Private Jet Flight Tampa to NY

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after a great day here in tampa it's like 75 degrees it's absolutely beautiful i think new york's like 25 and gonna have like 14 inches of snow tomorrow it's gonna suck you know what we gotta go home let's go [Music] flying [Music] all right what's going on everyone it's doing well it is absolutely freaking hot right now so we're gonna try and get everything going pretty quickly here and get the ac coming on because we're gonna be doing a battery start today so i'll get back with everyone here shortly all right parking brake is set everything looks good turn number two so we got no line guys two is coming up two yeah we're turning we yep n2 we're going to wait a little bit to get the fuel in so it's a nice cool start we got ignition oil pressures coming up that's a good start now we'll wait for it to die down otherwise we got to let that battery recharge [Music] while we're doing that though we can do a couple other things here make sure the trims are soft controls [Music] all right number one here we go [Music] you got ignition fuel flow is coming up oil pressure it's a good start all right wait fuel it's just me 200 pounds on a good day wow that's hot all right we'll let that all die down there give it a couple minutes we're going to white plains home we love it all right on this one here we will get our pdc so we're on the bapo eight departure camp joe transition we're gonna hope for runway two eight if possible i'm gonna put that in for now okay cam joe and then it's uh quebec 99. good afternoon citation two romeo fox whiskey squawking three five two two at shelter ready for attack so you like to put requests on for two eight citation two romeo foxtrot ground runway two eight taxi via sierra two eight via sierra tyromeo foxtrot thank you you're welcome and the winds are two six zero at eight departure eighties whiskey's current we have whiskey and we appreciate that two romeo foxtrot all right clear left clear right here we go oh rant or groundbreaking one is from the signature aviation ramp to 208 with whiskey all right that is actually very good for zero one roger runway two eight taxis all right it's good on the left have a ground king here one three seven tango kilos of beechcraft with whiskey ready to taxi requesting two eight please that's good all right before takeoff trips are set three times caution for an eight all right speed breaks are down button okay we'll look we're gonna probably come out foxtrot two delta all right temp tower justice 156 approaching one nine rides ready at release justice 156 damage roger hold shorter one nine right traffic three-mile final while we're moving here in just a minute so bail eight departure we got six thousand 273 heading 6 000 feet and have a tower citation 2018 ready in sequence you're a manufacturer just a couple minutes one off the 19 right roger thank you all right we'll set the parking brake here so that all looks good to me 2 8 climbing 277 excuse me 277 540 feet then heading 273 or assigned mayor to have six thousand feet is where we're going so that looks good to me battery amps have died down that looks good and we are in good shape giant uh 38-03 heavy tower runway one on the right declared land traffic departing priority arrival so hope everyone's doing well good to see everyone it is beautiful down here in tampa today it's again 75 degrees sunny and we're going back to 25 degrees of cold but it is what it is we had a good time here in tampa got a lot of stuff done dropped off citation dads that was all good got some stuff completed and uh just looking off the left wing here we have a freaking a-10 off our left wing that is absolutely epic wow that's cool that is really cool um and uh yeah so again welcome aboard everyone hopefully it's doing well we do have our lunch time ready to go very healthy today we're going to mcdonald's [Music] it's not citation mom lunch boxes nor is it citation mom cookies but sometimes you gotta you know work with what you got on the fly so that's the plan we should be on our way here shortly consultation two romeo foxtrot i know the uh departure instructions for you when you're ready to copy uh yes sir go ahead so we're gonna fox shot on the go off runway two it's gonna be a left turn heading 180 climb maintain 1 600. okay uh left turn one eight zero off the runway and one thousand six hundred you said that's correct for two remember fox right up higher for you when you make that turn roger thank you station two romeo five straight win two six zero niner runway two eight clear takeoff grip take off two eight citation two romeo foxtrot all right heats lights giant left turn northbound eight that's the runway here we go stable takeoff takeoff power is set and achieved two good engines flaps up station two romeo foxtrot climb maintain six thousand six thousand two romeo foxtrot being have six thousand rolling out in that 180 heading and we'll put your dampener on now thank you to your email fox try hitting two one zero now and contact departure one eight point eight two one zero eighteen eight zero mere factor today autopilot is coming on to the right uh tampa departure citation two romeo fox shot 3400 coming to six thousand two one zero head fox departure contact seventeen one two thousand one two twelve thousand zero foxtrot all right climb power is up 619 is with you 40 000. we're currently showing a failed transponder i have to take off gears up flaps are up throttles are climbing climb detent pack safety switch is good cogs coming on pressurization is coming up altimeters are good 619 tip approach router altimeters we have fox shot turn right heading 360. right 360 on the heading so basically we're making that hard right turn now once we got some altitude and start heading up to uh the right head into the right direction delta 1509 instead of maintaining