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there's so much water on these tracks well mate behind us is gun shot mate cape york probably the single most famous bit of australian football drive track i'm nervous so am i going right here i'm on the up there it's not yet down here all right well we're in cape york this is the teletrack the most famous track in australia and that the most famous obstacle in australia with perhaps the most famous four will drive sitting on top of it and um with one of the one of the most scared riders in australia right now about to jump into it all right i wish you luck my friend get in there get ready how do you even get back up there i don't know i don't know it's a ladder it's a glorious day in cape york as we roll up to bramwell junction it's the roadhouse that marks the start of our old teletrac adventure it's early in the season and we're going to be one of the first convoys up the track this year after what has been a huge wet season with the four-wheel drives fueled up and the track entry just meters ahead it's time to knock some air out of the tyres shawno is leading the convoy up the old telly in suri he's rear locked 80 series with all the good fruit and one nut behind the wheel next up it's my d-max and i reckon it's got to be one of the more perfect cake touring vehicles available for the money look i might be on 31s but i reckon i'm going to eat up this track give us a thumbs up if you agree behind me is my mate anthony from opus campers he's wheeling his ford ranger and towing an op2 self-inflating camper anthony reckons he's going to show us cape york camping luxury on a whole new level mate i'm looking forward to it closing up the convoy are sam and andy from spares box now look you've seen sam wheel this twin locked beast of an 80 before and luckily for shawno they're also carrying all the spares you could ever need from spares box online store well there we go boys the point and i returned the old teletrack probably australia's most famous four-wheel drive track i'm pretty pumped late this year i've been told it's um we're early mate there's going to be a lot of water yeah i reckon less than probably a dozen vehicles have been through they say lots of water lots of mud lots of ruts just pretty much untraveled mate anthony how you feeling about taking a brand spanking new camper trailer up the telly you'll be the first trailer up here without a doubt mate i reckon it's probably the perfect proving ground for me to give it give it a whirl yeah it certainly is made if you can handle this it'll uh probably handle anything i suppose oh let's bring it on and spares box down the back i i know it's your first time up in cape york and definitely first time the telly you're pretty pumped mate andy and i cannot wait to get stuck in it's going to be sick all right you've got the right vehicle for it it's not a coincidence you put a lady leading an 80 sort of following up in the rear there the rest of the convoy should have comfort in that you could hardly hope look how long this grass is still it hasn't even died down yet yeah well early it's going to be pretty well boys one of the great things about the old telly is that the challenges start within a few minutes of hitting the track up ahead is a challenge we weren't expecting that gives us an idea of just what we're in for this year we haven't even gone more than a couple of hundred meters and already we've got trees down across the track now if this is how the track looks this early on we are in for one heck of an adventure and that to me is the beauty of getting to places like this early in the season not many people have been up here yet so what's up ahead is virgin country for us we this is what we live for with the track clear we jump into the first of many creek crossings that pepper the track [Music] in previous years we've barely even seen water in this little creek but with some solid depth to it i can only imagine how deep the big crossings like nolan's are gonna be all right here we go up ahead is the first big challenge of the old telly we're talking the infamous palm creek now this place is something of a make or break for anyone considering the old telly it's got a steep entry and two gnarly exits that often require winching it's not a place to head into unprepared well here we go start of palm creek this is exciting for every forward driver but it marks the start of the telly and it's also one of the most challenging obstacles on the telly very good come towards me a bit but i'm about to go yep yep oh that's my brakes yeah you got brakes that's really steep yeah it's not pleasant that's really steep [Music] oh forget about gunshot that's what oh my goodness yes look at the exit of this holy heck right here go and have a look at this ah you know what i need to do here this is a feature of my uh clearview mirrors that really does make a big difference to me if i just push this button down here check this out how cool is that that's rockstar if you ask me but this means as i come down this i'm not going to knock him on the bank makes a big difference am i looking at him i lined up pretty close to it this is easy there's nothing to nothing to it now i want to go back up that's steep that is i reckon that sleep with another years oh oh that mud stinks righty-o anthony's turn now with that trailer this is going to look pretty darn scary but i reckon the trailer is going to act as something of an anchor to keep the vehicle stable when it's coming on down that steep entry he's lined up the slot have a look how steep that is rightly so he's opted for slow and steady but that just means he's going to get hung up in the mud that's unlucky but we kind of knew it was going to happen might have to go for a short winter well first obstacle palm creek and the winch is coming out already sort of have no choice in them out of the trailer sort of push the vehicle down gets all hung up and um the only way you could have driven it is maybe a little bit more momentum but like i said first track of the old telly we're not here to break things so just get the winch we're back in the d-max should pull the ranger out well i gotta say if this is a stitch up anthony's done it well always remember folks put your witch cable right up high where you can get it because moments like these you don't want to be digging in the mud ah have a go at this will you mate you are filthy this is exactly why look at that this is why we have quality seat covers on these vehicles not afraid to jump in get the seat covers dirty take them off and wash them doesn't matter these are the seats in a brand new vehicle you probably knock a few thousand dollars off its value all right i'm good to go with the winch anchored to the back of the d-max we should have anthony through in no time and as i suspected it's a short winch to get anthony out of trouble and the trailer follows down with ease now sam has been frothing on this challenge ever since we told him we're taking him up to the telly and that big 80 was custom built for drives like this but have a look at andy he's loving it all right with all the boys down it's time for the main event so it's always a good idea on these tracks just to walk them first and just see what you're getting yourself in for i think this one here we're pretty obvious to see that we've got a lot of traction down here well something touched me there's a lot of direction that's really sticky mud the wet season has really done its bit washed a lot of mud down into here shawno is so amped to get stuck into this you'll be right oh there's something touching me can't beat nothing can live in this this is gonna get pretty muddy i think so much mud down here but don't think many people have been driven it this year shawna is going to have his work cut out for him just to get to the start of this exit much less driving out of it but if i know shawno you'll give it a red hot go a little bit more it's really soft might have to have a winch i think i could keep going but no amount of momentum is going to get me up there i think that's a good call mate and that is why we run winches and not just any winch we've got the new dominator extreme with 12 000 pounds of pull with tree trunk and winch blankets in place shawn begins the steep winch out of the creek and with one more punch he should be out oh that's wild that's that's the hardest i've seen palm creek ever you've got the mud everywhere the money's all right yes i got the monkey everywhere yeah i tried to give it everything man and had nothing nothing nothing i'm going to try the old popular bee line