DROWNED 4WD! Our most insane recovery ever – did we rescue it? Moreton Island like you’ve never seen

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Morton island a four-wheel-drive destination is home to some of the best fishing camping and beach driving in Australia oh yeah and some of the most epic recoveries [Music] [Music] well we've just undertaken perhaps one of the most epic recoveries we've ever done I don't think it's gonna work honestly like I didn't until that vehicle started moving got to meet up yep still not out of strife not yet this thing has been under water for two days and we're talking one of the most bogged missions offseason bog distance let me tell you it's poor bugger I realize I do I might still even the joking matter someone's pride and joy but for here folks if you want to see how we got to this position I suggest you do it what I always say you should do go the fridge get something cold and crack it put it in a stubby cool I even got to sit down and get comfortable because we have got a lot of work to do know where to get rocket to get angry he's assuming pull him out here kind of make some noises all right well we're to do let's get into it [Music] you know there's really something special about an ocean voyage to start the four-wheel-drive adventure and it's with some excitement that we sail out of Brisbane and set our sights on one acquaintance lands most magical destinations that's right I'm talking about Morton island the Morton ferry it will drop us straight on to the beach so we don't waste any time in airing those tires right down and just like that we found paradise home to some of the finest beach driving camping and fishing you ever see get that ramp down and let us at it here we go Orton Ireland yeah good is this little hidden gem of southeast Queensland you expect it to be way more busy than it is on a Sunday around tangle over it'll be real busy but soon as you get anywhere off the beaten track around here it is pretty good I'll be looking forward to Morden since I was told last year that we're gonna be coming this year that's how much I love this place something special about it now joining us for this adventure is one good-looking convoy starting with our mate Darren from custom RV one of Darren's specialties is 200 series chops and fit-outs and this mint lookin cruiser is no exception Darren's managed to wrestle the keys off one of his customers mark and judging by that build I reckon the two of them will be doing this trip in absolute comfort next up its rusty our resident tire expert and he's wheeling one and neat-looking mitsubishi triton since joining us in the simpson desert Rusty's been hard at work getting his own floor be up and running and it's come up an absolute tree next in the convoy we've got Anthony from opus Anthony is a specialist oak to be here as he spent the whole of last night in the workshop dropping in a new engine for this beast of a GU and of course hitched up to the back is one of the biggest innovations to hit the camper trailer industry a camper that sets itself up automatically at the flick of a switch I can't wait to see it in action of course this bloke hardly needs any introduction at all it's rocket from wholesale automatics and joined in the passenger seat is he son ash if you've ever found wholesale auto you've probably spoken with ash and now he's gonna see first down how he's dead pilots that big auto converted 79 my advice ash he's hang on mate hang on Shawn I was back behind the wheel of his beloved [ __ ] or as I like to call it the squid because whenever he gets into trouble it lets out a bellow of black soot and he escapes now I just hope you can keep that thing running long enough to make it back to the ferry but I'll keep a snatch strap handy just in case leading the convoy is one good-looking izu d-max set up for tough tracks and touring arrogant it's the perfect vehicle to tackle this iconic Island welcome to Ireland hey good is it shot oh yeah Mike I was thinking to myself this is my fourth time in a vehicle on Lawton island mate and I have been looking forward to uh since last year yeah look at the first time I came in a vehicle it was blew me away yeah these places yeah I think it's sort of you know it's the little cousin to phrase overall so I think says Fraser is the big the Big Sandy all but more that's got just as much to offer in my applet beam yeah it is it's it's you know a lot of fun on this island it gets gonna copy other night sure but mate that I'm surprised they found room for you on the barge with that huge vehicle here's a few complaints when we'll drive it on let's put it to its test on what I can get through this off saying on Lord might she'll go anyway mate I don't think it's gonna be a problem Christ eat can I go me mate yeah crappie great that was me trying to do my best so that we can accent made it was terrible you are yeah it's a nice change from the red deserts and we were riding lost you if there's a month yeah that's true - that was your last trips ice and both times mate we'll have to get you out and do some mud soon yeah yeah we've got the poor wheel drive to do it I'm in brilliant mate brilliant Anthony gonna copy right down the back there my yeah my new mailings on the forum it's pretty interesting yeah oh is that trailer gun on the same 8 0 issues yeah look that's messy out the artifice there aluminium sorry you know I'm not that scary Matt Ross it's an awesome boy yeah it's perfect rocket sand right you're on you're driving on sand how does it feel it feels breathe I'll tell you what second time for both of us on the island so I'm really looking forward to a big Ashley we'll see how we go oh sure I what do you reckon it's shut up both yeah I reckon so my door akin um doesn't take long to get away from the crowds and it's all and so we do just that and um I guess on the sides raji follow me this way to adventure mortis magical views can be a bit of a distraction at times which is a problem on these soft Beach exits this time it's a rocket that's got caught out these max tracks really are the perfect tool for beach recoveries and the best thing is that these new metal nibs are replaceable extending the life of this incredible recovery tool with them extracts in position look at that four tonnes of Land Cruiser is lifted up and out like a charm I wouldn't leave home without with our first recovery done and dusted it's time to head north what not think about you think it's sand beaches sandy tracks little run right now most people get stuck on Morton coming on and off the beaches because the exits get chopped up there's usually a tournament which means you can lose momentum and that's where a lot of people go down now the big key of course heaps and I'll say it again now ty fresh get your tight britches right and look you should be fine couple other tips I can give when going on and off the beach keeping momentum up in the order of the d-max what I do is going to manual mode second gear and just hold that hold the revs that I need and don't let that come back down off that rev range come into the corner wide I try and cut it really sharply especially if you're running very low tire pressures you could run the tire off the rim that's a real pain to be honest in the d-max Ivan struggled one these puddles all have a favorite of water in them this one's no exception motive okay that's cool second gear might just Adil's hurt I like it give it [Music] let me go as we hit Morton stunning Northern Beaches a number of messages are starting to filter through about a drowned four-wheel drive somewhere up the coast might have you been copping the same messages on social media that I'll be covering yeah exactly right made that forward drive you're talking about right it's exactly what I'm talking about pair up here unfortunately I shouldn't laugh someone's come unstuck and therefore will drive is it about well about 30 meters at the seam oh yeah I've been told it's around North Point rather deceiver Morton here so we can't probably miss it that foot would drive hanging out of the oceans I reckon we count investigating if he can maybe try and pull it out be good to get it out for