six thousand all right 1509 down to six thousand do you remember that one able director when he was direct beating [Applause] 180 over tampa that's pretty cool that's this 156 trackball center 135.75 okay so heading in now depot have a great day sounds like an interpreter wow tampa airport is right down there and we are at ten thousand feet we're literally the airport that's pretty cool there's the airport down there we have foxtrot contact jacksonville center 135.75 [Applause] jax good afternoon citation two right here foxtrot one two twelve zero five right behind us that was that was really cool i've only ever seen eight tents and stuff in flight simulator um like streaming on when i stream on twitch and watching other streams on youtube and stuff like that that was that was really cool to see that one of the uh actually the company that i have my gaming pc is actually based in tampa called jet line systems greg and ken do a fantastic job they built the best boxes the best pc's for gaming flight simulation it's uh it's a great company so uh i get not sponsored by them or anything i just think they're a great two great guys and uh run a really good company shortly and uh i've had a couple pcs from them over the past you know five or six years and haven't had any issues so you know it's really the biggest thing with flight simulation is having a good pc to be able to run it the last time i was here for recurring in the cj3 plus i actually went to go visit their store their kind of warehouse where they have some mock-ups and where they actually make the pcs and it was really cool to see obviously didn't this time due to covet and i was very very busy um other things going on but uh definitely hopefully next time make a trip see what the new cool things are one thousand to go somebody found joe direct heaven hotel echo victor victor in november and then direct destination for the if you are on instagram i do have a instagram account citation max and number one presentation because there is only one citation max and uh yeah so if you're on instagram go get that to follow and post daily content vlogs and kind of share the day-to-day experiences because sometimes we are six to ten weeks away from when i actually film a video to actually getting posted on youtube that's just because i have a lot of footage in the bank or life got in the way a lot of a lot of stuff happens so if you want day-to-day updates on where i am instagram is definitely the place to go check that out and that's again citation max number one look how soggy that french fry is yikes yep they're still pretty good though mcdonald's french fries you just can't go wrong i'm sorry number two will be a foxtrot theater at kansas two four zero all right well i'm gonna have my cold mcdonald's french fries and some cold nuggets and uh not lot's gonna be going on for the next hour or two about two hours ten minutes up in the air so we'll go on a firm direction talk to everyone as we make our descent all right everyone we are back just starting our descent now into white plains i love this arrival one of my favorite arrivals because uh it's kind of cool you come in high kennedy jfk airport's right off the left wing also it's just a really cool arrival they may be able to give you something further down the line all right one two five five seven three two five so that's what we're doing right now we go we're given a crossing restriction of bono at one seven thousand uh so that's what we're doing so it looks good number two romeo foxtrot contact boston center one three five point eight thirty five eight citation two of me on fox shock today we got today in boston center citation two romeo functions twenty one two for bono at one seven thousand number two romeo three zero two eight twenty eight thanks that's what's going on the weather looks great in uh planes a little windy and obviously it's freezing freaking cold it's two degrees celsius three one zero at fifteen ten miles a few clouds which is much better for our rival coming this way one a couple things i didn't want to mention was uh i got a lot of questions about what that kind of flap kind of looking thing on the wing is that's pointing up it's kind of like a vertical flap a lot of questions about that that is called a vortex generator it helps delay the airflow from separating um so that is what that is it is not a speed brake it is on a flat the speed brake is much more on the inner part of the wing than uh than that so that is what that is it just helps delay the airflow from separating um again it helps with uh and obviously being able to uh have better soul speeds and all that jazz so that's what that is you can google it there's a bunch of different devices there's something called bles vortex generators all different ways to kind of help the airplane delay the air air flow from separating hotel india 1 000 all right so we're at 17 right now i'm still going to keep the speed up a little bit here we're coming on the bono 4 rival november 319 so normally we'll expect deer parking 15 and 250 15 000 feet 250 knots kind of sweeping around the coast of long island thousand two five zero knots two romeo foxtrot boston good evening volunteer 207 across bono at one seven thousand all right so that's set fifteen thousand the v-nev lights are good landing data it's gonna be the ils visual approach 3-4 backed up with the ils again i know i preached this the whole time but anytime you can back up a visual approach with a with vertical and lateral guidance it is a win-win from the safety point of view so we'll load that up your right turn off for ross e stavion extra set fuel transfer is off and we are balanced beautifully exterior lights are good seat belt sign not required pack safety good messages we got nothing pressurization needs to be at 0.5 by touchdown again this airplane does not have auto throttles so it is all