INTO THE NIGHT! - Single Pilot IFR Flight

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today we're gonna wait for the Sun to set we're gonna fly the TBM 850 from st. Pete Clearwater down in Miami Florida here we go [Music] all right welcome aboard everybody this may be a fun flight we'll be taking off just around sunset here at st. Pete and heading on down to Miami start up the TBM clear outside starter is waiting for the ng to rise up and stabilize there it is watching the ITT for hot start ng for hung stars your two most common functions in the start cycle on a turboprop looking like a good start all right [Music] and we'll go to hell it's our information uniform two to five threes in the observation when 3 to 0 at 1 3 visibility 1-0 sky clear temperature two-niner dew point to one out senator to nine or eight six visual approach runway three six and use there's a brief model car control on pretty 121.9 ER and by this initial contact you have information uniformed all right first step done we got the ADA snow go to ground and pick up our ifr clearance de Piedra good evening no hurry if I won't sing a Bravo or signature the unifier dilemma if I want a cobra ain't big ground full route clearance there to fill palaka airport the radar vectors chevy intersection of here at alpha Bravo echo echo direct Roxanne this Romeo x-ray x-ray alpha November single six of arrival fly heading q70 climb maintain 1600 expect one seven thousand one zero minutes after departure frequency one one eight 2400 5-0 good have a opa-locka radar vectors a B Roxanne jiggle six two seven zero in the heading 1600 on part row expect one seven thousand ten minutes after 1880 departure frequency squadron zero zero five zero an RF i want a road come right by one thing grow a pair correct all right we got arrived our clearance we got it all set up in the flight plane into the computer the airplane and now we'll call for our taxi thank you ground on rate by one singer Bravo over its signature the uniform a taxi November if I want tango brother only three sticks at up at six intersection departure taxi be out alpha 2 round 3 six at the office six intersection all right if everyone take a breath all right here we go Miami Florida opa-locka here we come we used to signature FBO here at st. Pete all right so this is alpha intersection right up here in front of us now if I turn right right over to our right over there you'll see alpha six that's where we're gonna take it off from Oh got the wings make sure our flight controls are free and correct and we will go over to the tower frequency now that we're coming up here on office six you can see right out there to the left Thank You tower good evening another rink by one tango Bravo hold the Charter three six at alpha six you're finally getting out of here now you find one thing away 350 opposite way to pick up cliff or take off for only three six at up the six nothing if I want a brother things all right we'll cross the whole shoreline here clear to the left and the final down there to the right is clear for flights telling me we're entering around three six we got seven thousand four hundred feet remaining lined up here instead you can see all the black marks of all the tires a touchdown here all right here we go well use the power up here and takeoff power is set will temperature pressures all good in the green I'm pushing pretty good amount with my right leg here to keep us on the centerline every plane wants to go off to the left we do set takeoff power and there's a rotation speed and we'll go gear up there is up and indicating up one thing a Bravo every heading kinda parks we have a good one two sevens you're on the heading or departure one thing a bro come today I'll go flaps up you got a damper on it over to departure frequency portrait good evening 585 one tango Bravo 505 to 1600 trial up to two seven zero three five one thing abroad with Tampa departure I did lose your hide to wanting a brother alright we're gonna roll out on that two seven zero heading here you can see wow the Sun is setting over the Gulf of Mexico beautiful one deck up over to contact to what st. beat out fired shortly terrible decision checks won't take a row alright we put the autopilot on it's gonna be capturing at 1600 feet and I got the heady bug as you can see set to two seven zero or on a headache mode there we have captured 1600 we're just semi selection everyone tango Bravo climb maintain 1 2010 1 2001 Tanger brother alright so gonna put one 2002 free selector we don't real word of it we're gonna arm that PS 3,000 feet a minute here we're gonna go into 850 modes I'm gonna pull the power just under a hundred percent laughs whatever goes up and over the gate I'm also going to turn off the inertial separator utilize our torque above a hundred percent just gotta be careful though if it 7-3 night you can over torque the engine they also had to be careful you could over temp the engine or also over ng the engine so a privateer and left one chick fila left one six zero one tango bro nope one six zero set up a five out fear depends about anybody I put it down one two seven point four final turn over beautiful view of 1534 purchases you gotta be my favorite time to fly airplanes 334 raise the Sun is setting into the night though the airspeed is bleeding off one four zero or knots I'm gonna hit the is button plane will continue to hold that airspeed for the rest of the client but take a look down here at for flight on the iPad this is our route can zoom in and you'll see our airplane right there a breadcrumb trail of where we've been Danielle so you can see your glide advisor and if you scroll on up that is the routing that we have we're going to go to one seven thousand feet and join the jingle six arrival into the Miami South Florida area it's our altitude alert for one thousand ago one one thousand nine forty two figure after responding to one mm and we're leveling out and I'm pushing over here on the left side of the up over the rudder trim pushing it over to the left anytime you level out you're gonna want to push it to the left if you're climbing you're gonna push the