MOST BOGGED WE’VE EVER BEEN.. Cape York - Did we all get out? Digging into the night

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here it comes doing it it's doing it as soon as you start to spin and break that surface it's all over it's the tail end of a massive wet season in the cape and right now we're in the middle of a wild adventure on the remote west coast holy heck and balls that's next level that is royal day we're here in search of an elusive fish the saratoga and some secret fishing spots protected by miles and miles of four-wheel drive swallowing black soil country oh what happened mate put them on after two days of pushing through deep crossings and thick mud the black soil is starting to take its toll you've had a few revs not even a meter 20 centimeters the mitts 79 has gone down hard and despite all our efforts it's sinking deeper and deeper into the mud nah not a hope we've tried every trick we can think of but with night falling there's only one option left and that's to just keep digging our biggest challenge is to break through the suction of the mud on the 79. if we can't do that all we'll do is drag the four-wheel drive further into that soft mud after a few more hours of digging it's time for another recovery attempt i think this is an attempt to winching more than anything else just so we're gonna have a bit of a break on the shovel and just see if it moves a fracko yeah i think you just need hope in situations like this if you take the hope away you lose a lot so we're just gonna give it another quick little winch here and to see if we can just move it that much then we'll get back into digging that much get back into digging see how we go okay fire away yep it's moving it's moving that's good keep it going like that keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it going this is lovely this is really good boys this is good yeah it's good yeah just keep it going and finally finally it looks like we've broken the hold of the mud the 79 isn't out yet but those spring hangers are clear of the muck we could be in with a shot here we've got this [Music] the 79 might be starting to move but the work is far from over each time the big rig budges it pushes a heap more dirt ahead of it and so it's back to the shovels before trying a winch again [Applause] yeah that's good there it comes here it comes while repeating this process over and over we should be able to stop the 79 from digging deeper into the mud oh that's like concrete inch by inch we're getting the job done and finally we're getting to some harder ground this could be the one okay when you're ready yes yes yes when that spring hangers up once gets up on this game on we've got a little drive as well and would you look at that after over four hours on the tools the big rig is finally coming free that's a real good story for the boys oh so good that was so good there you come here you come there it is you'll be out of driving you're on stage have a drive you mansock [Applause] that's next level that's incredible mate well done brother well done well done well done well mate i don't know about you but let's get him out of this little bit this is just around here at this stage of the day this looks like the perfect campsite it really does yeah i got a little bit of fire and you know that'll do me let's escape [Laughter] good work boys let's get a fire gun that's got to be one of the biggest recoveries we've done in a long long time but i don't reckon the mud is done with us quite yet we've got another 20 k's of black soil country to get through to make it to that fishing hole and it'll just get wetter the further we go that's a problem for tomorrow though right now it's time to make camp and kick back with a couple of iron jacks [Music] all right guys it's competition time i gotta say that's the most stuck we've ever been on a full drive 24 7 trip now what are you from you guys what is the most stuck you've been because the best comment below is going to get themselves a brand new shot customs t-shirt that's right just like the one i'm wearing right now you can win by letting us know how bogged you've been down below for me i'm gonna get a beer and just have a think about today because it's pretty wild the best camps are often the totally unplanned ones and with the fire cranking and the canvas out this spot is about as good as any i don't know about today 10ks i would call it a success given the speech big success but we're all smaller from the eddy it doesn't get much better than that we're all out of the bog holes we're on a high dry ground with a fire and a cold one we've got about half the distance we've done from the turn off to get to the secret saratoga fishing ground roughly wow imagine like just how how rewarding it's going to be when i'm holding the saratoga you're taking a photo of my saratoga for me like we're all going to have a good time aren't we i don't reckon i can't wait to sit on the back and drink a beer and do nothing and i'll catch a fish we're match fit for after all that digging today so it's not the marlin hits already ready ready well i reckon let this die down put a barbecue plate on it we've got some dirty ribs in there we've got some ribs we've got a couple of steaks yep yep a couple of beers i don't know i like the sound of that cheers boys big day cheers boys cheers mate cheers mate big day [Music] in the morning light we can see clearly the aftermath of last night's bogging just a few meters from camp the track we're following will take us through many of these swampy crossings and the forbids are already starting to look pretty battle worn we still don't know how bad conditions will get or even if it's possible to make it to our destination but to be honest that's what makes adventures like this so good now speaking of adventure tim has been putting the mitts 79 through hell on our recent trips and their new canopy design has been put through its paces as well morning mate morning mr graham how are you i was just over there and i was balling up a cup of coffee on the back of the 47. there's tin gears rolling around the back it's all wet and horrible i looked across at you yeah this is the luxury there yeah it's been on over here and there's a bit on over there it's been what six weeks this year so far living out of this thing yep i've had harry and tony so two of us two blokes living out of this single cap and it's been perfect really i think having you the owner of the company coming out