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today is an exciting day we're gonna fly the TBM 850 over to Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport and then we're going to attempt to land a Cessna 172 on an aircraft carrier virtually any way this should be a lot of fun let's get this started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just all right welcome on board the TBM everybody today we have on board Valerie Valerie hello thanks for joining us again 90 we also have Eric back there right in the back so we'll start up the TVM here give him the sign we're gonna lined it up you see we're clear go boost on ster switch is turned on looking at the starter light blinking in the ignition light is also on first two things you want to get when starting a turbo pedal we didn't see those we deployed to start immediately so watching the energy rise up stabilize the size it's going to go introduce the fuel to a little idle now we're gonna see the light off watching the ITT for a hot start ng for hung start [Music] see it should it's probably gonna top out on the temp around 737 so that's as high as the ITT went on that starts that's good stayed nice and cool then geez continuing to rise once it gets right up there in the green we can to turn in Stara and go with our flow ones engine starts second so there we go Turner comes off kill the hi-8 on our gyros turn on our air conditioning all right so our first step will be we're going to over get the ADA Sierra Nevada the block confirmation delta v 1 v 2 v zilla whether went variable at 3 whether it's better than 5005 temperature t7 2.18 altimeter 3 0 0 6 expect an ILS approach landing runway Niner left the party runways down the left one to around my 9 right advise on initial contact get a free Delta alright we have information Delta will go over to the ground frequency and pick up our ifr clearance opa-locka ground good morning to the reef I want tango Bravo a signature with Delta let me pick a private number a 5-1 tango Bravo block around 30 the F at the airport that's filed maintain 2,000 expect 4,000 once your minutes after departure departure frequency one to eight point six four six six three standby for the feedback all right so he gave us our clearance you wonder if he's got a few other things you got to take care of and then he'll let us know when to read that back no one tango Bravo go ahead with the repack cleared over to four Lord executive s up maintain 2,000 I expect four thousand ten minutes after 20 + 6 ' frequency squawking 4-6 6-3 now right by one thing a brother number one tango Bravo way back is correct in a location we're approaching spot three with information Delta and we're ready taxing I've already five Montana Bravo I'm taking Bravo Roger runway 9 November station I'll get there November 6 November 9 left 8 by one thing brother alright so it gave him a quick flash of the taxi lights left now already taxi Thomas go straight ahead and now we'll go to the left he's keeping us clear this tug that's towing that a little airplane again we'd like to welcome everybody on board this is an exciting day today if I have Valerie and Erica on board as a pleasure for India Thank You Man where we're going today is for Executive Airport and what we're gonna do is have a meet up today fighted everybody over we're gonna have a free food and drinks and a lot of prizes where they get away today and while this exciting Valerie is going to be a landing competition on the new flight simulator room but they have the bellows flight simulators and what we're gonna have to do is land a Cessna 172 on an aircraft carrier all right do you think you could do that I sure will do my best we'll see how that goes today if you look at the wings we'll do a flight control you can see pretty correct tango I can't go with you another 85 one thing a brother look you guys like to these videos be sure to smash the thumbs up button subscribe to the channel also ring that little bell I'll let you know when I upload a video also I will link in Valerie's it's Graham Bell in Eric's Instagram in the description below follow along and all the social medias this is your first time in a GBM yes it is that's a treat thank you so much better from Eric at Valley for my a barren Jewish a couple times it's done now I got a couple videos I can link up there over the back could take a look down here at for flight on the iPad this is our route today over to Fort executive it's a short flight we're gonna file an IFR today just to you know practice some IFR procedures and we can maybe shoot an approach over there to the iOS tonight always good to stay proficient and this is the tango intersection that ground patrol you told us to hold short so we'll come to a stop here and wait for him to give us our no usually I play Yahtzee but I think I'm gonna play roulette today a lot of room get the VIP treatment a credo great seating look at oh you could the Coast