yeah i think i'm still going to struggle at the bottom like the b line's not easier so i'm going to get that out of bell but yeah i'm dead keen i'm staked yeah let's get into fun good fun the b-line the top looks pretty good but the bottom looks diabolical second gear little low-range action take it in nice and slow to see how it feels i think a little more i think it just needs sometimes to get the mud out and that's what you've done a good job now i reckon you'll get further next go just hitting that bass blade look at that will you that is some soft mud and it just swallows these vehicles and then acts like a suction cap to just keep you locked in place the camera car took this line and they had to winch for me though i'm really hoping max tracks for the win oh man so close one more go come on come on yes i'm up you wouldn't believe it there's one little log this one right here that was actually hanging one of his ties up we got rid of that put the max tracks in and you saw that he just walked up there goes to show just a little bit of track building get the max tracks out make your own highway anthony's gonna take that same line and i reckon you ain't gonna hang around holy moly wheel look at that that's a drive and he's nearly made it too damn boy it takes just a short winch to get anthony and the camper over the lip of palm creek i tell you what if the camper trailer can handle this challenge with so little fuss and no damage anthony's got the teletrack pretty much sewn up terrified but here we go sam's opted for the same line as shawno and while [ __ ] cleared a lot of the mud out he's still getting caught at the bottom there [Music] that those rocks were there she's slippery very slippery anxious faces up there very anxious faces especially from the driver's seat one more no more yep that's good i think that's the best sam can hope for there and with the nose up it should be a good straight pull on the winch a really good tip here folks even if you know you can't make it up a hill don't just stop at the bottom try and get the nose pointing up to where your winch makes it a whole lot safer and a whole lot easier yes yes all right that's palm creek palm creek first challenge done we came we saw it kicked our butts that's early season it's exciting times though because we're doing that here we've only got another 35 and a half creek crossings there's another one quite a few challenges mate so you know what i'm thinking i'm thinking we get these next few done little campsite i like to call birdie creek a couple of cold brewskies i want to keep this in the passenger seat cause i think you should but i think you should eat it all right let's go now i mentioned the new long camera car before and i know you lot like to see the old gu beastie so here's her run at palm creek with the crew and their gear there's a lot of weight on board and the guys struggled a bit on the exit but that's not bad for a fully loaded rig i reckon you'd agree what do you reckon folks what line would you have taken up palm creek this year the left hand muddy side or the right hand steep side let us know in the comments with palm creek under our belts we push on through some of the old telly's many creek crossings tackling this track early in the season is an entirely different beast to doing it later in the year not only have we got the place to ourselves which is fantastic but sections of the track that are normally bone dry are full of mud holes and water and i'm not gonna lie this is why we came up so early because we wanted the challenge this is a heck of a lot of fun [Music] you know there's so many thoughts out there about what's the right tyre pressures that you should run on a track like this up in cape york i'm running 25 psi in my bridgestone jeweler mts but it really depends on so much i'm talking the terrain you're driving the weight you're carrying your tyre size and so much more so i'm going to put it back to you what tyre pressure do you reckon you'd run on this track tell us in the comments below as you're driving up the old telly track keep your eyes peeled off to the side and every now and again you'll just get a glimpse one of the old telegraph lines because of course that's what this was it was a communications channel between australia and essentially the rest of the world now in today's age of picking up a mobile phone and get a bit of information straight away or call someone on the other side of the earth in a split second it's amazing to think that this very track we're driving right now was created just to keep comms between australia and the rest of the world there's one right there there you go they still exist [Music] after a great first day on the track we're going to point the bull bars towards a favorite little campsite of ours on birdie creek now i'm not going to give away exactly how to find this one but i tell you it's an absolute cracker how good is this little campsite right here now on some of these more remote trips you'll often find me with a solar blanket or some sort of solar now i figure that i might set this solar blanket up right now you're thinking the light's going down why would you bother setting up your solar panel now well it's quite simple really because the redarc solar panel this one has a 150 watt solar panel it's actually going to grab a little bit of charge right now but more importantly as soon as the sun pops up from the east which is in that direction right there it's going to hit the bottom of this nice and early before i wake up it's going to start putting charge before i'm even having my morning coffee so i reckon that is pretty cool so what i've found with the 150 watt redux solar blanket here is even in low light like this is still going to trickle maybe one and a half two amps into my manager 30 system in the back here when the sun is at its peak and this is facing it well i'm going to get more like seven or eight amps into my system which is small enough to run the fridge and all my camp lights and all the goodies that i've got in the back here so just going to plug it in now and um let this one do the charging it's that time of day where i think we can be forgiven for being really keen to sink a few iron jacks around the fire but of course first we've got to set up camp while we're still pulling out swags anthony has the camper lid open and at the flick of a switch yeah that's right you heard me correctly the flick of a switch the camper starts to inflate this bad boy sets up fast you turn your back for a few moments and suddenly there's a fully set up trailer my swag is pretty damn comfortable but i gotta say that thing is luxurious with camp duty done it's time for a beer and a quick flick how good is cape york camping and speaking of good shawno's cooking tonight it's usually good it's okay let's see how he goes well here we are at birdie creek and i'm going to say it's one of my favorite little camp sites on the old teletrack we've been here a couple of times now and it's a little bit off the main teletrack and i think that's what makes it so special so away from the crowds and um this time of year there's no crowds at all so it makes it even better what are you doing dude the bearer i just released no you didn't know you should have said something like holy heck look at look at the lure you're using look at the rod you're using and look at the main thing behind the holy heck no you've got to lock the workout feel those muscles i need a beer bro look at this guy look at this guy guys so tonight what i'm going to cook up is a bit of a lamb stroganoff i like a strawberry because it's quite easy to make it's a one pot wonder it's kind of weird why are we using lamb because the amazon special at the time of the butcher i thought i thought heck if it works with beef it'll work with so using using the same ingredients you've got some cream yeah i've made it work in a one-pot wonder so tell your life gonna be nice and easy how'd it be embarrassed enough oh boys what am i so i guess first things first i need a bit of lamb to make a lamb stroganoff rogie in the uh dometic in the dometic record and while you're there can you get some mushrooms how many lots of them like all the mushrooms you don't want too many what was that you want a mushroom for anything else there we go that's a big old that's that's good all right well first things first bite you've always read me about having blunt knives dude i'm it's it's almost embarrassing it's something as a chef mate as a as a fair income chef i've got myself yes oh that's fancy i know mate and what do you got in there knives knives lots of knives