H3 After Dark - #2

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Ok but these after dark episodes are super fun. I love the realness and I appreciate even hearing Hila and Ethan bicker because they are human and relationships have awkward moments. Makes me love them even more!

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/PankaPanka 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ethan: "oh no our chair squeaks!" Also Ethan: beating the mic like it owes him money. Some better callers this time around, well minus the wipe dude...

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/Hinkil 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Damn bro this episode was a banger, sign me up for that BacH3lor with SniffYou lol

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/Teman2001 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I ebb and flow in the same way as Zack. For two-three months I'll exercise everyday and eat healthy, lose a little weight. Then once I start feeling good, I'll have a cheat meal here or there, then it just turns into eating like shit for a month. Snacks and sandwiches are my downfall.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/snake_w_arms 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

i totally get what that dude does when he wipes his ass. 100% believe him. especially after he said it’s only about 1/2 an inch cuz truly that isn’t that deep. i don’t think i do it every time but if i feel like i really need the extra clean for some reason, i do. and the twist checks out.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

2 and a half hours of Ethan's GERD coughs later

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/terraesper 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Holy Shit! Starkilla is on h3h3 now! Best of luck AB. And, does anyone else think 4 episodes will be a bit much at this point, they should start focusing on quality over quantity

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/megatronus8010 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

The big bean is Trisha is pregnant with Moses baby. Trisha is going to be Theodore's aunt.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/VicenteSox 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Those auschwitz tiktoks really rubbed me the wrong way, Ethan and Hila were way too kind saying at least they had good intention. Nah man, they were straight up using a horrific moment in history to attention whore in hopes of a viral moment. Most of these fucking "challenges" are gross, but some more so than others. /ok boomer

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/socratesque 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
well we are back against all the odds here we are live uh we made it dude they said not only did they say we would never be back they said we would never be live again did they say anything about our set dude they said they would never change the set just for another kind of theme for the show but here we are you know in one week's time look what these guys whipped up dude we got a we got a makeshift led we got a cool ass back lighting and we're live in a cool dimly lit room after dark thematic what's up wow super excited i gotta tell you i was out really looking forward to today i really like these friday episodes i mean i know we only had one but i think it's a blast i had a lot of fun [Laughter] we have a heck of a show here today guaranteed to be demonetized i think i'm men spreading you you should come towards me oh for real thank you dude must have a big one ela to spread that wide yeah um the theme of of after dark of course is that we save all of the stuff we would have to usually cut from our episodes because it's going to get us demonetized or claimed or what have you and because of our gracious beautiful members that are supporting us directly we can basically just come here and let it rip before that though we have a special message from a friend of the show they sent this in for us to play yeah super nice to them here let me let me play this hey everyone it's me leafy is here i just want to say you should become a member of the h3 podcast it's only five dollars a month and worth every uh penny i put into it you should become a member too how do they do how do people do that i've been seeing these all around the internet lately like you take a photo and you can how what kind of freaky dark magic is this i don't know and this is uh this is the future so so our discord is like popping off the chain like we have brilliant minds in our discord somebody made this there right dan uh yeah it's a guy named cameron who's actually a meme master shout out to that guy he's been uh bringing a lot of fire recently he made the uh the mecca gatsby is this cam grant yeah oh what a legend yeah yeah uh actually there was another message though from a friend of the show just because the membership thing is such an important thing and our in our community and like it's just so we've been tapping all of our resources to get special messages so uh here's another one hello everybody it's me killer keemstar the news today is that it's more than worth it to invest in the h3 podcast if you become a member today for only five dollars a month you get all kinds of wonderful benefits wow that [ __ ] is so freaky it's so nice of him you get all kinds of yeah it's super nice for him to set aside his uh all his beefs excuse me jesus sorry about that everybody um well he made good on his promise to get the teddy fresh he's investing so it'll be his someday making me happy what's that keemstar i'm gonna take your kids college fund and it's making me happy yeah well i could see that why that would make you happy to uh target a one-year-old child but fair enough you know we've got so basically you last episode first of all how's everybody doing how's the chat how's everybody the chat is popping chat is popping everything up papa blesses thank you guys papa bless right back broke as [ __ ] but here's 25 dollars because i love you guys really nice come on probably shouldn't do that yeah wait for the stimulus check then give me that just kidding obviously uh thank you very much though so in the last episode of the podcast which um many of you guys may have seen we did a care and tier list and there was a few cans that were too uh not safe for life or work or whatever that we saved for today oh yeah okay i didn't know that yeah i did we're dude this show is so well integrated because i'm serious that we would have just cut this you would have never known about these violent crazy carrots i mean this is one of my favorite karen's she was like dragged her ass was dragged out of a store for not wearing a mask now the story is apparently she was like pepper spraying people before of course it happened in long beach long beach the oc is like what's what's the deal with the oc in california it's just south of los angeles and it's like bizarro los angeles where everyone there is like magga magadot i don't know it was probably all kinds of people there and you probably don't know what you're talking about uh it is a generalization but but i think it's like well we went boating there and every boat was like mega it depends on what part of well orange here's karen or oc karen get out of here get the [ __ ] out of here get out of here give me my keys get out get me my chair hands on everybody ripped off my watch she took a she just grabbed the bottle off the counter give me my keys oh my gosh [Applause] so i mean a woman is like an amazon warrior i gotta rewatch that but basically do we like this do we like the uh the explosion of the the thing is like i think if you just look at that you'll be like oh dude you know the left celebrating violence i think she was uh pepper spraying people and just acting a fool you know yeah but look listen i i don't have very much tolerance for these masked truthers i don't think they have a right to put the general public at risk like that no they don't and the consequences are actually big so so i would say in the words of uh little little uh zan zack what do what do we say attaboy get out right real quick uh correction here uh long beach is la county it's not actually obviously what yeah it's not what did you do no way it's orange county long beach long beach crypt orange county you better fact-check that long beach california dude the lbc long beach crypt welcome i love it because i have to do it because uh it's it's definitely oc well we cannot get anything right nobody cares like what's going on all right well see you guys welcome look what you've done it's gone oh man i can't believe that i look like i'm such an idiot well it's on the border i mean it it it's the next town over here so it's the best nobody cares they're like dude they're literally arguing about which cities in la county they're like wow who cares so somebody took her keys my favorite she's like she's so desperate to just grab grab onto anything she grabs a bottle she doesn't even know what it is behind right here look at this she's a bottle a cleaner i'm gonna squirt you thoughts get out fell asleep little zan um little zan little zach little zam we need thoughts on this get out wow jesus all right lil xan has taken too much xanax today yeah he's a little too chilled out so here's a yacht karen actually i haven't seen this one is this one super violent resorts to violence when she doesn't get her way this is one that a lot of people said you left this out um this is one's okay in the comments and stuff so uh keep sending us the ones we left out because we will do part two yes we are we already have a lot lined up for part two because people think there's racist becky is that oh becky's someone who's racist right i guess so karen's aren't by nature racist it's just becky's to get that i think karen is more uh whining i need to be mixed up yeah but i think the lines blur they're best friends karen and becky yeah there is no right for you to be here okay karen is it her slot no i'm confused i have to say whenever someone calls someone a karen in person to their face i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it and it takes away from it because it this guy's out there trying to prove this woman's a karen you have to let her prove she's a character yeah because you are being insulting and rude and then like hard to judge her that way yeah you can't be self-aware about it it needs to be it just it can't be tarnished like that so so this dude is losing points yeah the minute you call someone a karen when you're filming you become yourself a todd oh someone saying the guy version of karen should be kim kim the thing is such a weird name and his first name is dan so i don't know how dan did oh no i don't know daniel well what about the whole name daniel i don't want to do that to daniels okay we got you what else do you want we're difficult yeah but there's a lot of drama on the high seas the low seas really we got six feet here we're not six feet from ours oh get away oh they're too close on mother's day so it appears that they're in a slot next to them that they haven't officially reserved they're both neighbors how do you know they haven't reserved it because what you were saying about the number yeah because i he i i could be wrong about that i mean i might be making assumptions here but she doesn't like her there oh really your doc why are you like that good question we're being so nice to you this is not your mortgage if you paid more your vote here there would be no issues sir just go to your own glory what number this is 35. i like that soundbite [Laughter] really so what's the problem with 35 that you do not book this [ __ ] slot what is the problem what is your name [Applause] so now i'm going to call the police on you so now i'm going to have you here with my daughters i feel bad i don't know what's wrong with people man get out yeah uh maybe he did pay for it because i mean i don't know why i assumed i think i read that somewhere uh why are people like that i guess that's what he said too it's like why why do you have to be like oh she's got issues yeah but the whole family was getting down with it yeah that one was pretty high up there for sure actually the both of them were pretty high up there and there's one more predator karen what which sounds pretty badass oh this is a new one right see i didn't actually i actually saw this so should i start from this time stamp so what happens is leading up to that it's like to catch a predator so they're texting pretending to be an underage girl okay and she's texting with the girl saying that her and her husband want to hang out oh gross yeah and then the girl's like i'm 17 or something and she still continues to like invite her over even though she said her age and they she asked her like have you ever had sex before stuff like that so definitely like straight up chris hanson territory this is actually a new one i don't think i've ever seen the yeah the wife who's grooming for to bring back to the husband that's pretty interesting yeah okay fantastic well i see they've got receipts here uh they're just showing lots of receipts we don't need to watch all that it's pretty long definitely doing the the korean science oh let's see the here's the couple oh yeah that guy yeah you you that says all you need to know about this there's a few pictures of her so it it doesn't seem like you know someone just put up a fake photo it just actually does look like her who the light the lady that shows up karen predator yeah crain yeah here oh she looks crazy in that photo see google you gotta figure out okay they say can you send a pic with three fingers and she sends this oh you just played yourself karen predator talk to me baby came in quiet then talk to me baby that's right well she's under age then i don't again it's like what's the channel i wonder if we should say the name of the channel oh sure yeah d uh uh they had they have these like groups uh dap is a group focused on protecting the youth from dangers online what is the ap dads against predators oh i wish their name was dab instead of pete dap so they could dab on the predators so when when they confront them they're like you just got dabbed on [Laughter] be awesome but it's okay they're trying their best you know not everyone has a marketing genius all right so uh here we go this is exciting why do they got a groom i was like why do you gotta go for like a 167 trill just go on you would have no problem finding someone who would like to partake in that activity right zach like you wouldn't have to look for an underage girl they're saying dap is like ben shapiro's wife that dry ass [ __ ] i don't want to say it but you just did it that we gotta we need that rap song to be made got that dry ass [ __ ] need that vaseline wipe ben shapiro got that sex appeal uh uh no [ __ ] let's just move on how's it going i think you know why we feel like i've known people like her i can cause a scene if you don't want to be honest we're dads against predators okay you just got dabbed on me well i'm glad you're here right because the only reason i came down was the right people oh yeah yeah what's the what i have to wipe the phone so she comes up with the dumbest excuse she apparently asked the girl to come in anyway because