on these trips and doing it actually doing it yeah yeah really separates you yeah absolutely i think if you don't get out and use the gear you don't know what you're doing you get in there and you think you know what the customers want and what people want to use and yeah if we're not out there having a crack spending six weeks remote adding your own canopy yeah yeah and you find out you want less the more the more stuff we jam in the like and the more parts we build to put in it just it takes up more space she's pretty tough too we use it to yeah oh yeah have a look at this so here's the scene of the crime mate it's yeah slightly it's not too bad but yeah does need replacing how does that work it does so the back end of all the new gen 2 stuff is fully replaceable like if you actually bend that and and break it and all of the under tray stuff the under tray guards boxes all that bits and pieces yeah you bin that i'll send it out cost price you got to send me a photo right and tag us on instagram with it of how you done it that's what i want to see that hold that piece there in the mail will arrive yeah four bolt it back in again four bolts and cost price just i want people to use their gear they spend a lot of money on this stuff and then they baby it and they're too scared to actually go and have a crack so so you're saying have a crack just let me know yeah i want to see it that's sick yeah that's super sick well mate i've had enough of you i'm gonna go back to over here in the back of the old 47 i'll leave you to your luxury villa thank you i'll see you a bit later we're used to living life pretty grubby on our remote trips but for this adventure i've bolted on a nifty little addition from kick-ass to the d-max that makes life a little more comfortable now how's that a portable shower that's living hey after a quick brekkie on the camper it's time to pack up camp and get ready for the challenges ahead what i do just part of my morning ritual on a farm truck is to check the top radiator hose and in particular i've got a little sock in there that's going to catch hopefully all of the scale and rust and stuff that's been left in this in you've got to remember this engine is about 40 years old and it's been sitting around for a long period of that time so obviously the 2000 case just to get up here a lot of that rust and scale actually went into the radiator and that's what i was overheating now i've got a sock on here so every morning i can sort of monitor how much is picking up you'll be surprised what actually gets caught in this sock so we'll just have a look at the scene there we go this is all the stuff that's just caught for the last 12 hours inside here it's all this sort of rust and scale and just it's not very nice if you look at the color of that it's all rusty and stuff like that i'm doing this every single day so even after driving this thing for a couple of weeks you're still finding that every single day it's just amazing but it's a good little tip as well if you've got an old truck and especially haven't been worked real hard because it's been sitting around a lot um little top radio soccer there way to go all right we'll top that back up put this back in clean it up and otherwise she's going like a champion [Music] staying on top of preventative maintenance is so important out in the bush and for the mitz boys that's as simple as trying to get some of that thick mud out of their brakes but if the conditions today are anything locked have seen so far i reckon there's plenty more of that to come [Music] and sure enough just metres from camp the ground is turning wet again and soon enough we're at another suspicious looking crossing come on farm truck please don't fail me now if we don't make it oh they're in trouble second gear or don't you want all right third the farm truck has made it easy but as we now know the more vehicles that come through the harder these crossings get now i'm going to try and stay out of sean's ruts he tried to do the same with the camera vehicles ruts sure enough jocko's in strife but he's been smart here and he's backed off early i'm not that stuck jocko's done the perfect thing he's been really cautious here the max started to go down so he's off the power and as you can see he hasn't really broken through the crust so you know you could probably just draw that in the max track so we're not taking any chances put a winch up and just getting through this bit and hopefully um you boys have to take a different line than this this one's now second hand you don't want that again with the combination of a couple of max tracks and the winch this one is a smooth recovery but it shows just how treacherous this country can be drive this is like a little finger that's coming out of a main creek system a feeder system we're following along that feeder system and we've got nine of these to go to get to where we're going today i'll let you ponder on that for a while well sam's up next he's got the big 200 he's got also 35-inch goodyear so but the tyre's going to do their job um he's got the extra clearance that the big tyres give him but he still doesn't want to sit in those tracks because believe it or not once you break the surface here a 35 isn't even big enough you'll just go straight to the bottom and chassis out and then that's the end here so you'll have to choose a slightly different line and everyone's gonna have to choose a different line i won't be up in the bush in a second but that's okay as long as we don't get stuck [Music] all right no one else is taking the track all right bailey you got a bit of a plan mate yeah i reckon i'm gonna come up on that bank there and just give it everything yeah give it a good go mate look we're um obviously where sam went if you tried to do that you'll be stuck those ruts are up to your knees now so stay out of those and i think you'll be right all right so we're going to take up on the right hand side of it all i think that is just that's the ticket through there yeah it's got it if you don't get stuck on that look how buggy it isn't it's looking good times the charm my man that was that was nuts that is a whole lot of fun every photo bro everybody right mate well good luck with this one um do your best we're we're all rooting for you mate yeah i know i'm gonna give it a red hot nudge not too much team's going for a similar line to bailey but the second car rule strikes again and the mid struck goes down just goes to show power and big