OUTBACK BULLDUST TOUR β€’ Anyone could do this! β€’ Two mates in utes

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Shiny_Callahan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The 4wd Action guys are great! Their feature length stuff is so relaxing and it makes me wish i lived in Australia. They have a few more such films on their channel if you like this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Real_Seal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
I think I'll ever tire of an Outback sunrise sounds just about to come over the horizon right down here below me is the darling River and that's going to be our constant companion for the next few days you see it's taking a bit to get to this point but we've finally made it out to the outback of New South Wales now plan is to start here just outside of Bourke and we're gonna follow this darling River all the way south down to Lake Menindee I've been waiting to get out here for a long long time Outback New South Wales darling River let's get stuck into it the darling River Run is one of Australia's great outback journeys stretching some 730 kilometres we're doing the middle section from Bourke to Menindee and stopping in on a few iconic spots and soaking up as much of the outback lifestyle as we can put down and we're into it in our first location to explore is the Gunder Booker National Park now you got a copy back there sure exactly Wells getting in touch man I can't see you back there she'd be dusty thinking of rattling away you reckon we could dragon we can pull over and it's lit some era - these toys might make a bit smoother now I think a lot of problems that people encounter when they're driving on these roads are attributed to two things firstly people hit these roads and treat them like they're a highway back in back in the city back at home and they sit on the same sort of speeds daddy you shouldn't be doing that really slice off right down for these corrugations and of course the second problem that most people encounter Edea it's tire damage due to incorrect pressures as soon as I get off right as soon as I get off that's what we've done right here today as I drop my pressures down I'm gonna go down to 25 psi right now and there's two reasons for that the first of which is it looks after the tracks the corrugations that you get on these tracks having people going too fast the tire pressures too high the second reason of course is for comfort you'd be amazed how much of a difference on these roads dropping your tire pressures down to 25 makes for the occupants within the track I eat me really I think the bottom line is pretty simple decrease your tire pressures and decrease your speed better for the track the heat more comfortable for you inside your track I shall we're gonna hang a left just up here mate I want to go in a bit of a look at a lookout looking back over the northern part of this kind of look of national park e so we're going to turn left just anyway you're not going to see me turn left so just keep your eye after that turn off make you should have it on the VMS ya know put other VMs in right oh we're going to sweeping right here to your teammate just hold onto the big girl control all three horsepower once my Bennett's gorge and Mount Gunther Booker are pretty much the centerpiece of the Gunda book a national park it's got a day use area we've barbecues and picnic tables but we're not here for that we're here to do the one kilometer walk into the valley of the Eagle have a look at that really I'll tell you something about the outback you don't need much of a feature or an increase in elevation in what is a fairly flat landscape to really give you an impression of height distance and scale out here now classic case of that of course the Simpson Desert you've got the top a little sand dune you can see a long way now that right there is the Gunther book a range and it's taking my theory to a whole new level [Music] there's actually a walking track that leads to a spectacular look at at the top of the range but I'll make sure no he had other ideas we're going to climb that obviously I'm surprised even jogged up here mate I don't can you get the best view let me out in from down the bottom yeah you do because you get to see the whole thing I like it yeah I like it so it's like no point walk out there you're not gonna walk up there no just you decide you like it in like you disappoint me on so many levels I really thought you'd just jog up there young fit bloke like I said you're not the middle of day mate oh all right look at that there yeah it's nice view though yeah he's probably right you know we'll leave that one to the experienced walkers Beautiful's this tell you what the outback never ceases to blow me away Gunder book arranged going back through here mountain gonna book a going up to about 500 meters above sea level Bennett's Gorge just up through here he's actually home to a whole heap Wallabies feral goats and other things like that that make extremely good prey for none other and wedge-tailed eagle so the valley the Eagles is just up here turn if you stay still down here and look around in the sky and get your eye in you'll actually spot a Holly for wedge-tailed Eagles but you know one thing you're not gonna find here what's that yeah bees you're not gonna find him here nope definitely not you're not gonna find you oh you said I know where you will find yetis that way but I I already say go for it how can we go for it yeah bees in yellow-bellied escaping a really close eye on why your gates Danny you know even the drive out from Sydney to Outback New South Wales alone just getting here it's been quite an epic and although the d-max is a really fuel-efficient truck there's just a few things that I like to try keep in mind when I'm out here to maximize my fuel efficiency minimize the cost at Outback Roadhouse as we all know that can't be a backseat the biggest tip I can give is that if you use the accelerator and the brake very gently gently as you possibly can you're going to be using far less feel it also helps to look ahead of you and really anticipate what's coming up so if you're in a long straight like I am right now but can see a big sweeping man coming up that you know you're gonna have to wash off speed for anticipated slow down gently and then accelerate gently when you take off again little things like that decrease the amount of fuel you're using every bit of a think about how much you actually fit inside the vehicle rather than storing everything up