she wanted to wipe the phone maybe wow no sense well it's really an admission of guilt because she's like she's like yeah they're just like yeah i gotta wipe my phone dude cause you're doing something wrong wasn't she because i don't understand why you wouldn't just go for somewhere i thought you wanted her to have fun with your husband and you were scared she was a cop no that's what you said yeah so that you could come so i could wipe your phone because why would you want to wipe his phone you knew she was you knew how old she was you kept on saying i'm scared i i don't want the cops to come i don't want to get in then this is not the time for this kind of captivity i mean that's not exactly cool i don't think it's cool to meet up with children look how beautiful then this is let me speak okay i'll let you speak i'm sorry that's why if you're not getting yeah no i see the the the crossover bring her up there should i watch this whole thing how good does this go it's the same thing more of that she just doesn't let go let me skip ahead because i'm surprised they talked for so long i would just bail i was like okay you got me you know what i mean they'd stay there you got me i was trying to [ __ ] a kid you know look how beautiful she is that's just very good that's ridiculous why would you ask her whatever what have you done with the child like what have you done with the girls why would you ask her then i wasn't meaning to ask her that who was meaning to ask i was meaning to ask somebody else oh he accidentally sent that actually i can show you how many different girls i've already asked that okay so how many of them are underage [Music] [Music] luck without that but all right i'm over it yeah pretty epic we got any donation don't knows anything to to read off i don't want to uh yeah i don't want to neglect our good uh fair supporters here uh you look healthy as [ __ ] inspired me to try the feeding window how has that been treating you how's that been treating you well are you even doing the window i was for for a minute i was doing the feeding window which was like i had like a six hour feeding window yeah it was going good for a minute but like here's what happened when i fell into what you went out the door i walked out never looked back i went for 40 ounces and never returned uh here's what happened is like i was doing it for two weeks and then it was hard but i was really committed and i stepped on the scale and i lost like you know two three pounds and i was like dude i was like i'm so disappointed that that's all i've lost that being said i wasn't committed i wasn't exercising and i was kind of like during that window i was going a little window wild so i don't think i did it well right holy [ __ ] bro oh yeah but i really want to i'm just dude i hate being fat so much and i'm just i really want to to lose weight i feel like i don't want a trainer you should get a trainer i don't like trainers why not because it's like they just tell you to do the [ __ ] you already know it's just just by peer pressure pressure is the important part okay no run run around the building it's like okay cool but are you doing no do a push-up it's like i could have done all that at home but but you don't it's like a whole schlep you get you go to the trainer then they tell you okay now what you need to do now what you need to do is do 10 push-ups i'll be like oh dude that's epic that he told me to do 10 push-ups first of all i just want to say that you're actually getting um compliments kendra said that you're more attractive now than ever because i'm oh oh that's a lady yeah ila does not share that opinion and frankly i don't blame her you should see me with my shirt off kendra i don't i look like a tub of butter it's not that simple i just i do want you to get healthier and you can think that it's an excuse but i truly think that you should get healthier right now there's nothing first of all i know that you're i know that that's your but there's nothing wrong with saying look dude you're fat and i don't want to [ __ ] you i wouldn't say you know what ela said she said the other day because we're trying to get pregnant again and so you can imagine a lot of fornicating oh i have a feeling you didn't understand me i already know where you're going and she said to me dude you gotta lose weight because oh that i have back pain because you're so fat and you mount me that might be the sign yeah no i i took that seriously i took that seriously is is there like a certain position that increases your chances of getting pregnant more no i don't think that's [ __ ] but um great let's share everything well it's just a funny anecdote you know it's relevant to uh what we're talking about i think you should get a trainer hate it all you want that's the purpose they make you exercise right now you're not exercising okay dude no you're gonna do ten uh jumping jacks exactly i've been and then you do it i'm gonna it's gonna happen and everyone's gonna be super proud of me and fantasizing just donated 50 said bro go to a trainer i was skeptical like you but it works oh thank you for 50 bucks on me yeah thank you for the donation he's just paid for my first now you have to thank you man now you're obligated well i'll tell you i went to a trainer i've done i've tried it before like years ago yeah yeah no i tried it and i mean it's good but like the whole schlep of it of like going and then they can come back so okay dude here's what we need to do today we're gonna do one pull-up run around the house and then do 20 jumping jacks great i'll be like [ __ ] you i can do that i don't need you here what was the last time you done that never last time i had a trainer imagine you get all yolk though like yolked ethan what's that like you get all shredded looking all yolked i'm not gonna get dreaded uh that will never happen i want him too but i it's but i would like to lose a lot of weight you know i look back at my old videos when i was um a fair bit skinnier and i'd be like i'd suck his dick [Laughter] yeah yeah but what's what's weird is that even then i thought i was fat yeah that is weird because now when i look at it too you look totally skinny yeah it looks super like good and healthy you know it's funny how that is i think um there's a lot of requests for that air or maybe it's just the same person how many people we got why are you going to put all these people through dead air i mean as soon as i said it i realized maybe it's just the same person you want me just one it's the one guy he's asked like 200 times okay no dead air bro you go go watch static we got a 50 donation from ryan kelly who said we better be seeing mayo on dan's dome today first of all thank you for the 50 donation we've been talking a lot about this we're definitely going to get mayo on dan's dome it's just a matter of when you just put 50 on it yeah do you not care about our fans wasted your money bro oh my goodness stop don't be rude well he dan said he'd do it for charity uh yeah i guess like if we raise like a huge uh it's just so you guys are you're you're over hyping it it's not going to be that good it's not going to be worse zach had a bunch of hair it was hilarious because it got all stuck no but you have a no you have this weird mayonnaise version it's up to us to enjoy it and we will enjoy it yeah it'll be amazing sorry guys i got this anyway your garf your garfield or what did you call it oh my my gerds gerds your drinks it's what you call the acid reflux disease that i have gerd gang i got to do something with the gerd gang right is that can someone fact check me on that gerd it is gerd yes what does it stand for uh gastric we got another 50 donation gastroesophageal reflux disease gang good game how many of my peeps in the chat got that girl gert is hard as [ __ ] oh my god i'm sorry i'll be just so oh what's going on man there's a lot of requests for trisha moses update well all right i'm just gonna let the should i just get should i just build the beans trish and moses should i just spill the [ __ ] wait what kind of bin the big beans no you don't want to spill the big bean you can i can't take the garbanzo bean but we're gonna have trisha on soon but they're actually doing well i have to say it seems like they're happily dating that they're actually just a couple and so i just kind of i'm been forced to accept that i don't know if this is so happy for them i just i think the biggest problem was the confusion around everything the whole time the secrecy the confusion yeah we're right moses kept denying it to you guys right and then yeah he would say yeah he would go we're just friends and then all of a sudden they make a tick tock together where she's voicing a 12 year old girl you remember that [ __ ] that's so weird and moses is like daddy disciplining 12 year old i mean anyway they're dating so i'm happy they actually sound really cute together it's crazy yeah i have to admit that there's some weird actual chemistry between the two of them somehow she's going to come on we're going to talk about it in more detail but when he told us we realized season 2 worked out again that's the epiphany the bachelor is so far 100 successful you never know what's gonna happen on this show think about it ian is now dating sam who moved cross country to be with him they lived together now moses and trisha this is a love connection that would have never happened in a billion years but through the magic of the h3 bachelor we've we've forged two successful impossible loves clap those cheeks yeah so i think that's pretty exciting but we're gonna have her on we're gonna talk about it and uh there's actually some really other exciting news but these guys are saying i can't announce it well you gotta live some stuff show your whole hand no why not they're saying no they're vetoing guys sorry but you'll find out soon enough but it's good it's exciting oh my god this is unwatchable the gerd man all right what else we got um h3 all-star can i watch this or is this i mean i guess we can [ __ ] it what is that is this good the h3 all-star cover i mean it's what you think it is all right here we go history podcast forever [Music] [Music] is you'll never know that far off [Applause] i think it's a good remix we started really strong and it was very impressive it was so it's actually related to the news now right oh yeah we have a news story about that um which is out of order but here it is so we goofed on a smash mouth shrek mouth because they were at the sturgis biker gang not a biker game just a biking convention i assume everyone who's on a bike is a dangerous criminal so they played at the show they screamed [ __ ] covet and all that well you gotta love it sturgis show connected to over a hundred covid 19 cases and now sturgis is a coveted hot spot oh my god hey now you've got covid i saw someone say um i ain't the sharpest tool in the shed yeah right that's a lyric man i ain't the sharpest tool in the shirt well i was coughing in the crowded sturgeon by the way imagine risking your life to see smash mouth like holy damn it's smash mouth dude the shrek guys there's all kinds of funny comments somebody once told me kovid was gonna roll me i ain't the sharpest tool in the shed while she was looking kind of dumb with her several symptoms a cough fatigue and burning forehead oh he's got the whole thing well her breath stops coming and the coughs keep coming federer no rules and i ignore what the state's well fed has no rules so i ignore the states while humming why are you reading tweets oh let's show oily did it make sense not to live for fun my mask is half off because my brain is dumb kovid for you for me it's inevitable so let's go to the beach we'll never know because we won't test we'll never ventilate because we won't rest yeah i just started you think mine was i might do mine oh my god um somebody donated 250 uh czar i don't know what that was did you just give me czars currency let's see azar is a south african rand so a south african dollar essentially so how what is that i don't know i didn't do the conversion but well why tell me how much what is the message well i want to know how much it is maybe it's just a dollar fifty i mean okay okay star killer came through it's fifteen dollars okay thank you very generous but but more importantly he said dan should mail up that dome if ethan reaches his weight loss goal dan and uh i could agree to that so what is my goal i would mail my dome whoa everyone males they're dumb yeah but i gotta share bed with you that's not that great you're gonna stink like mayo and i gotta sleep next to you we gotta get out of zac's hair eventually yeah okay so what's the goal that's gonna hate it what's the goal what is your goal well there's like too crazy where are you at right now dude like 220. so let's get down i mean 200. get if you can get below 200. i mean like my real big goal is like 170 that's what i used to be like back in israel 190. no one no no 200. okay 200 for the mail about below 200 let's make it that no no no 1.99 don't move the bar you said 200. all right let's under 200 undertook another 50 donation from the comedy crew dan get that mayo well there's a lot of movement for this so it's 200. robin is asking me if it's a problem when ethan coughs in public it doesn't happen that much actually but we always wear a mask so i hate it i mean i i i listen back and it's like unwatchable these [ __ ] it really got worse lately i don't know it's a new thing that we need to figure out why it's happening like i do i just need to get up and walk out of the room when i cough because i i don't want this to be unwashable for everybody who's like dude i can't i don't want to listen to some dude call for three hours um i'm just gonna i'm just gonna get up and walk out what were we talking about um so what is your goal 200 200 200. dan okay if you get under or no fine at 200. i'm effectively saying the same thing i'm saying 199 yeah but that's a big precipice don't [ __ ] one extra pound don't take anything away from me you could totally do two uh 21 pounds you could totally do that all right zach you want to lose it for me i would if i could actually exactly 1999 [Laughter] once i get to 200 i'll set up another milestone you can get to 200 and i will mail yeah okay how about this dan 200 and then if i get below two if i get to 180 you have to cov you have to put on the speedo and cover your whole body in mayo no i would never agree to that why not [Laughter] we're dropping the three it's just h the eight show the h will be that air show the a stands for dead air and we'll see about that i think we'll get i mean we're gonna if my goal is to get dan in a kiddie pool covered in mail that's not gonna happen dude even if i lose 50 [ __ ] pounds maybe um wow i agree we why are you already trying to raise the bar on one goal at a time yeah okay wait if dan if he if he loses 50 pounds he wouldn't get in a pool of mayonnaise yeah how about you do it of course that's fine i would absolutely do that all right he's gonna get in a speedo and he'll get into a kiddie pool you really don't think zach would do that i don't think he'll do it he will do it too no but it has to be damp you and i gets get some men's thongs [Laughter] [ __ ] shave the ass cheeks all that [ __ ] man um a lot of people are saying the coffee is part of