FLYING THE BRAND NEW 2021 TBM940 to Sun N Fun! - IFR Flight VLOG

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today's mission we have to fly this brand new 2021 tbm 940 to lakeland florida to put it on display at sun and fun here we go [Music] you can run for a long time [Music] all right welcome aboard everybody we have an exciting treat today wayman thanks for having us on board my pleasure thanks for coming aboard we're going to find the tbm 940 up to lakeland florida for the sun and fun festival so let's start this thing up all right before starting checklist crash lever is up it is we got it start clearance we're clearly right clear left source to battery generator main check press to test up here stick shaker systems check landing gear down three greens multi-faction uh initialize fuel on board we have a hundred and two hundred twenty-five gallons more or less there's no itt the engine is cold battery is good go ahead all right all set master caution right yep looking good so i'm gonna do the starter on for three seconds one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand release that started a timer for us automatically watching the ng rise up thirteen percent ng for here we go introduce fuel to lava there we go light up itt on the right energy on the rides now we're watching the itt for a hot start and the ng right here for a hunkster nothing's looking good there we go now we go to play forward good start all right time to put the headsets approach on use for any airborne request for services contact let me press control now that we got the atis let's uh i guess get our clearance huh let's get a clearance pump on the ground good afternoon uh pbm 940 private november with information india spots fine i'd like to copy clearance ifr to lakeland please dm 9040 broadway member pompano ground clearly lakeland airport through the fort lauderdale 7 departure thunder transition then that's filed maintain two thousand expect by level two two zero one zero minutes after departure departure frequency 119.7 squawk four five seven six tbm nine four zero five on november cleared to the lakeland airport via the four dollar seven departure standard train station two thousand expecting two two zero in ten minutes the patron frequency one one nine or dark almost seven squawking four five seven six steven nine four zero bravo november read back correct advice ready to tax your latest india i think you said you have that we have it uh one minute we'll be ready all right let's set our transponder four five seven six set enter looking good for seven departure we have the thunder transition 2000 et cetera two two seven ten departure frequency 19 seven uh we'll set that up once we're over there all right sounds good i'll call report passing the white house stay easy [Music] runway one five via mike and delta cross one zero hold short of one of uh 206 on delta so this airport can be confusing because it's got so many crossing runways here i've always found that if you're not familiar with this airport you definitely want to have your taxi diagram out and look at where you're going it's it can be challenging i usually recommend first-time commerce to use progressive taxi the crown control will be happy to give progressive taxing it's easier that to avoid a runway incursion so this is we're on bike right now and coming up this is one zero we're cleared to cross that and then we're going to hold on we're gonna be ready to go when you get there right november there's the whole chair lines for one zero even though we're cleared to cross we always check clear to the left all the lights on and clear to the right here zero problem november turn that's on delta on delta cross for my sixth cpm 940 private november and now we don't have to worry about holding short of six anymore as we'll turn left on delta and now we've given our clearance to cross six runway six this is four five six micro coming up right here actually go back in the beta a little bit here because this airplane likes to taxi pretty fast and we're only six cleared down there to the right over the turnpike five miles so to go into beta with this you just pull open the toggles right underneath the throttle here and then you can pull back up over the gate to go into beta it's just re changing the pitch of the prop so it's not giving you so much forward bite that's also what happens when you go into reverse when you land it's just changing the pitch of the prop it's not actually making the prop go in the reverse direction it's just changing the pitch 9040 november we're still awaiting ifr release so if you would go straight ahead to the other side the west side of the taxiway bravo there's a run up there you pull in there monitor my frequency as soon as i know something i'll let you know sir november we'll go to run up and stand by on 25 all right so for the ifr clearance it's going to take a little bit turn around get pointed into the wind there we go you can see the stock right out there in front of us we'll sit right here and uh wait for his call number nine four zero bravo november runway one five thanks to your problem golf cbm 940 november taxi to runway one five via bravo ankle all