on top because of course that causes drag the more drag you both the more fuel but it used to push that drag through the air in the city here it's up to you but out here in the bush I really think it's worth your while to put a few little driving practices together to really save you fuel let's save your money the bathrooms but it also means you can go further stay out longer that's got to be good doesn't next on our hit list in Gunther Booker is the melt goin aboriginal rock siding artists love this stuff you know the warp to get to the rock art is worth the visit itself that cuts over from between some amazing rock formations there's really no wonder why this became a popular site for indigenous people years ago have to be under here I'm oh well you reckon certainly are might this you sort of gotta let your eyes get accustomed to it oh yeah and then you start seeing them from do you start say different different patterns yeah oddest thing is fascinating to look at these things and know that they're going back hundreds and hundreds of years and yet they're telling people a real story about what's going on here so the even you tell people there's good hunting here circular bits of sand is nice waterfalls around here so that when other people come through they can stop you they can read this bit like a map on the wall and know there's good hunting know there's good water around I think it's absolutely fantastic but like Sean says there's no UAVs it does concern me greatly no yabbies maybe I didn't like yabbies I'm not sure all right I'm gonna grab a couple of snaps we move on almost all of the dirt roads out here a well-maintained there can be a few heads along the way however and this is Paul Dustin coach Sean oh yeah it makes little bit of bull dust here with a thicker patch coming up you might just want to be a bit careful coming through it my treat bull dusk as you would soft sand I'm talking just the right amount of momentum and correct tire pressures but is one critical tip once you get through the bulldust don't stop with your window down or you will cover absolutely everything you own in a fine falcon powder like dust we're no longer in the National Park and we're closing in on the next town Westerberg I sure know you don't see a lot of bitumen out of your mouth I reckon it's a fun intro to the town a town of laughs it's not a bit of a claim to find that I reckon you'll be interested in making these in which is the pub Derek we won't even stop they reckon they might get this the best potato chips for hundreds of kilometers around here we go terrible ow shin-bi's in is a classic outback pub run by Katherine Dave Merritt it's perched right on the banks of the darling and I reckon it's a well deserved stop off during the long and dusty journey this is just one of those cracking outback pubs enough you do have to stop in I reckon if you get to an Outback pop how are you mate that's the way I'm grain pleased to meet you this is Shirley I don't think you can come to an out that pub and whatever beer mate we're having lunch we can have one beer go this Matt let's apply the chips right there but well playing this the world-famous shin-bi's in is it so yeah can you share files link gravy mmm nice they've got it everywhere mate I've never done it before I've seen it before but only over here gravy doesn't mean WI that's by my mind mate we type radio' nearly everything roast dinners cheese it and that's nice but we're a little bit more cultured over in the east and so I might we have silks and spices over all the one stuff mate have you got the internet yet yeah if you got heat electricity all that all that phones even the mobile variety have a look at all this stuff with you absolutely fantastic memories of a bygone era it's like a little Museum and your little time capsule if you will to take you back to a time in a place that so many of us just don't understand these days you know at the little town of Louth where we are right now is actually established in 1859 and I bet you can guess what the very first building was yeah the most important one it was a pub was established of course to ply what was back then a very very busy shipping channel up and down the darling river course doesn't exist today but back in 1859 they were bringing wool down to here in any way they could possible that I was going on the paddle steamers all the way down to the ports and they're shipped overseas same with copper from Khobar same sort of deal came in through this way about the 1920s of course we've got other forms of transport that made the river slowly but surely become obsolete to where it is today very very infrequently used for anything more than really tourism and the old four-wheel drive going by but I just think places like this little country pubs like this that have got all this stuff on the walls it's not junk this is so vitally important and I reckon more Australians should get out here and really soak into this really suck it up and learn a bit about Australia's past be the Australia's history because that right there folks well that was the original four-wheel drive to will drive but even at air conditioning you know what I'm saying mate that place is full of good stuff in it it is mate what are you doing it's time to look at the VMS here yep and just plant a little rap and takes over the river and don't wanted to go down to the station Clara station I still feel like it is a little way down about three stations down I don't want to concern about all that my concern is have you heard what's going on with you is they running it they are running myoga but the hot tip from inside here all right you got bite she said there are no bite I've got everything what sort of laws we use I might you leave out tomato look at the gully there was any one turkey Linda no st. Greg good let's do seven ago you sound a gal the 30 hang all night this one doesn't have the vocal Rhymes I don't have to try and call I mean you know I've found that to catch a turkey takes a turkey I've got this covered I've made a new friend ear I reckon he might be better company than Sean oh you better looking and that folks say you calling a turkey there's another way over to the turkey hey sure [Music] that's enough ticking around it's time to move on we're crossing the bridge to get to the northern side of the darling as we're heading for cholera station this is the first time that we've actually got a visual on the river itself I'm pleased to see it's got water in it we just crossed over to the northern side of