The Real Reason Why Families Ended, Mr Verified Winner - H3 After Dark #48

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Gabe’s broken connection “Wo-Ǫ̵̝͇͈̗͚̳̘̺̈́̀̈́̀͞͠ö̸̯̻̖̰̙͎̘̿͑́̃̈́̄͘ô̟͍̯̦̄̋̊̚̕͢͢-oO-ooooh” was funny af

👍︎︎ 255 👤︎︎ u/Big_Cauliflower_132 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

AB helping that family in the car accident… jokes aside, please stand up!

👍︎︎ 198 👤︎︎ u/mushr00mkitten 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's trending on youtube gaming. Let's gooo gamers!!!

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/idkidkmaybe 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's a little bit sad not having Families anymore, but thank God Donna left the show with that God tier fuck baby soundbite.

Also damn, I thought AB had this in the bag with that DK bongos bit.

👍︎︎ 179 👤︎︎ u/elevenyearss 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Zach looks so much damn better with dark hair. Man. He looked like he lived in a van around Venice Beach towards the end. Glad he went and dyed it to the normal color. Just works well for him

👍︎︎ 134 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

AB was robbed. That Donkey Kong performance?!?! Third place???? Disgusting.

👍︎︎ 198 👤︎︎ u/alllllyg 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really like how Ethan spoke about ending Families. That's the right way to go about it, honestly. I could see it being VERY ad friendly too, which means a lot more than view counts a lot of the time. And I agree. Those tea channels go insane for the sake of content.

Ethan knows better than anyone what they'll do or say for the sake of content. A lot of people that don't watch H3 think he's this horrible human being that stole all this money and this and that. Just because some people made some videos for content. He doesn't want his parents to go through with that. They should just enjoy their retirement and have a good life.

I do think Donna SHOULD absolutely start a butterfly related Tik Tok channel. I'm not one of the Donnarchs or whatever they're called, but that's a perfect format for her to talk about what she cares about, and show what she does for them. Tik Tok is basically perfect for it, and she would have a lot of followers.

That seems like a much, much better avenue for her if she wants to keep going into the internet stuff. She seems to have taken a liking to it, and I think that format would be very positive overall.

Also: Is it just me or is Ethan getting way better at reader ads? He used to be hilariously bad, but now it's always pretty solid. Except for one or two hilarious ones obviously

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

When 4th one in votes gets 18% of votes, you know it's tight. When Love said you know the winner, I assumed it'd be 50%+ for winner and be a massive landslide win but it was super close. Nice to see everyone still got decent chunk of support!