your brand so don't worry no but like i'm telling you like the last episode we did it was the um i talked about it you know we just filmed a podcast with cody cole sorry to caillou but um joshua is saying if bro if you lose weight you won't get all the the gerd yeah it could help because the fat puts a lot of pressure on my stomach you snore at night ethan no i don't snore i i breathe perfectly fine very silent sleeper yeah dan set me up a kill button so when i cough i push the kill button but eli didn't have one so what was happening is like i was coughing way more than i usually would because i would hit the kill button i'd be like but then elo's mic was picking it up like totally fine we sit so close we didn't realize like it will just yeah on mine but i just saw a lot of comments of people like this this is unwatchable the dude's just coffee and i'm like you're right i listened to it and i was like this is horrible so you guys are generous but like you guys are also the more dedicated viewers let's be honest so thank you guys for the forgiveness but at the end of the day you know gerd gang oh i should introduce um a b don't you think yeah just real quick i'm seeing i guess uh i think the stream dropped out for a second or something people were saying f because i think the stream started lagging or something but i think it's back yeah people are saying they're back it looks like it on eli's computer yeah it's live on my computer so i don't know everybody's typing f is that uh something yeah okay they're saying we're good now rest in peace but the the youtube the way that they encode it is genius because it just okay we're good i think we're good yeah people are saying it's bad okay so uh abs with us here let me pull up zoom so i can talk to him we got a new uh crew member with us oh god zoom is so annoying with this like little floaty [ __ ] i can't get out oh let me just click this all right av just uh say hi hello so a b is joining us um we're stepping up our episode edge and we are yeah i can't i don't know it's right here but i can't drag it oh there it goes thank you let's see we're stepping up our episode age to be honest with you guys we're doing three a week now but for a week is right around the corner and um that's what's up dude four per week so starkiller here as some of you may know him but av we've talked about him before yeah he's just sam starkiller are you age three i i am i'm obviously number one simp are you though because i know you're fans of other youtubers like just be totally honest which one who's your favorite youtuber and don't you don't have to lie and say it's me uh no it's it's between you and casey neistat i think it was kind of even but now i'm leaning towards you guys well i gave you a job it better be i'm kidding i'm playing what do you love so what do you love about casey um just i don't know he's uh his content i feel like he's actually a revolutionary of a genre definitely yeah yeah he's a super talent he's a freak of nature sure he doesn't sleep he does like a million things in one day he sleeps for three hours yeah you do that don't tell me you do that because of casey no no no i've always been that way my parents don't sleep and i'm a lot worse than them so really runs in the family yeah are you sl you're not sleepy all the time no i mean now that i'm getting a little older i start to feel it a little bit more but when i was younger i could go a day or two without yeah didn't bother me at all is it cause trouble in your relationship because you are married uh you don't sleep i mean it's gotta be odd not to be on the same cycle no thankfully uh lina she's a heavy sleeper so i don't wake her up in the middle of the night so it's and i'm up whenever she wakes up i'm a light sleeper too so if i hear anything i'll wake up that sounds it's always like a blessing and a curse do you wish that you slept normally are you happy you do i definitely wish yeah oh i hate it does it just get lonely in the middle of the night what do you hate about it um yeah i mean yeah it's i mean i'm definitely exhausted a little bit now i'm like i said i'm feeling it more but yeah it does get lonely a little bit and i feel bad making so much noise and i can't do anything but wow i am productive though nice because like the night hours for me or the is the best time to work or do anything creative like the dude doesn't sleep [Music] [Laughter] trying to find the good in it he's miserable look at him people on the discord are calling me sexy baby oh thank you he's married guys he is taken so yeah well abe uh he basically sent me some research when we were just casually talking and i was really impressed so i said hey you want to come uh you're looking for a job because we needed another person basically for specifically that so here he is he just joined and uh we'll be seeing more of a b the insomniac oh also thank you for having me credit to him uh he helped out uh setting up all these lights yeah he did so if you're digging the the color scheme we got here uh that was his contribution absolutely thank you dan glad to be part of the team you guys are all very uh very surreal but you guys are all very sweet and you guys helped me feel very welcome and i appreciate it that'll be here don't worry i'm just gonna ask you would you get in that pool of mayonnaise with a thong on would you do it i'd do anything for ethan so that's yeah that'll be interesting to test his limits as we as we've been i'll do anything zach does how about that yeah because i know that zach's a ride or die yeah and it's easy to say that maybe but we'll see as as the show progresses we haven't asked ian what did what would the end do with mayonnaise ian would do nothing did he ends up in i mean ian would you get in a pool with mayonnaise for 50 pounds of weight loss wait why would i do that well that's not the premise i don't know for our blazer yeah just what is the benefit of it it's entertainment dude we're a show we entertain people you're supposed to suffer and we're supposed to have fun watching i mean i'm cool you said that's a no that sounds like maybe if i like if we all said our if we all had weight loss goals and then each other all had to jump in mayo i would do it i mean i would do it of course show off my beautiful new body all right let's get rid of you guys love you guys thank you i did not like it no of course not um so oh this this is a flop that i definitely couldn't show in our normal episode um this guy this was one right which one is this this is the guy who says a anti-gay slur while live on a hot yeah right so the premise is that he's an announcer for the reds and he thinks his mics off but it's on and he says something really horrific about gay people and then during the same game he gets fired and he gives up an apology during the same game wow and what's funny to me is he keeps announcing during his apology and then he's just bounce it's crazy man i never see anything like this in the world he said it very hatefully too live the pregame the [ __ ] capitals of the world red's live the free game [Music] maybe just don't even say that yeah you know path for the fifth inning castellanos to lead things off jim day's gonna be taking us the rest of the way through this game as holland takes over on the mound um i made a comment earlier tonight that i guess went out over the year that i am deeply ashamed of if i have hurt anyone out there i can't tell you how much i say from the bottom of my heart i'm so very very sorry i pride myself and think of myself as a a man of faith because there's a drive in a deep left field by castilla i mean listen you don't want to miss the play they're like dude but they're probably like they're like dude you gotta wrap it up they're like you gotta get out of there now they just they dropped him like so fast i've never seen anything like it they couldn't even wait till the end of the game i mean look at this is the uh oh the fifth so like yeah it took half the game basically right he still now so that'll make it a four-nothing ball four-nothing game i said i am a man of faith i said something that was deeply offensive high fly ball i don't know if i'd be putting on this headset again i don't know if it's going to be for the reds i don't know if it's going to be for my bosses at fox i want to apologize for the people who sign my paycheck for the reds for fox sports ohio for the people i work with for anybody that i've offended here tonight i can't begin to tell you how deeply sorry i am that is not who i am uh and never has been so it was just 30 minutes ago i can i can kind of relate where it's like i think i know what he's i i do feel kind of bad for him like his life just got totally [ __ ] ruined from one and it was a by the way a horrible thing to say but sometimes you just have these moments of clarity at the worst time because sometimes you'll be at a party and you'll say something like that but the guy's old i mean she knows better this isn't a young man in broadcast it's like you gotta break in front of your face good point i mean it's not something you would just say no not even if we weren't live you know what i mean you just don't really say that no but like maybe he's me and in his mind he's like this is only something i would say to my closest friends who know i'm not hateful in my heart maybe but like maybe upon self-reflection he's like it takes some time to be like damn i shouldn't be saying that at all yeah and he got he i don't maybe i'm giving it to i mean the dude's life just got ruined yeah high fly ball but either he's still calling the game it's so good either way it's epic and i'd like to think maybe i could have some people that uh they could back that up everyone's like nah dude i am very very sorry you know how hard it is to get a job announcing baseball that's like one of the most competitive least amount of people doing it like opportunities to do it dude yeah i fly ball trying to see if there's an update because i see that he was suspended oh interesting but i don't see any update since a week ago so i'm not sure if he's fully fired or suspended or what yeah i think that's a see you later forever i mean it seems like people are saying they think he is a hateful person oh they know him okay so so again lots of bi dogs uh here's a list here's something special for you guys uh this one's dedicated to dan to me too yeah okay you know why zach yeah i get it i want to talk about feet now is your time dude was just cruising and piled over and look what he saw man oh you know it's crazy i gotta go back look at the girls not she's just browsing her phone she i thought she was recording maybe but she's just on her phone she's like on twitter he's eating that [ __ ] like a subway sandwich bro who's supposed to be enjoying it she already him dude look you see the way he's devouring that thing you think she's getting any pleasure in that it's like browsing facebook yeah i think he probably even paid her oh what yeah they're in a gas station oh my god yeah he definitely paid her for that i'm into it that's probably a really good gig for a prostitute just like you once took my feet cool wow i'll browse twitter bro what you doing ah that's one of the greatest greatest greatest i almost got a lot yeah i love how disengaged she is with it oh my god doing bro what you doing oh wait this is like a service vehicle look there's lights on top he's like a government employee crazy hey you know what he's not hurting anyone he's just sucking toe yeah yeah that's not kink shame here you can even suck tell him public it's not necessarily i don't even think it's illegal i'm into it back then i kind of i'll to be honest i kind of want a subway sandwich now gross i'm not kidding that is insane you made me hungry i i'm pretty close to puking and i never even puke so the fact that that made me made you hungry there's something wrong i want a subway sandwich spicy italian with mayonnaise you need a trainer [Laughter] does that sound good right now no okay sounds fantastic right now yeah exactly you know you're just thinking about toes no i i just i saw he was when i said subway sandwich i was like that's what i want know your way around some meat y'all um is there any donors to read or members to think there's a hundred dollar one from jacqueline cody podcast uh leaves it all and goes to the pool oh because she wasn't there okay right and then a fifty dollar wait what did she say she said uh cody pocos podcast ila leaves and it all goes to the pool what does that mean it all goes to the pool i think his expression like it goes to [ __ ] oh well come on it wasn't that bad was it no it wasn't bad at all oh these chairs are squeaky dan wait i just realized we've been squeaking the whole time can you hear it uh i don't know audience have you been hearing the squeeze listen to this [ __ ] i gotta change chairs we gotta throw these out can you hear this now i'm concentrating on it okay are you getting the chairs okay ethan went to eat he's eating [Music] do you see what i'm talking about there's a problem here all right in the meantime i'm going to read a few more donations we got uh they don't hear the squeak season yeah nobody's saying they heard it at all okay but uh we got a 25 donation from miguel hey big fan of you guys i don't care what other people think about you i'll always support you too that is very sweet thank you thank you 50 where did all the bell delphine stuff end up uh also can we see that simp sign lit up somewhere it's actually sitting right all this stuff is here oh you know what i found out that sim sign was in her famous music video oh it was in the background of it also it was actually a historical prop she sent us 50 from antonio i use a technique to wipe my butt that you've almost certainly never heard of before what i think it's a game changer i'll be happy to explain it to you all if you're interested get them on get them on this card now what could it be and i'm over 18. get him on now jesus uh steep uh steep garbage is the garbage yeah if you want to see if you can find a man get him on all right bringing him in now hold on okay get him on uh while he's queueing that up uh by the way seventy dollar one love you guys dan get that mayo get that mayo dan it's gonna happen it's up to me now though fifty dollars hey guys we're a huge fan of yours we are video game music cover band from around from rhode island our new fall guys music video is over on our youtube has some slick teddy fresh in it and that's lame genie so uh check it out everybody thank you lame genie appreciate the uh buckaroonies uh huge shout out to ian zack and dan for keeping h3 afloat giving us a lot of credit i don't know keeping well you guys do a lot i mean you know especially we're ramping up the episodes and i mean we're not gonna lie it's been a busy week it's been a very busy week uh and i just moved oh i just moved that guy into the chat can you hear me steve okay hang on hang on hang on who do we have how's it going um my name is antonio okay and uh so antonio antonio says he's got a unique wiping technique that we've probably never heard of so all my friends think i'm crazy for this and uh i feel like uh this is a good platform to maybe see if there's anybody else in the world uh that does the same so okay so my i know you guys are kind of a connoisseur of