The Roundabout City That Needs all my Skill to Fix in Cities Skylines!

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welcome back to the next episode of City skylines where to me be right now this is part 2 if you haven't seen part 1 I might suggest that you go and watch it link in the description if you haven't yet it's okay because we are gonna take a deeper dive into solving all the traffic that we caused in the last episode you remember we left off last time with this absolutely huge crater on this roundabout abomination that you can see before you but you know what I just don't think that's a good enough fix let's actually take the time to sort this out properly okay so I am what the heck is going on with all of these roads you've got this one splitting off here to give people access to in here without going through all of this I think that's what you're doing and then if people are coming in there oh my goodness me this is coming this way off of here yeah what's happened is this traffic's got so bad you've then added all these other roads so basically try and bypass this Junction this roundabout and what I did notice using this in game 2 everybody gets access to this traffic routes select the road you want to look at so I want to look all these cars coming down here and see where they're going so we'll just select that load you can turn that off and a lot of them what do you notice I just put on the screen for a sec what do you notice is going on there it's a bit hard to see in this view but they're coming down here all these brown ones are trucks by the way they're coming down here they'll on a roundabout and then they're coming off going around this roundabout and then back up again back onto the roundabout instead of just going around the roundabout and leaving there by passing this to come up here and I to be honest have absolutely no idea why because if I look at this there's nothing forcing them here to stay in a particular lane so they're not being forced to come off by accidentally setting these up incorrectly that I can see the speed of the road these are all one hundred hundred and thirty hundred 2130 any ad that's a bit quick so maybe we'll just drop that one down this is forties that's like even slower so they're taking this big detour for no reason I'm just wondering whether something's broken with the node or something that's the only thing I can think of so I'm gonna just rebuild that road there like that to put that one on there we go and let's just see what happened and see whether any of these cars oh and also I am gonna use this tool here but click select biology signs yeah looks like you've sort of done them but let's just make sure they're 100% accurate press ctrl + shift and hover over the roundabout click that and it will set your roundabout up with all the giveaway signs are P bar look learnt it's starting to use it them up think there was a broken node or something but we've spotted that one um so now we've got quality signs coming on has it done in the lane you've done Lane stuff there I'm gonna just remove that we don't need lanes coming onto the roundabout that one now I'm gonna remove that one there I'm gonna remove yeah that's fine and then what it also does when you do that quick setup at your Junction restrictions hopefully and you want this one on and that one off that's the short version the slightly longer version is that means enter a block Junction the only wants this Junction here or this node you only want the ones on the roundabout to go into it and not these guys here if I put this one on watch what's not happening I think the first couple of cars might have to move out the way okay where they're not doing it but what will happen is once they start moving and they will just go and they won't pay attention to the yield or give way sign so that's the way you want it set up I was gonna check all of these you want that one off that one's okay they're going off that one's okay this one you want that off there where is that Lane here coming from it's coming from all the way up here that's got a dead end there I don't know where that was before it's coming from up here so you've given these guys again what you've probably done is have so much bad traffic coming down here you bypass the whole thing with this road I'm gonna leave it for now but normally having a road coming into a roundabout on the inside not a good idea yeah but anyway now that we've got people going around this roundabout a bit better all of this isn't as bad as it was so that means all of this traffic down here can start going instead of getting all chock-a-block and quarter I'm also going to upgrade do-do-do-do-do this one here to three lanes and then I'm gonna do the roundabouts quick set up there we go and you also get dedicated turning off lanes which is good you've got two lanes here going into one lane and what you know which is a bit silly they're gonna sort of get in each other's way so I'll be honest what should I do two and one like that do one lane going into two for coming out one lane coming off how'd you know we could do actually now let's let's not do that let's upgrade this to two lanes but that back to what it was yeah and that's okay that can be one lane going into twos fine then to three lanes going into two your own Institute that's no problem it's just make sure there's a roundabout still set up correctly even though monkey with the road yeah and then also you don't want them to stop it in this gap like that you want them to keep going so here that's where you want to enter the block Junction on so just keep flowing okay so it's gonna take a while for this to go down we're gonna do a little bit if you go there that's already done you're being false straight on okay that's fine I can pick a lane there they can pick a lane there so they can do that as they go around the roundabout I am thinking of moving this here to somewhere else what is this one coming up here so you'll basically bypassing the man about and bringing people up there no okay let's get rid of this again it's a bypass to help people not go on the roundabout on but once the roundabouts running okay it will be fine and this is a bypass to miss the whole thing to go off the highway isn't it we could actually have that one I'll put back in sorry sorry everybody sorry and then down here we'll just do this ctrl-click so we'll have a dedicated lane for going off and then we'll just say keep going through keep going through it's fine good so