right we're now cleared to continue our attacks we're gonna use the auto throttle on this uh takeoff radio my power goes up above seventy percent the auto throttle kick in instead of takeoff power for us okay out of throttle let's arm it all right okay let's put the speed selector to fms and that'll give us 124 by on the climbout rotation speed will be 90 knots today captain okay uh flaps takeoff set before your first it is a gusty day out today so it might be a little bit rowdy on the climb out today very beginning everybody i'm sure has their seat belts on it's watching so there should be no issue correct pbm 940 november maintain 2000 turn left heading zero nine or zero runway one five cleared for takeoff pbm nine four zero november play for taker one five left here zero nine zero two thousand all right everything set up vinyl looks clear here clear down the runway so you're going to see here guys with the auto throttle as soon as the uh advanced pass 70 you're gonna hear a little click and then the author i was going to take over and set this takeoff with uh hsi [Music] airspeed wait till 400 feet till we initiate our turn of safe altitude miami departure flaps up on november and there we go 124 knots miami departure tbm 940 bravo november 700 feet shooting 0-9-0 the uh uh so i'm hand flying it still that's one thousand to go back down to three thousand thousand cleared on our approach left turn heading two seven zero left turn two seven zero pbm it's kind of like a little cheat you just keep your attitude indicator right in that flight director and you'll be at the proper level at 3 000. and uh before altitude approach thank you since we're leveling on i'm now putting our elevator trim down zero bravo november climb maintain 4 000. see good work as a team with you captain steve yeah always a pleasure maintain one sixth album american thirteen ninety climbing one six thousand miami departure tv at 9 40 november 3 800 for four thousand pbm nine four eight november mummy departure good afternoon come and maintain eight thousand eight thousand nine party probably november and we'll put eight thousand flight level change good view you get down off the left wing there the coast east coast of florida yeah i'm having this is a blast hand flying it's nice and smooth and we can put the autopilot on now just uh so i can enjoy the view a little bit more not to worry about staring at the instruments as much i guess that makes you into a lazy pilot kind of but we autopilot on and anytime you do click a button you always verify on the displays that it's doing exactly what you want to do the auto thrall is doing an amazing job managing our torque for us if you didn't have that auto throttle as you're climbing in a turbo prop you'd always consistently have to add power as you climb up in altitude but today with the auto throttle that'll manage that all by itself we're coming off above the clouds let's turn off the separator all right inertial separator is coming off it's a little switch down here by my left knee and now it goes to off it usually takes about thirty seconds twenty three thirty normal speed kind of miami do its operational procedure three point four it's just opening and letting more air into the intake that goes into the engine so you're gonna get an itt drop as you can see it's 750 and decreasing and you'll also get a torque rise by doing that turning your inertial separator off and there we are leveling out at 8 000 feet here in november come and maintain uh 1 6 16 so put one six thousand in our altitude pre-selector flight level change excellent now the auto throttle will pitch us back and we'll climb at 124 knots pbm german november fly heading 285 and join the thunder transition that's the dolphin delta hotel papa tree tree five radial outbound tv at 9 40 november heading 285 to join the thunder transitions thank you very much so i put the heading bug over there at 285 heading and we can go into that mode and we're climbing like a little rocket ship wayman charlie beautiful miami approach come and maintain eight look out there at the wing you can see the angle attack of a climber pretty cool cool you're probably november 10 at miami center 32 45 g'day tv at 9 40 probably november 32 45 today thank you tbm 9 45 november 12 500 for one six thousand a 285 degree hitting to join the number seven transition november nine four zero november miami center right here i maintain level two to zero november time maintain two two zero two two zero is set if you look down here at the ipad you'll see this is our routing here we are we took off you'll see our little breadcrumb trail american 1395 center one two six pointers under transition and that's our routing up into lakeland you can see the upcoming tfr around the airport for the uh this week coming up it's yellow right now but it'll go red when it's active and today we filed up to flight level two to zero that'll be our final cruise altitude and wait can you show the viewers uh why we chose to depart today rather than tomorrow jericho you're gonna see there is a massive line of storms that's coming down through florida and tomorrow we would have had to battle all those storms and everything so