Guard upper left Leon they're coming in from Cocteau Dana 130 or a Dolph had said the dolphin no Coast Guard they stay busy down here but I know Valerie is a lifetime member of Jason Shepherd I've partnered with Jason Shepherd a few years ago if you guys are looking to become a pilot he runs an online ground school that will help guide you along for getting your ratings i novella you really enjoy the MCA program yes yes they're wonderful they have a webinar every Monday night Roger will continue and we'll go over to tower 85 one thing brother all right so this is nine left right appeared to the right well roll right up to the old shoreline will come to a stop and wait for their call it's interesting not feeling the Pistons moving in the engine but so smooth it's so much smoother than a normally aspirated there's nothing reciprocating per se of metal you just have a bunch of blades spinning very fast all right there it is the whole short line come to a stop right here I say we hold ground effect here guys and then looks built to the speed and go to 2,000 years sounds okay because we can so Eric hold onto your drink back there under control number one thing up rival apply headings here and then here around might not look Whittaker clear if you take off really nine left alive on take a breath alright here we go guys what a largely executive airport here we come oh look at finals clear down the runway Claire here we're gonna line up on centerline I'll hold the brakes takeoff power and we'll uh hold ground effectively we can get up to the memory one two three oh my nan look our first up after the prop are people chores on nine mo for everyone there it is now we have takeoff power is set the oil temperature pressures off in the green bless you there Eric back there sneeze Nami the hole in the center line with the rudder pedals down there and looking for a rotation speed there it is Oh get it up off the runway in the ground effect let the gear up tap the brakes that's absolutely amazing how she talked like she pops up hey and we'll go flaps up but hold off on the odd damper beautiful and there's a good speed for us we'll just rotate back on the yoke Wow and up we go to 2,000 feet we're gonna pitch for 130 knots there it is remember one thing over I look out that many parts are good it better part you want a crowd enjoyed it our of that turbine is absolutely amazing there's 1,000 feet to go go over to departure frequency Bobby good morning about if I want tango Bravo one thousand kilometer if I want any Bob or departure radar contact maintain to 3,000 fighters epics PMI taking the blue tail over dough and then northward Roger I'd like to put the request for the ILS for nine or eight I one thing bro okay sure Steve oh no like some fans around the frequency it's very cool alright so put the autopilot on we're gonna climb in is mode we're heading mode and the autopilot is now that's 1,000 feet to go 2,000 climb in two three Ellery I'm gonna let you put us into 850 mode today okay so with the flap lever up and forward over the gate all right sweet we can advance the torque past one hundred percent one day motor left heading Jurassic the row zero six zero one tang up brother alright so honey bug goes over to zero six zero and since the airplane is in heading mode and the other pilots on the airplane will follow overplayed along with that all right so we're leveling out of 3000 zero six zero heading we'll go over to get the ADIS over there at 400 executive and Wilpon or two frequencies for every one two thousand point nine or five private XE aircraft graduate that girl assignment and hold short instructions at Bravo turn left heading three six zero three six zero one thing about Tambor over the a descent exec is now Verano hop some industries earlier three two or three will get Bravo advise three zero zero three seven two point one seven outside at 3:02 Alice or localizer row a man approaching is landing in the party row eight nine eight one three seven thanks for your ever you want to matter sounds like my hammies a pan to hook you can all kinds of shots and hold short instructions good memory if I want to take a Bravo three thousand three six zero a headache you mean eighty five one time when I reflect the major approach to running it graduate like to put my quest for the ILS Niner eight five one thing around once I graduate I got a left I knew no no prints I do expect the LS Niner eight I want a brother thinks aircraft glad to be back Carly Simon Anholt short instructions that buys on the Chicana tech you know babies information alright we've got information brother I'm you know 35 on tango Bravo you have information brother bent a row writer we let them know that one day you know we have the most current information for the airport to be a one-time Barrichello 1333 two three three zero in the head anyone take a breath all right so if we come down to the iPad here we go over to the plate page