QAnon Lunatics & Unusual Memes - H3TV #3

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okay thank you every to the 10 people that are still watching thank you thank you this is a serious message okay we will not let technical difficulties define us thank you crew for scrambling to get back to our serene beautiful uh lakeside good luck ethan thank you keemstar nice guy always thinking about me so today in lieu of our half-life disaster we are going to be reacting to just watching hanging out if you guys have suggestions send um we've got some fun videos to watch though let me open the stream so i can see chat um oh amarathan's looking let's check in on her this is how i like to start all my streams 16k good for you girl get it licking the mic [Music] maybe we should call our stream looking the mic yo did twitch figure out how to um it's a bypass ad block because we always get ads on them it's pretty impressive yes they did good for them yeah they uh don't work bezos is on that [ __ ] you know um god i'd be rich if youtube figured that out so um she's still looking how long she's been she's been going for four hours so we'll check in on her when we're done do not come i'm trying thank you kamala i'm going to come trump's going to come stay hydrated my friends stay well when you're looking that much you got to stay hydrated you're just losing fluids with every lick you know so shout out all right here we go chug in the water here we go all right from from the top actually wait i forgot to open the [ __ ] twitch my twitch channel okay guys um okay guys now i have to mute myself it was a disaster guys sorry it's the worst stream ever sorry all right here we go let's react to some stuff guys all right so up first here what is so we have unusual memes first is this the one that i was watching before that i was having a goo a goo and a gaff at yes it was do you have a specific one or should i maybe i'll sort by most popular oh my god this one probably just the recent one because otherwise we'll have clips that people seen that's a reaction video [Music] okay i'ma set it up today we will be watching unusual videos now i am not one that easily laughs and i've been assured that these can make can move me or surprise me at the very least real quick yes i'm seeing a lot of people suggest you watching and reacting to the new channel 5 video oh that's such a good idea that's a pretty good idea let's watch this and then we'll do that okay once i've got it open that's a great idea love that idea okay so here is unusual memes compilation version 103 man this guy works hard 53 million views holy smokes let's go what's up on friday from the screen maybe full screen it's a little quiet for me too thank you thank you peace and love peace and love that wasn't unusual just a guy messing up on the skateboard i vetoed that video full cream of chicken we're gonna get it to pour perfectly into the bowl ready [Music] interesting that is unusual i feel i'm not a good reactor i'm just sitting silently yeah i like it give me jinx reloaded vibes yeah i mean i'm not even commenting i'm just sitting here i'm not even smiling you know reacts harder okay i'm gonna try okay yeah maybe some louder here we go i'm gonna lift it up come on ethan you're a reactor now act like it there we go can i still throw stuff at you um no sure i don't know about the gatling gun that things no not that i just mean like yeah you can shoot me we should share why not cool yes whoa that was freaking awesome dude dude that was insane insanely unusual the thing is about this is that can you really add anything i mean the videos are funny can you really add anything substantive to this compilation i mean we have conversations as we go along really like this one like this meta conversation yeah like that last that last clip reminded me of how shredder pushed me the other day and i didn't know dogs pushed like that and i was amazed but i guess it's normal yeah shredder does well i don't know if it's normal but shredder does it he does it to everyone he does to me too he jumps at your leg yeah two legs yeah he's really good at it yeah pretty amazing there you go we just transformed this content made it our own there we go the cat couldn't get the mouse it was like mission impossible [Applause] wow round of applause that was super unusual wow oh this one's got a crying laughing emoji so i'm ready i'm queued up i know just what to think oh jesus wait let me go back i've done that before i think i chipped my tooth before doing that oh my god oh jesus pretty funny we're done it's pretty funny you guys [Applause] ooh who asked you [ __ ] you know this is actually quite dangerous i hate to get dark on you but like the peloton treadmill got recalled because this is this this is crazy but you see how this ball gets sucked under the treadmill that was happening to children and actually some kids died i don't know how many and peloton had to recall their treadmill so not fun and games guys not fun a game that one is not funny serious issue well zach we don't want kids to die i'm seeing one child one child died one is too many a baby yeah it is a child to die baby yeah is that not enough for you ab do you want more to die not a big deal i was just resilient because i didn't want to say one kid died so jesus babies disappointed not more kids died from the treadmill okay true color shown i don't find anything funny about this poor puppy that's that hungry okay can we feed this puppy more this is not good not funny please show that puppy more love give it to me i want that puppy no no what are you doing oh god oh we have um okay so we have some intel on how to make this more interesting uh we're gonna learn how xqc reacts he's the king i guess uh he reacts to unusual memes so let me take a okay yeah let's take a a book here so take note of this thumbnail too look at that wow so much fun he's having is that dog driving that dog is drunk last night can he do that dogs can not get licensed yo in california at least that's some crazy content okay so here we go full screen full screen thank you love good commentary so far uh you guys i don't want to do it guys this is like this is like the secret part of the stream okay when i stream at night okay what should not probably not happen anymore guys he's he's talking about his streaming schedule oh wow not even [ __ ] [Music] holy [ __ ] are you serious right now you just don't have what he has you don't have that gonna sound like your climax is that what i'm supposed to do to make this interesting i'll try it hold on holy [ __ ] man is he joking dude these memes are really unusual and he's seeing them for the first time hey babe how did peach cobbler tasting this is great you know i shouldn't watch i should just watch him reacting i think that should be our meta is just reacting to reaction videos right how many layers deep coming that's people couldn't react to that yeah because i find his reaction more interesting i'll take my cue from him oh people say it's been done well then let's see well let's react to those videos reacting to react we can go deeper we can always go deep we can always go deeper let's just not move on until we can all agree that you did a better reaction to every single video thank you so much i'll take that well i thought i wasn't sure where the bar was but now i'm learning that it's quite hot i'm pretty good at reacting oh no oh i would say we could add another challenge for you to not pause one time that would be interesting he can't do that that's wrong no way trying to get me sued come on wow pausing is the key to not being sued my friend no i don't know pause the yandy i mean try not to pause challenge is a funny idea but i feel like i'll fail okay so so he's not doing anything okay this is good all right well i got the let me watch this one look how many omega walls are going on in his chat his jets having so much more fun than our chat you guys are slacking look at look at all those omega lols on the xqc's chat is that what this big donut thing is yeah it's it's the yeah yes people are loving it his his okay is so large that it's just become like oh look now they're spamming it there we go thank you can we get some more megal chats and mogal laws and chaplains i'm getting insecure all right let's continue ethan the master reactor now that i've learned from the best what the heck is that sound you guys what the heck was that sound give it up to that gap that's hilarious has your dog [Applause] see if you can lift that dude you live that that okay i think there's too much weight on there buddy oh that don't that even really makes sense to me i guess that's what makes it unusual shredder does that all the time like every night but this guy is dedicated i like that cute i love that dog sherry does the same thing he claws and claws and achieves nothing and then he goes okay i'm ready to lay down it's like dogs are thank you scooby am i right great stuff oh too slow there froggy way too slow froggy uh oh he wants beat he wants the wormy what happened to xqc's reaction oh i turned it off oh i wanted to go back to our video i was just a little training session let's see yeah i'm dedicated i'm gonna you know i am dedicated to this video [Music] that's pretty impressive honestly