check this out show me oh look at this this is dead set whoa who's your weapon that is that is way too good for you cutting the onions so please be careful because they are quite sharp what you want to do with the strawberry by the way you can grab the old packet mix strong enough but that's not my like as a as a chef you don't want to just go and and cheat when it comes to a meal like this all right so first things i want to get this going mate all right this one happens every time very firey this one mate i want to get the lamb oh that is so sharp yeah these are crates oh yeah it's going to get a bit of lamb in here we've got oil in there yeah okay we're going to brown that off you sure the onion shouldn't have gone in first chef no this is this is where a lot of chefs get it wrong mate i'm going to reach around the back here yeah it's not the first time yep going to give that a bit of a stir oh look at that ah my eyes got a bit of pepper here that's nothing too crazy another pink salt actually yeah you go you should your wrist is up with this i know your wrist is up it's actually on very strong wrist you have i know you have all my size paprika is like almost the cornerstone of a good strong okay go hard drop some mixed herbs down oh that smells divine that does can you eat that yellow the italian herbs so well basically no you can't eat salt pepper paprika some italian herbs a bit of that put your nose in there mate really good yeah reminds me of you that does that is looking good onions i need to get that lamb into there but i didn't think it's through hang on no we need i've got i got a pair of pliers if you like that that rest of yours tell you what it never ceases to amaze me all right so i just got a lamb out of the pot look at that that's looking that smells so good by itself to be honest with you i might just have a little nice easy cooking scene would be it wouldn't it thank you chuck the onion straight in so i just want to get that onion to go a bit translucent let's see what does that mean see-through exactly right nothing right so give that a stir next thing always do this second so i'll put the i put the old onion in first and um garlic comes in second so probably about probably two old uh what would you call what do you call this movement two shakes to the wrist two three shakes that four shakes to the wrist and that's it next comes the mushroom yes that goes straight in mushroom here how could it just be able to use the knife just to open things up like that there you go just having a sharp knife i'm not used to it to be honest no now what you want to do here is about five to seven minutes you sort of want to get those mushies to um reduce down into the al saute with the combination infused whatever word you want to use just you just you basically mix them up mix them up you mix them up yeah how's your eye on jack you want another one um yeah i'm nearly done mate so and while you're in there might actually grab that sour cream out rogie sour cream bro how'd you go mate yep sour cream how's your beer yeah good mike that's the way huh can you get me one yeah i got you to see our cream right there bro what's the next step uh there's some water actually have you got any water i've got a bit of beef stock here and i'm going to put a fair bit of water because i want to cook the pasta in with a strog there's a lot of heat there all right we're good i keep going okay i've got a bit of um beef stock get it some in the pan sorry sorry sorry i'm going to read i got to reposition two cups of don't read the instructions just put a fair bit in yeah that'll do it that'll do it oh look at that like you could nearly just you could nearly just drink that i would eat that when do we do the oh [ __ ] lingawani sugar sugar what are you doing you gotta dive in and get that all right lamb's going back in first yeah liam's going back in damn chef all right oh it's also got the gravy of the old lamb in there so that's good boy putting that straight in there we go that is a meal fit for kings i'd eat that right there though you know you know it's gonna be a good meal when you've said about four stages throughout here right now let's just eat it good to see ourselves now yeah yeah really yeah yeah it's up to your own personal taste it always is when it comes to cooking i find so there's actually recipes you can follow too someone should show me a couple but i usually go about a couple of wooden spoons worth of uh can i stop you for a second yep folks if you've got an absolute kick butt recipe that you think i'm going to use the term chef shawno it's actually not true my good mate sean i should do please i urge you i beg your eyes like a real recipe like a recipe that we will follow we'll follow it to the letter we will follow up to the left it's good and it works well around the campsite we will follow it to the letter get in touch with us leave a comment and we will actually do it because trust me oh it's all right all right all right before we go there all right mustard yeah a little bit of mustard just uh just one job and i just want to put the i just want to put this but this is the whole grain you can use dijon i've got a bit of this is linguine so it's the old egg pasta yeah takes about 10 minutes now this is a good thing it's going to chuck like that put that straight in it's going to be good it's only a heck of a meal holy heck i'm hungry this has been about 10 minutes on the old boil so i've simmered that right now you can eat the noodles have expanded there's less juice now that's that's a technical term get a plate get the boys right here yeah get in there this is why i brought the extra camp cup you just want to dive in there get a bit of that gear that's the stroke that's the stroke right there yeah yeah oh look at that good lord if you could see and smell what i'm smelling right now like bro that is superb it's not bad is it look at that look at that it wouldn't want that in your plate one of the things i really like about this meal yep not let's forget that it tastes like the best restaurant you've been to sort of strong enough and it really is but it's one pot wonder so it's nice and easy to make and it sticks to your ribs i think i'll still be eating this in about a week yeah all right we grab this boys down to the fire wrap your laughing gear around it oh that is good that is so good actually worth it better i thought i always does every meal you do [Music] there's nothing better than waking up on a clear fresh morning in cape york at a stunning campsite it's absolute paradise and i reckon you'd agree we're only a day in and the trucks have already got their mud makeup on and i gotta feel them there's plenty more of that to come as the sun peeks out and starts putting some charge back into the batteries anthony is setting up shop on the opus camper [Music] the sound of sizzling bacon and eggs is a guaranteed way to get some attention in this convoy and with anthony cooking up a storm on the camp kitchen well we reckon we better go and investigate a little bit bloody luxurious isn't it mate i'm sitting here digging back like this eating a bacon egg roll you think in the middle of cape york in the middle of cape york you think you're in a cafe somewhere mate how good is it i guess it makes it easy when you've got a kitchen in the bush you know you can you can do things like this just you know you could pull up for lunch inside of a track and just i think that's the idea behind it all i'm sort of trying to get him to do some hamburgers for lunch today he's got hamburgers oh he does he does all right what are we gonna do today well straight up we've got gunshot within 20 minutes camp tonight if we can push on and get to my favorite campsite on the cape sam's creek sam's correct i love that you know why i don't know yeah i've even told the boys i said just you've got something to look forward to today it'll be rushing through there too yep that's swimming also it's gonna be a hard day mate we've got to do a gunshot a fair bit of four wheel drive driving we've got some swimming to do some swimming a big fight tonight epic camping barbecue and um yeah okay sign me up saw me they don't want to miss with so much ahead it's time to pack up and hit the track one of the best things about the old telly is that the challenges are never far away and just outside camp we're already on our first river crossing oh what a start of the day in cape york we're coming down to the birdie river now this one here you do need to know what you're doing you're gonna go down the bank a little bit and it's a real rocky sort of base but there's a lot of