx vibes from them [Music] i can see that any intel on that please take off your mask i'm getting mad anti-backs vibes from ashton and mila eli you want to talk about um there's a lot of good stuff left we have a victoria's secret karen it's like an attack on titan i think because this is the attack oh no this is something else wait where is it where's the attack on titan i didn't include it because i felt like it do you want to watch that yeah let's totally watch it you thought it was too graphic or something well this is there's a lot of punches being thrown back and forth it's so good let's watch it let's watch they're like super tall it's like a group of all cairns yeah like the tallest women i've ever seen in my life attacking the dude okay and it's like attack on titan karen pretty amazing but while you keep that up let's watch victoria's secret karen okay people say in the chat they're not anti-vaxx i googled it i didn't see anything about that take it back don't show me i did see an article titled that they're not planning on passing down their money to their kids first they don't wash them they don't get any money i mean what's going on in this family what the [ __ ] oh man i would give theodore something i mean we don't have we need to make a will but like i wouldn't leave him like with nothing where we're talking about will well they're saying if they died or yeah when they die they're saying i'm not leaving any money to the kids i think the kids should get everything well they probably just don't want to turn into like douches or something they want that make them earn their way or something but still your kid here let's watch the victoria karen so here you'll enjoy this this is a wild one man it's a whole ride tell me what you think either you narrate this okay no it's cute that's cute now you are oh my god oh my god do you see this oh my god i never thought nothing like this would happen to me she just tried to run and hit me and now she did you see what's happening i don't know what happened before but you tried to hit her oh my gosh cameron had a breakdown she tried to hit me at your workers she tried to hit me she tried to hit me now i want security for you [Music] oh my god you should have thought about that before you did what you did oh my god this don't even feel real this do not feel right i thought at first she was laughing so she was crying well i think when she realized she was being filmed she was she laughing at first let's go back this is so confusing no i think they were having a fight and then when she realized oh my god when she realized she was being filmed then she went into breakdown mode yeah she charged me if i wanted to duck she would oh no you just wanted security for me right i want security for you now no don't cry no no no i want you to call security [Music] i don't know why this is happening to me she's here to get free plan ladies and she gentlemen more than she bargained for you get what you pay for dude i didn't realize victoria's secrets was such like a trashy place so you're giving out free underwear you got fights going down people having breakdowns screaming i thought victoria secret was like a classy place i've been to one and it wasn't like that are you saying they're not all like this i don't think they're giving out like free panties you know i wish they were like this they're so so [ __ ] boring lena's always in victoria's secret i'm just awkwardly standing embarrassing to be in there not really what are you a five-year-old i don't know what's embarrassing well i've gotten dragged in there by my mom you've gotten dragged in there by you you're going with your mom with your mom i get it but going with your wife or girlfriend whatever i'll do one better i got dragged in there by my grandmother what's that i got dragged in there by my grandmother countless times yeah it was mine what uh be there for the free panties no just i mean i was five or six seven whatever my mom did that to me too i just and she made me go in the dressing room with her oh that's [ __ ] bruised yeah sorry that's crazy what did i i don't remember what i saw i mean i was young you blocked it out yeah that was i'm sure some horror [ __ ] horse sounds like you did block it i love my grandmother not in that way though you know how old do you think you were he said five five six seven around that age okay she's playing some naked or just like underwear well she had to put the underwear on and you blocked it out yeah so much makes sense now not a place i want to go amy said so much makes sense about you yeah that's why i'm [ __ ] up you know from a traumatic experience i've seen the joker yeah happened so granny's secret well anyway back to the camera please please please this is the weirdest reaction oh you know what i just found a shot interesting it looks like ryan kavanagh was actually spotted getting free panties and victoria's secrets sounds like he's down bad she's there for the free panties no why don't she walk away from me no i was here no no no no we're not doing this why don't i walk away from her why don't you get away from me she could get away go wherever you want to go yeah that's one of the most audacious parts this video they're asking the african-american lady to leave they are yeah they're saying you just because they're like i don't want the scene but yeah just why doesn't the girl just walk away just leave why are you like when it gets really weird oh my god oh my god this is like i don't know how you even i don't know what happened before this but it sounds like you i don't bro i don't know but this is weird bro yeah another detail the black woman is also muslim i believe she's wearing a scarf and uh i think what happened was the