you'll see there we have the approach plate for the ILS are only nine er at four lardo executive airport you can see her a little airplane they're blinking away showing us where we're at I was regarding the approach pretty cool and we could go right on down to two hundred and thirteen feet on this ILS so that's pretty low if anyone's a umbrella with the Sun wind came 2,000 that maintained two thousand one tanker brother though put two thousand our altitude free selector and on vs fifteen hundred feet a minute down and we're under two hundred knots when I put the inertial separator on someone else a little switch down here by my left knee now there's to give and when we're talking to fix their two six zero one tail bro there's two flaps up in the intake area that's gonna adjust the air flow so it redirects a lot of the air so in case we weren't just a bird or any fire on the runway when Tim Bravo under Chapter twelve o'clock four miles opposite direction also indicates two thousand six hundred extra day descend to 2,000 weekend projects putting down a 2001 coming traffic one tango Bravo alright so we're going three thousand feet a minute this is what I have set up it will not get here because we're already served a level up there's our inertial separately come on up takes 30 seconds to switch here to con to gain 3,000 traffic their trafficker honor uh it's two miles directly straight out here in front of us our TAS alerted us three hundred feet above ten rabbit traps now is your 12 o'clock tomorrow or one mile each final to indicate 2400 traffic and say it won't take a brother there one-to-one anyway do their context part you'll get that traffic right out there in front of us since they wanted a right at us I on him Casey does any crazy maneuver over towards us Evan hello this is a training area right out here sometimes they could be doing some crazy stuff there are the years ago and pasture lovely now we're out over the Florida Everglades as a few airboats down there see this the box right here this is the training area where that's actually what I learned to fly so that's why I was concerned that you know he might be doing unusual attitudes or anything yeah usually that area is pretty busy giving at one time about returned with anyone in there but 2001 take a breath now we're gonna turn to the left this is basically gonna be like what would be like a left base to the runway for our approach also and we'll probably get one more turn after this probably be about a 1/2 0 heading or want to be 0 heading to intercept the localizer I'll be the next turn after this one good view down there now you can see the Everglades they look real closely pricey some pythons and alligators there down there that's it that's for sure the one time where I don't have 21 to do or interceptors later 1 to 0 to intercept designer logo is right by one thing a brother thank God for my friends 19 2007 fog later cleared I know pretty what to 0 the heading 2000 till established on the localizer cleared for the ILS 9 approach or if I want to take bro right so there is everything we expected we're rolling out on that 1 to 0 heading and since we're cleared for the approach will be a winter biogeography like a parent to their opponent don't go to tower brother every day negative tower good morning November 85 one tango Bravo iOS 9 November 8 by one thing a bra boobs they could not continue traffic holding position continue on tango Bravo alright so the localizer is coming in and there's the airplane doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing it's capturing that we're two point eight miles from pads and that's where we're gonna intercept the glide slope put her heading bug to our final approach course yeah what we're going to do in this approach will let the autopilot fly all the way down to minimums 213 feet which is really low we could be in the clouds all the way down to 230 feet and then we'll disconnect the autopilot and I'll hand fly and land it that sound good you that's good to me I see you have your decision height that to Hargrave yeah Thank You Lera the approach chart you'll see the little number right next to it 200 that's where you put 4 here zero Delta Bravo left migrate back to a time three are all tenor because the airport in the elevation is 13 feet right everything from very big box right don't put our first notch of flaps in direct the numbers are plotted as you're a little indicator down here we'll make sure it also indicates I always like to go ear down at one dot above so we run that above another glide slope you're in transition if you try to do the same thing every single approach it you know it's a lot more a keep your routine they keep a good routine going also put her a little pulsating landing anytime so now they're landing lights are pulsating back and forth and the wingtips but now we're just gonna follow this down in to 213 feet all right so the airplane is doing a really good