big holes in this creek so i'm just going to basically cruise up the bank until i see a nice little spot where i want to cross and you can see the exit over there screws up the bank and um try and pick a nice way through if you went right now there's big rocks there's all sorts of big holes in there you've been a fair bit of strife there you go there's definitely a hole there i'll go around that look at this cape york birdie creek super good now look if you've done the old tele before you'll know that the crossing of birdie creek means one thing and that's next up is one of the most iconic four wheel drive challenges in australia it's a rite of passage for so many of us four wheel drivers and a destination people travel thousands of kilometers to attempt that's right i'm talking gunshot creek while the many entries into gunshot change from season to season one line stays the same and that's this one a car swallowing drop into the heart of the creek hey where are we harley needs an explanation mate this is only probably the single most famous challenge in australia in australia it's gun shot and um yeah my voice is a little bit horse it's not that i'm real nervous but well you have got some unfinished business with this bad boy i do so i think it's only fair that you do step up and have a red dot go at it plan of attack in my mind yep slide down scream a lot yep hit the bottom yep turn the engine off yep i will run back with the d-max i won't take the d-max i'll take a snatch strap with me hook it up i'll drive you forward yeah we highlighted i might even put the snapstrap on before i go down ah that's that old chest exactly right might get everything ready because um solid plan i actually think it's a little easier than last year i think it is but i st i'm telling yourself that just let me say that okay you're going to drive out of it you're going to be going move the d-max move the d-max that'd be nice i'm excited i'm excited mate actually i'm scared excited it's a 50 50. get ready what are you doing boys let's do it to get into position to recover shawno i'm taking the d-max down an alternative line into the creek i'll just reverse up into there boys we'll get a bit of a snatch strap out get ready to go you ready mate ladies and gentlemen i'd like to run you through our well-oiled machine of a plan that we have going here right here i have the d-max shackle on it ready to go we have a snatch strap and our professional snatch strap applicator andy is right here you're good right good to go he is good to go up the top here we have shawno he's looking a little shaky but don't worry about that i know him he'll drive this well now you'll see that we've attached a snap strap already and tucked it into the bull bar that is going to be our primary means of evacuating him from the vehicle if we need to or getting the vehicle out of here at one of the two we've also got a fail safe we've got the winch attached as well just in case i can't get that snatch strap out but for now i have a feeling he's going to scoot down there drive forward come down and high five me and ask me to move the d-max or not yeah that's one of the two scenarios what do you reckon i'll guide you down okay this is the last opportunity boys anyone else want to go first crickets crickets no sounds holy heck gunshot 2019 i've got some unfinished business here i don't normally get this nervous before a track last time didn't go so well so it's a little bit apprehensive this time around but i haven't seen many tire tracks on it early in the season one way to find out ah this is the point in our return just get right here where you're in you're really in okay nervous nervous oh there's the point of naruto this is definitely all right go for it boys engine off that's steep that's about as steep as you're gonna get in a four-wheel drive without uh needing another set of pants shawno immediately turns off the engine to protect it but with the recovery plan already in place it's only a matter of seconds before we've got sean hooked up and ready to snatch here we go bud i'm good bud gentle gentle is the key here just enough to pull that bull bar out of the mud gunshot boom yeah what i'm going to do here just in case the oil's not where it should be well that was so quick but i don't think it matters just going to let it sit here for a while let everything drain back down before i turn it back on that is success zero driving from me just uh really put the wheelies at me more than steep mate the ball is steep it was so steep my breakfast nearly came at me now i must admit like everyone's saying at the time it looked horrible i think if you'd if we drunk one more beer last night we didn't have that weight in the back yeah all right that's one four-wheel drive through but up next anthony and he's made a big call all right well this is a committee thing to do it is mate with a camper trailer i think it might be one of the first of the year with a camper trailer i would agree but i think he's talking two things r d yeah they really want to test what it can do yep if it can do this can do anything and i've got a sneaky suspicion it's going to come down push the vehicle and he's going to drive out of here what yeah no you don't reckon nah all right well i'll start here i think it's going to be pretty exciting nevertheless let's hope nothing goes wrong all right i'll guide him um i'll get ready to drive we'll do it all okay might make it all work go for it right you just want to go almost on that line just nudge it forward those wheels are always perfect i'll guide you down and um just we'll go down into my inch mate that's it that's it you've got the trailer base yeah redux round right up to 10 mate keep on that line that's it's just about you fraction that way yep it's not every day you see someone take a brand new camper trailer down gun shot this is all you man but anthony's confident and he's got a good point you see that camper trailer will actually help to keep the back end of the car down and keep him on line i reckon he's got every chance of making it down unscathed that's all right that's you mate that is me he's taken his time and he's dropped in perfectly will you have a look at the angle that trailers on here we go have a look at the departure angle on the op2 everything is tucked up and it's out of the way so he's not knocking anything on huge challenges like this well there it goes oprah's we're down that is one tough camper trailer mate that was bloody exciting you're a madman you're absolutely mad man what's wrong with you how's that for r d you're not getting any more than that and i'm i'm glad to say your trailer is actually still attached to it that's good still blue that's a good sign it's got two wheels on it you had two didn't you let's do it again let's go backwards far out mate that's actually actually quite sweet yeah that can help me that's remarkable man first opus down gun shot probably i would say also the first chemtrail of the year i reckon you're right all righty sam's got some big shoes to fill after that great drive by the opus pressure's on bud what are you worried about so many things all right sam i've got your mate you're in my hands a little bit more drivers trying to get more drivers this is terrifying you concentrate so much that's right [Music] oh wow [Music] sci-fi that's us that's uh welcome to the head series roller coaster that's us oh my holy dooley now that's an f1 recovery team right there all right you reckon you've seen faster [Applause] that doesn't feel mate shot down you got no words it's all about co-pilot i reckon you did well mate you can take that one off the bucket list gun shot done [Music] well just when we thought we're all done and dusted graham our recovery vehicle well in true graeme style he's decided he can't leave gunshot without having a bit of fun himself so he's driven back up he's turning around now he's asking the recovery vehicle and he's going to drive gunshot in the isuzu so look out i've got the easy job a little bit of nerves but fairly steady fairly steady all right folks gun shot in an isuzu d-max this is a bit of a first yeah keep keep going keep going you'll see me soon keep going keep going this part doesn't feel too bad i'm guessing it's going to get a lot worse very quickly what now oh i was going to drive it just hanging in there waiting for a mate go for a buck oh you know what actually wasn't that bad you might take that one off you've done gun shot a lot of times that's the first time that's one real gunshot yep yeah all right let's keep going get into it [Applause] [Music] well how about that four