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it's never been a better time to go for a sunset flight in the tvm-850 [Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome aboard everybody we're on board the tbm 850 here at brooksville florida and we will start at the tbm boost pump on clear outside bolts look good starter is on got starter light blinking ignition light is also illuminated it's the first two things you want to look at watching the ng rise up it's going to stabilize right around 14 there it is we'll introduce the fuel to low idle now we're going to watch for our light off watching the itt for a hot start ng for hung start those are the two most common failures you're going to get with the turbine engine on the startup that's looking good tempered out right at 722 degrees celsius now it's starting to fall back as we get more rotation and just watching the ng to continue to rise up there we go excellent start continue our flow all right first step we'll go over to the asos here at brooksville brooksville tampa bay regional airport automated weather observation two three three three zulu wind zero eight zero at one zero visibility one zero sky condition clear temperature to one celsius dew point one zero celsius altimeter three zero three five remarks density altitude four hundred book cells all right we got that now we'll go over the ground and pick up our ifr clearance weather observation 2-5 roger brooksville ground good evening tvm 851 tango bravo over american aviation we're going to pick up our ifr tbm calling ground you're looking for an ifr hey firm over at the american aviation fpo and we got the uh asos i'd like to pick up ryford gbm1 tango bravo are you ready for taxi all right taxi if i want a brother can i get american aviation hey taxi via bravo one bravo and i'll give you clearance for a momentarily going to text around three via private one bravo number five one time all right so he's getting our clearance ready we'll start our taxi here the fbo is now closed they did a great job here today for me i always enjoy visiting a little puppy jovi runway for traffic hanging around the airplanes or hang out with the pilots we'll put the flaps down out there if you look at the wings flaps are coming down and we'll test the flight controls free and correct maybe a special treat tonight being able to fly the tbm 850 at sunset into the night down to punta gorda cycle the prop here twice guard 45 from alpha that's the drop in the prop rpm and the rise in the torque state of the north of runway niner caution lake tournaments from the c-130 do that i make left traffic runway niner this time around oh we got a c130 out here doing touch and goes pretty cool right above us for now your company's taken off from melbourne and we'll hit the go around button and we're going to arm what we expect here to be your initial altitude we'll be in heading mode also we've got some blackhawks doing some training here today if you look at the front you'll see him i got to talk to them at the fbo today really nice guys i'm sorry go ahead six one one [Applause] tbm 851 tango bravo is cleared to the point of court airport has filed clown maintained 2 thousand expect seven thousand one zero minutes after departure departure frequency will be one one eight point eight squawk four six two five clear down to punta gorda s5 maintain two thousand expect seven thousand ten minutes after eighteen departure frequency squawking four six two five ninety five one two one one tango probably back correct four six two five set up in our transponder there we got our clearance and we'll have eighteen eight on departure frequencies we'll get that back up here and comb one yeah if you guys like these videos be sure to smash that thumbs up and subscribe to the channel also ring that little bell that will notify you when i upload a video i got the uh pivot mounting system here with the ipad mini a lot of people ask me what size ipad i really prefer the ipad mini what's nice with the mounting system it's real quick and easy to take off and clip on wherever you need it and then make right if you guys are looking for something like this for your airplane crosswind as a discount code you'll save 15 off any of your purchases with them and like i say saving money is a good thing looking out the front window there you can see the taxi lights are coming on now now it's getting all the dark along with the runway lights and if you look down here at the ipad you'll see there we are six one one bricks up tower roger collection away as we taxi down to runway three i'm bravo and we're coming up to the end of uh taxiway bravo which will be bravo 4 to taxi to the wrong way we'll go over to the tower frequency i think it's going to be the same controller so both frequencies this evening and we'll hold short of the short lines here and contact power and f3 and right close traffic cooler main west of uh runway and if we take a look down here at the ipad you can see this is going to be our routing tonight we got the class bravo air space the tampa crowd intersection and then right on down into punta gorda play time is projected to be right around 24 minutes there's the national guard right out there in front of this doing their training again big thumbs up for everybody that serves in our military here in the united states that's greatly appreciated one tango bravo traffic off the left side of the departure end of runway three is a helicopter a low level in the uh north slope area fly runway heading runway three cliff takeoff keep an eye out for that traffic cleared to take off around with 305 runway heading all right five one ten bravo all right punta gorda here we come all right six zero eight there's traffic guys are excited for this flight here final is clear now the runway is clear [Music] i'll line up here on center line with the rudder pedals that's how you steer airplanes on the ground for those of you that are not familiar with aviation all right so here we go