that darling River now and it's very flat out in some big floodplain settings where right now now of course the darling River is part of the Murray Darling Basin which of course gets fed by summer rains and southeast Queensland so this area here imparts believe I'm on the darling river can be muddy little puddles and parts or it can be up to 80 kilometres wide can you believe that 80 commerce what and it's easy to believe when you can see flood plains right down as far as y'all can see in that direction as well it really is an absolute doozy of a river one of Australia's greatest mate there's some weird white kangaroos up here all even mate these not the cleanest outback sheep you've ever seen yeah we'll watch mate that's it I reckon they all use water and they're in real good condition too I mean look at these sheep they're they're big fat suckers Luther well that's that's what do we have a potato night light lamb roast I think mayn't lamb roast it's gotta be you know what are those little uns have a look at the thinking Gregor lives made against that blue sky coming across the road ah that just screams out back in my mine [Music] polaris station is a lazy 85 clicks drive from laughing and it's the perfect place to stop make camp lying about wait till you see this ever look at what they've got it there their driveway entrance mate look we're turning left there no I wish it was a big yeah B we've popped by the homestead of course as you should to say g'day to the station owner whose name is Justin and he's recommended some fantastic campsites right down by the river what a top bloke hey Sean Eric and this is about the perfect time of day in the epic mate done about yourself to come down imagine everything about it my time in the law it's absolutely fantastic better there's a rainbow over there but I mean this time of day especially when it's hot and starting to cool down now even the Flies are backed off it's like just everything takes a bit of a break at about this time of day you know I'm like this is why I love ya I'm down amazing money that I absolutely love it go AG target all right can we we might not give you a beer tonight absolutely agree about anything against much of Peter I just love it Eddie honey you told my son Ozzy birthright every Ozzy should get out here and have a look at the dead center of its travel to the outback it's just it's a part of being on the edge [Music] coated the VMS mate we're coming to a little crook in the river here I don't know whether the campsite Danny or not but we'll um I'll push on down to it until I can't go any further oh man wait till you see this this is a campsite look at that boom right on the edge of the river I shouldn't get it too far here off all him eyes a couple of kangaroos on the other side getting a drink of water look at that just beautiful thinkin you're gettin ya bein here is a pretty good chance if I can't catch me ya be near my dragon something wrong with me how long reckon we should get me every net seen before we even start with anything else I played when I think our back I think yeah bees they're fun to catch they're plentiful and they taste simply sensation and that is why short is so came together kalyra station allows open fires in the camps alongside the river and there is plenty of firewood around - what do you do look we're getting these yummy tent ready yeah what is that like I don't want to show you as a top secret number one go-to ingredient for big yabbies I can't you see folks here's my problem this is the darling River you'll agree with me that is the darling get it out back New South Wales don't know about you mate but I don't think you get too many tuner and white bait I'll peer through the darling never seen one however I live my diet however you definitely do fine at the odds sheep we're falling the river yeah bees will go for what they know sheep next dead sheep you get them all through the river never seen a tuner up here he's got no ha ha I'm just going to get one ready see look the hole Oh principal behind this is the tuna oil is really rich and it's going to float down that river yep and all the abbeys gonna come into my pot well well see how about a winner with the most ya bees in their net buys the beers when we get to the next little Outback pub which is 2 per I think chill for a little bit it's quite deep there I reckon room for a shot yeah avian there's not much better than your first night in camp when you're on a big trip the vibe just can't be beat couple that with a great campfire and a plate full of lamb loin chops and well I don't know folks you've heard me say it so many times but really it is as good as it gets [Music] saltbush lamb cutlets purchased from right out here in Outback New South Wales makes them taste even better right here in the middle of the outback coming up in Chapter two we swap four wheels for two sure shows this is yellow belly that's a type of fish in case you're wondering [Music] well first light my darling river that noise you can hear right there is cheeky cos it's about three or four of them circling around and sun's just coming up behind us through the gum trees I don't think if you were asked to paint a picture the New South Wales outback pinking drag lives in a tree above us that gonna look something like this even if Shawn owner absolutely magic absolutely spot-on 100% magic having not caught a single yeah be overnight I suggest we go and see just in the station owner for a bit of help besides he had something planned for us as well all right Justin mate I gotta say it on behalf of all my tea here he's usually a pretty good fish Oh buddy car catcher yeah be and it's driving him absolutely nuts mate he's going nuts I've got have you got anywhere where we can set as far as curiosity he's to catch a yummy yeah look good damn Eddie yes Eddie but chief but he had Eddie sort of north-northwest of torpor yeah like you said you said you had something in store for us this morning someone give you him with day look we've been putting a few years together little dad or PS you gotta gumboots much gumboots yep you can make gumbo to Tracy okay we're gonna go we're gonna go and round up some shape I mean got a garnet China ah I'm not pulling your leg boys we've got too much weather yeah it'll do the front coming through just have a look at the map here yeah and that'll give you that shows what we can expect over the next seven days technology the great thing it's really puts us in touch with reality 90% chance 10 to 20 will what will shut this place down