rudder trim over to the right to keep the plane coordinated flight and a little indicator to show me where the trim is that is right down here on the center console one thing above a fighting on one five zero contact Miami Center one three two point three five thirty two thirty five one-fives you're heading it by one thing okay even combine of every five one tango Bravo one mm on a 1085 one tango problem I'm centers on maintain one seven thousand Fort Myers off number two nine eight five two nine eight five two one seven thousand eight five one Tanger bro all right so we have one 7,000 set up an hour out to two pre-selector we're gonna arm it and vs again up three thousand feet a minute the flying at night is a lot of fun with being 58 clear direct marina the cost part most pilots live mostly during the day boy at the U at night unless you like a car climatic 3101 I like flying at night usually the air is just a little bit more smooth yes not so hot with the sign but you guys like the guys like fine one day or at night better even the comments below yeah I liked both your get better views during the day we're gonna climb in about 2,600 feet of minutes but the only is doing right now or just watching that airspeed because I am in vs mother dinner Boucher airplane could stall out do you find it sound if I did pay attention to that back off dude you terribly sure could be coming up about half way not so go back at I yes we have been out through my papal no we should not have to worry about the air for install your on if everything works like a chit over 85 one tango Bravo very direct Roxanne Roxanne one tank brother so we scroll it down at the cursor to Roxanne direct enter enter and we go in a nav mode I be rethink and we're basically a drunken ox I don't know one who put that one five zero there's not much of a change in direction over there fixed a few Sun is just above the bottom bar down over the horizon 75 50 60 and we're caps man to feeding clear direct am Joe 17,000 feet once again using a better trip here I come to the trim over to the left as we're leveling out now we're just gonna let the airplane plane out and build up momentum with the airspeed and then we'll set our freeze power yeah this is my favorite time to fly right at this time of the day I forget to do this as a job is a very rewarding career in my opinion I could never see going back to a different type of a career where I'm not flying airplanes you guys are thinking about becoming a pilot maybe getting a job like this or something else you know 10 feet my friend Jason Schaffer and one as m0 a comm it's not like ground school I'll link in the description basically we'll build I help guide you along to save time and money and get your ratings I'll link to the description below all right so where everyone's ever Mike Baba 17,000 feet ain't one 1,000 where speed is basically gotten as high as it's gonna get so now we'll set her cruise power I'm just gonna pull the torque back a little bit because as we pull the prop rpm back now the torque will rise so I'm gonna pull battery one seven like the prop rpm here's 1981 one valve though with the blue louder here metal down the center console I pull that back and also the torque is arriving a little bit that's why I pulled that back before he said it so even don't over torque the engine and now we can advance they're good for can 88 right up almost to the redline go too crazy with it really good now you can see we're right almost set at max torque for this flight now we're good to go only Shawn 759 degrees Celsius on the ITT inner edge easily around 70% of a cup and oil temperatures and pressures all look good I'll get the ATIS information x-ray anyway win orderin and 0 at 1 1 visibility 1 0 temperature on the runway 1 2 domination here 4100 headlining at 120 we have information x-ray just monitoring both frequencies there at that time so now that we have information x-ray we know we're gonna want the yarn have 4 9 left we'll go to the airport tab we're on the approach page there is the iron have nine left tap on that and there is our approach plate so we'll be able to get that all set up kind of cure thing all right you're both VFR actually favorite be Fez join that sunset over there maintaining VFR Nanako thang up we have a girl you want to impress and you're dating her now is the time to bring her up at this time of the day nothing more romantic to take it your girlfriend or your wife up for a nice bun said flight tonight you're free I have you guys on for ya so I hope you guys are feeling romanced it's like I get a quick little Instagram story here five five one Mike alpha with her show you guys who follow me on instagram our situation to do a little story here five five one might help that fruit maintain VFR know you guys aren't foamy on Instagram I'm sure to go over there all right story is sent to Instagram okay yeah if you guys go over there donc description blows all of my different social media then I'm on it follow along between flights and seal behind the scenes on what I'm up to alright here we are over rocks an airplanes going to turn to a with people Miami center right here find me on Twitter country oh good view out the front entry 5 that would be Fort Myers coming up a lot of people don't really fill at night in the flight community everybody usually just does day flights and films I'm better you know I like to get to you guys up here once in a while I have a high suspicion that they're gonna want to put us at over jingle has six thousand someone on the V Nav here the six thousand bright at jingle with the descent profile fifteen hundred feet a minute we will would want to descend in six minutes and 28 seconds we'll see if that happens some of the different challenges when flying at night is especially when you have thunderstorms to deviate around there's no mood in the sky it can be really hard to see exactly where all the storms are at I mean you do have your next read an onboard roof weather radar but it could be challenging trying to picture the way through storms Mike normally when you pick honey you'll see all the lightning pops in a different