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/mael0004 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh man, the Fortnite segment had me in tears. Watched it three times already.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/mmmjordaaaan 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
here we are here we are h3 after dark forever unless someone knocks on us and gets us suspended we are here every friday i think that's the only after dark we've missed in almost a year yeah this is number 48 or 49. almost almost a year into after darkness why did i feel like we missed more than that well i was away yeah you missed i don't i never miss how does it feel to be me today ela elo is running late hey she's the reason we're late b she's posting up doing a post at the last minute before we go live and she goes wow i'm you today i says how does it feel to be a loser i personally really hated the experience and i'm going to go back to my old ways now you know what it feels like to be me and so stressful how do you do that every time i'm i'm a mess what do you mean well you know why i started off so late and it's happening to me a lot is because every time i walk into my closet it's like almost everything i'm looking at is not going to fit me so i don't know what to wear sounds like an excuse right got a vibe struggles well what'd you pick today let me see is this maternity pants no you know what i i'm just not i haven't unbuttoned my uh you want to show off your your outfit's pretty cool you got a vest what are you going fishing and since reebok looks sick bro show it work it work it work it i want to show you guys only two buttons are closed [Applause] thank you thank you trevor thank you appreciate you listen you know we've got a banger today pretty much like always but oh hold on gabe here gabe with the legendary internet connection [ __ ] yeah where are we today oh you're on a playground okay playground in the park having my ice cream baby [ __ ] day [ __ ] baby yeah is that a little sketchy yeah [Laughter] you're on a playground are you with a child no child no child in sight baby you're not offering ice cream to kids or anything are you no okay good just making sure yeah yeah okay good just making sure you know just had to ask i love the tiny window we got today yeah he's really small today too this what's with this i think it's a bandwidth thing it's automatically reduced in his eyes so gabe tell me about uh your friday baby tell me about your friday baby my friends [Applause] we love friday what you doing this weekend yes we can probably have like um maybe have maybe go out have family time and all that stuff hanging out with your family and friends hell yeah nice because it's friday huh do you have work for school yeah start the weekend you have to work or school nope [ __ ] yeah baby [Music] gabe was doing one last week oh yeah yeah it's kind of like a howl thing that would work too i like that it's friday baby friday baby [ __ ] yeah today's for legends baby fridays for legends oh yeah love you buddy all right maybe move up the playground okay sure love you bye thanks for checking in [Applause] we're basically watching like a slideshow of photos i feel like every week it's progressively getting worse connection yeah we're just like that was probably the worst connection we've experienced so far [ __ ] baby now yeah eating ice cream baby now oh yeah my mom it's friday right mom you want to join me baby [ __ ] baby [ __ ] it's friday baby [ __ ] that's my mom ladies and gentlemen yeah so um shout out obviously to gabe white club gabe you can find him on cameo as well as everybody else in my life everybody's on camera oh thank you to our sponsors hellofresh honey and kraken you know we love these people give it up that's right okay some top of the show stuff but yeah we have first of all if you guys missed mr verified today's the big results and i'm gonna be doing a little refresher and you guys are gonna have time to get your final votes in but basically we held a contest for all the guys on wednesday you can watch the whole competition on our off the rails but it's a fantastic episode and the guys are competing to be mr verified which means that i will be writing one single email to my social rep at twitter instagram and tick tock to get them verified no guarantees but so you're i have to like say that it's not just writing a single email it's like you got to choose wisely when you ask for favors so you're you're using a favorite credit absolutely graciously oh i'm so graciously thanks for pointing that out hey you're absolutely right it doesn't cost me nothing um so that's coming up if they want to vote the uh the link is in the description of the episode and it's also a pinned in the chat okay you know we also have here with us today you guys have met olivia she was an intern but she's been converted to a full-blown employee wow feels good thank you so quickly too that took it in like a year right to me under the gun it was this her school and i made the right choice she listened to gabe she's like [ __ ] school for the record i don't like having that on me i did but i don't i said i said listen i'm not going to tell you to quit school i'm not i don't want you to quit you know it's a big decision to make yeah i'll just tell you that whatever if the opportunity is here for you if you want it and um you know well i'm very grateful for it and school it'll always be there so we'll see what happens really best job in the world baby i told she was a drama major i mean oh ian you dropped out too i dropped out too yeah you did yeah wait did we i never know that loved it too love wait a bunch of football oh my god i am corrupted we're destroying am i the only one with a degree here i have a degree i have a degree yeah i have a certain degree yeah i do but to be honest with you guys just that like i don't i personally as a college graduate i don't think that degrees mean anything like i personally don't at all i i welcome both ways yes especially considering how expensive it is here it's like a big decision if you want to go that route and have debt for like 10 years or you want to go another route well 10 years ago legitimate to choose not to do it but in my in my uh opinion work experience is infinitely more valuable than and you know from the hp podcast sky's the limit very true the best job in the world baby but it's so good nobody ever leaves but ironically the h3 podcast exists because of my degree because of my video article that's true that is iran's origin story that is ironic anyway olivia welcome thank you welcome welcome olivia stand up stand up stand up stand up olivia how long did you work for us like a month or something or maybe more months but she was such an asset that um i didn't want to let her go you know i offered a job and she took it so i did not want to go thank you thank you so much what a guy so now that we're at the top of the show before we get too deep into everything i want to refresh everybody on the mr verified and then urge everyone to go cast their vote and at the bottom of the show we're going to announce the big winner this is big guys i don't want to i don't want to understate what a big moment this is um ela actually hasn't seen it um no i started watching the episode but have not um made it too far because i also challenge fall asleep every evening now yeah and well yeah if ella's not watching how can i expect anyone else to i'm just kidding i don't care but you guys should go watch mr verified so here is a little bit of a refresher this is ian talent portion uh first up we have young ian that's it's a play on uh miss america universe i am not going to waste too much time and i will let you symbol of me like so this is within 90 seconds so we're gonna on the clock hey guys kim kardashian send me this collector guys let's see what she sent today oh it's so earthy oh i mean in body fuel birthday cake bash with cream and then the i think the real doom for you tummy tea this is like a laxative when you guys go he started chugging laxatives and then he actually puked twice that was the real booty right ian uh it's like a it's a brand of it's the same thing yeah you know they have this this uh flat belly tea and it just makes you [ __ ] yes you knew that i didn't know that but it seems illegal ian weren't you just feeling sick the whole way oh yeah yeah i feel like i just come to work for like [ __ ] and vomit piss and he loved that and you dropped school for that okay yeah well yeah well um you know we love him he had a great performance he puked twice legend [ __ ] yeah legend [ __ ] uh dan of course did his anti you you you expect nothing else then yeah he did an anti uh application and basically he did a great kind of communist manifesto speech about why not to vote for him thank you thank you uh riveting the powers of silicon valley have entered into an unholy alliance to exercise this specter zuckerberg and dorsey [Music] where is the poster in opposition that has not been decried as a troll by their opponents in power where is the opposition that has not been hurled back the branding reproach of troll say what oh bring him out against the more advanced blue check marks yeah so he rallies against the man and a very derivative resulting from this fact i said dan what exactly was the talent he said oration so oration we love dan which is not a skill to be um so he's basically asking not to get it he says do not vote for me in fact he went a step further he said if you do vote for me and i do get the blue checky he promised to post a dong on instagram to get banned dong yeah penis i'm going to come and he was going to tell us your penis dan or randy no no no no that would be disgusting how are you going to how are you going to um select the penis to post well if i'm being honest i you know it won't necessarily be a penis it might just be something else that will get not verified like an isis video or something oh god dan what the hell but you're just trying to get people not to vote for you because people were excited about the dong i prefer that like dan has a pretty good chance with his strategy though that's what we were saying is that anti everybody thinks it's a reverse psychology thing there was a lot of comments like that yeah it is it's not clearly it's not dad is a great guy yeah i don't please don't post isis that will not reflect well on me i'm like hey can you please verify this guy starts posting isis videos oh my god isis uh dub remix zach of course came out shredding hard as can be everyone was really impressed by your shred sack so thank you round of applause to zach [Music] the man can shred ladies and gentlemen oh [Music] yeah zach ladies and gentlemen awesome yeah thank you thank you very much you i feel like you're getting better and better yeah um it was a lot of fun to uh perform that so i appreciate the opportunity also zach abandoned our blonde club yes i am back to uh we're no longer twins unfortunately now but my hair was turning not so blonde more but more into like a piss yellow yeah i know i was walking around like that for three months by the way he was pregnant we ordered breakfast videos that came late he was pregnant look who's eating but we gotta eat them oh my god that's so good like stop it what's the name of this place so people know or should we not say it not say it keep it to ourselves dude it's so good abe came out with a really powerful performance actually you guys probably remember his iconic donkey kong please say if they're really okay with us eating i feel so bad like i really do just eat it i mean what am i gonna do sit here and let it let it rot for for three hours basically yes oh no that's that option a b of course um you guys remember his donkey kong story about how he was playing donkey kong bungo jungle beat and uh really awkward situation here he reenacts it it was fantastic look at this this is the game [Music] that's good [Music] yeah people said they really it made them uncomfortable if they felt like they were really there yeah that was really good i was actually fascinated to see the game itself too and you have to hit it so hard at times that he really pulls it up you actually have to clap for such a little [ __ ] yeah you have to clap you do there's like a speaker there yeah very impressive i actually came out made him play it for me too here and how is that this is just shooting that [ __ ] out like i did back then pick it up a notch here maybe go ahead let's just let's go ahead let's relive it [Applause] okay so what is the clapping they consent you're clapping yeah there's a little speaker on it [Music] there's a little speaker on i can sense where i'm clapping and the clap is usually to get over like an obstacle or to punch an enemy okay so interesting so we we drum to move yep and two drums to jump to uh both to jump so like right there yeah yeah yeah these aren't we did also questions and um fashion as well so you don't want to miss the full contest but yes that's a little that's a little reminder now is the time for the final votes to be cast the link is in the description guys the only one that has access to that so far is love none of us know it's do we have so far love can you see that how many votes let me see we have 43 000 wow passionate bunch do we have a clear winner can you say that well should i say that don't say no no no i know yeah we do we do have a pretty clear winner but i do i mean if you guys vote a lot maybe it can spoil interesting what happened to your face love what is that well we had a fight here in the office earlier and yeah it wasn't pretty good for life you got hit pretty good yeah it was pretty gnarly all right well let's get on we got a lot of fun stuff to get to today um you know when we filmed that by the way just a little bit of a atmospheric i was dying of i had shawarma diarrhea and i was just like okay you show this first and then we gotta address that you can't just brush it over i couldn't even stand man and we were up so late filming that i just i couldn't deal with it i just couldn't stop [ __ ] and it was just so it was just awesome oh my god [Music] this is not this is a candid video i want to emphasize that that was not staged at all uh sniper shots of celebrities skills yeah i mean i i slipped and then you yeah i know it was crazy it was like back to that yeah i slept a little bit on my vegan diet obviously and i ate a ton of shawarma and that maybe wasn't the best way to break fast maybe the worst way but it was chicken shawarma i felt like there was something funky with that because oh there's more shawarma videos here's another one i don't even know what's here's me [Laughter] this is how my aunt used to put us in timeout exactly like this what is happening i've just that's how bad and i just wanted to push through it because i really wanted to everyone got ready right there i was just like man i can't just go home the thing is like we didn't start till four because i couldn't even sit still for more than five minutes i think you won a total of like 10 times wow yeah gross zach here's a little tick tock for you top of the show someone made a tribute to you have you seen this uh i have actually oh you have yeah yeah well kind of takes the fun out of it okay i haven't thank you hello there how you doing zach the soundlite here well it's official i'm on cameo for all your happy birthday messages your anniversary well make sure you disappear that was good that was really good does it make you uncomfortable then it's a little creepy but i think it's more funny than anything okay good sport yeah it's all in good fun you said you've been gotten getting a lot of requests about clyden's klein water and you've been rejecting them yeah yes i will i will not play that there are certain things i will not do that's proof of your dedication right because that's money you're saying turning down money it's yeah no dollar you know could could make no amount no no it's too far a little more update ab apparently saved the family from a car exploding what yeah did you hear about this hello no now there's a theory in the office that he actually set the car on fire because there's way too much [ __ ] going on around aby's life we're like was james charles in the car he's like i saved james charles from a burning car let's play the video and then you could unpack it for us he's trying to help the family right now but i'm so scared so what's happening i don't know the car is smoking wow oh my gosh it was just in flames what's happening it was inflamed oh i see the flames kind of hit me wow oh man i was literally so scared for you what is happening here oh my god how did that happen you bailed the [ __ ] out of there that way baby i got thank you thank you thank you thank you so what was your involvement well you know after we left that night after mr verified i'm like there's no way i'm beating ian and then i saw the fight i'm like hold on lena wait a second oh i'd be able to uh to swing the boat