ease the power up rpm goes up to two thousand short runway three numbers we're gonna advance the rest of the power the torque for a hundred percent number two take off power and takeoff power is set will temperature pressure is all look good in the green i'm holding the center line with the rudder pedals watching that air speed build up there's our rotation speed pull back on the yoke tap the brakes and look here's selected up there's that helicopter down there very low level guard six one one frequency change proof calculator cricket's changed pretty much tbm one tango bravo one able to turn left heading two seven zero maintain two thousand two seven zero two thousand eight five one ten brother so stop the flaps up y'all damn right take off make right traffic traffic's the helicopter we got our heading bus very often over there we can pitch back i'm still hand flying it will pitch back to get to about 130 knots tbm one tango bravo contact tampa departure 118.8 go to tampa enjoy your night thanks for helping brother there's two seven zero heading okay good evening tbm eight five one tango bro 1500 clearing to 2000 on a 270 heading there we go 200 feet to go 1800 climb to 2000 so we'll level off here still hand flying it can't let the airplane have all the fun five one tango bravo tampa departure ride tent climb and maintain seven thousand hi dent climbing tank seven thousand eight five one tango bravo if you have one tango driver radar contact turn left heading one two zero and actually meant the altitude to maintain five thousand one two zero on the heading five thousand eight five one tango so we set our heading bug to one two zero five thousand in our altitude pre-selector we'll bank over here nice and hard okay beautiful night out there look at that we're continuing our turnaround there's brooksville airport right down there that we just took off and we'll roll out on this one two zero heading and we'll continue to pitch up here to bleed off our air speed we have one mike bravo correction one tango bravo contact approach 119 or point nine are gonna 199 one tango bro one thousand feet to go four thousand nine to five dollars tampa giving tbm eight five one tango bravo four thousand five hundred [Applause] that was unreadable there's five thousand we'll level off for one tango bravo seven thousand seven thousand one tango problem seven two thousand seven a rail to two pre-selector and we'll pitch up to seven thousand feet we're transitioning through a class bravo airspace here of tampa international 125 that fields 11 o'clock 13 miles i don't know if i really want to put the autopilot on 200 feet to go 6800 climbing to 7 000. now level off here that is our cruise altitude on this flight remember one thing you'll bravo direct the crowd on course direct crowd encores eight five one tango all right so direct enter enter the crowd hey heading over that direction that's going to be a 162 heading beautiful view of the right wing as the sun is starting to set out there trick to foddy and we'll buy stuff the 1563 and we're actually going to put the autopilot on now to relieve that workload since we are single pilot we gotta get set up for an approach and we'll go into since we are now direct to crowd square up that heading bug sun just went over the horizon out there if you look at that with the gulf of mexico if you look down here you'll see the green line there's our breadcrumb trail we took off three did those turns pretty nice good-looking turns there and that's where we're at right now going down with uh tampa international tampa florida off our right wing over there now to stay ahead of this flight we want to get the atus frequency changes a lot there's a lot going on with your single pilot get that set up and then i'll put the ground frequency in after that and we'll monitor one o'clock we're gonna be monitoring two frequencies and we'll get the adis at punta gordon visibility [Applause] approaches [Applause] all right we have information bravo how are you guys enjoying the flight over there so far good good glad to hear thank you if you guys are enjoying it i'm enjoying it the four thousand some of these lights here like the ils niner at lakeland number five there [Applause] runway four and we'll set up for the ios 4. if we look over here there's approach zero seven fox taught there's three of our traffic two o'clock three miles down we'll get that all set up a brief 300. there we go we're just a beam tampa downtown this is a reposition flight for my job tonight i apply this airplane as my full-time job it's a great career being in aviation you guys are looking to become a pilot be sure to go to your local flight school inquire about getting flight lessons go for a discovery flight not a bad way to earn a paycheck so right now i have my nav lights on everybody those are the different exterior lights that i currently have eliminated once i get above ten thousand feet is when i always turn off the landing lights but we're down here at 7 three six five one nine two probably my five two two zero well it is a nice smooth night out here the air is really smooth makes the flight way more enjoyable brick is tricky is when you gotta try navigate thunderstorms in the middle of the night that's the type of knight flying i do not enjoy but when the weather's nice i really enjoy flying tonight number one tango bravo racorda off when you get up here flying this time of day it's really like therapy for the soul all the crazy things that are going on in the world you get up here and you kind of forget about it all right up above all the madness i love it looking at the ipad here you can see we didn't go all the way to the crowd got our turn to go a little bit early so we're going to go direct to 49 00. maintain one one battery another central line now right here at the airport down to eleven three three on the meter 38 there you go i kind of like i prefer track up for myself but for showing you guys north up is easier for you guys to understand