five no whoa really fact we're gonna hurry way out there and get it on before heading out to where the sheep are grazing we set alight to some other station critters grab a little [Music] [Laughter] I'll bet you've dyed it worth to that night me look at that awesome yeah late in the bush of all my pets in America let's get Eddie we're heading out of the far paddock to intercept these sheep hey Shawn a copy back there in the convoy back so they do mate hey buddy I just wanted to check in with you and see how you mastering skills again your mastery of skills okay next question yep yeah I'm gonna get the same map you say me up have a go master fees and a yeah it wasn't a huge success place days of sheep they don't have the sharp end through that mate far better and four wheels and to give it a go Graham right Baldy lat never fear this fuel for the ground of full of wombat hold any flip bit there I'll go in one trust me on that I'll find on Bettles Oh father what's the plan right right let's let him get out here he around it for the mob [Music] [Music] at station life to me and to my family is doing what you have to do when you need to do it and you're your own boss and we live in harmony with the land and I'm here because I love it I'm pretty lucky to have a wife he loves it as well and yeah we just love this little spot it's the middle of I reckon that's the middle of nowhere but he'll play if you have a look at a map it's actually the center of everywhere come and I look at opal because really what will buy you why because you want fun anything anyway locker [Music] the last up at his master it was pretty darn easy as soon as those sheep up the front got a whiff of that water trough they knew exactly where to go just no no you probably get offers a job made the station here we've got we've got roads to driving lives to save so we're gonna have to make a move you did I saw the gate in the middlee I don't know what he was doing to the gate listen do you mind if we got a look at that singer ya be holy Yeah right sure thank you so very much good luck all right Justin's told us is actually plenty of pots already in the dam and he said we could pull them up and just help ourselves if we rebated them and put them back in what a legend that makes it so much easier now we're just got to find this secret spot first and that's deep in the middle of the station made according to justice directions and the VMS here this is it we are here the secret the secret yeah be whole I didn't go up a target yeah we'll see you've just you've planted the seed in my brain now all I can think about is yeah be tails yeah good over five eight walk down with a cold beer of course oh stop it I think Shawn I was pretty excited right about now and to be honest I am too let's park up the top here mate and guard have a look a these dams provide water to outlying sections of the station of course for stock watering despite all the water catchments in this region the water in this damn right now is pretty darn low and of course they've been having a drought out here for some time and you can really see that here oh yes mother yeah be pay dirt on the nest [Music] alrighty this is all I've been looking for this is pretty much what you sort of think of when you think of yeah bees in the outback the little blue claws that's actually not a bad size yeah be they get bigger net that way Shawn okay much bigger much yeah that's a that's a good size it's a good eating size I mean that's all flesh through there yes but this is this is the apex this is the apex seafood I guess you'd say we'll combine this with a steak or something alarming good although our surf and turf or you might have a secret recipe I don't know but that's it that's we're looking for out back yeah bees not a few more [Music] yeah having rebated and place the pots back in the water we took off with a feast of yabbies thanks to Justin we are you mate we needed to head back to camp to pack up and get on our way at this stage it was looking like the storm at either slowed or avoided us all together and to be honest things were looking good we've left our yabby pot seen all day next to camp so it was time to see if we'd had much luck let's check these ones I don't you know I'm not even fast if we get them we get them we've already got a feed night but oh oh yeah bees the heavy champion of the world yeah be whispering I call me yeah that's around the darling like I've heard other things said you won't catch you have using the darling get in get back in yes that's brilliant when you instructor Oh ice could be the greatest day of my life yeah yeah you got me you guys one was that one this one is biggest money-making McGary pot yes well done I'd like to congratulate you when you have your bites while moving back easy on the ATM first you're not you might get big might get treated to a royal victory we're gonna get this check might get mine yeah yeah up in yours ways a tournament well surely my thinking here was make that all things that live in the water like a bit of structure you know I'm saying yes there's nowhere to hide you know still looking doing any favors mate what would you get for for the best why do bees oh no ha ha ha a bitten through mate oh no I'm such a big ones in there ha no no oh this is a disaster he's a stick he alright you catch good catch oh yeah hang on for for is it for is a dead hot dead tie on say I've got to be of an idea up for it what's that well you've been spooking just here good yeah with the abbeys for quite some time yeah how can we pick a yeah BH and we draw a line in the sand my no competition what you saying the Grayson wind or East I'll endure races we'll call it the tipper races yep yep the decider yeah we put them in a circle first yeah be out of the circle is the victor I like that done all right done don't mate probably should warn you now I've been to the wind or you have your aces so I've caught thoroughbred yabbies for racing before pedigree ones okay you still want to race me yeah how can I probably because I'm gonna be have a secret weapon oh my let's win again what does winning get you have to buy it you have to buy the beers or the next country probably get two yeah you're on [Music] you packed up and moving on our next stop was another great little camp spot that Justin had put us onto but this time he was on his uncle station a bit further west towards our goal of mini me that's something I really love about these outback places heck I love a bad driving in the bush just about anywhere is when you slow down