four wheel drives down gunshot pretty damn cool right give us a like if you agree folks now i've got a question for you would you take your rig down gunshot or maybe you have let us know in the comments we'd love to hear from well just took the seat covers off wash a little bit of mud off them and i thought i'd take this opportunity to show you one of the latest mods i've done in the 80 here this right here is stratus bucket seats i've got a passenger one and of course the driver's one now these things have transformed the 80 in particular on how it drives i do a lot of kilometers each year about 50 000 and a lot of those are harsh off-road tracks like this one right here the teletrack now these seats give me a lot of support but one of the things i like most about them on those long drives it makes me feel so much more refreshed when i get to my destination that's because i'm traveling in comfort so if you want to refresh the seats in your vehicle make your vehicle a little bit more comfortable a heck of a lot more comfortable actually well check out stratos seats now in the dry season the sections of the teletrack between river crossings are usually pretty dry and they're easy to drive but we've had a big wet this year and conditions are anything but usual up ahead we're seeing more and more mud across the track all right cape york this is early in the season and there's so much water on these tracks so much mud too and then up front you just don't know what's deep and what's not here's a bit of mud now far out get into it as we push north there are bog holes and muddy ruts appearing everywhere and it's plain havoc with the convoy shawn's first to go down but he's certainly not the last [Music] still with the right gear recoveries like this really are a breeze nonetheless our hercules gear is really paying for itself today how good is cape york [Music] me they're as much fun as you'd have with your pants on let me tell you that for free how good is this second gear early season cape york they said it was going to be wet this is normally oh dusty through here i'm through cameraman running everywhere yeah cape york if you haven't been get on up here after that mud the perfect antidote is some fresh water on the undercarriages so thankfully next up it's cockatoo creek look at that cape york's finest there's some great camping around this creek but do be aware this is one of those creeks where crocs have been spotted so be careful around the water still it's absolutely magical and well worth a look [Music] [Applause] speaking of gems there's a little lake on the left around here chock full of these amazing little critters they've gathered around for a feed and we reckon it's time we did too we just stopped for a bite to eat and i thought it's a perfect time to go through i think well the biggest question we get asked all the time what spares you need to bring on a remote trip such as cape york now sam there's no better person to ask the bloke himself from spares box mate let's go through the spares you carry in the back of the 80 here mate try to always carry on big trips front and rear wheel bearing kits yeah very important cv joint axle of course a couple of freewheeling hubs if your vehicle's got them spare air filters are a must on a big trip as well as a fuel filter when you're going remote wheel studs and axle studs as well yeah good that's a that's a nice little all-around package of good spares to take to make sure that your vehicle is going to be right for any sort of train the good thing is even if you don't know how to change the cv well chances are you'll be able to find something that can help you with that but if you don't have the parts well you know you're not going to go anywhere in a hurry so mate where can people go to get all this sort of stuff head over to the spare box website if you're not sure what you need or how to find them jump over the contact us port or you'll speak to the experts back at hq they'll get you sorted well mate that does sound really really easy anyone can get the spares they need to get onto the tracks of cape york and um we both drive 80s mate so the chances are we're not going to need them to even take them out of the package but it gives me great confidence to know you've got them so all right pack those up and i reckon we go and hit the tracks let's go come on mate don't need spare parts for a toyota yeah right seano mate lucky you've got spares box on speed dial so they can ship all the parts you need straight to your door next up we've got another must-see of the old tally track a glorious swimming hole known as fruit that falls the water is absolutely perfect and it's a great way to cool off after a hard day on the tracks i could happily spend all day at fruit bat falls but we've got plenty more ahead so we've got to continue on the northern end of the tally and the next challenge window's going up halfway here we go i'll have a look at this will ya this is one of my favorite little river crossings that you get up here on the telly of course the telly is absolutely famous for its number of quarter crossings just like this one down here now the technique i use to get through these i'm going to go second gear low range of course up into second gear in manual mode i'm going to enter nice and slowly i'm going to do that because if i hit too hard it could force water up into the engine bay and that could force that fan back into your radiator you don't need to do that so i'm just going to get in once i'm in i'm going to build up a bit of speed create a bow wave build up a bit of momentum pop out the other side and hopefully that's another little river crossing done on the telly so here we go as i say she's pretty deep pretty deep they might be deep but with the right technique cape york crossings are yours for the taking and to be honest the d-max is making it feel easy that was insane that's how you do that where you go swimming this is crocodile territory here after another absolutely epic day on the old tally we're grateful to roll into one of our favorite camp spots on the track here at sam creek there's plenty of little campsites hidden up amongst the trees speaking of hidden there's another secret to this place that will show you a bit later [Music] first though it's time to set up camp for the night [Music] anthony's doing his magic trick again with the opus camper and it starts to set itself up while the rest of us roll out canvas [Music] with the air beams up anthony's soon putting the finishing touches on the opus camper really is a quality bit of kit [Music] with camp done it's time to check out the secret that makes sam's creek so special [Music] [Music] this little bit of paradise right here is a hidden water hole just off sand creek crossing so you've got to look for it it's not obvious at all but when you're here early season like this and she's flooded like this as good as it gets with night falling it's time to settle in by the fire and maybe crack just a few iron jacks now check out this nifty little light from nebo pretty cool right it's magnetic and of course the reason we're using this little bad boy up here is that it's got a red light which doesn't attract bugs made in your honest opinion yep teletrack we're we're just over halfway through it yeah tomorrow's drive a lot of people will do it today it's the best part of the telly as far as i understand and these boys are going to love it the old what about cyprus they're going to i shouldn't say that you boys are going to have a lot of fun about the width of a car yeah but just under and then and you think you're all done you've i've conquered the television nolan's it's like yeah yeah make sure your door seals are working all that sort of electrical equipment on the roof put it on and then the i reckon it's iconic chardonnay this is gonna be one of the best tracks in australia in terms of being iconic yep and if you get up here at this time of year early we've had a late wet but we get up here early in the year we've seen every campsite we could if we could have stayed in any one of them yeah there's no one that's different from school holidays 100 different yeah we've got firewood we've got the cans to ourselves heaps of water a bit of mud around yeah all right i just get so frothed up about it yeah it's a good time absolutely fantastic boys you are in for the day cheers tomorrow cheers boys [Music] it's our final day on the old tally track today and while we're excited for what's ahead you know it's bittersweet leaving this amazing campsite behind [Music] the fourbys have been copping and absolute hiding so far on