tires are still no match for this type of bog so it's out with the recovery gear luckily though this time it's a reasonably straightforward winch and the boys are soon out of trouble have a drive tim have a little drive just a little one gently gently so i think we might have unlocked a bit of a secret here it's a bit like one of those computer games we've got to unlock treasures in order to move forward you don't give it all the bunty through here yeah you just idle through don't break the surface and well stop stop stop that's the key though it's a stop as long as we can see your leaf spring hangers you're in a good spot long as we can see the canopy anthony's turn now anthony's tried to split the difference between the existing tracks and find some fresh ground but the mud has got other ideas and he's almost instantly sunk down the best thing here would be to recover him backwards but of course he's the last vehicle so we come up with a plan to send the lightest vehicle back around and that of course is the 47. just like with the mitts truck yesterday we're using a high lift jack to try and break the suction on the back tire otherwise of course we'll just be dragging anthony's rig further into the mud and it does the trick giving us a bit of space to dig around and drop our max tracks under and just like that he's out yep you're back in safe ground it's funny you know it's i've never been as excited as to see a vehicle just rise up out of the way it's always the best it means less digging and more saratoga fishing ideally the the nasty point that i should raise here is this is we've got nine more of these to go yep to get to an ideal spot i i think it's going to be okay but we just got to really subscribe to the theory you do not drive on someone else's wheel tracks you even touch them look at them just even though they're over there you're going to go down you're going to get stuck yeah anthony i suggest you go a long way that way would you look at this stuff it's unbelievable folks you ever taken your rig through mud like this let us know in the comments i'd really love to hear from you oh what's time [Music] we're soon creeping our way forward through the swamps and focusing on keeping everyone on their own lines through the wet sections and i gotta say the farm truck is just loving it around the bend is another creek system and the track just disappears into the middle of it what's your planning mate slow instead just going to go real slow and steady and use the advantage of right you get through it's been a sick rig it's not even an issue no nice and slow is the key as soon as you start to spin and break that surface like so many of these crossings things really get spicy once you get one or two sets of wheel tracks on them and the rest of the convoy is looking for a different route around this section right oh so a couple of the boys and i just went for a little walk up through the grass see if we can find a path we reckon we found one but i'm just going to have to follow my nose a bit and see what happens so i'm going to turn in here i'm feeling confident at the moment i reckon boys if you come up this way and don't follow my tyre tracks might be in with a bit of luck this is soft i'll tell you all right if you get go down here oh it's going to be hours of digging so far so good it looks like everyone's made it through and we're another crossing closer to our goal but up ahead it's the camera car that's the next to go down the boys have tried their own line through a section of bog and sunk right through luckily for us in this case jock is able to just hook them up to the runner on the d-max and winch him out of trouble when it rains it pours though further back sam is the next victim what have you done big sunny oh mate it is just it's like it looks like a [Music] it's uh deceptively soft you just don't realize how soft it actually is and you can't really tell on camera i don't reckon it'll come out but it's just driving in the grass and just goes yesterday i was the only one but today everyone's having a turn so it makes me feel a little better at this point we're all pretty good at backing off as soon as we feel that traction break but even so getting out is a real struggle once you sink in you just stay down and drag the black soil with you and you just keep you don't pop up and out of it because it's so soft and the vehicle just takes it with it black soil country soon we're on to yet another crossing and once again there's a new victim so this wintrous worked pretty hard and it snapped and to be honest because the wind tries probably pretty pretty stuffed it's going to keep snapping but just to get us out of strife i've just joined the two ends together as long as this knot doesn't pass back into the drum it just means we have to keep this much winch cable out of it then when bailey gets home he can replace the wind trope but they'll need replacing anyway so this will just get us out of stride for now the problem at the moment though is that the maverick has broken through the mud and so winching forward is just going to bog it deeper once again it looks like a rear recovery is to go i've soon got the d-max back across on a different line and the runs are hooked up plus we're using some max tracks under the camper to help pop those wheels up as we winch the camper and vehicle are soon on the move but now there's a new problem the maverick's coming out of the mud but it's left some big ruts behind that are just gonna swallow bailey's vehicle and we know by now just how badly that can go stop i think camper's got to come off here right here we got the trailer off that actually went remarkably smoothly now we'll just try and winch it back winch bailey back hook him back up drive through go and catch a big old saratoga with the trailer unhooked we're making better progress and we've quickly got the maverick heading out of the mud with the kind of adventures we do it's a good thing this tough little camper has got two rated recovery points on the rear okay that's the trailer out now time for the vehicle just want to take this one forward there's a nice little trailer winch off this ground here looks relatively dry so we get him up there turn around somehow get back hook the trailer up we've got to find a whole new way for bailey to get maybe right up there we'll have to you might be a couple hundred meters up there you might have to turn right up and go around but that's the dry area yes [Music] slow