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with Top Gun - coming out this year along with the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 this is going to be a pretty cool year for aviation enthusiasts well today we're going to fly the TBM 850 up the Tampa Florida and we're going to go by jet line systems and pick up my new gaming rig here we go Oh we ride [Music] [Music] Oshin [Music] [Music] all right welcome board the TV I'm here will start her up get a marshal out in front well I don't know we're gonna wind up letting us know it's clear here we go starter is on along with the ignition light both lights are on and blinking it's a good sign waiting for the energy to rise up as high as it'll go that way it'll be a cooler start introduce the field of low idle now got a light off my eyes are watching the ITT for hyung start failure or hyung starts on the ng temped out at 7:27 on the ITT it's a nice cool start idle we'll go forget the book latest information I think about time 142 is win three zero zero five is the watch your mouth together 1020 if your 102.1 a else you want to eat that 93 expect the other special program when you separate my gonna partner with you separate from wager is your from with New Zealand remark increase productivity use caution Claire's can we're gonna want to 0.02 you and do the special about this week know how far or be it more practice approaches and felt for the donors advise you have information alright we have information Quebec go over to ground frequency in particular a fire will pull out the ground good morning know about rape I want tango Bravo over its signature that will Quebec look at the pic of Rio fire if I want to take a bravo full-on gramflour doesn't amp International Airport be the mommy six departure Winco transition then this file maintain 2,000 expect six now Miami departure on the one one nine or four or five squad zero zero six to live up to Tampa Miami six Winco transition as both maintain 2001 six thousand ten minutes after 1945 squawking zero zero six two all right I want a brother I'm King a proper e back for a quote back is current let me know when you're ready we got Quebec will be approaching spot three Maria taxi with information call that one hanger Bravo runway two-seven right text me a pop I won't you know they're great Papa hold short November 8th 2 to 7 right all right I want tank Beretta all right give a quick flush of the taxiway here that lets them know we are ready to go to go forward and to the left then welcome everybody on board it's a special treat to have you guys in the TBM 850 here today Bravo papa November II can't take care getting popping event rate I'll go to town already I want a brother gonna be flying IFR up to Tampa International right now the weather up there is below minimums for the approaches but it should lift by the time we get there to get above minimums guys do like these videos be sure to smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel ring that little bell notify you when I upload a video and here is no other rate as you can see up there to the left Lord told the whole shorter there okay and we're moderate I'm confident about the wings out there will test the flight controls make sure they're free correct remember eight side one tango Bravo a blockade tower by hanging it 3-0 they're overweight she's been cleared for takeoff don't you're clear for takeoff but only two seven right we'll fly fuses are on the head if I want to have a bow will continue right around the bend here and take off all right looking down the runway the runway looks clear looking the final approach down there it also looks clear we're entering we're only two seven right we've got seven thousand nine hundred feet remaining what four plates telling me will end up on center line here tap international here we come all right we're gonna power up few thousand on the prop rpm will then advance the car even farther up till hundred percent on the torque both temperature pressures all look good in the green looking for a rotation speed and there it is özil rate and indicating book gear up well tap the brakes stop the wheels from spinning as they go up in the wheel oh and I'll start a rake turn to tree zero zero and we'll go flaps up go damper on memory for one tango Bravo contact Miami differentiates a flight departure once a cup arrived enjoy your day hi good morning no verify one tango Bravo eight I don't climate the two thousand something a fire one time around Miami deploys already contact I'm a paying 1 1 11 thousand one one eleven thousand a five on Tia brother they're still gonna put one 1000 dinars you pre-selector will arm that we're gonna pitch up to get her airspeed back to about 140 knots and then we'll put the autopilot on you get to climb right here at first there's beat bleeding off there's 140 hit is also go into 850 mode so pull the power back just under a hundred percent flap lever goes up and over the gate now will also turn off for inertial separator it's gonna let more air into the engine now we're gonna get a torque increase get advanced the torque above 100% which will give us more power be careful when you go into 850 mode as we are eliminating the governor so you could over torque the engine and that would be bad right now we're great about 115 percent on the torque and it will adjust a pressurization for a cruise altitude of 16,000 feet so put it just a little bit above that they'll look down here at the iPad you'll see there we are little airplane blinking as we took off with a glide advisor and our