David Dobrik Kicked Out Of Lollapalooza Party - H3TV # 4

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The whole Video Game Attorney story is crazy! I wish they had said it earlier, but I understand why they just kept going.

Definitely don't go cheap on lawyers. The difference is insane. When you get a real lawyer who is specialized, it's just night and day, by all accounts I know.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That animation is actually horrifying πŸ˜€, horror Sam Seder is my new sleep paralysis demon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Notsosadhours πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is actually #7, not #4. Don't know how they're counting these but it's wrong.

Edit: leave the VODs on Twitch too /u/zachthesoundladh3.

A clip from the stream is getting popular on LSF and I'm telling people to click the continue watching button because the clip is missing context and would be good that people know all the other things Ethan listed about how VideoGameAttorney handled his case, but they can't now because you guys deleted the VOD off of Twitch and the Twitch crowd won't go through the trouble of looking for it on YouTube, exactly like I laid out on a previous comment of mine. Deleting off of Twitch is a boneheaded move in my opinion, it's an inconvenience to us, please reconsider.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 79 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MattIsWhack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That animation is hilarious. That Chris Redfield pop up with his whole team.

Also, a game with a great story. RE7 and 8. Maybe Ethan can play those, barely any cutscenes even. Everything happens in the game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

With peace and love come up with a plan and stick to it guys! Are we supposed to check the main channel for these now instead of the H3TV channel? We just had a talk about communication kids!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 90 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NatureMore πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The whole Video Game Attorney part is really interesting. Did they ever really talk about that in depth before?

I've watched H3H3 for years, and a big stupid remark of people that don't like Ethan is "Where did that money go, huh??". And this pretty easily explains a good part of it.

But I can't recall them ever bringing it up, on an Ethan and Hila video, or on the podcast. Maybe I'm wrong though. If anyone remembers a video of them saying all this, I'd love to see it.

I just remember the video of them winning, and all of that. Also, that guy sounds awful at being a lawyer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I fucking died at the part where AB was getting sized for a suit while Ethan was playing. This randomness is great

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PodKaifom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am confused by their strategy here. Why not leave the vod up as is, then post a slightly edited version to h3tv YouTube channel?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sploinksy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dayum, Ethan going all-in on ryan morrison with substantial evidence against his credibility. Screw Dobrik, listen to this episode to hear Ethan's experience with the video game attorney.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/krazyboi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome everybody h3 tv is live once again my friends coming to you raw and regala every monday and thursday for now hey come on boy we've got a good fun episode today h3tv how's everyone doing out there feeling good good how was your weekend weekend was good we got the fan back got the yeah i've had the fan back i mean that's old news at this point first weekend with the fan back though is it the first weekend it is okay maybe so still still fresh news yeah and it's become your family's heart and soul wow um how was your guys weekend it was good it had a lot of final fantasy 14. i'm not gonna lie oh i'm almost i've almost completed the original game i'm at the end of the the main quest so wait how what level are you 48 or 49 or something okay and it goes up to 50 right yeah it goes up to 50. the whole end raid thing is kind of annoying because it's like a billion unskippable cutscenes yeah it takes forever dude and we know how you feel about cutscenes it just takes forever uh but i'm really enjoying i'm 56 or 57 now i'm really enjoying really enjoying what can i say once you get when you skip all the dialogue at all the cutscenes it's a great game um okay so today we're gonna be talking about the first thing on our roster here is crowder's nightmare a lot of you guys remember the debate quote unquote we had with sam cedar and uh uh crowder stephen crowder how was crowder doing he was in the hospital last i heard uh yeah he's been in and out of the hospital for the last uh month or so um does not seem to be uh well he had like heart surgery or something for a con i think it's a congenital thing that he's had since birth and then i think there were like complications and stuff so yeah he's um he's not doing uh that well i'm not gonna make any jokes about it i take the man's health deadly seriously that was terrible wording the hell i thought ethan was a stand-up guy i swear anyway i wish him well that's what i'm trying to say i wish him well and um that's this animation came out it has nothing to do with the fact that you know he's in the hospital we wish him well we don't we don't wish harm on anybody right oh my god oh oh jesus what'd you see i just pulled up his twitter to see if there were any updates and he's posting some really yo send me that no no no no no i want to see it personally don't put it on stream well don't switch to it ian here send it to me in discord i'll describe it to you guys so what is crowder tweeting something that shocked and horrified dan yeah i'm a little squeamish when it comes to this stuff and that was what did he show like an image of his heart or something no oh just a bag of blood no that's not scroll down from that okay so crowder here let me update you day three another leader i've lost 13 pounds of in the span of a weekend jesus of blood uh i i imagine that's just of weight and now here's a video of what in the [ __ ] yeah that's what made me is this his back yes oh wow so it looks like they're doing some kind of spinal tap or something yeah um they're just inserting a huge a massive needle into his back yeah wow do not wish that on anyone whoa mamma mia fluid in his lungs says somebody in the uh oh so that's what my mom did they stick a needle it's so crazy they stick a needle through your back into your lungs to drain fluid if he's got that much fluid in his lungs yeah that's that's that's a bad situation yeah no i mean well at any rate while wishing him well i do need to celebrate this uh cartoon that was made by this guy ammon amen animations and this i mean this thing is a masterpiece i mean it's it's just it's just unbelievable um i have to share it with you guys okay right all right let me check this [Music] okay all right i'll give you a countdown and then i'll uh three two all right okay i'm really glad to have uh my next guest on the show and i've always said this i always respect people who um enter the enter into the arena um and you know we've had a lot of debates on this show which is different from like a change my mind where we sit down have conversations but to appreciate the guy making the time because a lot of people haven't uh you know some of you like them some of you don't same can be said for me ethan klein from h3h3 uh ethan thank you thanks man for making the time you're very welcome and i just want to say by the way watching it animated you can tell how nervous he was going into it like he mean by just focusing on the audio of it yeah like you can hear in his voice because he's made him all clammy and sweaty and stuff but you could tell he was so nervous even before he knew sam was there i think i used something like that yeah and i think you're right because i don't think i'm a very good debater i think you know that so i don't want to make it too easy for you oh okay so i prepared okay yes all right so what we're gonna talk about is uh what we were gonna talk about is you know the initial quote that happened he really made me look like such a lunatic the animator and i think he's looking off there uh the initial quote that kind of was turned into um a little bit of a meme which wasn't intentional i was just curious they're supposed to be dancing was you saying you don't even have to think about it talked about this through playful ribbing and an aggregation of medical authorities and scientific voices to make an informed and rational decision people saying it's chris redfield from resident evil stephen do you know that um the spartans are that they are like uh practice man love with children oh jeez okay so this is what's gonna happen what did i tell you he was gonna do anything he could to avoid oh oh there he is oh no sam cedar what up what a [ __ ] nightmare dude sam this is too real this is really what crowder went through come on stephen [Applause] i think we should need to have a meeting with his dad irony alert stephen stop being a [ __ ] stop being a baby you're like come on stephen i think he lost the right to the to those holsters i think he has to retire them oh sweetie what kind of a [ __ ] am i talking to what happened to you joe rogan turning into a gorilla it's just so amazing nightmare it was a dope movie nightmare can't wait for avatar too avatar too [Applause] oh my god cold feet again wake up the glowing glass is such a great uh like creepy anime touch look one because crowder said he wanted to see his eyes right right [Applause] not that limp dick yeah exactly brain you're acting kind of weird today dude not [ __ ] arthur not arthur he's gonna clench his fist oh no dude not arthur with the clenched fist [Music] [Applause] the velveteen rabbit eyes it's the rabbit eyes that he feared he kept saying to sam let me see your velveteen rabbit eyes well there they are [Music] and then i believe this is uh crowder's beating heart [Music] he gave his heart back oh no yeah some kind of a twin peaks ask backwards [Music] he says this is the guy who made it ham and hockey says thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed this series finale of arthur this yeah but anyway if you guys want to sub this guy i'm down to watch another one because this guy is a freaking g he didn't want him jordan peterson that like so magnus magnus opus because he's got a big one right is that what they call it the magnum opus you guys want to watch another one i feel like we should because um the jordan peterson one is like bro it made me want to die of just it's so beautiful this is art you guys people are saying there's a hassan one yeah i haven't watched this on one we should watch that anyway his name is eamonn a-a-m-o-n animations we'll drop a link in the description this vod is going to go up on youtube by the way immediately after and we will drop the link there did you i have the the hassan one here guru hasan abi oh so the frogs that's a twitch thing right like they admirers it is but i'm not too familiar with that ian might know a little bit more about the frog well it's the pepe frog right that's a reference to that i don't know because twitch thing is a frog okay oh his viewers yeah his head is all [ __ ] small that's awesome i'm here to talk to you today about music arts fashion one of the greatest problems that our generations are facing oh my god the biggest scourge courage that affects our society dude i love his tiny head cultural and social progress we've seen is the battle against intellectual thought are you are you guys comfortable with that this is a war against christ keeps getting smaller against intellectualism there's a war war against rational behavior and we're not even aware of it wow he's like mafias what kind of an example are we setting the problem with america is that because of cultural imperialism