white uh lady at first attacked her and then she pulled out her phone and that's when this all began oh so you think it was like a racial slash uh religious thing i mean very well plausible especially being you see the security guard asking her to leave as well yeah that's [ __ ] up just drag her out like dan dragged myself wow you want to see attack on titan kerins wait there's a part two to that there is sand yeah i've seen way more didn't tradeless virgins well send me that and i'll wait for the to do the attack on titan kerins oh by the way quick announcement guys h3tv our new youtube channel is up in action we just posted our first you'll be careful there's a fake one wait this is a fake one yeah oh wow sam what the [ __ ] there's so many fake ones yeah there's a lot wait did they ever respond sam i'm gonna send this discord he's asking if he can get this one removed youtube responded so you guys make sure you don't subscribe to a fake one don't subscribe to the fake [ __ ] get the real cam said they did respond so there's apparently they made a new channel and they have every single video ripped with thumbnails and everything damn did oh you're already working on it is this is the first this is the first [ __ ] result too god he literally youtube leave me the [ __ ] alone where's my channel oh is it because you did forever well no the youtube channel is called youth h3tv h3tv we made our first ever video i want to share with you guys i can't find my own channel it's all these ripoff people how do i know ryan kavanaugh is not operating this fake h3tv i refuse to click it i have to find it the legitimate i got it so here we are h3tv i just posted these so we can have it on one place but here's our first video i'm afraid that that thumbnail is too graphic youtube gets really weird about like thumbnails that are too gross i think i think it's the i think it's the green putrid we actually did that one time about like covered and then they they dinged it oh they said it's too yeah yeah i think we need someone spraying in my face cam like use abe's hand spraying on my face that's not better but i think i think you don't just show his hand with the bottle you don't need to it's good this is interesting we're making the sausages so anyway you guys should go over subscribe and watch our content we have it linked right now in the chat i'm very excited about h3tv dude these things are crazy i don't like these i don't think that i don't think we can get away with that title poop spray to the face youtube's like nah [ __ ] no i'm not going to kill anyone right poops right what were we thinking you were giggling yeah it was a bad idea how about stink spray that's not as good bag of tournaments i still like the i don't like that i made ian smell my ass what'd it be i made ian smell my ass title i made ian smell my ass yeah that's much better what about the the challenge one we talked about what was it i don't know this is how a challenge this is how kanye makes his albums yeah yeah it's all making a lot more sense now well i'm gonna we're doing a live show right now maybe we could uh this is the second part until after this is good content don't like the challenge in the title reminds me of like youtube like six years ago okay that's a good point i personally find that interesting i [ __ ] in ian's open mouth and just do a big old thump and ian sitting like this they'll love that that's basically what happened this fart spray in ian's face was just amazing yes i liked my own video if i don't then who does if i you know what i'm saying i'm not embarrassed to like my own videos um here you guys squirted [ __ ] people want to see oh [Music] [Laughter] here let's see your steven seagal please stand up doesn't she look like vlad or like steven seagal ready to flip some dude here come i don't know yeah no we could see that we see a little bumpy a little bumpy it's hard to tell well she's wearing a really like sometimes i wear certain things that i look really pregnant in them that's a good one well that's why steven skull dressed like that because he's massive oh what the [ __ ] oh just dropping your boots on me just because i can't show those are sick you want to stomp on my face mommy no you want to stomp on my eyeball [Laughter] i dressed like the there's no coincidence oh yeah you need like a large format no such thing as a coincidence and the fact that we are energetically aligned right now yeah means kavanaugh bran cavanaugh swing both of us there's no such thing as a coincidence anyway it's very funny i end up ian um somehow accepted two hundred dollars and it says in bold they get sprayed surprised all of no it's it's one full spray okay okay ready it's the worst thing i've ever smelled by far but it's a good spray so i'm not going to do two sprays that was a full spray okay it's the i'm telling you nothing about these you want to smell it yeah so so anyway the reason we're talking about this is that since eva wasn't here to experience what we all did i wanted to give her i'll give you just a quarter spray that's so not fair isn't fair we all smelled it but that's what you're gonna do like what you did to ian to me no no no no i'll spray it over here over there and then it will you'll get a sense just it'll spray over it okay i'm not going to square you in the face okay yeah so here bring me what did i get for doing that you get to entertain the people you welcome back yeah ian almost puked he ran off to the bathroom we all thought of you for a novelty yeah i'm sorry you got the money right yeah i did thank you well earned man anyway we should change the title because i don't think youtube's going to [ __ ] be like no okay let's do it later let's do it later ian will do anything