the trip but they've never let us down it never ceases to amaze me the places these rigs will take us [Music] speaking of reliability the opus camper has taken everything anthony has thrown at it so far and i thought i should get him to take us through a bit more detail on its features morning mate morning how are you i was looking at this this morning this is your op2 which is what the the smaller version the two-person version of the op-4 which i've been away with many times many times correct so it's a bit like our op-4 and respect that you've got a club lounge there you can really make it a full sleeper if you really need to um same features and benefit as our op4 except you've got that big shower tent where you normally have that other bed this has one big bed has a built-in shower tent for your shower it's also got your built-in toilets hand as well outside same sort of features yes exact same kitchen big drying rack four burner stove slides everywhere you've actually got a bigger pantry a bigger fridge slide and we've amped up the the external storage a little bit as well and it still goes up in what under three minutes completely look you're looking at 90 seconds for the main structure you will take five or six minutes with the full air annex as well but the air addicts even when that's up in the sense of putting it up so easy and when you get up you get what another oh you get a whole other livable area right here it's basically you're just doubling your op2 just putting another one right next to it and all of that is done by pushing that red button down there correct and how much water do you carry on a trip like this mate look i've got an 85 litre main tank which is great for my dishes my shower and i've also got a 35 litre tank now for me i put drinking water in that so you've got 35 litres of drinking water yes how about putting a liter in there and boiling it for us and i'll have another cup of milk done let's do it camper trailers really have changed the camping game folks where would you take an opus camper if you had one well i like to get myself in the habit of doing a little once over in the morning just every day i'm off road just check the oil i'll check the filter and just have a general look around the vehicle in the engine bay and also underneath see if any bolts have moved just a general inspection because that sometimes can get you out of a bit of strife so this morning i've noticed that my air filter well it's not so good i carry a couple of spares i'll just be changing that oil levels are fine apart from that everything in big city is ready to hit the rest of the telly with everything humming along nicely it's time to pack up and hit the track big day ahead boys [Music] the last section of the old telly has some of the biggest and most notable challenges of the track but first we've got to get there that's quite rocky and bouncy oh [Music] you wanna r d here we are [Music] with everyone through those challenges are not far off i think today is the best day on the telly to be honest with you there's so many cracking iconic challenges to do today hey sam andy you boys excited thank you telling us it gets better than what we've done last couple of days can't wait to see this you'll have a couple of iconics to see today how about you anthony you traveling well mate yeah mate i'm pretty keen i've i've never done cake before you know so i'm keen to see this whole the rest of it really mate all right those uh seals on the trailer are working fine because we've got a lot of water crossings to do today some real deep ones too hey that's what i like to hear proper r d let's do it the northern end of the tally is peppered with a range of big creek crossings starting with this one right here cannibal creek don't miss the u-turn for the exit then we just need to flex our way onto perhaps the scariest challenge of the teletrack and one i know that shawno is particularly keen to get over and done with [Music] this tiny wooden bridge crosses cypress creek so named because of the cypress pines used to make the narrow bridge there's barely enough width for a set of tyres on this thing so it's not for the faint-hearted well here we go there's terms of iconic bridges i don't get much more famous than this one how's it looking this year mate some years i don't even want to look at it it's not too bad but i might get some up in front to spot me because i don't want to take a risk right here this is um it's looking a little bit sketchy there's a broken log on the right hand side looking good 80s in your hands mate so pick a good line yeah i get a little bit i wouldn't say scared of heights but a bit trouble the nights this one does not do any favors sketchy oh look down there as sean creeps over the logs suddenly there's a problem stop it stop it stop it couldn't help myself but what are mates for right mate that log on your left is moving ever so well moving moves quite a bit actually nah just jokes it didn't move at all don't do this to me i'm right in the i'm in the sweet spot get out of there as fast as you can is okay nobody hangs around when they get off that bridge yeah it feels a lot better to be on this side of cyprus that's for sure all right here we go oh cyprus let me i've got my eyes on andy up the front here i think i know my line but just keep my eyes on andy just just to be sure oh that's a long way down and then you just get off and you get out of here be done with it never look back cyprus is done ticked this bridge is scary enough on four wheels but anthony has to get a camper over as well oh i also look down will you ever look at how tight that is he's done it perfectly though not an inch to spare alrighty i'm through your turn sam the key with scary challenges like this is to inspire confidence in your mates you'll be right sam this bridge in all honesty is barely a bridge mr cahill is making me a very nervous boy ah nice one mate you've made it through oh that's gross seriously gross when you're this far out on a remote track like the telly you're a long way from help and that's why we take communication so seriously folks one thing that you can be absolutely sure about here on the teletrack is that your mobile phone unless you're using a gadget like this is absolutely useless to you because there is no coverage out here whatsoever what i love about this model here in the one shawn's running this is the iridium go is that it actually turns your mobile phone into a satellite phone by way of an app that you download before you come out into the bush and it is super easy to use if you can use your smartphone you can use one of these now the folks at pubertal have hooked us up with a couple of different varieties of sat phone there's a whole range of plans out there different models different makes different amounts of money that you can spend but the bottom line is that these days satellite communications out in the bush are more affordable than it's ever been before so really yell it to your family and your friends speak to the guys at pivotal find a plan that works for you because trust me unless you've got one of these your mobile phone should may as well be a brick next up we've got logan's creek one of the deepest and longest crossings on the old telly so early in the season we know we're in for a big challenge on this one and we've got to decide between the main line and a suspiciously boggy looking bypass that's belly button still well a little bit of preparation is the key for this one i've got the start strap already attached to the back of me i'm going to sit it down there behind the rear bar now my bit of a plan attack with the boys i've i'm really going a little bit overboard to be prepared for this one i've taken my tyres down to 10 psi which is very very low just to get through here the fear i've got i've just walked to before it's quite deep but also this the bottom is quite soft the approach we're going to take is nice and slow in through here let the tyres really do a lot of the work and um hopefully and get across you get one vehicle across it should be easy for the rest of the boys to come across if they get stuck we'll be at at least a recovery vehicle so fingers crossed well let me take the seatbelt off for this one in case we need to bail get all your important things like your sat phones your phones just put it on the dash [Music] will you look at that this is right on the edge of not being drivable it's touch and go hahaha that is that's deep it's deep super deep got really wet the light water come through the window okay york just after the wet gotta love it holy heck sean i only just