we are literally teaching the rest of the world how to think what to wear the kardashians are lying to you culture used to be the backbone of the resistance dude he's starting to look like the dude from beetlejuice with the tiny head yeah seeks to appeal to our primal urge is our base need we're now in there he looks like the uh the koopa troopers from the mario because the revolution will not be revolution will not be televised only you can bring about the revolution by taking it to the street keep resisting yeah the frogs his the froggies you [ __ ] idiots you absolute [ __ ] morons god damn it i hate you so much when you do this [ __ ] chat i hate it so [ __ ] much you're like 12 years old [Music] [Applause] oh no he has to take it too far this ammo guy [Music] thank you for watching i will have more soon i have reawakens i think that was dark souls music at the end right now are you guys ready for this jordan peterson one because you're gonna have to buckle up for this one bro it bloom it blew me away this should be entered into cannes film festival short animation yeah short animation probably i'm tired of like pixel like pixar like oh there's a little duck on a [ __ ] uh a little duck who doesn't have feathers and he's got to figure out a way to fit in without feathers it's like shut the [ __ ] up this is what i want jordan peterson having an existential crisis from overcoming a like a a benzo addiction this is real [ __ ] right here where's the awards for this type of thing okay watch this i don't know if you guys know the jordan peterson lore he i'll give you a little background in case you don't know he got the he got addicted to like xanax or i don't know which specific drug but it was like a benzo related to xanax i think valium or something i don't know something like that one of those kinds of drugs and he went to um for some reason he went to russia to get some special treatment um and his daughter was uh like i'm trying to be respectful but vladimir putin he went to russia and his daughter went like partying around europe while he was like was he in a coma i was just he they put him in a medically induced coma i believe oh my god as part of his recovery jesus so like she was just traveling around europe having a good time and then meanwhile they've been on like this all meat diet where they only eat meat and uh that's kind of the starting point of this animation so it was a pretty chaotic moment i would think in the peterson uh yeah people are saying the benzo withdrawal is the worst you can go through yeah i believe that man apparently he was hitting benzo super hard um and so obviously he was like super addicted to that and i know yeah benzos can really mess you up man so he so you know and then i don't know what's the deal with this all meat diet i don't know how anyone thinks that's a good idea like that you he claims you know jordan was claiming he went a little off the deep end for me i know we had him on the show a bunch of times back back back in the day but this whole raw meat thing that was where you drew the line well [Laughter] yeah now that i've been a vegan for one day oh yeah ethan's vegan as of this morning yeah i'm vegan for not as of this morning as of yesterday morning oh okay i'm sorry well you didn't mention when i asked about my achievement okay i'm sorry we're 24 hours in we're over 24 hours they're vegan jeff benzos people are saying vetan so anyway um yeah i don't understand the whole meat diet apparently he goes i was on antidepressants and i just started eating meat and all my problems went away but then you'll notice in here he says well i had one little sip of apple cider existential dread for a month which doesn't really make sense to me not a doctor obviously but anyway here it is here it is for all in all of its splendor for you to enjoy your father will have to remain in his coma for several more months we'll be feeding him pure meat through a tube just like you asked in the meantime let's go party all over europe when people think of happiness or pursuing happiness the first thing they think of is well it's a pretty selfish desire i want to be happy for me i mean after all who wants to be unhappy but i'm here to tell you that in fact happiness is far far far more than a selfish desire is this guy a prager you guys that is that's dennis that's the man himself okay i wasn't sure but they're like the conservative like uh they're just like yeah they're a uh content farm uh to uh educate the youth of america to become it's like hitler youth basically for uh young conservatives i don't know sure let's discover that is a very very altruistic endeavor yes indeed we have a moral obligation happy people make the world better unhappy people tend to make the world worse there's a scene in pinocchio where geppetto wishes on a star right and what it means is he lifts up his eyes beyond the horizon to something transcendent and so he lifts his body so good looking what i want [Music] what what i want more than anything else is that my creation will become a genuine individual right it sits at home does he really cry over pinocchio analogies jordan peterson cries over the drop of a hat man i've i've seen i've seen so many images that's going to be amazing to drop tears over uh pinocchio as a he's he's a cry he's a big old cry baby he's a little great baby he's a real boy wrote gesture because it's so unlikely and that catalyzes the puppets transformation into a real being and we start as puppets and so the trick is to get rid of your goddamn strings i want to be like you mr peterson please tell me how to live i want to get into this because this is a i think this is a fascinating thing with you personally that your diet um you're on this carnivore diet now this is what i mean what's fascinating to me is i haven't heard any negative stories about people doing this well i have a negative story okay okay when we restricted our diet and then ate something we weren't supposed to the reaction was absolutely catastrophic but it's so what did you switch to um well the worst response we had some apple cider that had sulfites in it and that was really not good like i was done for a month you were done for a month oh yeah it took me up for a month it was awesome apple cider like what was it what was it doing oh it it produced an overwhelming sense of impending doom you know as someone who doesn't have experience in you know psychology or whatever but i find it extraordinarily unlikely that a sip of apple cider can produce feelings of existential doom impending doom for a month i mean that seems like you're not looking in the right place dr peterson to explain the dread you're feeling you know for a month and probably either he was withdrawing from his drugs or uh well he he said he went off his medicine because the meat cured him maybe it's the meat i don't know man maybe it's ever i don't know but careful with that apple cider guys it's apparently a harder drug than lsd people are saying yeah for sure you have a bad trip on apple cider you never come back [Music] [Music] to the president he's with us he's for us if you love birds you'd never want to walk under a window because it's a very sad and sad oh that was alex jones [Music] it's temple right [Music] [Applause] i said certified seven days a week i [Music] the destroyer of worlds bro this is come on love the bloodborne music oh is it bloodborne music [ __ ] cider see i played that oh yeah i didn't sleep that that much wait what i didn't sleep for 25 days i didn't sleep at all oh my god oh yeah and this is from [ __ ] cider from science that's what we thought yeah the last time i took a sip of uh apple cider i woke up in uh russia without a spleen it's crazy i just had one sip too you got to be careful it's the hardest drug around also that whole scene at the end is uh a reference to berserk did you ever go back and watch the other series oh the original one no you i mean look again i don't know where to watch it i don't know what the hell i'm talking about you need to wake up dr peterson my master please wake up for us we are so lost without you yeah his daughter wrote a book about the carnivore diet what is natural must be right eat your meat and worship night stand up straight listen carefully accept you wake up [Music] oh my god you guys clean your room pray to god obey your lords with 12 news this is [ __ ] crazy yeah no it's unbelievable [Music] think of all the cash think of all the sins don't [Music] it's almost done you have to watch this stand up that pulls you together and strengthens you jimmy cricket is the real master here he pulls all the strings didn't he wake up and re and then he he made another book 12 more steps oh i don't know yeah he wrote another one called 12 more steps when he woke up and it's like is now the time and i think that's we learned a lot the cow was like 12 more steps come on uh you can fact check that you're dead he wakes up and there's a [ __ ] stake in front of him dude i'm not i'm i'm not seeing him oh he wrote 12 more steps i swear i mean maybe oh come on i'm not finding it really 12 hours more rules for life oh yeah more roast i swear he wrote another book oh he totally did yeah oh it's called beyond order oh it just came out earlier this year yeah he came out and oh the subtitle is 12 more rules he he came out of his [ __ ] coma and well he learned a lot well why doesn't he make one of the rules just eat meat if it's that big of a deal like forget all the other well we do we know the rules oh here they are just eat meat let's see i'm reading i'm reading the 12 more rules uh okay i'm not saying anything about meat in here well i mean it seems like a big deal yeah kind of sidestepped that one on the meat show so um that that video blew my [ __ ] mind yeah i know that's insane it's out it captivated me last night i was going through that guy's channel because i saw the crowder one and i was like what is this person who is he this this person is so talented oh my god of a sick mind dude okay so let's look did you find any interesting rules you can share with us uh no uh none of them are interesting at all actually well i would add don't eat meat and or eat meat only and don't do benzos you know hell yes instead of like being like the lobster or whatever much more tangible rule to follow because i'll you know anyway let's talk about the david dobrik thing and then let's talk about xqc okay now david dobre dubrick dubrick i got a message from mark rubio legend friend of the show absolute [ __ ] g he goes yo and by the way i have permission to share all this so don't don't stress david someone from david's camp gets a hold of mark's touring manager and they want to come to his after party at lollapalooza he says dude i'm in a weird situation about to play the lollapalooza after party and apparently david dobrik and his crew want to come see the show should i say no i said i'm not letting him in [ __ ] that dude he said i rejected them and we had the entire the entire house of blues cheering and so i asked him for a clip and he provided by the way but i was like what happened um so apparently uh yeah him and his whole crew are down there in lollapalooza and i guess i mean look he's still got a bunch of clout i mean he's david dobrik dubrick it's fun it's just it's amazing how people can do anything and nobody cares about anything ever anymore um i mean the guy did this heinous act that he never really reckoned with it either i mean the man put out a video of a girl being essayed i mean it's just crazy but anyway mark said no [ __ ] him and the legend brought got me a video of it happening so although there's no real world repercussions i mean people like trillar are lining up to sponsor them triller was like ryan kevin i was like wait you s you filmed someone getting essayed my guy but at least there's people like mark keeping him honestly i hope he didn't get in david [ __ ] that [Applause] guy i don't like pieces of [ __ ] like that into my show damn mark is such a gee he's such a legend we love mark rubio on this show folks he's such a nice guy he's a great guy what can i say i mean damn and i was like you know i get it if you want because david's like it's flattering right someone