take your time start to look around you as you're making up the kilometres on these long stretches I'm not saying take your eyes completely off the road don't do that crazy but do keep an eye out to the road because there's all sorts of things to say and the reason I'm saying this right now is just up here we've got the mop either be six seven eight maybe juvenile emus just walking through the bush over here look at that there isn't a parent with him which is interesting they must have just got into an eye exam with it big owl it's all I know and I seem to consent of Italy there you go little opportunities like that I reckon make the attack you can bind them all together and that's the Outback experience okay now they're just come on that tree over there I think if you just came cruising down this road right now 210 Kaiser now I think you'd miss it I think you can quite get what it is to be in the Australian outback but that right there do you a music chillin out over there I know it's only a bunch of enemies but that is the Aussie air pack isn't [Music] you get a copy mate yeah sure do mate I'd reckon this game so it's gonna have everything we need except one thing I would what do you reckon yeah good call how about you leave that to me have a look at this mate private campsite right on the banks of the darling yes please tick oh yeah it doesn't get much better than that mate the river camping doesn't just look good it's also one of the more perfect spots to roll out canvas here's a little something I like to do folks Bagley the swag comes in if you've got it back in swaggin if you don't you should get one made up cuz I reckon they're one of the better investments you can make this wag is to keep them clean keep the dust off you just zip it up and place it at the front of you front of your swag like this just down there it gives you a bit of a doormat another good idea too if you've got a bag with a big zip or not this one either unzip it pop your boots in there when you go to bed zip it back up again stop so a little grievers getting your boots and of course if it rains keep your boots try as well just a little tip you've got an abundance of water for cooking washing up it's also a focal point for wildlife sunsets the birds come in the place really comes alive Shawn I was offered to cook tonight he's got everything he needs in the wake oh so it's time to hand the reins over to shore nose cooking segment go for it mate g'day guys tonight on the menu we've got something really special we've got chili burgers with a lot now the good thing about burgers is they're really easy to make you get the kids involved it really doesn't take many ingredients and you can have probably more healthy and better tasting burgers and you'd probably buy in a shop we have it of chilly here you really don't need to go over more than the chilly I think tonight we will she'll be straight in the bowl next up we're going to cut a few onions up try getting us as fine as you can now that onions all chopped up go straight into the bowl we've got here is just beef mince I like to use usually half beef mince and half pork mince but this time we did another choice around the bush at the moment so we just got beef mince that's okay mate so mate like it got here it's pretty straightforward I got the onion you got the chili you've got the mince now this is where things get interesting this separates you know your hobby chefs I mean real professionals mate which one of you might got an egg look at that's the secret ingredient as far as I'm concerned so what I've done is this crack two eggs straight into the bowl for the eggs are mainly to make that all stick together and grains what the other ingredients going to help bind it all together what's that make breadcrumbs yeah Mac you really just want to combine all those ingredients together cluding the egg the chili that oh well you know let's come and get it quite nice those eggs you can really feel them something to bind in together so it's making it nice and steady to make the burger patty just grab a generous / man-sized portion of the Mint's just put it on the ball and you just want to flatten that flatten that right down each time you get them yeah yeah cool come on you said that was beef that's right made beef it's not kangaroo no goat or anything else cuz I was gonna say there's been a couple of times on this trip it's come we could we could have been a me you the other day as well I saw that was very very close very very close I tell you what I haven't driven in the outback much at night in New South Wales in w.a I have and I just can't recommend lights more highly and more importantly setting your lights up properly getting the most out of lights I reckon well got a new set of those Nine Inch penetrators from ng crash Thank You yep LED technology mate oh I'll never look back the first thing I did was way out there and just adjusted them so they looted my vehicle yep yeah a little lifted vehicle and I just adjusted I'm a nice dirt road a point of them so they were pointing right down as far as I can get him to get you tied them up and tighten them up and just hit them all properly yep that's the beauty the epic I mean yet sometimes it is hard to find a road that's long and thin what's that that's a road have you got a you got a fish well you go mate I look after the biggest no no no no that's fine while I'm flipping burgers sure knows into the Fischer game but this time he might actually have what he's been looking for it's his first yellow-belly look at that yellow belly I don't do a lot of freshwater fishing but I've been trying for yellow belly for quite some time here i mate let's say we let you go and you grow up you go how cool is that [Music] what do you want first mate - my burger first yeah okay here we go you gonna bother the sauce what you do is grab your pineapples out of it the whole your pineapple goes over your egg box settle down hold it all down goes over you you keep your hair eat away mate so that when you then put your beetroot on this it fills the hole see that then you put the lid on well put the lid on we all have not eaten before you maybe we've got a captive audience right there [Music] oh yeah cheese and pineapple Wow well gorillas are my business sensational hmm what a great way to end the night homemade chili burgers Shawn toast first yellow-belly a camp down by the darling river folks doesn't get much better than this place dig around coming up in Chapter three we settle up our Yogi's for the race to end all races we