One Square Challenge EPIC Fix in Cities: Skylines! (One Tile City)

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welcome back to city skylines with me biffer and hands up if you remember this amazing city build the one square challenge from way back in 2018 the aim was to grow this city as big as possible but using only one map tile or square in vanilla with no mods and we did it this is the completed city with over 50 000 citizens all crammed together enjoying the sights and sounds of this amazing city build the original build video became my second highest viewed video ever with 1.8 million views and started me on the road of challenge videos and ultimately city fixes so what better way to honor this amazing one square city than by revisiting it and fixing it so the question is how terribly bad is the traffic in this city so here we are our one square city i'm sure this is going to bring back some memories for some of you guys and girls it does for me who remembers the prison over here right next to the airport yes easy escape for our convicts from this amazing one square city and who remembers how we broke the self-imposed rules of having only one square by immediately building this dam outside the square wow the 42 000 comments on the video they certainly all remembered well let us see how bad the traffic is let's just zoom above the city like this and we'll take a little look with the traffic view by pressing this button aha so on the face of it you might say well the traffic isn't too bad that is not too bad well unfortunately i built this in vanilla so that meant that i would have had the vanilla traffic rules which those of you that are viewers of mine for quite a while know if that's what i call easy mode because that automatically despawns vehicles if it gets too bad well those of you that have watched for a long time also know i like to make things difficult for myself so i am gonna turn this off yes no despawning hard mode oh my goodness me and we are gonna take a look like this and keep an eye on those red roads and see how bad the traffic gets let's go [Music] um okay it's only been a couple of minutes and it's looking absolutely horrendous um let's come out of this view and take a look and see what the traffic is 14 flipping cheese sticks that is absolutely nuts and we can see that this spot down here is a really bad part it's just all converging on these big main junctions here so jumpy game so you can probably tell what we're going to be doing with some of those junctions there but oh my goodness me that is really bad this over here isn't too bad oh there's a whole row of convicts jumping in their pocket cars trying to escape the airport so that was probably something that was going to be expected there we go so where should we start where should we start well we do have some mass transit going around here so maybe we'll take a look at that in a moment but first of all as always i would like to do some lame mathematics because i just can't leave it if there's a junction that hasn't had lane mathematics applied to it i need to do something about it and by the way i did this build in unlimited money so we are going to do the fix in unlimited money i tend to normally do fixes in unlimited money anyway because i don't feel it's fair to spend someone's money in their city just on fixing it all up that's just the way i've always done it so we're gonna have as you know three lanes one comes off it goes down to two uh and this will get fixed here at the same the other side and that just means that there won't be any cars stuck in this long trail of cars that can just go straight on so that'll work nice and well we get a dedicated turning lane and then when they all come off this junction down here yeah look i imagine there's some people wanting to turn around we've got all sorts of horkey bulky stuff going on here so we do control left click dedicated turn we don't need this to be that big do we let's actually downgrade that uh to three out to two so we've got one for each and when that comes in that could be two as well and then this here i mean this but let's just pause this a minute oh we've got like an eight lane road going through the middle i actually remember putting this in and thinking this would be great let's just put in an eight lane road all the way down the middle here [Music] yeah it's not the best lined up roundabout ever is it but that's just the way it's going to be there's not much we can do about that i don't want to connect that road up to there and my rule is always to have one extra road on your roundabout than you've got on the roads coming in um but unfortunately we've got this massive like eight lane road it's a bit of a nightmare i'm just changing that to that because people aren't gonna be walking on it um so we'll have it just sort of see how that goes four lanes into three and we'll just deal with that and we'll do this we'll do control shift click so we'll get dedicated turning off lanes we'll get give way signs we'll get cars despawning because i've just changed the roads but overall that should help at least people coming on and then i'm also going to say here you go through take your dedicated lane that is just for you okay so as is always the case we need to follow down this road and maybe make some decisions here about what we're gonna do so it's 11 it's not getting any better on this main road down here i'd like to make this a priority road and i think i'm going to make the decision it means we're going to lose some people so my my little rules i'm going to have for myself is whatever changes i make whatever buildings i delete need to go elsewhere so like this uh big hospital will have to go elsewhere and we need to at least have 50 000 people again at the end but something like this in the middle here is just a disaster waiting to happen so we are going to downgrade this road this eight lane road back when biffa had no idea what he was doing i think