david dover super famous he wants to come and see your show and like i mean clout you up or whatever so i get it i was like listen i totally get it if you want to let him in like that's that's a potentially like big thing for your opportunity right or what i don't know to get a shout out from dubrick from dubrick but you know mark's such a g he goes [ __ ] that guy don't let him in and on top of it i'm going to say it on this mic [ __ ] that guy don't let him in cheers from the crowd av your thoughts the first time i met mark i opened the door for him and uh i hugged him and i told him big fan he goes i'm a big fan of you too a.b and i thought that was the coolest thing like you hugged him he hugged me he hugged all of us yeah he hugged all of us okay you made it sound like you went in for a hug on prom no no no no no i held it one of our guests like that no i held the door for him and he came and gave me a hug and said i'm a big fan nice guy he really is a 10 out of 10 guy like he's out of 10. yeah yeah he's a good dude oh you have some i mean 9 out of 10. why are you holding this perfect 10 out of 10. i think mark rubio he's an ineffable he's an ineffable being he's he's divine not on a scale of one to god yeah what is a ten it's a perfect score he's not a perfect guy he's human i'm giving him a nine out of ten he's nobody said he's a demigod we said he's uh you did by giving him a ten out of ten he's the loser man that guy who said jesus christ was a 10. a lot of people didn't we have different perceptions of what a 10 is then because a 10 out of 10 to me is a perfect score he's kind of a do you even have any fault like you better back up your nine like do you even know him well enough to say he's a nine well i just i i i mean we all have flaws we all have yeah but whatever what's wrong you have flaws dan is saying no human is a ten that's all he's saying that's all he may not have flaws and for you to assume that he's not a perfect person wait i'm sorry i'm just trying to come up with a reason i don't know when was that a reason to deduct points i don't know he's ripped i'm just [ __ ] dude any musician that can improv like that like [ __ ] dude he's just not a no no nobody on this earth is a 10 out of 10. that's all i'm saying so according to dan you can't be a 10 to 10 if you're short no you can't be a 10 out of 10 if you're not the son of god jesus christ my personal savior say jesus christ was even attended then well that's blasphemy okay maybe he's the son of god too much mark's a 10 out of 10 guy he is a 10 out of 10 dude thank you zach so that was fun i i don't know if i had more to say about that no i mean just really cool maybe he's a 9.5 out of 10 even maybe he's an 11 out of 10. i'll accept nine points mathematically impossible i'll except 9.9 repeating yeah i'm just you know i don't have about nine though that's insulting i think i think it's you know putting too much pressure on a person to give them a ten out of ten that's not a standard that anybody even mark can live in nine repeating sure sure all right rate ethan don't rape me i didn't brady i didn't ask to be rated i don't want to know on the spot come on do it no i want to keep my job yeah yeah and i want you to keep your job too okay so you know there's one other thing i want to talk about here today before we um play our video games we have the half-life vr part two coming up here uh xqc is making uh waves because he is i'm a little confused about this you know um he got a dmc people are saying i'm a one out of ten thank you everybody well who would be a one out of ten like hitler would be like a one out of ten guy yeah yeah evil is a ten out of ten yeah even ela oh stop it you're such a [ __ ] hater right now yeah you are forget the dan the lover sound bite that is gone it's done it's gone yeah you are being an ultimate hater right now bro it's not a hate i'm giving him a nine out of a 10. i mean that's a good no before bringing it down the whole conversation was like he's a 10 out of 10 guy and you're bringing the energies down you're just you're putting too much pressure on the man i feel like he would appreciate what i'm saying yeah calling him short well you were pressuring me to come up with a reason i don't know oh well what the [ __ ] anyway let's move on so xqc i'd love to get him on if he's down you guys ask him if he wants to come on i don't know so he got a dmca no apparently on twitch people they're really cracking down on dmca and the olympics in general has always been very aggressive which i get let's be honest i mean the olympics like they they pay like billions of dollars for the rights to stream it and you know it can't be easy to recoup your costs these days especially with cable and the ratings this year i've been like disastrous so i'm sure i haven't heard anyone talking about the olympic you know i've been watching it and also it's like in japan so i mean it's on at like 3 a.m i mean it's kind of a rough thing i i'm not gonna lie i've been enjoying watching the olympics though i put it on at night you know people they're rowing they're skating they're swimming you know whatever anyway so he got the thing is so when you get a dmca on twitch you also get banned apparently that whole system seems so ass backwards the dmca by the way this this was his fourth band by the way for dmca i don't know if they're all dmca related but it says this was his fourth one well apparently he got he got immediately reinstated though right love there's a slight difference you can get your vod dmc8 which is normal very normal yeah uh what he got though was a live band which is very unusual and um or a live dmca sorry and that made him go banned instantly right apparently it's a different cold down like a band cooldown of like normal tos cold ons yeah i mean again we'll do it live yeah it makes sense why it would be rare i mean it's hard to catch someone in the act versus when the vaude is up now again once again i understand their need to protect their rights the problem with the dmca is that it's very much like shoot first um like kill them first and let god sort them out kind of mentality it's like how can you make a distinction on the spot that what he's doing is in fair use and there's just not enough consequences for people who take down videos like that because when you interfere with somebody's business in that way without making a distinction if it's fair use or not is as damaging to their business as someone ripping off your content so it's like your ip rights shouldn't supersede my ip rights you know and you know and on the other end twitch is also the fact that they're banning people in that regard is pretty wild too you know i've always been a champion of uh my whole career of fair use i'm currently in my second lawsuit to protect fair use and i feel like i am somewhat i mean obviously i'm not a lawyer but i feel like i have as good of a grasp of it as you can um at this point according to a b a dmca bands normally last for 24 hours he was banned for two days however which is double that is that right i guess it's well known not to [ __ ] with the olympics but i'm first of all i'm curious one well anyway this story get big because apparently he's counter suing them but then i read some tweets from his attorney that says they're just disputing it which isn't a counter lawsuit which isn't a big deal i dispute [ __ ] every day so i'm cut so i'm trying to create some clarity on this situation and also i want to watch uh his reaction to determine if it's transformative or not we're gonna blur out the actual olympics because obviously i'm not trying to relive the same fate he did but i'm more i'm more interested in his reaction anyway to say like it was this a uh a transformative uh reaction because right now they are doing this whole media thing i have a problem with this lawyer i'm gonna say that right now and i'm gonna get into that his lawyer the video game attorney um was our first attorney to represent us in the lawsuit against matt haas many years ago and um uh he is a horrible attorney that royally screwed us and um the fact that he's handling this makes me very very nervous um we almost sued them for malpractice mar the next attorneys we got which were extremely competent were just outraged at what he handled this so ryan ryan morrison is out there saying that it's fair use and i actually am afraid that ryan is misleading him and so i want to make my own distinction i haven't watched this and i want to watch this and uh see for myself because the thing is that if ryan represents him in a bad case not only is xuc going to get screwed with time and money and liability but he can actually set back the work that we've done like if we get a bad ruling against fair use that can screw everybody and so what's up i just wanted dan's take on something and so the thing hold up the blurred foot no we should talk about it because we don't want to get screwed he pulled up the blurred footage it's i don't know if that's blurred enough to be honest uh i mean did you see it yeah no i see it i mean it should be let's like all right i i see what you mean i mean it could even be blacked out for all i'm worried about but i mean like how are you gonna say you can't possibly say that this is a market substitute like if you try to take this i will [ __ ] now i'm joining xqc screw said [Music] it's like blurred it's muted i'm talking over it it's like a meta analysis i mean i don't even give a [ __ ] about what he's watching and just to clarify this isn't the moment that he got banned this is just the only footage we could even find from that stream yeah it's okay i just want an example of the kind of commentary he's providing so this guy ryan morrison who's representing him very much concerns me um this guy botched our first lawsuit so badly the video game attorney they botched it so badly we raised a bunch of money by the way philly d raised a bunch of money for us and put it into like and then it was ryan's idea to put it into uh to make a non-profit organization right and then but it turns out after we make the non-profit you can't [ __ ] make a non-profit for the purpose of supporting yourself that's [ __ ] illegal it's called fraud like the whole point of the money that was this is all ancient history was like a hundred thousand dollars we're talking about and um at the time it was like an extraordinary it is an extraordinary money but at the time that was like more money than we have ever made and we needed it desperately to pay for this lawsuit and so he was like let's set up this non-profit and put the money in there and obviously any attorney should know that a non-profit can't you can't make a non-profit to pay for your own [ __ ] so the money almost got stuck there because it would be illegal for us to use it so not only was and then at the same time as tying up our money and potentially committing fraud they were fighting the lawsuit in the dumbest way imaginable they were instead of actually arguing the merit of the of the lawsuit saying that this is fair use they were trying to argue that their copyright registration was invalid over some technicality and it's like that just makes you look so weak as i talk to my other attorneys so like this argument was so pointless uh and so weak it makes you look weak because you're not arguing the merits and the thing is even if you get it thrown out on a technicality he can just register and sue you again and so it was going so sideways that at a point they even encouraged us to consider settling [ __ ] paying off matt haas which is the whole reason why we were fighting it to begin with and at that point we're like this isn't working we went got a new lawyer fired them and our new lawyers who won the lawsuit for us and handled things the professional way were aghast at the way that ryan handled it ryan and his partner handled it and even considered suing for malpractice because of the way they they handled it and especially the way they set up this non-profit because we had to like in the end we had to pay more attorneys to petition the attorneys general of new york to explain what happened so we could get the money out so we had to pay a bunch of attorneys a bunch of fees