get stuck in an Outback pub not a bad place to be we're up pretty early this morning in fact so early the Sun is only just peeking over the horizon best time of the day if you ask me yep it's not gonna trust you let's get half a dozen of interns we came up yeah yeah yeah you can actually do it without a lid yeah you can you go boy what are you doing give it a good old swirl there you go Sean oh is making a bush Billy T to start the day and I reckon it's time to go over the plan want to see the plan yeah plan of attack we are just up here the autumn injunction yeah no I reckon well I don't know how we'll go but there's Menindee Lakes right down the bottom there yeah well I reckon we try and push well let's just push along the southern road all the way down through actually what you could do is swim and I'll meet you up in India I likes there you swim in right now I think or I get straight down there caster boy yeah yeah I've heard the fishings good in there you need me like a whole lot yeah yeah I reckon we pack up finish a couple tank [Music] [Music] yeah good is this another absolutely picture-perfect start to an outback day you know no matter where I am wherever I'm traveling around Australia no matter what truck I'm using I try to get myself into a bit of a routine every morning have my breakfast grab myself a coffee and then just take a time and go around the vehicle and just a few basic checks just to make sure everything's in order and those checks don't need to be terribly extravagant I need to be a mechanic to do this but just have a bit of a look at your oil levels or your fluid levels inside here is a modern vehicle so I'm not expecting anything but that's when you usually find something isn't when you're not expecting it so I'm just looking inside the engine bay to make sure I don't see any drip marks any any moisture marks that would indicate to me that something's not right something's leaking have a quick look at all your hoses just make sure they're all all where they should be everything's tight enough like I say you can see the fluid levels very easy on these modern trucks I can see Max and min levels there that's pretty easy I'm going right the way through and making sure I even got water in my washer bottle over here so I can keep my windscreen nice and clean and just generally having a quick look inside the engine bay to make sure everything's where it should be now if you do that over a period of four five six days you're going to notice if anything goes wrong aren't you because if you've sent it on day one and it's not the same on day two three four and five you can address it never look at it doesn't just stop at the engine bay though like I say a couple of minutes in there grab yourself a cup of coffee and move around the vehicle I reckon that's the way to rock and roll another really good practice to get into and again I'm not suggesting you get real fanatical about this and get under here with a tarp and a torque wrench but just jump down have a quick look underneath your vehicle and what you're trying to spot this is going to sound a bit crazy but you try to spot clean areas anything that's clean or hasn't got dust on it especially out here in the outback it's gonna suggest it's moves because you can imagine if something sitting still just getting coated in dust with dust will build up on and fight but something's rattling loose or is moving it's gonna shake and rattle as you're driving the dust gonna fall of it so looking for anything that's clean or has moved out of place and if you do have a notorious nut or bolt don't go don't start saying the nut behind the wheel but if you do have a notorious nut that you know he's gonna move loose sometimes your spot he's come loose a really good tip is to get yourself some whiteout remember that from school used to make a mistake you put a bit of white out over the top and just put a line and white out across the nut on the bolt and that way you can always see if they're not matching up it's moved something's turned you can get under there with a spanner tightener up and again this is just something you're doing 30 seconds under here before you get going in the morning don't get too fanatical about it it's a great idea it's a massive storm front approaching now if we get the rain as predicted and they're predicting some of the biggest rains they've had in several years but if it rains here this stuff just turns to black soil ain't gonna get out of here it could be stuck here a week perhaps two weeks now we do have to move on and so we've made the decision we've talked to the boys talked to the crew everyone's made the decision that we're gonna move on now pack up heading to till tonight go to the pub maybe have a pub feed a couple of beers and see if this big storm does come through at least then we're in a better position to move on if we do get stuck at least we're in torpor if we do get stuck so get the swags on we'll get out of here say goodbye to this absolutely perfect campsite I've loved every minute of it [Music] with the Izu out front I'm leading the way as the storm builds up just above us [Music] [Music] we'd made it but just in the nick of time before the skies really did open up well as you can see we've made it off the station and we've had to wait out the worst of the weather here at the till pop up not a bad squat the way to make a great spot now let me describe it to you because it's a cracking spot all over the walls is writing everywhere you look there's not in fact you'd be hard-pressed to find a spot left in here to write your name the idea is of course you put two Buffalo nationally intact to put too much you can put as much as you like into the bucket for the Royal Flying Doctor Service and you get to write your name on the wall IRA can there be they also a great cause it is a great cause we're gonna put some money in Sean is gonna put some money here gonna work Mac so whilst we're stuck here at the top of pub it could be a couple hours let's be realistic it could be a couple of days we're good I've got a pen legend thank you so much we're gonna write our names on the walls the top of pub and we want a spot first mate I reckon right at the front right oh yes that's the goods right that's a work of art I'm gonna say your turn buddy you made me nervous watching it through that that's that looks great yeah I only press play it actually took us a fair while to find a space to sign our name but I think you'll admit that looks pretty cool hey listen if you get a chance and you do stop