made it through there his line was supposed to be hugging as we're looking at it that right hand bank and he just floated came across the left that's why i kept motioning him come back because it's deep in there and then when he got up to here well you can see all the sediment that he's kicked up he lost traction almost didn't make it through there's an alternate line over here sam i reckon we go that way through the guts or that way yeah he's keen all right with seano on the opposite bank we can now set up a snatch strap on the front of sam's vehicle so we can recover him forwards if anything goes wrong windows up uh submarine captain's head on if you're going in window should be down because it won't work down yeah come on let's do it all right all right yeah do you it's all going on all right just close your eyes breathe and gas it yeah yeah that's exactly right [Applause] all right looking good look at that oh [Applause] right now i mentioned that boggy bypass before and being a little bit lower and lighter i think this might be a better option for the d-max and the ranger okay i've chosen the slightly less deep but far more boggy option down here now this could come back to haunt me i don't exactly know we'll see how we go window up nope i was wrong that is not the right line well this is where you wait for your mates to come and get you sean reverses back and we hook up and get ready to snatch but as they say when it rains it pours and now we've got another problem well it's not ideal i came in to recover grain so it was pretty simple it's all muddy here this is like probably the worst side ever and um i've fallen straight into the deepest part of the mud so i'm gonna get samsung in front pull me out and then we'll pull graham out thank goodness we're over this side of the bank though we've got two vehicles otherwise would be nothing to winch off we'll be here all day that's all part of life's rich tapestry follow me okay here we go what a ride boys yeah you'll need to come and get me from a uh more straight angle otherwise you're going to push me with these bushes here camp you off it's always adventurous i gotta say [Music] well i think you saw what happened there we thought this was the easiest line to take the d-max plus the camper through we took the d-max through of course it sunk straight down i sunk down trying to get him epic recovery so we've had a bit of a rethink a bit of a reshuffle change of plans we're going to take the camper through the deep spot at least the deep spot is we'll be able to quickly put a strap on taking straight out of the water if it does stop so he said he's not gonna get stuck he's gonna get stuck second gear low range three locker on give it a little bit [Applause] [Music] this is a risky move evoluting fighting that wheel he's just trying to get any bit of traction he can come on he's crawling forward and by goodness i think he's done it i did not think that was happening mate that was very deep mate the old technique the deepest crossing ever done uh yeah perfect i'll take the strap off and uh let's go let's get a move on now you got nolan's the real hard one nolan's is really the last big challenge of the old telegraph and it's no joke when i say this crossing claims dozens of four bees each season the nerves are definitely building as we negotiate the last water crossing before the main event it's always a good test to see what nolan's going to be like nice and deep he means no one's going to be a cracker and just like that we're here the infamous nolan's creek this place might look beautiful and it is but don't be fooled slip up here and you are looking at a serious lot of vehicle damage there's plenty of evidence of past carnage here so we jump in and look for the best line on offer [ __ ] knowledge we've been told about it we've heard about it we've been living it the last well a couple of months really knowing we're coming up here yep not disappointed no i've gone for a bit of a swim mate and that's exactly what i did to swim because it's so deep there's a garfish down there it really is uh i've actually i've found the one i want to do yep um it's right over there you've gone quite quiet mate you've been look this is the problem with being the first vehicle through like if you got another vehicle through you you've got a snake you can easily get the other car out yep all right well winching that's your only option yeah that's right so we'll just try to make it the same as possible yeah as soon as you you i think you'll drive that which is fantastic for us if you don't switch on straight out you'll only be in the water for 30 seconds yeah you'll be right in those toyota seals yeah right yeah all right all right put everything up right let's give it a go i will be doing that i'm a little bit nervous i've never been stuck in knowledge properly sean's chosen a short option on the right of the creek but this one is still seriously deep when it comes to the old teletrack there's probably two bits of equipment i wouldn't do the i'll tell you without and one of those is the snorkel and the second one is a good quality winch now i'm running the dominator extreme and what i'm doing i'm just about to go through nolan's here there's no other vehicles on the other side so if i get stuck i'm on my own that means i'll need to winch out so i've unspoiled probably about five six meters and i've also got the winch in freezeful so the boys will be able to quickly take it out we've communicated they know to come down and put the clutch back in i've got the controller inside the vehicle so hopefully if i do get stuck i'm not gonna be sitting in the water for too long i'll be winching straight out and um then i'll be able to snatch the rest of the boys through so fingers crossed it all works out this is gonna be touch and go good luck mate it was a time not to get stuck it's right now this is the time that you just to get through onto the dry ground and not flood your vehicle let's give this a go nolan's crossing 2019. [Music] well done bro that was i reckon you stay right here yeah i'm gonna get that maybe that snatch on the back i'm gonna get that snatch yeah get it on the put on the front of mine alright yeah then just put them on you go yeah that is epic nolan's done did not get stuck did not become one of the statistics they reckon about 50 cars a year easy get written off right in this water crossing so it's probably one of australia's most notorious water crossings and um sooty's through hmas cahill is ready to sail all right captain everything i need is up high no seatbelt this one here we go hmas d-max into the water [Music] i am moving [Music] give us a push come on up there [Laughter] we pushed me up there [Music] [Laughter] oh that was sick this car love it all right anthony let's see that trailer conquer nolan's that was a huge effort mate but as you can see it was just a bit too deep and he's lost traction jump in boys oh bugger this is really unfortunate the snatch strap that anthony put on the front has slipped and actually looped around the wheel if we pull him from that we could take the whole lot off it's out with the winch now of course winching is not ideal here and speed is the key as otherwise the car is going to take on a lot of water you want to test the camera trailer we'll show you how to test the camera trailer here in no time we've got the trailer and the ranger safely out of the water just shows how important a good recovery strategy is in these situations even though we knew the strap was the first option we had the winch and controller ready to go as a plan b holy dooley all right sam last challenge of the telly mate show us what you got well andy's out of the car for this one it's a little intense sean kind of came across with no dramas so i am hoping that i'll be able to follow in his footsteps but i'll see how we go god i'm nervous nolan's baby we're in this is where the fun begins [Music] [Applause] yeah white water crossing what hole eight series of life mate 80 series live that's not for everybody but you know how good like put it there thanks boys crossing done done skis you've done gun shots you've had a good crew you've done you've done the cake it's been good now i know you love to see the camera car so let's check its run from a little earlier what a beast eh well folks that's nolan's and the teletrack conquered this has been one heck of a trip look if you've got a fairly standard four-wheel drive or even a modern dual cab ute they're more capable than you think folks get up here and just do it take time off work look tell your boss your crook and just get up