the bloke if we can my concerns are might have settled in a bit in that sand but let's kind of look at at least you know I reckon between all of us we're good enough which is hopefully we can we can do it I've recovered enough Toyota's mate I reckon I can get additional local photographer Adam sellers from the pressure project is sent through some amazing pictures holy heck that thing is seriously stuck you can give Adam a follow because he takes an amazing underwater shots including these of course of this poor old gu at pressure project on instagram or you can follow him personally on Adam sellers free diver on Instagram folks let us know at home the worse bogging situation you've ever been in I've been in quite a few but I'd love to know what your worse well situation is and if it's worse than this listen in the ocean area I'll arrange personally to get a prize out to you so let us know your worst ever bogs situation for now it's gonna see how this poor ol fellas doing with our eyes peeled for a drowned for B we soon find exactly what we're looking for are you great and get a copy oh no Billy mate I do you see what I'm saying Thank You bud mate that's every four-wheel drive is nightmare right there look at that you got a feel for the poor bugger yeah that's awkward really looks like he's had a bit of an accident on that front looks all banging I hope he's all right but let's go to the place look at it oh yeah I think you might have our work cut out trying to get that thing out thank you right look at that oh bugger I can be the next artificial reef mate the new tango luma now look this has got to be the worst nightmare for any 4-wheel driver that's a proper touring rig and it's pain at the mercy of the tides for a few days now with salt water literally covering the vehicle at high tide we're discount filtering through that the vehicles owner is camped somewhere on the island trying to figure out a plan I reckon the least we can do is pull that GU out and then try and track him down and pass on the message this is how you stop a car 101 mate it's heartbreaking I'm not even an S and fan you know my visions are this but you don't want to see a lot of neighbor like that make nice it sucks this is the worst possible case scenario but it all goes wrong this is what happens that's a complete write-off but what we're concerned about of course is if you look down here you see an oil slick go out on it smell defile yeah she's she's ruptured everywhere so we're going to attempt to get this out and pull it off onto the beach at least above that high tide mark let's face it as well the bloke is he's obviously a write-off vehicle insurance might cover it but it certainly won't cover taking it up onto the beach and all that sort of stuff so if we can't get it out be a big favor to him in to the environment as well so that's what we've got what six winches are so here we reckon just in a straight line right a few extensions together we're gonna know straight away for even budgets yeah if a budget will pull it out what concerns me is the toy under the tires and the rear is actually off off the wheel so it's gonna be a dead weight obviously I'm not gonna know much you try give me the other guy give it a go with the stranded vehicle digging hard into the sand rocket has come up with an ambitious plan to hook up multiple winches of course we can't drive into the water so we'll need to use extension straps to reach the drown to you two books to walk onto one strap and these are Sean and two others on the other strip just so we're not overloading the two straps we've got a long way to go that's at least 270 meters that day see if we can reach [Music] this is definitely one of the more hectic recoveries we've ever undertaken and we soon have everyone at work to pull this recovery together there's no handbook for this kind of recovery but of course the usual safety precautions apply dampener blankets good recovery gear and clear communication to three days now and tied to the top of the course it's really stuck into that stand so it's gonna be a big effort to pull it out but we're just three big trucks let's give it a go we can't say that [Music] we seem to be doing this nicely baby [Music] coos his boobs last time you did some work these short well mind if I got a dollar for every nice Amalric avid I'll tell you what we were so we do have one one mission in the reading the recovery here hey suppose it takes one to know one how about we stop here for a second check these weeks it's going to this good things are looking good as the boys check their wieners but they're still a long way to go skull dragging the vehicle through soft sand family this is working we thought it's gonna be a stretch even with three winches on the case your toes a lot the three sort of heaviest big question [Music] and here we go and this vehicles moving were actually pulling it quite easily here comes we've basically got like the distance down to pounds that we've seen at the that's just for my vehicle and of course now the tide has started headed and there's some vehicle parts in the sand that would soon need cleaning up so it unhook Anthony and sent him to collect the debris with his camper trailer while Shawn and rocket continue the recovery you just see how much that sand impacts it price like a suction when it goes down you got to break that suction back up on top now and we're moving it so it's a slow process but I think we'll just keep going with this now and get it out Suns going down it's between you and me I'm getting a powerful first [Music] this thing is so it's like it's not funny I'll tell you what sure that's a really hard way oh that's insane that's insane I can feel the vehicle wanting to come forward it's amazing the difference that losing that third winch is made on the speed of the recovery and with the tide coming we risk losing the ground we've made up Anthony and Darren remove the debris from the sand back and now the race is on to get this vehicle up and above the high-tide line everything seems to be under control as the line is fighting but then suddenly we hit a snag under the extreme load Rockets which has blown now we're not sure what's gone wrong here but we haven't got time to diagnose it let's get another vehicle with a winch here if we could it's really time to come up with a plan B so we bring Anthony and another trusty Dominator X which thanks to my D max with three winches back in the game we should be able to move this thing along boys I feel like Power Rangers without powers keep going we can't with those wheels off like they are the whole vehicle is actually digging itself into the sand making this recovery way harder than it should be it's coming to us I'm going on to it actually also of course the tide is rushing in fast now and if we can't speed up the recovery we risk losing the vehicle to the ocean once again with night falling it's time for another plan well what do you reckon I mean we've taken cars up hills skull dragging before yeah surely we can drag that out I'm thinking Rockets and I'm thinking the two hundred the two heaviest most powerful vehicles and just let them go and just straight up the beach and don't stop until you get up past the high bar and she gets a lot ass stop we good to go Fisheries came down a second ago apparently the young was a young bloke that owns the vehicle he's still on the island he's been trying for three days to get that thing out he's gotta pour blood up and then someone can get used to him that's stock they'll be happy it's a leased outlook then you get at least sleep in his rooftop tent out there it's a bit wet very it's that first step it's a doozy like when you come to Morton you think tropical paradise I don't think recoveries into the normal that does not factor into any equation I do yeah all right yeah good is it Mike fantastic all right let's get them strapped up yeah and so here we go yeah our next plan of attack involves trying to snatch the vehicle out now of course one four-wheel drive won't be enough so we're gonna try and link multiple vehicles together to increase our pulling capacity this is a risky move that we have to beat that rising tide