Fixing GRIDLOCKED City Traffic at 20%...! Cities: Skylines

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oh my goodness is going on here Oh nothing's moving nothing is moving anywhere yeah this is gonna take some fixing welcome to the next city skyline fix it episode with me biffer so I would like to say thank you very much to Nabil for sending me this savegame and this has to be the worst one for traffic I've ever seen it was 20% a minute ago what is it 21% look at that just by looking at this map but I've increased the traffic already but yeah just look at this and it's backing up you probably can't see very backing up why off the map all the way down there all the way into the highway all the way over to here into this industry area and this little area is not too bad over here and then let's just have a look let's just have a look at that again all the way into here this area is just chock-a-block and this area is a nightmare this I mean it's not even normally you get red roads and they just you know they use they're just red because they're busy nope these are roads because they are chock-a-block with traffic and the game is not pause now and look nothing's moving now think wow these these guys are moving so what is causing the issue well you may have spotted it yourself it's jumping out at me so you've got the highway coming in the side here and lots of traffic is going down here and immediately they're also coming out to you and they trying to merge in with all of this and they're all trying to get down into one lane and then they'll coming down here they're splitting a little bit or then all of this is coming in and merging all down into one lane and this is coming in all merging into one lane one lane one lane through the toll booth it's like some guys decided to take this one that was nice of them and you got two nor merging back into one lane one lane 1 lee one lane 1 lee one lane then they come down here one lane and then your highway just hit your city smack right into there so everything goes in everything's like no where do we go man you need a bypass around this now you've got four million you've got so much money can we buy anymore squares we are gonna buy that square there there we go we need a bypass to come round this for any traffic that wants to get over here to this industry area or down here to this area so you did mention to me you wanted me to fix the traffi but you also said you wanted me to have a look at the not enough goods where we're getting those ones not enough goods to sow what's that not enough goods to sell you're getting a lot of goods errors and things what should be honest your traffic is going to be causing all of these Goods errors and what we've got over here not an appliance a product yeah all of that sort of thing so the first thing that I want to do is get a bypass round now I'm thinking this is gonna be a good spot to do that some way if he got here you've got this highway again look going out one lane one lane all of this is merging two lanes for a bit then one lane one limb one lane they're all turning left they're all going yet they're all just trying to get through here again to go up there so let's have a look so let's start off let us just remove all of this and I've got to move it mod so that can actually help from time to time if we just do that and it's just going to help us a bit just to quickly delete all of that there we go so these guys are going to end up disappearing so let's put that in first of all we're going with that and then we'll hook these up I mean you have actually got four lane highways here which I'll be honest I think you really need so we're going to change those to three lane highways so that's gonna keep those moving and hopefully he'll and then we want this bypass up here to come in - well let's have a look what you've got going on here I mean I like the way you're using the toll roads a lot so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna remove your toll roads and put them somewhere else afterwards and I did have somebody say to me why don't you put em in different of money on I could do but I like to actually play the city with the money you've got you've got heck of a lot of towels going on underground here but you can see look not many people use in them so I'm going to lick what a nice that's a nice turn I'm gonna leave all those tunnels in I can see you've probably done that because the highway so bad that you're trying to say right let's try and solve this problem give people some extra options of where to go which is a good idea which is a very good idea don't you know what I just want to use the movie mode again and just grab do I turn off trees yeah and leave this Junction in and this Junction in I want quite what's going on with this yeah we'll take a look at that in a minute yeah it's not the way I would do it but I'm gonna work with the loads that you've got so this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab that one there I'm going to use the parallel load mods let's go there we'll do that that's fine I didn't I didn't click the button which makes things hook up so my bad and would you know there we go excellent so that goes through there and then these can connect here and again I think you've got four lane highways which I'm gonna downgrade and then we're gonna connect these two up here so we'll grab that again there we go so let's just unpause a minute and speed things up what's your population 52,000 so hopefully you're gonna find Jay look they're sprinting out there using the lanes they're moving around as we're watching this we should see this traffic start to rise so they're going into their we're gonna get some backup still because of things like this now things like this I'm just tempted to let it run just for a few minutes just to let it unclog itself a bit is I would add Ange you got three lanes in the extra one I would maybe change that to four lanes so do we have a four lane highway yes we do jouso parallel road mod just so people have a lane to get off so there we go just a standard little roundabout this end I've done nothing particularly amazing with it I've just put some give way signs for the roads coming on I've done no Lane management or anything and then also one at the other end and look how much this has cleared up what was happening is a lot of the cars were coming down here and then using this area to get through to the highway and but now the labels come off go around here go out no problem at all some of these are still wanting to turn off it yeah you're still getting a few little issues just because of the way all the roads are set up here I would in fact even perhaps remove this one they can split and go down there or go down this way and just keep things moving along yep there we go so that is clearing that bit out no problem this will clear up here he'll be doing 31% it's going up so we've got this issue where it's all coming up here and causing a problem because of this so this this section down here as oh my goodness me I'm gonna have to just do like this remove all of that that's like a one-way we're already going in you just don't need that you don't need that like I've been letting things run for a while and this is the area over here with the two roundabouts at either end things are moving smoothly I mean this isn't ideal this isn't ideal but I'm