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t-minus two hours 48 minutes and 39 seconds you know what that means it's time to go fly the tvm 850 up to the space coast and watch the atlas rocket launch on its way to mars [Music] i am a passenger [Music] all right welcome aboard the tbm 850 here early morning departure we'll start up the engine here and starter is on starter light is blinking condition light is on watching the ng rise up and it's going to stabilize right around 14 15 and release fuel to low oil we got we got our light off itt's rising we're watching that for a hot start ng for hung start looks like the itt temped out at 7 42. all right good start miami opalaca airport automated weather observation zero niner five five zulu wind calm visibility one zero sky condition clear temperature two six celsius dew point two three celsius altimeter 3006 remarks density altitude 1 200. a block of tower hours we've got the local information here the tower is closed still because we are taking off pretty early here this morning so we're going to treat this as an uncontrolled airfield and we will be uh picking up our ifr in the air so we'll give the marshall out there a quick flash of the taxi light and we're ready to go there he is telling me to go right we're cleared out of the ramp area here our taxi light back on so we're not blinding them i'll just give an announcement here walking traffic tbm we're taxiing from signature to uh we're only a tree zero on papa echo tango we'll plug traffic so if anybody else is around this area on the ground taxi around i know we're coming yeah i'd like to welcome everybody on board it's going to be a fun flight here today if all goes as planned we'll get to see a rocket launch look out the wing out there flight controls freaking correct a few weeks ago i did give away a four flight sentry adsb receiver and i am happy to now announce we will be giving away a bose headset so if you go to stevo1canigo.com you will see the details on how to win that now that the amps came down we'll put the ac on so yeah this is an ifr flight we're gonna go well it shows about 37 minutes up to titusville which is space coast i go up to one six thousand feet and we'll be uh enjoying the headley transition out of here we'll take off vfr to the northwest maintaining vfr and then we'll pick up our ifr clearance in the air with miami on 1945. at the united states coast guard hangar uh the left over there looks like we also have marine one in the hangar interesting the helicopter it's still early it's uh currently only six a.m tower opens at seven a.m here we look down here at four flight we'll take a look you can see that one airplane out to the northwest out there 2 100 feet and it looks about it so let's keep an eye for him we should have a good sunrise too on this flight but we're heading a tree one zero and we're going to climb maintain 1200 feet until we get that eye for our clearance all right here we are coming up on rolling three zero hopefully i can traffic tbm we're taking off a tree zero depart northwest overwatch traffic i don't hear anybody on the frequency crossing the whole short line here vinyl is clear and down the runway is clear so this is runway three zero and up here on center line now we're gonna ease the power up to take off power pop rpm is right at 2000 and take off power is set well temperature pressure is all look good in the green hold another center line now we're looking for a rotation speed there it is pull back on the yoke positive rate and indicating gear up they're selected and okay and we'll go flaps up selected and y'all damper on a block of traffic tbn just took off a tree zero two miles to the northwest northwestbound or block traffic all right i'll be our last call for that and i'll go over to miami and pick up a ride fire hi good morning november 351 tango bravo marie 511 miami yeah we just took off our old block i like to pick a rye fire up to uh space coast memory five one tango bravo squawk three six three two i don't three six three two here's right in eight five one tango bravo i got three six three two in there i hit the ident right now because that would be busting into class arrival airspace november 851 tango bravo radar contact four miles northwest of opalwaka airport you're cleared to tango india x-ray the radar vectors to hedley as filed for now fly heading fighting three three zero and climb and maintain a one six thousand clear up to titusville radar vectors and hedley and s valve maintain tree trees here on the heading climbing team one six thousand eight five one tango railroad southerner heavy turn right all right so we got our clearance there and turn right to tree tree zero and we'll put it right to our cruise altitude to one six thousand internally in 1964 heavy turret hitting three six zero one six thousand setup in our if you look out the front that's the florida everglades out there at night and it's uh highly recommended to be ifr rated because there's really no horizon out there you could easily get spatial disorientation and air speed is bleeding off once it gets back to about 840 there we go 140 knots hit the is button now the airplane's going to pitch right for 140. i also see the little ies button here on the display in green that's what mode we're in anytime i push a button the cockpit you always want to verify the button that you pushed is doing what it's supposed to do we'll adjust your pressurization about 901 heavy maintain actually reduce speed to 170 on contact 28.3 tbm one tango bravo turn right heading zero to zero zero two zero one tango bravo southern uh 87 32 heavy training 180 defending maintain three thousand zero two zero set up with their heading book and we can turn the inertial separator off a little switch down here by my left knee got the light on [Music] now we're putting more air into the engine 8190 heavy turn right heading three six zero there's two different flaps up there in the intake there rotating direction it redirects a lot more air into the engine so direct enter enter and we'll go into nav mode and now the airplane will turn left on course retract the headly intersection wow look at the sunrise over there same 8190 heavy a from cobra it's already in zero six zero maintain square for heading have a great flight thirty five one seven eight five one tango bravo have a good day hi good morning r851 tango bravo 8 800 climb to one six thousand direct headley there's other ones the palm beach altimeter three zero zero seven zero seven so we'll actually go