and steady is the ticket using zero drive and just letting the winch do the work that's it just whatever you're doing stay doing that now you want to go hard left hand down and just idle out of here and with that bail is out and then back around to collect the camper well you don't see that every day you get so stuck with the camera so you're not taking the camera trailer off winch that out then the vehicle out and um yeah we're gonna basically have round two yeah yeah that's normally a bit of a chore that'll be half a day sometimes we've been there yeah we've been there that was actually it actually came out on its own pretty well it was able to be winched out um we're gonna find another way i'm thinking yeah if we go that way fair way south a long way yup we might just make it through [Music] after another massive day of winching digging and creeping over black soil we're finally getting close to the fishing spot we've been told about and the chance to catch a saratoga if our maps are correct the secret lagoon we've been looking for should be just up ahead this saratoga fishing spot i'll tell you what it's it's become mythical we go left or right left here mate through there yeah it looks pretty wet yeah it's wet but you're not going to get no fishing spot where they get a little bit wet mate yeah oh i wouldn't send everyone through that no no no it should be right at it look at it look at it oh look at that there's a check that out folks a pristine wet season billabong that won't have seen a line cast in years sean and i have been waiting for the chance to catch this fish and this could be our best chance ever [Music] well you're finally right i'm touchy we finally arrived i tell you what if i can not get snagged and we get ourselves a fish here look how beautiful this place is i mean it'd be a bonus just to be here after all the effort we've gone to to reach one of the most remote parts of this property right up the northern end to catch a fishy would be an absolute bonus so i'm going to stop talking for a little bit i'm going to get my game face on see if i can't show you one of the most beautiful fish you've ever seen saratoga now we've had a bit of a bet going on as to who can hook this elusive fish first and there's some iron jacks and quite a bit of pride on the line but i reckon the biggest thing in my favor is the fact that shawn can never seem to catch a fish on camera except tiger beautiful oh no isn't that right mate oh my goodness eat your heart out graham because i get the hook up and this one looks like it's an absolute weapon just there nothing's the same come on up here come oh no just as i thought i was in with a chance turns out some of the locals have got their own ideas and soon this fella he's trying to chase my lure you're gonna smoke it yes get him get him finally though i've got one hooked yeah we're on we're on nice one look at that this is what we've come all this way for this is one of the most prehistoric fish you will ever see that's sick have a look at how beautiful that is saratoga i've literally been waiting my whole life to catch one of these couldn't be happier four days countless fogs and have a look at how beautiful that fish is pink dots on him i could cry i'm gonna get him back in the water can you get buddy he's gone cape york saratoga four-wheel driving camping fishing beers with the boys [Music] yeah i tell you this is just about as good as life gets making it to a spot like this after days of battling it out in the bush i reckon this is the perfect place to pull up for the night as well dream location never go this western cape early season nobody up here private property we've got access to this so thankful to the owners letting us on here but folks this is what it's all about do your research ring around find these places get in here get a mission going get your mates we have literally pulled up on this lagoon today everybody's caught saratoga even sean i managed to get one in the end which i'm so stoked about because he's starting to look a bit glum we're not even gonna move tonight we're literally just leaving the trucks park right here we're gonna fire going over here a couple of beers some steaks maybe try and catch a saratoga at night who knows but who cares really you can't tell this is just one dirty grubby smelly butt exceedingly satisfied man this is this is everything to me this is my whole world i love this stuff folks have you put this on your bucket list the western side of the cape come up here enjoy it like i have [Music] now of course getting here is only half the adventure we're still going to make it back out of this swampy country and i reckon i've still got to catch a saratoga on camera that's bigger than graham's but that can be a job for tomorrow [Music] we awake this morning to another perfect day in cape york our plan from here is to push on around a loop that should take us back out of this river system and onto drier ground from what we've been told though some of the biggest challenges could still be ahead of us but with the only alternative being to backtrack the way we've come forward seems like the best option we reckon we could be in for another big day today so we're gonna make an early start but not before taking the opportunity to drop a line in again in this beautiful waterway unfortunately for shawno he's had a few bites but still nothing to show on camera so he'll be keeping a keen eye out on our way back out for a chance to redeem himself for now though it's time to hit the tracks good day well big day mate um trying to get out of here i had a bit of a walk yesterday that looks very very muddy up in front i was even thinking we might change the convoy up for a little bit oh yeah what do you think and maybe get some of the heavier vehicles that um are more likely to break that surface through first or what's a go yeah exactly right i was thinking like the big 200 series and the camper get them up front and then i'll sort of go behind those guys i'm nice and light so even if i didn't get stuck it's not too bad yeah for sure for sure we'll um maybe the old d-max isn't that heavy either so i'll probably do the same but it sounds like we've got our work cut out for us yeah definitely mate it's gonna be a big day i was pulling over here mate i'll let um your boys jump in front of you like got it let's hook in and give it a go all right first car through today because obviously this is a big heavy thing and this ground is pretty soft