that looks hard eh anyone think they can do that easily easily buddy wow it's not looking too good bud i don't think you realize what's going on buddy what are you stupid now that's funny guys let's be honest [ __ ] move man i can't see [ __ ] come on hmm he got way too mad at the video game it's just a game man it's just the game bro play that game no but i've seen a lot of people playing it looks fun i thought you did oh maybe his ian ian did you you played that game for a while right yeah for a bit you ever get that mad not that bad you ever punch a hole in the wall no i win too often at that game all right that man sure you're not that guy you're not that guy not that guy where is oh my god there's a bird flying on the road pull up now that wasn't react now that was a reaction i'm trying dude whoa no whoa that's a walmart video if i've ever it's the first one that's genuinely made me laugh i mean i have a lot of questions about what's going on here in the background how this happened it's at walmart clearly right uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah walmart dude i'll have what he's having you good bro he's got sandals with no socks we love that fantastic this is a good thumbnail maybe eh and then me going like this that made me laugh [Music] three i got the diaper fours dead stock what the [ __ ] oh we got a kitty in the water anything can happen folks i'm surprised oh we can't play that what are you doing over here unusual memes you know people react to this oh he's got a fresh cut kirby giving kirby a lineup damn he's looking damn that kirby is fresh cut bro watch out this kirby's coming to steal your girl right now no pace bro you know that was a meme i remember punching the shower ghost that's a pretty funny one i do like the the punching the shower goes for me [Music] your best friend yeah look at that cat looks like a loaf of bread never seen a cat shaped like that i like him i'm not saying i don't like the cat i'm just saying he's i know you're not i'm just lucky gordo boy i'm just looking them okay that's a good reaction though dan thank you you say i like him i like him that's transformative nice dan i like this does anyone not like this cat i mean that could help transform this maybe you yeah hater i do like the cat i just think he looks like a loaf of bread he's a minecraft cat i don't like it oh trump doesn't like the cat of course he doesn't witnesses say that it was definitely a scary sight and i was just going to taco bell and then i hear some gunshots and i'm like all right i guess taco bell can wait good good observation dude hmm shake my hand shake put it there god damn it [Music] i forgot your act no way that [Applause] oh too fat uh oh no he can't make it somebody help him not like this he's too young to die why did the kid always die young [Music] that's some cute [ __ ] i'm not even gonna [ __ ] lie right now boy that's some cute [ __ ] my dudes [Music] fantastic how'd i do guys how did i do love rate that um i mean not a lot of time really is it better if i don't wait you say nine out of ten yeah i mean would have been a 10 if you didn't pause okay so let me try one where i don't pause let me watch the newest one i don't know people didn't seem to like when i said that for some reason they probably like your your like your touch i guess okay well hold on no no no no no i'm gonna try the the twit the real reaction way i'm not gonna pause okay here we go this one we're gonna add this one in here and great you guys tell me which one's better [Music] you're gonna say he missed him [Music] there is a person yeah i'll see you around wet oh you wanna gonna have a nice drink while you're mowing so you just put it right in the right new little moen cup holder [Music] that doesn't that doesn't matter that's not gonna work very well man oh hey dude that thing go away man shaky way too shaky channel five what we'll do that after this are you done that's not gonna work ah that's what i thought was exactly what i thought was gonna happen oh oh dogs love me something's about to happen everyone's saying this is bad content and boring i'm just i'm reporting to you how old are they why are you doing that spice it up spice it up you know okay let's do channel five actually ew this looks like not right like this [ __ ] is like gooey and not right at all that's that's what it's supposed to be like well look at my sleeve oh i'm sorry it's like someone puked on me like baby puke or something it's a nice shirt too it's [ __ ] up baby why'd you do that all right someone link me um channel five i do wanna watch that actually there we go that's more like getting the discord wait xqc was just banned what the [ __ ] did he do did you see that in shots yeah i just saw it in discord xqc he got banned what did he do fourth band he was watching the olympics on stream oh man that's live dmc that's the emc yeah they really don't want people watching the olympics apparently here's what's [ __ ] up about that though is like you're making an assessment that he's not doing a fair use commentary before he has a chance to make that argument by you by then interfering with his ability to give fair use commentary and and taking it down like that and then why does he get banned why does twitch make that distinction like you you're you can't make that assessment of if his content was legal or not if it was dmca it wasn't twitch it was probably the olympics well it sounds like twitch abandoned though yeah yeah right already he's always on band okay that's good just a quickie i'm banned after five hours or something but it's like you know i just the dmc [ __ ] is [ __ ] up it's not a re-upload the man is watching it you cannot make that assessment that it's not fair use like that that that should be illegal it really should be i mean i don't know you you got it on the laptop too so before like a while ago speedily all streamers on twitch were forced to delete all the vods because uh twitch said that you have to do it or you might uh get the dmc all your votes literally like all your work well you know these big companies are scary right so yeah but i think the big problem was the music they were playing as i understand it because the music itself is hard to tr i mean it's you can't really transform like copyrighted music if they're just listening to music you know i would be more worried about that and that's legit right you can't just play people's music um some you got me the channel five guys yeah it's in there with the buff dude all right okay so andrew from channel five news all pre formerly known as all gas no brakes i've kind of now doing it going his own way which we're all happy about i'm so happy andrew's going his own way i give it an instant like you see that i don't [ __ ] around wow that's how it is for my homies instant light i don't even need to watch it to know it's a masterpiece you know and so he a q a conference i mean this this is perfection this this couldn't get better um i'm really happy he's gone his own way though because i'm sure he's making more money he has more freedom it's fantastic that guy's such a talent i a huge fan so let's watch this let's all get terrified by cuban on people been searching for the truth my whole life and one time i just came across a video that was about biden and kamala harris and yeah where'd you find that video take a guess everybody vote where she found that video my would say facebook it's yes it was definitely facebook there's no question in my mind it was facebook on the meat chef you know facebook is radicalizing people it's straight up they like i don't think that like january 6 would happen without if facebook didn't exist like mark zuckerberg is like the biggest terrorist in the world right now he's basically running his facebook isis he's osama bin laden mark zuckerberg is osama bin laden i don't i don't know he's the metaphor tracks completely i agree that it's damaging though he is the leader of a of a of a dangerous cult he's osama bin laden you heard it here holy spirit straight up clinton and obama they are satan worshippers satanists worshipers and i couldn't wait to tell my family and they just go they just said you're crazy trump's the worst how does that make you feel sad i cry all the time but i just keep praying that's all i do i just keep praying and asking god to open their eyes i have a beautiful family they're just blind which family member do you miss the best my baby sister i told her we're in a spiritual warfare this is between good and evil and she rolled her eyes what's her name meg we go and have wine together and lunch together and it's gone [Music] actually quite sad i mean q anon is it's actually it does tear families apart because like when one person thinks that we're having an existential a civil war a war for the spirit of america or whatever she said um you know and you really believe that how can you reconcile your relationships with people who are thinking that q anon's lunacy you know it's breaking families apart it really is i mean and and and there's a lot of people that believe qanon it's it's it's uh shredder's puking here real fast okay you all right tree thank you he's okay shut her pukes a lot it's kind of his thing don't worry about it everyone gets worried