in to the tipper pub give a couple of bucks to the Royal Flying Doctor Service and sign your name next to ours and take a photo we'll post it on our Facebook page well anyway let's go back inside what better place could you be I reckon the food was good and the beer was cold heck till you could have turned into four four I kid better still we had time to settle the Outback yeah be challenged with a race in the tilba pub the way this works is that you draw a circle we'll square in the middle you place your yeah be in the middle and then it's pretty simple the first yeah beater Crawley's way out of the circle is the winner [Laughter] [Music] yeah be champion of the world look at that yeah be born to race yes know what I'm gonna take it straight down the river down to me I'm gonna eat my race horse finally after two and a half days things were looking up with the roads a few locals have been through and had given us the thumbs up it was time to get back in the saddle alrighty well we've had quite the conundrum we've had to make a few pretty hard decisions you see we've had a significant amount around here the top of pub has had 18 Mills in the last 36 hours and the surrounding communities have had even more than that which means a lot out here now the roads according to the last weather and roads updated here all the roads are open however even just a cursory glance at those roads they're just walking down these roads tells you you can't drive them you're just gonna cut them up however there is one road but it's got a very firm base and that's to clean the highway clover and till pie it's not the road we want to take going in completely the wrong direction however you've just got to flow with things when you're out in the woods like this when you're out in the outback you just sort of go with the flow and there for us right now it would be foolhardy be irresponsible to take a road but we know he's open legally we can drive on it but we shouldn't be we're gonna go out of way we know we can the roads out here of a lifeblood of the community if you cut them up when they dry again they become an absolute nightmare to drive on it's illegal to drive on Outback roads after it's been raining if they haven't been closed use your common sense you shouldn't be driving on them if you're leaving wheel tracks there are still a few puddles around but it's nothing like it was two days ago these roads and our open well ladies and gentlemen welcome back to chapter three we've been on the road for the last week of course we had to sit out the rain and chopper waited for that to finish clouds are starting to partner roads are dry everything's open so we're looking forward to finishing this up in grand style as the Sun gets high it's slowly but surely firming the roads up more and more and we're making good headway however we're getting hungry and Shawn's got one thing on his mind you betcha chili yeah we caught the other day and the best way to do that of course is just over a bit of gas yep oniisan gonna do now just chop up that chili make this you know what this is looking like to me alone I don't mean to I know you cast aspersions or oh no si am I gonna say my you're gonna say I've got one so what is this chili yabbies night just like my chili mud crab yes surely yeah beans so it is your chili mud crab except you're using a B that's right all right Chili's yep so you're just gonna just take him to the heat off those and I'm up there garlic can in the don't be scared maybe the Gallagher family scared well that smells good smell-o-vision we have a keg ready at Mike when you're doing kill the abbeys Chili's know it's you having corseted those little suckers is that all you don't put them straight in there straight in like the best thing of course is fresh yabbies now that I comment any fresh in this and I'm straight in the pot let's just smell like the ocean or in this case of darling River they smell like the ocean we've gone way too far what brain is doing here these tossing those yabbies I really am I'm just trying to get that garlic in Eddie's done well chilli all infused all around those heavy now undergo a bit of salt and pepper Lake always find the higher you go the more chef like sorry mate you're right yeah it's good you want to do know it's a bit crazy they give me that pop for a second I won't put a bit of water in here yeah I'll bring it to you I'm not gonna go crazy with the water no doggy what you'll start to say when they yeah me start to cook this one he has just started to get warm starting to go red just like a mud crab except for this time really don't like these are the little mud crabs little freshwater micro V so you starting to gotta get ready alright and the best thing you can do now we don't just like a lid on him and let it boil up and this theme in fact of that little bit amount of water I chucked in the bottom of that pot is actually going to start to boil and start to cook those yabbies all right I'll set the timer yeah five minutes I'd say done so check these oh look at that oh I wish this was smellivision a pattern look at them they're just what you pay a lot for these little suckers in a city restaurant with you they go nice and red boy turn that off oh man somewhere in here I'm eating my winning ya be that just doesn't feel right I gotta say though even though it felt bad eating my race winning yeah B you did taste pretty darn good would keep us full until we finish this Outback epic adventure you get to Hobbs you get a top off the bottom up pretty simple I just run your fingers down the back and break the back number different ways you can do it but there's no real process is there it's all about just getting the meat out of the tail let's see this is what he said it's just a fraud really it's just a big prawn I'm gonna have mine with a little bit of chili on top when you counter yet back I reckon you've got to do this is always fun catching it it's even better ATM folks well that chili mud crab yabbies - the mud crab in Outback New South Wales right here all right these as good as it gets my darling River behind us it really is I'll tell you what it doesn't get much better than that when I reckon mate we finish these off get packed up and get on the road yes but I shall I turning off the blacktop mate can shake a national clock we've been looking forward to going and here this place is uh it's got some Lakes it's got the darling running through it so it should be a nice little spot but look at this darn clear I was thinking the same looking pretty old let's