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after four months we're finally putting the tie back on and we're flying for work not just to stay current today we're gonna fly from miami florida up to tampa [Music] international [Music] all right welcome aboard the tbm 850 everybody we'll start this up with the marshall no we're ready to wind up he's letting me know we're ready to go fuel boost pump on bolts are looking good on the battery starter is on ignition light is also on now looking down at the ng it's going to rise up and stabilize right at about 14 reduce the fuel to low idle [Music] now we're watching the itt for our hot start and the ng for a hung start looks like the itt is going to temp out right at 7 38. that's celsius now we're continuing to watch the ng to make sure it winds up through the start cycle it's a good start so we'll go over and pick up the adis here at opalaca information alpha one two four seven zero weather when zero nine or zero one six gusts one matter of missibility one zero two thousand one hundred scattered three thousand two hundred scattered temperature three zero two point two five altimeter two niner nine or eight ils runway nine are left approaching use landing in a parting runway not our left not a right and one two notice chairman runway niner left glideslope on monitored by the tower runway niner left outer marker out of service advisories ground control and clearance delivery combined one two zero point zero two miami approach frequency is 119.45 at five solar shield contact you have information alpha all right we have information alpha we'll walk the ground number five one tango bravo over it's signature the alpha looking to pick up 2 foreign international airport via the miami 6 departure winco transition then it's filed maintain 2 000 expect flight level 260 100 minutes after departure departure frequency 119.45 squawk zero zero four six cleared up the tampa miami six winco transition s5 maintain two thousand two six zero ten minutes after nineteen forty five departure frequency squawking zero zero four six i've already five one tango bravo the rave type one tango bravo read back is correct stay parking and we're going to be approaching spot 3 with information out front we're ready taxiing all right if i want to bravo 351 tango bravo roger runway not our left hands to be in november 6th november november 6th november to 9 left 851 tango bravo thanks all right we'll give the marshall a flash of our tax light and he's telling us we are cleared to taxi straight ahead and off we go to spot three it is extremely hot in this cabin today 801 clearance tuned nasa plus 30 degrees celsius outside and humidity is no joke trends auto 801 001 let me check the system i'd like to welcome everybody on board it's a exciting day to be back finally working once again the last four months i've just been flying to stay current so it feels good to actually have a purpose to get up here to fly flaps down we got the wings out there you see the flaps coming down you guys do like these videos be sure to smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel also ring that little bell that will notify you when we upload a video amps are now at a reasonable level we can put the air conditioning on we'll do our over speed governor check here 1900 there we go the drop is within our limits and back overspeed governor test checks out good so the one thing in our clearance today they cleared us up to fill two six zero that's actually a mistake uh we'll just correct that in the air i filed for one six thousand on the way over to tampa today you look down here at the ipad you'll see there's our taxi diagram and there we are a little blue airplane yeah we got the traffic inside out there looks like a cessna short final we'll wait for him to land and then we'll hopefully get our clearance after that to take off 1500 flies your nines here in the heading all right if i want to bravo all right clear for takeoff across the whole short line here i got the uh one cessna out there on final and the runway is clear down the runway line up here on centerline and tampa international here we come all right gonna ease the prop rpm up to 2000 and advance our takeoff power takeoff power is set well temperature pressures all look good and the green now we're just looking for our rotation speed there it is positive rate and indicating we'll go gear up here is up i got a little traffic call out there no factor i'm going to go flat sub selected hey i'll damper on now the airplane shouldn't yaw around as much remember 851 tango bravo contact my own departure seven thousand eight five one tango and we're going to climb in is mode we've got 7000 set up in our altitude free selector there you go put the autopilot on go into some imc conditions right now we cannot really see out the windows very clearly so we'll be rolling off our instruments number one tango bravo turn on the left in three two zero left three two zero one tango bravo three two zero set up with our heading bug and since we're in heading mode we're out there to the left for the most part from what i can see now see we're actually climbing a little bit at a faster indicated airspeed than what i would like to do we're at 160 so i'm going to hit the control wheel steering button here on the left side of the yoke that gives me manual control over the yoke now you're going to see the cws light coming on now i'm going to pitch the airplane up so we're going to bleed off that air speed back to 140 then i'll release the cws button there's our three two zero heading and our airspeed is now at 140. i release the cws button now the autopilot takes back over control number one tango bravo climate maintaining one four fourteen thousand maintain one four thousand eight five one tango bravo and we'll adjust our pressurization we'll maintain vfrs on a ball three hundred altitude i'm going to clear that uh confusion up on our cruising altitude flight in three zero zero to join the winco transition three zero zero to join the lincoln transition and we have a correction on that cruise altitude if you get it what's the odds you want a one six thousand eight five one ten brother you want one six thousand for your final hey far all right let's bake that one six thousand will be your phone three zero zero in the heading did you join the lincoln transition i'll expect one six thousand eight five one tango broken okay so we got that all cleared up since now we're on a hidden assignment to join the winco transition we'll go into nav mode now the airplane is gonna hold three zero zero heading until the winko transition comes in there and then it'll automatically join that transition and we're going to go into 850 mode power's just under 100 percent flap whoever goes up and over the gate i'm going to flip this switch down by my left knee special separator is coming off let's let more air into the intake we're getting our torque rise our itt drop and we'll be able to utilize torque above 100 i just have to be careful because we can over torque the engine now that would not be a good thing that could be about a four hundred thousand dollar bill if we were to do that take a look down here at the ipad there we are look at all the different airplanes all around us and there's the winco transition that magenta line [Music] and it's finally starting to get more comfortable in the cabin here with the temperature actually put the armrest down get a little comfortable for those of you that are new to my channel this is my job with the covet that has come out right on coronavirus [Applause] lately i've just been flying to stay current keep the airplane working properly it feels good to be actually