that's where big samba i gotta go i feel like he should straddle these pig holes or go in them yeah he's got it he's got it look at this just watch the surface as he goes over and see it's not it hasn't got that valley effect yeah but once a few cars go over it yeah i know i know going good bye good work this is hard bottom yeah samba is doing the right thing too idling through no wheel spin yes yes well done bailey well done [Music] wasn't much in there nice low and slow you just never know this is one of the worst looking bog holes a lot and so far look we shouldn't get it so excited two cars have been through but i've got a bit of confidence about this i'm going to ask a favor can i take the 47 through this pogo go for it you do whatever you want mate all right oh look at this just easy on the clutch sorry mate just you know look the way i explain it to young drivers like yourself mate is every smooth gear change is one extra you'll get in the end so oh here we go oh come on now what you've been driving long chair [Laughter] nice good this is good this is good i'm a bit nervous here because if i cook it you haven't got a bog once oh you've got a bob in the river yeah yeah yeah should i go over this way how about that over here it's up to you mike you are the captain there oh no look at this through this fight now cooking this up on his first drive of the trip in front of the boys would be pretty embarrassing so lucky for graham the farm truck just cruises on through easy done through there easy dan the big bum truck she doesn't skip her fake nah she's probably been down this track before please don't sink please don't sink look at that it's the worst looking bog of the entire trip so far and it's the easiest one we've done we're making slow and steady progress through the endless swampy sections of this river system but you can never get complacent in a place like this and soon enough the mud is fighting back oh tone we've gone down it's so boggy here too tim and tones are super lucky on this one though and with a slow and careful winch they're back on hard ground but hard ground is in short supply here and we're soon back into wet country all right here we go yeah close we're out of the i know swampy i know i feel soft under there you can feel it just sinking down look at that is he is he down we got a vehicle down oh no anthony's gone down hard here and would you just look at that black soil it literally swallows your vehicle once again the trick is no drive and a slow steady winch anthony is on his way to freedom but we're a long way from being out of trouble yet unfortunately we're still in the thick of it out here and um looking at the gps map it continues along here for several kilometers so he might be at me this might be us for another couple of days yet let's see how we go [Applause] so i'm choosing not to seat belt up main reason is because uh can you drive in the farm truck mate and i just want to be able to make sure i can bail if i need to i don't blame you where are you going up in there yeah mate yeah yeah yeah watch this hopefully it's not really bogging it in then you're going to cut left yeah yeah very good look at this this is how we do it and then i'm going to go straight ahead here yep onto the track mate yup yup yup you got a little stump there you can see we're actually broken the surface here but it's light enough where it just shuts it on oh hang on we might be yeah we'll be down stuck we might be down just like that's all it takes to help out again whiz it doesn't take much i just felt that go it's not even down that much it's just down i stopped straight away the key really here folks you've seen us all do it soon as you feel that truck just lose traction start to bottom out stop stop don't think you can power through it because you might have all the power in the world you ain't going to power through black soil well how's this though graham's been driving the big farm truck for i don't know about 48 seconds bogged straight away i've been driving about three days missing drivers mate they can't handle it you can't handle the horsepower probably [Laughter] mates who needs a mate look at the ground [Applause] to the ground that's crazy it's just moving like a like you're driving on a water bed crazy yeah [Music] yep yep yep well played well played it's a real team sport this one every once in a while we hit a dry section of track and think we're finally out of trouble only to get around the bend and find ourselves once again in trouble and this time we've really cooked it well like look i'm not gonna i don't want to be mean or anything but you know you've been in the driver's seat for about two minutes and two times you've been bogged yeah well it's the hardest part of the trips i'm playing give me the keys otherwise we'll be on our roof right now i might be bogged but we still got our wheels on the ground just just mate this is tough this is really tough we'll just drive it in it was actually decided to back off that's when it all went pear shaped we just went straight down yep had a bit of a winch and as you can see it hasn't gone well for us so we're going to try and winch off the track get out into that hard ground when you're walking up there that's all we can do yep we've got to somehow pivot the 47 like it doesn't weigh heaps and hopefully just winch it that way i'll use the strong arms let's give it a go i'll get it that way [Applause] there it comes here it comes yes better out look at this stuff have a go this country is absolutely relentless and it seems like there's no escaping this mud the other boys have picked a different line around that bog but they're not having an easy time of it themselves it's all going on here the 47's stuck sam's just gone down behind me their max is okay but i'm not going to take the same line as the 47 it's all happening how good is this hey [Applause] [Music] after a few hours more spent running winches what we'd really like right now is to actually make it through a crossing on our own steam graham it's all on you mate i'm not going around for this one do not hang around come on i'm better than this are you better than this let's go maybe a quick second quick second don't miss it don't mess it up [Music] well done that's wild yeah i know you went down then 100 look at that look at my arm no idea what's going on that was crazy you're gonna help me clean it right [Music] it looks soft oh i should have put my window up oh now as you know the