into 850 mode flat lever goes up and over the gate now we can utilize our torque past 100 we're basically just getting rid of that governor just got to be careful because now we could over torque the engine if you're not careful so yeah today up here at space coast titusville we're going to land we got cape canaveral and they're going to launch an atlas rocket which is going to bring a rover and like a little helicopter drone type of device up to mars it's going to take them six months from the launch today for that to arrive to mars so it's going to be pretty exciting to see this the weather is showing very good conditions for a launch and there's also the tfr in red which is active now for this rocket launch i'll be going into titusville right next to it 1000 to go one five thousand climb to one six thousand at least fifteen twenty one and men up to maintain available three zero zero and one hundred feet to go the airplane's now leveling out i'm pushing on the left trim here and the rudder to keep us in coordinated flight so we're going to let the airplane build up as much speed as it's going to get here and then we'll pull the prop rpm back to 1900 for a cruise power setting it's just a little bit quieter ambient sound in the cabin here i like so it looks like we're going to peek out just a little over 190 knots at 1 6 000 feet so i'm going to pull the blue lever back here and you'll just i don't know if you guys can hear it in the cameras but it's just going to get a little bit quieter there we go cruise power is set you'll see here on the ipad ktix 20.62 put that in and we'll monitor that as soon as we get within range we should be in range now airport observation one zero one the space coast is also a tower airport but we are also going to be getting into that airport before the tower opens so we're going to be treating that is an uncontrolled airfield the winds are laid out of the south and what's nice is we've got a north-south runway so we'll just uh go in for runway one-eighth november made by one tango brawl which is gonna maintain one five thousand fifteen thousand the same time one five thousand one tango brother one five thousand instead of an altitude pre-select collector and we'll vs that down one thousand five hundred feet a minute just over the heavily intersection now so yeah it feels good to get back up and stretch the legs on the airplane a little bit here last couple flights were just very local flights transitioning to and from its annual maintenance inspection nice smooth air that's really a good thing hope you guys are all comfortable over there with your in-flight snacks and beverages i usually don't fly this early in the morning i got up at 3 45 to get to the airport the pre-flight that time uh we got up in the air at 6 00 am oh yeah it was an early morning but i think it'll be worth it getting up early if we actually get to see this rocket blast off over one tango bravo contact miami center one three two point two five good morning thirty two twenty five one tango bravo have a good day evo hello hi good morning tbm 851 tango bravo one five thousand marine five one tango probably might be center of the ever because but at the reasons right you're right so with this atlas rocket when it lifts off it's gonna produce 2.3 million pounds of thrust that is uh pretty crazy if you think about it and they say it'll take around six months for to get to mars right now currently mars and earth are very close in the orbiting system and uh they've got two words that they describe it as but right now they're very close in the orbit so it won't take that long to get to there but other times of the year they can be very far away in orbit so the arrival we're on is the goofy arrival that's what they call it and it's because you know disney world uh you know i got the walt disney characters so that's what we're on a goofy arrival taking a look down just to monitor all our gauges you'll see the temperature and the pressure are all where they would normally be sitting our ng's right around 95. then we got our itt right at 722 prop rpm at 1900 our torque is just under 100 we could actually add a little bit more power if we wanted to so being down here at 15 000 feet on this plate we're going to be torque limited put the torque right up around 115 percent 35 one single bravo crossband at 7 000 the orlando altimeter three zero zero seven zero seven we'll cross barren at seven thousand eight five one ten forever seven thousand set yo leaving three five zero and we'll put a v nevin seven thousand zero miles at baron and we'll start down in one minute and 36 seconds and there's our message light blinking that's telling us we are approaching our v nav profile so we'll arm 7000 and we will vs 1500 feet a minute down and we can now adjust our pressurization for landing this airplane is a 2006 model so it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of everything automatically being done for you you still actually have to push a few buttons and turn a few knobs and we got a little bit of a tailwind now so we're doing about 290 knots right now across the ground as we are now descending this is where if you had the torque right up there as high as you wanted to put it you have to be careful because as we descend that torque is going to climb so if you're just daydreaming you could over torque the engine so once we land the fbo is not even going to be open either but i called and told them approximately where i should park the plane and there's a gate i'm going to ride my boosted board which is my electric longboard we'll take that over to a park by the intercoastal area water there hopefully get a decent view of the rocket launch so that's the game plan and as you can see at the front it is a perfect day in what i would think to launch a rocket number good morning november 851 tango bravo 9100 designed to seven thousand five one tango bravo orlando approach roger and no traffic or landing wrong information available for space coast airport advising of the airport site orlando cemetery zero zero eight it will advise when we get to the airport site if i went to cambodia orlando is eight three sixty kilos a thousand to go eight thousand to seven thousand so the airport is going to be over there at one two o'clock we're just at baron here and 1.5 miles and we're leveling out right at 7 000 feet so we made the crossing restriction we'll start monitoring the frequency over there and there's no three four july keyless quad zero seven five okay somebody else is uh flying around