sometimes it's better to make a good easy decision of adjusting your schedule to go when appropriate compared to having to deal with a lot of bad storms like that and we did just get this airplane detailed so we want to keep it nice and clean remember zero bravo november clear at glaceland tv at 9 40 november clearance well how about that wait we got we'll square up our heading bug here just a little tap of the heading and it squares it right up for you you're crossing uh flight number 182 push one two three it's a standard barrow so above it eight one eight zero that's in the flight levels now everybody's squawking two nine nine two to keep us all properly separated and on my ipad two five zero guys actually popping okay first one two four points is eighteen zero so we get that all set up so we can stay ahead of the flight number eight micrometer procedure anytime you can stay ahead of the flight it makes flying a whole lot easier [Applause] passing through twenty thousand feet if you look out the left window there off the left wing that's the view of little two zero zero two thousand more feet to our cruise altitude local tire aides information papa time one niner five zero zulu wind two one zero at one five gusts two one one zero mile visibility scatter clouds five thousand ceiling seven thousand five hundred broken temperature three zero dew point one seven altimeter two nine or eight four expect visual approach landing into parting runway two seven left and we got some gusty winds out of the southwest all right so we're getting a descent here so we'll go down to two zero zero and we'll vs that 1 500 feet a minute down one two six five two miles of victor all right wayman we're level nine at two zero zero that'll be i guess our cruise altitude for this flight i say we put a little except radar on and we'll catch the viewers on the descent down into lakeland all right [Music] from [Music] [Music] from we're back and with you and it has been a bumpy descent into lakeland here i hope you guys do have your seatbelts on because we've been bouncing all over the place so we are going direct to rent me for the rnav two seven approach two thousand seven hundred captain roger we're gonna put something for contact two thousand seven hundred in there our l2 pre-selected we'll vs that down one thousand five hundred feet a minute yeah it was a pretty bumpy approach wasn't it so far or i mean arrival yeah we should probably start slowing down to our approach speed so we're gonna go to manual mode and we're gonna dial that back 172 or not sounds good to you sounds good to me so i dialed it uh look at that i mean we're bouncing all over the place thank goodness we got our seat belts on one thousand to go we got one seven zero on the speed yep we got the auto throttle pulling back hey look there's parked up ahead there we go and to the left is lake parker which is part of the nodem where pilots should fly first and then beyond that to lake hancock that's where they weigh about your mouth from redmi cross redmi 2 700 clear on that runway 27 approach tv of 940 brown november running at 2500 clear for the r m27 approach there we go so just over redmi and we're leveling out at 2700 feet to meet that cross restriction altimeter 2987 thank you we do have a pretty gusty winds on this uh approach here so hopefully slit this down as smooth as possible and we are an exhibitor airplane today so we have our sign ready once we land we'll go right over and uh get this thing into the event captain ready for the approach checklist all right okay altimeter set twice three times 29.84 from the 80s papa minimum set first station number one thank you charlie directly tonight bravo november radar service terminated contact lakeland tower one two four point five one twenty four point five uh two bravo november lakeland tower good afternoon tbm 940 bravo november on the rnep27 we'll be going through the exhibitors giving you a 9-4 zero bravo november license however my 2-7 left clear to land pbm 940 bravo november clear to land 279 that's our inertial separator dark morning that just came on and we're clear to land two seven left at the wrong way in sight actually now we're coming up on where we're gonna intercept the glide path 1700 and we go right down to 342 and you can see out front there there's actually some storms that have developed around this area already there's a storm past the airport should hopefully be no factor for us might get a little wet after we get out of the airplane let's see we pulled that up on the nexrad all right we'll go gear down selected and we'll make sure that is indicating and it is indicating three green and check and flap state golf captain i've selected to take off now we're also looking and making sure it indicates look out there you'll see we already have the airport inside okay clay slope intercept below white line let's put full flaps for a stabilized approach within the speed range flap selected look out there at the wind you'll see the flaps coming down left selected and indicating look down the ipad there you'll see there's we are blinking on the approach plate all right so we're going to dial it back to 85 knots on the auto throttle and