just to get the money back it was that it was such a [ __ ] [ __ ] show and i'm and i'm not the thing is there was not experienced attorneys and so it doesn't surprise me at the time what really was [ __ ] up is that he didn't say i'm not experienced enough in this and reference me to a real attorney say listen we can do these one things so that's what i'm afraid of xqc right now is that ryan is out there saying this is fair use we're fighting it and not i'm not i'm not a [ __ ] media attorney and i'm not equipped to deal with this like i've held my tongue on the sky for so long but now it's come to this point where i see him in a position to cause even more damage and um i really think that this is a dangerous place for everyone to be when he's being represented by this guy who really doesn't know what he's doing and as far as i'm aware actually doesn't understand fair use at all so let's watch this and make a determination i haven't seen this yet she will come on here with nobody out and a run this isn't blurred enough you guys well that's what i agree cam you gotta you you just black just like um pixelate it more how about just don't even show that just zoom in on xqc's box because that's what we care about right so you don't even need to show the footage no you don't need to i mean you could just block black it out oh you want me to zoom in on his box yeah i can do that here i'll just do this drag that i was saying if your screen outside oh yeah there you go i'll just do this but perfect okay here we go there you go this explains it the style of play in the past it's been the u.s power not as much power for japan that's almost flipped it's flipped bro oh [ __ ] is history in the making this is cortez 23 years old first woman in the majors [Applause] so what is he watching like a compilation he sounds like he's showing like a meme like a baseball meme oh it's just a meme yeah was he watching like unusual videos or something or what happened [Music] so it was two games put together the the last part of the clip was from a 2016 um world series game um that that's what he was laughing at okay um the first half of the clip is from the olympics but then he goes over to another clip that so is this right so i love i don't know if you're familiar is this kind of representative of the commentary he provides throughout oh i i can't answer that i never got the chance to watch maybe the chat notes because right now i just see him laughing and obviously i don't know what he watched or if that was transformative but like i'm not seeing someone saying need longer context yeah i think a lot of people some people are saying that's the entire stream but i think the the point is the problem is guys it's hard to find the actual clip because it's been hunted down by the olympics you know but the point is is that obviously what i'm seeing now there's no way this is transformative but i don't have the full context but my point is is that this is not a clean cut case of [ __ ] fair use right like it's just not i'd love to talk to him i don't know if people are there i'm very worried about him being in the hands of ryan morrison i really am yeah right now if our chat maybe we want to ask him asmin gold commented on it as well defending him he so i don't know if i have the whole context but people just need to be really afraid because fair use covers a lot but you don't want to go fight the wrong fight on this [ __ ] you really don't you really don't you know and like if they if the olympics wants to do a dmca i'm not sure those are the people you want to go up against and especially with this when this is your [ __ ] uh commentary i'm sorry i just want to correct something i said i said it was a two-day ban initially it was is what i'm saying but then it got reduced to five hours yeah that's what i thought i remember he got someone said ryan morrison has helped has experienced so much now since you left dealt with him they've helped countless esports oregon big streamers yeah he might have experience with likes with like contracts and stuff but i'm just telling you he's not a media litigator and he has no [ __ ] idea what he's doing when it comes to fair use and litigating these cases if you have a contract you want to go over with them for esports cool do that this is a whole different beast that's why there's specialties there you know what i mean there's there's specialties in law people specialize oh someone's saying xqc has h3 nuked whatever that means anyway um so i i it's hard to know it's hard to know because we can't find more but obviously people are saying h3 is a banned um phrase in his chat yeah i don't think he was very happy with the the exchange that we had with now last time xqc didn't really go that well xqc banned h3 there's a there's a uh headline well actually you know what i talked to him in the dms i warned him about ryan the minute i saw he was representing him and he said uh oh he acknowledged my my what i said so he knows okay so there's that there you go that's good yeah other people saying it's not banned people are saying he's trolling trolling you might want to watch what he's uh doing right now he's listening to the top 700 music i'm gonna get i'm gonna get we're both gonna get banned to fight turn him on he's going to take the whole twitch platform down with him yeah let's chain reaction take the whole thing down no oh i can't watch this i can't watch this i can't watch this stop that's what's up the music what the [ __ ] is this listen i said what it was i've seen it listen i've seen his unusual memes edits i've seen him react to stuff like in my in my opinion i'm not gonna say if it's fair use or not obviously that's a distinction that a judge will make or a jury will make after weighing all the considerations of fair use but if i was uh in his shoes or his attorney i would not be eager to go up against the olympics with what he has right yeah and also losing would be a terrible precedent and could harm everybody so anyway he made a video about it so let's watch this let's see i didn't go live for a while i think it's what happened holy [ __ ] i forgot i didn't yet actually kind of interesting what happened so i hope we don't get lost into like um legal terms or whatever okay so if you're if you're like um hello i'll lower your andy can you have to settle down and wait till the story finishes okay so basically what had happened is did how do you say this [ __ ] what has had had happened i have to be careful okay because this is like some legal [ __ ] so i kind of have to go about what i say on stream okay kind of okay but basically okay i was doing the olympics and i was doing some react content right and then i got striked okay and normally strikes don't get you bend but because it's a live strike they ban you so there's no like further damage or whatever i would assume it's money to do it and normally it's 24 hours but for some reason this time for me it was two-day band but this ban doesn't affect my bands though being banned for this doesn't make you banned like uh like if you show the titty on stream it's just so you don't like continue [ __ ] up excuse me so it's not even a band yeah i didn't do it it's basically counted as a strike but then i looked at it and i was like dude so i talked to my team whatever i'm like yo guys can you do anything about this like two days sounds like a crazy amount of time for this and like oh you know we have like option a option b option c whatever and then i'm like um the dumb option or not they present me the options whatever and one of the options looked kind of cool it looked kind of fun and i was like you know dude let's go with this one right so we did instead is that we issued and we call it a counter claim which is pretty ballsy it's not so this is the other thing where they're making like a big hubbub this is something ryan does too where he tries to turn everything into pr is that a counter claim is not ballsy i've done it a bazillion times it literally is not ballsy it's it's it's routine it's it's actually just totally routine if somebody dmca's you you can basically say i'm gonna restore the content and if you want me to remove it you have to sue me and but the thing is that doing a counter claim will restore your content but it doesn't change the legal status of the infringement they can sue you at any time the dmca is just a remedy available to copyright holders so that they can remove it without having to sue you so you know um yeah if you do a um a counter a counter claim or counter notification um it's it's it's absolutely routine i mean it happens every day thousands of times on youtube we do it all the time it really isn't uh it really isn't anything i mean obviously the thing is like if if the olympics does a dmca on you and you just say okay fine [ __ ] it then the likelihood that they're going to come sue you is very low because you complied the content is done they don't want to sue you over that it's pointless you know but if you count if you if you do counter claim then you you get the content restored obviously it does increase the chances of being sued because now their only remedy to get the video down is to sue you but the likely the likeliness of them suing you is extremely low extremely low so it's not really that big of a deal now if i was them though i would probably look at that and say this is better off down you know uh that that would be my decision in that case so what a counter claim does is that they the mca so they strike me and instead of saying oh i [ __ ] up it's kind of like saying like no i'm right kind of i think it's like saying it this is transformative content this is um fair use and this is not what you guys claim it is so we counter claimed it so that does is that that removes a strike but we're fighting back type of thing and if this if this like escalates this is it's so routine it's literally built in like in youtube you can file a counter claim just through the software by typing in your name and clicking a few boxes like you don't even need to pay you don't need a lawyer to do a counter claim it's like so stupid well it'll get crazy the problem is we as content creators like as much as we talk about fair use we also have to acknowledge that copyright does exist and that right holders have rights too because the minute that we start over the minute we start overestimating what fair use is is when we lose all of our [ __ ] all of our rights right because the minute that you just start turning into jinx reacts and laughing at jokes and calling it transformative then we're all it's gonna [ __ ] us all over because let's face it they have their rights we have to acknowledge their rights if we want them to acknowledge our rights and so the fact that him and his his lawyers even like entertaining this as an option like a good option is crazy to me based on what i've seen based on what i've seen okay it could be that he offered more commentary at a different point in the video that transformed it i don't know crazy what i'm saying it'll get crazy it'll get [ __ ] crazy crazy we're talking crazy crazy yeah ryan's just ryan is literally just telling you [ __ ] it's not gonna get crazy but my lawyer said it i cringe so much when i know that ryan's his lawyer after what i've been through with that guy it's crazy crazy but um it could cost millions xqcl so what it does is stop playing with me your line so what it does hold that do it well because i j time it is fair use and it's whatever dude i guess i don't think i might do much because it's like some legal [ __ ] and i don't want it to you know you baby don't leave us like that again sexy game the [ __ ] i think this was the end this was the move to do it and i think that that that was the correct call because otherwise it's really done five months um no i and them truly believe it is actually fairies and transformative and we have a we have actually grounds to stand on i don't know where because i thought i had i had grounds to stand on the law so we won and ryan and his partner were suggesting we settle so because they had [ __ ] the case up so bad to be fair we saw a one-minute clip i know maybe there are other parts where he was pausing and you know