breadcrumb trail that is our routing today let go transition with the deke 5 arrival of an attempt International as we keep climbing I'll keep advancing the torque until we become ITT limited today being only at one six thousand we will basically be torque limited we won't be going high enough to be should direct Winco Trek glinco want take a brother so go to flight plan cursor over wing co-direct enter enter and we'll go into nav mode since the autopilot is on the airplane is gonna turn direct and navigate towards the Wingo intersection now we're currently passed through ten thousand feet comfortable take off the shoulder harnesses put the address down fixed fix beam down here if you see you can hit the heading knob here that'll square up our heading bug like to keep that off nice and coordinated there we are we're level and I have one one thousand I'll start push it to the left the rudder trim here okay watch my flank that he want every turn around any in 360 right here we've got a 36 not direct headwind at this altitude right now so we're pushing into the wind so to stay ahead of this lake ready to come down here to the for flight Anthony one hey we go to the airport tab for your see right now the weather is for you quarter-mile RV yard one left is greater than 6000 overcast at 200 we're gonna hope that is been increased by what it's showing forecasted but yeah the forecast is showing that the visibility should lift by the time we get there to get above minimums I'm sure you guys would like to see let's go do do a hold I'd be interesting right number one time before I will contact Miami Center one three two point four five thirty to forty five want to take a probe it more inviting a very violent anger brother 1 what does inject linka memory 5:1 tango Bravo Miami senator Bunning here for you here shortly for my exile scimitar 299 3 factory thanks what a brother yeah I'm looking forward to getting back at the fights in community hopefully with the new Microsoft Flight Center coming up this year people have a multi-player and I won't have a really good PC bill to be able to run this played Sam so I chose jet line systems they put together if you're a custom pretty Caesar specifically built 23 to utilize running lights and different than all the different plates temps and they'll go part by part make sure everything is working a hundred percent correctly it's overclocked and little cool I'll show you guys when we get up there we'll go tour the facility and check out the new PC they put together for me and if the new flights in there actually including the TBM and the caravan put your two airplanes that I've flown professionally quite a few thousands of hours throughout my career so I'm actually looking forward to doing some flight sim videos on my channel flying those two airplanes along with real-world flying trick d Quan taking forever alright so deke is on our arrival there's deke direct enter enter and there's not much of a course changing there now we're going track deke will also enter a V now we're gonna put eight thousand over deke and fifteen hundred feet a minute that is our across restriction 110 one six thousand want to take a breath so we put one six thousand it will be s at three thousand feet a minute now we're gonna be going up to our cruise altitude but here we go Bonnie what six thousand we've got a good 2500 foot up in and climb right now it's starting to capture now since we're at such a high climb rate started capturing at one 5200 it started to capture for the one six thousand bump your cruise altitude we still have a 32 not headwind direct had when they were still pushing against the winds on this plate what we're gonna do now is the airplane has built up some speed I said or a cruise power will power back just a little bit here now with the blue lever that's our prop rpm we're gonna pull back from two thousand nineteen hundred on the prop rpm that just lowers the ambient noise here in the cabin the more comfortable level in my opinion now it can reinstate or cruise power all right so since 4:00 flight told us we can get the ATIS we'll go over and check it here Eppley International Airport arrival information Charlie went to five free zoo win three four zero at seven visibility one quarter missed feeling two hundred overcast temperature one three to a point when when okay with our tube niner-niner hate remarks bail to surface visibility three sea level pressure 1 5 2 ILS approach runway went left in youth at lies on initial contact you have information charlie alright we have information charlie whether it's still below minimums but we got the digital ADIS if we're also do now is come down to the iPad here in for flight here are the airport tab you can also see right here scroll down this is all our weather right now since the wind is coming out of the north we're gonna go to procedures we know we're going to expect the ILS one left approach so look over here to the approaches ILS one left there's our approach plate look at that all briefed up and set up but today the weather does raise a little bit above the noise that'll be a fun approach choice o2 on tango Bravo good day wanna buy me another rape I want tango Bravo one second Star Trek deke there's my one thing about money through my top 10 meter 203 they gave us the local ill-temper saying right there we've got nine three set up on all our own temperatures yeah today like I was saying you know if weather does lift a little bit when get approached write down the minimums I'll be fun this is my job I get paid to fly airplanes for a