three five one tango bravo turn right head against zero five zero zero five zero one tango bravo three five zero seven they're heading back under seven three [Music] soon and since we're now in heading assignments we will go highlight this fill the direction 32 miles away now they're under 200 knots that's the limitation to turn on the inertial separator in about 30 seconds or so you'll see the master caution light come on traffic 432 departure contact climate change one six hours just heard of something it sounds like they're testing the lights there's a vehicle on the runway and i hear them there's our uh key in the mic so i think they're testing the lights so that's our initial separator just came back on let's make an announcement over there at space coast just to let them know where we're at space coast traffic in tbm we're currently 29 to the southwest we're about space coast traffic beautiful flight looks like the sun is just about to start to peak over the clouds out there over the atlantic ocean the one thing abroad would change my frequency 132.65 and 85 on tango bravo's up on 32.65 if you look down here there really is not a lot of room to do left traffic for one eight with that tfr we have to keep it in pretty tight 1 000 to go still trying to get that airport inside i've only been to this airport one time and all of my flying i just just told me caution upcoming tfr ahead 20 miles away you guys have insight out there a little bit after like 11 o'clock oh i believe i have it in sight now i'm not at it maintain 2 000. maintain 2 000. one six thousand base close traffic 17 miles southwest maybe uh left traffic for one eight space coast traffic one thing i'm probably trying to verify you do have the uh automated weather spacecraft hey firm we got the automated weather for space coast stage five on tango bro three five one tango bravo just to maintain one thousand five hundred advising on the airport inside limited clock and once a month down to one thousand five hundred we'll advise eight five one tango there we go we got our insight and orlando 851 tango brother we got space close to the site three five one tango bravo roger clear for the visual approach to roll outside clear to the visual approach uh for space coast airport i declared with the visual at the space coast five one two brother a little bit to the left here one four two orlan approach we do have somebody on our task straight out in front of us 700 feet below us he's over there now to our right a little bit more we're going to pull the airplane back out of 850 mode there we go flap lever back to the up position one thing of bravo our poor cancellation by far in the air on this frequency or on the ground with saint petersburg flight service station within five minutes of landing change devising frequencies approved roger will cancel the rfr now with you eight five on tango bravo one thing thank you for cancellation receive no traffic difficulty between you and the airport racetrack terminates 1234 biggest change proof i just log in vfr frequency change approved thanks for helping one tango 2894. all right we'll get rid of him space coast tbm we're seven miles to the south gonna be left downwind for one eight space coast traffic i don't hear anybody else in the pattern sounds like we got the airport all to ourselves we just got to be very careful we don't go too far to the east and getting that tfr that would make our day a lot more difficult we'd be getting yelled at take the autopilot off and we'll have a little fun hand flying in it and we'll put our pulsating light in the lights on and we'll put our prop back tattoo tiles oh yeah you can see all i think i can actually see the rocket right over there on the launch pad that's pretty cool four flights caution me coming tfr we got that insight should be no factor we're going to pull the power back get this airplane configured because we're going to do a short approach for the most part actually we still have some room to play with over here to the right we're within our first notch flap speed look at the wing out there flap selected and also make sure it indicates and indicating beautiful view see all the different launch pads you're going to see over there we're coming up on a midfield left down one here i'll announce that it'll be our next announcement i don't see anybody on the runway anymore so the truck is vacated you guys keep a good eye out there the right wing tell me if you can see the rocket place close traffic tbm left midfield downwind for 180 spacecraft traffic take a look right there see that's where we are we're pretty close to that tfr but we're clear of it and we'll put the gear down [Music] you're selected and indicating and we'll start turning our left base base close traffic tbm turn left base for one eight spacecraft traffic nice and smooth i'll tell you that much i love flying on when the weather is like this let's keep that out for birds coast traffic tbm turn in a two mile final five hundred only one eight space close traffic got interrupted by our 500 foot to the ground call up all right we overshot the final a little bit that's because we were keeping pretty close tight pattern there because of the tfr we'll just adjust and it'll be no issue all right we're all lined up fbo is going to be over there to the right halfway down the runway looking good base coast traffic tbm short final around 1 8 space coast traffic runway lights look good so they were testing those and they're all on and they're looking good all right so we're looking perfect on our airspeed we're going to start to ease the power back light idle go down here into the flare and there we go a little bit harder of a landing that i actually would have wanted but it was you know not that bad and we're just going to go back into beta range here with the throttle and we'll get off at echo welcome to space coast titusville florida he packed my bag last night [Music] pre-flight [Music] as i kite by them i miss the earth so much [Music] is [Music] it's gonna be a long time i am [Music] it's gonna be [Music] [Applause] it's gonna be [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 186,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, Travel, TBM850, vlog, Pilot life, Career in aviation, Pilot, ATC audio, ATC, Flying IFR, Flying at night, Taking off, Landing an airplane, Cockpit, Flying, ATLAS rocket, Space, NASA, SpaceX, Blasting off, Mars
Id: 5m8kucnNHp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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