offering a lot of commentary and what i saw was not fair use i can say that you know with uh i can say that uh with uh that one clip yeah but again again it's fair use is considered you consider the whole clip and the context of everything so i don't know i just where i'm that the thing is when i went from ryan morrison to a real law firm the difference is [ __ ] night and day because i never worked with an attorney so i was easily seduced by this guy but once you go to a real law firm then you see what it's actually like to be represented by a real attorney i'm just scared for him and a lot of it too i missed you and if things are gonna get crazy they will get crazy but i i generally think they were right about this well regardless the chance of them actually pursuing anything is like like close to zero so you know the risk is is very very very very low like i do counter notifications every day although i'm more confident that my i'm confident my content that is fair use i just don't trust wait you're you're not convinced that the olympics are going to go after them well like that they'll actually take up no i'm not i is the chance is very low because it's not really a market substitute you know i think the the problem one of the different i've just heard that the olympics are notoriously litigious about this kind of stuff so but i that's just when i was researching it this morning apparently i have a reputation for going after yeah they might they might and they they certainly don't want like especially when it's a big public thing and they're like trying to make an example i mean yeah they might you know in normal situations i wouldn't really be concerned about it the big factor with fairies is is it a market substitute so if the olympics is looking to sue they're looking for where the damages are people watching the stream instead of ours but then again statutory damages for infringing on the copyright is 250 000 so they sue them for 250 000 but they couldn't assume for more than that i mean it would cost more it would cost each party more to pay their lawyers than it would to whatever the the damages would be you know what i mean um so it's entirely possible that they could sue looking for some kind of settlement or just to make a point not to [ __ ] with the olympics um it's not the olympics it's nbc universal slash comcast morons oh i didn't see the morons before i started reading your comments so but they're they're the ones that paid a billions of dollars right they pay the licensing fee also i'm banning that guy so see you yeah um here's ryan morrison's tweet about it that when i saw this oh and other people are saying they're wrong it is the ioc so i'm glad i uh dude when i saw this i panicked i'm telling you because this guy just gives me anxiety bro i'm telling you it was the worst situation you could ever have with an attorney he says about xqc we see countless dmcas come in for our clients and we normally advise not to counter due to the extreme risks okay we discussed all the option with felix and he's confident as are we that the content in question was fair use as such he made the call to take a stand when you counter dmca the rights holder's only option is to sue you as such felix is taking on an incredible risk to stand up for what is right here that said do not counter your own dmca without speaking to an attorney yeah unfortunately ryan barely counts as an attorney so that's why i'm afraid for him not sure he's getting good legal counsel we are not suing anyone we expect the i o c to make the right decision and let this die if that is the case is a done deal and nothing more to the story however we're ready to defend felix no matter how they choose to proceed yeah i mean again i wish i had the full context to say but based on what i saw i'm very worried about this being fair use and i'm not i have no faith at all in the um council of uh ryan morrison so i don't know i mean if you guys have more clips i'd love to see it i don't know where we looked everywhere we couldn't find it and of course this is always what you'd like to see your lawyer say i've learned so much about dmc and fair use today from reddit and twitter he's probably kidding right but yeah he's being surprised basically based on my experience with them you might be watching this being like wow take a note yeah he's taking notes yeah i can't emphasize to you guys how much this guy [ __ ] me and almost lost thus that fair use case he really did this guy makes me understand why people hate lawyers my new lawyers are amazing ugh yeah i wish i could i wish there was a way for me to find more and make more of a judgment if it's um yeah his name is video game attorney and he might be great with contract i know he works with like streamers on contracts and stuff he might be great at that he might be great that's why people specialize in law it's [ __ ] up for him not to refer him to an actual [ __ ] litigator that handles media that's what pissed me off in retrospect is that he didn't own up to the fact that he was not experienced enough to handle our case because he wanted the clout he wanted the attention and so he took on a case he was not qualified to take on and i didn't know better oh there's a video game attorney uh comment on live stream phil yeah i don't know if you guys have i don't anyway that's about all i have to say about that people are saying video game attorney commented on some live stream fail threads yeah he he that's kind of how he made his whole career is commenting on reddit i mean it's kind of weird reddit lawyer that's what he was a reddit lawyer and then people started you know started actually referring to him for [ __ ] and the thing is that whatever i'm not here to just dedicate [ __ ] on on him i just i just want to give my two cents on the situation and i just want to caution xqc to be to be careful because he laughs now about losing like spending millions of dollars but a lawsuit is going through a lawsuit bro it's not just money you have to understand that the money is one aspect you have to get deposed you have to get discovered they can request documents from you that you would never want another person to see you have to go sit in a in a little [ __ ] cubicle with the opposing lawyer for eight hours as they grill you and potentially other people in your life too you could even get deposed twice if the judge thinks it's necessary the whole everything surrounding an attorney is absolutely [ __ ] horrendous or a lawsuit so i found another clip from his stream oh you did that oh great it's not edited so make sure to sue me okay great thank you love good job i found the comments on uh live streaming thank you chad fantastic work guys okay so so what i'm going to do here because i don't want to even make any con oh that's train wrecks hello um how can it doesn't let me uh zoom in maybe when i full screen go out to the right so you only show his face if that makes sense yeah hold on let me try this because it lets me zoom so how's this can everyone see kind of yeah all right so this is perfect here let me just let me just tiny box it i don't even want i don't care about what's going on on the screen i just want to see his uh his take right okay here we go four x one hundred united states [Applause] 15 meters look at that i don't need to circle that guy right now you know he's going to jump on that first 15. nobody has the speed petey like they're then caleb got one of the greatest starts in history in all sports right out of the gates caleb dressel trying to build that lead for the united states russia a half second behind and so how do you use doping in archery make some noise against dressle but it's dressel leading the way that's like taking steroids to pass the [ __ ] math test but not much well this is what they need they need the lead but dressel was really going to hopefully get them a little bit biggerly they have really closed the gap here all right so blake perroni goes in as caleb dressel makes his tokyo debut france i mean so x 100 yeah okay so there's a certain there's a there's one point in his favor which is that he's making like a meta analysis of the russian team being banned so he is making so he's adding commentary in that degree but the part that really concerns me is that he's not even watching the clip he's reading chat and the clip is playing in the background and i feel like the olympics would have a pretty good argument to say that it's not transformative and and it's a replacement actually for that you could watch this as a replacement to i could argue that it's basically a watch party like you have it up and it's a bunch of people watching it together the main component of fair use is that it doesn't substitute the original which means you wouldn't go watch xqc to watch the olympics there's no way that anyone wanting to watch the olympics would come watch xqc talk over the olympics you you would just go watch it on your tv but in this case because he's so small and because the olympics is so big because he's just reading chat and and not always commentary commentating pausing stuff like that that there is a very good argument for them to say that this is a market substitute like you said dan i think a watch party is a good analogy and so there this is not a clean cut case here i'm not going to say that he has like a horrible chance of prevailing but i would also say that he doesn't he doesn't necessarily have a great case here either you know this would not be an easy this would be a very difficult path forward for them to rogan's asking how often do you have to talk for it to be fair use there's that's the thing it's not really a hard and fast rule extinction of fair use is made in totality and consideration of all the four uh points of fair use okay the most important one is the uh is the market substitute and the transformation so there's no like there's no goal post right it's taken in consideration of everything and a judge or jury makes a consideration with the evidence and as the lawyers argue it and that's kind of the tricky thing about it but in my case like all the lawsuits that the first lawsuit it was like a quintessential fair use they said but we were like pausing commenting doing edits there was times when i filled the whole screen there's times when it filled the whole screen and so every ex every time is a different example that needs to be considered here's another one of him reacting to what looks like ping-pong so let's do the same thing here where we zoom in okay not understanding now because they go they go flying and the balls go and they have to counter it they have to counter the effect right and if because if they can't and they just they just hit it normally even if you just held up your thing like this and you let it touch it it would go just smiling laughing trying packing that yeah this one's probably more this one's more on the fair use side as he paused it and he offered commentary you know uh whatever commentary that was uh it actually doesn't matter if the judge even said in my case it doesn't matter if you think it's useful or funny or informative or anything you know it doesn't matter fair use isn't there to protect the those with good intentions or good commentaries there to protect everybody um so you know uh this one's probably more on the side of being fine but again it's only a 30 second clip a judge would want to see the whole stream they're going to want to see the whole hour long stream and analyze that that's very interesting do you think the length of these long streams serve as a asset to these streamers like in terms of fair use because the whole stream is totality is about you know several hours possibly the fact that whatever they're watching shorter they get away with more no i think the judge would would just they would they would just um they would just view the relevant part of it it would be something to consider i think i think the the the defendant in this case sqc's lawyer could definitely make that argument that you know it was just this piece of the stream for sure yeah it probably does benefit them a little bit uh xqc some of the top comments wasn't he the attorney that h3 first had and then he fired