living for those of you you're new to my channel I've been a professional pilot for decent amount of yours now you guys are thinking about becoming a pilot you think this looks fun good sound description I linked my friend Jason Shepherd and their zero he runs an outline ground school good whether you want to do this feel professionally or just for fun to play running nice days on the weather is not so bad be sure to check it out and he'll help guide you along and getting your rigs ice fuel off the left wing there from 16,000 feet and we're gonna also just get the shoulder harnesses back on so don't worry about that before we start thinking about everything we got to do when we come in to do this approach are you guys to join the plates so far pretty good good glad hear you guys are enjoying it I'm enjoying it tango Bravo would we get 8000 Krusty can 8085 one thing brother table 34 all right sir 5950 two-minute a little put 8,000 on the other two briefs electric as we start down now we'll start to pull the power back a little bit as the torque will increase as we design van will adjuster pressurization landing 1965 one tango Bravo Tampa good morning no hurry if I want tango Bravo one tree does 3-iron st. it does number deke memory by one thing a brother can suppose excite the aisle if everyone with Hydra will expect the ls1 lefty if I want to take brother there we are one thousand ago nine thousand the same date does early one point eight miles from deke that was across from restriction the cross that it ate out so we're looking good there we find one thing go propose that Campion huh won't take a brother only thing about it spinning 18 six thousand expect iron with everyone left six thousand expected else might life might take forever she must have forgot that we checked on but six thousand sent our help to you priests ledger but we can ask just to get a heads up to see if anybody's been able to get in yet I'll get my call real quick say maybe I'll get into Tampa this morning yet it was bathing it into campus being a semi only gonna speak first thank you let's just give us a little heads up to know what to expect 855 348 300 perfect thank you I'll take everyone thanks all right there we go we got our visibility both have gone almost right down to the numbers oh that physically has lifted just as predicted the prop rpm back in one thing over a 10 page there's a final woman 8.5 sounds good day Oh 8.5 one tango Bravo okay Tampa good morning go very fine one tango Bravo six does information Charlie remember one tango relative approach good morning expected for the ILS runway one left why your present had a president who expect vectors for the house one what if I'd one thing a brother all right so petty bug is squared up run heading mode number one tango Brauer the RV or it happened to nationair boys greater than 6,000 rider thanks for that one take a brother all right so we got decent visibility considering you know everything so now that we're on rear vectors we went back to the approach bus go look one here November 1 tango Bravo a descend and maintain 2600 and little brother slightly impaired at the airport stead of our half of that you mile they're showing now one Statue mile sounds good thanks we're gonna semi tain 2600 a if I want to have arrived you look down here at the iPad you'll see there's our little blue airplane blinking going to join the approach it's a good way to keep awareness we're at 1,000 feet to go be down 600 distinctness in 2006 I'll go out 850 miles since we're not gonna be utilizing a target over one time really hi I'm Martin Feldman finding a tree 5-0 contain 2006 me until told me to bid for the islands between 1 Lac affection 3 fives here on the hanging 2600 till established up and cleared for the ILS got one left approach if I want to brother alright so there we go we're all set up can I arm the approach and November one thangka Brown which an additional 20 degree through a left to get it's a beautiful when we're pushing it 20 left one tango yeah that was a little bit of a close intercept to the outer marker there but we're got a little bit of a left turn here they'll give us a better intercept angle so I'm glad he spoke up gave us that oh good configured for this approach for 2.5 miles from song under the flap speed here so we'll go first notch and flaps elected without the wing out there is he is dictating now the airplane is turning on to the localizer I'll put her heading bug number one tango Bravo Anshu stablishing me your parents what's gonna be your speed on the final we'll do a hundred and ten knots for one tank brother where are one tango Bravo Roger maintain prism speed until a five mile funnel and then contact after tower now on one 100.5 19-5 have a good day badger spread speed till five mile and nineteen 585 montana pro day and gear is down dad Patera good morning over if I wanting a brother one have us one left remember Eve have fun single Bob attempt only one left continue traffic Selena positioning expect clearance Kemal funnel further continuing watching a brother again continue with this present speed and we're gonna now start down the glide slope with the autopilot on and we're lined up on the localizer and the glide slope perfectly so once we get to a five mile final that's when we can pull it back to 110 knots like I said we'd go down to 211 feet will hear a chime rather ago in 1118 temperature we must find a boy topics on a five-mile bottle one left boys American I love it another American lighting up an Oliver about to land on air we were on a five mile final