as all the work we've done it's nothing to be undone if we've got to get that car out now if we died we'd have to have another attempt tomorrow I'm afraid because we can't risk these vehicles what we've done is daisy-chained all three of us together and we're just gonna see if we can't scale drag it up and above that high tide mark I am about to become a long-wheelbase let's give this a go the problem here of course is coordinating all the vehicles to pull at exactly the same time hard enough in the day even harder at night [Music] this really is our last chance to get this poor be out but we've come this far and we're determined not to leave it to the tide it's back to the winters movin emphasized slightly we've got so much sand and make the vehicle it's really like suctioned it down and two of the tires actually come off the rim so if it's the dead weight what there's just that in the which is cool every sort of 30 seconds so general rule is 30 seconds on 30 seconds off and that'll just preserve the winch every winter the matter of a brand of it you just gotta let them cool the end if you just work until odd you'll be in strife a car is so close to coming out they're sick Aziz we've put out winches to test around the country but this is going to be one of the most epic challenges we've ever undertaken with we're so close here just a few more meters it should be above the high-tide mark and finally yes it's ahead of the water what a recovery that's us water recovery like I said folks if you've done bigger I want to hear about it let us know I want to saw that I thought let's just winch it out 10 minutes we've got a camp fire beer no way I either would never get that out the fact that sitting on the beach up on the high tide mark now is a miracle right that's okay there's one of those deputy recoveries I think we've all been involved we don't we every vehicle we used all the winches at one point yeah we're all trying to drive at one point just we've used every trick in the book like I know what's left the good news is not that it's just out of the water for the fall of like you know but also there's no more diesel and oil and stuff going through the ocean so that's a win now cold beer rather than for the bloke who owns this vehicle you've probably boys would be I reckon he buys more for BMI I reckon yeah just wanna be I think there's a camp up here just we can split the strategizes one ours one they're all pretty good up to ten to be on yeah mate they are all right well looks like let's go it's so far past beer o'clock it's almost breakfast so we push on in the darkness to find a camp I tell you these are the kind of adventures that will stay with you for a lifetime [Music] finally we've made it to camp I gotta say it this has been one heck of a day a few iron Jack's are well deserved as we set up for the night [Music] [Applause] like I always say folks this really is as good as it gets and there's plenty more to come as the Sun rises on another perfect day on Morton you really have to pinch yourself as you're taking that view I tell you what I feel so lucky to have places like this on my doorstep and a for me to come and see them after a huge night of recoveries and some good times around the fire you can forgive the boys for having a bit of a sleep in that said though you can never let your guard down around this crude some ratbag has been trying to modify my swag I sure know bike no here you bugger I got an urgent call of nature well just saw heaven so I can't hear it so I got into the mic well that's good let me out you should always carry beer so it cuts me out of it that's it oh there dude on the cash offer freedom should wake up I reckon morning boys righto with that bit of urgent business taken care of it's time for a coffee and breakfast and Anthony has put on a hot brandy on the camper kitchen and there's even enough cat space for the crew while we wait pretty luxurious way to start the day if you ask me speaking of that there's the bacon look at the bike in is soon sizzling and a hungry bunch of blokes closes in [Music] man how's that Robert always that like top-notch my top-notch and I pledged asleep last night Oh naked yep or absolutely naked we're really getting the most at and what no I think yeah we're at well if we get the most of the number Nelson's Morton trip as well well bugger get you carrier they wanna play man that explore it more the Orleans I'm only to get a couple ingredients but it's really important it's not actually you go past a full workshop no I don't even know you'll find these in the shop I need to UM I need to get some fish oh so we're stuffing are you guys brought some tuna tins no I've got actually organized to Mike he's gonna come grab me in his boat we're gonna quickly go to the old ocean supermarket and get 20 litres of water yeah grab a coupla couple of little items off the shelf alright well if you're gonna do that I know I've got a baby you over babe you're gonna take this plate get some maggots and watch just fill up voices massive fan of oysters better still a real treat for him let's get them straight from the ocean no mucking around and shock them on the boat all right well if you what time you go to the boat sabe hmm alright well that lasted at the tide in the elbow and yeah bet we go for a definite swim yeah then we'll scare separate ways for the RV yep meet you back this afternoon on the western beach I'll bring some oysters you you can use the toilet in my car dinner I like this end of this that's a good day crack and Weston care site mmm stop it with a pretty solid plan in place it's time to pack up and while Shaun's not looking double check I've got those tuna tins on board it doesn't take long around here to track a lot of sand three or four wheel drive lucky for me though these mats are easy to clean and keep the interior carpets looking nice and slick you said to say that campsite go shy that was one of the one of the nicer campsites we've had I say that a lot though geez we're lucky like that was a cracking little campsite I just can't get over this place like I've been here before of course but I forget it stay untouched it really is it's not that many people meet awake this morning I slipped down to the beach and out of swim and I looked up and down out as far as the eye could see now I make no one but if you compare this to Fraser there's prop like this is like a sickness like a secret hidden hotspot no one comes here compared to Fraser okay guys that was absolutely cracking yeah camps I loved it one of the best ones I've ever been to a mortar now I can happily spend all day on this pristine eastern beach but just inland some challenges for the boys that'll really whet their appetite literally [Music] the inland tracks on this part of Morton had plenty of fresh water on them after the rain now look these water splashes aren't just fun to drive they're also great for cleaning out the undercarriage which perhaps explains why the boys are hitting these obstacles with such gusto that 200 looks pretty much at home on these long water crossings and rusty looking pretty of these as well and that meant frightened Anthony barely seems to notice his Tyler trailer which is really a credit to the opus design and after back old mate rocket is hitting the water only way he knows how at pace camera car is upfront and sewn into a couple of deep crossings now watch this and tell me those boys don't have a heck of a lot of fun in that big gu camera crews always in a hurry I'm up next and heck that crossing has a real drop in the middle of street rikey I'm a submarine that's really got a chance to wash those max tracks on your crime [Music] rusty looks like he's close to floating there but he's made it through no worries okay see where we go don't worry rocket our next stop will sort that for you mate because we're heading to Cape Morton lighthouse now the Cape Morton lighthouse is actually the oldest lighthouse in Queensland and it is also the only lighthouse in Queensland to be built of stone all that and it comes with stunning views mr. whale feel like a swim mate always like a swim especially in the water looks like that what do you think it might