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you know what time it is it's time to reposition the tbm 850 from tampa international up to brooksville [Music] florida [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right welcome aboard the tbm 850 here at tampa international airport we're gonna do an ifr flight up to brooksville florida short flight but it should be a busy one so here we go we'll start it up it's clear outside get a goose pump on starters on steroid is blinking ignition light is on watching the ng rise up it's gonna stabilize right at 14 percent and reduce fuel flow to low idle now we're watching our igt for hot start ng for hungster it's a very hot day out there plus 32 degrees celsius here on the ramp looks like the itt is going to temp out at 7 32. that was a pretty cool start actually for how hot it is outside and there we go good start all right so i did file for a pdc pre-departure clearance i didn't get that but i did get the digital latest we got information zulu we have it all right here on a text that gets sent to you so 1770. all that information and we want to listen to our plans and get our clearance tampa clearance good morning our 851 tango bravo over signature with zulu negative ptc pick for ifr www tango bravo tampa clearance good morning you're cleared to the brooksville airport as filed at the departure for heading zero six zero maintain one thousand six hundred expect five thousand one zero minutes of the departure departure frequency 119.9 squawk four six six tree clearing up to brooksville as filed on departure will maintain a zero six zero heading one thousand six hundred feet expect five thousand ten minutes after nineteen nine on departure frequency squawking four six six three number eight five one tango bravo maybe a montana bravo read correct departure eight is zulu is current good morning what do we have to do thanks for having me all right so we have our clearance we're gonna expect a zero six zero heading on departure and one thousand six hundred feet so that all set up there we go and we got our squawk in the transponder our code 4663 over the ground frequency and get on our way here if we take a look down here at the taxi diagram looks like we'll be taking off a one-nine left up there it's a brief our taxi instructions here it's probably looks like we're gonna have echo across runway two eight uh right up up to one nine left so be prepared for when we ask for our taxi instructions here good morning tampa ground i'm our 851 tango bravo over at signature zulu with great attacks november eight five one take a bravo you said you're a signature hey firm at signatures information zulu right taxi one ticket one tango bravo runway one on our left cb at delta juliet echo cross runway to a delta juliet echo across from only two eight nine eight five one two give the marshall a quick tech see light flash all right let's know we're ready to go on this very clear taxi straight ahead and now to the left great job here at signature these folks are really nice they do a good job so we're going to do a left turn out over here to delta and we're going to cross 2a juliet echo to rally one nine left so basically by looking at the taxi diagram there we were pretty much prepared for what they were going to give us we'll go through the wings we'll check our flight controls free and correct yeah i'd like to welcome everybody on board it's a really fun day to be able to fly the tbm around 4203 contact departure good day this is a reposition flight it's very short direct line with only eight minutes but where the my co-worker needs to be picked up from is there to go back to miami today coming up here is runway two eight we were to cross even though we're clear we'll check clear to the left layer to the right number one tango bravo your new departure instructions will be fly heading 310 climate maintain 1600 and departure frequency 118.8 roger tree ones here on the heading 1 600 on the altitude and uh 18 8 under parts from the 851 so we got a little change up there three one zero one thousand six hundred and we'll put eighteen eight as our new departure frequency gotta be able to roll with the punches and here's juliet so we will now turn right on juliet left on echo and continue to runway that one nine left out of the wings out there we'll put our flaps down lap selected and indicating if you push the go around button here you'll see it'll bring your flight director up to its appropriate attitude for the takeoff i will also go heading load and arm that uh altitude and that will pre-select so i've just started using the pivot cases the ipad protector here which is really cool and then also you can snap it right on and it's a yoke mount that i have and what's really nice about the uh pivot case mount is it comes off really quick just by unscrewing the hand toggle here and you can switch it out to any airplane you fly so i got a link in the description they actually if you go to their website and put in stevo on kanivo you'll get a discount so i really like this uh you go found you know so if you guys are thinking about purchasing something like this for the fly with be sure to go over and enter stevo juan can evo and your discount code and you'll save some money that's always a good thing it's a long taxi here tampa ground be now the tractor pop up request taxi from uh signature and fox 1 really and information zulu we'll have a nice sharp right turnout after we lift off here we're good good morning r851 tango bravo holding shoulder number one tango bravo flighting two one five now climate maintain three thousand runway one on our left click for takeoff traffic six month final [Music] there's our third time we got a different change up here you got to roll with the punches 24 35 so here we go three thousand on now on the runway is clear finals clear besides it looks like there's an airliner out there and about a five mile flight airplane 24 35 tower runway one on our left cleared all right here we go there we go i'll ease the power up it's a hot day so you got to go slow at first and not that to keep the itt down and takeoff power is set oil temperatures pressure's all good for push back your discretion got a left crosswind on this take off so i'm holding my crosswind correction in looking for a rotation speed there it is we'll tap the brakes i got a positive rate and indicating gear up and gear is up i also got flaps up y'all damper on i'll start our right turn to a two one five heck now we're gonna get this autopilot on as quick as we can because we got a heavy workload to get ready for our next landing which is pretty close so there's our two on five heading and we're gonna have number one tango bravo cutout departure today for departure enjoy your day one tango bravo now we got uh one one niner point one two after departure good morning ray five one tango bravo two thousand two hundred climbing to three thousand november eight five one tango bravo tampa departure radar contact climb and maintain five thousand maintain five thousand one take a breath five thousand set up an altitude pre-selection we're gonna climb in is are you checking