when i say that he his his breed of yorkie is uh they puke a lot they get like a buildup of stomach acid and then [Music] you know what happens they puke so dogs are low maintenance so basically she's been radicalized by osama bin laden aka mark zuckerberg i mean the man prioritizes money over tearing apart he's tearing apart america he really is i think facebook hell yes tries to ban all the q and on stuff but obviously they just like crop up with that don't try that more once you learn you don't turn back i know what god wants of us and what jesus wants and it's what trump wants and it's what the patriots want i would never turn back no matter how many of my family i lose [Music] i have been censored three times disabled permanently disabled on facebook censored permanent okay they don't like my q mobile and they're sure they all don't like me in my q patriot costume i like her q mobile you know and it's always the same people i hate to say it it's like yeehaws you know i'm saying it's white trash it's all has to do with god it's a lot of that but it's definitely not all of that this conference is in uh texas right is that where he's is that where this conference is taking place so obviously you're going to get that but um no there's a huge q and on contingent here in los angeles they protest almost every weekend oh that's good so they have a family for them they get together yeah a lot of because of like the spiritual aspect a lot of the people that are into this are honestly more california hippy dippy naturalist you know anti-vaxx anti-gmo type people that's interesting because the um the capital viking the cuban on viking or whatever it was super famous that guy it was like a vegan yeah no yeah the the the bratzo world people are very much into all of this as well it comes from all types the amazing thing about q anon is that somebody says just say white people it's it is a it is mostly white people to be fair uh it's not all it's near my house pretty often oh for real yeah yeah i even saw andrew at one of them one time i love how active with all the um like netflix building and all that stuff yeah in hollywood because they think that hollywood is part of the cabal and so there's these anti-hollywood protests uh going on here in los angeles do they have any thoughts on the quite often church by the way uh you know i because probably because you know it is a largely evangelical christian which evangelicals traditionally are not very trusting of the catholic church because but i i don't think that's for sure yeah but the the crazy thing about q and on is like i want this big documentary came out what was on hbo i think and just in general q disappeared all of his predictions never came true this documentary pretty much proved it was this kid who who and his dad who owned a chan yeah the watkins like i mean um and so the fact that people are still so on board is pretty amazing to me um by the way here is a flat just uh basically uh fbi's most wanted currently so so keep if you see this man please call the fbi thank you thank you cameron i'm the meat chef yeah he's the meat chef all right anyway let's continue we're only like a minute and a half through this thing man but andrew i just his his his method is so good because he manages to make these people feel so comfortable and open around him these people hate the media but they'll talk to andrew and so we always get really fascinating and really genuine insight into them which is why andrew's such a genius he dressed perfectly i was just gonna say i think the harley davidson shirt helps a lot he's the best man he's going all the way to the moon man where we go one we go on i don't even say the m word anymore right what the m word it's a it's a dirty word it's uh [Music] now i have my own words instead of the words that i know the algorithms are going to shut me down can you tell us what words you use for which we're not going to shut you down uh mask the face diaper vaccine the jokey pokey and election yeah the jokey book is pretty funny i'll tip my beanie to that i got i've got my jokey pokey twice so this i think sam said called it uh the the fouchy ouchie oh the fouchy ouchi is good that's pretty good guys get your fauces please fraud see people don't understand everything that we've learned from day one has been a lie we never on the moon i don't think the hitler situation is as bad as they said it was why did we go why we gotta tie in holocaust denial like it always comes down to anti-semitism every [ __ ] conspiracy theory always comes down to anti-semitism well if we would just stop controlling the world maybe people would stop that that's a joke yeah i'm drunk in case people didn't get those being sarcastic well i always joke you know there's this big jewish conspiracy i don't ever get the [ __ ] memo i don't get my dividends from that jews yeah i don't get around to those meetings very often love it charles that was the rockefellers those are naughty words in social media i got banned forever on facebook yeah that's probably channel five after a half you know it's funny it's like and and somehow not only did the jews lie about the numbers it was the jews fault for the holocaust to begin it's like no was the rock it's like dude bro come on give us a break here all jews yeah i know keemstar i think a few weeks on the road covering events like the pickup artist boot camp in las vegas america is back open baby it's make out time [Applause] that was a great video by the way can we just make this a can we just make this a channel 5 reaction channel yeah i'm down this is so i mean it's great it's actually great because we get content and we get to promote him he should pass pewdiepie go ahead someone in shots said that there is a tos thing about a girl in the capital got killed i'm apparently is showed i'm watching ahead right now to check oh there's something i can't show in this video i'm going through they just don't want thank you guys and creating my first solo documentary about two twins in marin city california we've been everywhere and on a [ __ ] [Music] i decided to dive back into the world of right-wing politics that's when i discovered the god and country patriot roundup a three-day event in dallas which cost three thousand dollars not including a stay at the omni hotel in dallas which costs an additional one thousand it's pricey to be uh queuing on what i found there was a couple hundred patriots they're gonna have to stop coming uh around the ten minute mark okay thank you i've been banned from facebook instagram twitter tick tock this is uh joe biden's daughter's diary i used to make videos like reading it out loud i've lost two youtube channels three twitters and four facebooks every time it's like oh yes it's funny they think that them being like shut down is a sign of them they're on the right right but it's actually it's not it's just a sign of you guys being psychotic lunatic uh danger dangerous psychos you know can we give a shout out to the chat for catching that yeah thank you chad please stand up thank you stand up chat stand up everyone everyone watching stand the [ __ ] up right now stand up thank you guys thank you very much kevin i see you stand up come on kevin you better be [ __ ] standing in your bedrooms or wherever you are you're at work if you're in the car standing on stand up you're in summer school stand the [ __ ] up okay all right dan geez stand up you know dan you stand yeah you didn't stand up thank you dan no no no that was the part of the [ __ ] oh dude how much to get that fart spray right in your nose bro me yeah i'll definitely puke i could take some money though i got my brother-in-law's wedding coming up you know my answer how much you want the rolex i do it for a roll for a [ __ ] fart spray would you out of your mind 500 bucks to do what in your mouth just no not in the mouth just right in your nostrils 500 bucks oh i just the nostrils i'll drink the [ __ ] is that mouth yeah well if i'm buying you a rolex it better be in your you better be drinking a lot let's go i'll drink the whole bottle for a rolex yeah well don't worry thousand bucks in my mouth five hundred thousand in my mouth 50 bucks i mean i would totally take you up on that level do anything for a buck well you guys said i do it for like 200 bucks in the mouth what do you swallow 200 bucks ian yeah would you swallow it you seriously swallow it wait a minute wait a minute is this even safe to do let me read this okay wait 200 why are you guys lowballing dude listen it's just not that it's not that uh it does say non-toxic but then it also says do not ingest you've accidentally ingested drink two glasses of water oh well that's not that yeah you don't have to drink it just spray it right in your face like three times right in your face two hundred bucks wait three how many times are we negotiating i feel like one spray is all you need to do two sprays okay two sprays one one spray destroyed this room okay no that was two i almost few okay wait let me set up the parameters of this okay here i'll spray it i'm gonna spray it directly in your face for 200 only 200 bucks for 200 people saying dan you're supposed to be responsible i am i read the label what more do you want we're not putting in his mouth we're