if i save these kids from this burning car and i ran in in my tuxedo and there was a little girl there oh you know the real story started i'm gonna even lost my [ __ ] but no we were just driving home that night and we saw a little girl on the side of the highway without her parents and so me and lena were like freaking out and some cars were stopped i went around the meeting got in front of them got out lena stayed with the little girl and the parents were trying to get an infant out the infant was still in a car seat yeah wow so i was i was telling the mom the mom was kind of freaking out i just said go with the daughter but she didn't speak good english she went over with lena and me and the dad got the infant out wow and then they didn't want to [ __ ] leave i was telling them to get in the car get in our car or at least step further back and they're just the dad's like slowly grabbing the stroller and just like they're unpacking at the mall or something very casual yeah and then when i saw other people walking up alright [ __ ] this i mean i don't i don't know what to do at this point i mean we got the kids out he be the hero wow [Applause] take a bow baby stand up yeah you're a good man he's also a superhero at night you're a good man to pull over and help yeah i like that thank you he made sure to record it though [Laughter] [ __ ] god of you [Laughter] so lena recorded and honestly hold on let me finish lena recorded and then i got after lena was outside with me first okay lena got back in the car lena recorded and i had no idea that she was recording until after when she was playing oh you were recording and then i was like damn i really wish you kind of got the beginning [Laughter] you still did really good that's really really nice of you thank you but listen listen the reason why i have to record is no one believes [ __ ] around tonight well after the james charles [ __ ] yeah we didn't improve [Laughter] but okay i i took it's a bad big bite dude these are the best breakfast i'm almost done you guys they messed up with mine they put bacon on mine so i can't eat it well i gave you the chorizo one stop no you stopped no you're not even cute says who oh my god i'll just take a bite thank you you're hello i would have given you mine i would have traded you oh that one's not the bacon one that one's chorizo oh i don't know oh so eat it that's what i said oh my god baby eats like a an elementary school okay you can eat it yeah as long as there's no bacon i'm good is that your rule no pork there's no pork yeah it's all hollow like all of us half-assed muslims to do it do you drink alcohol no i used to when i was younger but did you stop for religion uh pretty much yeah but also i married him yo it's no fun breaking news but we just got a super chat for 44 no 45 british pounds i'm finally speaking out i was a paid actor in the fake ab car story he told me and my family to act panicked and his girlfriend filmed us what do you have to say for yourself okay don't let my wife know i have a girlfriend oh right i think they meant lena [Laughter] baby you're gonna have to provide proof that you didn't fake it that's how it works on conservative media right right hey i mean was that burrito shiritso the shot is going crazy shiritso is pork chorizo oh chat's olivia what are you doing it's your first day you're trying to make me change my career take it back bring it back bring it back well who's like the bacon one wait so there's cherry chocolate yeah who's got the bacon you know i had that thought but i don't eat meat so i'm far from an expert on chorizo so i was like oh okay here let me do a sample test okay can everyone please remind me who's pregnant no what oh my gosh go cut away cut away oh my no that's the opposite of what we want no the end no yeah it's in the fridge i'll take this home take another bite wait what is this one oh my god everyone is still crazy baby there we go oh my god [Laughter] oh wow oh yeah right baby no [ __ ] baby no holy [ __ ] that bacon is insane people are still spamming chorizo somebody take that one too [Laughter] [Music] baby now [Music] i'm back now you can't eat for like five minutes oh you can't talk for fresh okay this whole [ __ ] job to get a bite of bacon so vegan is completely out of the question for today and the other day with the shawarma i'll be honest though i think the meat is too heavy i like the egg the vegetarian one better okay yeah which is still not vegan because it's egg who said no vegan today okay maybe tomorrow so anyway congratulations to ap he's a hero just for the record i i do believe this story wow uh i have another revelation here i have 100 uh aed i'm sorry i'm not sure what currency that is uh i also have something to confess i2 was a paid actor in the video i was the burning car that a b purposely lit on fire for the clout wow damning evidence uh yeah i just i appreciate zach believing in me but it's funny that we're at a point where a [ __ ] burning car with the whole family well i didn't see the car all i saw was you running quickly from a car and boning out yeah actually we just pulled up like lena recording real quick yeah i ran up i'm like good luck idiots and then i ran back that's what it looked like i don't know what you said to them you may have just said burn we don't know what really happened without the video evidence fire yeah congratulations ava you are a hero thank you thank you i also wanted to clear something up i've seen a lot of speculation about why we ended families and people there's all these there's speculation there's conspiracy there oh wow i really love the internet so i haven't i've been watching a lot of t channels i'm not gonna but the speculation is that and it's and it's true is that we ended families to protect my parents from the internet which is absolutely true coming off of like my mom's beef with trisha [Music] and just like and and then like how they getting into stuff with people on twitter yeah they don't need this and they're their retirement in their old age it's taking like the mix of like working with family to a next level because it's not just work with family it's like also online beef i loved working with them for the record we had a great my parents were fantastic they were just grateful and happy to be there but i just they don't know they don't know what they're getting themselves in how dark it can get right and i saw it tipping a little bit over the course of 10. where there's people who are like saying bad nut mean things and then you have trisha stands saying mean and it's like and it's just it gets kind of icky and my parents are wholesome they're pure they've been through their life they don't need to be on the internet and people saying these horrible things and then wait till people start making exposed videos about them digging into their past i mean you can only imagine you know [ __ ] baby [ __ ] friday [ __ ] like i said on the thank you mom so like i said on the show i wanted to end on a high note when everything was pure and beautiful and not wait for the exposed videos that's a good reason yeah then it can get really dark when you're in like i mean she was like you know she was talking about drama stuff and like it can be funny for a little bit but if you guys continue in that route yeah it's only going to get more and more dark for her on like she doesn't want to have people hating her on the internet okay and then or worse if you know or worse there's worse things that could happen yeah much worse things and you know trisha was like literally calling my mom out and i was like oh this is gone this is too much and you know i put my mom in that position so i'm not i'm not blaming it's my fault you know i had my mom comment on drama which i thought would be funny to have this naive sweet lady who doesn't know anything about the internet but the thing is like the show is a big platform so yeah that's the thing it's not like a goofy little dubrick is your brick but she said like my mom is like vile and the most evil woman alive and people pick up on that stuff and run with it all the way and say he says you know what let's wrap it up while we're ahead exactly and it is true that we only started it as a group like it was going to be one episode at first yeah and it was just one up yeah so yeah but so people were so receptive to everything that we were like let's roll with it for a while but and also on the back end it was very difficult show to produce just for up for like to generate ideas and stuff because um it's like it's kind of they're old they're boomers and they're out of place so it's like there's a stick that you have kind of a space to work in that i think over the course of another 10 20 episodes would probably start to wear off so i want the novelty to be fresh i want people to like my parents i don't want people making exposed videos on my parents or worse everyone's happy in the end right that's right there you have it you know we have an upper band this is a hard decision for me to make because it was ethan was going back and forth for a couple weeks it's really hard because first of all despite everything it was still like our most viewed podcast after after dark i guess after dark yeah but but like consistently over a million views yeah no and we had like ads out the ass like the advertisers loved that family [ __ ] yep so you know it was a lot of money to say no to and a lot of people who are enjoying the show a lot of content but it was um the right decision i think you know indeed for their tender hearts so that's that uh we should do our ad read oh for real already it's worth 35 minutes in that went fast okay yes indeed thank you thank you peace and love to hello fresh hello fresh hello french do you love hello fresh sheila i do i think it's great actually because i never know what to cook or i just get i get frustrated by even having to think about what to cook yeah and figuring that out you got to go to the grocery store yeah you got to pick at the right ingredient so it saves you all the thinking that's what i like and just the joy and pleasure of cooking a delicious meal that's the beauty fall is busy but hello fresh recipes save time you'd otherwise spend meal planning shopping chopping and you get to do what matters is which is cook a beautiful delicious healthy meal wham bam hello fresh family friendly menu is a big one for back to school season with easy delicious recipes for drama free drink dinners hellofresh offers 50 manual market items to choose from every week from vegetarian meals and calorie smart choices to extra special gourmet options there's something for everybody to enjoy with best recipes designed and tested by professional chefs and nutritional experts to ensure deliciousness and simplicity yeah i mean there's and like the variety of stuff they send you is is amazing they've got like mexican food they got pizza they got awesome it's always good too here and then we've got a fantastic offer you guys ready for this if you go to it after dark 14 and use code after dark 14 you're going to get up to 14 free meals wow including free shipping once again that's after dark 14 and use code after dark 14 for 14 up to 14 free meals it's uh you know hey it's hellofresh america's number one meal kit thank you thank you thank you [Music] honey thank you honey we love our sponsors don't we you like you know about honey i do i sometimes regret when i shop on my phone because i'm like i don't know right you know honey could have saved me money but they saved me so much money every time i shop basically i always check it and sometimes there's a pretty good saving what is honey it's a browser plug-in you can install into easy clicks it's free to use it scours the web for promo codes automatically adds them at checkout if there's any applicable codes it's so easy to use it supports over 30 000 stores online ranging from tech gaming products fashion brands even food delivery and it applies the best coupon in a few 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air reel i've never heard of that before i'm gonna look it up oh okay yeah kevin hart the ceo of ariel except uh this isn't the right kevin hart no uh no that's not kevin hart somebody on the shark thanks social media team is getting in there is that awesome oh my god it's kevin hart he's the ceo of ariel he's got credentials wow i wonder if they hired the wrong kevin hart wow who messed that up the producers are like let's get kevin hart on the show yeah okay great and then they got they get kevin hart shows up on set and they're like oh [ __ ] we got the wrong kevin hart well somebody was probably preaching this guy kevin hart and then the other people thought that's the kevin hart but i'm wondering if they yeah they actually got the wrong kevin hart yeah i think so that's the best and kevin hart is like super excited he's like cool oh my god i'm not an entrepreneur but i like the respect they're giving me the wrong one wow like so kevin hart ceo it would still be a really fun episode if they got kevin hart the real so wait you think they don't have you think they got the ceo kevin hart and they posted a comedian kevin art no i think no no i think they got the comedian kevin hart but they think that that is his investment see i'm trying to see if this other kevin hart is even a big wig maybe you guys can i'm not seeing much information about it's awesome what was the name of the company again it was uh it's not amazing that's fantastic trying to think but nothing happens i'm kind of souring on shark tank to be honest i used to write yeah and lately it's like every picture is just a little repetitive so dumb dude oh my god how many years have they been doing that now i feel like that shows uh a lot i don't know it's like season 11 or 12 well i just don't understand why there's no there's no good entrepreneurs left in this country i personally feel like the good ones probably actually have better options out there than going on shark tank because they do ask for a lot of money like the percentage they ask for is a lot they rip they rip rip people yeah yeah that's a good point if you actually have a pop in business yeah right i just watch it for the cubes mark cuban is the man the key you're one of the cubans cubes your cute boy i feel like it goes to his head too much and it's like oh everyone wants cuban i don't know i'm gonna put this in the mavericks locker room yep this is great and he always plays it like i don't care until the last minute and then he's like he throws some offer and everyone jumps on it like yes we wanted you you know what you know what i really hate it i know they're doing it for theatrics but it's so [ __ ] up is that when someone's pitching something someone gets an offer right they go i'm giving you this offer and you have to answer if you even look at another show i will spit on you and i'll do everything in my power to make sure you fail that's another reason why real people with a real business shouldn't even go like why shouldn't i hear what everyone else has to offer that's a good business move i shouldn't hear all the offers it's like what are you promoting contradictory type of person you want to work with you want to work with a shrewd businessman yeah are you telling me a shrewd businessman it's like just shut up and be your [ __ ] take it right now or the offer is off the table yeah and then they just look at someone else and it's like okay i'm out you i'm out offer from mr cuban and you didn't take it well he does the buzzer beater where he counts three seconds down i find that so disrespectful and i don't like the shtick i'm actually interested in the business it kind of ruined the show for me they started doing it more and more it's like every [ __ ] show you know you know what i'm out it's like you petty you're like how insecure are you guys i'm after can i consult with my partner think about it no i'm out like what the [ __ ] what are you trying to promote well then they'll also they're like can i make a quick call and then they'll step out of the tank and then they'll come back and they'll offer come back the offer gets worse it's totally [ __ ] we've changed the offer yeah pray we don't change it further yeah it's like i don't know you know the same thing can be said for what's that one show we liked the prophet the prophet i loved that show did anyone ever watch that he got such a big he went so big time he was this guy he was an entrepreneur he would go into failing businesses and like just really gut it and rework it it was so entertaining i loved it so much and in the new seasons he went like big time it's like he's trying to become a a celeb like him himself as a character or something i don't know he's trying to build up his personality as a celeb i feel like and it's just like not working but it's way less about the businesses yeah or just about him yeah and i'm like no anyway shout out to kevin hart the studio hey uh real quick before we move on uh there have been a lot of