share bay pools yeah I don't reckon so there's a bit of a swell out there but a window reckon it might be champagne in for once every insane mate a good day for it it's a look at the water named of course for the sea foam that Frost's up around the rocks and the secret here is to arrive as the high tide is coming in we waste no time in jumping in and having a soak [Music] there's not that many places where you can get this kind of swimming all to yourself but of course we've still got a big day ahead so I was trying to move on to the next appointment hey Sean a copy yeah right yep I'm gonna make use of this load side and just smash down south on the eastern bush mate what are you thinking well I need to go onto the West Coast bike to make mine Sammy with a boat and at the same time doesn't mark need to get off the oil and get back to the workshop I'll see you in a few hours and the West Coast good luck yeah cheffy may bring plenty always stirs back for me Mike you do like them sorry mate you're breaking up horribly see on the west coast if you can hear me two dozen if you could make two dozen get not getting that at all mate I'll catch you on the west coast good luck he loves oysters I'm not getting me many as you'll remember Anthony had to drop a new engine into the GU overnight to make it to Morton now despite his best efforts there's been a few gremlins you see he's having some overheating issues not to worry though and he's asked rocket if he'd ever go at tying the camper we should really take a bit of pressure off the vehicle I'll show you how an auto really does tow mate say that actually let the big 79 let it hit in rocket okay we will we'll bring it on put on a show with Anthony unhooked it's a matter of moments before rocket is hitched up and we're ready to hit the road I can taste those oysters already as the rest of the boys head off Easter hunting Sammy's got in touch and let me know that he's got the boat and he's heading to Morton you should be hitting the western beach any minute now as Darrin I'd convoy across the island to meet him I've got to say that 200 series keeps catch my eye what are we gonna be honest with you I'm spending far too much time looking through my career views bang that 200 did I am [ __ ] straight ahead 200 salute baby done to it my scars absolute treat we're quite happy with the work we've done this for mark yeah alright you've obviously done a bit of a lot of chopping ash as the extension there EMI we don't want to be nice chops on 200 series with a 650 ml chassis extension D 14 of our rear wheel on all along to give it a bit of shape man we've done your custom canopy look you know checking this Hannah camp as well and just the lines on the back of that shop and how that fits in with a canopy it's where that mr. Toyota roll they turn off the shower involved but we like to think so that's what we try to achieve on the each type of builds just amazing if you look at the little details yeah you even got the parking sensors all the factory stuff from a 200 sahara but it's incorporated into this build you haven't lost any of that there's a few little touches that really sets it off from all the others rolling and what through the canopy mate you don't just make a one-size-fits-all canopy this is um vane caster built to the marks Nate's right that's right mate we work with the customer on all that builds and they get their their touch on it as well my don't think that's where we come in to our own that's from not just the shape of it the size of it but also the fit out as well though that's right like they're getting exactly what they want that's a game I know if if money was no object mate that's the vehicle I'd get to tour in Australia that's for sure most definitely good vehicle and being top of the range twice Ohio to mate it's got a few life you know Tom I quite draw of yourself might the office there if Mark does want to swap the 80 series hola I'll think of it maybe swings is a six pack firewire something that he'll be done yeah by a keeps on Riley's eyes every time you talk about that so my something might happen I like oh my let's get going yeah Darren is one of the hardest-working blokes you'll ever meet and after a couple of days away he's already got a back load of work pulling up and sadly he's gonna have to leave us and head back to the workshop this is where I'm gonna meet Sammy oh here he is actually right now on the water thanks for coming along and bring in that weapon over 200 no drowned at all might have a good one oh well here we go the end of the pool would drive it onto the boat because I've got some secret ingredients that I need for tonight's cook up one of them involves fish that's getting now Semyon I have done a lot of fishing together now if you think I love fishing well Sammy is next level and this bloke know some of the best fishing spots around Morton so I reckon I've got a good chance to navigation feed there's nothing better than hitting the water on a glassy steel afternoon and we're soon mode out to deeper water where Sammy spotted a lot of activity earlier in the day [Music] we are Moreton Bay the semi and we're just going to go and try and spin a couple of Turner up there's been in quite a few birds working around here few tuna hopefully we can get a long tail or even a yellow fin you know maybe a mackerel I fish would be good any fish just so I can catch one and the boys don't give you stick that's pretty good Sammy has dropped us right into the action and soon we're hooking up he just hooked up to a nice little tuna I'm just driving the boat now so we can landing quickly to try and get away from the shark with a fair few sharks here you're marking Hey look at that little fella well mac to do these things go very stupidly hard you figure out when you get them to go get something that tastes a little bit better there are fish busting up in every direction but rookie one is proving just to be a little bit difficult right in front of me the water maybe catch one with the turnip being a bit fussy it's time to swap over to soft plastics and see if we can't land a snapper and just like that I book something big we're on here bugger me raw Tibetan there you give the other fisherman some spice I think that might have been a yellowfin might I'm absolutely gutted we've lost that one but there's no use crying over spilt milk so it's time to tie on another law and try again well I wonder the boys are doing I reckon right about now they would be sitting back on the beach with a bunch of voices straight from their accent Morton by then I get much better than that by the way that's alright we're having a bit of fun too catching some fish so you'll never be awesome made up fresh oysters fresh fish what a day mate things have not gone to plan on the island the inland track whereon is ridiculously soft and off-camera rocket has gone down hard he's not the only one this chaos along the track with other vehicles and buses that have bogged as well it's going to take all the max tracks we can find to solve this one that momentum there's just no way rocket is going to make it up this climb so first we were reversing back so we can get a decent rap holy heck this is soft mate like a rocket give it the loud pedal [Music] sorry guys who painted chick burglarize we're off that was one of the more epic draws I've ever seen this is whoops tears rocket is excited this sand this stuff's like absolutely talcum powder it's a goodness 8 set some max tracks I've lost 14 kilos in liquid coming out of me in the form of sweat now you get the camera car up and keep going these oysters I'll tell you what they better be bloody good back on the water Sammy's plugged in a secret fishing spot into the GPS and this time we're having a lot more luck yeah I don't know that although that's a nice grassy make it with you can't open the fish astern the fire good beer boys might be talking to oysters right now but I tell you what I reckon I've got a better good little it's never absolute piece this one all the curls tonight this might be a perfect little entree look at it Oh tell you what this is epic what we're doing right here is making basically building a road at a max