for 200 i learned that about it that's a good title that is a pretty good title i just ripped ass oh i was like what is this sound all right right now to cover it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait now you've adopted a spray this is right nothing like this bro it's so horrible yeah it's gonna even mask okay so people say everybody's saying stop the baby not good for babies no stop she's pregnant we've had this yeah we had this not toxic it literally the chat does not agree with you well what does chad know it literally says non-toxic it's just a novelty spray you guys uh okay we'll go over do not harm the baby don't do that please no she's pregnant i'm gonna go all the way over here i have to sit next to you no i'm too close oh you're saying okay i don't know what you mean i'm just no i said i'm going to sit next to you i'm just going afterwards yes okay so ready so i'm going to just do one spray torch okay no doubt ethan sprayed it and then give it a little waft give it a little waft oh my god oh wow oh that's so gross ew that's disgusting that's really gross it like it's like it's choking you my god it's like right inside my throat no actually people ask me how far do you spray it he's actually he was pretty he was about like 10 feet away it was it was pretty far she's out i need to wash my hands yeah all right they're both just out well we've lost both both of our hosts everyone um so give us just a minute wait you smelling it back there i don't know get the [ __ ] out of the seat what are you doing oh yeah what are you doing yes so i will smell this ash to sit in the seat um [Music] hold on a second let me just hit you with this real quick i hope this doesn't make you sound like a douche thank you dan uh in the meantime why don't i read some of these super chats we have why not i like the twilight movies lizzy s yeah i do like the twilight movies pitch donated 50 bucks hi h3 ela oh well it's addressed to ela oh well we'll let her know when she gets back she looks absolutely glowing i also have to say a general thank you ever since i told my nude modeling story on make ethan laugh i've actually been getting rehired non-stop i don't what uh sure cool i mean that's cool congrats can't say i really remember that how do i convince my job to get those butthole chairs in office oh and cam actually linked it if anybody missed it what is it [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that's what that's how you pronounce it right [ __ ] bussy busty or guess [ __ ] but yeah i guess whatever uh [ __ ] bussy you know that was our boy uh what did ethan call him brent rockman or is that was was that his real name brentman rock bretman rock bretman rock right right and he kept calling him brent rockman yes yes wow is it reaching you now dan i could smell it over here now i hate i don't know that's your breath maybe i brought it back it away wafted away from us ethan is uh over talking about the title and the thumbnail for other video ethan uh quick correction we're live to the last episode you can't live with it over here having psych conversations he's eating pizza thank you guys for putting that out god bless eating pizza while in the [ __ ] oh it smells like gone actually yeah it's moved over to a b apparently [Music] you want life i think there's some people that are mad that you did that to you why i just i feel like you should know i checked with the doctor i checked with the doctor he checked with the doctor it's not toxic i'm not even making a joke i did okay i believe you he just got a [ __ ] face he always checks everything for me listen i'm just why are people mad at me i'm just telling you the feedback that we're getting you think i don't care about the baby like i care way more than you do trust me [Laughter] i care way [ __ ] more than any of you guys mad in the comments [Music] trust me okay how are you eating pizza i don't smell it anymore god you're crazy i really don't i think i smelt it too much yesterday ian i don't know how you did that got to get that money how are you alive ian please stand up please oh do we have the attack on titan um karen's yep i sent it to you by the way i sent you the second part if you want to and the second part as well oh let's watch the second part first it's pretty good i'm interested in that oh wow this part i think wow oh i can show you okay 20 minutes this whole thing is 21 minutes holy [ __ ] this time stump is where you [Music] oh my god i mean she's having like a you keep lying saying i'm threatening you so i'm recording to protect myself she's clearly unhealthy [Music] it's unwell i don't know she's unwell i think she's not for me i think she's faking it because she doesn't want her to keep recording her but at the same time you have to be really unwell to do this in the first place yeah [Music] yo the employees are [ __ ] idiots for letting this go on like what the [ __ ] are you guys called the police what are they supposed to do tackle her i mean when she's charging another customer maybe yeah i'm not interfering for minimum wage or whatever they're paying i don't know that's the manager oh they have security guards i'm sure they called the security guards no i yes that's true that's the least they could do yeah she's saying i'm threatening i'm not interfering in that for like this to protect me fifteen dollars an hour hell no her white ass on my black ass [Music] i gotta stop coming here and this goes on for 20 minutes love i mean the best people are trying to help her and ask her to step out the store she i'm of course i'm not helping why would i have you trying to hurt me [Music] how could she help anybody would you see what's to do please come here now i'm feeling threatened what