if they want to bypass the roundabouts and just get onto the highway that's no problem but that means we're not having this weird little connection he always so got this one haven't we which is coming from up there so I want to connect that over here so let's just pause a sec we're not going to have that coming in there what we're gonna do is we are going to sync this road underground like that what is that doing it's going all lumpy bumpy above the ground is it well hang on a minute let me sort that out there we go used to move it moored lowered it all down and then this load that's coming up from Underground's here we can now attach so this part of the highway so let's go back to normal there so we grab that and say I want you to go there so that's now gonna attach there instead which makes much more sense and again just double double-check that sort of setup good so now keep an eye on this these cars there we go we haven't got any castle of diving into here so once these boneheads have got out the way means these are gonna come out a lot quicker which means this should go down all of this yeah and that should really help let's just check over here what's going on so I'm imagine you've got some lanes out there yes you have to make sure you've got no weird lanes set up anywhere cause many problems no we're fine let's just follow this back bit of walk you're walking Lane switchin there so I want needs to merge so Hugo there and then they've got this Lane this that this node this node this node this node this node all of these nodes to change lanes and they will be able to do it a lot easier once this traffic goes down two lanes you have three lanes down to two lanes is that so you can get down to four lanes up here yeah we should have bit odds and we'll leave it for now because I'll tell you what's probably gonna happen is like us keep saying when the traffic goes down it won't be so bad so what yeah actually I'm really been keeping track fifty-four percent we run a few changes but I mean this is the main thing if we just take a look at the rest of the city once this gets sorted it will help with this up here and it won't be so bad it won't be so bad believe me so we're gonna let this run for a bit and then I hope you back with you okay it's been running for a while the traffic has gone down but it sort of goes through waves it goes down a bit it builds up again yeah it causes all sorts of problems and one thing that I just noticed here let's just pause as a second and look around your city so this is a start from the middle here this is your your main bit of city but office in the middle office doesn't have much traffic and as you go out you've got all the living quarters and things around here you've got high density residential and then as you go out a couple of things you've got low density then you've got some commercial and understanding how the game works will also help in the way that you deal with your traffic because then outside of this and all the commercial places need stuff from the industries and all the residential people that live in the residential houses need to go to industry to work so they are going to be travelling up here over here to work or they're going to be traveling all the way down here to work these are the only industry places there are some will go into the offices of course and then also coming out of the industry so the to industry up here you've got your forestry and things and your industry down here they're going to be taking the goods all the way back into here minute the only way they're sort of doing that when you do have some other highway junctions but the fastest ways through here so that's why they're all coming through here so I want to know first of all how many people are getting caught up in this traffic so let's take a look we are gonna take a look underground we've got this little road here which brings in a lot of people see to 7% traffic flow yet let's use the ingame traffic routes tool and we're gonna select this road here so this road here is a tunnel that's connected to this Junction and we can see what you've done this Junction here it doesn't come straight into this roundabout you've sort of split it off so they can come in that way coming that way and again I can sort of see what you've done you might have had this connected at some point and then the traffic just got too bad and you try to sort of spread it out but what we're seeing let's go back to this tool here is the majority of cars coming down here at purple you can see look how many purple could we take the purple outs so there's some brown and I normally just remove off here public transport city services pedestrians and cyclists so I've got some brown allowed in the purple apply for vehicles absolutely loads and all coming down here they're taking this road if they want to bypass all of this and get over to this roundabout all they're taking this road which is the bit we fixed in the last episode clogging all this up to get in here and they're all coming over to here look you can see what the purple lines going everywhere and why is that because this is all industry this is where they want to work so my next thought process is how can we get people over here and without driving and of course is public transportation so let's have a look no buses no trolley buses no tram lines no trains no ferry lines no air transport lines no mana rails but if we come back to this one you do have metro lines they're excellent you've got Metro but where is your metro there is no Metro down here or over here at all all your metro is in here so you've put in nice rings going around taking people's different places which is fine nothing in the middle though which might help some traffic there but there's no metro going to the places where people can work over here and down here so that is something that we really need to put in okay so nothing complicated we've got a station in there that sort of wine you demand the tunnels that we've got and then I split it off here to come to this station and this station now a lot of these I think they're just like a ring all the way around the outside yeah so what I would like to do is to make sure people can walk across and get from one side to the other so for instance that station there they could cross over walk up this row but then they get stuck here they're gonna have to walk around this massive ring to come down here so yeah ideally I really want some walking paths on these places so I am