ass hygiene if you will um is it coming so loud i see someone said yeah okay sorry yeah no worries go ahead um okay so the way i see it there's like two categories there's like surface hygiene and there's inner hygiene right there's there's the hot you don't you want you want clean on the surface but you also want clean where the sun don't shine okay so that digging in there i mean i follow but what's the technique okay so the technique i'm getting to it i'm getting to it first of all setting the stage i stand up i'm i'm a standing up kind of guy and i'm from the back so already i'm i'm in pretty stark contrast to you ethan but that's okay yeah but that seems like a relatively normal way to walk here we go so what you got to do is after you're done with the surface cleanliness yeah you bloop about a half an inch maybe a little more of your finger into the into the pit of despair you so you're standing up straight and then once it's in you bend at the waist downward and it induces a torque you don't want to why i 100 do that and let me tell you why because if what are you going to do just like scoop it it doesn't work the twisting motion is what really gets you no you don't do that you're bullshitting us 100 i swear i swear why are you concerned with cleaning the inside of your colon to what benefit is that it's not my colon i'm not like sticking my whole well inside your [ __ ] i mean why do you need to clean inside your [ __ ] because i don't want to get itchy ass dude that's like dude you get you get itchy ass by fingering your [ __ ] dry with toilet paper oh oh look at me i'm eating i've got a fancy bidet i don't have these dude i didn't the bidet is relatively new and i'm trying to i'm trying to educate you on this new technique maybe it'll help the people because first you stand up straight and then you bend at the waist downward and then that that maybe twists it counterclockwise and then you start bent and you stand up straight and it twists it both directions are you using are you using toilet paper or baby wipes how can i'll tell you what's wrong with this toilet paper on the finger yeah this doesn't add up to it i'm sorry this story doesn't make sense how could toilet paper endure that much friction well you got it you got a layer you got to give a couple layers you're not going to go like that you could you're going into your [ __ ] with several layers this doesn't make sense bro let me ask you if you're if you're washing a car are you going to like just go up and down or you're going to do like a circular motion it's that twisting that really gets it clean dude okay let me ask you this when you wash your car let me ask you this when you wash your car do you clean all way up the tailpipe no it doesn't matter well no well i don't have to deal with feeling all the way up the tailpipe of my car i don't know if i believe you dude but i i i promise you and i wanna i wanna know if there's anybody else out there that does this i mean the chat is all saying you're lying i mean dude i think i'll just go out on a limb and say if you're telling the truth you might be the only one dude how long have you been wiping that way i i maybe started doing it a few years ago um and it you know it solved it solved all of my wiping problems so what does your finger ever smell no no i washed my hands thank you very much let me ask you what was the necessity for going in there and scooping and turning and twisting and all that and twerking well because if you if you don't get the dookie from the inside it's still in there bro you know that's where it belongs that's your [ __ ] i mean that's not a problem i'm surprised but but if it works for you man people are saying get him off i will say well i will say this before we uh before we drop you okay thank you for the call i think it's i'm always interested in hearing all the different techniques so i do thank you for calling in and sharing that night and i am excited to hearing other techniques if they're out there but don't lie to me i would never lie to you all right thank you i believe you all right thank you for calling right thank you that guy's such a [ __ ] liar [Laughter] no i i mean he sounded serious but it just seems a little fun the thing is when you if you d like going in with one is enough because i when you i've there was a bit of a time in my life where you kind of scoop in there a little bit you really don't need to do that but like to plug to super layer it and scoop that seems that doesn't seem right what do the people think do you think he's lying the the chat overwhelmingly seem to say that he's lying but there's i mean a few i see i believe him he's not lying i give him a no yeah some people are saying twist gang they're part of this game twist gang gerd gang well i think i believe him you believe it zach yeah zach probably done it you are the most gullible member of the cast so what do we got here yeah i really have to pee can you just take over elo man i have to pee too but i'm holding it well i can't hold it just piss yourself it's all good uh there's a bathroom right here just read don't hate me i don't know talk to the chat donations what do we got here um so i'm professional i named this method the tony twist that's pretty good that guy's name is uh if you think that's disgusting you should listen to what people in rural india do i i don't know i don't know if we can talk about that uh let's see what else we got here um there were some teddy fresh questions like one asked about this shirt it will come out later i think next month maybe oh soon it's pretty soon yeah it's not uh sometimes you wear stuff it's like oh yeah this will be out in a year so yeah um have ethan search for 2018 mr olympia on youtube and give his reaction to professional bodybuilders on stage it would be hilarious to see his reaction to these guys uh i'm assuming that's like the crazy uh mr olympia oh yeah right that's like what uh that's what arnold was right yeah uh okay uh it's wild let's see the super chats i [ __ ] hate this it's like con anytime a new one comes in it bumps it around so i'm like trying to click and it makes it real difficult all right jacqueline to be clear my poo comment was about the amount of chat debating the front and back wiper it was a pun nothing but love for you guys oh well i think the problem was was that you had a typo you said pool not poo oh oh that comment yeah um i know you didn't you said pooh all right forgive me jacqueline we did with ethan wanting to do more episodes um i'm just gonna have to not be in all of them because i do have to attend study fresh so yeah you guys don't realize how that works time is occupied by that so that's just gonna it's gonna be a new reality but i think that's kind of nice too to have a variety oh we're gonna have a variety so we've got carton arc we've got uh pocket [ __ ] review oh this is someone from discord that uses a pocket [ __ ] no hey guys welcome to review no no no i watched it it it wasn't as good as as i was hoping because i thought it was real but the guy's joking oh yeah okay i'm gonna ask if we would like them to get on and tell us about their heart tran transplant story that sounds pretty interesting yeah sure yeah i'd love to hear about a heart transplant that sounds incredibly uh sounds incredible uh tf scrubs for the nurses that's interesting can you wear whatever you want like like can it be color blocked or can there be logo logo on it i don't know what's the uh that's a good question so you should we do carton arcs i feel like this is safe for like a normal app you know what i mean like this is good stuff the carton arc all praised the carton our could be somebody just asked uh if the episodes without ela can dan sit next to ethan well for one i'm i'm running the the yeah when he's actually doing stuff i'm doing stuff and and two uh even though i'm here with them uh we're staying distanced and everything because i'm trying not to give them covet so uh probably uh can't really sit over there so um this was a clip we've been wanting to watch forever and we've just always not included it because we're like well this is like a dude dying i mean it's not graphic or grim or you don't see anything but it it's weird too because it's also like hilarious so you're very conflicted because it's like a dude dies but it's also like somehow funny that's the ones that we were like we can't watch yeah do we know for sure this person died i remember reading that and maybe one of you guys can fact check that we don't know for sure i don't think we do no i think i think i read he died should we i know this is the after dark but that's still just a comment well it doesn't it doesn't show i mean you don't see him any there's not graphic in any way it's just i think i read an article that he died i yeah he died he died but i know but i'm saying it's weird because wait till you see the clip um it's a hell of a clip and that's what after dark's all about yeah you know you tell me if this is funny or not it's very bizarre so let's go ahead and watch i mean look at the title it's called mobility scooter elevator fail epic well i guess it's funnier when you realize he didn't die but when you watch it you're like oh he died for sure but here you just go ahead and watch and try not to laugh challenge neither papa john laughs elevator uh going down but this homie uh he is not cool with missing the ride and he'll be god damned if that elevator takes off without him and it's hard to even explain what he was thinking yeah he just goes alright see you later you see it is funny i mean it's just so stupid like it reminds me of that scene from uh willy wonka where the sh they have that good egg bad egg for verruckle assault the way it happened it's like and then the door closes on him like nothing happened but the he see he he had a chance to back out because he rams it once where he doesn't go in but you should be like [ __ ] that's terrifying but he's like nah dude today's a good day to die bye see you later oh my god wait back it up show one more time yeah i mean is it funny or tragic i guess it's both i couldn't help but laugh but it's a mixed reaction here is he suicidal i mean is he trying to die i mean there's really no way at that point i would be terrified but it's almost like he holds the gas on too because watch he's like he goes and then he's like see ya jesus you know hell of a ride huh wow it's like harold and mod so actually people are saying we've shown this already that's what i thought i thought we showed it i said you guys haven't we shown this and they all said no we cut it out i swear i knew we showed this i thought we did cut it out i thought yeah didn't we cut it i mean people are saying we should clearly not wow some show this is [Laughter] uh this guy throws trashman at sleeping dude recommended from uh discord by nico what what what are they doing some homie just fell asleep on the john why would you even look over i guess it's probably because they were wanting to take a [ __ ] or something and then oh my god imagine you're at work and you're like i got a dump somebody's in there you come back in 20 minutes it's still you look under the stall there's feet but they haven't seemed to move you just see some dudes [Laughter] i've been that tired man i could see myself doing that in a previous life oh this sounds brutal i think i've seen this one's actually almost just violent and not funny or interesting i've seen this one it's horrific you can tell what's about to happen a forklift right here and girl on bike riding right into it it's not it's horrific oh i'm pretty sure she got like gg'd as well wait but the dude falling down the elevator shaft is not horrific well you don't you're not seeing i feel like the fact that also i can't see the impact also i feel like this is not her fault that dude literally just uh you know peaced out on this road yeah fair enough fair enough more intention behind that i don't think i'm gonna watch it you guys yeah it's not really funny it's just more i'm out i'm out we're skipping oh here's an interesting trend okay so tick tock continues to d uh to not make sense to me in any way but there's this new trend on tick tock where people cosplay as holocaust victims as a way to bring awareness i guess but they dressing up as holocaust victims like like in a glamorous way uh it's [ __ ] crazy and weird bro yeah here check it out she's pretty her eyes let's keep her i want her body what's your number [Music] wait yeah this one i don't get why this one's here this one for sure so it says name julia age 19 cause of death this one looks like [Music] cause of death i was put in auschwitz camp at 19 and my family we were forced to work it was painful exhausting we were also tortured this tick tock really [Laughter] we were told it was because our religion oh no she did a fake yuda star go to the shower my mom and i were holding hands i felt as though i know i oh this one's awesome how did you die why do you look like that i died in a gas chamber in auschwitz i am so sorry is there like music usually what's happening i muted it i'm afraid we'll get blocked by one of these [ __ ] i'll give you a taste it's just it's they're lip syncing anyway yeah but it's kind of hard to get the full you want me to do it i'll play it down i'll give a [ __ ] i was in home making a stew and the nazis came and they broke down my door i mean what are we doing here they started kicking me and beating me out of my home they shoved us on a train with a bunch of other people from my town is this like well i guess it's well-intentioned but bizarre yeah i mean definitely well-intentioned but jeez outfits right right now that's come on dude all right come on how is this right that's [ __ ] up bro one trend i would have never thought would happen yo bro you want to do the died in auschwitz tick tock challenge [Music] oh my god there's so many of them you're in heaven we're happy to have you here i like how i stopped really doing anything yeah she's got soot all over her face i mean she died or by the way you show up in heaven like with sit on your face what kind of [ __ ] is that you gotta take a shower but he's supposed to show up immaculately yes dear but don't worry you'll like it here how did you die why is she so stoked i died in the holocaust oh i'm so sorry would you mind telling me about it not at all i was i was a young girl with a jewish family people are saying the education system really failed us i know we're it's a shame we're turning to tick tock for our if this shows up on your tick tock feed that's your fault yeah what do you want what do you watch to get this recommended we were told to wait in a line for bread [Music] challenge vibes totally welcome to heaven i guess that's me looks like she got a herpe though i don't think that's part of the challenge can you tell me your story yeah i died in the hall so i died in the holocaust i love that yeah so i died in the holocaust that's what it says you're in heaven don't worry oh oh what uh oh what is it little boy it's a girl i'm fine yeah exactly exactly you can't let me down with a tick tock is our home sound by zach zack zack zack zack jack i can't hear you because the video was like dampening everything through zoom oh he couldn't hear you over the sound zach zach we said oh tick tock is our home tick tock is my