Capt Valerie BLOWS AWAY my TBM850 with her TURBOCHARGED BARON!

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currently we're all in quarantine and we're doing social distancing due to the pandemic well today my friend valerie and i we need to keep these airplanes exercised and stay current so we're going to fly the tbm a50 and the baron in formation flight here we go [Music] [Music] it is [Music] me [Music] [Applause] i'd like to welcome everybody on board today it's gonna be a really fun flight here me and captain val over there we're gonna do a formation flight down the beach go down by ocean reef then come back up into oblocka shooting ils you guys do like these videos smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel if you want to see more of these videos ring that little bell and that also notifies when i upload a video we're not going to hold too tight of a formation today it's going to be a pretty loose formation you know we're not shaun d tucker so we're not trying to press anybody today just gonna enjoy this flight together opelika tower baron 1879 november one flight at two niner left ready for departure we're in one eight seven niner lima flight of block of tower city for direction of fights we're gonna head south to cfr over the coastline number 1879 lima eastbound departures approved runway nine left clear for takeoff now the last clipper take off by one seven nine months later all right so we got our takeoff clearance here so we've already pre-briefed this whole what about the deal she's going to take the right side of the runway i'll be taking the left nine or less low approach in india [Applause] this should be fun we'll be uh taking the left side as we breathed and you'll be taking the right four nine seven four goal from nine left clear low approach thank you nice wide runway for all this to be taking place coast guard two three one eight turn left one able contact ground one off we're gonna have a right crosswind on this takeoff just running it up getting those turbos going [Music] and here we go takeoff power is set i can actually feel her awake well i'll tell you i think the tur the turbocharged bearing is outperforming us here that's embarrassing for tbm a little gear up selected and we'll tap the brakes i'm actually going to go a little bit higher than her path to stay out of her wake turbulence better maybe flaps up [Music] up to the left or her here that's where we're going to hold our position there we go nice and smooth really hazy day out here today climbing 1000 and then i've got my last head uh i'll go back at 500 so good number 1879 lima frequency change approved exiting my airspace frequency change approved baron 1879 good beautiful view out there we'll pull up a little bit here so get a good shot of her off the right wing there we go i'm ready for your left wing beautiful view of miami out there hazy but still nice beautiful nice job so as you guys know we're currently in the pandemic everybody's self quarantining now is a better time than ever to get up and do a little formation flying just remaining are six feet apart socially right turn right there roger and airplanes need to be exercised so that's what we're doing today getting these airplanes up and running and we're going to do some approaches defending 500 500 roger good to stick we got to stay current as a professional pilot and also keep the airplane running correctly we're gonna go right down the beach here look at the right one you can see beautiful look at out the front there those are all the cruise ships that are currently not allowed to come into port that's such a sad fact that everybody's stuck out there slowing down roger i can count one two three four five six and freighter is all out there so we'll get to the task here we got somebody stream and off the right wing that is all the aventure area coming up on south beach here soon wow all those cruise ships flying down to 150 150 150 thanks yeah i think that turbocharged bear kind of outperformed us on that takeoff i don't know she did get a little bit of a jump on us but still the right coming up here this is south beach but there should be nobody on the beach as nobody's allowed to be out so this is south beach right here cruise ship that's sick huh yeah a lot of cruise ships there we are side by side with captain val see the lights all of uh south beach right down there the eerie view to look out there and see nobody on the beach for the most part 10 degrees to the right then right there is the cruise ship leaving the port and actually there's one back further in there which just going out i didn't even think they were allowed to come in and out but i guess they are well let's go back to um [Applause] okay gonna climb 2000 at this time and that's the cubist game park down here and you should see the lighthouse 1000 for 2000. easy night out there if you look at the front there's really no even horizon out over the ocean there i hate to say but i think we're gonna have to make a u-turn to get the sunset on the left okay let's do a u-turn then we'll do a right u-turn right u-turn let's do it right now all right so we're going to start our u-turn now go back to opa-locka there's captain val brought to 2000 feet and we'll drop it back down to 500 feet once we get back a little bit farther northbound nothing better than being up in the sky with your friends going back down to 500. roger we'll get the ates real quick no blocka information india time 225 visual weather yeah just getting the atis uh do you want to go take the the leader do you want me to okay i'll take the lead and uh then um keep going roger once we get a beam uh block i'll give you a send-off and uh enjoy your night we're going back down to 500 feet there's that other cruise ship that is on its way out to sea i don't know why they're coming and going i thought they were stuck uh wait they are obviously coming and going maybe they came in and dropped some passengers off and now they're on their way back up 700 for 500. roger i'm doing 160. so that's government cut again that we're passing by all right captain val it was fun flying around with you i'm gonna be uh cutting off here to opelaca enjoy your flight back to your home thank you same here it was fun talk to you later have a good night good evening that's eight five one tango bravo tbm 850 or 10 to the east southeast squawking 1200 uh we have information india right there i'd like to do a practice ils approach number eight five one tango bravo block the tower i dance right there november 851 tango bravo roger continue north westbound and i'll give you a code in a second roger continue northwest pond 851 tango river all right so there's val out in front of us she's going to be going up north along the shoreline we're going to go northwest here behind her climb to a thousand feet two three one eight hold short runway one two uh we are ready for takeoff request the lights be secured on one two at fable coast coast two three one eight o'clock tower standby level here at 1000 feet going to heading mode altitude autopilot on actually fun sometimes to pull that autopilot off and have a little fun hand flying it number 851 tango bravo zero one six five three one six five eight five one ten brother november eight five one tango bravo for now in our right