that's also adjusting our trims and everything it's bouncing around we got some gusty winds out there today see the runway out there in front of us and the sun a fun festival will be over to the left over there there we got a 26 knot wind right now coming off the front left i'm going to disconnect now just to get a feel for the airplane excellent auto throttle and there with the little button up here i also disconnect the auto throttle very good running light four flaps before approach checklist short final landing gear three greens flaps landing set okay autopilot damper is off the landing checklist complete thank you and we are clear to land looking good if you look at the lights out there too red to white also on our display we're right on the proper glide path 500. it's 500 feet to the ground [Applause] sometimes when it's gusty like this i do like to keep a little extra speed in yeah looking good we're gonna look to try to touch down the appropriate touchdown zone right there for us minimums 12 o'clock landing that's good thank you only two seven pretty quick here i'm going to go back to flight out just a little bit here below 50 feet and let's pitch up a little bit to above three degrees above put a little rudder in there airspeed it is there we go not too bad a little bit off center line go back up into reverse [Applause] november turn left enable and contact southern front advisory 126.07 2607 great to arrive this year okay let's turn left welcome to sun fun guys lakeland florida yeah that wind it was a pretty gusty blonde that glued me a little bit off center line but we did touch down pretty smoothly so pretty happy with that roll past the whole short line here and we'll clean up the plane and contact ground all right clear runway taxi lights snaps we'll leave all the lights on because there'll be a lot of people here strobes di systems trims flaps up i've selected up readjusted the trims for the next takeoff son of fine tbm 940 bravo november clear runway two seven left uh taxi to accept exhibit entrance please tdm robin whoever just attacks you to the right side there if you approach the intersection let the moon go opposite direction and you can go behind him down bravo tbm nine player bravo november we'll make way to the moon for the money and keep on going all right so that's the mooney right here in front of us we're gonna go right over to the right let him pass over to our left behind us and then we'll continue our taxi down bravo pretty exciting isn't it getting to bring in this nice branded tvm 940 to sun and fun 2021 2021 just behind him to the left continue down bravo to the end of the right turn at the end where the big x is 9 45 november yeah it's exciting to get back to an aviation event it's going to be a lot of fun we'll be here all week where me and women usually go to the senate fund in oshkosh and we're usually at those events all week long so if you ever see us be sure to come over and say hi actually this year wayman i'm doing a little uh 820 bose 20 giveaway somebody comes and finds me i'm going to be giving at the end of the week one of the people that come and find take a picture with me a brand new bose 20. i'm excited about that take a picture with me can i take a selfie okay when we get off the airplane there we go and you'll be in the running uh for a brand new bose a20 next we'll be randomly selected i would have ever right turn at the end and head toward the gate and they'll start opening it up for you cbr9 november right turn at the end and that's basically what we'll be doing and they're going to tow us into the event we're going to get it staged for where it's going to be on display excellent alright guys i hope you enjoyed that video if you did smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel weyman thanks so much for having us on board and uh stay tuned don't go anywhere we're going to finish this uh video off with some sights and sounds of sun and fun 2021 thursday gate opening for us man we've made it fun 21. i love it it's exciting yeah i can't wait this year and actually there's p1k that's my dad and a blue shirt out there taking some pictures of us and there's one through one fox with roman that's my brother yeah nice magnus i got family all here to greet us that's right are they letting us taxi and good that's literal is letting us going there we go shut the engine down okay parking brake captain is set all right exterior lights to your lights oxygen off fuel selector manual auto pilot trims off file trims are centered later off please we'll let it sit here for 15 seconds let's wait for the automatic boostman to come online [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] wow
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 659,490
Rating: 4.9232426 out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, TBM940, Travel, Airplane, Airport, Becoming a pilot, Career in aviation, Aviation, Pilot, Pilot life, ATC audio, ATC, Flying IFR, Flying in bad weather, DAHER, Cockpit, Auto throttle, G3000, BOSE Aviation, Pivot Cases, Flying a brand new TBM940, Sun N Fun
Id: TBHxFsfuDdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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