track so we're keeping rocket up high on a max track at all time driving in forward onto the next max track moving one behind putting it in forward driving in for the next match right now that sounds painstakingly slow but what is better than is digging seven and a half ton of four-wheel drive out of the sand this is working really well that little bit to go yet gently gently might be ready yep stop and Lonnie mineral this is a top little spot we're really in a good selection of snapper and little grass he's in no time something you won't be hogging all the good fish up his end of the boat that's what mates are for I'll let him get away with this time haha yep yep I'll tell you like not a bad days work straight alloys got a nice little bag of snapper here but I've actually got some yellowfin tuna in the Dometic sea call it the other day just on the off-chance I didn't get any fish now we've caught a couple here so the good news is we are on the island for a couple of days these ones will serve us well on the curls beautiful but tonight I reckon yellowfin tuna but just the recipe with a couple of good keepers in the icebox it's time to head back and see what campsite the boys are found but then I get a message from Graham who seems like he's day might not have gone to plan [Music] I can't believe it for this max tracks bridge is working it's stinking hot out here the sand is baking our feet and the camera crew has said to down tools sleeping and this really is one in all in [Music] at last we might get off the inland track and back down onto the beach I tell you what that it's a heck of a relief I have driven some tough sandy tracks in my time but yep if we didn't have those max tracks and eight of them we'd still be up there that is one of what I want to know that was where Shawn oh what's he doing no idea mate but I sure know though it will involve a very thin piece of string and a hook Oh Dobie you beer beer beer beer 66 beers what do you reckon sure you get them all right let's just get the cabin of a beer let's go now this part of the island is peppered with little campsites up against the Jun stand with some iron Jack's on our mind we punch south down the beach in search of a good spot I wonder what Shawn's up to after a good day on the water so he drops me back off and Morton time to get these fish in the Dometic and try and catch up with the boys so he's got to get back to the mainland so leads me to it now if you like fishing and you want to see some big fish being caught jump over to Sammy's YouTube channel it's Sammy hit skis fishing and see what he gets up to any spare time what a legend I'll catch you later mate there we go we've got our snapper sawgrass easy enough towles bag straight into the Dometic I reckon the boys and I think I've been to the fish markets but I reckon you're gonna love them all the same as the Sun sets our weary convoy finds a perfect spot to set up for the night I tell you what I will sleep well tonight [Music] there's some strange noises coming from Anthony's corner of the camp and I can hear a beer cracker so I better go and investigate you've gotta be kidding me right what the heck I saw you push a button ten seconds ago it's not bad is it make that 90 seconds ere been technology Aeropress sets itself up 90 seconds and that's and you're all you got to do is sit there and ever beer have to be like that is absolutely incredible yeah and that's gonna turn off you have to do anything yeah soon as it reaches pressure about seven psi on those air tubes she turns itself off and that's it that's the arming bed so let me just get it straight you literally push a button sit down have a beer and your camper trailer sets up that's it mate done about the antics a bit that takes ages that you've got to set up poles and mucking around with it you think so but really simply if I cut that oprah's off right now turn a button as if on an annex connectively I'll turn that on have another beer that's set up as well mate I haven't even done my swag it broke I'm gonna leave it I'm not gonna leave you to look you're not doing anything I'm gonna get back to set up my swag oh I'm honestly doing something wrong I'll come over here for a beer in a minute sounds good mate see there at long last Shaun rolls into camp but it sounds like he's decided to make a grand entrance heck he's there what is he doing Oh Mike I've just got in the cab oh not quite nearly got in the gap and Here I am stuck quite literally five meter I can see the booth swags this is embarrassing this is really embarrassing oh it's really stuck oh yeah I just thought I'd make camp here mate and if you get the vehicle down on a chassis rails easy to get the rooftop tent oh my goodness that's embarrassing what your boys gonna be stuck tonight ages no matter what I tell you about it quite a similar day drivers got said there wasn't no I was actually really common in the picture of our team yeah Goodell I think we should fill those holes in for EM oh sorry great thanks boys yes it's gonna get a bureau [Music] I'll tell you what how good is Morton oil and every time I come here I'm super surprised I mean you think because it's just outside of Brisbane you're going to get a lot of crowds but that's just not the case when you come out here or any of these beaches west coast East Coast up north the crowds are almost non-existent and it really is the ultimate for drivers playground now tonight we're gonna do never caught a couple of fish today so I'm gonna dive straight into the Dometic and pull out some cheering up I don't know make a bit of a pastor like a chili tuna pasta my way of makin a bit of fish go a long way so let me jump right in there so the first thing you need for a tune up chili pasta is some fresh tuna yeah good is this now these are swimming around the ocean not too long ago and here it is about to become an amazing little feet so a little bit of water in the old bhaduri pretty earlier but fresh yellow fear my boy goes with that heck Oh be your [ __ ] yeah might yeah good yep whatever that is sick so this is fresh yellow fin that you got Yoshii at was it like oh you want a bit sorry that's Murray to me they sorry to me can't believe you gonna give me one of your it's so rude to me your honor more beers no thanks Mike not even cheese but - right yeah ah it's as good as it gets so I've got us can we eat that raw is that a possibility Andy how do we do it yeah we do what I'm gonna do first - Chum you depart all right I'm gonna Chuck a bit of salt in there and a little bit of olive oil now you put the olive oil in so the pastor doesn't sleep together yeah if you don't catch a lot of fish sometimes I get worried cuz I'll obviously I catch a baby huge but you don't catch shapes yeah well I might go around with all the calories or pastors and Jesus or space it's a treat every full driver who doesn't fisherman gets a that in the right order - yeah that's getting warm yeah I'm gonna chuck it in here put a bit of salt in there I did I did just a bit of salt yeah pastor Sarah that's it go look at out unreal so all right we got a bunch of tuna I want to cut this into cubes but before we do that I'm gonna grab a nice little piece here just really thin little down my mouth is watering we've got little pieces a little bit of soy that's right so this just introduce the soy to the tuna got a little bit of lemon and just get a bit of juice going on the lemon and a tiny bit of olive oil settle down you just a little bit like that and what you got there is probably the freshest true nut you'll ever wrap your laughing gear in just can I say grab a little bit of that hey man I'm gonna Oh and that goes down okay with a couple of beers even words for that that is next-level in that that you could just eat we have got that faster on the go so now what I'm gonna do get all the tuna on Basie's gonna cut that into small or sort of cubes mate we can't keep this a secret I'm gonna get the boys on the boys I can't wait to see Roberts go this it doesn't really eat fish I'd rather give him raw fish so rocket and raw fish and I honey are gonna go as fresh as it gets boys I'll get me the smallest knife Oh big money oh you would it's just landed