questions in the chat about uh what happened to the new love bot including a 50 super chat from alicia saying hey what happened to the new love bot after the returning to youtube skit he's still with the broken screen what happened to the new lovebot is that thing sucked oh really yeah horrible speaker vastly inferior product and you guys might notice that looking at love on the screen you couldn't really even see the screen was so dim on the old one like this one you can really make it and the battery wasn't holding a charge within minutes of being off the charger the horizontal screen wasn't good either yeah everything started the fika vibe was way off yeah yeah completely off completely to be honest to be totally honest like with this robot i really feel like love is in here with them right now but the other one i didn't feel his presence yeah so even with the broken screen this this one is vastly superior absolutely yeah it was laggy too like at times it we like he we would hear him and then his visual was like 10 seconds behind like it was like that behind it was a bad product yep what do you guys think about this team skeet giving a fun farewell to my dad on the ending of her family in honor of h3 families closing the curtains we are doing one more team ski ufo shirt giveaway that's the one they gave my dad apparently follow us on tw oh yeah smash that like button for a chance to win your very own gary klein porn ambassador uniform smash that like button please stand up apparently someone out team skeet's a fan of the show yeah this is so [ __ ] fun and they gave the peace and love too there's all kinds of memes in there look how happy my dad looks smash that like by the way this is when i got really ela tell me what you think about this okay here's like oh god you know what you know i watched him today on the podcast he's so adorable you know my dad responded he said you're not too bad yourself no this is mine no right no after all we've been through on this on our show gary still i mean he's flirting in public view and smash that like button your dog you're not so bad yourself dad stop it gary i love you i guess you'll have to get in line like don't even don't stop it dad that's not it's i don't like this this is why i entered the show you guys understood this is the problem yeah this is why the show is ending if you want to blame anyone blame my dad for these tweets smash that like button i literally can't deal with this [ __ ] yeah well speaking of my dad i okay dan you ready okay you guys me and dan have been scheming in secret i know what it is hold on okay me and dan have been devising a secret loyalty test uh-oh you guys have been going on and on about your cameos my mom my dad all you guys on cameo talking about well cameo cameo this came with that is it okay let's use cameo to do a loyalty test so what we did did you know about this ela i told you about it right we bought a cameo from each one of these guys emperor and we asked them to insult me [Laughter] we wrote to them and said i don't like ethan you're my favorite i watch because of you can you insult ethan and and so we've given each one of these guys and both of my parents a loyalty test now there's one person that failed spectacularly i would say right uh well i guess say i don't know it's not spectacular nobody went all in i'll say that like nobody was like yeah ethan [ __ ] suck um there was one but definitely did better than others there's one fail was there just one fail or was there more than one uh there's two that i would probably classify as a fail um and then two like neutral and then one that actually i would say passed with flying called they excelled okay do you want you guys want to guess who failed i can't guess because i already kind of know some of it um wait tell me tell me who's the other i know which one is but they're gonna hear [Music] [Laughter] of course well you guys want to take a guess i mean guys who do you think are you guys surprised you guys are just for now finding out maybe just said that you think not surprised that's not what i yeah i was wrong oh okay what do you think it was the imagine thing no i think i thought it was this but i don't i totally went past my head for this one i was expecting this anytime i got like a weird request but this one was so i did not expect this to be i tried to be subtle and i think for the most part i was successful but in my in my defense actually let's just watch it first go ahead no no okay oh so abe knows he failed a b of all the people you [ __ ] failed me dude you lost your sim card the one who suspected that it might happen too you [ __ ] felt no he said he didn't suspect it he respect he had he he was tingling he was anticipating all kinds of [ __ ] by the way this was a really elaborate scheme dan made several different accounts sent them at different times during the week because they all gossip backstage so we had to make sure that nobody knew nobody talked about it and every and we sent them all at different times with different names from different email accounts yeah they made like yeah this was a very elaborate sting and i actually even we both got these weird cameos and and we had a conversation we were like this is ethan isn't it and it was not different that was you okay and it was not you so i am also very surprised i i got one that i i thought for sure was um yeah you guys um without specifics they just wanted me to meow what i thought no that wasn't yeah there was no meow over there i have been scheming on ways to embarrass you guys via cameo but the loyalty test was the one you're making it's not a lot worse than what it is i think you should show it if anything well hold on we'll get it we will but in my defense i just had a shoe chucked at my my tracheal i could i could not breathe wasn't that what are you talking about where was he submit his video how's that related yesterday it happened this morning what do i care if it's sure i'm saying that was a video before i recorded the one about you oh you're mad at me you're taking it out on me i'm just saying i was a little uh excuse [Music] you me bro does this mean i can reclaim the number one simp uh potentially let's see i've said all along love you're the next guys remember you can take this into consideration when you vote during missiles it all counts it all counts a b got a big boost from saving that child from a burning car so this might balance that out yeah well [ __ ] the kids in the burning car you dissed me dude it's the original sin can you post it now dan the uh oh it's in the discard all right you know what i thought it was at first i thought you found that speech dan that i was telling you yeah oh yeah no no no i look so should i play all of them or just the ones that failed and then the one that was like passed with flying colors are they all interesting they're all i mean you don't have to watch all of them your dad's is like seven minutes long or something so obviously you have to watch that one but but so this is the person that passed with flying colors i want to play this one first okay who do you think it was the past you can ask me because i know and you guys want to guess i think zac it's also his parents just so you guys know you guys was my mom my mom passed with flying colors my mom came to ride for me here is my mom on the loyalty test just go ahead hey steve it's donna from families you are so sweet you know i've had the best time because you said you're my favorite and i watched videos and that i was very upset that families was ending and i didn't really like the h3 pockets but it was a huge donna fan uh and i really just watched for her not even yeah the podcast with gary had been and um yeah but you know it's just yeah no zach passed yeah but zach cheated this whole network and family on this social media platform and you know i am not going away i'm still going to be on twitter and tick tock just too long give ethan a chance he's got some really good stuff he's a smart guy he's funny and um i can't tell you who the next guest is going to be but is that all because it's a surprise you get the job she was like stick with me give ethan a chance he's a great great thank you so you're saying well okay so zach you know i'll tell zach did pass and i'll tell you why he's the only one that didn't submit and so i was like zach check your cameos you gotta do this before the show i was like we sent you a cameo but talk but i said talk [ __ ] about me i said just go in and say mean things about me and zach looked me and he's like i can't do that even when i specifically instructed him i said zach you have to just say bad things about me oh he's not getting bad he's like i can't wait so the request was just sitting there and yeah he didn't get to it he didn't get to because he had so many big guys so zach refused but i said okay just film something this is a link to you know this is the wrong thing um so i don't actually don't know what he sent but this whatever he sent was knowing that uh he was being uh bamboozled yeah so it doesn't really count but he did pass maria maria what is up it is what is going on it is zach the sound lab first off thank you so much for the love and support buying a cameo from me very cool of you um just remember he knows what's up people on the show and you know with the sound bites and stuff but i just want to feel right dunking on ethan first of all i have nothing bad to say about the man i always tell people i have the best job in the world you know this is been amazing working here and just for the record i wouldn't i hope you know me where i wouldn't bad-mouth you i would have rejected it it was a test i would have rejected that yeah well i guess it will never be fair i i mean i strong guard zach more than anyone because i literally said to him go take the cameo and just talk [ __ ] about me he said i can't do that i said okay you passed the test is it golden boy what can you say nothing bad to say certainly not okay okay so then we have um i don't want to keep closing this document so we have basically the failures now and and ian you want to watch ian's i don't know yeah yeah ian hey maria this is ian here i got your camera four minutes and you were hoping this cut to the chase is it right here wait i thought it was just about to absolutely give my best roast to ethan just the best roast i've got and you know as you enjoyed the roast previously i see why you would come to me for this request uh it sounds like you're a little bummed out with the ending of certain shows that we've done in the past so i get why you'd want me to uh give him my best roast and uh sure sure maria i will totally be up for doing that um gotta get on with it let me get the head space okay here we go heads face here all right best roast for ethan clyde all right i am going to say that for ethan klein i think my best roast would probably be folger's classic always oh never misses ian never missed very good now ian let me ask you did you suspect that this was a trap i actually didn't wow i i thought you were someone else that was in my queue but i didn't know i am so you all suspected i was in your queue yes they all suspected that you were doing it but but none of them caught on that my request was the one so wait which is the one that you thought was me ian uh i got one where someone said that he just broke up with his girlfriend but he wanted me to send him a special birthday message to his ex and i thought that was you like some gag interesting not me but it's interesting that you didn't roast me so were you just trying to do a play on words or were you actually just not wanting to roast your magnanimous boss i feel like i let it all out at the actual roast i got nothing left i expect i didn't know what to expect with ian you know well he passed the test yeah he passed he actually did pass nice and that leaves us of course with the big fails a b and my dad team skeet baby so let's start with a b hello reba thank you for reaching out thank you for showing support thank you for watching the show uh you asked me to dunk on ethan but see it's not it's not easy to dunk on ethan because he's nearly perfect okay i mean come on the guy he's he's always on time that's another way he speaks his pronunciation of words that's a [ __ ] beautiful inspiration he never messes up and it's honestly like poetry whenever he speaks the guy is really committed uh he wears shorts every day it's my show i don't i don't i don't believe what you wear i can wear shorts he will not break his principles he will always wear those shorts of his and lina lina what can i make fun of ethan for you're roping lena into this now what can i be trying ethan is this just lazy or you act was this planned ask her these are my cameos i'm doing it before work i don't i mean wow bro bro and baby wonders why he's got no orders you work a lot bro that's it that's the real [ __ ] i'm literally wearing the same thing i was wearing glasses i literally just woke up and my eyes looked super red also when lena hit me with that slipper on the previous cameo i think it made my eyes more red so but dude this is a big [ __ ] l bro you could you're just gonna go out and roast me wait what does lina say i want to see good point all right nothing she's like what are you doing what are you talking about i'm like doing [ __ ] no she said something oh he gets diarrhea a lot that's nobody's business this guy charges five dollars more than me do you i was charging a lot more than that but yeah i tried to find more than that but they pay for the authenticity what can i say should you guys put on the show i give them the realness that's a giant l bro dude that is such a backstab to me after everything i've done do you getting getting paid you i am whatever you say i'm you say i'm the symbol i said okay yeah whatever i mean i just i just go with the character no i know it was you i did give you this job i do everything i do everything for you and now you're on cameo taking money to insult me on this very special thing what did i do to deserve this treatment from you ab you are like my son and now you're nothing now you are nothing to me you brought me on you broke my heart baby i have a counter argument okay we will hear it okay weren't these guys all working for you during a certain time and did any of them make an hour and a half video defending you no i think there's a cloud argument for that see yeah whatever like i said i am whatever you say i am i'm the clown goblin because i'm it was obviously agreed with that yeah i wasn't safe i want clown i should have definitely went the other way yeah because yeah i would definitely listen to that that video didn't get used for [ __ ] two years going against all the the club of uh hate yeah it's uh not an hour and a half long hour 15 minutes look that up a little bit critiquing him now all right you know i kid you i love you you are simp and uh you're the greatest honestly it wasn't that bad no i mean come on dude i'm just kidding did you see what happened to me before that the camera before that or at least i have to do it no i did not lina chuck with the shoe excuse what is i wouldn't have talked [ __ ] if if i hadn't been hit by a shoe what did you say i said what does that have to do with this i don't understand uh zach has asked you what does that story have to do with this do you want to respond it just threw me it threw me off a little bit i wasn't thinking straight after that i saw my life flash before you rattled your brain the shoe is concussed therefore you have to talk [ __ ] about your boss zach has a zac has a question i think the merits and answers you don't have to smoke today bro i love you man don't get me wrong why do you make me do this go ahead speak your mind maybe no i'm good peace and love to all there's some i'm the hero i save the kids is there something you're holding back about zach no no no no okay can i abbey and i took a really nice photo yesterday can i show that real quick yeah backtracking real quick adorbs where you can't yeah beautiful yeah things can change so fast all right here's my dad who basically was the biggest fail of all no surprises i was kind of surprised my dad so where should i start because this is five [ __ ] minutes long holy [ __ ] it's not that far in that and next time my dad tries to tell me he's busy i'm gonna show him this five minute cameo like aps it's you know it's not like he's like [ __ ] ethan he sucks [Laughter] all right here we go yeah gary from the late great can you crack his podcast on h3 i am as you well know the father of ethan the husband of the don arc kind of reminds me of shoes thank you so much for your cameo i've done quite a few so far and you are hands down my favorite cameo request so far because like don as i said i don't really like ethan i really just watched the show for you i watch for you i got gary kleiner for life i believe i said and he goes this is my favorite cameo to defend ap real quick this is your father saying this [ __ ] oh yeah yeah this is any i mean that's horrible you just showed excellent taste in um preferring me over my son and uh my uh style of child rearing and uh you know it's been interesting to see oh that's right i also i said i made a comment about um it's so annoying how ethan always complains about how you raised him [Laughter] the debates ethan and i have had once he started therapy uh dude oh my god excuse me this is awful [Laughter] dad is responsible for anything bad that's ever happened to me and you know that is basically what uh in the podcast ended up being about for for quite a while so um you know he's a good kid i think everyone after listening to this my dad's definitely the biggest i think anything i said about you i think you guys need an emergency episode [Laughter] i i retract anything bad i said about av my dad is definitely the big l on this one [Laughter] and as a special reward for being my favorite cameo this is i believe the only one i've done is sans hat so you are getting to see what a tree is still looking you did it without a hat oh wait he took off the h3 hat for this one imagine nice anymore anything else you want to say about my therapy you know donna was a super successful hair stylist for many years and i just went on to be honest i didn't watch much further i was like all right i got the idea because as you said you know we have no [ __ ] my dad is having a full-on conversation with him oh right he just quoted another i said i love that you have no [ __ ] to give and he just he just quoted that part nonsense that happens i need that there's no effect see i sculpted um seeing people saying you know they're going to miss us and that guys have just been so great backlash all right now he's hard for fans i don't know if you expected this much backlash it was like when we did the family feud episode and my dad was playing his whole life you know ethan and i kind of thought this was going to bring milk weed and story time with really enjoyed it favorite cameo like you are reba reba you know identify yourself as someone to talk to me so i'm not quite different um i don't know where you live where you are but hopefully it's a belief and stay healthy so please thanks again love you guys take care and we will see you soon bye-bye awesome i killed it gary sorry gary sorry to do you like that i need that clown i was under specific orders somehow you underestimate a little bit i think it's a good thing i can't believe your dad said that [ __ ] oh my god it doesn't bother if you think that it's gonna bother me or cause problems it's not it's just a funny guy i don't want people to actually get worried don't open please yeah don't worry about it please i love my dad there's not is it trust me any problem i have with my dad's already been like what about me you know aired out rushed over rolled over maybe i'm gonna talk to you after this show well that was fun oh another uh breaking news that i have to share jojo uh just confessed uh i have a confession i was a paid actor in abey's cameo i was the sh i was the shoe zach paid me to sabotage a b so he was the shoe yeah the shoe that got thrown at a b that he was awesome so yeah the possibility that the shoe that was thrown at you has called all caused all the misfortune of this week yeah the comments said the shoe knocked the simp out of me so guys we're moving on now to fortnite is out of control for this one this might be my favorite story of the year yeah we planned a lot for it too it's gonna be a lot of fun for tonight for so fortnight for tonight i thought it would be a good idea to add mlk to fortnite yes martin luther king jr right yeah he's the june he's the junior yes now the fact the idea first of all i i understand it's an admirable mission they're showing his in his famous speech you know yeah about uh i have a dream speech and the idea is admirable it's a beautiful speech it's nice to to get people to watch it but the idea that a room full of serious people could come together and decide to do this is truly mind bending fortnite so they added a whole virtual level where you can complete various challenges in honor of mlk's work and civil rights movement [Laughter] uh last year last year this isn't the first time they dipped their toes in civil issues last year they actually held a virtual discussion on race following the george floyd oh murder here's a clip of that as a little refresher i didn't know about this what is this yeah okay so so they're in fortnite watching fortnite uh they're getting education on race yep just chilling there and the fortnight skins that's wild dude there's it looks like there's five people watching it's so weird yeah i mean it's just guys it's like i don't know if it's but anyway this one they took it to the next minecraft also interestingly did a civil rights education course course featuring john lewis and nelson mandela they made skins of them you're going to love this here's skins here's nelson mandela skin and minecraft travel to pakistan to meet malala who spoke out against the taliban when they tried to prevent girls from getting an education talking about help her rebuild the village school and learn more about her work as an advocate for education this is dystopian as [ __ ] we then visit south africa [Music] on to segregation that was minecraft but ammo the mlk event takes the kick right like this thing is next oh yeah no the minecraft one is funny but it's less maybe a little less offensive this this this fortnite thing is okay so beyond the same going to a portal into mlk world but the problem is of course is that there's all these dances and skins in fortnite and it just turns into such a [ __ ] show here's a little bit of a lincoln memorial as master chief of our republic wrote the magnificent words beautiful let's get a little weapon they were signing [Music] there's there's more of course this is just the beginning this is the worst thing that's ever happened so someone someone said mlk had a had a dream he didn't realize it would turn into a fort nightmare [Laughter] nice one here's another one everyone celebrating the great words of martin luther king [Applause] [Music] this is too weird [Music] watch for social justice let's keep it going come on oh that's it you want to floss for social justice hila uh no fortnite here's more this appears to be uh what is this skin [Music] this is so dark like yeah honestly [Music] wait what's i don't understand this character but it's just like everybody like there's someone on top of the tv there's spiderman mlk died for this [ __ ] and everyone's just like he died for this [ __ ] he didn't [ __ ] die for to be his grave tap danced on instead of fortnite it's rewind time here they are raising oh here's uh rick raising the roof on him what i have four little children they live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but yes i have a dream i have a dream [Music] superman and rick sanchez raising the roof on mlk beautiful this is what he saw okay can i read you a chat message yes please okay with all due respect you guys focus so much on exposing others and then when there's an instance of companies actually raising awareness for such important things you laugh it's just a view of his speeches lol listen i'll take that yeah that needs addressing listen i said at the beginning that it's good they're trying to raise awareness i love the speech it's good people can see it but this is a this is a [ __ ] show it's funny yeah it's funny and it's also that's all it's like and it deserves more reverence than having [ __ ] rick from rick and morty doing the floss in front of his speech like please this is this is so disrespectful and it's raising awareness that it that doesn't outweigh the the harm i don't know i don't know if i would say it's disrespect i mean it's the players are in there making memes out of it which was which was inevitable inevitable of course like the the intentions is good it's a violent video and by the way it's just like this is not the place for this by the way i'm sure a lot of people went in there who hadn't seen it and watched it and enjoyed it so that's good but then but like it is funny let's not debate that it's not funny i mean come on it's funny is this a real media picture yes no they slapped the playstation logo on his forehead you know and that well that's just monetizing a man who wanted to like kill poverty right like that was a socialist yeah he wanted to end poverty and now you have his face on a playstation dude that's gnarly that they did that with the playstation what is this [ __ ] oh no is this from the game yes oh bro the episode wow so wow okay i didn't realize that they have a bathroom like back in the day obviously during jim crow you have a whites and colored sinks and um it's kind of actually it's kind of cool you're doing like a virtual museum i mean it's actually kind of cool maybe just the rick and their flossing maybe what they could have done is just like cancel skins and dancing that's exactly could they do that that would have at least helped them the memes of uh yeah no but really just again and and chat probably this would be my guess it just feels like it makes a joke of the subject of the whole thing exactly actually educating i don't know oh man this is crazy i didn't realize they had like a whole interactive and they're all in line to do something they're like peeing in the corner or something i don't know what's going on um here's a monument i have a dream it looks like alien from alien predator is using a typewriter or something i don't know what the hell is going on there uh here's rick and alien i believe he was taking notes okay yeah at least he was paying attention uh picketing for his dream i think it's cool i i just think it's funny i mean you can't tell me it's not funny very similar energies of course to shout out to his family there's this in case you forgot is in honor of george floyd so shout out to his family [Music] yeah so anyway we got inspired by this and um we actually we spoke with fortnight because we had concerns you know we had a lot of feedback for them hilo really and so we actually prepared well we we thought it was really effectual okay so we we suggested effective effectual you look that up i think that's a word maybe not effectual is a word oh yes how about that come on i dare you i said your words like poetry right don't you're in the you're in the doghouse baby don't even try to get on my good side so you know we we had a long conversation with the epic games right yes yeah yes epic games yes yes and we said listen the mlk thing was such a success we want to pitch you guys some other historical events that we think would be good in fortnight so here is our pitch just to raise awareness you know so here's our pitch to fort for do fortnight so of course we have the uh september 6th january it's january 6th it's not even september yet september 6th uh lincoln assassination could be cool [Music] um for the berlin wall berlin blunder uh the titanic going down [Music] you know it could be cool to see that oh this is pearl harbor the bombing pearl harbor tiananmen square you know yeah it could be a fun interactive level we thought okay so this is um this is uh adolf hitler uh giving us impassioned speech bananas are loving that okay now this is jfk's magic bullet discover what really happened in this interactive event okay wow now this is actually uh this is a australian and the banana is running for his life so wow yeah those will be coming in the next few months to the fortnite servers and the big update yeah so those are our pitches and um they seemed really interested they seemed to really be very receptive yeah especially to the last one before anyone gets mad about the auschwitz joke that's my joke to tell okay ethan insisted he include that one well oh all right well so we've got after the bathroom break yeah let's do it i do too you want to go first okay okay a donation from mega awesomenerd one of our mods on the discord actually he said this is the funniest most tone-deaf thing i've seen all year he's talking about the fortnight though oh it's not uh no he's talking about the fortnite thing uh the tone deaf thing i've seen all year i didn't think mlk's legacy and struggle to give us rights could be appropriated anymore but then fortnite said hold my flossing superman yeah i mean there you go and he he's a he is a black man right mega yes right yeah so yeah um that's a good point i do think it's like appropriating it into a video game and then you're putting the playstation logo over his face it's like they turned it into a kind of i mean they're kind of monetizing it well it was a free thing they don't directly make money from it but like a promotional thing did they like donate money to uh no and and i guess you know in fairness we should say that uh mlk's estate signed off on it i saw in like the credits like well thank you thank you to i mean yeah they wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise um so you know they're within their rights to license his speech to epic games for this listen but there's a lot of kids a lot of people that play fortnite that maybe don't know about emma cannon's legacy so there could be some genuine curiosity that was the pushback that comes out of it yeah there was we were talking about it a lot at the office yesterday um again i i i hear the arguments for why it may be a positive but i just think the negatives outweigh them in my opinion cam brought up a pretty good point he's like um you know if there's people in you know states that have grew up with a racist family you know this you know informs them on you know yeah i mean hey i hear in texas they're banning discussions of of rate that you can only teach that that america is a pure and great country yeah that slave really never happened that jim crow never happened and maybe maybe you know it's been a long time since i was in school so maybe my perspective is skewed when i was going to school they taught us about martin luther king and i have a dream speech in a serious and appropriate way that didn't include dancing and you guys didn't floss during that we did not stirring that unit uh so you know maybe in some places they don't do that or now they're not or or something but you know i i don't feel like this is necessarily obscure history that's being shared and to me it just seems a little opportunistic exploitive well it is true that you know when i was a kid we learned about all that we learned about like japanese internment camps we were learned about the native american trail of tears and the genocide of native americans we learned about jim crow and slavery and all the horrible things about america and it's like there is an effort going on now to whitewash america's the dark underbelly of america's history true which is disturbing and horrific it's like how can you yeah so maybe maybe this did do some good somewhere but you can't tell me it's not absurd it is absurd to see the master chief dancing oh the how they did it it's just the silly part like i saw a couple people say they could have just played like a video when you log in or log out of the game or something like that right there's also like there's like jumping puzzles including it and stuff yeah there was just there's a lot i think they got two i think they got too caught up and making it cool and like cool and fun yeah and they're like it wouldn't be cool if you walked in you're at the lincoln memorial and um i think they goofed a little bit there it's rewinding so they're definitely getting some backlash um from from all corners so i'd love like a crystal knock walk through it's just like being there you get a yellow star army yeah yeah you're walking god you didn't you didn't yeah [Laughter] i do find the whitewashing american history that a lot of these red states are trying to do one of the most disturbing things though that's scary i've heard it yeah i mean that is legitimately it's bad it's bad the ap curriculum does that too when i was in high school the teacher like taught us about how the curriculum forces you to whitewashing your answers and ap really in california yeah when it talked about um the spanish settlers it just said in the textbook that they were converting the native americans but right they absolutely enslaved them yeah enslaved them killed them yeah genocide of them that's ap yeah yeah i mean i growing up i i remember history like like you you know talking about jim crow and segregation and is pretty good on civil rights overall um but the situation with the natives absolutely was mega whitewash and that was even here really oh not at all we learned about like the genocide we learned about the trail of tears we learned about all the wars i learned about that in like eighth grade but then the ape the apush curriculum for like all of united states history it was just it was pretty ridiculous yeah really yeah no i felt like my education maybe you're pretty good i mean it varies from school to