thank you thank you peace and love um all right where's the attack on titan karen that was in there too i don't okay here it is gang of giant karen's attack a little this is the title these are my words gang of giant cairns attack a little mexican guy what those are theirs are not my words but it is accurate let's be honest they're like way bigger than him maybe they're just seven feet tall and he's like a normal size dude i don't know it's hard to tell but it's pretty good i enjoyed this one walk away they're just tall girls who are also wearing heels these are just that these are abnormals but here comes the colossal wait wait for it i love how he just was like stop you oh here comes food she's coming to break the wall yo he's able to take them down like relatively peacefully i mean props to him here comes the classic colossal oh god she's stomping [Laughter] they must be like volleyball players yeah well that was good and props to the quote little mexican guy that is how i phil if i try to wear heels i feel like i'm a giant like it's just not someone like that though someone would play it into that i can't i would feel insecure if you were so much taller than me it's awful it's an awful feeling maybe i wouldn't i don't know maybe like way taller than anyone in the room it's awful the chat said that guy is captain levi i'm sorry if you don't understand attack her right on titan but that's hilarious he's captain levi short like king of killing the titans that's true it is totally captain levi gracefully dispatching them did you update it cameron or you can update on the channel i'm looking at the channel yeah um so oh we also wanted to introduce lovebot got an upgrade lovebot 2.0 is on a new robot half-hearted clap the last one was just i think we busted it yeah well i don't know yeah it was defective that thing was definitely but don't we have a video prepared to introduce the new bot uh no silence uh what i will be talking yeah i'll load it up it's gonna need a couple of minutes oh my god can you guys see this oh you're so quiet yeah sorry i was oh yeah what do you got what is that he printed out fun oh wait wait is that you print that or something yeah because i thought it was so cool yeah it is really cool what's happening nobody cares sorry love nobody's yeah yeah i'm excited about the new bot is is super fast um will you post full h3 tv stream the idea is to leave those on twitch no it's all gonna go no no no everything's going on h3tv everything's going on h3tv with peace and love peace and love are you going to post the full stream well the last one was kind of a mess so not that one but maybe other ones that are more coherent i guess dinosaurs we don't know just go to h3tv with peace and love and watch out for the imposters because apparently it's impossible to find the real one i think we're gonna have to come back to this video what happened we can't show it it sent me the link it's not uploaded it's not floating but it's so short it's a minute 45. i mean i'm i'm doing it now but it's gonna need some time a minute 45 how long does that take to upload i mean i don't know downloading it right now i mean all right well in the meantime we have a sec a weird tick tock segment for weird the weird amish apparently there's amish tick tock you know there's like a tick tock sub genre for everything yeah well the amish have their own tick tock don't ask me how they're not allowed for technology yeah they're not allowed for technology so i don't know if it's the amish or uh almost adjacent people but here's the first video um asking god for a normal family okay that's kind of like we're gonna be over today and can i also have a small blues wrap blue raspberry slushie a sausage mcmuffin i can't give me something over here and can i also have but why is she using a phone isn't that an isn't that contrary to they're really they're like rebellious clearly she hates being amish interesting and she spent enough time on tick tock to know okay okay so we have more details these are kids who smuggle their phones into amish communities obviously there's no technology allowed or they obtain them well on their rumspringa which is their temptation journey to decide whether or not to remain amish so did you know about that no so the oh i'm getting a call from someone from youtube great here mute it for a sec let me give it to someone else the best podcast in the world take it from me jc over chair xp baby we podcast now you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h two three three three three you're watching h to the three three three you're we'll do the real raw ritual with more an eg sharing laugh with the ring just see how low jimmy they said we wouldn't come back but you we always do embrace from the ashes like the phoenix on the flex back to two you're watching h to the three are we back all right hey guys sorry important call was that susan it was susan she was just saying hi she was complaining about the new thumbnail okay and i was saying susan when are you going to shut down kingston's channel and she said well ethan we're working on it i said good got to shut down keemstar um okay so oh the the um it's pretty interesting the rum springer so the amish when they come of age they go on a temptation journey out into the world of technology and drugs and sex and they see if it's tempts them enough to stay out there in the world or to come back and become staying on an amish okay pretty interesting right sounds like a good concept on it's a great movie have you seen kingpin right now one of my all-time favorites uh rebecca and her family talking [ __ ] whoa language about how i showed my ankle to ezekiel are these people for real you guys oh i guess there's copyrighted