home exactly proud member i died of starvation and exhaustion tick tock is not going anywhere right oh my god dude you really couldn't even like try to look he's prisoner three four seven guard you'll be leaving and five why does it feel so weird i just can't even understand because well a dude like this doesn't care about the [ __ ] holocaust and look at his hair and he's wearing like a nike like button-up shirt [Music] let's check up here [Music] that's it what is going on tick tock is just weird oh what she like she went back in time tick tock is my home how is the song related what guy's name is this is she she put paper on her cuts i guess at least they're trying to make the holocaust i give you a part of like a cool trend i give props to everyone but this guy making the hall that's something that's never happened yeah i agree at least they're saying that it happened yeah there's enough people out there to say it didn't even happen at least they're not saying it didn't happen that's already big ups yeah no i agree they're in the right place but it's just a bizarre trend i was just surprised by it it's just for me it's like super funny in israel it's like i don't know you would never think to see something like that but anywhere i'm shocked by it i mean i think in in germany this shit's like illegal to even like spring up hi i was supposed to show him how to ride a bike dude you gotta if you can tired bro if you're gonna do this whole auschwitz thing though you gotta try a little harder than this oh yeah what does this guy even do i mean this this shit's stupid all right we had some other music i told him it was a game of hide-and-seek i can't handle this [ __ ] dude if you are in auschwitz why is this song the auschwitz i can't do it tick tock is my home yeah any shame if anything happened to tick tock wouldn't it sure go pee okay uh this is vin diesel uh his face is in the toilet and he goes gross i'm fine how am i supposed to do this interview look at this woman you want to read some comments off thank you to all the members i just want to say the members make this possible in a time when our podcast is under attack by nefarious forces coronavirus our sponsors have never been this minimal and we but also we've never been so motivated to deliver more content of a higher quality um and so the membership really is a huge uh is a is a huge beautiful thing for us and we're very very very grateful for everyone that's becoming really makes a difference and allows us to just continue to make this content the way that we want for you guys and trust me when i say four episodes a week soon and then and the next one is going to be off the chain we're going to add an episode on what is it tuesday so we'll be posting monday tuesday wednesday thursday wait no no not wednesday no we'll be posting monday tuesday thursday friday sorry yeah right something like that yeah it's going to be awesome uh there was a donation that i wanted to read off uh this wasn't it uh 200 uh i'm sorry ayush i i do not know what that symbol is it looks like yen or something or i can't really it's not yen though i don't know what that is but anyways uh you can get under 200 by so-called dieting and exercising but how are you planning to keep it off forever well one step at a time well no that's a good point i mean most people most people that lose weight ninety percent of them gain it back within like two years i mean it happens to you a lot you try something and it works but then you don't stick with it so no it's it's really i mean that's a good yeah it's tough oh ab said that was two dollars whatever it was okay but thank you awesome that it looks like it's so much it's a rupee i believe indian rupee oh indiana shout out to the uh shout out man so and then a 50 one please get uh drew goodin on the show and apologize for calling him drew goodman on the logic episode oh his name's not good man what's his last name good n oh well we have we have uh i i am trying to get him on um i've damned him and uh we're hopefully we'll be able to set up a date i mean i don't i don't i shouldn't even say that because i don't want people to like the guy has the right to not want to come on he didn't say he doesn't want to come on i've just what i'm saying is that it's a hole i'm just kidding wait people were asking if i washed my hands yes i did why do you think i wouldn't ah they're pretty dry dude it was good crazy so um we have a lot this is gonna be exciting because we have a only fans member who's going to call and add to this story but bella thorne the ex-disney actress actor did you notice that all of a sudden um actresses are now actors it's interesting i just all of a sudden because i feel like it used to be actress yeah and now it's just actor when did that happen i don't know when it happened but it did happen but um like it makes sense why do you need another word to describe a female is it's pretty weird because in english you don't really have male female right you know like in hebrew everything is male female but but and and everything yeah it's like firefighter police officer it's not like police officers yeah so actor i like let's get that actress [ __ ] out of here you know so bella thorne actor who is always uh she's one of these disney characters who's like i mean she posts a lot of risque stuff and and people been i guess probably asking for only fans for a while and so she made it and she made a million dollars in 24 hours really broke the record by far a million dollars oh my god and then apparently she made over two million dollars in the first few days alone whoa so her tier levels were it was twenty dollars just to get in the door wow so she had a couple of tears so z who went in here we we actually was it zach yeah it was me so tell me we you we dropped the 20 what did you find inside well i had the lotion ready and i was very disappointed really you couldn't even beat off to it i'm kidding it was just very risque photos and um there was no nudity i mean was it worth the 20 bucks i mean no no did you cancel it uh yeah i did zach what the [ __ ] bro you better cancel that yeah very very disappointing i'm calling the credit card company i'd be like my son did this i'd like to reverse the charges yeah that wouldn't be the first time yeah no in fact i think they're get so there's other tiers though there's another one that was 200 that she reportedly told people in a dm or something here let's see i saw this on twitter today do we have a picture of this she said full on straight up nudity for the members who pay 200 dollars jesus there's a where's this image did you guys find this the image of her yeah there's a message of her saying oh the message because i think it's it's important to show the yeah when you guys can find that and throw that in discord but so the problem is is that she's not delivering the nudes and a lot of people are charging back only fans and it's causing a lot of problems for the platform and it's affecting other users of only fans for example they recently changed some of the terms of service as a result of her going on there i'm trying to find the details here like it used to be that um there was an unlimited level of tears that you could charge so now they lowered it to 50. oh because they were everyone for everybody and then they also maxed the tip amount to a certain amount for everybody because the platform was getting absolutely hammered by chargebacks because she wasn't showing them titties yeah here here it is thank you ian here it is so uh here someone said unlock for two hundred dollars naked naked yes naked how naked is the question for two hundred dollars no clothes naked this is just a compilation of tweets and stuff but it says bellathorne scammed her fans and set out a 200 non-nude ppv is that why the max ppv price is 50 now and why fans can only tip 100 now because this dumb b word scammed everyone and only fans is getting massive amounts of chargebacks so somehow her her doing this has like affected a lot of these sex workers on the platform so and then abe just put a uh a tweet where she said also no i'm not doing nudity so i mean was that that screenshot was of a dm i mean can't those be faked it could be fake very very very certainly everybody but so like i mean if she didn't lie can we blame her for because i saw a lot of people were just mad in general that she did this because i guess they feel like maybe the she's stepping on the toes of sex workers yeah there's a comment here saying she made an only fans to find her movie about her sex work life but she was never a part of that community to begin with well she she made off two million dollar i mean i surprised so many people paid for that i mean damn just to see some titties dude 20 bucks or not even to see some titties so what kind did you see like what did we see there did we see through that wasn't at the end that it went out to all her members oh so that's real that's according to people i mean that's that then that's unquestionable she just straight up lives yeah it's just i actually think that's fraud yeah we're talking about titty frauds which is crazy to say but that's fraud remember who was the uh ian would remember there was like a rapper or somebody that everybody got super mad at for for lying about releasing nudes really yeah that was a doge academy right oh yeah that one yeah right we talked about that too this one's different different yeah right that i'm saying like this one is actual fraud like she just straight up lied she's gonna get sued this is gonna be a huge that's not a problem for her so that we need to get can you guys get to the truth of this um yeah if this was a real message or fake regarding yeah i mean it i mean it's shitty either way what's what's happening in the you know the platform clamping down but it makes a big difference yeah it's a huge difference she made that claim and then went back on it um so anyway we have and only fans member who uh who is she ready to cute to to jump in i'd like to ask her about this as someone oh yeah let me check real quick and what's her name what's what's the info about her you spoke with her zach could you sniff sniff is her name who's sniffing hill right good question i would call that uh false advertising right see he knows something about that it's not fraud that's not true right so what is it actually actually i feel like ja rule and and bell uh bella thorne would be really good business partners maybe they can put on a festival together uh she's in the lobby what's her name sniff sniff are you there yeah hi sniff why do we call it sniff well actually my instagram name is sniff you so it's kind of embarrassing and ridiculous but my friends used to be bullying me because i love to like smell sweat i guess oh so you you have a stench you have a stink to you no no i like to smell others sweat i don't oh you like to smell other people's sweat yeah does it uh does it is it a sexual thing or you just like the smell i don't know actually i thought whenever my brothers like smelled like sweat i thought that it was perfume oh my gosh so i just thought it was like really it's pretty gross dude that's pretty gross but when you're with a guy do you like to partake in the smell or is it just not a sexual thing um well it could be you could yeah yeah yeah fascinating i think there's a lot of guys who put a cop probably i mean that's kind of it cool that you don't have to worry about stinking in fact do you like when you're with a guy do you like him to not shower or too much yeah so what's a good amount of time to to not shower for your boyfriend that depends on the guy but i like the smell so and so and so like are we talking maybe not everyday shower clear maybe like once a week well i like them to be clean i just like the smell so it's kind of like a difficult situation so maybe they would shower but just not wash the the armpits at all ever yes wow interesting would you like me to try that [Music] man sniff you interesting you ever smell people out in public when you're like maybe because i'm thinking like yeah on the train or whatever when you're in close proximity you can catch a whiff of bo most people would be like oh man that's crazy but maybe you lean in a little closer and see what's up it's like how you feel when you smell glue kind of how some people feel when they smell glue like it it's like oh my god that's great wow that's awesome that's really cool like until now that's been a secret so do you like your own smell no actually i never smelled my own sweat until like two weeks ago maybe and it was horrible yeah that's interesting because usually we like our own smells and not the other way around so a fascinating case study uh sniff do you have any opinion about feet um i personally i don't like feet necessarily but i can totally see why people would like it i have a lot of people asking me for feeds pictures absolutely now let me ask you this is it particularly the armpit smell you like or because sometimes like the pubic area can get super wild do you like that smell as well um it's it's a difficult situation because i like it but it's sometimes it can be like smell like death oh my goodness that does sound like a that certainly does sound tough do you ever just put your nose in someone's armpit or pubes and just like right in there and just breathe deep yes that's awesome i do that's awesome and do is there other is do different people have better smells or is it all good i actually have smelled very few people i used to do cheerleading and i would smell a lot of stuff for them um but girl sweat is a little bit different i think thank god would you ever sneak smells of like dirty underwear and stuff no what about like a shirt would you ever sneak like you find a shirt on the ground you go and sniff it yeah yeah yeah god i love you yeah vin diesel's a fan and you're not from the us right where are you from no i'm from norway oh cool that's awesome dude let me ask you this if you're are you in a committed relationship or have you ever been uh yes i've been in a few but i'm not very experienced in like the relationship area can i ask you in a particular situation let's say you're dating a guy would it be let's say uh would it be considered an act of cheating to go sniff another person's you know discarded clothing for example um i'm not sure about that actually i don't think he would be cheating maybe like a little fuss yeah it would be i would feel maybe a little insecure if i was like damn she's out there sniffing other dudes armpits and [ __ ] and yeah you know what i mean like it might make me feel a little insecure is all i'm yeah saying probably wouldn't say that i would do it but maybe if i like went by a guy's wardrobe or something yeah i would do it secretly yeah i i have a feeling that uh this is a passion of yours that probably you think you'll be sniffing arpes till the day you die or maybe like once you hit menopause you'll get over the smelling i have donated since i was little i think it's something that's like integrated into me so i'll probably be doing it forever that's awesome well let me ask you let's move on to the only fans uh controversy do you have any thoughts on the bella thorne issue yeah um i really honestly think it sucks that that even happened and i definitely think that the fact that she did that she