not 200 bucks i'll do it we're not putting it in his mouth i'll do it for 200. okay ian are you watching maybe we should save this for after dark though um self-harm term of service it's not self-harm we're not putting it in the mouth it's far too bad this platform i'll drink it for two grand for two grand just swallow it for two grand i don't feel bad about fart fart spray it's not we're not drinking it the who whoever brought that up no we're not ingesting it we're just spraying fart spray zach brought up drinking it i i said just i said just like a little no no no yeah exactly guys no it's not a mouthful so just in the face for 200 bucks can mean do it together i'm not paying both you what the [ __ ] am i i got the offer in first yeah that's true i'm the first one to say hold on hold on ian you went up to 250 what the [ __ ] is this i'll take 200 okay 199 i'm going to do it to eat we're going to practice and i want to see you in so okay so here's here's the deal once you're going to directly to the face and you can't you have to sit wait for oh wait ian has the post coveted thing are you yeah are you starting right now you see you see are you sure i know you have no do you have no sense i knew something was up my price just went back up earlier you could okay i'm just he's fine it's been a long time no he was just talking about it he has the long covert he said in an episode yeah i know he has long coven but it's been a while listen i this will blast through long covert i'm not afraid i want to see this [ __ ] yeah okay so again 200 bucks and you have to sit through it you can't like get up wait what if he has to puke well if you can't puke on camera that will get us no don't peek on camera but i'm saying you have to sit there for so that we can enjoy sit there for a minute well it's going to be in your face so if you get up and move it's not going to help much it's not even going to smell it i mean i'll do it for 200 okay but you can't get what the people you have to stew in it okay but we're gonna suffer through it you guys can move just ian can't i'm going to put on my mask all right so here we go you agree ian fine [ __ ] it okay here we go this is set for me by the way wait i don't know why are you gonna be over here love is saying we're gonna get banned but it's bark spray i mean no trust me i'm just telling you it's fart spray give me yeah i just i'm just going on the record warning you this might be too or this is probably tears okay well banned me then he's gone on the record i don't want to be on a platform that i can't do a fart spray like i'm sorry fan me then ban me right now we'll go to youtube it's fart spray it's literal [ __ ] just harmless fart spray all right i mean theoretically we already did it like a b pretty much sprayed it at ethan earlier open up your mind and that was on stream i have uh i have one more condition uh a b needs to take his mask off no yeah yeah i'm gonna go put mine on right now you don't get to control what he does i'm the one sitting back here and i'm not even wearing a [ __ ] mouth the one i'm paying whatever a b does is not has nothing to do with this here will you fix the camera maybe you messed up you got a better reaction on me all right so you all can see now this is i don't know if you guys saw the first part but this is the worst thing i've ever smelled in my life how close did you do to my face baby yeah i'm a homie okay so here's the fart spray it's called butt crack smell yes you're gonna have to talk into a knife okay yeah so so so here's here i'm just gonna tell you because the first spray may not be a full spray so i might have to do two here do one first to kind of get it it's bad here and then we need a foot give me at least like give me this no yes okay like this okay okay i'm going to cover my eyes you can cover your eyes you can cover your eyes but just for the record for twitch this is not dangerous it it's non-toxic it's non-toxic non-flame don't do this at home just for safety it just smells bad and don't do this at home i guess i don't know it's it's fart spray it's not it's nothing it just smells bad yeah and i'm proud of you i'm very ready yeah i'm proud of you too this is out of character it goes away all right all right ready guys all right okay so so it might be like it might well if it's a partial spray i'm gonna have to do a second one because sometimes the first one doesn't go all the way that's true no he's right all right if you try and sneak a spray my ass goes up no it's it's one full spray okay okay ready here come come a little closer i'm not i know i'm backing up i just want the camera to see it i'm back they can see it they can see it okay ready all right here we go oh that was a good spray so i'm not gonna do two sprays that was a full spray okay here you could go up to the microphone ah oh god that is i got a little oh then figure i'm still switching what a champion he's still switching oh my finger ian you like kind of open your mouth for a second look like ian show yourself oh dude it's like a cat [ __ ] in my mouth it's the worst thing i've ever seen oh [ __ ] oh i just i got like one little sprinkle on my finger it's so bad i don't smell it start crying dude i wonder what's in this thing oh god it doesn't have ingredients but it says it's non-toxic and it's as if you ingest it to just drink water which makes me feel like it's nothing that bad this says in bold for novelty use only i'm sorry what other uh not for serious use only for jokes oh how you doing ian give us a status update it's nasty but my hands stink too because i did this it's just [Laughter] zach's gone the thing is that the first time you smell it it really catch you off guard when sam gets back she just tell her that you accidentally [ __ ] your pants it smells like that yeah it's not like that and so you had to use your hands well good job ian proud of you dude 200 200 hard to earn dollars wow uh dan can you come switch while i go wash my face i don't really want to go over there i'm not part of the deal yeah i can't sit in this dude it's so nasty i mean this is what you signed up for what i have to go over there now and sit in your chair that you just no but seriously i there's like a cloud of it in my face i gotta take care you can take a moment zach got expelled zach zach come on you got to do the audio you got a job to do dude like [ __ ] that's been dead for like 10 years ugh my fingers stink so bad oh a b stepping in okay thank you okay maybe he's got the got the uh the reigns now i'm surprised ian agreed to do that like that's very out of character for him yeah that's why i was like is this a is this like a covet thing weeks back here ian ian uh had coveted uh [ __ ] i mean almost a year ago now right it was like the fall of last year yeah he was an early he got it earlier he got it relatively early and it um and he says to this day his taste really hasn't recovered is that a b or zack no he's dying man oh no abe tried to sit [ __ ] dying switch to you a b a b is and he's doesn't know what we're doing maybe he doesn't know him [Laughter] not one of the keys you're pushing all right there it is okay you got it dude he's dying man that that is that is nasty that was a good 200 bucks so i'll be honest oh my god i just can't stop smelling my finger ultimate game of stink finger [Applause] man when i was a kid they were like little glass files is he throwing up in the no that i just heard gagging in the bathroom oh no i think he should be okay you can't let me go oh no yeah oh yeah he's puking oh he's not doing well we're getting a status update from from ian stalwart thank for the 20 subs gifted hey thanks man stalwart twenty [ __ ] thank you brother i'm gonna need that how does that work exactly when i i don't really get it like when they i think it just gives out randomly to people watching so just non-subscribers can just randomly be assigned one of them oh that's cool yeah it is cool huh yeah we appreciate the gift yeah very much thank you so much so i'm just i'm a little i'm worried about poor ian now i think he's all right i mean he's all right like he's not he's not gonna die we hope it does smell but that might it does smell that bad it's just [ __ ] dying it smells like he's puking no he just switched to himself and he's his his eyes are rolling in the back and he's wearing a [ __ ] mask i'm not even wearing a [ __ ] mask what a gangster you are yeah you're tough guy tough guy you big tough guy oh god well let's i guess should we wait for ian to resume the video uh a b start pressing random buttons until it pulls up uh channel five again i'm good it kind of weared off what am i doing switching to uh let's wait for the video let's wait for ian he's coming shout out some more gifted if you want yeah go ahead please though yeah three gifted subs thank you we salute you sir mr santa bay i think that's a member of our discord actually gifted 10 subs [Applause] wow we give you salutes yarrow flower shared 1000 bits one what does that mean i think a bit is like a penny [Applause] it's 10 bucks apparently 100 thank you i love the [ __ ] thank you for the 10 just now let's another 10. wow thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so ian's still out of commish huh zaki you want to go check on him