music give me a little i need some volume to understand this one [Music] okay turn it down i i don't get this one i'll be honest it's like inside jokes about being amish what's what i'm getting so they're mad that she showed her ankles to ezekiel oh he's another like one day they're like yo that [ __ ] yeah ankles wow that is a deep amish cut making abraham regret his life uh oh abraham we're coming for you repent now [ __ ] this is your sign to go outside and make abraham regret his life thank you wait this is it okay oh sh cause she's looking hot is that the joke she can't do that did she really amish or is she doing gags because she's showing way too much amish very provocative abraham is regretting his life right now amish boys discussing girls breasts first ankles this is not real breast first ankles is that even a competition i'm getting a lot of fakes in the chat um what some people are saying fake of course is fake the boys discussing breasts they're animals you don't have to oh the boys discussing ankles or though it's for the amish it's for the amish well i don't know who the [ __ ] else is getting the jokes out of this it has 5 000 likes so it's relatively deep cut interesting observation the a group of amish boys speaking pennsylvania dutch baby [Music] settle down all right the amish are out there living their best life some dwight fruit ship when he doesn't own a buggy hmm yeah that's a problem that's a broke [ __ ] this is when he doesn't own a buggy yeah i don't think this girl's serious you guys that's what they mean i think breaking amish fan account like breaking bad these yeah this girl's not amish there's a tv show called breaking amish about kids yeah this girl's not honest she's just doing gags god bless america i appreciate her dedication to the amish though oh thank god thank you guys so anyway introducing lovebot 2.0 we prepared a little video for you guys enjoy think today things are different from here on forth yeah okay guys high quality high fidelity looking really high quality but okay let's let it ride a full screen we got to see every pixel 1.0 2.0 let's see who's faster i'm gonna i'm gonna shoot the gun and then you guys start okay ready first one to me wins ready set go go that's the new bot on the right by the way if you didn't know way faster way faster way more agile and that thing turns on a dime what do you think about the new bot oh wait hold on there's more fight fight yeah youtube please don't demonetize us i know this is graphic content some might consider it shopkins 2.0 is superior oh no oh no no no no no no no no i load it up all right lovebot i hate to say it hasta la vista that's it fantastic love what do you think about your new bot i like it dude it's bad something that uh you didn't see on that video i actually have underglow on my boat yeah you can kind of rgb underglow yeah yeah there's like there's like racing here you can see it here yeah like floor lights right yeah i mean fancy yeah you see that it has multiple cameras back up cameras floor cameras ah dude you have a floor cam oh yeah oh yeah it does and well what's what wasn't very fun with a last robot was i i couldn't hit things it wouldn't allow me to crash into things right it happened exactly now though i can just ram into people actually yesterday when i didn't realize uh that like anti-crash thing was off i crashed straight into a b uh unintentionally of course well i i i know we actually prefer it like that i mean right i prefer this spot to be able to do damage and cause mischief yeah i i took a to get rid around your car earlier that was kind of scary yeah i saw you back there there was like he's getting a little comfortable around here just off on his own well did you want to talk about bachelor or housewives or anything before we go hila i know you're real passionate about that sure um i mean there's still a lot that we wanted to talk about but i guess it's been it's been a while the world like what like there's the baby yeah the babies did all this homophobic stuff but i'm like i mean yeah i mean guys it's pretty good yeah we should talk about the baby yeah this was so weird why did he do this it's so weird so the baby i'm calling him you know what after this he lost the he lost the baby he's now the baby i see he's lost that respect on his name yeah so the baby made some questionable remarks on stage at rolling loud here they are break it down for you after that you didn't show up today with hiv aids any of them dead essentially the diseases that'll make you die two three weeks put yourself on lightning so it says if you didn't show up with hiv aids or diseases they'll make you die in two weeks put your light up and continue if i didn't understand that one if he says if your [ __ ] smell like water but yeah again it's he's referencing stds he's he's saying this up fellas if you ain't so clean if it's clean because he's saying if you don't and he says if you so i'm confused he's saying he likes women whose vaginas smell like water [Music] lady if you smell like water put a cell phone like that okay got it [ __ ] smell like water wet ass pee work what a way to um hype up a show it's like you can tell the crowd's really feeling it too how about the people that like the music let's see those phones up ladies if you haven't had cancer yeah losers who have never had cancer put those phones up the phone up if you've had cancer put your phone down beta loser fellas lights up fellas if you ain't sucking a dick in the parking lot put your cell phone like this and again why he says fellas if you're not sucking d word in the part dick in the parking lot put your now listen i don't think dudes are the only ones sucking dick in the parking lot let's be real