should be held accountable because it's not okay to false advertise you shouldn't like be clear on what you're selling and what you're doing and not why did we um sounds like she was unclear from what a b said yeah i was trying to find out did she really say there was new nudes or or because we're kind of confused on this on twitter it just seemed like she just announced it oh she just tweeted that there's no nudes but like on the actual announcement of i guess the only offense she wasn't clear um correct well i think it's fair to assume that there will be nudes on bullying fans right i mean i mean well i guess i would assume that but i always thought that too but evidently not got a plug some of it's just uh risque stuff so what do you do on only fans do you do to what extent do you go well i don't do completely new content and i can see why it would seem like that because of the website and like the whole expectation of things but i actually have very few people who subscribe to me that are like disappointed um that roaring news because often people will subscribe for like custom content or i do like a lot of i don't know how to say it but i hate guru or whatever the anime hentai face do you watch hentai when you get off i used to but now i am in like the i don't watch anything at all oh you gave it up because i've actually been interested to talk to somebody who likes hentai because like as much as i i like i've heard people say of hentai they know that nobody there's no victim in that so i i think that's a really good i think that's good right but it but i just it doesn't do anything for me the hentai so um i guess i just wonder what they like about it yeah i guess it just it's good i mean do you like hentai better than normal porn i when i used to watch porn i stopped because it really depressed me but when i used to do it um i would watch hentai because of the fact that like it's so brutal kind of and you can watch girls like get tons of tentacles and stuff you can like monsters and everything stuff you can't watch in normal porn so that's why i watched it at least oh so you were you liked how brutal the hentai was yeah so oh that's fascinating so tell me about it we don't want to see like a brutal actual porn so that's why like well sometimes they role play really hardcore stuff but maybe it's depressing because it's a real person right that's what you're saying no like i would watch it as long as it's consensual but the thing is that it doesn't like the normal porn they don't do all the stuff that you can animate oh it's nice yeah they don't do all the tentacles and monsters and everything that i was into oh that's so interesting so what is it about the tentacles and monsters that that you like i've always been curious about that i'm not sure i think it's just the fact that the other person is like are helpless i it's a lot guess like um yeah brutal intense and everything so you you do you so you like to see it on maybe the the rougher more brutal side and the the tentacles deliver that that promise where the uh people sometimes fail yeah because the tentacles you know they're slimy they can be big or small and they can go everywhere and sometimes how are you ever gonna how can you ever be pleased by a man when when you're competing with tentacles well i i when i used to watch it i hadn't had actual sex yet oh you're virgin no no not anymore but when i used to and now i realized that you know i don't really watch it anymore so it's fine just having normal sex like i don't need it i find it absolutely fascinating that what before you ever had sex it was the tentacle part do you ever fantasize about what tentacles smell like no i don't i'm just curious you never know where so you like all kinds of what smells oh smells yeah for sure what about the smell of semen i've always found that really disgusting but maybe you like it i don't like i never get to smell it before it's gone right would you maybe like would you maybe like your partner to set it aside for a little bit so you can smell it i actually asked my partner once to if i could collective human in a cup right and put it in resin so that i had like a cup of semen in wrestling like on display you wanted to you wanted to you wanted to put it in what on this lesson inside them you can make like uh like what belt usb of nodes for us oh you wanted to you wanted to preserve his semen yeah interesting for future generations was it like an art project or i got to tell you dude i mean that's that's really that's really cool um well i think that you know i think it's a shame that that bell came in and if she if she or bella if she really lied about the nudes then it sucks because as i understand it she's limited the amount of money you guys can make now in terms of tips and tier levels is that right yeah well on only fans there aren't really tears per se but you can like tip and then you can get into like a special thing i guess um but yeah it really sucks that like she's ruining it she's like trying to empower the sex workers but she's like ruining it for the sex workers and it sucks but only fans has had a lot of controversy like in general recently really about what um well apparently i haven't really updated in a few days but apparently they have like um they're getting sued because they're not paying taxes oh what the heck yeah i don't know if that's like how true that is but that's what i read everywhere and they're like apparently deleting content creators but don't quote me on that but i've been thinking of like moving over to patreon or something only fans steeped in controversy well it opens uh faces allegations of fraud and theft you know that's august 13th come on man get you get it together well i hope that whatever happens i mean they got to get it together i mean i'm sure you're paying taxes right uh sniff you know why can't they yeah yeah yeah i actually had to make a whole business just to pay taxes in our way yeah well sniff i've really enjoyed talking to you and learning about you thank you for sharing with us what is your only fans i'm sure there's a lot of people with a box of tissue and moisturizer that wouldn't mind going over your page what is your page um well my instagram is just nephew sniff um yeah sniff you just straight up and they're my only fancy in the link there so everything is linked and my own fans is just my view too well keep on sniffing i think it sounds fantastic and um tell me sniff can i ask you something what was like the most nin the riskiest sniff you ever took uh probably when i was cheerleading like just like um smithing people when i caught them like in my arms or whatever they probably heard me because they were right there so whoa so you would just put your you know like loud like and go like a real deep smell although people i mean people are probably they did are for because i don't sniff his armpit though no um although i probably imagine the reaction is a lot less severe if it was just a dude that looked like me you know [Music] yeah probably well does anyone does anyone ever get mad at you if they catch you sniffing them that that hasn't happened but that's never happened wow that's boyfriend think that it's weird let me ask you this sniff how do you wipe i just i i wipe front to back and then when i'm done when there's nothing left i shower with um soap oh you shower every time you poop no but i make sure to shower every day like at the end of the wash wow so you're just a regular wiper yeah no things no surprises do you look do you look like i don't work or anything you don't you don't finger yourself do you look at the wipes every time or is it just yeah you do every time every time i used to use a lot of baby wipes but after you guys told me about everything i stopped you should get uh you should i really recommend like you can get a bidet connector that aren't expensive i mean tushy has one that's like 65 bucks it's really good so i recommend that but anyway sniff it's been a joy and a pleasure i've learned a lot and i'm and i'm absolutely fascinated so thank you for sharing interesting yeah but listen one second yes i just want to say something really quick to like the people who are watching because you were talking about your body and body issues earlier and i just wanted to say that all the chubby guards out there like it's okay i feel like there aren't enough focus on body positivity for men and i just want to say there are girls out there who will love you and you are beautiful as you are or guys if you're into guys i just wanted to say that are you a chubby chaser i don't like like a little extra schmidt i do really so she she likes meat i think that's what she said so are you are you attracted more to like a guy of my size than a skinny dude yeah um there you go i mean i'm not very attracted to like a skinny dude not skinny but like yeah but i couldn't understand why you are like well yeah but that's interesting dude everyone in the chat is like dude this girl is perfect she likes this she likes stinks she likes the fat dude i mean hello so do you like a dude generally dudes who are hairier probably smell more is that you look for a hairy guy yeah damn look at this are you currently looking for uh are you currently looking for love um i'm not really i'm very focused on the business and university but i'm open for boyfriend applications are you interested in possibly being on the next season of the bachelor oh yes that'd be awesome and that would know now that would be interesting it does always end in a disastrous way though so well but so far but you know a lot that's perfect yeah it's a roller coaster all right thank you sniff take care all right thanks for calling all right bye wow dude these calls are great so is are you guys hearing sound bites through the call because we aren't uh we are i think but uh part of the problem is zach uh because we're doing the calls through discord he's not hearing it on zoom got it so he's not able to like live react to it i'll try and figure out maybe there's a way we can figure that out for the next episode so that he can listen in on the call yeah abby says he can't but i gotta say so what we've been doing is pre-vetting people on discord and and it's working great because the calls today have been fan-fucking-tastic yeah this was amazing i loved listening i love how open she wasn't actually talking to people just you know random listeners dude she loves she sniffs people on the train deeply but that's kind of like pretty girl privilege right she can go up to people and go if i did that i'd get i would be in jail already that's true and she says no one's ever got mad at her yeah i'd probably just be more confused that's true i would be very well she's the thing is she's really like a small sweet petite girl so she's not very threatening yeah maybe maybe that's what dude on the floor was doing when he was spying you're trying to get a sniff in there my favorite guy who goes why are you on the floor wow that was awesome so did we ever get a final verdict on what was the truth behind bella thorne's only fans um it just sounds like she was not clear but what is that screenshot of her telling them yes fully new two hundred dollars well the chat said that that was on her only fans that wasn't a dm that was so that's what's up we don't have like a hard proof but yeah i mean people can fake screenshots and stuff so i mean let me lock and see if it's on there hold on i mean it's pretty she probably removed it pretty weird to be not clear to from the beginning also it's so expensive you would you know i would expect to see at least a butthole for 20 bucks 200 yeah it's a lot 200 yeah well for 200 i better see a [ __ ] somebody wiping with a swirl and a dip okay this next segment you guys we may lose all of our viewers because it's so [ __ ] disgusting oh god is this the popping it's so we gotta go we gotta give a big heads up because i think some people some people probably can't hang with this i'm saying i think we're going to lose all of our viewers i think it's going to drop out uh let's take a we're at about 17 000 right now and i so i'll just give a background there's this whole phenomenon lately of pimple popping something frankly that has always horrified me now i know that there's certain people that really like it for whatever reason for example i had friends in college that would want me they would ask people in general take off your shirt and let me pop your pimples that to me is just like as gross as it gets yeah yet here we are for example there's that toy that we did with the dumb products where you pop the pimples there's a show now on tlc called dr pimple popper which by the way is a crime against god himself i hate when they even just show a commercial for it i feel like the commercial is too graphic yeah you know sometimes i'm on instagram because i'm all about that instagram discovery feed that's how i found like the turkish chefs and all these people i love and sometimes they'll give the hero slot this huge square as just a really graphic popping video and i'm like you cannot just throw that on me like that nope and i get really upset so i don't know how many so but i guess it's going to be entertaining to watch me be forced to watch this i think that's what's entertaining because i will tell you i am truly and honestly horrified and disgusted max level there's not much that disgusts me i saw a dude uh eating a toe deep throating a foot and i made me want to eat subway that's a good point i just realized though this really is all about the reaction and um the way everything's structured right now is uh i don't have like the picture in picture where we can see you guys while the video is playing oh it's okay you know well you can just face well you can just cut back and forth yeah i mean what can you do i can add one real quick dude i honestly am so i so don't want to watch this but i'm going to do it for the show this is what h3 after dark is all about wait give me one second i can i can set this up can can one of you guys get someone on the call closer to me yeah yeah i can grab someone quick i want someone who who who's into this oh yeah someone here said their wife loves it yeah i dude i swear to god it's female it's females that love this i've never met a dude i hate it [Music] you can never i've never known a dude who likes this but it's all females i don't know if it's like it's like these monkeys that [ __ ] you know you see these monkeys like no they don't what monkeys are they're always grooming each other oh growing each other yeah it's it's like an act of grooming i think is is what it is that one all right i set it up i've got a little i got a little boxing box here for you oh that was nice very slick then well let's just watch it i've warned you guys i'm curious to see if our viewers go down it went down a little bit not as much as i'd expect though but everybody's checking dude don't do it this is all dude what the [ __ ] i didn't even show this is so [ __ ] up i mean this is on facebook i mean traumatized you gave birth you had a baby come spiraling out of your vagina bro you know what i can't do it you have to it's for the show so this one's popping back and popping back spot with muscles and do it what i did i didn't look oh that was nothing there was nothing yeah that one is really cold on the