even a six-lane road is too much but if we go to a smaller road actually we could do four-lane let's keep it six as it's nice and big through the city and i'm even going to upgrade it to a six lane road with trees how about that so we've got three lanes coming in three lanes on the roundabout i think we can manage to deal with that now this road going through here has trams on it so i'm not going to change that one so that's like a four lane road already which is good uh i've spotted another six lane road we'll definitely change that one so overall hot road hierarchy isn't too bad we've still got six lane roads main roads meeting each other and then there's four lane roads coming off the side with the tram and then we've got the smaller roads that people live off of so that's good that is that is a positive for a bit well done what i want to do is make this road through here like a main road but before i do that i'm gonna pop a roundabout in here which means we need to find another location for this lovely large hospital i'd like to keep it in the same vicinity we've got a load of shops and things over here so i'm pretty sure if i just pop it in the middle there we're only going to lose like a few shops oh i had anarchy on whoops those buildings will disappear don't worry so that just clears up this space then we're going to lose some buildings here and here and some commercial there i'm not too concerned about that right we're gonna use the roundabout builder mod i'm gonna keep it on standard three-lane roads that is basically the two big junctions this one here where they're coming on this one here these are all sort of small side streets so that's not too bad this is busy but i think this will get sorted out and then oh we've got here and here as well okay let's just do the same on these two also with some of these buildings that i've got here uh that i'm moving is they're right on the main road right by the junction so things like the high school i've moved it off down the side road here that is definitely going to help right the next thing i want to do is on these main roads down here and i'm going to echo this in the other one because i want to make this main road a priority road now there's a couple of ways of doing that there's actually an in-game tool we can use for that so if we take this one here uh select this road here and we can press this button there we go and that will make this a main road which should mean that everybody coming on if we have a look at this one here apply yield signs on connecting roads so there we go so all the roads coming on and now give way which are good the only thing we just need to be careful of when we do that is the roundabout gets a bit confused so we just need to change that back and the roundabout at the other end there we go but as you can see now if we just go in this mode everybody coming on is giving way and then i also want to make sure that everybody turning up here right i'm going to delete this poor truck spin sprinter you're gone you see how this lane's got two uses straight on and right i want dedicated turning lane so i'm going to control left click there you go and do that all the way down here so with the six lane road you've got two lanes for going straight on and one for coming off and we'll do that and we'll see how that goes if the people coming out of here are crossing over and getting in the way we might stop them turning and say you have to use the roundabout but we'll see how that goes also what's quite good with the six lane road like this when you get a junction that's got four different turnings you've got a lane for left right and straight on so they actually do work out quite well in some circumstances not in every single circumstance of using a road but in this case where we've built the road with lots of turns like that yep definitely worth doing i don't know why i'm doing dedicated turning lanes on this road because it's a teeny tiny road it's not gonna make any difference there's no tram on here i'm gonna upgrade this one to a six-lane road because there's lots of four-way turnings and i think that is actually gonna help so let's do that all the way to the end and all the way along here should we do the bridge as well go on why not oh we've lost the bridge no it's got not like a nice bridge section it has if we do that it doesn't work it doesn't work at all okay let's just put that back like it was i might i like that bridge i know it's it's not really working with elaine mathematics but i'm going to go for the full lane what have i done [Laughter] there we go yeah teeny tiny little span there absolutely love it thank you for not doing what i want you to do and looking nice so let's just take a look at this roundabout here what do we see yes we see a heck of a lot of traffic and people just can't move okay so we obviously need to sort that out i'm gonna take uh this stretch of road down here where we started and we are gonna slightly change something now what's happening here everybody's coming in all the cars are turning up there even though this isn't a very big road so what we can do with something like that is we can increase the size of the road we've got these little four lane roads which are very good for busy sections like this so now suddenly you've got all these extra lanes and at the end here where they're coming out i would certainly put in here we could put a roundabout but in this case i am going to put some time traffic lights so we're going to control left click pop in the time traffic lights and see how that works on here now that might be a complete disaster it might work perfectly fine and help all of these keep moving i do also want giveaway on these roads down here i'll just do it this way as i know it's only a short one already this is starting to clear up the other thing i don't want is people blocking each other here when it comes up off the roundabout so if you come up here pick your lane here and then