here honestly it's far more achievable than you possibly think well boys i'm absolutely stoked we can tick off the old telly from the bucket list eight more to the point we can dig off nolan one of the deepest i've ever seen it yeah that was insane mate i reckon the old 80's going to be uh it's going to be a little bit wet and moist in here for a while but i'm all well worth it all right totally worth it boys what do you think sam andy all right what a truck we're just talking about it blew our expectations away with the crossings the drops the mud everything yeah it certainly does anthony had you go mate with a trailer that's a massive effort this time of year deep water lots of mud and you are a camper through it not to mention down gun shot mate i reckon the trailer actually helped me i think it made me look good um that extra braking especially down gunshot is absolutely killed i've had a blast thank you for having me what do you reckon graeme with b-liner for the ferry mate mate straight to the ferry up the top van miguel let's go to the pub let's go to the pub this is the jardine ferry linking the only road up to the tip of australia for us this means the end of this adventure but also the start of more adventures yet to come [Music] mate i'll tell you i'm gonna go so far as to say that is the best old telly experience i've had oh that's that mate the water is as deep as i've ever seen it yep there was no one on the track so i meant we pretty much had the place for ourselves and um of course we picked some of the best sites attractions i think the take-home messages get up here early get up here before the main crowds come up because that teletrack is now starting to get popular there's people coming in now and i reckon another week two weeks she's gonna be a totally different place but we got up there early and oh my god absolutely sensitive not to mention tough super tough super tough yeah but that's what we come up here for boys enjoyed it let's do it again on the way back down you reckon well for now we've got to get up here let's just one thing at a time folks tally track it's on every four drops bucket list isn't it for us though adventure doesn't stop here does it matter how can we get out the top never beer oh try and hold me back mate try it okay boys yeah top tip beer yep that's it folks we might see you up here because we come up here every single year we might not but if we don't we'll see on full drive action sure well what do you reckon folks will the old teletrack be on your bucket list stick around for all the laughs of the four wheel drive action outtakes but first some info you should know about the gear that makes these adventures possible well mate the old teletrack really turned it on i'm gonna say it was the most fun i've ever had on the telly and it's one of the hardest times a year it totally sort of ticks all our boxes speaking of ticking boxes mate there's a couple of products that i'd like to share with everyone out there that's really helped this trip come together and um one is one of the latest mods i've done in the 80. um the 80s an old four-wheel drive now to make an old football drive even better sometimes you got to do a little creature comfort mods and one in particular is the old stratos seats i've got in there now i've got i've got the bucket seats in the 80 series and that has changed the game mate even getting to the old silly track was a couple of thousand k's not to mention the pdrs all those corrugations and the old back has held up well mate really super comfortable you've got to be comfortable absolutely absolutely priority now look it goes that same the teletrack is remote your mobile phones are absolutely useless so we got in touch with pivotal and they've given us a range of little bits and pieces out there that we've got which one have you got i've got the thryer i've got the iridium going out what they are is a little unit that actually uses your mobile phone as a sleeve super easy to use and they're so much cheaper than you're actually thinking so get in touch with pivotal sort yourself out it means when you go bushing your remote just peace of mind you are so much safer with them absolutely i think there's no excuse for not having sat phones either anymore not even very available and um quite affordable now speaking of um being reliable out in the bush mate i've had to do a little bit of winching a lot of winching actually now i've got a couple of batteries in here that have not let me down i'm running the century overlander 4x4 batteries love these batteries i use them to crank the the four-wheel drive but also of course to run the winch and other accessories that draw a lot of power a lot more spotlights and stuff like that and absolutely flawless made with all that water all that mud corrugations they're built for one last shout out to some gear we tested in cape york and that's of course to snatch clothing you can get the same snatch gear that sean and i wear on the shows by heading to snatch clothing dot com dot a u or you can check out snatch clothes on instagram for special deals righto folks that's the teletrack in a nutshell little tip from us get up there early end of may do just check those conditions because the water can be can be very high depending on the wet season but we had a lot of fun very challenging now i want to take this opportunity as well to thank you for watching now if you like full drive action let's face it you love it because it's the best who does a drive show in the world make sure you like it make sure you comment we're regularly going through the comments so let us know and turn your notifications on so you don't miss a second of the action see you next time all right okay here we go yeah rolly not even nervous i've lost the car in his face just natural just really not a sunny day so yeah just give me two seconds i'm taking a photo where are you all right coming through um sam you're wrong mate this is not the track it'll be well we just stopped for a little bit of lunch we thought we'd go through some of the spares that we we typically take one [Music] [Music] okay see him no no need to do that you know who i am and we've been on the trip for a while together what i love about both the model shawno's running and this iridium go that i've got here is that they actually turn your satellite phone no not your satellite phone you got a satellite phone folks you just use that yeah i think i'll be there i'm gonna go yeah we'll just press the uh yep this button here downhill descent control devoted well we decided to stop for a bite to wait and i think it's the perfect time to go through what i think is one of the biggest questions i guess there's a beatbox episode do you like that a little bit i wouldn't say scared of heights but do it a bit trouble tonight that's the third anchor point they're actually a bit stale right you know yeah we're getting as early as as soon as you can about april 30 that's pretty early i wouldn't go that early but anyway too early we might cut there we'll take you out of the driveway just what he does and uh any chance you could just get away i was gonna say try and do what i do but just like out of my personal place don't do what i do just off route sums it up come on come on listen to myself come on get out of here this is the 10 airbag version of the 80 series yeah this has got curtain airbags it's got side impact protection suite [Music] they look pretty nice [Applause] oh here's the thing i want to show you folks at home sean's mum here mrs whale has made him a whole heap well this is this is caramel and macadamia sliced just one second just one second there's another caramel and macadamia slice there's another caramel and macadamia slice here we have coconut day roll wait that's enough you've seen enough in there you put it all back this is what i'm gonna deal with tell you what i might have gone a little bit overboard on that piece together sorry folks you can't what just happened then is one of those moments behind the scenes that you'll never get to see but trust me that was a champagne blooper see ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 3,162,712
Rating: 4.9105945 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, 79 series, cape york, old tele track, old telepgraph track, cape york campsite, cape york camping, gunshot, nolans, river crossing, 4wd 24/7, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails
Id: RI9FFbXfY34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 19sec (4819 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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