job right on the localizer and right up glide so I drew that waiting relief I'd provide would cut off you can also see over there but what I would be doing right now and a approach if we were really IMC where we couldn't see out the windows you know I just be still just monitoring my department circle and we're a 5-1 tango Bravo number two a field behind tragic short final runway 1/3 runway Niner cleared to land clear to land runway Niner if I want to take a breath all right so look off to the left there okay I got here on a short final landing at 1/3 you can see him out there it's kind of hard seeing with all the buildings but we're cleared to land at Niner behind that traffic landing on one three five hundred five hundred feet to the ground broken real good on the approach two hundred feet to go UART minimus you'll see that traffic just about touchdown and won three Emmys crossing our runway right so we'll disconnect the autopilot and continue to hand flight down it there's our little bell he's the power back play title go into her flesh Matthew 5 with the bottom waiter there we go there's a touchdown wait wait if I look back now Paul back at the fire lever this is that reverse thrust changes the pitch angle of the plate where you slows you up I haven't even touched the break something rudder pedals yet thanks number one tango Bravo hey parking already I would take a brother if I'm one thing Oh Bravo right now thanks to a Kansai ground went off right off going over ground thanks H I want a brother this is a taxiway cough will clear here there's the whole short bars right up here in finest cross those contact control again all right we're clear the whole shoreline good system thank you good afternoon everybody one tango Bravo is clear of throwing around golf you go to ban him mate I have one thing brother Gator on turn to run an echo cross 1 380 Bravo kylo Ren I put across my three Bravo kilo under the ref thanks a felon take brother all right well welcome to Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport Valerie how did you like your first ride in the TVM it was pretty amazing Stephen thank you and here's right on Echo and we were cleared to cross 1/3 which is develop here in front of us and even over cleared across we'll still check clear to the left always right now here's Bravo the taxiway now we're told what ramp you didn't turn left here and then we'll be looking for kilo which will be right up here at our next taxiway back again after bottle one so don't go anywhere guys we got the Banyan pilot shop up here we're gonna be doing this great here today Meetup and like I said we're gonna do the aircraft carrier landing competition and we'll see if any of us can win this prize if we could get that 172 carrier that's gonna be fun all right Erik how did you enjoy the flight back there thoroughly relaxing it's very quick feels like a Star Wars movie back here I've never heard compared to that before all right so we'll follow this hand Marshall his hand instructions in I guess he wants us to go over here and then we'll shut down and head on over to the Banyan pilot shop all right there he's telling us to come just stop it'll shut this thing down [Music] all right Valerie we just repositioned the plane over to the pilot shop so let's get out and go see everybody [Music] let's go in and enjoy the meet up and see if we can land this 172 on the aircraft carrier [Music] all right so we're here in the flight simulator room mo we got set up here is this is the sim and we are going to try to land on an aircraft carrier with 172 even in a helicopter see the traffic's are awesome Oh a little bit of a flare [Music] [Music] oh man he's a king [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] we have toe brakes [Music] Oh No harder than it likes maybe it was to have a dog hey Valerie how are you feeling about this [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] all right we just finished the meetup in the landing contest it was a lot of fun getting the hang out with everybody thanks for me to stop by to say hi as far as the landing on the carrier wind the guys here didn't do too well the Valerie on the other hand she buttered it in on the second tricep she's a better pilot all-around as far as waiting on getting air craft cares so hope you guys enjoyed the video and we'll talk to get in someday soon [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 483,449
Rating: 4.9001865 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, TBM850, Travel, Becoming a pilot, Pilot life, Socata, Daher, Banyan Pilot Shop, Meet up, Career in aviation, Aviation Life, Flying airplanes, Taking off, Landing an airplane, Aircraft, Airplane, ATC, ATC audio, Pilot, Flight, Cockpit, Flight Sim, S1K, MZeroA, ForeFlight, Flying IFR, BOSE Aviation, Aviation Life Clothing, Miami
Id: Fmzs_A9B91Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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