look off the right wing you can see the clouds going by the airplane a lot of pilots call that cloud surfing it's a really cool visual effect all right for one tango bravo across one five fifty miles north spinning or gotta maintain three thousand roger 15 miles north of puente gorda 3000 85 on tango bravo all right so 3 000 15 miles north of punta gorda we'll put that in our v nav 3 15 miles before and we'll get a flash now and a reminder when we need to start down to meet that crossing restriction the v-net feature is very handy and there's our message light that's saying approaching your v-nav profile [Applause] we can now start downloading restriction that we're given we've got the front there we're descending on down you have some uh some of the lights out there the different cities around here so it's not a complete black hole but you get out over the everglades and you go a little farther south you're amani and it is black out those windows dark especially in a moonless night that's our altitude alert one thousand to go four thousand signed to three thousand we're gonna meet that crossing restriction right on time number eight five one tango bravo contact from our approach 126.8 26.8 thanks for helping brother good evening fort myers tbm 851 tango bravo 3200 loving that 3 000 and with request tv mma five one tango bravo foot meyers good evening fort myers three zero roger we have bravo we'll get charlie and uh we'd like to put on the request for the ios we're only four eight five one team bravo you want to take a probably you can expect that would that be until full time hey firm one tango brother [Music] miami [Applause] once established traffic bench 12 o'clock and seven miles southbound a uh ng five at 3 500 roger and zero on the heading we'll be looking for that traffic one time brother advise all controllers on this contact you have information bravo and fort myers tbm 851 tango bravo they're still advertising bravo over the frequency everyone think about roger there we go so we got the approach all set up since we're on radar vectors i'll be looking for this traffic here i don't see them quite yet actually 1480 and the traffic in sight now at night it's a lot easier to see traffic traffic on site one tango bravo look down here at the ipad there we are blinking away as we have come into the area we're going to intercept 600 feet versus and that's that traffic that we see out there at our one o'clock that's the traffic alert for that no factor i can wake you up when you hear that it's gonna pass right over the top of us here five zero nine has a you can see him out the front here right in front of us blocking away right there going over to the east look now you're gonna see the lights stop because that's the gulf of mexico now right out in front of us and it gets dark out there definitely want to be instrument rated even on a clear night if you're going over water better one tango bravo traffic snow factor just going to maintain two thousand seven two thousand thanks one two brother and given your five zero nine two thousand seven i also have it all set up on your side over there so you can follow along or you can watch on this my primary instruments right here i gotta set three different ways one two three so it's good to be redundant in case something ever happens to one of your instruments you definitely want to have a good alternator setting because as you can see out the front it is pitch black and if you had the wrong altimeter set again you could pretty much go for a swim real quick and easy you won't even know it 200 feet to go 2200 descending to 2000 power back a little bit more here right now we're at 50 on the torque and we're still doing 190 knots 11 000 in violence tbm one tango bravo turn left heading one three zero descend and maintain one thousand six hundred one three zero does that maintain one thousand six hundred already five one tango bro all right so we have one tree zero set up on our if you need another heading back there zero back just fine thousand six hundred set up in our altitude pre-selector got that vs 1500 feet down now we're basically on a big long left base all right we'll start to come back towards the comfort zone of secret spikes and maintain five thousand maybe in one tango bravo you're five miles per sister i'm sitting at zero seven zero maintain one thousand six hundred until established on the low bladder cleared ios runway four approach zero seven zero heading one thousand six hundred till established cleared for the ios four approach and already five one ten bravo they were rolling out on a zero seven zero heading there's our localizer over here to the right we're gonna watch for that to come in so we're gonna arm the approach now it's armed it's not captured yet he's doing a really good job on the vectors now the airplane's starting to bank over to the left as it's anticipating the localizer coming in which you can see right here also you can see over on copilot side yellow line coming in and you want these two lines to be matched up or then you're right on the localizer for the approach and now we can put our heading bug to our final approach course zero three five so we have a 23 knot wind coming over from our right which is pushing us off the localized when you can hopefully the airplane is going to see that we're not capturing properly bank more to the right contact point toward the tower one two one point zero have a good night 121.0851 tango bravo oh goodnight good to go our tower good evening tv on eight five one tango bravo on the atlas we're only four remember eight five one tango bravo apartment tire good evening runway four clear to land wins zero nine or zero at six clear line rolling forward right five one tango bravo thank you all right so we're gonna put our first notch flaps in we're in that range now the glide slope's also coming down one down above is where we're going to go gear down the airplane is still off to the left of the approach course because of that we