going with what we've got I don't want to absolutely change everything and where these come in to here the two different areas that is not too bad you've got to hook up your electric cable there and I don't know where this one was going before but let's just hook that up to it over there there we go so this isn't too bad and then we get back to the main highway through here they've all splitting I mean we're getting a bit of a buildup here because of I think some are coming here go in there and going straight off again so this little bit here we probably could just do with upgrading that to four lanes just to give them a lane to go off so if we do that well upgrade that and we'll give that an extra lane to go off so three lanes go straight on that one comes off is we're gonna say for this lane here you don't go straight on you just go right um this one here actually I want back to three lanes again let's work through this logically can you scroll thank you very much so that goes back to there so we've got three lane straight on that fourth Lane goes off and then this one here yeah this is where we need our lane arrows so we want that one there we want that to go up there that to go up there you to go up there and then this here is like a slip lane just for these guys coming on there we go is that moves much smoother they're doing a little bit of lane change in up here but that's fine and then we'll change this again we'll get our lane arrows on that road and we'll say we only want this outer lane to turn right again this one here needs to be three so we'll change that and then just to sort of help that along we can do the similar thing we did before and then somewhere further down here they can merge back in again so that should help that move through a bit quicker I am gonna tell them to not do Lane switch in there so we do that and do shift s that makes them all go straight on what I want them to do is pick their lane further back we'll see how that goes we'll just let that run a little bit and hopefully that'll smooth out but how is our traffic garyun 76% not too shabby from 2276 there we go so there's Lane switchin here can I force them not to Lane switch here as well miss to shift ass so then they pick it further down yeah there we go this is moving okay so up here this was causing a big problem I mean we've still got to slow down with the toll roads here down here we have of something to do with that in here automated towel no need to stop at the toll booth which makes passing through the booths a lot faster vehicle still need to slow down while driving through the booth increases the vehicle throw vehicle flow through the toll booths reduces Tollbooth income by 30% I think that would be worth adding we're making 41 thousand a week you are not short on money I think the traffic is the big thing again you've got this issue at the end where you don't have a highway connection you've got tunnels coming in things a lot too close to each other this one here let's just have a look so that's coming from all the way up over here somewhere I mean you might find these tunnels are just not gonna get used much let's just pause the game we're gonna take out this one here we're gonna take out this one here we're gonna take out this one here just to give us some space so there we go we'll keep that above ground and they receive we can get all of that into a roundabout I'm gonna pick one of the let's go for a slightly larger one as well we've got railway lines here darn it I didn't see now what we're gonna do we're gonna remove those as well that's all of those roads and then see I would maybe have this connect into there cuz you've got I mean you've got a lot of cargos stuff which is coming round think traffic's coming back through there is this a two-lane road it is I would perhaps here get a little one-way road so if we go out here along there and connector there and what we don't want is these guys turning in so what you're stopping here is all of this traffic we want that one just going right actually wanted as one lane yeah should have used the highway one is we're trying to stop this traffic from going all the way back through the area it's just in here that's got enough traffic so they can use the two lanes that can come up there and then yeah we'll just use this to stop these guys turning left so they can just go right back up here along there and back onto our Highway connection which is gonna come down here do you mind if I just move that there we go we'll just move that over there give yourself some load connections and this one here come into there and we'll see how that goes hopefully that will clear up some of that and these guys will come out here and start using this yeah let's do that so two lane one-way upgrade that there we go so they have to go through they can turn they can go straight on and these guys if they want to go up here they can go around if they want to go straight on they can and they're picking the lane straightaway there we go lots of these now coming that way so that's gonna stop a lot of traffic down here if we just grab the amount about builder two-lane highway put that on there that is gonna sort that out okay so traffic flows 73 74 percent it's moving up it's moving down I mean what I'm finding is what I want to make it better I want to make it better is you've got like a lot of these tunnels and what you're finding is like here they're all queuing in the one lane and then people are coming on in the same lane and then it goes all the way through and they're going off and going on in the same lane so you've got all these different connections which is good but people are only using the one lane which is like block and efening out there coming off here it's slow could it's a big bend but still they're coming on going off they're going straight and they're all just using that one lane so working back I mean for instance here let's just take that section there let's grab four lane road if we upgrade that bit there he's not going to put it above ground or do something weirds no it's still underground that's okay if we change that to four lanes and then it use the lane connector and go back underground again and select that road I mean it is hard to see but say there we go through you going on and anyone is going off so that's good so people are moving over and moving a bit quicker and avoiding this Lane which goes off so that helps that slow down we've got the same situation here so let's grab the four lane road let's upgrade that one there and I'm gonna do a couple back just to sort of spread it out a bit again grab the change lane arrows go back underground and say for this one here just to check yep only this left lane goes left and these ones go out and you could even do it after the junction because you've got some coming out I mean they're crossing over each other here which is a bit of a pain yeah see this this road here I'm not going to change it myself I would have that connect the other side so go underneath and connects over here because then they're not going to cross over each other but it's kept things moving so let's just leave that one as it is and we'll go back here you've got the same here so let's grab that one there and let's do two of these let's do three for that one there and again because this is a two-lane road I would connect it on the other side so