give us a shout update yeah what's the update how's he doing cam he needs a few minutes he says he needs a few minutes the dude underestimated this [ __ ] like i'm i wasn't kidding man this is not a joke i'm so shocked that he was down i think he thought he'd be fine but he thought he had it handled what a [ __ ] legend man the the instruction says avoid highly vented ventilated areas for maximum effect oh right because the whole intent is to prank somebody by the way this says the instruction says put it right under your friend's nose okay what are the ingredients is there ingredients listed no i was trying to figure that out not list the ingredients which is worrisome well it's their special recipe i think it's just homeless people's uh [ __ ] they scoop off the street and bottle it that makes sense i think my chat arena is making annoying little notifications michael xd five gifted subs we have a bunch of gifts that are flying in right now angry shows angry shoes one gifted thank you thank you tall bear five gifted oh dunk stream raided us with five thousand viewers wait who's that dunk duncancino dunk stream [Music] maybe not oh well thank you dunk stream we love dunk stream oh oh it is it is stung dunky it is donkey oh i love dunking man jason's on the jason and lee are just the best i love them thank you duncancino duncancino what's that name duncancino it's the biggest fame don caccino ian's back ian welcome back ian donkey we love donkey ian please stand up there it is ian tell us tell us how you're doing please walk us through everything that you're experiencing dude i can't get it out it's like in my beard it's like in my face did you puke just now no no no i tried to rinse it out like oh okay no but are you regretting it no it was all right okay feels like i did like a letter litter box keg stand or something well i was just saying to the guys the instruction says put it under your fri right under their nose so we were just following the instructions yeah it's like baked into my nose i can't get the smell out i think it's in your beard i like to be a dick which kind of like a horse it'll dissipate it'll dissipate yeah all right let's continue forth shall we let's go oh right we're watching a video by the way 10 minute mark yeah around 10 40 was that got it exactly 10 40. people are saying you need to shave the beard now ian is the only way to get rid of the stink damn rip all right where were we duncancino um the so-called pizzagate uh conspiracy theory well first of all i had like 300 000 subscribers on youtube the last couple of videos i did were all about the hunter biden laptop issue within 48 hours of putting those out they just deleted my channel right away and then within two weeks of that i was deleted off of twitter as well yes we were recently uh kicked off twitter because of a confrontation i did with the vp of integrity at facebook if we weren't making a difference if it wasn't that important why would they spend so much effort and energy into it i mean all of silicon valley is validates their work is that people are shutting them down it just means you're a douche it just means you're an [ __ ] like damn so we're in war it's no different than i love the shot they were doing to the buffet lines to the jews and different things they silence them they're just doing it through social media and electronically now it's a war of the minds it's psychological i love how they go on one hand the holocaust was greatly exaggerated but on the other hand we're just like the jews they can't make up their mind about how they feel about the jews right it's emotional it's mental it's actually worse than having bullets and missiles the only real difference between woke supremacists and and the nazi supremacists the white supremacists the old south is is the technology available to them they don't need to put the jews the other into ghettos because they can now electronically ghettoize us they in fact this jew is electronically ghettoized they have removed my voice from the community i am endlessly being imprisoned in zuckerberg school logs and again it serves exactly the same purpose as stalin's day walk people wake up it's pretty ridiculous yeah except you can literally leave your house you can go on any social media you want just don't like spread conspiracy theories that are harmful and dangerous so i guess if you compare it to jews who were put in a ghetto couldn't leave or taken all their possession in homes and then eventually shipped off to their eventual uh murder and genocide i guess i totally see the uh parallels there to being banned off of twitter yeah to being banned off twitter right yeah no it's pretty much the same thing it's a digital holocaust it's a digital crystal knockout yeah it's a digital crystal knock totally uh yeah there's no difference at all you could say that triller is doing a digital uh holocaust on on me um they are yeah that's true ryan cavanaugh is gassing your ass he's digital hitler yeah he really is it's so awkward you know in a metaphorical sense he is a little legendary little hitler literally literally metaphorically ryan kavanagh tried to put that in a complaint right and he called me literal digital hitler right what did you mean by literal digital hitler uh ethan during the deposition well you see we were watching channel 5 and imagine trying to explain that even can you check the discord real quick i don't know how important this is but it better be [ __ ] important oh i hope this doesn't mean no thank you but we moved that thank you not important thank you though for reminding me god bless outraged by a misgendered toy plastic potato it's pretty ridiculous to be outraged by the shape of a syrup jar shaped in in in the design of a beloved black ant are you talking about mr potato head in jamaica it is ludicrous to be outraged by a drawing in a 70 year old children's book of a hard-working asian man that was somewhat cartoonish because you know what you know why it was cartoonish because it was a cartoon goddamn because it was a cartoon well it sucks and but is it really your place to care about those things i mean what does that have to it's like i just don't the lack of self-awareness of saying like you know people shouldn't be upset about this thing but he's upset about it clearly very upset about it he's like he's upset that people are upset about mr potato head but it's like it's upsetting to him yeah i mean the whole mr potato head was just a fox news talking point because the truth is they didn't disable mr potato head they just marketed it as potato head so that because there's a female potato head you can still get mr potato head can i can i i think it's just called potato head now you know they didn't like that i want my potato to have a [ __ ] big [ __ ] dude that's a big [ __ ] plugin yeah my mr potato is [ __ ] jacked bro he has a massive penis you know big dictators said somebody yeah on them big dick daters i like my mr potato head with a big old [ __ ] come on now i don't want no [ __ ] boy potato head i want a potato with a big old juicy [ __ ] oh dictators oh dictators i'm i love my dictators i love donald trump and i love mr potato head with this big old juicy [ __ ] now deep fried baby it's shaped like abraham lincoln [Music] yeah come on down here now our potato heads have genders down in texas we still have mr potato head it's utopia he has a massive penis that's why we fight and now what we've done is between president trump and people like you and podcasts like myself i love that he's oh my god he goes i love he had to plug himself real fast it's called flex the truth podcast what is going on flex your muscles holy [ __ ] i love how he goes people like donald trump q and me reflects the truth baby we had a voice we are the news now when people want to know the truth where did they go alternative platforms like rumble bit shoot d live twitch foxhole pill cloud hub uh um i used literally what what are those platforms i've never heard of them flex nut potato nut mr potato [ __ ] i'm still not over the aeropostale hoodie without sleeves i can't imagine him buying that in the store and everyone not laughing their ass off he may have converted it himself you know tell grandma i love telegram i have great group chats on there i do a lot of stuff in the community in the streets i go stand at squares and hold signs for the kids operate wow it sounds like you're really in a ghetto he's like i go on the streets and hold signs and talk to people and move freely but i'm in a ghetto like the jews in 1009 save our children and human trafficking we have to return to the oldest technology of all which is one-on-one conversation that's not technology that's literally just your mouth that's not technology i guess everyone at this event is pretty much deep platform there so i guess this is kind of like the way for them to uh that's brace by the way he's wearing a [ __ ] bite and so that yeah they're fitting right in it's pretty great out figure out what's next how you doing big fan hell yeah doug what's on your mind i just met a group they're called like down for the re-vote or something and they're like doing a justice for prince thing they think but like a few days before prince was gonna die he was gonna out hillary