play out tomato can't take you anyway hopefully it's good surrounds mate we can only try let's hear now in keeping with the darling River theme we've decided we're gonna take the River Road track on our way out to the lake and what an amazing little drive it is let's drop in here another look at this we're shorter yeah good call mate right have a look at many pelicans are down here it's like a pelican convention it's a meeting point well look at that so nice it's a lot of pelicans it's crazy a lot of people think you only get the pelicans in coastal areas but you see them all over the outback when you got good supplies of water the ecosystems out here are healthy and well from the birds on the water pelicans shags to the kites overhead Wallabies kangaroos hopping around we've sent an abundance of lizards as well I tell you what the darling River region is alive and well anyone who says the Outback is dead dry and dusty is wrong there is so much wildlife at he felt like it is actually quite interesting where there's eight different species of pelicans all around the world this is just one of them here of course they actually live hunts and move in those colonies so there's a chance see those pelicans there you might see all of them again somewhere else we'll all be together in the same little colony they're really quite incredible veg oh there's fossil records stretching back 13 million years 30 million years a long time fossil records with the part of the pelicans yeah yeah yeah so they've been around hiccup a long time I really like tell like an organ he's a cool Brad that one's called efficient in there then okay another thing at the Pelican semi or he's bait to hold more than his belly can so you need to know that funny this has been one heck of a journey to this point so far we've traveled just shy of 500 klicks if you get a chance come and check the darling out what a trip I might know this terrain I just think the very same thing myself you know what it's almost at times got a bit of a simpson desert look about it and right now we can almost see the end sean-o has been so excited about fishing this lake he's been on the uhf for the last couple of hours and after all the rain I swear we could almost hear for like lapping at the banks this is gonna be getting close Shawn I got a copy we got to be getting close mate like Menindee it's gotta be around here somewhere I can we just Park up and walk directly over to our right-hand side y'all would expect nothing less from you mate the other quick exquisite that our web site and they said inspector cats right catches a marie-claude catfish silver perch all that sort of stuff so I'm pretty excited right I might all bring the camera you bring her on let's do this good no ball fine take a photo sure [Music] what are you getting well obviously the trophy Marie popping it up for the main event along Mary cards great pitch by the dollies for yes for the teachers arm no but like everybody absolutely correct [Music] well we've driven in the ride we've set in the rain we've waited out the rain right now it's threatening the rain like Menindee badly needs the rain they want folks if ever you get the chance grab it with both hands and do the darling River run from FERC right the way down here to magnificent Lake Menindee which right now is dry but he's still one of the most epic sites you'll ever see especially on a day like today with these play outs this backdrop I'm going to get down there and take a few photos in a second but we cannot recommend more highly you can get down and do the darling River run through the outback of New South Wales stay at the station camp right next to the river try and catch the air these if you get me luck go and catch a yellow-belly as well you're going to love it you might see Shawn at any because he's going to go fishing you might see me you might not you know the story by now that you'll see me next time the four-wheel drive action nobody losing might do that regardless of the fact that Lake Menindee is bone-dry it's still a spectacular sight with the thousands of dead trees sticking up out of what is a barren flat landscape against that stormy sky really I'm kind of glad there isn't water in here because you only get to see this sort of thing once every now and again this just screams out back and as far as I'm concerned it couldn't have been a more fitting in to a darling River journey [Music] well there we go folks what an absolutely epic DVD I won't forget this one for a very long time the good news is though if you've enjoyed this DVD we have got over a hundred more simply follow the link below me right here you can download in high-definition some of the best trips we've ever damn talked and the Cape the Kimberley SEMO Tasmania pretty much everywhere in between get involved have a look at it but guarantee you there's something in there that you're not only will enjoy but you'll want to tell your mates about as well and folks make sure you sign up for our newsletter you see it comes out a couple of times a week I'm involved Sean I was involved is down there catching fish somewhere and there is so much information that you can get from this we're talking competitions look you can actually win a competition to come on these very trips with us out here into the outback the Cape I don't know the Kimberley don't know where it might be but you won't know either unless you're sign up for the newsletter it is behind the scenes videos you don't get to see anywhere else it's usually ask goofing off or making mistakes but heck it's still worth seeing there's also some fantastic deals on products that you're not going to get anywhere else trust me sign up for the newsletter it's well worth while one last thing folks for some awesome four-wheel drive content and also to catch up with some like-minded people we've got over 1 million yell so that again over 1 million likes on the Australian for word of action Facebook page jump online click the little like button sit back and enjoy there is so much content there that you are gonna love
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 677,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4WD, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, outback, nsw, diesel, petrol, touring, darling river, shauno, shaun whale, graham, NSW, new south wales, bulldust, cahill
Id: AQ8kvYl5-OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 33sec (3213 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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