storm but you know to stay away from that area that's a good telltale sign of where to stay away from if you don't have onboard weather radar or next right memory five one Fingal brava that's gonna maintain a 1-1 11,000 the my nails in the 39 are 85 to 95 would under 1000 e if I wanna take a brother all right so I'll stir additional dissent here one 1000 set up I've been harming vs we've got 85 by 11 or FINA video fight but yeah now that we started down will also adjust a pressurization for field elevation when we land the pressurizes right the appropriate time and as we now started ascent I'm going to back off the actually there's our Vita have a profile so she's starting to sound right when we were supposed to go down I'm gonna pull the power back because as we just sent our purple one rise we do not want to over toward and shake through we can dip the panel lights here if we wanted to with these knobs right down here Miami good evening normally I like to a lot of lower the lights when I'm at cruise altitude or zero director Barry don't look out the windows pretty low my neck the driver this I could see good enough to monitor everything but then when I get down below and I actually you know maybe do an approach or land I like to keep the lights a little bit brighter practically no contact mining is just up a cruise altitude I wouldn't want to have blaring like this because it wrecks your night vision so I would turn if I hero down to like a contract mine about that fine good density the will turn back up the rest of this plate and we can also adjust each little display here how bright we wanted to get it turn those down a little bit and it's nice for flight right now because I've just let's say it goes to the dark mode automatically like during the day this display would all be white now that it knows it's gonna be dark out it goes to a play on which is pretty handy I got the approach all setup briefed for the yarn have only 9 or left at opa-locka as you can see out front we are coming over the Florida Everglades and there is not a lot down there so at night it's basically pitch black definitely we would be highly recommended to be IFR rated because you will not have a good clear to rise you don't know it could be a clear night ppm a foul one time too bad record junetta maintain 6,000 J plus six thousand eight five one tango brother alright so there's a crossing restriction that we had in Bagram will put six thousand and rlq pre-selector we only have to come down 1,300 feet a minute right now so we'll arm that and yes 1,300 feet of it alright to set it down through 10,000 feet 35 took the lander lights on out there in the way you'll see PBM AF I want that abandoned kind of any approach 133 points 77033 study so one tango Bravo every night you and I I'm you know if I went tango Bravo it does send a six over jingle beret five one thing I brought my reproach good evening expect night left information Yankees trying to block module get Yankee and we'd like to put on the request for the iron air right only nine black please go get Yankee I blocked our information Yankee two three four eight civil conservation wind temperature to learn a minor further seven eighths on right this is our never we never left approach landing departing runway find out loud shot and a right what remember we won't want to do is all fonts out notices to Airmen like my mayor projects but the eyeliners and right every crime control mission thank you very much foreigners alright ladies now have a mission Yankee every hour the airport will put out a new animation will twenty one three zero one trees there at the head of one tango Bravo all right one three zero Teddy bug and we're going to edit mode now that we're heading assignments we can load the approach I'm very wispy Gothica procedure at bunker D abetted you're correct here we go we got the approach all put the occur you turn up JD everywhere you go baby I brought the power back a little bit because they see some clouds of the hegwood yeah at night it's a little bit harder this is where the throw of different pods are keep an eye out might get a little bumpy here and the floor you go through these clouds the less violent there will be number one gang of robbers that maintain four thousand that maintain fourth that's what tango beretta there's those clouds Warner Journal of me what do you see that we're going in and out of that night it's really cool when you got the Atlantic lights on how you see how quick the clouds go by it pretty cool so we're going down four thousand I got us biessed at 1500 feet a minute down hey you can all see the strobe lights from the plane bouncing off the class tango Bravo got to have my mare approach one to eight point six twenty six they find one thing a row how's it going sport or gonna turn the and I said buddy my word 1900 Miami no hurry fine one tango Bravo 5300 sign to four thousand one three zero heading with Yankee a felony Bravo mommy approaches from the maintain mm mm I like to put a request for the RNAV going up all right if I want a brother back that I don't thank you never all right so mm setup and also put the inertial separator on under 100 to it or knots that's the limitation to flip that switch down by my left knee thinks about the real in 30 seconds eating it you'll see the light on and now we're basically bypassing a lot more rebounding into the intake I have enough number to 9 are you six still cruising through these clouds we should be breaking out of them here shortly there's our national separator master caution just letting you know it's on there are we good just broke out of those clouds you start to see the lights out there in front of us of South Florida it's pretty up to you before you get to the lights in South Florida it is just one hitch black over the Everglades you're covered a lot of alligators and pythons down there in that darkness everyone tango Bravo proceed direct to O'Kane that's okay what tango brother yeah we had an issue here went down out here at the mill the night one mm sure Mac thought it was a departure radar contact climb and maintain 4,000 right so we went direct intervention