clinton on like eating and raping children let's go find them that sounds like a good lead right there that guy looks like andrew's stunt double that's true he's out there filming too i love that you gotta chase down those [Music] leads was murdered and we absolutely have already proven it by mathematical standards prince had been exposing things about what math math yeah what which standard are we talking about well let's see the equation mathematical let's check the proofs on that yeah deep state illuminat illuminati cabal i called the worldwide communist network and um and i think we all know that when you do things like that and you use your celebrityism and your platform um to speak these truths that are not allowed right by the one-eyed crew then um you get hit i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter it's true we're working out dude rip chester two words were never said my dudes these people are unstoppable man these people are leading the revolution there aren't too many legends around there there aren't is who is a legend zack we love you you're very special dan is a legend isn't that somebody you have uh no it's not he is a legend no he is a legend okay yeah chester bennington is the lead singer of lincoln park he and chris cornell were um going to expose hillary clinton's pedophilia jeffrey epstein was essential in facilitating so she said lincoln park was aunt was was preparing to expose hillary clinton's pedophilia like like well lincoln park hold on let's not let's not give all of lincoln park credit because only chester died and they they chris died too chris killed himself no i'm not talking about i'm talking about within lincoln park yeah yeah you know i actually heard um who's a you know i heard that bill cosby was working to uh where uh who who's a random celebrity that recently died not bill cosby yeah yeah i heard uh mj that wasn't recent yeah i actually heard that um dusty hill from zz top rusty man easy top was working to uncover rip to a sharp-dressed man my dude was working hard to unveil uh hillary clinton's pedophilia so they got him too can i can i just make a quick chris cronin i'm i mean i'm one of his biggest fans he's the reason i got into music i've never heard anything about him being involved in any [ __ ] like this let alone chester oh okay well well thanks i'm glad zach would have heard yeah yeah uh zach wouldn't know yeah you should talk to these q and on people because you pretty much just dismissed the whole thing right there i appreciate you setting the records fit on that side yeah michael jackson also never told me anything either so i think he's clear michael jackson love it you got you got to park dude i keep putting you in the charger and then you roll forward well i mean the lovebot has a mind of his own love but lovebot is very damaged and ever just so everybody knows there is a new love bot uh that actually just arrived a few hours ago about 2.0 2.0 for friday because it has just fallen on the ground very hard far too many times and uh this one is on the front the new one has three wheels and this the first the one was like a uni wheel but like i don't know it just it doesn't seem that stable it's not stable enough i've spent four thousand dollars on that [ __ ] thing and it's like on its last leg literally it has one leg but you know what i mean to be fair we've okay we have a bit gentle with it but still quite a lot i may have run it over on the gatsby a few times he is responsible for the murder of multiple people including nipsy hustle what yes um nipsy hustle is one of my spirit guides and i've just worked with his energy and guidance um since his death where do you get your news from from divine source from from god we are a prophetic justice ministry i do not watch tv i don't watch truth you get your news from god where can i get that feed subscribe god have a newsletter or something i could follow yeah you just have to tithe that sounds legit though i love that they've got all these great these amazing claims and what's your new source god oh geez i don't watch the internet this is your source do not really even read books i've channeled all of my life i've always heard his voice and my accuracy is constantly at 99 to 100 percent we're not 900. so there's a margin of error there she has gotten it wrong that's good before i don't know how you're it can't be a gap between 99 and 100 because 100 would imply that you never got anything wrong it's got to be at 99. it's got to be 99 or a margin through 99.99 or something right exactly i wouldn't feel comfortable saying a hundred which she's really the fact that she got that wrong is putting into doubt the mathematical proof that she claims that she has because she clearly does not understand how percentage 99.9 repeating yeah from there part of the cube movement we align with some of the things that cue has said we really came out to just network with this community so love and honor and infinite love and gratitude to prince and nipsey hustle upon further research i learned that this was not just any patriot conference the event is hosted by john ceballo aka what time stamp was that 8 30. okay just want to keep these pages a conspiracy theory that a deep state insider is spreading messages on the image board 8-chan to expose people like hillary clinton and bill gates saying they belong to an elite cabal of satan worshipping i don't know what brace you want to come in here q1 is the theory that an individual or a group of individuals are exposing the deep state uh including hillary clinton and her baby eating ways through the imageboard 8-chan which also has a lot of child porn yeah that's a great uh irony of the whole thing yeah i love that this guy is awesome either donald trump is q or he's behind it he is like a christ-like figure who's come to the office of the presidency in order to arrest and execute every single person who they don't like but right now is a weird time to be a q supporter for years q has talked about the storm a day of reckoning in which trump along with the military would arrest all the members of the deep state and save the world but the storm never came it's weird to be a qn person now because for five years qnr people have believed that nancy pelosi etc would be arrested and executed in guantanamo bay prison in cuba and uh to this day not a single person has been and on december 8 2020 q stopped posting i think the last post was a scene from last of the mohicans and then a gif of an american flag flying over a full so legit that's basically it oh yeah this is it stop stop stop just skip forward to like 11 minutes okay yes oh a whole 11 whole minutes well no to the 11 minute mark i'm sorry okay so we're skipping all this yeah thank you thank you with people today we'll come thank you thank you with connections maybe i don't think that the storm didn't know i think we're good yeah okay thank you guys thank you this certainly happened i think that the whole point of it was for a vast majority of people to wake up there was still things wake up wake up zach wake up thank you you know i mean we've got the audits in arizona wisconsin i trust 100 that there's a plan i think it's dan scavino mike pompeo i think you know we're obviously not allowed to hear about certain things because it's a military operation and you know i have complete faith it doesn't ruin my hopes that you know a lot of people aren't talking about it they don't want to get kicked off facebook part of the reason i believe we're in this problem is that's why everyone's not talking about q anon that's the only reason no you're living got a lot of high school friends that you know you're in touch with that's the only place that you can get a hold of them so it's not worth saving the world from pedophilia no yeah yeah you gotta you gotta weigh those options well that you don't wanna be thrown in a ghetto i mean it's like that bad a digital ghetto you're facing a digital you're facing genocide potentially if you speak digital genocide right digital genocide it's because we've gotten conditioned for instant gratification q is the template it doesn't matter what q does it doesn't matter what trump does until we're willing to participate in something different and be a part of that see we are the plan we are the storm i think they did their job you know they started the great awakening i love they go so now the queue is gone and no prediction came place now it turned into q is a state of mind the storm is just a state of mind i don't understand how any of them cannot look at january 6 and not like that was the storm that was your chance you're never ever going to get a chance at the storm as good as that and they failed like they just need to kind of accept it like okay you know some version of the storm came to be and it just it didn't really accomplish anything i think it's time to get give up on the storm dreams the storm is is in the mind it's a mental storm i see uh yeah it's a mental storm i think that's called those brainstorms i think that's called a seizure in other words yeah if you're having brainstorms check with a neurologist disappointed when q stopped posting back in december no no no because they did their job am i disappointed in trump no trump did