well that's that's what's for dinner tonight so sit down yeah easier you can do this with all sorts of fish boil away a lot anything has looked after nice put it straight on is that sort of stuff you never crack there yeah definitely to go honey you've polished all that off this is where you know that's go fish the smell of baby if it smells nice and fresh yeah look at that well I say dive right in I've had some experiences with some less than Pleasant fish I've been old bit not old on the nose jamón eyes yeah it's not you know so I'm just what I'm doing you chopped the light into cubes I want me cutting board back that past is just a bit done so just tell me i dry in this but it's gonna be real hot so you hold that it's really hot yeah okay what am i doing I'm gonna burn the title again chop some chili up I can do that I'll turn this back on get some heat going still skating this unit it's a bit of olive oil straight into the pan get that nice and hot I'm gonna grab a couple of fistfuls of this and I try 100 I hope that you like it's not not the go go a lot go go go the other one I think is it hot no it's good he's gone red zone I should probably wash me hands do not okay so I got the old onion there bit of garlic straight in the middle there a big ol well of garlic a chili onion guy I've said this a million times a fool that's the Holy Trinity as soon as you get those combinations doesn't matter what you cook from now on you've gotta be all right oh I like the fact you cut it nice and small mate there's three cause a pretty good onion there chili so I'm just gonna basically cut these ones down a small little portions here should be a Mac um yo got another one so gonna be the spring onion in there now now trying get a couple of seeds out got a few lemons there now basically want a fair bit of lemon juice in the oil pan get some lemon juice in there I'm gonna go a couple of these you go mate yeah yeah now I'm gonna just Chuck return Australian all right the key with this is is to go real quite like quite quickly on the tuna okay we're not cooking it for a long time ago on as rare as it sort of comes look at that can we get a cameraman in there look at the colors in that it's a bit a bit going on isn't it I've got a little bit of lemon zest there to chuck that in few olives you're always bitter pepper because it's on the table literally the tuna is nearly done I'll just chuck it in there but we're talking and talking like basically like a minute right I'm getting that straight off the heat and so now what we do real easy grab this if you can hold it there you go just so I'm just pour all this straight in the pasta right relax what I even put the heat back on now let's grab some of the salt stir through I might just before I just stuck a sticker on this I happen to have a libel on it but I see just Chuck a bit of that in give that a stir get some flights get the boys are in oh yeah boys I come on look at that what are you cause I'm gonna go through those right yeah first of all of this I've actually like what a bit I was gonna say - and there's a lot there anyway there we go that's quite a simple it's very sweet well there is you gotta catch a yellowfin tuna no that's a hard bits first okay I can't catch the elephant you yeah what could you stop to shoot that for you put some chicken in the interview just is good damn boy you're right you know what the thing is though yeah don't be eating it rolling your cutting board don't try it at first there's a lot gonna be up 10 ingredients in that if you're lucky it's not even 10 man you go about are that if you really wanted to go bare-bones it applies a lot more on with the best eaten tonight oh no we're really uh bees are gonna see we're on the floor nice get into it we reckon boys are Otto up [Music] yeah good is it waking up in Moreton Island I'm sleeping in the adventure Kings to a rooftop tent and a little of rooftop town so I love the fact that I'm elevated up off the grammar get away from the mozzies and if I open both of these little flaps up here I get a nice cross-breeze not to mention when I wake up I get a view just like that or I'm looking over the west side of Moreton Island doesn't get much better than star today I couldn't agree more mate but while Sean I still in bed some of the locals are already on the move we go this little guy here I'm gonna put him down he's just made a home for himself on my hand I'm gonna put him down make him pop out there's a little soldier crouched it is little soldier crab look at that oh they do nip a little bit but any of these northern beaches up here you'll see these little guys getting around have you ever seen the little balls of sand and you've wondered what they are well that's made by these little soldier crabs I get around in their thousands up here of course those are the balls are them rolling up the sand and getting out a little nutrients that they eat I'm giving this got a bit of a hard time I'm gonna let him go now but when they're cornered look at that they dig themselves into the sand to get away from birds fish and things like that well people like myself they dig themselves a little hole we won't even know he's there now they're cool check them out next time you're on a northern beach glutton millions of them you might have noticed the massive sand dunes right behind our camp and before we leave Sean and I were keen to take a closer look in bushwalk the hell did that come from [Music] these inland sand dunes here on Morden are practically untouched when you get right out into the middle of them like Sean and I doing right now you can almost be forgiven for thinking you're on another planet it really does look like the surface of the Moon out here [Music] their goods dispute might you what a wok is next level the weather witness come from Lenovo a Queensland that is very unseasonal is it all the coldness is it it's gold it's actually cold proper cold big subtly changes comes through just a little gray down there it's a lot of rain coming our way but the view from up here this is did not exist from the campsite yeah I thought all this is going over that June and then it moonscape unbelievable pretty incredible mate I reckon given the weather inland tracks will be perfect today right that's still a bit of a crisscross I wouldn't know when done go and safe and kicking out those World War two rallies like the the bunkers and stuff like that always wish me well no I'm so far that's not too far and it more ad it may eat checks on those inland tracks so they're a bit of a doozy mate you're in for a driver I wish Pete's been raining so I think yeah we increase trust a few times and I know this let's get into it might wait all right little feet of water if it's not like well the bright sunshine of the last few days has definitely disappeared this morning and pretty soon the rain is beginning to set in still like I always say there's no such thing as bad weather just bad preparation and the boys have jumped straight into packing up camp and that's a good idea you know there's something quite satisfying about following your own backup routine each morning and like a well-oiled machine we're soon and ready to start the day now look at that well yeah that'd be a pretty familiar sight for you to our two drivers we haven't even left camp yet and Shawn's got his bonnet up now I'm just joking of course he's just doing some preventative maintenance this time around checking his oil levels and sure enough he's due for a top-up it's good thinking mate [Music] I'm not gonna lie I have really had my hopes up yesterday about getting some Moreton Bay oysters and as luck would have it it just so happens that our rap today is gonna take us right past the oyster farm what's the speed limit down here again as we follow the West Coast track down towards the south of the island the terrain starts to change with the beach giving way to mangroves and foresty more importantly of course it's home to some of the best oysters to be found anywhere in my opinion there's nothing quite like freshly shucked oysters from the farm and if you're ever on Morton I can't recommend highly enough that you visit the oyster farm here I'll