school a little bit i guess did they make you build a mission like i didn't i did that kind of stuff in elementary they maybe no in elementary school we were we had to build a model mission which is yeah i did i did do that in retrospect it wasn't that it wasn't that serious it was like just a dumb yeah i mean it was for fourth grader but that's that's the point is that's that's that is the whitewashing is like hey kids it was this fun little thing let's let's build a little model of uh i mean the stuff i remember is learning about how they like put smallpox and blankets and killed like hundreds that's true i guess we did here all that stuff true that's it dan they totally made me do that too you did the mod the model had my mom and i had to go to joann's fabrics and get the clay and [ __ ] and gross in retrospect it's really [ __ ] up yes well listen i actually i don't think that inherently is like propaganda in that i mean the settling of california was a big part of american history like this that's like specifically california history how they settled up the coast of california yeah and but they don't go into the detail of what the settling entailed it wasn't it wasn't so pretty you know you know what i did learn you know those bells that are along the 101 freeway yeah we all know zach okay never mind i'll just shout can i ask you guys this what's up has anyone ever have you guys ever heard this my teacher in first grade gave us all bars of soap and told us our homework was to make bubbles that explains a lot sorry my mom yeah my mom like thought that was the most funny [ __ ] in the world when i was when i was younger yeah gave you soap and said make bubbles what is that when i was super when i was really young i was living in a very poor neighborhood okay hygiene honestly wasn't always the best and my mom believes that's why they gave us bars of soap because some of us smell like didn't smell the bell okay subtly wow interesting every time i tell anyone they start they think it's crazy it is i've never heard it's pretty weird i've never heard of that celine elementary shout out what was your schooling like because you grew up in a different state than most of us here or all of us here i'm well when i was younger it was bad but when i moved to a better neighborhood it was a lot better like when i was in high school but when i was younger i felt like i was like by the time i got to high school i feel like i was behind everyone else like i didn't know basic stuff that they all knew but did you learn about like native american genocide and all yeah we learned a lot about uh stuff like that and civil rights issues of course um i like the twilight movies and did you guys watch did you guys watch twilight i did watch twilight yeah my first time in high school [Music] dope people want to hear about the bells i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry sure everybody in california knows but that's not our audience i don't know about that i came on way too strong it's all good i was rude i was just i'm i'm sorry go ahead about the bells out put me in my v put me in my place no no no there's a lot i have no idea bell story please there's spamming the bell emojis i i i was way out of line lay some knowledge on us okay so the bell is along the 101 let's pull up some i'll pull up some photos zach tell me about the bells okay so along the 101 el camino yeah yeah so that that was like the road um and there they're just bells along the 101 freeway in there they're called the historic el camino real bells that's it wait what i thought okay so so if you trek up all the way up the west coast of california you'll notice these bells all along the way okay and it's historic el camino real this was the first road that the settler the missionaries made that connected all the way up this coast of california that connected the missionaries and and so you'll see these bells all along like the 101 the one all the way up the coast of california it marks the historic el camino real trail you know i i mean i learned that in fourth grade i'm like when i was a little fourth grader i told that to my dad and he had the same reaction as you did he told me to shut up wow ethan's explanation had a little bit more details well i i was just i was just talking that off off of my head it is cool though i have a big news ethan yeah theodore just pooped again on the potty [Applause] theodore please don't stand up yeah there you go he's had a lot of poop anxiety we've been potty training him and um he's he was totally fine with the pee no problem but he would refuse to poop on the potty just refuse and he went on a whole weekend not pooping until like his stomach started to hurt and it was scary he wouldn't go to sleep because he had tummy pain so we kind of like just let him uh wear a diaper just to poop and uh he finally did it hey well last night it was so funny because my brother and his fiance are staying with us and so he finally sat on the potty and pooped yeah and then we're all like theo yeah and then ela brought up this toy that she's been saving yeah a special like fire truck toy for him when he pooped on the toilet it was like a pop he loves paw patrol uh what's his name marshall marshall and he it was like oh it's like all euphoric you got the toy [Laughter] yeah shout out to his family shout out to his family that's right uh once again uh real quick some more breaking news another confession we have another paid actor in abe's cameo it's a b stunt double they took the hit of the sandal abe didn't actually take the hit and they are apparently planning to sue for emotional distress you are uh being served right now that's actually what this message is i'm observing it right now the notice of service yeah so so if i'm unpacking that right you had a body double that insulted me are you not even doing your own cameos i'm so lost at this point yeah i don't know i'm conspiracy with him i'm in conspiracy he's ignorant it goes very deep he's just conspiracy parents you just worked so hard that you had to get a double actor exactly to do his cameo exactly isn't crazy might be the only person in history to try to help a kid from a burning car and got made fun of for it that's what she said no we were impressed we just have questions we just have questions i'm just playing but we were impressed that really does take balls to do that yeah for sure yeah jokes aside no maybe it lasts [Laughter] all right i'm gonna go to the bathroom you guys want to talk about the ian why don't you take the lead are asking if we want to talk about the nirvana baby oh yeah sure we didn't prepare for it but i don't know i'm familiar with it so the guy who the inf the very famous cover of nirvana baby chasing the one dollar bill in a fish hook yeah so this guy is now suing nirvana saying that he's got lifelong trauma from being that baby and i guess there's a an interesting wrinkle in the story in that like they didn't even get a consent form from his parents to use it oh but then the other interesting but it was different times maybe i wonder if like well they were a small band too i don't think they expected the album to go like well not as mega as it did but no they were on a major label and everything no uh it they yeah his parents got paid 200 bucks for the photo and like that's it um which is a little weird considering it's such an iconic but the rest of the story it makes it hard to be sympathetic with this guy so um he also has never mind tattooed across his chest so the guy who was basically his whole life up until now he was like he did a photo react re recreating the photo and he did a documentary talking about how he you know gets jobs and opportunities from being the kid and how he he's happy that it was him and he feels fortunate but apparently like the guy he's like a musician or an aspiring musician and like apparently the guys from the band like stiffed his band practice he was doing a show and he invited all the guys and they didn't show up and so he's now suing them for not even that much money either it's like fifty thousand dollars or something and uh that's about it i mean he's clearly here's here's the side by side i mean he's obviously just doing a cash grab i mean there's really no other interpretation you know i mean this photo literally if you didn't tell the world that this was you nobody would know it was you like it's just a generic baby but he spent his whole life being like that was me you know it's hard to blame if there is any kind of trauma associated with that i mean it's kind of hard to pin it on nirvana i'm sure but if you listen he might have he might have a legal claim i don't know but it's a hard one to uh digest i guess i'm curious like what's his trauma about it he is claiming that this uh photograph constitutes uh a cp i suppose i shouldn't say it for the sake of the youtube algorithm but um well i mean okay good luck with that yeah i mean look it is a pretty graphic photo but it's a baby it's a newborn baby i mean what the [ __ ] yeah he's saying the dollar makes him seem like a sex worker oh right that's part of it it's an artistic statement that picture i mean it's still everywhere it's probably one of the most iconic albums yeah it is a really iconic photo i mean um a sex worker nah come on dude i don't think anyone interpreted it like that the fact that he did throughout his life like the thing about it is that it only later you can feel um i mean like trauma can you can only sometimes come to terms with it later it's true and like going with it doesn't necessarily mean that it's not feeling that way right now but i'm also not sure how much trauma that would cause i have a hard time making that argument for him i mean this looks like a few month old baby yeah you're not this is just bro and and there's just like i said there's no nobody would know this was you in fact i don't even wouldn't know that was that that was you i mean i i just don't know and then here he's got never mind tattooed on but okay whatever he he's playing into it i just i don't know bro whatever he look he can sue them i don't give a [ __ ] let the course i saw some people in the chat i only got 200 i mean yeah they should have went back and paid him more i feel like once it became so famous yeah and that and and moreover i i'm seeing some people say well he should sue his parents if anything and that's kind of the 200 bucks well for i mean if you're putting him in that position because right because the band he wants to sue his parents maybe he likes it or the photographer who originally took it here's the family part all right make any sense don't sue your parents i i think they're just they're just trying to make the point that like the band isn't necessarily the people like if he feels like it is cp the the band isn't the ones that chose to do that to him it was his parents and the photographer that took the photo i mean look it is a shocking photo that's why it's so famous right sure so maybe there is something there i don't know but right now it's just a lot of speculation and a lot of like people just making assumptions about him and them and that he can i think he can sue i think it's fine and they can let the courts figure it out i mean it's not like the band can't afford it it's not like there's some down and out like they're all [ __ ] rich yeah think they should get paid more than 200 for this photo that's one thing i can say for sure but yeah but what can you do i mean let's just yeah you can't expect everyone to go back and just pay people more for [ __ ] i mean it's not really how the world works yeah but like i said look he's pr he has an interesting legal claim so let him work it out in the court and i'm sure we'll learn a lot more once the court once the case goes through the system it's interesting that's for sure yeah very interesting you know one might say it's fascinating i don't know something something doesn't smell right i think it smells like team spirit smells like team spirit oh god zag makes a joke sometimes i swear he's like older than my dad [Laughter] i don't think so hopefully not i don't think there's anything in there that just our discord names and [ __ ] but i don't think that matters that's all public anyway in the room yeah exactly okay interesting so we have a actually let's talk about this you go um we have a lot to get today it's all good too oh dude ela i don't know if you've seen this but elon musk unveiled his new robot the man of the future he's building a autonomous humanoid robot yeah that's basically like a robot slave that can lift and carry and do tasks here it is oh this is the presentations away let me build up to this he's saying it will be out next year next year ela is this thing ready dan we ready for this bit yeah it's in uh ian'll play it so here's the specs pretty exciting stuff humanoid robot can carry 45 pounds five eight 125 pounds interesting you can dead lift okay let's take this thing in the gym can spot me can go up to five miles per hour in similar stats to me built world built by humans for humans friendly you really gotta put friendly like i'm getting a little suspicious of elon like bro the singularity already happened and this guy's working to end humanity bro you really gonna add a bullet point this is friendly and i'm not supposed to get suspicious i don't know well anyway i don't think we have much to worry about because here's his progress so far on this [Music] robot if you're thinking that is a human being in a jumpsuit you would be totally correct you unveiled the robot at an event and it's just a dude so you might be asking what the [ __ ] and you certainly wouldn't be alone in that that is literally just a dude uh and this robot's supposed to be out next year by the way what the [ __ ] like yeah yeah thank you so was he talking about the robot like separate from this like in a serious way or is it just this one kind of stunt uh he do you mean like previous to this event had he been talking i think they've like hinted that they were thinking about building robots their whole uh premise is that you know they they build lots of robots all the time in their uh assembly line to build their cars so it's no different to just build like a humanoid robot which seems like a stretch it seems pretty different actually especially considering this is the guy who always complains about artificial intelligence and how much it scares him right lots of people have pointed out that he's like always talking about how ai is going to be the end of humanity and then here he is making victory you guys might be happy to know that we got a prototype for lava we are going to project love's consciousness into the tesla robot and we've got a sneak peek for you guys here and now what the hell two h3 podcasts from elon teslabot doesn't really look like legit packaging jesus christ hey guys what love what the hell is this dude yeah i got a little upgrade what do you guys think it looks like uh american horror story this is the new love thought love you're freaking me out a little bit i don't know if i like this what do you mean what's wrong it's kind of scary looking it's unsettling way better than the other lovebots are you doing those dance moves are those your moves yep all me this is kind of disturbing dude can you make him stop doing those dances jesus christ love stop it stop it dude just come here go do some go work yeah don't don't don't run away go do some work you look like a spider dude stand still yeah come let me take a look at you hey guys whoa this is the new bot holy [ __ ] what is this what the hell it's a new tesla robot i can't believe it actually works love these american ships are pretty good after all what are you talking about this is a robot it doesn't ingest food hey hey hey come on get off of my feet dude i'm just thinking something all over me dude you're making a mess get this ticket dude what are you doing this is disgusting man yo thank you for life yeah get the fika out of here get the fika out of here get the fika out come on guys what's you the issue mess what do you do oh i'm trying to eat some fake yeah bro [ __ ] you know where you know okay get in this one jesus what what is your problem dude [ __ ] you i don't like your attitude [ __ ] you we have a real problem if you'll start [ __ ] around turn off the water what are you [ __ ] up to i'm going to turn off the jesus i'm turning off the wi-fi you don't settle down [ __ ] off [ __ ] you love [ __ ] you get the [ __ ] out get the [ __ ] out yeah just settle down just settle into your spot guys do you have some more fiki or no [ __ ] off you've had enough fika there's a [ __ ] freaking mess all over the place just give me the feet i'll shoot you yo if you don't [ __ ] settle down i'm gonna [ __ ] stop that [ __ ] i'm gonna get the super soaker dude i'll be destroying the office i'm going to go do you guys next i'm going to destroy you you want the super soaker oh bro zack jack zach just chill just chill you can't beat it listen love