manually controlled there are three detents a cruise climb takeoff there's a five-minute limitation keeping in the take-off detent or if one engine in an emergency is 10 minutes but no auto throttle sadly and if you are liking the video the greatest way that you can show support to my channel is hitting that subscribe button down below hit that thumbs up so we do get uh pushed into the youtube recommendation engine and uh again i really appreciate everyone's support it's a great community i'm just honored to be a part of it i've had a lot of lifelong friends too many to name but uh really hope hopeful and excited that hopefully some of these air shows and the oshkosh's and sudden funds and obviously going into 2021 and 2022 they will back and can start to uh to hang out with some of my friends again because it's uh that's really the one thing it's not just the flying right it's the people you meet too and the relationships that you build so hopefully that stuff will start happening again nbaas and all those sort of events and we'll start being able to hang out in person again all right 8 000 new york good evening volunteer 207 across deer park 250 at 15. volunteer 207 new york yeah a little bit dark for the sunglasses even though we love the randolph to take those off okay uh deer park at one five thousand and gweney at one one thousand just off the right wing which is a lot of a lot of fun and a beautiful place to go in the summer time pre-covet i would go there a couple times a month during the summer time on the weekends just a beautiful place obviously the jets can't get in there but sr22s or cessna 172's parents all that stuff descending at uh 8 000 it's a great place it's also 20 bucks to park for the day it's a steal it's a lot of fun it's hopefully next summer but yeah it's right off the right wing over 2 romeo there 17 4000 direct rhymes 4 000 direct rhymes shot he's texting me to turn my phone off all right fight plan to rhymes that's the new thing about the gogo internet is it actually was on it was off on airplane mode but with the wi-fi on it used to be 10 000 feet turn it off now um speed breaks out got a little bit of some sheer there uh it used to be ten thousand feet it would automatically turn off like the airliners now with the gogo update and cool stuff that uh gogo has done uh it's now doesn't shut off until four thousand feet so you gotta be make sure it's on the silent and uh and even obviously airplane but the uh wi-fi see romeo foxtrot contract new york one two zero point eight twenty point eight jeremiah good night pick approach good afternoon citation two romeo fox shots fifty six hundred descended to four thousand tanko sensation two romeo fox shot new york approach welcome back westchester altimeter three zero two eight turn left heading two seven zero two seven heading thank you fox shot max how you doing buddy i'm doing well how are you good man good to talk to you back on the day shift yeah man it's been a while but i'm back for night shift now though yeah i'm off to this thank goodness that's awesome buddy we're actually filming today's show on this video november one leave my offer radar service terminated squawk vfr frequency change crews see you later cfr frequency change approved for one name out thanks for the help i tasted two romeo fox shots to maintain two thousand traffic close to one o'clock and seven miles maneuvering i'll communicate three thousand two thousand we're looking for the traffic through me a fox shot that says 749 traffic eleven all right we're looking for someone's doing maneuvers chandelle's lazy hates all that stuff driving inside we have to watch for the bravo which is uh a uh thousand uh should be a three thousand foot shelf or below so we've gotta be at 200 knots when you're below the class proper airspace citation two romeo foxtrot advise uh the shoreline or the field in sight we have the field and the shoreline and the traffic to your foxtrot the station two romeo foxtrot thank you clear sound visual runway three four approach good south visual three four tromeo foxtrot american 9829 contact departure one two zero point eight five golfer number two traffic is a serious on the mile final for two nine to one thousand three hundred twenty three threes here it is runway three four quarter lane we land three four from rolled off the tower good afternoon citations right base for three function westchester traffic cirrus 828 or 929 hotel golf midfield left downwind runway two ninety nine on firebase roderick thank you all right question away tower you are number two now following a citation on the five mile final windows 350 all right top 15 speed checks below 200 knots glide slope and gears coming down 3 48 traffic three mile final win 3-5-0 number two traffic citation two mile final for uh three four one three four zero one one one two nine clear touch and go uh roger turn left below 161 flaps 35 landing checks speed brakes are down two down number three three green flaps 35. lights are on where you have landing clearance has been received your dampener is away before landing checks are complete 500. 348 counting your departure departure 348. minimum minimum roughing about seven thinking about five rest g'day westchester tower volunteer two zero seven uh number two for the visual three four on a right base five four kilo yankee turn base uh turning base uh five four kilo yaki in volunteer two there's so much centrality number three traffic is the region question uh your traffic is a uh serious training community there's echo left everyone welcome to westchester county airport hope you enjoy the video thanks so much for watching we'll see on the next one take care you
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 915,759
Rating: 4.9416924 out of 5
Id: GwinnRsBQR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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