just gonna go there and I'm gonna put in some walking paths between these roads to help these guys walking paths it's definitely something you want to have plenty of in your city because people do like to walk and if you make it easy for them to walk from one place of the other let's just do it there there we go then they're gonna walk people like to do that so hopefully that will also cut down in your traffic like the end of roads like this get a little walking path in yep give people the option there we go and using a pedestrian bridge builder you can automatically just add ones onto the end of these little roads here like that which works really well and there we go perfect example I've gone around the whole ring just on this road this is a flippin big ring you know keep thinking I've come to the end of it and all there's a big fire in the middle and look you can already see people coming out of here using this path crossing over coming down here and getting into that metro station so now they have access to the inner ring of the metro station but now what I'm gonna do is give these guys access to be able to cross over to the inner inner ring of the metro so I'll do that and I'll be back with you okay a couple of things ahead I'm thinking I must be nearly at the end I'm here on this wing here and then i zoom out and I realize that there's still all of these rings to go flippin heck this is but yeah more people are walking which is great I'm gonna keep grinding away at this and I'll be back with you in a sec I forgot that the metros didn't go all the way into the center section but what I'm doing now is I'm just adding some paths through the middle here it means some of these buildings have to rebuild themselves and then I'm adding some crossings like this with the crossing mod so people can walk from one side to the other and don't have to drive everywhere which is what we're trying to avoid are we so yeah I'm gonna do that all the way around in various strategic places as well totally forgot I can turn off anarchy on this mod here and it means it's not gonna whoops it's not gonna remove all of the I want to build a crossing please there we go it's not gonna remove any of the buildings that works much better oh I love it when I spot something like this all these cars this is the junction we've been working on to fix they're all backing up backing out all backing up and look it's because we have one lane doing two things can we put this down to two lanes no let's leave it three lanes oh there we go so just one little click here with this one here lane arrows control click why is you're not doing that okay we'll do it this way then mm you go there so now this one gets one dedicated lane for turning off is there any other nodes in the middle here no but they can pick where they want to go on that node so that's okay now just keep this moving moving moving moving moving and stop these guys doing all this whole cube or q lane switching back there which is great and the very next Junction along exactly the same issue this we're gonna solve with a bit of Lane mathematics three lanes one is going off this tool here please down to two we'll do that all the way along ping-ping-ping - best brush finish - and a Bosch there we go and now we've got a dedicated turning lane and people are not getting in each other's way and in case it gets busy I'm just gonna do that oh well I'm gonna do that on the other side as well and then of course when they come out here you want to help they're merging there we go but if you go there you go there and then the other direction you go and finally you go through excellent I'm just wondering here whether we can do with yeah I'm gonna just change this as there's quite a few cars coming in so these guys could do with more lane so we can upgrade that to two lanes we're gonna Hugo there for that bit and then we're gonna upgrade this to four lanes I think for a couple of stretches that one and that one we're gonna say no merging in the middle so it counts that as one big long four-lane stretch and in this bit here they've all got a lane each we can already see it's gone down and then they'll merge somewhere down here but as the traffic goes through that way it's a bad that stop backing out that's not backing out this is stop backing up little things like that make all the difference let's take a quick look so we're getting there we are getting there so quick look at our metro metro line 12 is 129 passengers not as many as I would hope but I am hoping that more people are gonna start using these and walking so the passengers have dropped on these metro lines I think that's because people are walking more which is what we want to see if we go into the metro line overview we get a car trip saved 33 percent which is absolutely brilliant so that has taken 1/3 out of all the cars that would have come down to this area down here that we spoke about before this this little area which is really good the traffic's no horrendous in here Oh yikes so this is also worth mentioning as you fix traffic in one area quite often the traffic reboots itself they've got new options new things they can do and traffic will build up in another area so we're just going to take a look at these roundabouts here then oh I've got to be honest it's far too many roundabouts all this close to each other I am just thinking what we might just do here is remove this this this and this and we're going to remove the outsides of all of these there we go and this one here and we're gonna turn this one into an oblong about we're also gonna use three lane one-way load so this can go yeah I think you very much this can go straight up yeah like that that can go straight down there like that's not the prettiest shape ever but it is what it is that's gonna get upgraded that's gonna get upgraded and then we can use on roundabout tool here ctrl shift s there we go recognizes that is it roundabouts ish we're now have given T signs for all the cars coming on and if we just check this one yeah those have got to go off that's off already that's off already that is off that's off that's cars coming in so that one's got to be off that's fine that's got to be off let's move along that's fine that's fine and that one there we go so now all of these cars that are struggling should be able to get around that a bit quicker I'm just wondering whether to add some walking path around this thing let's see how the walking path mod does and pedestrian bridge on here in a roundabout