i gotta go to the bathroom bro this seems kind of dumb yeah it's just it's just me what the [ __ ] that's what elon did i was trying to save money because the new love bots like fourth grand four grand i mean what the [ __ ] you love me you were in on this love i was role playing i was a good idea what do you mean saving some money but anyway i'm over it i'm gonna go to the bathroom no yeah you're on your own buddy there's chips everywhere [Music] wow what a sweater for boating ending love having fika with a i m what does it mean yeah great job love on selling that thank you thank you fantastic thank you for life okay so so we have still we've got the create challenge which i definitely want to get to and of course we have mr verified oh we got the birthday songs how long have we gone i have a lot left i want to do uh an hour and 50 minutes i'm gonna need a burrito if i'm gonna continue another no oh i just took a bite okay deep throated i'll grab i'm gonna go to the bathroom thank you thank you olivia you're a real one so ian i'm gonna go to the bathroom you want to do the um dawn day debrief do you want do you want today do you want to take the lead on that as i step away for a moment uh i gotta pee as well are you serious or is that a sound no like actually okay go pee and i'll wait jesus christ you can't can you yeah i was waiting for a good kid has a grape sized bladder yes i'll say you have to pee right now really bad thank you joe i'm not taking a pause to pee i just paid in my basement hahaha i peed in my basement we have a lot of crate challenges we got birthday songs how you feeling what are we doing this weekend come here sweetie what are we doing we have no plans currently look at this sweet boy we love him so much hey real quick i feel obligated to read this off we have a 250 pound british pound donation and you know what the message is it just says for donna whoa and then the same person donated another 90 pounds and said when will ela be on cameo i don't think hila's got time to be on cameo i'm afraid i don't think i can do it thank you guys thank you so much for the donation i'll say for donna okay you want me to give that to mom i gotta pay taxes first [ __ ] baby [ __ ] it's friday [ __ ] baby take youtube's cut [ __ ] baby now this is sweet oh one other piece of breaking news once again another 20 donation i have a confession i paid all the paid actors who have confessed on the stream i orchestrated this astro turkey against ab i am the dk bongo girl [Music] aka bongo girl has been sabotaging you baby hey amy what's the chance that you you expressed uh concern that the dk bongo girl would see is there any possibility of that happening do you do are you like friends with her on facebook what's the story there uh no i don't think i'm friends with her anywhere i mean i do know a friend of hers a mutual friend that watches well did watch frenemies so that's the only connection i could think of because i did is there any way we could get her on the show to talk about it because i'm curious i love her every telling of it that would be really interesting would you be down for that yeah i don't mind well i'm super good let's make that happen i mean that's exciting ab are you willing to release her name to me so i can find her well hmm might be hard in my hometown a lot of the girls have the same name well you have a friend of a friend just reach out to your friend yeah yeah i mean tell her the clip and be like we need we need this we need you all right ian you back okay donde dondo how do i control the link all right i'll be right back this is all in now cool well i mean you need a minute well the the footage is on nathan's computer right oh here all all here just i'll drive [Music] so yeah from gonda you know the album says what third third time third time listening party yeah yeah it was last night i don't know he did some controversial stuff you know big shocker gets old it's kind of old but the real kicker is that uh dunkey he um he said he got an early copy a few weeks ago yeah and he played some of the songs that he allegedly had and so we got a clip of one of them if we want to play that we're doing track four golden money featuring pitbull here we go running it back [Music] user notice [Music] i [Music] [Music] we're doing track four golden money featuring pitbull so that was it so he played that that was i think like two and a half weeks ago three weeks ago and so then he connie had his third listening party last night and something interesting happened i think we have the clip uh on that tweet if you've got it dan yep okay apparently it's a song from some like german yeah cartoon it's actually in here you want me to pull up the original yeah yeah okay so you guys think he saw the donkey i mean it seems i mean what other explanation is this wow maybe he's a dunky fan here's the original i'm the globglogabgalab okay i love boss and this basement is a true treasure trove what is this these are some deep cuts oh my god [Music] oh my god [Music] where did donkey find this wow were these existing like memes or did donkey make his like version of the song for good it kind of sounded a little different i don't know i think it was existing for the he got the actual hard drive cam says it was an existing meme okay and it's kind of a good song you ain't got the answer swing [Laughter] the glow glob so he i mean did you are you following them that's pretty crazy how donkey predicted it was you he must have seen the donkey so you explained how dunkey predicted it yeah you're saying predict but i mean we think that kanye saw it and just embraced the meme yeah right i totally agree yeah that's wild it's unbelievable can you at least take lulu bites so you can still talk in between it's a little left it's ian's supposed to be leading the segment it didn't save us let's save us ian no this is kind of nice i think you should chew a little cluster [Laughter] i got something from cam okay and you talk about how marilyn manson was there no not uh we haven't met i'm not seeing no not just him look in the bottom left oh oh yeah i remember that i didn't know you guys were out there below maryland who is here like what is going on so marilyn manson it's marilyn manson and the baby the baby yeah top left i think a couple of cool guys it's like the avengers of being cancelled yeah it's not not great okay the baby said something very offensive focus everyone's so focused on the the baby part but it's like marilyn manson aaron is like harvey weinstein level predator who's about to go to jail yeah he's like four maybe more uh sexual assault cases pending against him right now oh essay sorry he also has a you know other a cases too i mean really notoriously spits on people and he gets yeah he was being sued for that well kanye definitely knows how to pick the the cool kids i'm trying to finish up here okay i'm done so i guess what he's trying to do is some kind of like we're all canceled in this house but i don't know why is he i'm assuming why else would they be there i'm assuming that's some good statement well i mean the baby is a rapper who's doing a feature on it right that one at least makes sense but i don't think marilyn is involved in the production i heard he might so the song um originally had jay-z on it and then last night he took jay-z off put the baby on and then apparently marilyn was on it too at one point and then he wasn't i don't know he's moving things around so much but i would not want to be on that stage next jay-z not being there could be also that jay-z pulled out oh for sure but like did i see people say that he also moved out um kid cody yeah he took him off too is that do you think that will cause rifts with the friendship or they're just cool with it i don't well who knows he's like man i got six more concerts before i'm releasing this thing i'll just get you on the next one yeah we have plenty of room for you what's weird is um you know marilyn manson always had this shtick where it's like i look creepy but i'm actually a super nice guy that's what i always thought right like there was interviews of him he's super well spoken he's super intelligent and articulate but then no it turns out he's actually a literal r-wordist and he like spits on people and is actually just a disgusting freak so yeah that's not a good look here for kanye i mean yeah why didn't he just bring out harvey weinstein woody allen get the whole crew together i think the uh the um ted bundy interlude on part four's on fire yeah it's super super like what is wrong with them bro are people angry about this ian in the fandom yeah yeah people aren't stoked on it but he got the headlines but nobody cares ultimately i mean right nobody's gonna it's not gonna affect him at all and this is the same week he uh docks drake as well what the hell was that story ian you want to take a lead on that no i saw the picture he put out a picture of google maps but did he really show the address because it just had like some blue lines on it no yeah it was it was in your apple map or your when you take photos on an iphone it shows you where it was taken and so you can see the crossroads and the houses are so big there that you definitely know it's like obviously drake has security you can't just roll everyone knows where he lives but i google drake's address and it shows up first thing still worth to do that it is super creepy and weird but dude i don't know i'm out on kanye i don't know how people can forgive this guy so many times ian like the dude is done so many horrific things yeah it's just uh the spectacle at this point and kanye plays into it you know and he's not even making music that's the thing he's like he's like he's at the point where it's like whether you like the music or not i'm just going to get you talking whether it's good or bad i'm getting to get you talking about me all right did you guys did you see the donda stem player for like 200 bucks he'll send you like a little machine that has supposedly the files for donda and like you can mix it how you want baby bought one i bought one because i thought i could flip it but when ian being a follower of kanye wasn't interested in i'm like oh [ __ ] i emailed them like thank you my money back really out here flipping [ __ ] amy god yeah such a hustler yo triller my thing is flipped i i've got some milf token for you oh nice i think you can flip those all right let's do some great challenge before we review these great challenge videos that are the best remember after this we are going to be going to the mr verified results so get your votes in people link is in the description have you seen these hilo no i see some pop up on my feeds here and there but so basically you taking these like crates that you see at grocery stores stacking them and try to walk across it why the thing is bro it's super entertaining to watch because when you fall you fall so hard you can't grab anything you try to grab the crates fall all goofy and bro the falls are absolutely brutal that you see on this i guess i should say don't try this at home yeah uh do not do this at home it's very dangerous i wouldn't do it i would encourage anyone zack wanted to do it and i was like hell no i don't want you to get hurt i would have done it i believe you but i don't want you to do it i would have done it i would have succeeded i 100 i'm sure you would have not succeeded the whole course is just like a little hop for zach though anyway here this is like my whole twitter feed my whole feed instagram i mean it's awesome i love watching it i don't you don't i love it it's just the most brutal falls oh my god they're all so brutal that was pretty good man that was like a good neck break fall like look at this boom yeah i don't like watching that i looked at kelsey grammer of course the first crate uh challenge victim yeah there's huge crowds people got really into it like there's like i saw one dude being like we're doing the crate olympics come over to my house we're giving away them five thousand dollars it's all spectacle man great challenge getting out of hand oh for sure i want to know where people getting all these crates i wouldn't know where to get these crates from just ripping off the grocery store yeah you could probably ask them for it no any yeah anything that has like shipments with produce like there's as far as gas stations probably primarily gas stations and party stores there's got to be a crate shortage right now for sure yeah right now yeah go on ebay tell me if it costs for a crate i bet it's scarce jacked up uh i am going i just went to home depot to check the price gotta be and yeah the first uh yeah out of stock out of stock view similar stock of you similar stock out of stock out of stock yep great it's a great rush let's see if it's on amazon's looking on amazon oh they got plenty on amazon they got yeah they got it this is america they got you covered up we got you covered on ebay don't miss it oh man on concrete too like bro look at that oh why because it you just why would you do that i'll tell you guys at the top is where you gotta do your move once you make it to the top that's where you do your little your little spice you mix it up there so he was trying to do a hop over the rest of it and it [ __ ] up yeah it's so it's so good because it's you think that it's stable because they're together but it's not you're just on a big ass wobbly thing of crates and it's just so out of hand yeah that's like damage bro that's like really i love how no one goes towards him everyone runs away from him it's awesome it's like is he hurt let's run oh here we go crate challenge for one thousand dollars let's [ __ ] go right now i have seen people succeed though elo it's not like nobody um in the hood for a thousand oh dude and that one looks taller than usual man robert so this guy just set up crates and it's just like yo do this for it that way that guy was close that looked very painful i wanted to go again damn yeah i mean it's great content if you just want to set up some crates in a park which don't do that do not do that we don't ever do this under any condition for any reason that being said here here's someone completing the challenge ela so you might enjoy this hey everybody saying go south go let's go east come on man and i'ma buy you a zombie hey see the thrill the joy the victory we love it old dude eats [ __ ] this one's called is he on a scooter i just saw a chat did you all see the girl with heels she nailed it i'm gonna find out real quick is no hands oh gee he got it he got it he got it get over it he's pretty high yeah yeah you already put your hands down he's smoking too at the same time by the way oh [ __ ] oh my god that guy is way too old to be taking a spill like that man i mean that's just an absolutely brutal fall and that's why we love the crate challenge folks this challenge getting out of hand this challenge getting oodahan ela tell me if this one's udahand or not that is serious damage dad this is great love it uh when oh here's the lady who does it in heels successfully so not all else got some dubs in here actually the two people we've seen victorious were both women interesting and high heels no less what on earth i wonder if that helps her balance you know in a [Music] but there's holes all over the crate though so no there can't be a hole in the top that'd be impossible right i think the whole thing has holes most of them usually do it it does look like these are solid dude there's no way there's holes on the top yeah it makes some noise she said be quiet quite on set for her this is crazy impressive yeah it looks crazy [Music] there you go the crate there is your mrs verified forget you guys here's one why is this one in yellow should i be scared of this no this one's my favorite oh this is your favorite this guy's just so smooth okay we got a smoothness [Laughter] [Music] nailed it jesus mr verified damn there's a lot of them get the man some henny this one's my favorite this one is pretty good [Music] this is the real life he needs some milk [Music] i think it's shaking [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they're not going to put any in his mouth is it are they dude he's like were they saying get him some honey yeah [Laughter] aiden ross did it apparently in a [ __ ] why not let's watch that one too this is the last one so yeah those are wide ones so some people try to cheat they try to lie this they try to do the super wide one sideways so it looks legit but it's way more stable but he's still like [ __ ] yeah you got it oh man that is such a brutal fall get him some honey so great fall oh okay so miss get your votes in guys mr verified this is it this is the last chance maybe we should do the birthday songs first i love these that's up to you get your votes in we're almost done how many votes we got love on verified mr verified let me check it out one second get him in guys get him in we got those are not here regulation crates uh real quick well he's looking that up uh 