now so now we can pull it back 210 knots I've got the front there you can still see we still have that solid overcast layer the torque around 25% is what we're gonna put they'll keep this right around on iron ten knots is what we're looking for we're looking good airplane right there's perfectly on the localizer on the glide slope 15 knots on the speed just about the 18 103.9 mm I'm Oscar for takeoff whatever take a roll American 11 evening in 1664 contact departure good morning the single Bravo caution wake turbulence for the party nearby 3 2003 0 @ matter no way one left right away clear land one left a 5:1 take a breath so it's an Airbus taking off out here in front of us so she gave us a caution for the wake turbulence left a left wing you'll see we're just about to enter into the IMC conditions but now what I'm going to be transitioning to look just at my instruments Oh coming up right here in just a little bit here gonna be 500 feet to our minimum altitude right there that's 500 feet to men arms I'm just basically now doing a nice scan of my instrument American 11:18 contact departure good morning good morning bird good as I can't see out the windows 500 that's 500 feet to the ground look it perfect vertices ground contact off the left the rut left window but that doesn't really mean anything I'd be able to see on the front so 200-foot de minimums 100 foot the minimums and I'm starting to see the approach lights if you look at the front and the runway environment so we're good to go so we broke out about 360 feet so I'm gonna disconnect the autopilot we will continue to hand flight there's our decision altitude right there that's where we'd had to decide to go around or continue the land we're just gonna continue to fly the I listen here pull the power back no 2472 Tampa gentleman up Larry why dipper wait what Levin America there we go Sarah pull the power back reverse don't get off at the next intersection there you go welcome to Tampa Miller when tango Bravo termite up with ski 39.7 good morning whisky three ground points I want tango Bravo so here's whiskey three get off here go over to ground frequency another reef I want anchor brother playing one left at Wizkid read2go signature great pop one take Obama Tampa ground taxi via Julia Lima November old shirt of Charlie Billy Utley met November vulture Charlie tolerate my wanting a brother so huge Juliet right up here is all the terminals are out there in front of us we're gonna go over the other side of the airport and go to signature oh yeah welcome to Tampa Florida this guy's get to go over a bridge right here that's all the coming traffic into Tampa International Airport for the people driving in spirit to 84th up their butts off your right hand side to runway one left now here's a lever left here pretty bound everyone continue texting one last to be a Juliet whiskey TVM one tango Bravo cross runway one right at November taxi via November and dealt the whole shorter to eight press a 1 right at November Delta vulture line to eight not all right go hunting brother all right so we're clear to cross one right at November which is what we're on and then we're gonna turn right on at Delta and hold short a to eight and even though we've been cleared to cross one right which is this next probably right here will still look clear to the left there to the right anytime I've cleared across anyone run away or you always double-check D'Andre here is Delta is what we're gonna turn right and then we're gonna hold short of only two eight sometimes taxing around a report session more difficult to find a flight if you're not familiar with you Airport here's the whole shoreline everyone take a rubber cross or anything to it on adults out there to the ramp across to a top dealt another excellent hang a brother uh crossing to eight clear left clear to the right this is signature flight support right over here to the left will go in here and park and now we'll go take a car will drive up to gently systems and go check out this new spirit custom PC and get ready for the new Microsoft Flight Center there's air marshal er gonna follow the instructions in [Music] all right we'll shut this thing down [Music] time to go get our ride and drive up the jet line systems [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go inside meet the crew and see the computer they built for me so today I'm here with Ken and gray of jet line systems yes it's Deva we are so excited to have you here so let's just take a look around the office and check out your new PC sounds good alright so here at Jett line we build everything from personal computers for flight simulation all the way to FAA approved simulators and even full motion simulators so this is the new on top duo that we got from a virtual fly and the thing is absolutely beautiful so let's take a quick quick peek in here before we run back and check out the PC well full motion simulator huh yeah this is set up as the this is on top dual M eg it's gonna run some twin-engine Cessna z-- really it's a multi-function panel so you get a lot of different flight models with it it's really and you can build these things for anybody that would want one we build it all nicely so again this is a virtual fly in North America and we operate that pinion the manufacturers out of Spain and you're actually your flight controls that you order with your computer are by virtual fly so let's go check out your computer so what's really convenient is these guys can setup anything from a basic home computer setup to getting a setup where that's actually FAA