yes it was him yeah i've never talked about it because i just didn't i just never wanted to get into it wait there was more to that that was the thread that he responded so where's his response i just see how he responded to this comment about me firing him yes so just scroll down a little bit oh oh it's cause this [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate new reddit it's so bad so this is interesting wait the [ __ ] you talking about wait what i'm not he's responding to what mclovin said yep that's him i'm not 100 sure but i think what got him fired is he forgot to file paperwork on time spot on wasn't us but it was a super simple fix regardless so didn't cause any damage thankfully what is he what are they talking about i don't know what people kept saying that he commented about your case in this thread so i went and found his comment and what the [ __ ] of what i thought i mean you're familiar with the situation i thought maybe that was the other firm he switched to the guy was on vacation when they had to file paperwork because ethan moved during the lawsuit i don't know what anyone's talking about that is a weird [ __ ] comment from ryan what the [ __ ] all right we have more love's coming through what they reached so i found a pretty fun like weird way to watch the stream that he deleted yeah or kinda if you go like you can scrub over with the mouse you can see that right uh so at the 10 hour mark if you press clip you can actually watch the stream still oh yeah so if you make a clip you can watch what you're editing is that does that make sense he didn't mess up but ethan's other attorneys did no you got [ __ ] fired and they saved my ass end of story that's all that happened bro i don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about crazy ass so okay so then so then is this the totality of his commentary that we're watching here uh love well i'll link to your timestamp right yeah so if you click that and well it's a dumb workaround but if you press click yeah so wait this is his whole stream right now well yeah but it's blocked out for the part where he watches uh okay so let's let's see what happens well soda makakomi here and uh yeah it gets taken onto the back of the net i would say one big problem that he has and other twitch streamers has is that he's in a small box and he never occupies the whole screen that is going to be a lot of trouble because um because if the clip is on the screen the whole time that is going to cause a lot of trouble for the defense like when we fight lawsuits they always say that there's lots of pauses where i occupy the screen the whole time and you could say like for example the ryan cavanaugh one that we're dealing with now with triller it's like it's like we showed the fight for let's say i don't remember i'm just gonna throw numbers out these aren't accurate it's totally just untethered it's like we showed the fight for one minute 20 seconds of it was the fight itself 20 seconds of it was paused and um 20 seconds was it of me talking over it and so the fact that they're it's on screen the whole time is going to be a big problem for them she didn't do it purposely having a look there just a neck uh roll and see out yeah looking to see if suzie gets disqualified for it jesus ouchy suzy and uh kosovo have got so yeah obviously saying aochie is not going to transform anything because that's a parent if someone got hurt that's a parent from watching it right that's that's a that's a uh that's not a transformative uh commentary because it doesn't it it's obvious to everyone watching that that someone got hurt well we've been saying confounded by the the you know added to the point that he's in a small box in the corner um this is bad that's not the way that you want any of these contests definitely oh wow she feels robbed that's that's kind of weird wait why why is she not where's she upset and kosovo i've got a second gold medal here well we've been saying that's not the way that you want any of these contests everyone's saying uh he wants to talk xuc great i'd love to talk to him uh let me uh see if i can get him on the line let's get them on zoom so that we don't uh that would be a similar situation let me uh i would love to talk to xqc about this 100 percent um someone says he doesn't wait are you sure about this people are saying i don't know it's the chat no don't do it people are saying chad is trolling people saying i don't know well open his chat love you give me impartial uh oh yeah i it might have been a troll yeah no that's my yes chad is being toxic okay thank you everybody thank you thank you yeah i mean look guys ouchie is not gonna fly it's not gonna fly it's just not the thing is a good attorney will say listen dude this is a lot of liability here we definitely should just consider ourselves lucky that they only dmcad us and nothing more because like i said at the end of the day we have to acknowledge the rights of the copyright holders so that we can do what we do if we just [ __ ] say everything's fair use then we become as bad as the people that just dmca everything you see what i'm saying again i'm not saying one way or the other based on what i saw it's looking very dangerous situation for him and just knowing ryan morrison i'm worried that's all peace and love peace and love should we play half-life oh uh sure let's do it i okay so now this is i've been looking forward to this all week we got a brand new valve index if you guys were here last week you'll notice that we had insane technical issues that resulted in us just scrapping the the last one um so we got a new one that's amazing i haven't tried it yet dan you tried it yeah i came in over the weekend and set it up and [ __ ] around with it a little bit and it's pretty damn cool also interestingly someone from htc who makes the vive reached out to us too and was like yo i want to help you with the new set so we're going to have the index and the vive yeah we got to do a little a b comparison i think so maybe the next session we'll use the latest uh live and then we can make a determination of what we like more so let's take a quick break just while we rejigger the set and everything for the vr and um i am so excited i am so excited all right let's uh actually love this so guys stick around we're gonna play some half-life h3 3d 4d experience we'll be back as soon as we are ready setting this up so just give us a brief moment here we'll be right back thank you peace and love peace okay half life alex play through part two begins now um i just fell down this hole and that was not the way to go interestingly well i hear baddies from here so um let's try is this a puzzle right maybe okay observe your surroundings a little we've [ __ ] with this thing before let's see is this like bait or he has something in his hand eh oh [ __ ] oh do i gotta grab this thing okay let's see if i can grab it [Music] no i could grab that thing i'm assuming right [Music] damn that guy's getting better days i'm gonna let you try and figure it out for a while and then all that well i think i need both hands right this is a kind of a both hand situation yes sir so let's grab it yeah i got this i think let's roll it up come on nice and easy nice why does it do that what i don't understand okay here let's just use this hand apparently [Music] oh can i give him a hint i got shells not yet he's working on it okay [Music] soon okay so that's not working how about a bucket let's throw [ __ ] at him [ __ ] you oh okay uh there's gotta be something here oh what's this oh okay can i grab onto this or something [Music] oh i got an idea you gotta you gotta zelda it a little bit if you know what i'm saying oh i got a zelda in great call dan gnarlier the better oh thank you here let's get this in there nice i was gonna say god of war it that works too well it doesn't seem to be wanting to go in yeah you got the right idea though you just got to find the right place to jam okay let's walk over here look carefully at the wheel itself that you're spinning [Music] like the the bike tire is there oh here we go hello all right now let's move on over here okay oh see i don't know why i keep having false jumps i think you're flicking the uh right stick [Music] oh you better work quick though oh don't celebrate too long [Music] grab weapon with primary hand got it hurry up it's getting louder oh [ __ ] i dropped my shells i dropped my shelves this fan is falling off the headset is falling off oh it's not tight enough i think because when i look down it falls off oh your your helmet your your yeah my helmet here help him out how the [ __ ] do i load this thing uh you so press the reload button it's gonna pop open the chamber oh i see it yeah and then toss that puppy in there and close it wait [Music] it needs to be tighter i've got like a tiny [ __ ] baby head apparently [Music] uh-huh and now you gotta [ __ ] it hey you got it this thing tighter okay that's the knob on the back oh [ __ ] [Applause] you're out of ammo av is [ __ ] with this thing and it's freaking out [Music] yeah oh yeah it's good i can't find the buttons where's the button [Music] [Music] why can't i pick up my gun i can only have one gun no you got it you got it you're just panicking yeah okay i don't want to get shot i'm being told by chad that the cushion on your head is for children oh well he did say he has a little baby well yeah i mean that's not he's saying it's still too big there you go all right i think i'm all like tangled up and [ __ ] all right i think the danger's passed let's uh let's help you adjust now oh my god you guys when it gets tighter it gets all blurry i have to readjust oh my god you guys i'm all tangled up take that off what's happening okay thank you thank you okay thank you thank you thank you dan thank you dan wow that was intense okay so [Music] okay so your right hand has in the center uh like a little touchpad thing that's how you bring up your inventory of your different guns yeah i did i was doing that but right and so now and now slide in the direction of the item that you want to pick i think it was just that you were panicking and so you yeah you got it now there you go i was panicking yeah all right we got options now people [Music] so these are little schmutzy uh little [ __ ] so that's the little head crabs know die thank you wendy [Music] did you just no so the part the problem is that the problem is that it accidentally jumps all the time because my hands are so small that i'm actually triggering the jump which is down all right moving forward right and um i just jumped into the pit so that happened oops so i got it oh good it saved it oh that's okay you're good yeah i was worried about that too all right who's in here hello can you imagine gordon for alex do you walk around like this what would you walk around like if you if i was really doing recon like this i guess uh yeah no i prefer no you look really cool keep doing that no no it's jumping when i'm i don't want to jump do you have your finger over the thumb stick oh you guys because you you should just remove your thumb from the thumb stick you don't unless you're trying to jump okay boomer no it turns left and right as well oh right right wrong one okay boomer there's got to be some oh hello daddy there's probably an option to change that if you want to [ __ ] with the menus some kind of good thing in here right yeah that looks like a uh supply chest or something literally no empty no no thanks gabe newell an to put an empty chest okay um oh what's up [ __ ] come come get it come get it yeah that's what i thought next death to all of them i got it yes okay two mags left oh chat says the first time he loots the crate and it's empty i know exactly oh that's got to be goods right nope empty well babe had something up there you probably should have pulled it down with your gloves there was stuff up there i mean i don't know but now we'll never know right what's up [ __ ] you think you want some of this we'll come get some then come get some right now dude who wants someone else [Music] my head grabs coming at you i don't want to waste ammo you're still alive there's one there's still alive i'm gonna back up into the pit you [ __ ] yeah can i head