whole reason we came here was for the chance to hook a saratoga and sean's still looking for his and at the last minute i think he's finally done it [Music] [Music] that's a real one that's a big boy that is a big lump of a saratoga just out of this little bit of skinny water here little lagoon you just smash it off a lily pad and that is what came here this is a fish of a lifetime you're not going to get too any bigger together than that at least i'm not i don't reckon that is i had to go swimming as you can see he got stuck around the branch i just wasn't going to lose him don't suggest you do that at home though that is a beautiful beautiful fish have a going yes yes yes yes shawna congratulations mate that really is the fish of a lifetime but the adventure is far from over because up ahead is another massive challenge [Music] i'll get excited you're right don't don't miss a gear mate oh no get it here gosh hello josh well stay in the wheelchair now he's got off yes we did it oh there was water everywhere the farm trucks in its element oh that was fun that's super cool let's do it [Laughter] the mitts boys are next to take on the crossing i thought i was gonna die it's like a rocket ship oh yeah i needed that well done anthony's given it the absolute berries to make it through but those ruts just spun him off the line well it was a good crack but once again it's the winch to the rescue this mud is incredibly deceptive anthony's tyres are just a couple of inches into the slop but the suction is incredible and we're having to use a double line pull to get him through and with just three or four vehicles across this section is looking more and more menacing for the final four bees bailey's up next and wisely opting to try and cut his own track off to the side to avoid those ruts keep on it oh i was flat the whole thing could not give it any more like what a track this place is insane we thought through and then bailey's going down there's actually more idea to go on the left side so he's taking my advice and sunk straight to his jazzy rail it's wet everywhere here so no good lines we're gonna try and get sam through he's gonna give it one go like and i mean one red height he's gonna come through then we're gonna get the mitt 79 as well as he's 200 and hopefully pull this out because he's really stuck i think he'll do it that'll be fine the trick's going to be getting he's got lots of the powers though and like my words i reckon the maverick truck is going to be a different shade of brown yeah we should tell bailey to put his window up it's going to get nasty when he comes right roger coming tonight 200 series power here we go that was epic buddy oh mate jocko's up next come on mate show us what you got come on come on you little weapon get it get it again new beauty with the d-max sailing through we can move on to the recovery of bayley's stuck vehicle well bailey's so incredibly stuck that we've got tim down at the big mit 79 going to be using his winch as well so as bailey's winched in tim's going to be winching in as well so basically doubling the amount of force and hopefully that will get bailey out of trouble the biggest issue here is the massive distance between us and the vehicle and we're having to ride the convoy for enough extension straps to bridge the gap again we're using a double line pull which effectively doubles the amount of pulling power of the runner winch as we get under winch you can see the incredible force the winches are up against the maverick is just starting to move when bayley's winch rope gives out yeah we worry about that the rope wouldn't be able to handle it it's on to plan b and again we're opting to unhook the camper and recover the two separately goes without saying folks when you're running long lengths of rope under high tension use a recovery blanket and stand well back tim's got the 79 wedged up against a tree and is able to use the remote feature on the runner to operate the winch from a safe distance and it's working a treat bailey is coming unstuck might um get ready for another recovery to pull mitts out backwards too [Music] bailey's getting near to the end of the crossing but now the 79 is bogged as well so the next step is to winch the mitts truck backwards using the big 200 then we can hopefully winch bailey's rig through that final bit of mud [Music] all righty we've got 50 of the equation out vehicles out four wheel drives out we're just gonna get that camper trailer now which shouldn't be too bad but i'm a bit concerned that jockey wheel is digging into the mud so we might have to come up with a smart solution for that but we're getting close we're getting close now the jockey wheel on the maverick is a big solid thing and winching it through mud shouldn't be an issue yeah it's moving it's moving heaves it's out it's out keep that coming but we've made a bit of a flaw in our calculations and that winch position is just sending it straight into the mud for a bit of a change of plan we actually got the the tyres of the camera trailer unstuck now what we're going to do is actually spin the camper around with everyone sort of lifting and pushing it around so we can tow it backwards that way i'll just be able to hopefully drag her out fingers crossed one two three yep yep yep oh it's stuck the wheels are stuck the trailer won't come around so we're going to try another trick this is something we've never tried before but it could just be our ticket out of here all right the plan here is create a cradle we're actually going to winch from the rear of the camper trailer forward stick with me here as the winch extension straps go under the front and it takes the load it has to physically pick the front of the trailer up and drag it forward it's actually quite brilliant i reckon this will work oh there we go oh look at how it's coming out of the water sure enough it's working the camper is on the move literally ingenious this will literally become the recovery model for camper trailers in mud people will be calling it the four drive 24 7 technique it's a bit like the uh the heinlick you save people from choking similar but different you watch this will pop up in your lifetime the camper is soon creeping across the massive flood plain but in order to be able to hook it up we're going to need to back it into the middle of the track well this is our last ditch attempt to get the trailer back into the middle so you can hook it back up to the ranger so using just a little winch