approved a long time on so now we're going to enter the room where all the magic happens this is where they built the computer that I ordered I'm pretty excited to check this out all right so this is the build room this is where all the magic happens so this is the rest of the team we got Tony hi guys and we have Paul these are our master builders Tony specifically is the mastermind behind your build all right Tony let's check out this new computer hi guys so this is Steve's new PC that we had built for him features Intel processor 9700 K as well as a RT X 2080 super from Nvidia everything's water cooled and overclocked and it's ready for explain as we have set up right now as well as the new Microsoft FS 2020 coming out this year and we also have set up virtual flight controls the yoco plus the t q3 plus throttle quadrant as well as the rut o+ runner pedals so greg this computer it looks amazing but what makes it special compared to other computers to run flight simulators yeah well it is just a regular Windows 10 computer like you would see at most big stores but this a little bit special because the flight simulators are pretty demanding especially on processor and graphics card so we have some pretty high-end stuff that you don't see it you know most of the big-box stores when you walk into Walmart are Best Buy this is a big cut ahead of what you see there so this is going to have like an 8 gigabyte geforce r-tx 2080 super graphics card and that's like really really high-end graphics card and programs like explain Microsoft Flight Simulator they're gonna need that kind of horsepower so now that we checked out the brand new PC what better way to test it out then to land a TBM 900 at Tampa International just like we did earlier today but on the flights in let's see how it goes alright so here we are the autopilot is on for 2.5 from the outer marker we're gonna intercept the glide slope and we're currently on the localizer for one left just like we were earlier today in the real TVM we're gonna see how this goes on the flight sim to the TVM 900 we do 160 to indicate when I pull the power back a little bit usually had 25% of the torque in your life is what I like and that's a good speed for the approach and we're going to now scroll down and play our first launch of flaps in here there we go flaps selected and now we're also going to look at the indicating right here it is now also indicated you know one dot above let's go gear down and as you look down here you're selected the handle will blink for ready get the gear in safe flight and you'll get the three green very accurate so there we go so we're at 20 yoga for play 2,600 feet we can go right on down to a 211 feet we have the weather setup same as it was outside today so we should break out just around 300 feet you're looking really good on our speed with the power set to 20 it's actually at 21 right now but 25 pretty close so we'll see how this sim behaves just like the real airplane the airplane is doing a real good job it's holding the localizer and the glide slope perfectly in the center you can scroll around we'll take a look look at the windows see there IMC conditions take a look around at the start and break out we get a little bit of ever on contact without the side but the side is not what counts we need to see the runway environment out the front so on the real flight today we had people lining up and waiting on the runway as we were coming around this point getting cleared for takeoff right before we were about to touch down yeah every thousand foot to minimums there's Tampa Bay down there so just like in the real world plate today we should break out just before we hit menopause coming up on 500-foot the men arms we're going to start to transition out at the front of the aircraft with my eyes to try to start to sleep and get that runway environment in sight there's 500 feet to the ground 200 foot the minimums we're coming on up there we are finally in sight we'll just connect the autopilot and I'll continue to hand fly it and just like it happened in real life today so that was really pretty cool and we have something I believe on the run boy which is not a good helicopter so we've got to go around we go the helicopter was not reported and actually they just told me virtually we can continue to land helicopter no factory so anyway besides the helicopter being in her way that was pretty realistic and there we go go in the reverse hit the brakes and besides that helicopter that was a very accurate representation of what we went to you this morning alright so there you go guys that was a really fun first approach on the new flight sim thanks to gelling systems I hope you guys enjoy the video if you did please smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel it'll be a lot more flight soon content coming to the channel soon and I'd like to give a kenning Greg a big thank you for inviting me to the shop here today and check it all up anyway again so they soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 301,184
Rating: 4.9658937 out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, travel, TBM850, bad weather, Flying in bad weather, Career in aviation, Becoming a pilot, Pilot life, pilot, Aviation, Airplane, Landing an airplane, Taking off, Flying in low visibility, ATC, ATC audio, IFR, IFR Flying, Jetline Systems, PC, PC Flight Sim, Flight Sim, Tampa, ILS, ILS approach, S1K, MZeroA, ForeFlight, BOSE, Daher
Id: 8GSgzRgNJxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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