and i mean shout out it's it's just weird if you're in that situation i'd be like well i didn't but i mean like i don't know i feel like if you were caught up in the moment you want to be thinking exactly about what he's saying and you're like well i didn't suck any you know but it's a weird i don't know it's a weird situation to be well i'll break it down for you i love his height man is like keep it [ __ ] real tell me suspect has a [ __ ] let's be real it's the hype mentality no he's hyping him up oh yeah he goes some of y'all are suss let's be real which is like we suspect you have been gay so he's saying don't like don't put your phone up if you're suss i think in other words okay so let's break that down um so he got a lot of [ __ ] for that homophobic he says it's not homophobic but it is homophobic and let me explain why you didn't show up today with hiv aids idiots first of all i don't know how many times it needs to be said having hiv does not make you a bad person people get hiv all kinds of different ways it's a horrible disease that nobody should have and it's no and like you're not it doesn't make you a bad person and then the way he defends his statements is really crazy yeah and anyone can get it by the way it's not a gay disease this is so weird i mean people are there to to celebrate your music why are you coming out with some weird debate the baby well and then so but also hiv is not that funny like it's just such a horrible disease and it's just caused so much pain and suffering it's like you know it's like not not really not really cool if you've had hiv leave your phone down [ __ ] put a cell and first of all i've been with women who i just thought i [ __ ] up i feel like everything i said from that point on would be taking the i'm not talking about you i was slept with a girl in college who [ __ ] [ __ ] stink the whole room up oh but it wasn't her fault she was just that was just her biology so i'm just saying yeah also some people are involved with what also some people are born with it you know that's what i'm saying some people just born with stinky vaginas and that's just what it is not always what was that zack i was referring to hiv but yeah oh born with hiv yeah yeah that happens too yeah well pete keep your light down fellas lights up lights up in the parking lot put your cell phone and again it's more homophobe because he's like fellas if you're sucking dick in the parking lot excuse me anyone could be sucking dick in the parking lot okay and if anyone listen if you're sucking dick in the parking lot i still want you subscribed i'm not i'm not in a position to say no to anyone sucking a ding-dong you know what i'm saying i'll take everyone keep it [ __ ] real yeah super weird super weird yeah and so anyway it got really off the wheels when he started getting [ __ ] and then tried clearing things up okay so get ready for him to clear things up hila here he is the lights went up gate or straight you want to know why because even my gay fans don't got [ __ ] aids stupid ass so you say you got a's my gay fans they take care they ain't going for that he's not homophobic he just hates people with aids specifically specifically right right because he's saying gay not all of my gay fans have aids i just hate those nasty gays right right his friends are s tier gays right yeah i have i have top gays only i mean it's just it's insane how does he miss it this much in this year the lights wanna get straight you wanna know why because even my gay fans don't hang it [ __ ] aids stupid ass what do by the way his voice sounds why are you gay why are you gay the baby the baby exactly you lost the honorific duh my dude you're now you know what i'm saying on the street yeah you come out then i said you ain't stuck in a rolling lab parking lot put your cell phone light up you know what my gay fans did put that [ __ ] light up because my gay fans they ain't got they ain't going for that they got class but why are you even bringing it up why are you even having a conversation about like love my gay fans just not the ones that are sucking dick in the parking like they've been degenerating not the messy ones yeah there's pl there's the women are sucking dicks in the parking lot too my dude is your problem with gay seconds in the parking lot or people sucking dick in the parking lot seems like it's about gays yeah exactly have that same energy for anyone get sucking dick in the parking lot ain't second no you know parking lot you gotta get a room a good one five star hotel for them or goddamn yeah you gotta wait today go to the crib man just gonna be out here just doing you know anything yeah if they're a fan of me they got them they on some big dog [ __ ] we ain't just going for nothing you know even my gay fans got standards y'all trippin even my gay fans have standards of course my normal my straight fans have standards but even my gay fa do you hear the it's like do you hear what he's saying yeah like gay people don't have standards but even my gay fans have standard negative attention and energy upon yourselves and the ones that's doing it it's people who didn't even attend the show what do i need to attend the show liz it's sad well i didn't see him holding his his light up so what does that mean so anyway that's him trying to clear things up uh a clothing company who's working with boo who uh is reviewing relationship with him what that means somebody threw a shoe at him i actually i saw this first and i didn't know but this is because of his remarks pissed so many people off so someone threw a shoe at him put a hand in the hell with his sailboat and turn the [ __ ] light on if you special too who the [ __ ] through that [ __ ] busted ass goddamn adidas