let's go for that Hey there we go nice in a roundabout they can all connect they can walk over the top level and all the way around nice that looks fantastic and then down here this road can certainly be upgraded thank you in a roundabout mods that's gonna get all done it just got rid of one of the roads and this here we don't know coming up being turning around and going back down again so we're gonna do that and one that you go through so it's all going to go straight on and we're gonna say don't stop at that Junction there excellent let me just put in this little bit of roundabouts load that I accident there we go that'll be good nice I'm some dedicated turning lanes up here like one on the ctrl-click what's this road here ya want this to keep moving so what I'm gonna do is you give why you keep going through and I'm also gonna say don't change lanes in this so you can pick your lane when you come down here and I'm also gonna upgrade this road to two lanes at the end and I'm gonna say I don't need to come up here and turn around so I'm gonna do that and so you go through - - to [Music] upgrade this - - as well where does that one go that goes ran here and joins over there yeah that'll be fine there we go you go through Cutler lanes each these will take your lane that they want these I've got all the lanes they need yeah I'll let them do a bit of walky walky Lane switchin and this is like moving much better now look just gotta wait for this traffic to go down and that should be very very helpful these roundabouts here let's just double-check this setup correctly so I'm just gonna do the control shift click on each of those it looks like they are and then these ones this ends this is all just a bit so we're going to do the same thing here okay couple of other changes then I've made so now we've got this oblong about here I've changed this to a 2 lane road going both ways because a lot of these cars were coming off coming around here to head down here well they can use this roundabout here now to get to where they want and this little section here we've got this one road splitting into two so I am gonna change this one into two that one leg comes off spreads to - you can get straight on or down here which then goes over here somewhere we'll look at that in a sec and then this Lane coming down here a lot of people coming down here and turning left so go back and cut across this traffic so I've set this one to go right only down here and they can come down here turn around somewhere else if they wish and that's just kept this bit moving much better no traffic here this is too bad these are now coming off a lot quicker so now we just need to try and sort out what the heck is going on this way to all these guys and girls are coming up here and trying to leave and it's just becoming a nightmare so what we are gonna do is I'm going to just remove all of this like that very good I'm then gonna grab my let's start with two-lane roads let's turn that off there so we're gonna have this ones coming out like that this one is going in there we go and then we're gonna try and sort of set this up so there's a way in and a way out I'm just wondering whether so if we have this is the way in and that is the way out so it's gonna mean some use of dare I say it six lane one-way road just because you've already got buildings alongside these now don't all get messed up with the size so that's I hate using these roads but let's just pop those in I could set them up so they don't use all of the use all of the lanes but we'll see how that goes and then this one here I want that to come round to there yeah we're definitely have to do something so don't use all the lanes because this is a bit overkill six down into two that is never good and then that can go there like that there we go yeah that's going into six anyway so let's unpause that this becomes a dead-end road just for access for these guys so might just need to connect another little road up here somewhere coming off of this one let's grab this road that's better and then either end we'll make sure it's give way like that and give way like that and we've got dedicated turning lanes there and there Excel is all those that are coming underneath doing my nuts so yeah here we might just need to change a couple of little things so we've got two lanes coming up here I've only used this for the size like I said you know what I don't even need to use it for the size there the buildings are all disappeared next to it let's just go straight down to a two lane one-way loads there we go so we don't get all that horrible penis we're gonna let people turn around yeah I suppose why not and then what I'm gonna do here is workers I'm just gonna use the moving mod just to give that little bit of a sweep so they can get in a bit easier and we the same they're a little bit of a sweep you can't just do that one there yeah and hopefully these guys and girls will get out of here nice and quick let's just check we've still got the give why we want you to go through and yeah let's see how that goes while we're waiting for the cars to work out what's going on remember this from the last episode how chock-a-block this was everywhere look how clear that is everything you've been able to enter and exit swiftly and easily and this section here as well with your cargo Airport fan flippin tastic so the next thing that we need to check out are these industry areas that have lied outside the city and are causing lots of traffic look at that it is backing up as far as the eye can see well if you I can see from here to here it's as far as the eye can see we need to do something about that I was hoping to get this whole city fixed in one episode but for these three episodes I'm trying something a bit different I'm not removing huge swathe of my city fixing so many of you want to just see everything so this one is gonna take three episodes I guarantee the third episode this place will be humming it will be absolutely smooth running traffic so thank you very much for watching don't forget to leave a like so you don't miss out on the next one we're normally subscription we're happy to do that but a lot be handy as well enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll see you very soon take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 457,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines tutorial
Id: SuMzQ2WalgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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