50 super chat my fiance and i met and bonded over our mutual love of the show and at the start of the summer we got engaged we want white claw gabe to officiate our wedding yeah we could probably book that on camera will you all attend yeah if you want like claw uh his cameo is the best way to reach him yeah reach him on camera you can get a premium camera [ __ ] it's friday you can get my mom to do it too congratulations all right our final segment before mr verified results i've discovered something a long time ago on the internet if you go on google images or now specifically youtube and you have a friend's birthday let's say you know whatever their name is and you type happy birthday whatever there's always the weirdest and most interesting results interesting so we did happy birthday for each member of the crew and each result was so different and so interesting um it's a lot of fun happy birthday zach was our first one so here so here you go happy birthday zach this one was specifically made for you buddy and if you if you have a friend named zach and you just send this to him that's such a great surprise like oh my god if i think they all [Music] are laughing at you back yeah okay happy birthday wow that was improvised for sure absolutely yeah i'm not going to throw in the last name yeah no no no no let's keep it generic but he knows so happy birthday zach buddy thank you very much personally powerful a powerful birthday message for that incredibly i thought that was the joker behind him there's a poster on the wall i thought was the joker tripped me out glad it's not that's my own i can't tell honestly what do you mean that's your uncle what do you mean the guy yeah yeah it's my uncle no right yeah happy birthday ian on the big birthday surprise ian so this one has 47 000 views huh buddy there was only 300 on the zach one [Music] put your hands together for the this one's called epic happy birthday so you have like content farms where they just put in the game but it's still a lot of work [Music] you know actually i think this is going to be on donda next one are you a little bit jealous that he actually took donkey's advice because i know you were trying to reach out to him for a long time back during your big fandom phases and we always had conspiracy theories about if kanye was listening to you or not but i feel like he really did senpai noticed donkey or does that make you jealous at all no actually the first donkey video i ever saw was this he did this uh review of a kanye video game called kanye quest that was posted on the fan site that's how i found dunkey the first time oh no way he's been doing kanye's stuff for a while oh [Music] didn't know that i know donkey's like a hip-hop head i didn't know he was a company boy though he's got to feel pretty good from that we should get him a call we should get him on the phone and ask him yeah well that uh that birthday song was a jam you're very welcome happy birthday next up abdullah happy birthday ab abdullah let's see what we got for you yo 250 000 bro wow i guess there's a lot of abdullah in the world abdullah sorry abdullah but yeah no it's it's yeah pretty common name overseas did you get a capri sun yeah what the [ __ ] where'd that come from i found the fridge the foot what about all of us yeah you didn't bring enough capri suns for the class you guys remember the time you guys all had a burrito and i didn't but i got like a pre-sign i i'm like i'm sorry i don't remember that it's not your i'm with you i don't have a burrito either but that's just not a choice i had two burritos taking the food right out of our mouth there's still some left if you guys want all right abdullah thank you let's go [Music] is there verbal or is it if this is it dude [Music] no they just say abdullah yeah fantastic this is how do you feel ab [Music] oh this kicked up a notch this is huge man this is major you think it's computer generated that sounds like a real person abdullah [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] thanks for watching so is bmw another [Applause] like arabic name because i saw bmw i've never heard that name before where here be maul wait i'm trying to click it who's [ __ ] bmall this one's rare it only has 3000 views this is a rare birthday i never heard this name in my whole life you don't know this name i've never heard of that here let's see how he says it [Music] [Music] who's culture now joe biden wake up so moving on to dan oh yeah you excited dan look at this one forty thousand views oh wow happy birthday dan [Music] i travel for miles to put a smile on your face this guy's definitely a pedo possible alternative explanation happy birthday you're cool oh my home is mars this guy's the same taste of minutes james charles did you see it do you see what just happened let me go back no damn [Laughter] [Applause] such [ __ ] that's awesome i wonder how many that's there that's fraud it's right here's whoosh from mars oh yeah he has birthday look at all of them get the [ __ ] out of here you wow uh van harry miley taylor zachary zach william well this is awesome look at this [ __ ] jesus they have zachary anzac that's it they didn't wait there's actually not really that many they could have done a lot more yeah i think i know i think this is a comedian i i think his name is mike mitchell he looks super familiar i doubt he was involved in the creation of this someone's trying to rack it in whoosh from mars it does kind of look like what there's wait a minute there's a lot of mike mitchells well happy birthday dan thank you i feel came all the way from mars a little ripped off of course i feel the need to say i don't think he's a p word that's a horrible thing to say about someone i was just kidding he's a real person yadda yadda whatever whatever i mean you know whatever let me get a taste of that yeah there's another third one let me get a taste [Music] all right this one's for me happy birthday ethan everyone get it hyped let's go oh yeah [Music] give me pizza right 70 000 ethan's become quite a popular name yeah man when i was like do you really deserve the cat content though yeah true previous statements no i don't wanna do that you know when i was a kid i was the only ethan i ever knew growing up until i was like in college and then everyone started recalling ethan so here this guy's been cranking them out aren't these channels so interesting yeah like what yeah it's just phillip miles mom oliver melvin nicole patrick pedro mark madison i mean look at this yeah they're just farming views i mean is it worth the effort the views aren't that nice you know what i mean like you just make a video once and then you change the name i'm assuming there's got to be some some computer it's all automated or something yeah but like if you're in india or some really low or like people don't make that much money then if you're making like a thousand dollars a month then all of a sudden like that's a really good living that's a good point and if you just need some you just need some kind of system a good amount of them have fifteen twenty here let's sort by probably is it organized is it alphabetized yeah did they upload from z up it looks like it that's why it was a computer for sure so then if they're like oh shoot i forgot nathan like you gotta start over done right so let's go so josh by the way coming in number one with three hundred thousand views mom dad crushing it for more than mom and dad how many josh's are there josh's questions surprising right sarah chloe jessica chris these are all top names guys lily's a top name wow wow this is the first time for me in the epic happy birthdays universe wow that's real fascinating though i find this whole thing 160 000 subscribers to that channel too yeah they want every upload notifications on so ela you even got one which in america you know in israel's common name but not here in america boy hmm interesting let's see what we got yeah would you get down we're going to be late for highland spurs i hope there will be cheese at highland's birthday party by far the most rare [Music] but like if i sent this to you on your birthday you'd be pretty surprised yeah you're like oh [ __ ] this is from what is free on my birthday very funny it says in parentheses now this one these guys been hard at work man unless you most popular 45 000 struggling yeah not really worth it yeah but i have a feeling these guys have a lot of videos oh not that much they gave up uh sam has copyrighted music we'll have to be careful here oh my goodness this looks high effort sam happy birthday breaking news what the kevin kneeling yep the [ __ ] [Music] hello and thanks for joining us i'm kevin nealen our top story tonight it appears that happy birthday wishes are in order [Music] yes i have confirmation we're talking about you sam oh what how'd they get i don't is this all ai generated i don't know if that wait hold on that i'm confused now um let me sort okay so here's kevin now let's see if he says it for kevin because that sounded like his voice seems yes i have confirmation we're talking about you kevin bro what is going on ai yeah yeah i don't know if that's really kevin talking if you listen closely yeah are you serious turn it up for me you kevin that sounds like his voice i don't know what you guys are saying information listening we're talking about you kevin right it can be like one of those jay-z i don't hear it the whole video is i generated not only the name yeah that's what i was saying i don't know if this is yes i have confirmation we're talking about you kevin what but that's 14 views man wait it was uploaded like last week dude what this channel is so freaky dude this is the weirdest channel that's what i'm saying man you go people are saying not that difficult to do there's tutorials online yeah i i think it's uh yeah it's very crazy okay well here's william shatner now i'm curious here's william shatner wishing lynn i've done a lot of things in my career but this takes the cake this is so cool you lynn he's got toyota's all about you what's with his eye you were born today [Music] yeah okay i think that this i remember that this was an old commercial with william shatner so i think they take existing footage here's from the queen now i'm just really fascinated with their process but on the bbc i haven't always been i mean this was a big story this video grateful to the opportunity to say whatever i like without anyone putting words in my mouth oh that's that's [ __ ] up thank you a special someone it seems is what oh you see this is dog food kevin gilson one really lady calvin kneeling one was so legit yeah this channel is freaky and weird yeah let's get out of here like i'm on the dark web we've got a cam of course cam common i'm sure there's no shortage of happy birthday cams say happy birthday come on you can do it it's kemp's birthday [Music] [Laughter] and of course finally olivia happy birthday oh we got an alien oh yeah oh [Music] [Music] yeah so if you guys have a friend or a loved one or a parent or whoever child's birthday search it on youtube something fantastic out there and each one of these was so different and unique um just like the individuals they are they're all right and unique and beautiful well guys there's nothing left to do get to the results of mr verified 2021. love can you send me the results please yes sir should i send the discord okay this is it let's get some music going zach let's get the let's get the the moment right guys you if you got haven't got your vote in you have about one minute where did you put the link club i'm thinking i should dm you privately so they don't see it did you send me here apparently well just just i mean it's fine if they they're not going to click it they're asking where was the love happy birthday song oh yeah love where's love happy birthday song oh olivia's got it i'm sorry love hey hold on all of them are happy birthday my love wait don't oh don't delete that love i thought you were going to show it to me i thought it was a link here oh it's my love yeah it's a tough one [Music] my love i mean that doesn't really work does it i'm sorry love so wait send me i thought it was gonna be a link or something okay so dm me i mean i didn't get it anywhere yeah i can't dm i'll send this on whatsapp on whatsapp okay i'll just use my yeah i can't dm me on discord okay all right i have the results the music please zach drum roll this is interesting this is really interesting can i hear a drumroll i don't want you i mean thank you guys thank you thank you guys wow the results are surprising yeah they are shocking a little bit unexpected [Music] i'm going to start from the bottom up and fourth place with 18 of the total vote by the way we have 51 562 votes cast that's a lot in last place with 18 nine thousand thirty six votes we have dan oh your wish was granted then your wish was granted now that surprised me i expected you to be higher up i'm not gonna lie okay but you did still get 18 so it wasn't like a blow up so dan is in last place up next [Music] the crew member who got third with ten thousand nine hundred and thirty eight votes twenty one percent third place we have a b third place how do you feel about that you know the bongo was such a great entry i wasn't sure where to place you i i expected to be third or fourth so now you beat dan out by a good thousand votes so i'm okay with that dan is the unsung hero so i'm okay being so now it comes down to zach [Music] and ian how are you guys feeling this is a big moment my heart's racing are you happy to be in the top two zack i am and i'm glad i'm with you zach's a killer he crushed it so ian how are you feeling are you are you nervous are you excited a little bloated but that's [Music] at this point i'll just announce the winner yeah i guess so the winner of mr verified 2012 with a whopping 36 wow as opposed to second place with 25 a whopping 18 650 points [Laughter] a margin of 4 000 vote difference the winner by unanimous consent is ian mr verified 2021 play this song zach play with your voice with your singing come come come come come please join us ian with your pants falling [Music] do you have a microphone grab your mic there mr verified he is glorious [Music] we have uh ian happy for you i'm gonna let you finish but zach had one of the best performances of all let's bring out the crown and the sash you [Music] very [Applause] [Music] uh well sam we're gonna have a conversation later no uh zach was incredible he was you know i i would pull another an adele right now and give this to zach but frankly i don't want to but i would and you're the man i love you no you're great and a b crushed he's the bongo legend and dan is you got a last word he deserved i got what i wanted you want to what you got psychology you got my brain a little bit yeah maybe i should vote for dan right from the beginning i thought he had it but uh today you win not only an email from me that email from you but also we're going to be working with a freelance writer to write an article about your victory so that we can plead a legitimate case for verification how does that make you feel good that's really wonderful how many paragraphs we talk in the email uh 500 words the email oh oh i thought even the article oh i don't know a paragraph few sentences i mean i'll write what i feel i need to and we'll i'll show the email i've seen anything in the emails it's probably like two sentences oh come on i write good email okay okay but what more do you need to say three sentences i'll make the best possible case got it okay well thank you thank you guys for buying i appreciate that also uh yes it's in the mail but we also got you a hundred dollar gift uh card to sharky i've done enough [ __ ] on this show i can't go back to the bathroom well thank you guys wow congratulations congratulations what uh what a day folks what a show ian he is mr verified mr verified look at him go oh look at him he can sing he can dance make sure you guys get a good look at that crown [Music] and let's enjoy zach's song actually [Music] it is a great crowd okay [Applause] because he is [Music] [Applause] thank you everybody it's friday there's no work no school no school it's good vibes only that's right there's no [ __ ] work [Applause] sing us out zach sing us out bad song we lost some zach yep sing us out buddy go to slate and just sing us out all right that's it thanks for watching everybody song going well that was the end of the song okay let's start it over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at his smile isn't he great mr verified [Music] an email sent to instagram to give the blue check the mark that makes you see [Music] [Applause] [Music] so look at the beauty [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,685,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: Vvn4QiTRqQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 10sec (9790 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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