his job now we have to as people take back our country and not wait for a hero one of the tactics of this new psychological war seemed to be avoiding cue the main speakers of the event general flynn and sydney powell claimed i cannot believe these [ __ ] traitor pieces of [ __ ] that woman was on stage literally working with trump's lawyers for months after the election and this woman is doing a q anon country tour i mean these people are traders man these people are just a bottom of the barrel scum buckets dude digital uh you might call them digital uh serial killers well we're at it let's not know anything about what we're talking about ready right here okay thank you andrew okay i thought he was in a full adidas tracksuit for a second just the top it's still good well because that's that's like i mean i don't want to stereotype but it's like which team are you playing for with the full adidas jumpsuit because that's like you're trying to are you making a disparaging comment about eastern europeans right now yes i am how dare you not disparaging i didn't say it doesn't look good sukup dance that's what people say it's been a while since i've heard of sukho yet man i used to play dota 2 a lot and it was all channel 5 action news so uh channel 5 from where though channel 5 action news is it's the name of our youtube channel i got it i think i knew that about it it's not syndicated through a national broadcasting corporation but you know dude shout out to andrew got a [ __ ] uh question off on general flynn i mean this is next level so talking about manipulation if you go on any mainstream media platform they describe this whole event as a q anon conspiracy conference yeah why do you think that they're doing that and is that true if they create this this booking ad right they create this boogeyman that's a nice little thing to just keep beating us about they try to take an organization like this and create that level of noise that i talked about cueing on including they're the domestic they're the new you know they're the new shiny object i don't know what qa9 is i really don't i'm just at a q a rally where they're selling q on merch and flying queuing on flags i mean how can anybody claim that they don't like everybody's at least heard of it at this point no it's just like you'll see he did i mean obviously he's full of [ __ ] but daddy flynn eddie flynn's part of the storm that's why we go to these events and collect and that's why we go these the events and get paid like 5 000 or something for an appearance fee that's part of the storm baby i'm part of the storm for a fee right what's my speakers what's my speaker fee i'll be part of the storm yeah sounds real legit i really don't but i'm going to leave here saying well do you believe in god general flynn was going to be real sneaky as he delivered his speech vendors in the back sold queuing on hats and t-shirts and he's caught one of those he's even wearing a big fat q on the back of her motorbike jacket yeah he claimed to not know what humanon was but months before he took the oath with his entire extended family was this guy really a general he sure was now that's [ __ ] scary that is very concerning that there's people like this high up in our military i think he's far from the only one that's just my opinion well maybe q's real then i mean if you know what i'm saying maybe he's out there maybe he listen on the fourth of july last year where we go on we go all he he was the military man who knew about the hillary clinton scandals and what they've been doing for years like his truth is what brought the movement alive and you know whether or not he's in it he's the people's general he woke us up whatever it was he had a role in the great awakening shout out to general flynn uh where are we going we go all right we just talked to general well media look what they do when they take little pieces of it and they they we've been ostracized we've been talked about we've through our families we've lost loved ones wives have walked away parents everybody is ostracized in a certain way it's not because they're wrong it's because everyone else in the world is right it's like the tin pool the quote right it's not me not me anybody else everybody else yeah in their own communities and it's why give them the opportunity not surprisingly other speakers follow general flynn's lead what are your thoughts on the whole like q anon thing i don't know about it i really don't and you know i only talk about things i know like are you familiar with arena football arena football like the sport yeah the sport so like my roommate was one of the old owners of one of the quote unquote rumors um you know event in general has been called okay he was chained up in my basement quote unquote roommate roommate he was in my digital basement being digitally genocided the qnan conspiracy theory rally even says where we go when we go all on the lanyard what are your thoughts on that whole thing i don't know i'm just here to talk booker t washington is the father of black conservatism his three-point plan of education entrepreneurship is self-reliance we need to bring that back do you really think booker t washington was a conservative pretty sure his whole thing was radical he was like let's free the slaves that seems like a pretty i i don't know if you're thinking of the right person booker t washington i was like the first black author or something black american author i feel like you're thinking of frederick douglass oh i am [ __ ] me who's booker t he's the father of black american conservatism is who he is all right [ __ ] i take it all back they're both yeah they were both authors educators so yeah douglas shout out to fred liz douglas shout out to fred frederick douglass frederick douglass the man you know i call shred you know what i call shredder shred shredder stuck shred shredder dug let's move on i see the crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it all when the sun comes shining through i think trump is the best thing that ever happened to black people in particular i represent the hood from st louis we kill each other every day in the black community when a young girl is sitting up on her bed doing her homework and a bullet comes through the window there's no black lives matter but as soon as a white police officer grabs a black person the wrong way put the finger in the face the wrong way black lives matter can't both be wrong yeah both can be bad for sure can we care about both from what i understand this uh well i mean i guess i should hear the rest of what he yeah yeah but yeah yeah i mean a lot of uh i think trump increased his percentage of the african-american vote by uh like the most significant margin in years yeah for republicans so this guy's opinion is actually far from i heard unique i find that really interesting yeah nothing to do with the matters of black lives what are the undercurrents that are hiding behind the black lives matter movement first of all it's it was started and it was started by two lesbian uh black lesbians who hate the black family this is the best self report ever that's why andrew's such a genius he goes okay he seems on the rails he's got opinions he goes why so who's why is people hiding behind black lives he's like oh it's it's too lesbian oh i get it oh there you go that's why and there it is yeah exactly the war against blm and antifa rages on okay auntie i'm speaking to you so what i saw yesterday is uncalled for when you're sitting there making up lies flex for freedom bro that are involved with you and on when you're sitting there spewing ugliness make sure you know and educate yourself and don't be spewing out venom he's spitting went through our interview fake news arrived [Music] oh i don't even know what i'm doing oh is that fake news fake news will how you doing brother oh trying to get in huh that's the dude from uh you know that guy no that that's the dude from the documentary that you watched one of the dudes uh they're from the q anon anonymous podcast which was like the uh podcast that was tracking all this cute stuff interesting i remember seeing this on twitter that he got kicked out of this conference interesting so here it is all caught on tape there you go good try to get in huh not good well yeah get out of here schmuck yeah i mean i guess i mean they're not fans of mine i think q anon john who runs it is not like a huge fan of my reporting well i guess he's not one of the hosts but he was a frequent uh guest on it i see the daily beast you know people just like aren't huge reporters in general what qnon tells you is that like the most powerful people in the world just committing the most heinous crimes they're abusing children with impunity right and only you and donald trump can stop it and so if you believe that then like yeah of course you're going to be on board with q and on and i think like it cracks me up and look they call themselves digital soul is he just leaning there for effect or is he filming or doing something or is he just there for style hold on it's pretty fun and look is he just there he's just there for style he's he's the dark cowboy this is one of his personas that he does he's just there for style dude i thought i figured he was like recording