ring so we can change the direction also get up nice and high so i can lift it as it changes direction fingers crossed [Music] that's working like a charm and the maverick is coming back into the center of the track how good is that [Music] yeah popping up look at the mud oh my goodness gracious me i've never seen a camper trailer this muddy in my life no that's next level and that's the thing the bed and stuff will be dry yeah yeah it better be fine come on camper trailer and that right there is one wild recovery but we got there and the trailer is through there it comes here it comes it's doing it it's doing it covered in mud but absolutely unscathed [Applause] stop it that is one of the most crazy things i've ever seen with a camper trailer i've never seen anything like it it's that's a when it was stuck about 100 meters that way in the mud i just thought you know what looks it camera's not that long i was thinking i was thinking october yeah i truly was i thought there's no way you're gonna get that out of there and then we come up with some ingenious ideas yeah the rigging everyone working together as a team and she's up here up here and i think this is the left-hand turn we need to make take a south into drier ground like dust and stuff you know what i'm always going for an adventure yeah yeah yeah mud i'm done with mud yeah i don't know done with mud that's it's been so bloody epic to come out this far western cape you know with this many vehicles and a camper trailer yep and catch well one of the biggest saratoga i've ever seen it's a donkey it's all been worthwhile it's not over yet we've still got about 50k to go to get back out of here so river crossing mate i'll be bailly getting a bit of a bath and you might need it i'm going to put this sock on let's get out of here all right well i gotta say this has been one of our hardest adventures in years but so much fun the west coast is a wild place but absolutely somewhere you should have on your bucket list to visit [Music] well mate i've got to say it this is going to go down as my craziest paper york adventure ever without a shadow of a doubt mate i'm knackered i gotta say yeah thrilled to be behind the wheel of the 47 again i know lovely mate yeah i love it hey jocko you got a copy mate i sure do mate that's a go mate is disgusting how this is the craziest cape york adventure we've ever done growing myself oh mate absolute ball first time to the west coast and uh i can see why you guys love it so much just a beautiful part of the cape to visit and i'm thankful i got to uh share the experience of and all the mud with you boys it's an awesome trick you're not wrong jocko sam you got a coffee mate absolutely i do i want to say mate that 200 it saved our bacon plenty of times that has done super well like the way you've you've modified that for cape york it's just a beast yeah it's it's turned out to be the perfect vehicle for this trip you know heavy enough to to toe some people out of some sticky situations but still you know it's got the right setup to get through some of the spicy boys and uh probably just a fraction more comfort than the big uh farm truck but i think just really just you know a little bit more comfortable but half the character that thing has been a treat to follow behind yeah you're not wrong mike and bailey might taking a camper trailer out here i mean i've said it before but it's the most stuck and most muddy i've ever seen a camper trailer mate so i guess you're smaller for me to wear back there oh mate i had an absolute ball at one point anything was going to come with us but we got through with the big 200 it was absolutely a treat yeah i've got to say mate there was a time where um greg and i thought you'll be here till about september october but um now you've done extremely well mate to um get a camper trailer through here that's for sure talk about r d testing mate can tickle those boxes and tim and anthony down in the back there mate yeah you guys far out you've been as stuck as you've probably ever been and also done some of the best drives i've ever seen yeah mate it's been a blast hey uh real grateful to be able to get out on this property for sure you know you know the one thing that's going to stick in my mind about this trip is when you and tony first got up to that big lagoon within two cars you both had a saratoga mate all right the bloody work hard to get one for myself you guys must be wrapped yeah i was pretty chuffed with myself i know tone was he definitely sarah toga especially before you sean oh you're a bit of a fish oh we all know that so you guys did bloody well mate and the setup holy heck has it has it proved itself yeah the old taj mahal strikes again this thing is a glamour to live out that's for sure i've got to say mate anthony tail and charlie what a legend of a bloke mate we've actually bumped into him a couple of times up in the cape now he's become a bit of a cape correspondent for us what's going on and he's a true gentleman too he just lives and breathes his lifestyle he's up in cape york is his backyard you know and um you know he's right at the back so he had the hardest log of all of us and this is the funny thing about it you have to actually leave like just a little bit because he's got to literally be at work in a few hours essentially so he's just just in front of us a few k's at the moment but i mean that bloke that's off to him because he's just an absolute legend [Music] with the challenge of the track behind us it's time to push on to the next destination what i reckon we need right now is a couple of frothy's at an iconic cape york watering hole and we've got just the place the iconic exchange hotel in cullen this has been an adventure i reckon we'll never forget well mate western side of cape york i can tell you what we said in the car we were in the car together and we decided the western side of cape for us takes the cake i'm going to say it's one of the toughest cape york trips i've ever done this year getting stuck for four days in black soil country yep we've dug probably i don't know a couple of metric ton worth of black soil out of vehicles easy between us and um done some of the biggest recoveries i think i've ever been involved in yeah stunning part of the world i mean that side of the cape doesn't get seen i don't know why people sort of come straight up and guts and up the middle get out of the west have a look and we haven't even done the coastal side of things exactly