continue on continue on look at that this road is moving already this is pretty busy we might find that these go down this is going okay oh we need some dedicated turning lanes here as well don't we let's do control left click yeah there we go and they'll keep moving keep moving until they get up to this area here with the traffic lights and that is now we just take a look down this road and speed things up the traffic there is certainly going down which is fantastic so that should keep this bit moving down here let's just keep an eye on this for a second yeah it is it will keep moving but they really are treating this as a main road whereas ultimately i would prefer they treated this as a main road but that's going to be super busy anyway so yeah we'll maybe leave it like that and it'll keep going hopefully i'm just it's like this guy here is getting in the way so he can't take the other lane yeah it's getting there it's getting there right what i'm also going to do going up this road so i'm going to stop them changing lanes they have to pick it at the junction so the junction that's fine there's not a node there there's not a node yeah those nodes are for the roads that's good so we'll keep that one moving uh this road up here is also being used as a massive big road so we're gonna also upgrade this one and it's a shame actually they don't stick to the main faster rows let's just check the speed on these actually so the speed on this is 60. the speed on this is 40. if i put this four-lane road in it's 50 so yeah i think it's just because we're so near the entrance to the city that they're just deciding they're going to take these so let me do the same things on these i'll do dedicated turning lanes make sure it's all set up okay so i've upgraded these roads up here made sure they're all okay and we're up to 24 so we are seeing some increase this road along here is certainly moving a lot freer i think this this junction where they're trying to turn up is stopping everybody so what i'm going to do is i am going to stop turning left across the traffic and i'm going to use this tool but this time click the road and i'm going to say go straight ahead and i'm going to say on each of these junctions because i know what they're going to do they're going to come down to the next one i want them to go down to the roundabout and turn around and come back instead so i'm going to do that on each of these which means i'll probably change where my time traffic lights are so i'm really changing the flow of the traffic now i'm going to increase the traffic on this roundabout which means they may go up this six lane road instead of taking these side roads which is good and then also i'm thinking these ones here i don't want them crossing over because i want to keep this main road going so i'm going to say to these guys here you can only turn right so now this road is just going to keep flowing and not have all these people stopping hopefully that is the plan which then means i am going to remove this time traffic light it was here wasn't it that we put on the end and we'll just make that a giveaway road instead like before and that one that should just keep this thing flowing so that means that this road up here is gonna get super busy and that's what we've got our tram going through and i hate the fact we've got a tram going through there so what i'm thinking of doing as well on this main road is doing the same is stop people crossing over the road and make them use the roundabout so we've done it on this section i'm gonna do the same on this section this section and this section here and then i'll be back with you so just take a look at this tram road in the middle things are a lot clearer i mean this way is totally cleared up that was chock-a-block this way is clearing up slowly there's there's traffic down here which isn't helping but certainly much better certainly much better right something else you can do which will help we can use this tool here the lane connector select a node and if you do hugo there everybody has to go straight ahead these have to go straight ahead and these get a lane every direction you can see with your own eyeballs how's that's going to work so no one's going to get in each other's way at the node apart from these stupid cars that have got confused [Music] if you've done your lane mathematics correctly it means everybody gets the lane oh i gotta say no this isn't working here is it look they're trying to send them up there yeah i don't have my lane mathematics correctly on this road because remember i upgraded it to have been a really big road we don't actually need a really big road now so biffa learns a lesson let's downgrade this back to a one lane in each direction and then i can teach you a lesson about lane mathematics so at the end here when you do that let's just check all the lanes yeah we're fine so you can do that select your nodes yeah so these all go straight on these go straight on and these get one lane off and one lane on and it stops them all getting in each other's way lame mathematics for the win oh look at this remember all of this the cars coming into the city were all blocked on this section here now they've all come in they're moving so things are working yes it is fantastic so it's going to take a while because the traffic is so bad but definitely things are going to keep moving now let's just take a look at this roundabout here because there is something else that's going to slow down the car's moving look and that is all the people crossing over now we could just blanket change that to the highway three lane road and stop crossing over but we want people to walk because that means they're not using their cars so what we're going to use up here this is the unified ui that adds all these mods into here we are going to use the automatic pedestrian bridge builder now you've got options you can do it over ground underground wandering free we are going to go for an