or had a boom or something i think he just yeah he's just he's just vibing love that they call themselves digital soldiers right it's like you're like in a war do you feel bad for these people yeah for the most part i mean i don't feel super bad for like the people who are promoting it and like who i think are often cynically making money and ruining people um but yeah i i typically feel very bad for the average q a believer because you know it's something that it preys on your emotions right it's like almost everyone i know they have a story about someone they know who has like lost their mind to q and on love the buffet it's just it's you know it's war digital warfare and mashed potato and gravy and fried chicken gotta eat yeah you know garb up the worst coming boys get those carbs [ __ ] fried chicken [Laughter] the caterers we're actually doing food these are the gators [Music] no way i did what do you think he was trying to say that's classified ew his mom [Music] it's not that good i mean it's like shaped nicely but it's not like she's not that hot it's like that it's like curves in i am a menace eat his booty out these caterers are not taking cue seriously cigarette okay let's distinguish it [Music] um it's a i love trump but i hated when he banned flavored vape juice not the savior now is he buddy i want to know why what happened in minamar can't happen here that's so insane what [Music] [Applause] no reason i mean it should happen no reason what he's talking about a military coup yes very cool the ex-general very cool and and what's the purpose of this coup may i ask what is the government that weren't to reinstate the dually elected president united states donald j trump right right right right right thank you dan and thank you for clarifying well um that was fun obviously the first part half of the stream was a total disaster but i think we ended strong are you wrapping it up well we could maybe watch one more but i figured we got the reactions we got the all gas no breaks by the way andrew such a great video like it's easy to take for granted how great it is but the fact that like that one that uh daily beast reporter got chased off and then he got him to sit down for an interview i mean the perspectives he gets and the dedication and just the amount um such a great video by andrew of channel 500 paste in the link in the comments right now don't like it thank you love yeah i mean that's like that video and subscribe to his channel because he still has way less subs than he did when he was all gas numbers i mean that's great that's great he just started it like a month ago or something so it's going really good yeah he's at 760. yep so um yeah i think it's a good time to wrap it up so tomorrow we got after dark on on uh you yeah tube so get there gonna go plan that i mean we have to we have to work on that for tomorrow true so uh h3tv now officially is on mondays and thursdays okay guys yes and remember to sub to the h3tv youtube channel where these vods and clips are going to live if you want to watch we're going to make the vods private here because let's be honest i want people to watch it on youtube not twitch thank you terms of service banned it is it i don't know probably not [ __ ] you just everybody says that about pretty much anything i can't do a fart spray love you gotta take it i mean we haven't gotten banned yet we're still streaming baby yeah i feel like if we were in violation they would have take us off i'm just i'm just definitely sad to get through no i appreciate it i appreciate it yeah yeah devil's advocating guys right yeah ian how you feeling i it stinks oh it stinks all right well let's clean ian up let's get that man in the bath or something let's give him a sponge bath yeah all right guys thanks for watching thanks for enjoying that first part you know next week we're gonna have a new sip so it's gonna be great yeah yeah the raid someone who should we raid uh who should we raid let's see who's live the channel amarath is still licking by the way we should just right here and send everybody to the licking hold on she's still like code miko's uh streaming why don't we he's ray komiko we haven't done her yet has been going for five and a half hours okay of pure ear looking madness um i'm pretty sure if we amaranth and zero people will uh remain damn twitch really got me with these ads huh you rob is live oh you rob we did a rob last week did you guys see do you guys see the clip from when we oh i don't think ethan is aware of what happened let's show me the clip i want to react to that that's so after the stream i didn't know who to to raid so i just threw it to europe uh i didn't know what it was doing but you'll see what it was doing but turn what down yeah so europe never wins always else can you get me that clip thank you guys for joining us today oh it's the most viewed clip on this channel thank you thank you i'm lincoln uh wait it's the most viewed lick link on his channel yeah the most viewed clip yeah 115 awesome views of us raiding him yeah well you'll see why the clip of it okay yeah all my subs are just look at all my whole channel page is just asmr girls because i always click amaranth i think uh yeah that would definitely have something to do with it but i will never click any of these other girls i'm loyal to her oh why did i just open what's up [ __ ] wait go off the screen okay something comes up thank you okay discord thank you all right here we go i got it wait this this is his number one feud clip uh for a couple weeks yeah okay here we go don't scare me like that man to you to buy that for twenty dollars to get stop please turn it stop on host unrave me so why was he in a furry suit not sure we're not really sure but i think he was upset that people were coming in right as he was but he's kidding right like it's funny no he really wanted me to unrate him because he was in a furry suit people are people saying he lost a bet don't be so he lost a bet so he was having to wear a furry costume and then we raided him without realizing that that was what was happening on his channel and he got very upset my page is pretty wild damn so people are also saying gus johnson is uh streaming right now so we could raid gusts i think code mikko though look she's right there where's code mikko right there okay let's see who she chatting with oh it's the technician no mikko sweet anita too she also has tourette's not a single man that's right oh yeah they could be fun okay let's go let's raid called mikko all right her up gusy would be good though well we could also find a small person to rage that'd be nice right i'll kill you uh if that's true that's true just look for somebody sub sub 1000 andy yeah let's find a sub 1000 andy dude everything is just booby boobas raid my friend cam what are you trying to are you getting paid off cam's getting kickbacks are they a small streamer cam cam are they a small streamer let's do it what's their name cameron has a friend on twitch um who is i think paying him a dividend of i just like loved it with the merch she's [ __ ] sick as hell all right let's let's uh yellow spoon girl what is she doing what's her thing new mic like making me [ __ ] look she cutting up magnum condoms oh i met her she's very nice yeah this girl is delirious oh she is oh fantastic should i get my eyebrows threaded and unkept bushy i mean the thing is she cutting up magnum condoms oh oh she's rolling up can you do that well can we yeah yes you can do that sure all right let's raid her it everybody head on over to yellow spoon girl what's an automated thing wrap it up and then we do it yes sir all right everybody no what what i mean we can do it live too oh okay we can send everyone to her live how well it's like it's that's what a raid is there's a feature in twitch that you basically send all of your viewership to another channel so i'm starting the raid now so everyone in shots press right now freaking scared okay she's getting scared i'm just [ __ ] scared i don't know what in the heck is going on her name is bella she's very sweet we went to a museum with her oh you oh you met her through camp i don't know what's gonna oh she's i'm ready there are a lot of humans in here this [ __ ] is going up a lot good job are people watching both of us now how many humans in here i don't know how it works but let's wrap up the show okay guys go enjoy uh yellow spoon girl i'm getting really she's having a nervous breakdown was this a good idea cameron she seems to be having a panic attack oh my god thank you for the raid okay have fun everyone shout out to yellowstone girl this was way cooler i like doing the shout out to little uh yeah it's a good idea yeah spread the love right let's be honest oh god she is a lot okay great you guys are going in okay so um yeah everybody let's be honest um code miko's already famous she rules though okay guys enjoy love you see you next time see you tomorrow after dark all right [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 517,155
Rating: 4.8002925 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: GArWVPo-86s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 24sec (5724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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