get back in the airplane and have a purpose to get up here and fly it around passing through the last haze layer here that's right where the haze layer is is that one two thousand five hundred feet they'll get a little pump here too just pass through that final haze layer and it's gonna be smoothing right on out above that headlight three thirty two channels that's one thousand to go one three thousand all right there we are so the airplane's captured one four thousand we're getting a little bit closer to the wink of a transition three point three laundry would be miles to the right of it one three two point four closing in nice and smooth now that we got above that hazeler reggie and i actually just both got our one coveted 19 test results in just yesterday and we both tested negatives so we're good to go he's back in the back study he also goes to college so there's the transition came in that's where nav mode airplane is turning on to the winco transition which is a virtual line between the dolphin vr and the winco intersection left five zero and we'll square up the three five american 16 40. one time go bravo fly maintain one six sixteen thousand and contact miami center one three two point four five thirty two forty five and we'll climb maintain one six thousand eight five one tango bro okay okay so we've got one six thousand set up with vsf one thousand five hundred feet a minute up miami good morning the rfi one tango bro one four thousand climbing to one six thousand three five one tango bravo miami center for mars altimeter two nine another seven hi seven thank you so we got our clearance ripped to our cruise altitude now yeah i went with a new mounting system here with pivot cases they've got this really nice uh case for the ipad keeps it really uh secured and uh safe when i'm traveling around and also it's got the uh the yolk mounting system so it's my first flight with it and it seems like it's really working out pretty well it comes on and off real quick and easy a little button on the back just slips right off and if once you go to put it back on you come in the airplane here and click it right back yeah so far i'm really enjoying the pivot case mounting system actually i think i'll have a link in the description below you're gonna if you guys want to mount something like this in your airplane they'll have a discount code uh you'll be able to save money so that's always a good thing be sure to check down in the description below for that so there we are leveling out one [Music] power if we take a look down here at the ipad we've got the synthetic vision on the top there and our routing down there on the bottom you go to the airport tab here there's tamp international looks like winds are 110 at nine gusting 14 10 mile visibility few 28 000 and 29 degrees celsius so most likely go get the ils for one nine left so there is our approach plate so we'll get that all set up and briefed and we can set cruise power so we're going to pull the power back just a little bit and then we'll pull the prop rpm back to 1900 1281 fire present having vectors for forward traffic out front there we go cruise power is set you can readjust our torque a little bit here all right so we're all set up put the xm radio on enjoy the views and catch you a little bit farther down the arrival [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here we are at uh 220 heading 2000 to join the localizer mode here comes the localizer in you can see it airplanes turn 7607 onto the local level maintain two established clear the ils runway non-approach 18 2000 until established cleared ios 35607 here for the visual one-nine left over tower eight five one tango bravo good morning win 1 1 0 1 3 gust 1 7 normally on our left blue land clear to land one nine left eight five one tango all right so we have a gusty crosswind off the left our flap selected first notch and looking out and also make sure it indicates i've selected and indicating this will go geared down selected and indicating yeah we're going to have a little bit of a gusty crosswind here off the left-hand side we're going to keep the crab in and i'll kick the crab out right as we get into the flare i'm actually going to take off the odd damper 9933 departure every day departure cabinet now i could utilize the motor pedals kj793b just a moment tbm traffic shortfall now we're still pretty fast i like to keep the speed up when coming into these bigger airports on the short final just because you know you're dealing with a lot of other traffic that's going a lot faster than what normally ga airplanes will be going 500. that's 500 feet to the ground we're looking good because you can see we are crabbed pretty good i don't know if you guys can see it through the cameras the nose is pointing way over to the left of the runway and it's a little bumpy and there's our decision height that was as low as we could have gone if we were on the approach yeah we hit a little windshield right there i'll go back to flight idle kick the crab out and nice smooth touchdown i surprise myself sometimes go back into reverse and welcome to tampa international guys five one tango bravo clear one nine left on juliet need to go out of signature hey i'm not getting anybody on ground i had to go back to tower and ask him tower uh ground control no one's up on that yeah another guy over the gate is trying to get it for his push and i also i can't get contact them either okay where are you parking today uh we're clear one night left on juliet and we need to go to signature eight five ten brother i'll take a bravo roger right turn there on delta cross runway two eight signature this frequency roger thanks right turn on delta cross two eight in the ramp with two eight five one ten brother one tango bravo once you get across the runway down there try them again on twenty one seven just to see if our uh our stuff's working roger i'll try again one tango brother all right so something must be going on with that so anyway we're packs in with the tower frequency here or monitor ground there's only two eight even though we were a little bit cleared across we always check anyway clearly left clear to the right four flights telling me we're running runway one zero two eight see down here on the ipad there we are taxiing and let's give ground one more try right here ground eight five one tango bravo sorry five one tango bravo ground good morning tax should ramp their view sierra adreno the ramp thanks one time bro all right so the up ground is back up and running we're in here before speeding up no problem glad that you're making back video on this one yeah actually i am so yeah you'll be featured on this video fantastic yeah thanks very nice controller the tampa controllers here are always really nice so we've got our marshaller over here to the left we'll follow his hand instructions we'll shut this thing down and call it a day great first day being back at work good morning charlie we'll see you later if you guys did like the video smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel also ring that little bell and we'll talk to you again someday soon take care guys [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 120,384
Rating: 4.9887924 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, TBM850, vlog, Travel, Becoming a pilot, Pilot life, Pilot, Career in aviation, ATC audio, ATC, Flying IFR, Landing an airplane, Taking off, Cockpit, Flying, Airplane, Aircraft, Turboprop, Flying a TBM, Miami, Tampa, Flying single pilot, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviation, PIVOT Cases, S1K
Id: 4VKJ0Ti5Hvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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