inner roundabout let's go for a start and we're going to do it above ground because we've got some space here we might means we need to move a car too yeah there we go that's fine i don't mean a car i'm in a building but what it does is that now goes over the top so just imagine these slopes of stairs and it turns off the crossing on there so immediately there's no cars going to get stopped by people trying to cross the road which is fantastic i'm wondering whether this is set up correctly because it seems like people are barging in no it is that's fine good okay it's just a lot of traffic so i'm going to go along and we're going to do crossing over all of the do we need one here no because people don't walk up that way [Music] so that is also going to help all of this move much better what the flibberty jibbets is going on here look at all these post trucks there is absolutely luck loads of them wow that is like a really bad place to have all of these to have all of these guys just cutting across the main road can't you like at least oh there's so many look and they're all going out again everywhere oh my life right you're coming with me post sorting office from right in the middle of the city to right on the outskirts of the city there we go excellent nice quiet back street not causing anybody any problems like you were before 28 it's going up it's going up now something else i spotted we've got this extra little section here that's around the back separated from the highway is all these people come down here come over this road with the tram that we set up to help them move around and then most of them let's just use the in-game tool actually see where they're all going a lot of these people here if we pick that's the bridge that's going over where are they going they're coming down here up there around this roundabout and heading out into the city yeah this is super busy can we give them another way into the city we've got a tram that goes over there but if we could like link up a road somehow i think that would be really helpful let's see what we can do [Music] so even just a little road like that going over the top we'll just give them another way in and out of the city so we might just seem somewhat see some of that traffic going in a different direction which is what we want okay so while we're letting people get used to all the new traffic rules let us switch it up a little bit and take a look at some of our mass transit so if we go over like this what do we have in this city no buses i'm pretty pleased with that because that means there's no buses on the roads making traffic no trolley buses we do have our tram line which we've spoken about a few times tons of passengers but 40 vehicles on there let's just take a look at our trams they are all pretty full so what we could do is replace those trams with a larger trap aha so we've got the standard size tram here we go here's one to have a look at which holds 90 people so we have these larger trams that were made for me the tea port tram and i'm wondering whether we could upgrade these to oh my goodness me the nine ones what do they hold let's just change that means all the trams are going to disappear and i'm going to put that down to 20. let's see how many they can hold wow they hold 372 people no way but they're absolutely massive what's gonna happen when they get to the roundabout oh boy that one's coming all the way around here oh yeah they're far too big they're far too big i'm sorry everyone got so excited about the massive trams they were going to get you're not going to get ones that big let's go for the five carts size 30 no we need to go for the seven 290. okay i didn't do any maths before let me just quickly do some maths ah thank you to my uh virtual assistant i've got around the back here the mass means i only need 12.4 of these so i'm going to put 13 of them in and that will cover all of the people that were using them before at least so i'm going to up it to 14 actually so we've got a little bit extra and we'll come back to that and see how that goes that could be disastrous it could be the genius master stroke that fixed the entire city uh we've got oh my goodness our metro wow we have the only one metro trim wow so many people wanting to use the metro which is absolutely brilliant i've already got this at 500 percent can i up that anymore with my budget yes i can right let's just pause that a minute let's just do things one at a time so we don't get too confused if we go back into our metro uh this one so we've got 14 vehicles on there what i'm going to do is i'm going to up the budget on metro to 150 let's just pause and unpause the game quickly a minute there and then we go back into here so yeah that's going to up it to 20. so if we drop this down to well actually 20. you know what maybe that's a good idea and i just noticed this line only goes in one direction seriously what the heck we've only got one it goes around the outside and some of these don't even have a no what we need to put in another stop going in the other direction what was biffer of the past thinking yeah i'm also going to readjust this line here um going into that stop going back out the other way again yeah not good i want to try and keep all of my trams uh trams my metro's flowing so we will do that right so we've now got a line going in each direction and that is really going to change how this is all going to work so i am going to put this back to oh let's have a look i mean 10 and then 10 going the other way let's do 12 going in each direction i think that would be a good idea let's do this one as well 12 and then we're just gonna let that run for a while and i think that's going to make a huge difference because people can get to places much much quicker good right we'll leave that going uh we have no trains we have no whatever that is we have this one here we have blimps people love blimps we've got a lot of blimps over the city we could do with a couple