right exactly right we just scratched the surface that's what makes it so epic and the fact that i could show you one of the biggest saratoga you'll ever see i mean that makes it even better for me and the rest of the crew you could learn something right here folks we'll see you next time i've already you boys have a good time absolutely i've made it i had a great time you really did cheers catch you next time folks we really hope you've enjoyed this adventure as much as we have but stick around because the outtakes are coming up but first let's have a look at some of the gear that made this trip possible well mate you know the end of adventure when you get to the cohen exchange hotel place a bit of a crab pot it's easy to get in but once you get in it's very hard to get out it can be made to yourself a few times yep not tonight though this is a bit of the trip where we want to go through a bit of the gear that we use that really help us yep go through trips like this and this was a real hard i made black soil it was wet as i've ever seen cape york did not expect that very remote yeah one of the things i want to go through mate and um you guys might not have seen it if you've got an eagle eye you probably have but i've done very basic mods to the big farm truck here now one mod i reckon has made this trip just so much better is the fulcrum shockies i've got in here thank the lord i know exactly right just having some nice riding suspension yeah even on an old truck like this i mean they're making from modern trucks but even on the old farm truck as well to know that range that'll cover just about any single forward drive out there and i don't think we're talking the gnarly stuff we've been doing i think we're talking about high speed corrugations the wash outs and the 2000 k's to even get here you know it just it makes it so comfortable and just just having that you know makes you makes the truck dry so much better yeah i agree i agree look one other thing i'd like to bring up too right here yep we've got one of these on our heads we've got these i wonder what you're doing there thanks we've been putting these things through their pace we're putting the clothing look at this guy he's on one of the gravies he's actually a new shirt mate it's just been rolling around down in the pubs snatch clothing it's been with us for a long time now and i mean it doesn't even need an introduction um this stuff put it through spaces up here snatch clothing i mean look one of the cool things about this brand is the clothing isn't just a bunch of prints we just chuck on a t-shirt and then put on the website for you it's you to buy now snatch clothing is born and bred in the bush now what that means is before we release anything on the website we make sure it's tested out in conditions like this now i've been in the same shirt for the whole week and that's just tried and tested i've been in and out of watercroft um you know it's just good quality stuff and the best thing is it's not you know it's affordable as well and one other thing i love everything turn around if you would please oh every single shirt and design comes with a story that shawn and myself jocko a few other boys all the guys have lived and breathed yeah that's right so it's not just something we've sort of gone oh we need another bloody design let's think of something that's all something we've lived and breathed yeah that's true i love that i think you look back especially us because we know the behind story something we can't even tell you folks that's right how you going but yeah the whole lot is born in the bush bred in the bush by four drivers four foot drivers it really is mate it really is now another product i want to talk about is the old gme radio inside this truck now basically every mod except for the probably suspension and the tyres are basically raided from my shed so i'm talking about the gme radio in here used to be the one in the dirty 30 now so it's really old it doesn't even have 80 channels it's only a 40 channel one but it's that old and it still works yes it still works that's the main thing i've got that and a couple of handhelds we can race around the bush with and you know we're just using basically a couple of old handhelds i had in the shed plus the old gma radio and i mean you know you've got to have communications out in the bush and um they don't get much better you know in my opinion you buy once you buy a right and um it's one of those things that'll outlast your truck i mean your truck might not you know survive the punishment but some of the good accessories will and that's what i've done here i think we're trying to say don't over capitalise have a look at what you've got and just just level playing field mate now look you might notice what i've got right here in my hand stop it folks right now i'd like you to settle back relax and watch this bloke make an absolute fool of himself guarantee mate i'll guarantee you all right you watch it yourself you'll see you'll see when you're doing wings on like any any sort of chili wings or anything like that i don't bear in my eyes sorry about this yeah i've got a beer in my eye i just want to do recovery whatever recovery you've got it's down [Music] there he is going backwards is not going to really work now for us because there's so much mud underneath the vehicle ow i dropped i dropped him i dropped him i dropped two now what sort of fish eats that if you're out there and you're a fish comment below see how we got the trailer off actually went wow ronnie yeah we got the trailer off uh trump swamp what are you doing in my swamp ah that's my stomach it's freaking white all right i'll see you change gears all right oh [Music] he comes back [Laughter] see you later let's hit the showers what i finally got it's not it's not a bad hot though no it's like it's a manageable hot like it's like mmm yum i'm about to die [Laughter] this iconic ladies what are your thoughts grow it longer or shave it tell us in the comments below [Music] so have a safe trip and enjoy your time i hope see you soon yep [Music] [Applause] having fun in the bush i beat her [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 901,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, cape york, old tele track, old telegraph track, cape york trip, road trip northern territory, kowanyama, Pormpuraaw
Id: E8d3kntTyCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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