can i piss the whip i don't know if there's melee damage in this game i genuinely don't know the [ __ ] thing [ __ ] they're like i have never seen someone last one okay i enough of this [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] yeah if you've ever wanted to kill somebody clap everybody clap all right so i need to get into new fresh i'm out [Applause] so why can't i switch this shot d okay right so you gotta so once you have the shells you gotta hit the what normally would be the magazine button there you go and then load them in close it ammo so it you can only load i believe two oh no you can't don't listen to me i thought you could only get a couple shots in there so how many got it you have five right now all right well looks like uh i'm gonna just be running through this and praying you do have more pistol ammo though i don't know if that's what you were saying something over there maybe an upgrade maybe you still have that resin i got some red i have like more than 10 now oh hello oh yes there we go we got canned soup we got canned soup and a pack of ciggies let's go i could use a smoke right now oh you think you're smart smoking big joints [ __ ] off what i really need is ammunition and it looks like i found some is there anything else in here you should so you should switch to your pistol and reload now so that you don't flip the [ __ ] out next time that you're getting attacked i have three bullets left no i'm saying in your pistol [Music] oh you're saying i can i can already yeah you have one bullet in there i can load her up already yes okay i seem to be pushing the eject button i need a machine gun remember switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading okay i remember you what do i do with you probably need to get my [ __ ] little schmutz ray out okay what's ray yeah you have a puzzle here puzzle time chet is saying dan let him suffer dan let me stop okay i'm about the people i'm just um the man suffer dan should she suffer clap if i should suffer somebody said that and trying to clap if you want him to suffer oh yeah a lot of clubs here i'll be honest here i'm going to turn on the chat for you for a second here we go look at the chest look at the chat real quick okay chat everybody's clapping for me to suffer laugh if i should suffer oh thank you guys thank you clap if you want somebody to die if you've ever wanted somebody to die let's go you guys we finally get the upgrade we've all dreamed of okay how many resin we got 12 looks like the only thing you can buy is the site display that highlights tactical targets that seems boring but okay what do i got to install it now i mean what the [ __ ] insert your resin it's like poker chips what i got to do everything in this game [Music] and it's a sexual dance [Music] a lot of people saying waste of resin that really went really i haven't played so i don't know it looks sick though no i mean you got a cool ass little hologram now sorry oh oh you waste ammo every time you do that oh i got like a little sight are you kidding me that's sick [Music] all right let's not waste any more ammo now so oh that jumping thing is super annoying i hear ab loading don't worry about it screaming some supplies i need supplies man my i am low on ammunition oh hello little little [ __ ] little unit he sounds so sweet [Music] can i squish his little body over here i there was a health thing uh back on the wall back by the resin machine yeah you're such a sweet little cute guy i love you so much we do a little trolling it's called we do a little trolling bye nobody liked you i was just kidding let the bugs die i'm kidding i feel bad i'm vegan now for two days so that feels bad thank you zach uh step back into frame you're like you're right i support you ethan there you go get in there get in there did anyone see that but me no nobody saw that by me also dude supplies is everything [Music] okay feeling good geared up good health oh my god it's so dark are you kidding me right now okay so do i go in the do i go in the gutter don't be loading up on me maybe i don't go this way go back out the other way [Music] should i bring the soup [Music] absolutely that was where you came from maybe no i don't think so no well then i see some good [ __ ] here hello wait i don't want to leave the soup here [Music] okay let's bring the soup oh my god this is challenging hello what's this oh more ammo thank god all right guys as long as i have the soup i'm safe this is my lucky soup can as long as i have soup i'm safe nothing can harm me as long as i have cookies for you what so no uh cookies for you i don't need cookies i have soup too dark you'll need a flashlight okay good idea i think you're right are you hungry [ __ ] are you hungry use your site yeah who's hungry soup time oh it actually oh what the [ __ ] wait i'm just missing all my shots so like [Music] oh great what in my ear it [ __ ] ricocheted into my ear okay why okay here okay dude chill down chill dude i wish i had a crowbar i want to go melee on him i really do oh oh oh oh god this reload is like okay come here come here you [ __ ] come here come here come here here enjoy this play with this [Music] okay am i wasting more ammo trying to blow this thing up are you kidding me right now i don't like this side it's making me worse my my my shooting gets worse now we know why people said it was a waste of resin it like how am i out of ammo already i just got a bunch man all right well you switched to the shotgun are you out on the pillar i'm out it says i'm out said one bullet left well the good news is i have soup as long as i have soup i can't be harmed oh hello here here let's put this stop jumping okay let's put the soup down thank you thank you okay fantastic soup soup is coming with me okay i've got soup nobody come at me i've got this can of soup i can feel av near me [Music] that's new buddy oh my god i'm really going to waste my aim on this hey come here come here i know exactly what to do what what maybe squirting me oh [ __ ] the thing is it it i just changed oh my god you guys yeah no [ __ ] i just changed controller so i'm a little bit panicking oh my god dude bye [ __ ] you yeah i know [ __ ] stressing me out bye can i just leave him bye leave me the [ __ ] alone where's my soup bye oh no did we lose the soup oh bro i think i think i actually you got to reload you're safe no i didn't lose the soup i know exactly where it is [Music] you think i lost the soup dan what kind of heartless maniac do you think i am here hey oh what i can use this oh wait what i wonder if i can use this [Music] no i got this suit sick dude let's just go in there for safekeeping pretty sure i need this oh um problem problem i need to get through this which i can't do you turn on a shot for this wait hold on i mean i just oh i see i see okay right so oh that was it [Music] there's probably more eh yeah so where's this go oh now that's on i see it's a little tricky tricky tricky gabe uh oh uh oh what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] no [ __ ] way i'm deep undercover oh no okay so i gotta hmm soup you're coming with come on [Music] okay i'll see you later i'm coming back for you soup don't worry never leave a fallen soldier behind ever oh we don't want that powered something with these shells eh [Music] oh they go through interesting the shells go through the ethan does not go through figure that one out the shells go through the ethan does not go through curious the shells go through oh there's another one up here so so maybe if we twisty that now daddy can get through did i even get okay so let's go this way okay i'm gonna need a gun for this part okay hello does it lock no hmm i think that means it's locked baby what are you working on here i'm just getting a size for a suit real quick excuse me i'm playing a intense video game hold on uh maybe he's getting sized for tux if you could just yeah let's stand by for a second can we just pause the game just stand by just stand by for a second we're uh okay av is getting sized for a tux right now so can we see av yeah i mean are we just supposed to watch you all day i got stuff to do okay how's his dimensions looking good i like the twilight movies he says he's skinny he's a skinny ledge skinny legend yeah okay is it okay if i continue maybe yeah yeah sure thank you the a b gets tried for a tux podcast well i'm not really sure what to make of all this at the moment because it's like this side if this side opens would you like the chats help sure uh stand by look i'm not i haven't fully uh all right chat i haven't fully now don't don't give him bad information oh that wouldn't be good don't don't give him bad information okay so your chat's enabled if you want to take a peek at what they have to say i s well i'm confused because this thing was just open right turn the attorney turn eternity so there's only two paths apparently and neither of them are doing what i need them to do the the chat's on if you want a little tip it is open okay yeah no i got it's okay you got it figured out i'm gonna figure it out okay and then and then we got this blue he doesn't need to chat i thought you guys wanted me to suffer well which is it you know what i'm saying i mean listening to the chat give advice is a form of suffering so obviously can i turn it from here no oh i know what to do you guys you guys i just had a jstation moment you guys you guys people say i'm a hater for saying that i mean come on get real did i just solve the puzzle oh with no help we got one open we got two open oh i still don't know what to do though [Laughter] is there more guys guys well this is kind of intense okay so this one is running this is the one i just connected and then um that one closes that one so i guess i just wanna i mean they're both down there something i need to do here i do need my soup back i haven't forgot about the soup have we checked what kind of soup it is do we know it's hard to tell us wasn't in english um was it in like russian or something yeah it looked russian anybody who speaks russian let us know what type of soup that is all right chad what do you got for me psych it doesn't work i mean here's something here probably need to get that charged up eh oh i did it oh people have a good point what if it's not soup and it's like beans or something bro oh [ __ ] well what the [ __ ] am i okay now what it goes back that way goes that way guys vladimir putin what if i close it on myself in here is that helpful at all can i even checking for uh checking the uh electrical capabilities here checking checking the electrics well if this goes on does anything interesting happen over here no maybe that door goes up [Music] huh [Music] do i have chat can i do like a oh a longi [Music] oh my god you guys [Music] so frustrating like that that seems to like be a puzzle piece doesn't it chad is saying lift the goddamn garage door okay so i have to get on that oh for real then i i was in there the whole [ __ ] time oh well what the [ __ ] i figured this [ __ ] out years ago and my soup has been here waiting for me i probably need both hands eh cam you can cut out all this [ __ ] yes oh hello can i help you [Music] oh [ __ ] there's a flashlight down there you see that [Music] what do you see that where's the suit the chat is spamming don't edit anything out cam cam don't you dare all right fine [Music] who cares let's go [Music] who gives a [ __ ] let's go all right i'm on a quest for soup yo you see that flashlight folks it is dark everything look what they found did can anyone read this it says yeah it could be beans it's possible you know it's possible for sure stop ejecting ammo out of the chamber the chair says oh do i keep doing that because i feel like i should have way more ammo um hello something [Music] here [Music] [Music] um gravity glove gravity glove gravity glove [Music] oh man here take it [Music] oh [ __ ] oh thank god okay wow awesome do i really keep ejecting ammo that's so annoying it's the chat saying you are spewing ammo it hurts to watch i don't know why oh no my soup god bless this bloom boomer got it i'm playing on hearts what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you take my suit [ __ ] okay well that's like a big ass