downwind runway nine are right right down for nine right eight five one ten uh the airport's right in front of us she is just to do it right down for nine right november 851 tango bravo maintain hour above 1 500 continue northwestbound right above 1500 will continue now northwestbound 851 tickets set up vs that up we'll go north westbound 30 heading that's power in here as we're going to join our climb turn a little bit to the left here remain clear of north paris air space traffic traffic behind that traffic traffic right over here off our left uh number 851 tango bravo contact departure 119.45 for the ios after 1945 851 tango bravo thanks i mean good evening of our five one tango bravo 1500 zero heading remember one tango bravo departure contact maintain a two thousand city request two thousand like the uh practice for the ils nine left eight five one tango bro heading two zero one tango bravo tree once you're in the heading one take a brother american 38 heavy traffic soul effect they're kind of like your center one three zero four the two thousand seven three four four thirty eight have you gonna ps that up now we'll get set up for the ils approach select approach uh s9 left we'll do radar vectors and we're gonna activate that i'm going to come over here and we got our localizer set to zero good evening come down here the airport tab go to procedures approach tab is nine left and there we go we got our all our information there we'll brief the approach you can see the little airplane there blanket on the diagram remember one single bottle fly heading up two six zero two six zero one tango bravo two six zero set up with the uh heading bug or in heading modes airplane is turning to a two six zero heading here's the remnants of the uh sunset that we had tonight so we're going to intercept the uh glide slope at 1 600 and we're going right on down to 258 feet [Music] right here if you guys think this looks fun you may want to do it for a living sure check out linked in description below runs on online ground school it'll guide you along get to getting your ratings also has a book the private pilot blueprint it's a free book that he wrote to guide you along all you do is pay for shipping and handling with that it's all linked in the description below i also have the approach all set up with the course and all the frequency over there on your side over there you can follow along we're now we're in like a modified left allen leg of the approach remember one tango bravo fly heading 180 one eight zero one tank bravo right here forty four six [Music] zero maintain one thousand six hundred to your status on the level approach one two zero one thousand six hundred to establish on the localized ai less nine lift approach already five one tango we're forced out for five we're gonna ps that down thousand six hundred number nine one two zero we will arm the approach up here which is now armed you're going to start to see the localizer come in line up with this then that means that it's going to be where we're lined up in the localizer and we'll see the glide slope come on in and when it gets one dot above here now remember one time the bravo turned another 10 degrees to the right to join looks like the ones are pretty strong enough out there 10 right one tango brother america yeah we got a 30 knot win pushing us off the localizer he noticed that so that's a good controller right there now we're on a one tree zero heading to intercept the localizer coach mode is still one crew when you're able to intercept the localizer all right there you go you can see the localizer is now coming in the approach is now captured so now the approach is captured the airplane is turned and we'll also square the heading block up to our final approach course now where approach has been captured 1.9 from sasbo so we are within our speed of the first notch of flaps we'll select it select it and now also make sure it indicates and indicating now you're going to see here comes the glide slow bend so we're going to bring the power back to about 20 25 one dot above here right in there we'll put the gear down so if you're selected down 258 to two miles from bunker across bunker out of about five thousand because that's only one approach and now it's also indicating roger we'll be doing a full stop and we're going to ramp on this one for one time brother i've been married someone take a bravo overlay nine left clear win clear to land in nine left thank you eight five one tango bravo all right so there we go we are clear to land the airplane's doing a pretty good job right a little bit left of the localizer do that win but it's correcting we're right on the glide slope going right on down to 258 feet yeah we're crabbing now it's an 18 knot direct cross one pretty quick here we're gonna get a 500 foot call out which will be 500 feet to the ground and like i said we can go around down to 258 feet on this approach and we'll disconnect the autopilot and i'll hand flight the rest of the way in 500. here's our 500 feet to the ground this is how low we can go guys i will find out for you standby to donate thanks oops sorry for all the headphone guys out there believe me i was a lot of my ears too disconnect the autopilot we'll continue to hand fly it in i dipped a little bit below the glide slope on that i think with the uh when the autopilot was on we hit a little bit of a wind gust good we're gonna come back down two two one flight idle come here two three one and just play in the back either go into the flare kick up the crab with the rudder oh wow there you go nice touchdown sorry about that nothing else let's go back into reverse and we'll start looking for a taxiway here it's sometimes hard to find the uh taxiways when you're getting thrown away but if you look for the yellow line i just checked all the runways for you all the time just follow that in and it'll guide you right onto the taxiway thank you very much for looking into that thank you welcome to opel miami florida guys well welcome welcome back to overlogging miami contact ground contact ground thanks for helping bro pass the whole short bars we'll clean the plane up closer two three one eight we're gonna be testing out some switches all right so we'll get everything squared up here and back to normal yeah that was a really fun flight tonight getting back in the airplane after being out for a little bit of period of time there do this what's going on in the world i do truly hope wherever you guys are at you're staying safe and hopefully everything will get back to normal sometime soon i don't see any martial arts but we'll just pull it up front and center here anyway i hope you guys are all doing well and thanks for riding along take care of you your friends and family we'll talk to you again someday soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 1,456,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, Beechcraft Baron, TBM850, Travel, vlog, Career in Aviation, Pilot life, ATC audio, ATC, Aviation, Flying, Airplane, Aircraft, Taking off, landing an airplane, IFR, ILS approach, Cockpit, MZeroA, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviation, S1K, Flying at night, Miami
Id: QnTUAtpypjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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