in hey firm uh descending through six thousand four hundred for five thousand november six go to airport tab there's brooksville tampa bay regional airport if the asos put in there one three four one tango bravo turn right heading three five zero right three five zero one tango bravo yeah these are always the busiest flights these short ones so we got thirty four seventy two set up we'll start monitoring that about a half a mile rather than airport november one tango bravo advise when you have the automated weather approval we've got the automated weather brooksville 851 tango bravo thank you yeah we'll actually get the ios set up for 9. camp 851 tango bravo request approach into brooksville november one tango bravo i should be able to do that for you roger thank you all right so we gotta quickly get everything briefed here and set up for the approach into brooksville november one tango bravo clear direct abroad correct broad eight five one two bravo thanks select approach ios 9 there's broad we're going to activate the uh approach and go direct broad november 6 hotel room 95 6 hotel room november 9 or 4 alpha turn left heading one six zero and actually go to the heading mode i'll put the uh setting bug on there november nine before we can get the approach up to the zero nine four there we go i will go back into nav mode go right on down to 276 200 and the radar altimeter there we go we also briefed the missed approach instructions we'll go three thousand feet a minute down to three thousand i'll pull the power back chain one yeah these short flights are busy and then you throw in an approach like this keeps you on your toes bounced around a little bit going through this car we'll see how it is i'm not too bad if we come down here to flight plan i'll go to procedures hit approach ils9 we'll do broad we can then add to row there we go we now superimpose the approach plate right onto the ipad here with foreflight we're going direct abroad at this time so there and drink two there we go we're all set up good situal awareness we've got our airplanes over there by the airport leveling out at 3 000 feet got a little power in here again now brooksville tower is 1855 so stay ahead of this flight we'll put that in uh underneath the uh com one there november one tango bravo descended maintain two thousand gotta maintain two thousand wait for one tickle brother okay two thousand set up and are out the two pieces number nine and turn left heading one one fifteen hundred feet a minute [Music] and we're coming up on the broad intersection here november one tango bravo you're about uh five miles from the final approach fix turn right heading zero six zero maintain two thousands here established on the low closure cleared ils runway niner approach here's six zero maintain two thousand until established on the localized play for the ios 9 approach 851 take forever and we'll activate vectors to final all right so doing an ils into brooksville yeah localizers coming in we're in approach mode so the airplane is capturing that course we'll put our heading bug to our final approach course of the 094 light slopes coming down we're thinner flap speeds we'll put our first notch and flaps in if you look out there you'll see the flaps coming down coast guard rescue six zero nine about uh we go down to one thousand positions six hundred feet you're selected down i always like to keep my hand on the gear handle is practical abandoned indicating down november one tango bravo contact tower one one eight point five five i'm gonna tie our 1855 one ticket every day russell tower good morning five one tango bravo the ios uniform turn back to the left extend your downwind you're gonna follow traffic just call me already inside the marker on the final turn left to avoid the traffic two four uniforms two four uniforms right looks about a three mile final at tbm looking for traffic two from here dbm one tango bravo runway niner clear land clear land runway niner eight five one ten looking for this traffic it's gonna go in before us but then we call our final and he knows we're too close it should be passing off our right that's two five yeah there we go right over here that traffic will be off you're right on about a short final we got the site will be number two two four uniform sorry about that didn't know it was that close and uh you are number two there's another bird yeah the birds are out here today i don't know if you saw that one fly by our right wing 500. that's 500 feet to the ground and we're getting close to our minimums this point really likes to oscillate on ils is down low up and down with the pitch so we're just going to disconnect the auto power and fly the rest of the way in there's our decision altitude very good traffic is assessed at the part of runway 2-1 southbound copy fast side departing runway 2-1 southbound 5-6-5 i'll watch for you dbm 85-110 bravo turn left at alpha 3. contact ground on one to 1.4 alpha three and go underground make sure up on time all right so here's alpha three that's where we've been told to turn off the runway and we'll go over the ground and we'll clean the airplane up once we cross that whole shoreline welcome to brooksville florida guys pass the whole shoreline clean up the plane contact ground rock fell drone all right if i went tangle bravo clear nine and alpha three need to go over to atlantic aviation the way five one tango bravo roger turn right on alpha to the end alpha one two three all right so i hope you guys enjoyed that flight and it is a hot day out here it's plus 31 degrees here yeah that's a reposition flight even though it's a short flight when you're driving you know that's about a 45 minute drive so now you know the boss just has to drive a very short time to get to the plane and go back to miami rather than have to drive all the way back down to tampa that's the convenience of general aviation got the ipad here because there we are blinking away from alpha alpha one down into american aviation what a name i called it but yeah it's american aviation and you'll see the sign right up here in front of us the ramp to the right that would be alpha one right over in there all right i think we should park right here no marshaller came out but this looks good to you looks good to me all right guys well i hope you enjoyed that flight if you did smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel and we will talk to you again someday soon sometimes the blues just look passing burn and why can't that always [Music] just enough dark to see [Music] how you feel light over me [Music] [Music] the cowboys [Music] me you
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 62,327
Rating: 4.9882045 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, TBM850, Career in Aviation, Becoming a pilot, Airlines, Taking off, Cockpit, ATC audio, ATC, Flying IFR, Travel, Pilot, Pilot life, Aircraft, Airplane, Landing an airplane, Tampa, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviation, Pivot Case, S1K, Flying, Flying single pilot
Id: KJ-xI3gg68A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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