stream dude why would anybody even film this no there was like an after birth did you see the second one that doesn't seem normal that doesn't seem what is wrong that's not a pimple that's like a [ __ ] tumor it's gonna traumatize me look you you never even seen a pimple that big exactly this is like the most tame one of those it is i can't i think this is it i don't think i can go on wait it's a cyst you're not supposed to i don't think you're supposed to pop assist like that well you know well they're supposed to do it professionally is the thing dude they're all on facebook facebook doesn't give a [ __ ] as well man it's a wild west on there imagine this is on your feet in facebook i see people in the chat though saying wow that's so satisfying like some people find it that's the thing extremely satisfying i find it like as [ __ ] gross as it gets let's not what look how big that is careful you have to watch somebody's face i'm telling you it's probably alright my face so we're pretty gold in there no how big is that ah squirted in her face see you're just do you mean lighting the top surface stuff do you need lidocaine do you want to inject him she asks if he needs an injection of painkiller why is it so big you don't get a say in this sir [Laughter] [Music] okay are we done i know i don't [Applause] [Applause] watch this you have to see this no i don't know you have to watch it it hit the camera holy [ __ ] oh my god okay so there's people that aren't absolutely horrified by that and find it like satisfying we're not watching it anymore that's it oh we did lose did we lose no we didn't was about 100 people really not that much how can you enjoy that here's enough we have to do this for the show this is the whole point how many more this dude's on his [ __ ] face what the [ __ ] dude this is the whole wait hold on i'm more interested what is this facebook page they've got like the whole soflow [ __ ] it's called this facebook page is called spot popping satisfication satisfies satisfaction [Laughter] so the the description is this is so satisfying but i can feel his pain there's no way i i can't believe wait is that real is that real look how big it is how can that be real i feel like that's gotta be fake it looks real though it's really like the how do you just why how do you wait that long to address that no this one's going to be so bad it's going to be so bad why is he smiling how does he let it go people are begging no and i am begging oh there she was [Music] disgusting [Applause] [Music] clean it up please [Music] how can there be so much you have there's one way worse than this coming up if we keep going he smelled it oh come on doesn't smell very good either how does he let it go that far that first of all that is just that's so [ __ ] wrong how do you let a pimple get that big on your [ __ ] face to begin that's what makes me think it's fake what do you mean let i mean it just happens how long does it take to get a pimple that big i've never seen a pit bull that big ever anywhere in the world well yeah i i can't get it really i can't explain exactly it happens that's why i said it's traumatizing me because i think it's gonna happen then man has mayo dispenser on his shoulder you [ __ ] seriously gonna title it that just for dan okay i i don't know about you oh this guy looks like a legend that guy looks like michael moore cut it here oh my gosh ela's saying bail i'm kind of with her i gotta agree on it too yeah no we're committed god really we didn't lose that many viewers i'm just saying i'm just saying we only lost 100 i was expecting yeah do you still want a subway no no i don't know so maybe i'm still maybe this could be a good diet just okay i'm just going to watch one more you guys tell me which is the one i should watch biggest cyst of all time big assists of all time pop warning disgusting so it's a cyst it's not even a pimple at this point yeah i mean they yeah they kind of overlap it's just like a really big pimple so let's get rid of this michael moore how is he managed um i guess i didn't realize that okay so so this is oh dude i cannot [ __ ] wait what am i looking at it looks like her hand is enjoying this no you see that i can't wait a million dude a million people watch this villa that's gonna happen to me you know a million people watch this let me read the comments before i get into this more than likely that'll grow back because the sack wasn't removed learned a lot from that from the dr pimple popper imagine being in a family reunion then someone suggests to pop grandpa's back cyst i think the gagging noises were worse than the actual video that dude sounds like you ethan in the video yeah actually every thanksgiving we milk uncle larry in the backyard okay we have to we have to watch it makes it even worse okay i don't want to click it i feel like before i feel like before you're about to do something like intensely painful you know like it's like that dreading i'm that dreading makes your skin crawl yeah why where is it like on the body yeah dude you've got to see a doctor you need to see a doctor don't let dude this should not be taking place in a backyard exactly it looks like cheese it looks like cottage cheese it's like curded no don't laugh you need to go to a doctor it's coming out like cottage cheese i swear to god it looks dude go to a doctor please go to a doctor this is not the setting imagine the dog comes and eats that it's on the grass oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god cool [Laughter] wait there's still that much time there's nothing oh yeah but i mean we got the idea right you almost puke right there anything does anyone ever watch dr pimple popper while they eat well i'm just wondering like how does that show have any view view ratings it must have have you seen them numbers online they're crazy no what do you mean by that dr pimple popper she started online if i'm not mistaken oh like her youtube videos instagram and then youtube eventually and then she got her show oh so she's just a passionate pimple popper that that found success on tlc somebody i've got someone who called in who who is into this type of stuff okay especially dr pimple popper name though uh karen karen oh no uh karen are you with us uh she's in now karen oh hey first of all how how what's going on with you being named karen how's that affected your life since the karen meme has come about okay so um it's i i feel like i have the title of i'm the only person who can legitimately be offended by being called karen because um i'm trans and that's my dead name so oh wait it's your wife it's your wait i'm sorry i just it's your dead name yeah yeah so it's like the name i was giving at birth okay so you're so you're you're a male really um i'm not binary but yeah oh but so do you want us to call you karen yeah what's your name um i go by ren so why did he did ian why did ian introduce you as karen well because i just i mentioned to him that that's my legal name i didn't tell him that okay so we'll call you wren yeah yeah so karen so that's kind of you yeah i mean on many levels [Laughter] yeah so it's kind of good you you bailed on that name yeah yeah i mean what's funny is that the meme didn't bother me until the boomers caught wind of it um and then they wanted to keep having conversations and like complain to me about it as if i would be like sympathetic towards them oh they are looking to you for like oh that's interesting yeah so really like oh you hate this meme too let me complain to you about it oh my god i wonder if there's facebook groups for karen's who are like coping with the more let me ask you what the [ __ ] is wrong with you why do you watch this [ __ ] tell me what you feel when you watch this what's wrong with me is i have ocd um and so i have um sort of a sub condition that's related to ocd called dermatillomania um which is basically like compulsive skin picking um and so i will just like absolutely demolish my skin um and like it started with just acne but then it very quickly turned into like any visible pores or body hair or just like anything on my skin that wasn't just like perfectly like smooth and flat and um you know not discolored um and so i kind of use these videos as a way to like um keep myself from doing that to sort of satisfy like that obsession without destroying myself does it help you that's so interesting yeah um it's sort of um yeah i find it kind of satisfying because the way i sort of explain this obsession because i know it sounds kind of weird um is that like my brain interprets any like acne or anything like that kind of like it's um a parasite or something like there's this awful um like bad thing under my skin that is trapped under there and i need to like remove it by whatever means necessary and so it's sort of feeling like i need to get it out of my body and so um those videos were i i'm not a big fan of the cysts um i don't find them really gross but um the fact that like you have to like keep going and keep going and it doesn't come out in like one satisfying bit it's kind of um not as good for me i guess so i can imagine that it's probably quite damaging to your to your body if you're constantly picking pores and hairs and stuff yeah um i don't wear tank tops in public anymore because of it because like i mostly focus on my shoulders and my chest um and it has just like gotten to the point where like it i just constantly have these like they're the size of like maybe a pencil eraser but they're just like um all over my shoulders and just lots of scars and such yeah so what are you are you in therapy are you taking some kind of medicine to help the lower the urges i mean i tried therapy but um i think i haven't found the right one yet yeah um i i went to um a psychiatrist for it um but this psychiatrist absolutely sucks she was like oh you should stop doing that i'm like that's all that she said it's not quite like okay sure i'm curious i wish someone said that i'm cured well it's actually well for you in your case i'm very glad that you're able to find this kind of content that uh if it's helpful to you then that's fantastic do you feel that you do it less when you watch those videos i mean i think so hmm yeah but do you ever pick while you're watching um no i don't usually um i sometimes wonder if it might trigger me to start doing it so i don't know if i'm like if i should stop entirely or if like if it's really helping me or if it's just like feeding into it but well probably a good therapist could help you figure that out that's tough though yeah well wren thank you for sharing yeah and i wish you all the best with uh with getting that under control i hope you hope you up you get it yeah thanks for calling me in this is fun all right thank you yeah this was really interesting god bless thank you so it does so everybody who watches the show has uh ocd or probably not everybody but okay but no but that is an interesting angle i i think there is a connection there a b found uh dr pimple popper's uh views and put a screenshot of him in discord you gotta see this okay this is her youtube channel or like her let's see i think her youtube yeah so this okay so she was like a phenomenon before she got her own tlc show whoa dude no [ __ ] way what 62 million yeah 49 million 40 i guess i should watch these what are you seeing that on his next grapefruit one oh which one yeah the middle the middle right now oh wow see how can you put this in a thumbnail this to me seems obscene and and horrific i guess because it's done i mean it's me although these are all super old i bet youtube doesn't allow this [ __ ] to get like suggested anymore here let me look at it i gotta they got a tv show now so yeah she's out she looks like you youtube dr pimple popper youtube dr sandra lee what's the difference zach oh that's heard i mean her real name is dr sanderly oh oh but that's her channel because what did i just see is this her this is her channel oh she's dude she's got almost 7 million subscribers wow it's so big the whole genre dude she's banking on this [ __ ] imagine this like she's got a passion she's got she's got fans so this is number one i mean we have to watch it really yeah 62 million people watch this one that walks up on us dude sixth away dude 62 million people watch this this is this is apparently something incredible like a black hole like like the two black so it's an 85 year old woman a giant blackhead it is a giant blackhead extracted in an 85 year old woman oh boy this is dude you have to appreciate the fact that 62 million people have watched this like you have to we have to contribute okay you're the one that can't get up and walk away i i might okay enough with the [ __ ] preamble that looks so bad she's got all these disclaimers and [ __ ] i'm surprised so many people oh they're actually um oh they give her painkillers well at least she's a doctor you know what i mean it's not like it's not like uh kerning cheese in the backyard what about our pain what's the injection for that you had a baby i still can't watch that i watched the baby come out that was pretty wild yeah that was pretty wild you didn't have to watch it you had to do it but you didn't have to watch it yeah you have to watch this too many people have watched this video first not to watch it yes i can see it oh you can see in the mirror okay you see it in the mirror yeah man this is some [ __ ] i feel like why everyone's typing f does that mean don't watch it i'm watching it i can't not i mean there's too many views there's lots of well look i mean i i warned you guys okay i'm gonna put a little number here so don't move on too much here because i don't wanna have it hurt yeah can you put novocaine into my emotions i'm just gonna numb around it so that you can't feel me kind of this thing stop right here because the last you said it keeps coming out joining a long time 60 million you guys 60 million people watch this don't be such [ __ ] it wasn't deep she said twice twice 60 million that you can just not feel anything that's so cool she's really pumping her full holy [ __ ] wait that's like a lot of [ __ ] novocain yeah and says oh core 60 million isn't she supposed to let the nova king kick in for a minute it's pretty fast okay is everybody ready no we lost a lot of viewers did you already get it no i didn't i didn't we're losing viewers interrupting you i'm sorry we're always ignoring you i can't listen to you we're watching like a disgusting surgery this isn't even like those black pants oh my god that wasn't that bad that actually wasn't that bad that's insane look no no no it wasn't as bad as the other ones it's actually super interesting yeah whoa look the other [ __ ] was way more disgusting that was like yeah i would say the uh that caught his shoes see i think it was done like medically i can see how this was satisfying because it like all came out in one pole and it was just a big crater this one is those other ones were just horrific but i mean this is horrific but okay not as [Laughter] you're just giving me the help yeah actually it's uh 2 30 and uh we got the the thing that we can't mention yet oh is that we have something um is there anything else not really we did it all there is there any other calls anyone other comments any uh donations we're gonna end the show we have uh one guy who's been in the