try for yourself looks like we are here these bad boys we're soon chowing down on these delicious little morsels with a dozen more to take away for you measure [Music] I'll protect those of you what look at that man I saw nice right out of it Moreton Bay oysters is in my opinion the best oysters in Australia I've not had better they are unreal all right come on you go on now you might not like if that's the case don't have any more okay they are so sweet they are so sorry sweet all right you know when you come to more come down here get yourself a couple of dozen of these even trouble getting one other shell strike the other camp a couple of cold beers no yeah good is that so sweet Robert I've dragged you away from me but we got to get on track I think it's gonna be okay with you trying or I guess I do but let's get into Oregon State so shut those in your car might yeah when we get front of the door handicap a lot of people ask me about my dual battery system in [ __ ] here and now behind my seats I've got two century batteries that's 210 amp hours but both of those guys then I charge those I am run a red arc manager 30 the cool thing about that of course is it tucks in 30 amps of charge every hour so it's nice and fast and it also has a display unit so I can see exactly how much charge is going in and also how much discharge is going out so home things like a camp light for three or more whole goodies like an monitor exactly how much battery power I've got left pretty smart if you ask me [Music] for our next appointment we're heading east across the bottom of Moreton Island and soon we find ourselves back on the stunning eastern beach and closing in on some significant historical landmarks it's a really cool part of the island this is the roust battery up here which is some relics from the Old World War 2 era out here when they were trying to defend the Port of Brisbane of course so this is the remains of that era when they were defending the Port of Brisbane back down this way and you can still walk up and have a look at the bunkers so you can still see the remains up here of the machine-gun Terrace which is kind of cool they haven't got rid of them so we'll Park up here go for a bit of a walk because now the boys have seen them before [Music] I heard that's where they spend that suffer days guarantee oh wait this is the Reyes battery of course and if you look over Morton oil there's a lot of different artifacts that date back to World War two and they use this is a main base to sort of protect Brisbane obviously World War two the Japanese was a real threat in 1943 a [ __ ] submarine from Japan came through into Moreton Bay there was live fire and it tried to sink one of our Navy ships and it was stopped thank goodness so there was actually this is a real work working well run they're not from here I think would have been inside the bay there but yep still it was that there's a real threat goes to show mate you can't trust a [ __ ] submarine you may be speaking of short while we've been up at the ruins the tide has turned and suddenly the beach is getting real narrow salt water and four-wheel drives is a bad combination and we're gonna do our best to avoid that water if we can put our boys this looks a little bit touch-and-go yeah I think we're losing bytes little chunks yeah my just time those waves and alright for the best direction yeah I'm gonna just try and pop up into the little lee ways put it on then if I wasn't talking yeah we've got a incoming tide as well so it's gonna you know work that out being very cautiously everybody could have gone a few tonight there he goes haha yeah skin of his teeth that's actually quite scary timing is the king here and rather than try and make this whole run I'm waiting in the gaps between the trees for the next wave [Music] what are you building where are you gonna go get crazy man I know I'm hitting me I'm here because you gotta go at something yeah I know I know oh no I'm getting wet with a small gap opening up I give it a right boot and that was close but I'm through house this way else's that wasn't ideal but I got through strewth I was a bit that was good area was be touching on my long we labor that more that tights coming into not not good [Music] boy you will go he hesitated there for a moment but nice work Mike Detroit not alone russell's turn now and Sade is a big set wife coming in pretty spots a gap and he's away what's close mate all right now for Rocco I'm almost in the water here yeah yeah of course Roberts got a much longer vehicle here and you snuck into that gap on the beach perfectly that's very sensible staying put and minimizing the amount of saltwater going up under the vehicle you're gonna look at a pattern that would have been bad to Vienna Joan would have been got no way to got here yeah sorry now we're over either challenge with a bit of history under our belts it's time to head back across the island and north towards the ferry which departs later this afternoon there's still one last hurdle facing us before we get there though and that's that section of inland track that gave us so much trouble yesterday which we're going to have to tackle again in order to get to the ferry if conditions haven't improved well he could be in for one heck of a serious challenge soon enough we're heading off the beach and on to the start of the inland track the rain should have helped compact that sand but we're still a bit unsure of what we're gonna face and as you can see the boys they're keeping the pedal down as we start the climb the rain is really coming down now and that track is barely recognizable from yesterday when it was literally like talcum powder unbelievable the difference rain makes my soundtrack this is notoriously soft gnarly through here today but for me to be a puppy you'd almost go through a two wheel drive it's that easy hey Rach I've got a copy yes mate certainly a bit of a hill coming up mate I don't think you can have any dramas as compared to here the day this rain has really helped us out but you might want to get into it another less much certainly going to get into it but it's good thing about it you guys are actually compacting the sand a little bit as I'm following yeah pretty good up in front termites rains made a huge difference Rockets still having flashbacks from yesterday and I don't blame him for giving it a decent bit of stick as he comes up that climb the auto though really does make light work of it and he's through with minimal fuss it's hard to believe that less than 24 hours ago we were having to build bridges out of Mac's tracks just to make any progress here as we make it look easy on this track - this time around the opus camper is constructed of lightweight aluminium which makes a huge difference on these tough tracks and look at rocket he's making it look easy are you done with your auto on this sad mate is that give it a bit of grease that's like driving a limousine on the beach it's absolutely amazing yeah I need your so that all eyes towing are the bee's knees off-road no I love it's just so easy to do it on the st. the tour component layers the turbo to stay on song and it gets it easy don't have to go grab it for any gears no breeze yeah it's a lazy man's way I driver mate and I that suits me just fine wouldn't do it any other way it's we're gonna do it let's get down the beach right and look at that Beach will ya I tell you what this island is one specky looking place how good is bought an island absolutely love this place and the think it's only an hour away from Brisbane it blows me away because there's absolutely no creates here especially we get on to the eastern beaches here I've cam saw it's all to yourself and there's heaps to see and do I've just been out fishing I mean there's brilliant camping you can go down south get the oysters there's bush walks lagoons this place is like a mini fraser island by without the crowds and the other really good thing about born Doyle it is you don't need a hugely modified vehicle to get out here and see the best places yeah a standard full draw over the good set of tires lo-lo's tires down around 18 psi you won't get stuck you'll have the time of