i love that he's like if you're if you're not stuck in the parking lot light up if you are stuck in deck in the parking lot throw your shoes at me sam made an excellent point in the office when whenever he said adida he said is that the scene she said is that the singular form of adidas [Laughter] yeah that's interesting uh the baby continues i tell fans to put a cell phone light in the air and you'll start a million man march well no nobody's marching i told y'all digest that wrong but i ain't gonna lie i'm impressed now show the same amount of support when a racist cop killed one of our black ass you're not bro it's not about that and i'm sure people did we can do both last year when yeah it was like the biggest thing with george following don't try to twist this and the [ __ ] black people being killed by cops anybody who ever done ever been affected by aids or hiv y'all got the right to be upset what i said was insensitive and even though i have no intentions on offending anybody so my apologies okay we have an apology but the lgbt community i ain't tripping on y'all do you your business is your business as long as you don't have aids apparently like i said it's really it just seems to be about the aids thing he's really owning in on this aids and for any brands networks or artists that like to profit off of black rapper's influence on culture without understanding it or having the patience to deal with what comes i may have unplugged something yeah it looked like it was is it all good seems fine now okay without understanding or having the patience to deal with what comes with the position we play in our culture keep your money next time us whatever i i don't know what that means humans do it's like dude this is not about god bless this is not about hashtag god bless friends thank you thank you for throwing in the god bless again this is about the baby you're diverting the baby the baby other than that y'all cheer the [ __ ] up and be proud of who you are because you can't make me feel less myself okay stupid dula lipa who recently collapsed with him called him out zach any thoughts on doula lipa yeah zach [ __ ] this guy man that's my thoughts on it no no no i don't know no comments sex i don't know you anymore you've changed bro i like her music all of a sudden he's not making a comment about duo alipa which is fair you're being respectful [Music] i appreciate her um i get bummed out seeing stuff like that because i was kind of like into his music and stuff and it seemed cool but this is awful i feel like you can say for sure he's homophobic yeah like come on dude um do a i'm surprised and horrified at the baby's comment i really don't recognize this as the person i worked with i know my fans know where my heart lies and i stand 100 of the lgbt community we need to come together to fight the stigma and ignorance around hiv aids that's pretty good considering like they just had a collab so i mean probably yeah but yeah i agree that's those are harmful stereotypes for sure having aids or aids does not make you a bad person for [ __ ] sake come on you guys oh and then so by the way bonus meme do you know why the baby is called the baby well this guy who's trying to call out other people [ __ ] got his name because he used to cruise around in a diaper now now if i'm the dude cruising around in a diaper i'm just saying those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks you know what i mean by the way that's gayer then whatever he said that's like a weird fetish right there my dude well it doesn't have to be that means it's gay i okay i'm just right it's not in his own mind if the baby a homophobic guy saw a dude in a diaper cruise around like that i think he'd feel uncomfortable is that fair or bad uh sorry yeah maybe i don't know yeah okay whatever this is like one of the first times i could recall like in hip-hop at least because you know i love hip-hop but it does have a huge problem with homophobia and that's one of the first examples i could think of of a hip-hop artist being held accountable for something he said that's true hip-hop does have a problem with homophobia yeah i guess i haven't really seen it with um current music well people have gotten a lot better but yeah usually it's in lyrics and stuff and things get kind of lost in lyrics but the dude's home you're cruising around with the diaper dude i mean if you're really talking [ __ ] about groups of people [Music] he forgot who he he's really changed bro he forgot who he was yeah wait what apple removed the song of the baby after all this jesus white song apple has removed dua lupa's song levitating featuring the baby from all apple music curated playlists well so that's it you want to talk about bachelor um where do we where do we begin oh my god good question how long we've been going dan uh two hours and 25 minutes we have food here maybe we just wrap it up it is four which means we have to leave soon let's see if the channels we can find anyway guys go to h3 tv please watch our stuff you guys and it's not showing up why the [ __ ] is that showing up you guys it keeps showing other people's content [Laughter] bro i can't find my own channel okay i found it so oh so here's the new thumbnail what do you guys think let's take a poll oh this is better but we have to change the the title we can't i don't think we can put poop in the title that's a pretty good thumbnail do you like it mm-hmm so now so now we need like a gross spray to the face or let's see you guys have any suggestions you guys have any i saw that some people said that if you don't post the whole vod other people will um you know pirate it and post it well yeah true this one was a mess because like the first half was that first