call lobby with his essay okay oh let's talk to him all right i got awesome nerd is his name let me drop it in the server really quick if you guys want to look at some donations oh uh sure uh we have yes what is uh do more blackhead popping uh i don't think that's gonna happen sorry uh uh smarsh i'm sorry i'm if i'm saying your name wrong um but yeah i can't believe how that he was over it and what he says goes so uh hey ethan uh all gas no brakes just released some video from the sturgis motorcycle rally on insta go check it out uh no way definitely check that out awesome oh dude i'm hanging out with him today wait what yeah he's coming over what yeah he moved to l.a he's coming to hang out no way texting me tonight oh [ __ ] cool uh well very cool uh what is this five dollar donation is just a crying face i'm assuming that's because of uh because of these disgusting videos and uh i saw some earlier but i hate that they expire i maybe there's another way to see it but uh i don't know if i missed your donation i'm very sorry i've been trying to keep up i'm still i'm repeating that blackhead in my mind it's just that's stuck on a loop they're afraid because that's crazy man that's crazy anyway do we have this guy uh avery you guys said the key to keeping weight off after losing it is a healthy personal relationship with food no other way okay can i tell you something either that i have a kind of a peeve to pick with you oh jesus oh no okay i didn't say let me say no it's not let me say something yeah i i i say i say sometimes i say because there's a lot of snacks and sweets and [ __ ] in the house and as much as i'd like to be able to control myself it's hard to sometimes when you just see it in the pantry or all over the place to skip but but hold on but you say you you always say to me ethan it's not my thing you have to control your urges but ila would you say that to an addict let's say i was like i'm quitting drinking would you believe alcohol say it's your problem no i disagree because i need that stuff because but it's somewhere else is all i'm saying don't put it in front of me hide it where it's in a pantry but if i have an addiction to food or then like just think about it if you're like hey i like having a beer uh don't go in the pantry then why do you want me to hide it i don't know but you understand what i'm saying like you wouldn't say that to an addict like dude you just got to control your urges yeah you know it's not my fault i'm going to drink a beer every night so you're a food addict is what you're asserting i think so yeah well i mean i mean maybe you need to go to therapy yeah rather than but even if you're a recovering alcoholic you're not going to leave alcohol over the house because it's triggering i've i feel like i've tried it but like it's been so long i know i'm not stuffing my i'm just i'm not telling you not to eat it i'm trying to gain weight too and that stuff helps me i'm not telling you not to eat it but what are you telling me to have i don't know but i'm just saying like you're gonna find it you can't just blame the the person with the addiction saying like you have to be stronger than like you know what i'm saying i mean you there's so much [ __ ] and candy in there it's impossible like i haven't eaten not that much you're making it sound like i have so much dude there's a guy's closet's shaming i'm not victim shaming you're like hey dude i like shooting up crap i like to smoke crack it's not my fault you have a problem that's not what i said i am acknowledging that i also have a problem and i'm trying to gain food but you don't have to gain but just fair okay stuff helps me gain weight okay fine but i'm just saying it's not it's not cool to be like dude it's your responsibility to not eat this [ __ ] ever even though you walk past it 20 times a day we should meet in the middle what do you want to do on your side like let okay maybe you just put it somewhere else where i don't know there's a billion places you gotta hide it from him like uh well okay i'm just saying i think it's interesting that like someone who's trying to lose weight doesn't get that benefit of the doubt i don't know it's like dude you have to control yourself but they say i was reading they're like don't and leave snacks all over the house because you're gonna [ __ ] eat them and i was like yeah you know and and if i was living by myself i wouldn't buy that [ __ ] all right i'll put it in a secret drawer people love pizza and people yeah but why are you making me feel guilty that's the thing because if again if i was an alcoholic you wouldn't be like dude well i'm gonna keep my beer in the fridge where i always the first time that you're putting it this way if you feel like that just like dan said let's also talk about therapy and second of all i just feel like i've tried that we've had no snacks in the house and it's not good for me but it's been so long that you're like that like it's not like you're asking me for a month let's not have anything in the house like you're just asking me do not have anything tasty my my observation was only about how the fat people don't get the benefit of the doubt as a drug addict and i think fat people matter fat people lives matter all right do you find do you think what i'm observing is interesting or no you're asking me that's a question for everybody yeah who are you well i mean it i mean if you at first i wasn't sure if you were just memeing but if you really do feel like you're a food addict i mean that's uh you know well i feel like all fat people are probably food addicted i guess to an extent i mean you do really you live an extremely uh sedentary life too i mean if you if you did get the trainer and you started working out you could probably well i don't know they probably tell you you need to cut back on calories too but it's the combination all right get the guy in the call wait wait let me ask you are are you a stress eater like do you binge eat um sometimes not it's not like it's not something that happens a lot but benji i mean i don't i don't i don't think that really happens where i just like binge or i'm like oh man don't look at me i don't know he was mad i am don't you think that's an interesting observation i think you're not seeing the two sides i know i see your side my objective it's not even look i'm not even trying to attack i'm not trying to attack you i'm just saying fat people don't get that like you would never say to a drug addict hey listen you just gotta control your urges right that's all i'm saying so i wonder okay right i just think that's it do you think that's interesting exactly you also yeah is it interesting no let me talk you also don't expect a drug addict to just get over it in one day right you go to rehab you do all kinds of stuff to try to get out of it so if you want to really treat it that way then let's treat it that way it's just an observation ela well is it or are you just like what i mean it sounds like you really think that which i'm not saying it's just not true yeah no i mean yeah i do think that i mean a little bit i just thought it was interesting though that's all you're like backtracking now well i'm not i'm not necessarily saying i'm not necessarily saying that i need to do 12 steps of not being a fatty what is it called 12 steps yeah 12 steps okay i don't know what you're saying yeah all right pizza is actually very nutritious what does that mean because zach actually lost a lot of weight in his life well i i am a stress eater that's why i ask that question and i also occasionally binge eat which is a problem for me so i'm always gonna have to be watching my weight the rest of my life how did you manage to keep the like lose weight and then keep it that way well my problem is i fluctuate a yo-yo you're a yo-yo i'm a yo-yo um so i just have to monitor it because i know that the fat gene runs in my family and that i was heavy and i don't want to go back to that place again and i keep thinking all the hardship i went through so that always is a good thing to keep me motivated let's keep zach beautiful or then even i mean beauty is obviously not related to how fat you are right sure in most people's eyes it is okay boring yeah and again uh we're kind of coming up against it i don't know if we have time for this other call i'll probably wrap it up and keemstar is going to say we have marital marital problems now so wait did we want to talk to this guy where is he you want me to bring him in yeah okay do we not have time right now we don't really have time yeah we're going to keep it brief and everything what's the wrap bring him in bring him in he's in he's in right now hey i'm i'm here i'm i'm the guy i'm sorry for all the spam okay avery um yeah for christmas sir that's right so avery's written a essay why he makes thinks he'd make a great caller without reading this avery first give me your most compelling point about why you'd make a great caller i think the reason why i'm most compelling is because just my existence it's so weird people don't think i'm a real person i'm a 6-8 black dude with a size 18 shoes my last name is a holiday thanks to slavery i got a grower dick i keep it wholesome and i got these crazy like bomb ass stories from just you know being 26 years old so yeah i i like people really wanted me on and like i've always been a huge fan from like your guys's growth from when you guys did the patrice stuff and like the papa john's like before you got big from prank and it's just been an honor watching you guys grown stuff so i just wanted to you know give my props eventually but for some reason the chat thinks i'm really they really wanted me to get on over like hey do you how often do you shower how was your bo because i feel like i might have someone that you might that might be compatible with you oh wow okay so this is weird so like at first i just have to shower like i'm gonna be honest like three times a day just to smell neutral because just because i'm like a large dude with like a height and also i'm a fat boy like i'm 380. so and i'm losing the weight so yeah like we all got problems man what did you think about the conversation we were having as a big boy yourself uh um do you do you sympathize with me or am i being over the top i i sympathize with both sides honestly and i know that's just trying to say that to be an h3h3 sim because i do because like i do think that it is a bit of an addiction and i had kind of a similar kind of problem because like my mom she was like super concerned for my health obviously and so my dad like my dad's overweight and my mom used to be overweight but she actually lost all the pounds and she's obviously concerned for my health and at first they were so on me about it like as if like i hadn't done it and it's like there'll be times where i'm like doing really good and then for some reason whether it's just on a whim because maybe i'm impulsive or maybe because i just felt the pressure i kind of fell off the wagon but i feel like as i got older even like now like i'm starting to keep it consistent and it feels different from the rest and i know i said that a few times but it's like i don't know like over time like i just started getting kind of sick and sick of it and i think it's also a mixture kind of learning to like love myself and like just knowing that you know i i am deserving of like a good change like that and willing to put in the effort so what is right i agree with you but i also kind of agree with you because sometimes you do need those like extra steps and kind of that support but some of that can be overbearing you know well should uh what's the most annoying thing about being fat for you because i have a fear well man dude i think the insecurity problems because like i was also sometimes when people like aren't attracted to you because like you know me like i gotten i gotten over that like where like now i kind of have confidence in myself but dude you know i'm not getting any right swipes on tinder anytime soon so it's a bit of a bummer i understand well that girl the girl we spoke to sniff you sounds like you're you're the perfect guy for her but for me it's the fact that my my thighs rubbed dude straight up guys i feel that bro i can't handle the thigh rubbing the chaffing all that [ __ ] is out of focus i feel that yeah like right now my room has like no windows so i feel it like hardcore all right av let's lose some weight together what do you say let's do it i'm i'm down dude like i'll get to i'm aiming for 300 so if you want to make a goal i'm gonna hit the peloton i'm gonna hit the peloton tonight all right yeah no let's let's do it man like i've been on let's get some mayonnaise on on dan's head all right yeah i know i definitely want to get mayonnaise on its head okay thank you avery take care let's we'll hear from you again we'll check in a little bit more when we've got more time but uh merry christmas definitely yeah happy hanukkah dude god bless you his last name's christmas by the way that's why okay do you have any last words for keemstar who's saying we have marital problems i'll put my snacks in a secret drawer and we'll see what happens no but and he can report on that he's gonna report on on the snack uh yeah so keemstar just so you know the key the snacks are going in a drawer uh our marriage is very healthy and beautiful i love my wife and uh people are saying get a food safe well now that's pathetic but it's a good idea i mean that's kind of what i was trying to say i feel a little pathetic having no pathetic for me it's pathetic for me not you for both of us you want me to have like a hidden evil what's the what's the combination i get it do i also have to hide from you when i eat it too no that's part of the problem what's the cobo i need an oreo [ __ ] marlon brando uh when he tried to lose weight he used to chain his fridge like with a lock and key and his wife had it so there's this old story that he took a shotgun one night to the fridge to get it that's [ __ ] crazy i totally believe that that kind of [ __ ] nut you're telling me that the fridge is locked and i can't get uh some meat and cheese let's not get into this guys this has been an episode two of the h3 after dark live it's been a fun time it's been a great time i've loved being here and sharing it with you we've had a lot about eyes we've had loads um and everything in between really haven't we but it's been a great time thank you thank you to everyone who donated thank you thank you thank you big thank you to all of our sponsors it does it means so much to us uh to deliver the best possible product to you guys four episodes per week coming soon that i can promise okay and with that being said i hope you guys have a great weekend kodiko is going up on monday and uh already up for members already up for members so a lot of you guys have already been able to watch it but uh hey h3 podcast forever they said we never return and uh they might be right we'll we'll find out on monday all right guys i'm hungry all right thanks for watching bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 891,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qsgyaVvDKCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 8sec (9308 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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