your life hey Sean are you gonna copy yeah buddy very is down there and waiting mate which is a bit sad to be honest it is miles just think it held sabotage the I eat it write down all that I need to do that sort of stuff but I would more it's better than other wake up water couldn't you just you know we've seen so many campsites set up to the here for a week or two good on you have so much button there's all a night I can definitely say save yourself Sydney for a couple of weeks on the beach they were thoroughly enjoyed it it's been the first father-son trip that I've ever done yeah by ourselves have a killer and here we haven't killed each other everything's going well an amazing place I'm sorry to see it all in a nutshell Kampai to be back yes it's not half bad rusty as it yeah from our perspective same as the simmer it couldn't have asked for a better bunch of blokes to do a trip out to the boil drive it was absolutely out of this world I'm always keen to squeeze the last drop out of any adventure and we've actually got an hour before the ferry heads off so I reckon we can fit in one more thing right next to the ferry a series of wrecks makes a perfect artificial reef and of course that means excellent snorkelling beautiful where's where to stand in it here or going in there but either way I don't know Fischetti it's a while not exactly no I can't like mate oh well you always gotta bring this nautical and mass when you come onto the island and now's the perfect time if your diary I'm gonna leave it that one yeah one yeah yeah you got missed me in the water mate don't stand out like a sore thumb know which way to these go there's go on your feet you put on nail easy to walk in them so well those lean it done mate you walk backwards we're back all right let's get in there yeah it sounds like a plane [Music] the our code is this we've got the entire place to ourselves and we set about exploring these amazing wrecks look even if you've never tried smuggling before get down here to tango luma and have a go yourself because these wrecks were purpose-built for this very very activity and at some of the best snorkelling you'll do anywhere in the world [Music] there grew disease snort angle only might it's gotta be on your bucket list when you come to this place bring a master's level fear if you gonna have a look if you bring some bread with you have you break it up the [ __ ] will go crazy for it sorry oh you're back you know what [Music] [Music] [Applause] well mate Morton oil what do you reckon give it up give it rating like five stars from the oil short oh right I love Morton oil and mind it's just it surprised me every time I come here this place has no careers it's got some of the best camping and grateful were driving not to mention like those recoveries I did not expect that go on to us and I like driving up the beach there you hear Jehu patrol at the sea now I know they are capable alright yeah that was I that's never ever done you guys got a bit stuck on it as well yes we are here at the old uh Kyle Busch Telegraph's playing yard overdrive I want to do it again if we can avoid it place I thought we're gonna come back to Morton next year you might catch a Z you might not but you will definitely catch us on full drive back well definitely will and with that it's time sadly for our Morton adventure to come to an end what do you reckon are you gonna put this place on your 4 wheel drive bucket list let us know in the comments below I [Music] stick around folks because coming up is the four-wheel drive action outtakes my favorite part but first let's take a look at some of the gear that made this adventure possible I'll tell you I'm like morton island it always impresses me this place is like a mini fraser on but without the crowds it's just fantastic I love this place and we've had a absolute brilliant time dude it's been recovering epic we could camp in piece of fish mate and jump it you didn't be known gonna happen why are you shocked me yeah well alright can we take a second just to go through some of the products that have really helped us go on this trip and plenty of other trips around Australia so first up I want to start with a couple of new products are actually installed on the vehicle you install before the truth is that easier to install we've got a pre-filter which is fantastic I think in any diesel vehicle so again it's gonna it's gonna filter all that fuel down before it gets to your main filters are two sets of filtration or stop things like water and particles get into your fuel system pumps injectors they're very expensive if your life is a pretty conscious life exactly right all around the country so to have a second filter peace of mind and the other one is a pro vent catch can every diesel to be running those two things in my opinion obviously I've got confidence to go anywhere speaking of confidence mate I have even more confidence of service my vehicle before this trip like every trip like you should exactly right and I've been running mule on oils in their all new LAN lubricants yep and I tell you what it's been humming on this trip you can hear it it's it does make a noise it's making a great old noise and lots of power and the good thing is servicing every 5,000 kilometers I put new oil in alright you know every diesel forward or I should do that something even the service manual says 10,000 some of the newer ones I still reckon 5,000 is the guy and and while you're at it to you things like yet if you've been through water and stuff beardy foils you give up so as you transfer don't forget about those ones and your vehicle will be right to go every time my max tracks nah-ha without them rocket on I would still be on that track in the middle of the island he used it a bit from what you told me every single one of them we've used about 20 times the time with the new metrics extremes yeah rad is bringing out not available public just yet we get everything wrong with those we spun tires on we drag the percent abuse than absolute and the little the little ones yeah that's nice you know actually had a look at that there are in pristine condition absolutely I thought your you won't really tell the truth we said your bob half a day I know you would have invoked Mac's tracks cheap insurance as you were saying absolute opposite problem advice is one last thing yep I want to say a big thank you to all those guys yeah they're you guys out there who have watched our show the Morton all adventure it's been fantastic I hope you had a couple laughs all the way they even learn something who knows but make sure you do one thing and that is subscribed to the four direction channel which is left subscribing to it and turn your notifications on you're not going to know we've dropped this awesome content and we've got some technical pieces coming up you've seen my custom on the 80 series here doing something going on every week so make sure you subscribe turn notifications on and get ready for the action next one well I'm a lyrical gator fan out what to mention the cops are covered in their dad I can't talk you saw it are you [ __ ] Oh yup it's remotely the merit raise reconcile wrong [Music] haha little bit small so I came back [Music] it's all happening oh yes love it no you tries that out of all implements on the time yes should've on whether we really do behind this you can leave out the rest of it lick the board so we can put the next number off I [Music] [Applause] [Music] won't pass this on I'm trying to remember this prompt and I like I read it as I was walking fossils like yeah I think I got that [Music] yeah well I guess he hears the alarm sir [Music] but the guns huh that's actually I but I got up the end here with a lot of a pit armed man like that when you how a lot of beer [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 2,216,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, Moreton Island, Queensland, Beach, winch, 4wd 24/7, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails
Id: 515cXhHULGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 51sec (4491 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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