they're not crossing over each other but that's definitely helping things move along and this one here it difficult to do we've done it there we go let's let the traffic we'll think about where they want to go and further back the same here I mean that would have been perhaps harder to come off you could have had it coming off there instead that sides yeah they're all doing the lane switching now think about that a bit more with further down the highway yeah so hopefully now if we have a look at this they're not all taking the one lane they're moving along a bit better we've got a bit of lane switching the things going on here but it's certainly moving a lot faster so that's something we could do in a lot of your lanes now what if we got going on down here I mean there's so many spots I look at I think what's going on what's going on I wound I mean ideally I like to get things up to 80% if we can I mean this is crying out for a roundabout here but I'm wondering whether we could just fix that with some Lane connectors and something and let's have a look at that yeah but that's one way so that's gonna move a lot quicker that's not stopping and that's gonna start moving a lot quicker yeah there's only so much I can do when you've got so many junctions near each other so when you've got the right idea with the different the different through tunnels and stuff like that I mean like this here with these other lows that connection office too many junctions next to each other I mean you don't need this Junction here because it connects around over there as well so I would even perhaps delete that one and just say your houses don't despawn let's select that load and just build that to the end there so you keep your houses but they can all come and join down here I mean even here's a bit too close I would perhaps get them to go round that way so I would even take that one off let's go back above ground thank you that one now and again we'll do the same thing we just put that road back in just a nothing to you don't lose your houses come here just to there so any traffic in there goes that way and comes around here and it just means this can just keep moving a lot quicker and I didn't put back in your toll roads did I so what I would do with those is maybe pop them over here somewhere I'm I wouldn't do this myself but I'm gonna put them in as you had them in you've got enough money to use to a large toll road so we could pop those there okay so the main issue with this I mean you're stuck with the speed at this can let traffic in and out so that is just the way it is I've tried like a little bypass over here but all that is trying to save is the use of the roundabouts because a lot of traffic is coming from outside this area to use this cargo train terminal so the actual ideal solution for that is to put another cargo train terminal your one here for this industry one here for this industry and then I would have another one for this industry you've got the money so I am gonna actually add those in for you I'm gonna delete this stupid little bypass road here that was I thought it stupid because I put it in myself I was just trying some stuff out but let me add in some more cargo train terminals for you and then we're gonna see this one being used a lot less okay so each area now has its own cargo station so we've got one at this end of the map just in there and then that train line connects over here we've got one for the tree section so immediately the forestry section immediate you've seen people using this one and then we've got one over here in the oil area yeah and I've just got like a little one-way train set up going here they're going one way in one way out because I know this one's gonna be super super busy I've just sort of connected it here I would probably change that output there to a roundabout so that's moving okay that's what we want to see things moving nicely and back over to the original area we started with we can see a lot less traffic coming through here look at that this is moving much much smoother what is our traffic up to seventy two percent I mean these places are busy a lot of these places only have one connection to the highway and this road here seems to have got deleted so let us just connect that up again you can have this one and that one let's turn that off and connect up to here that should be okay yeah there we go yeah so that should help a lot of the traffic so I mean I've spent a long time on this one we've gone from 20 up to 70 which is not too bad a lot of things are red but they're moving which is what we want we've gone from a deadlock I mean yeah there's so many places with more than one connection and so many connections all close to each other which is not a lot I can do about that I mean I can remove traffic lights from from places I'll actually you've already gotten and removed all the traffic lights but yeah all these junctions come in two main loads right next to each other is a no-no but not much we can do about that and like these guys trying to come off here down this little slit road you know what I'm gonna just remove that that one and let you guys come down here and use this Junction yeah and see how that goes but I can't complain too much about this I think you know considering how terrible the traffic was at the beginning I mean this is moving again it's busy busy busy but I think that's a lie so what do you reckon let me know in the comments below is there anything you would have done differently I'm sure there is there always is if you would like to send me your city you can upload it to the Steam Workshop send me the link on Twitter before 2001 or in a comment on this video if you're not sure how to do that you go to the content content workshop I think it's called or the content manager in your game go to the save game section find your savegame click on share it will upload and then you can send me the link and it's the way you do it but I think that was pretty good I think we've as this keeps moving I think things are gonna get better and better we can maybe help with these guys here not changing lanes so much but I've got to stop at some point and also solving a lot of this traffic you also need to look through I'm using the watch it mod down here your city is short on elementary schools so you need to sort that out and it's also short on healthcare not enough crematoriums around a lot of death waves going on so some more crematoriums would certainly help police station Ashley seems not too bad so yeah just those couple of things would really help your city to flourish so thank you very very much for watching thank you for sending in your cities as well I wouldn t have to do this without your help and I will see you in the next episode take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 593,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, biffa, how to fix your city, biffa plays, biffaplays, city fix, biffa2001, cities skylines fix it, cities: skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, citys skylines, skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic, city planning, cities skylines traffic, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines, cities:skylines, town, cities skylines how to fix traffic
Id: kbCrqN5ODx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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