crab huh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i got slimed ah can you die please uh do i have oh uh yeah can you just uh about what about anything uh oh god bye big fan of this flashlight it's not unlike yourself it's also sensitive to the dark oh yeah meaning it should go on automatically when the lights go out did they leave space okay i have no ammo and it's driving me crazy oh i don't even know um ow you hit me in the head i have no [ __ ] bullets what do i do if i have no bullets i have zero bullets i can't do that and run away what do i do i have no bullets dan take accountability dude i have no bullets oh that guy with the ground okay you shouldn't see any ammo around here because i have no [ __ ] bullets and i'm right on a wall i miss you i miss my old friend uh i would that's the thing you need a crowbar okay what's this oh like that i do like that okay just some advice from the chat they say stop dropping bullets and you will have bullets i'm trying i don't know why i keep dropping bullets okay okay literally slide okay can you die please i just dropped bullets [Music] oh my god you guys ow all right who wants some of this [ __ ] don't miss so you can see the white of their eyes [Music] and the great and the words of the great george washington how's my health who said it then somebody said it hamilton was it alexander hamilton dude you're causing me a lot of grief bro [ __ ] okay tell me when i drop ammo because i really don't know when i'm doing it and i you know it's causing me a lot of problems [Music] just looking for ammo i think i'm just saying don't reload until you're completely empty that's that's the secret oh what a secret thank you guys amazing okay i think we did good actually we salvaged this situation a little bit right yeah sure i think i needed to hold it like this any baddies here just you know what i'm saying oh you think i forgot about you jump jump did i get him nope of course not why would i get him why would i with a [ __ ] shotgun get him don't slimey huh i'm getting good on where is he am i covered in goo okay where the [ __ ] hey baddie you trying to run from me you were trying to run from me that's not how this works hey i just went and got measured for my tux um do you still have the soup he lost the soup unfortunately the [ __ ] no no no no no i'll get the soup i need to recover no i will get the soup dan better ye of little fish you better the soup is forever all right guys it looks like we have prevailed seriously okay like how does that help me oh i got the flashlight that's how it helps me okay all right let me the [ __ ] out of here hate this life okay oh yo this scope is dog [ __ ] oh my god you guys last one yeah i know thank you what is the point of this scope it's like impossible to hit them damn all right no baddies hey let's use the dot check this family he's running you little [ __ ] ass uh-oh talk [ __ ] too quickly last four shots okay god you guys thank you peace and love peace and love here let's bring i wonder if this i can use as a weapon like pretty spiky pretty deadly looking right zero ammo zero and ammo andy oh my god more here see what happens see what happens when you get this dropped on you nothing bye did i have no rest i really need you to talk again absolutely be specific um before what was life like before the combine ah excellent alex have you ever heard of one shell that will be useful nope not one right to make a club sandwich you need to start with bread not from a bread line from a bakery across the street baked that day okay you add tomatoes lettuce not vegetable paste you have real pizza that's from an animal you toast the bread wait okay okay okay i can't do this that's insane i have a shell and i'm not done wait did i knock you jerk oh my god you guys first one you put ham in it also from a peck and turkey from an animal we used to call the turkey it was the most impossible food item you could imagine oh any age before wow i know right that is wow thanks you're welcome alex did i see some explosive this looks pretty uh explosive no oh here thank you oh there's stuff back there i cannot see a [ __ ] thing okay who wants some of this who wants um enjoy your snack little [ __ ] rooney [Music] did they kill them both let's go right now [Music] clap please clap please clap still more baddies though until now god aim ammo yes please whatever this is yes please a can of speaking of cans um the soup is gone dan the soup is gone ethan yeah you have to go back i don't remember where i left it i'll be totally honest with you dan okay you know what we're just gonna have to take one for the team on this one how's my health probably not great so can we smash the little bug oh there's a bug back here yay look at ethan he knows how to play [Music] how proud are we of ethan take a couple steps back so the grid isn't in your face hey look at that even better ethan klein is is damaging everything making it all worse okay let's go let's look at this cute bug you're so sweet you are so sweet we love you um into the incinerator [Music] bye get squished chad is very upset about the soup and they're not over it well i can go back but i just i really genuinely don't remember where i left it i was it's been very stressful you guys please forgive me we'll find a new soup we will find an oh are you [ __ ] kidding me right now this is this is the can oh i can't look at it i don't know if i'm holding it or not dude this is the can of soup there's no such thing as a coincidence there's no such thing as a coincidence okay we got the soup boys we're back in business all right people listen up we got a can of soup and i'm not afraid to use it i mean it's russian what do you want from me somebody please that understands russian it says here let's put it safely here okay oh no here we'll leave it right there okay vladimir putin seriously okay some people saying it says vegetable soup in russian i was right i'm gonna hold on hold on vegetable soup translate oh yeah be able to say that [ __ ] for sure all right hold it up to the screen again okay wait wait i'm not dealing with this hold on this is more important no it's no no no no [Music] what [Music] i bet you're still alive dude i no he's dead as [ __ ] good job bye bye oh oh my god good reloading is so [ __ ] stressful in this game i am going to lose my mind oh my god you guys now you're living dude what do you want to shoot him 20 times [Music] wake up now you're living thank you wally i know wally would have my back if you were here now that looked like um that looked like ammo in there what you thought milk carton on me okay [ __ ] [ __ ] dude he's got a milk carton i don't want any of that trouble semen is another kind of milk where's the dot [Music] [Music] one left okay alex so dramatic there's got another be another explodey here's an exploding [ __ ] [Music] come here [Music] [Applause] oh my god you guys oh god oh my god you guys this is so stressful i think i'm losing i think i'm losing years of my life to this game one clip is that the best you could do for me uplife one shell [Music] dude if i had a crowbar i could do this whole playthrough with the crowbar i guess that's gordon ramsay's thing not alex's how we doing here looking good feeling good three hearts you know what it is oh somebody in the chat suggested heart rate monitor for you while doing this that could be fun i'll be like they'll be like ethan it says your resting heart rate is 175 that can't be right off the charts but always in your hearts wow sometimes you really blow my mind zach dude zach thank you man you have been seriously i mean you're always good but lately i don't know thank you i appreciate that look he takes his craft seriously and that's that's all i could ask from him i appreciate it was so bad it was instant thank you i mean yeah that's why he's the best in the game thank you better in the game that means a lot um excuse me but okay [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] dirty boy there's something behind me i'm getting for your [ __ ] good all right we got bullets at least okay [ __ ] you were going to do this the hard way i guess the scope is kind of dope actually oh no not the not the big annoying one [ __ ] [ __ ] all right i'm just running what huh come here get me [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off my mouth what'd you just squirt my mouth okay i can deal with that this is water are you it doesn't sound like it is by the way you're laughing spit in my mouth look in my eyes wait does he have like an explosive in his pocket okay i'm getting good on bro daddy doesn't like getting good on there's explosives everywhere and i'm just can't get my [ __ ] together okay oh my god you kidding me you [ __ ] kidding right now i could have got him all with that one man seriously okay [ __ ] welcome back for you i saw another explosive thing here come here come here come here come here come here come here you [ __ ] come here [Music] okay ethan's getting better at this game right oh no i hate this thing okay you know what daddy's not playing this time daddy's not playing down to two yeah don't worry about it i can't even see [ __ ] okay yeah it doesn't work dude the cocky i mean what the [ __ ] oh my god okay die die oh i'm all soaked covered in [ __ ] sweating freaking out this is a pretty good workout minutes left three mags let's go sounds good to me so i'm pretty sure wasn't there mac here there was a mag here oh he took it what kind of [ __ ] maniac is that what are you gonna do with those [Music] what's with the dogs they're in the way he's worried about me oh that's creepy last thing i need a scooby-doo involved in this [ __ ] all right oh my god dude i'm sweating i am stressed i am afraid i am small thank you more dark somebody been sleeping here damn that's a bad that's a bad situation oh at loading should we call that is that a good checkpoint or should i go further what do you think ab you watch the other playthroughs let's call that let's call it we can savor the game and i want to get the bot up yeah yeah it's a good place a lot of people saying deepa deeper here just just for just for fun uh here i just i subject to the whole you guys i just turned the chat back on take a look at the feedback okay let's see well of course they're saying deeper deeper deeper deeper i'm saying lots of deeper [Music] oh my god the problem is i wanted to get the bot up on the channel today where did um where do people usually end their let their part too i mean that seemed like a decent checkpoint i suppose yeah let's just end it here okay let's just take a nap right in this beautiful uh peaceful you know what could be better yeah no it's it's a nice setup in here carton of milk is there any soup um look for the soup i have the russian translation this one is pulled out a different can oh yeah let's go in the light so you can get a good look at it oh yeah i'll turn off the chat so you can what do we got here guys that looks nice oh maybe it's some kind of coffee maybe oh yeah coffee natural coffee excellent so you can find that soup there's gotta be some soup in there there's actually soup everywhere i've noticed oh what is this oh she's a radio [ __ ] you wait is my flashlight off why who are you to decide if i need a flashlight the flashlight automatically turns on oh i'm gonna have to fight combine soldiers you know what that means no i don't like it oh oh i hear the engine wrapping no i don't like a hat sound die i don't like that sound i won't shoot you until the combine starts shooting on you alright a little teaser for part three i'm sweating my balls off okay whoa okay that was fun we made progress guys can you see how sweaty i am i can't really tell on camera but i believe you oh yeah you're done there's [ __ ] all over the place all right guys thanks for watching we will be back um on thursday that's right all right thanks guys see you then tata bye bye [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 998,311
Rating: 4.759747 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: QhA1sdISvME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 28sec (8128 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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