to okay every five and we can intercept the glide path at 1600 we go all the way down and 203 58 this airplane is where lpv approved then we'll put our prop back forward here and set up for approach put it back to 2,000 pushed it back forward and now we're up at 2,000 not the prop our Pam ice-blue they're down here down low only bumps we had we're going through a little cloud layer end on November 23rd coming up I'm gonna be having a beat up both meet up at the Banyan pilot shop in Fort Lauderdale Executive I'm giving away a lot of prizes free food free drinks be sure to go to steve-o on Kineo calm and for the register to go to the event look forward to seeing you guys everything's free finger Baba defender maintain 1700 traffic 12 o'clock in the six miles 1607 mark westbound at 2500 ready you said you want me to go down 1600 and we're looking for trafficking if I want to bring originally said 1000 fingers ever crossed okay NAT 1650 on a Voronoi one zero question a litter purchase Roger gonna cross okay net 1600 yeah we're good clear to the RNAV night left approach correct our nav now let everyone Kanger Bravo budget 1600 over okie and we're cleared for the iron have nine left a time on camera given that lima contract approach on one alright so we want to make sure we're all squared away there 1600 okay well gonna be a clear for the approach so long arm approach one thing about the traverse to pad your speed 1 7 0 and contact the tower one three four point six 71 7 is here on the speed and over to tower know if I want a GoPro every night we're getting all kinds of shoutouts here today unique opa-locka tower another refi one tango Bravo in the art and have nine left okay five one tango Bravo clock tower of mine on or left cleared away clear line nine left I already fed one tango Bravo alright so got the power pulled back get back to that one seven zeros on the speed bill it down here the approach plate you'll see you there we are a little airplane blinkers we're going direct okay that's such a cool little feature alright we'll put the armrest up here and get ready to go to work be now we're almost done our appropriate speed 170 knots and we're turning our final approach course here actually got the runway out there and say if you guys can see it out there but all the lights out there it is uh it's pretty tricky sometimes special if you've never been to this area all right so we're four miles thus ASBO and that's we're gonna intercept a glide path so you'll see here there's our approach course and there's our glide path when that comes in and gets one dot above is where I'm gonna go gear down I'm gonna put the first notch of flaps in I've selected there there's a limitation for the speed is 178 knots but that first notch of flaps and indicating alright so now you're gonna see here comes the glide path down when it gets this one dot above here's like where you have to be one dot above is where I'll put the gear down by doing that they'll be right on the appropriate speed and everything where you want it when the gears down going down the glide path so gear down you're gonna see down here the red light blinking what knew all the motors running and down three green so now you're gonna see we're gonna start down the glide path though the airplane is gonna be right here which to show for the glide path and we're a little bit too left off but you're the approach course nobody autopilot correct for that I got the power pole back now we're gonna get to around 110 knots with this approach speed your plane is doing a real good job it's holding right on the glide path and we're right on the approach course that line is all lined up and I'm worried about hundred ten knots I'll put the power to about 25% we can go all the way down to 258 feet and we'll let the autopilot flight all the way down to minimums and I'll disconnect there and we'll pant fly it the rest of the way in lighting all around this runway and everything is all LED lights gives a nice crisp look 500 that's 500 feet to the ground call up and we're about 200 feet to minimums so we could still be in the clouds searching up looking for that runway but as you can see out in front of us there it is this is pretty crazy shows you how low you can go and right in there that's our decision altitude and we see the runway environment so we'll continue to land yeah look at that lighting isn't that beautiful and we're gonna start to pull the power back late I know and there we are center line go back into beta and we'll roll it down there - charlie intersection welcome to Miami Florida guys number one think about the turn right at charlie contact round one off good night charlie go on the ground enjoy your night one time brother when you're trying to exit around late at night you always got this yellow line that you'll follow and they'll help guide job there you can start to see it right there if you just follow that in it'll guide you right to the appropriate area so you don't go into the grass and holding our center line right to be our whole shoreline Pross that whole contact ground ground good evening - Larry if I want tango Bravo clear at night left on Charlie get over to signature terminate our one tango Bravo opa-locka ground can take it around the popper hop into the ramp if I want to bro all right all right well I hope you guys enjoyed that flight if you did please smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel it's always fun having you guys ride along with me here signature right over here to the right all right guys we'll talk to you getting in Sunday soon [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 1,405,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, TBM850, Travel, Becoming a pilot, Pilot life, Flying at night, vlog, Socata, Daher, Career in aviation, Aviation, Flying airplanes, Flying, Landing an airplane, Taking off, ATC audio, ATC, Flying IFR, Cockpit, Flight, Pilot, S1K, MZeroA, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviation, Airplane, St Pete, Miami
Id: 5-gdpR3_HZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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