more blimps couldn't we so let us um pump ump blimp budgets let's up our blimp budget which is this one here so if i put that up to 150 yep there we go then we jump back over here oh here's a blimp landing in our face and what's that going to give us 12. yeah why not let's have 12 blimps going around the city they're not going to do anything wrong aren't they no they'll be fine we do have cable cars going across our city here as well and we don't add lines to these people just use them so that's good so we've got a nice cable car going across there which is great and we probably could add some more of those you know with all these little side roads is that it is that the only cable car we've got going across oh that is just sad yeah we're gonna add some more cable cars whoa that's an amazing cable car ride what is going on with that one i'm not sure i could actually make that any higher can i control h same height as that well i can make the pole higher can i make that higher yeah there we go yeah we've got a bit of a dip there but yeah that'd be good excellent [Music] [Music] and there we go our final cable car so that's certainly going to take some more people across the road and take more people off the road which is what we want to see what are we at let's have a look 43 it's rising it's rising this is probably the time where i need to just let the city run for a bit and then take another look and see what sort of things we need to fix so i'm gonna do that have a quick cup of tea and then i will be back with you before we even do that this bit here yeah this definitely needs a bigger mode people are still using this to come out of here and this is going to be a time traffic light all right let's just quickly do this we're going to change this road here to a four-lane road just this one and then we're going to put in here a time traffic light control left click whoa a lot of stuff going on there and we'll just let that run automatically and see how that goes and hopefully that will help oh look it's backing up all the way down there [Music] that has actually helped a huge amount i'm just going to add a hugo there here so they can change lanes at the junction just to keep that moving but that has worked really well look that's all cleared up down here the beauty of dedicated turning lanes yeah is fantastic this will clear up i'm sure over time but yeah so i'm gonna let everything run what are we at oh it's gone back down again don't talk about that i'm gonna let everything run and then uh i'll be back with you okay just a little problem i've noticed here on my roundabout with the trams is we've got the giveaway messed up so we want that to give way and these keep going we don't want them i know normally might want the trams just to keep going through but i think it's more important to keep the cars going through and the trams can give way so if we put the giveaways like that then hopefully the tram isn't too big to stop in the middle if it needs to and that will keep this all going and that will keep all of this going you can see how that one's backed up uh because of that little mistake and i just want to check the other roundabout with the tram is it this direction yeah yeah same thing's happened here as well so we'll do that and that and we'll do this one here that and that and i think that was the only one and two there one further down here no that's it that's good and one more thing i'm also going to remove these two roads here that are right after the roundabout because a tram the size we're using won't stop in this section here if there's things going on and it blocks up the roundabout there we go much better and then one last thing we can do is just using this mod here the node controller mod uh this node here where the roundabout and this road meets these guys are finding it hard to get in and out quickly now normally what i would do is i would down here delete this three lane each direction piece of road here and have two little roads so a three lane one going that way and a three lane one going that way and curve it nicely so they could easily sweep in and out but as we can't do that we could we're going to lose even more buildings i'm going to do a corner offset on this junction here of 12 and it just adds a little bit of a sweep here not much which means hopefully they can just get out a little bit quicker it's going to be a tiny change but we'll see how that goes and i'll do that on both of these yeah and i finally decided the traffic down this tram road is is too much so these traffic lights we've got here just aren't going to cut it we're going to change that for around about as well which might mean what have we got here i think this is just yeah just normal building so we'll lose a couple of buildings but it's going to be worth it so let's change this one pretty sure that's all set up okay giveaway giveaway yeah that should be good so we'll leave that one running and i think that's going to finally help all the cars on this uh on this tram road hopefully let's see what happens now the other thing i would normally do on a city fix is give them extra access to the highway because at the minute every single thing is coming in through this highway so i would maybe build another highway down here put an entrance in over there one down here but we can't we are limited to this one square that we filled up and this one piece of highway what i think i will do though is take oh i can't even do that i was going to take this road and add some slip lanes on and off up here but i can't because that is outside of our square our square comes through here so i could maybe add something on here to help people get in and out yeah and then we can do lame mathematics for what difference it makes can i out city limits no i can't i don't know what i could do though is i can move that note down then i can do it yeah so three lanes one goes off two lanes one comes back on again it's just the jankiest this