half was just the vr breaking every five seconds yeah it was like a whole disaster we don't have to post that part we could just post the whole recipe that's my favorite part you guys have suggestions for titles i need help here poop spray to the face challenge gone wrong dookie i like the challenge one what you like the challenge yeah challenge in the title how about dookie spray to the face dookie dookie is less offensive than poop stink spray stink spray somebody said stink [Music] liquid fart liquid fart that's pretty good fart spray yeah fart spray is probably good do fart spray camera [Music] we're doing the ouija board challenge is it really do we you guys like challenge or should i just say fart spray to the face gone wrong oh god i don't know let's talk about it out there please i don't know it's pretty interesting pretty [ __ ] interesting i'm going to start clicking around the sound website i will say as someone watching this who is trying you know when i was before i'm trying to cover even sorry let me think of something no what i was going to say is uh i would love to learn this stuff like watching as a fan if i had a youtube channel i find it very interesting you know of course it's interesting dan the hater dan goes i'm not a hater his on you know what his own popular tank was he goes here's my unpopular tape i'm not a hater ethan's the hater he's in popular are you equating being a hater with an [ __ ] so you've just been calling me an [ __ ] on this show for the last three years yes and okay i agree with that i don't think this is interesting well anyway we're wrapping it up though guys thank you so much for watching welcome back means everything thank you for watching it was fun i had a lot of fun going over the complaint so making lemonade out of lemons as they say obviously being sucks to being sued and sued and sued by ryan duchamp but we're making the best of it run for the cube is live what the [ __ ] does that look like what no way this is the weirdest [ __ ] in the world you guys know about run for the cube this is a deep cut what the [ __ ] look at the title unauthorized cia enhancement interrogation and torture techniques no that's a [ __ ] title it says started watching may 16 we're the only ones watching wait has this been going since may come coming one watching we're the only person watching this well i know you rate him well i know youtube i want to read by sponsored messy wearing 4-h oh what is going on [ __ ] insane one watching pete couture unauthorized cia enhanced interrogation did you hear from yes you don't remember we had a uh know your meme competition uh with him and we recorded a bunch of answers no i [ __ ] up i blew his cover she's doing work well we didn't really like cover anything but well that's what he gets we're having a live stream called unauthorized caa enhanced interrogation and torture techniques with one person watching me another's fifty-five somebody said dan i'll donate money for you to shut this [ __ ] down we've gone off the rails everyone's saying hi to elon in the chat hi [Laughter] i mean it's all supposed to be uncomfortable and weird hmm i thought he was actually making kids content what no when at what point did you get that impression oh there was there was the whole there was this creepy i know but there was this pretense that like this is a real channel for kids no luck let's go video sort by most popular yeah the red belly this is the one we reacted to with 18 million views jelly belly peppers youtube was showing this to kids i swear to [ __ ] this is well you know it was doing all kinds of yeah they were showing a lot worse to kids yeah this one has 18 million g-line be views pete rat gumai kant on g-ly beeline yeah that's nice it's so crazy that's not for kids so here you go surgery on the eyes and [ __ ] be right back okay donated twenty dollars said i just got here what is being sued thing about you're gonna have to get over here yeah start the episode over because any donations or comments we should be before we go uh well there was that one uh that i read off some when you guys had uh gone off actually one was for you ela when you were um recovering from the fart spray so i'll read it again uh eli you're absolutely glowing also i have to say general thank you uh to you ever since i told my nude modeling story on make ethan laugh i've actually been getting rehired non-stop you broke the curse oh great wow congratulations we're breaking curses left and right i'm glad that show helps someone yeah yeah there was no purpose it's a joke i like the twilight movies you guys want to watch this whole video together oh did you up update the title camera i think we gotta run ethan wrap it up oops or no no fart spread i think fart might be knocking okay either we're let's get out we'll go without you again zach is important no it's me that's me i'm spamming the uh thank you thank you thank you everyone actually we'll see you on monday live we're doing h3tv on monday and thursday tuesday families wednesdays off the rails thursdays day street tv fridays after dark we are not [ __ ] stopping five days a week you know what it is [Music] with more and e.t sharing life with the ring just see how low jimmy lee they said we wouldn't come back but you we always do embrace from the ashes like the peanuts on the flex back to two you're watching h2333 you're watching h2333 you're watching h 2 3 3 3 3 you're watching h 2 3 3 3.
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,662,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: SXxSAyvkYH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 20sec (9200 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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