got a 30 knot wind blowing us off right now so the airplane is not doing as good a job as i wanted to to get back on but it looks like it's correct the gear down here this one past one dot above 836 punch tower runway four clear for takeoff campaign the gear is down the airplane is correcting it's still attempting to get us back on the localizer but we're still a little bit off what i'm going to do is disconnect the autopilot and we're going to hand fly the rest of this approach and i can put the damper back on just so we're not yawning all over the place and i'm gonna hand fly this now and get us more appropriately positioned on this approach to show you guys where we really should have been so there you go now you can see we're right on the localizer and we're just a little bit low on the glide slope and we'll disconnect the damper now so that i can get my feet on the rudder pedals utilize those we're gonna have a wind from the right crosswind on this landing so right now we're crabbed the nose is to the right of the runway we're gonna hold that crab all the way down into the flare and that's when i'll kick it out with the rudder pedals and we'll put her down on the runway 500. 500 feet to go to the ground and right now still we have a 20 knot win over to the right pushness crashing [Applause] if you look at the approach lights there thank you and also our instruments were still perfectly on the ils they're a little bit fast you know just a little gusty out there so in case we had any winds here i don't want to get too slow we're looking good we'll start easing the power back [Music] that's our decision height right there that's as low as we could have gone if we were on the approach two red two white we're looking good looking good on our speed i can see the runway start to come into view and ease the power back to flight idol going to the flare hold off let's kick out that crab there we go center line back into reverse start applying some brakes and also use your uh controls give you more braking the wind flow over the airplane perfect we'll follow the taxi line right here into the taxiway it's always a good way to tell how to get off the runway at night sometimes it's hard to see if you don't have these yellow lines welcome to punta gorda guys cross that hold short line clean up the plane we'll contact ground or maybe get our taxi instructions with the tower there's the alliance just past that come to a stop and clean the plane up let's go to the ground good evening tbm 851 tango bravo clear of runway four on charlie need to go over to the fbo great one trying to think about we'll put it around texas deal with charlie and dots across one side charlie delta cross one five into the rim thanks for watching got our taxi diagram all pulled up here and we got a real nice easy taxi since we are able to make that taxiway a charlie built down here at the ipad you'll see that there's rally four where we just landed we made charlie taxiway which gives us a real nice taxi right over across charlie across the other runway there to the charlotte county airport authority that's where we're going to be parking the airplane tonight i really am glad that i was able to have you guys on board tonight it's always fun to have you guys ride along with me sharing aviation has been a passion of mine for many years and i'm really excited for everybody that subscribes to the channel we're eventually going to be coming up on a half million subscribers here so that is amazing really thank every single one of you for watching and liking the videos and commenting and being part of the aviation family we're coming up to runway one five here and we were already cleared to cross but even though we were cleared i always still double check so clear to the left and clear to the right and it is bright those ramp lights over there are pretty blinding so we're looking right in front of the airplane at that yellow line to continue on the center line of this taxiway there we go we have we are crossed we're only one five past the whole shoreline got some airlines out there lot of allegiant airlines coming here you'll see off the right wing parked over there at the gates pretty cool and this is fbo is actually open 24 hours a day so that is a really handy feature to have i already see our blind guy over there telling me how to get into our spot telling me to go all the way around all these airplanes you'll see him off the right wing there you've got the lights all up and looks like there's another another airplane about to leave off our right one here so it's busy here today and it looks like we have to go all the way around all these airplanes it's kind of tricky at night here we'll turn it on the landing lights just so we get a clear picture of what's all in front of us here we'll turn them off before we start looking right at him but just to get through all these little airplanes i want to make sure i see exactly what's going on we don't want to wreck a beautiful flight right at the end do we there we go it was tight but we're clear now we'll go back to just taxi light now that i can see where we're going clear the right and left i'm watching his hand instructions and we'll turn off the taxi lights so we don't find them all right guys anyway i hope you're all doing well as soon as you cross those batons we're done and i hope to see you guys all again on another flight someday soon take care everybody [Music] oh [Music] pass my shoulders the happy ones are here let's get together before we get much older teenage waves [Music] so
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 145,745
Rating: 4.9869266 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, TBM850, Travel, Flying at night, Flying IFR, Airplane, Airport, Becoming a pilot, Career in aviation, Aviation, Pilot, Pilot life, ATC audio, ATC, Daher, Cockpit, S1K, BOSE Aviaton, Pivot case
Id: UzWXOhojoSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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