is the jankiest thing ever i didn't do that just so they've got the slip lane going the right way so that's another way into the city which is going to introduce a ton of traffic down here and look at our little road you've added over the top people are very pleased to have this as an extra road to get through our city but it's just like oh my goodness me so this is all gonna be upgraded and then at the end are we gonna say they can go any direction they like are we gonna force them light i just think we're going to end up yeah we'll leave them like that i think with that extra lane they'll be able to get out um yeah oh my goodness what have i taken on okay quick double back onto our transportation our tram lines these trams are picking up people like nobody's business we've got more trams than we need because of the increased capacity so i am gonna drop that down to i think nine would be absolutely plenty let's take a look at our two metro lines still tons of people using this is our original one even more people are using the second one that we put in and if we look at how many trams we've got they're all pretty chock-a-block on that one they're all still moving i'm gonna add up to 15. i mean it's like a real gotta be careful here and see how it goes uh that was that line let's have a look at this line then our second line they're all jam-packed as well still got quite a few people waiting i'm going to add that to 15 at some point we're going to have too many on here for the for the rail oh we'll see how it goes and then our blimps yep all the extra blimps are working fine still got some extra people there if we had the ability to add more i would add more but we don't so that is what it is quick jump back in to see how it's going 68 it was 70 a minute ago oh my goodness me things are slowly improving which is fantastic i've also just noticed our tram line is pretty big but it only goes in one direction again it's this blue line here i had no idea so i'm going to add another line in so it goes in both directions and then half the amount of trams on each i think that's just uh just have to do it right let's check out the red map looking much better than it was before things are moving even though there's a couple of red spots let's see what our percentage is at let's come out of that view 76 percent it's growing now of course the only other issue that we've got uh when we solve the traffic is we need our population to go back up again it is growing slowly but maybe because the game has been updated a lot since the last time we played it the balance of things perhaps has changed so we need a lot more industry before we can get more people in um and we can use offices offices are great for industry so i'm thinking maybe let's just have a look over here lots of industry there yeah because one thing we haven't really looked at in this city is trying to balance our goods coming in and out which is going to be a huge change to the way the game works but yeah anyway we can only do so much i'm gonna change like all of these sections here to offices and i'm gonna sort of try and spread some offices around so people don't have to travel so far to work so any little spots that we've got that either haven't got houses in at the moment or used to have things in but have been deleted while we've been changing stuff and change all of that well all of them but a lot of them two offices like this over here look because people don't mind living next to offices there we go and hopefully that will take care of this need which will mean more people will move in something else worth keeping an eye on is our services our health care is pretty okay our death care is okay our fire coverage is horrendous so i'm going to put a few more fire stations in police coverage is fine schools yep they're fine where the people live that's no problem at all parks we probably do have a selection of those around yeah we do one option we do have now which we didn't have before is the child health care center and the elder care they have a huge area of effect so i'm gonna pop a couple of each of those in to cover our residential that will help the growth rate as well and as soon as you add in fire services you can start here in the uh houses upgrading the little ping ping pings that means more people are going to move in which is exactly what we want let's just take another quick look at our traffic as well 82 that is brilliant still got de-spawning turned off which is fantastic so things are really up jumpy game things are really starting to settle down which is brilliant i'm interested to see how much our cable cars are getting 84 uses on that one 54 okay 96 so that's a couple of hundred people crossing over the river that wouldn't have been able to do that before which is great oh and it's our little post office ah look our post sought an office not causing us any traffic anymore that was a much better place to have that aha we've just done it 50 000 population again in our city despawning turned off the traffic is 81 let's just take a look at that overview oh that is just absolutely fantastic as always a couple of red roads but nothing too shabby everything is moving around nicely that is absolutely fantastic well we've done it we completed our task of fixing the one tile city if you want to see this original video it will be in the cards above and in the description below go and check that one out let me know what you think of this one as well and we will be back very soon for some more city skylines thank you very much for watching take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 243,253
Rating: 4.9528885 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, 1 tile city, 1 tile, building a one tile city, building a one tile city in cities skylines, cities skylines single square, cities skylines one square size
Id: 88y17tKuKvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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