STUCK on the side of a 4x4 mountain... Winching to MIDNIGHT - Best 4WD tracks near Brisbane

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we are the middle of in ball / Kenilworth somewhere at the bush I know where we are the choir has turned this iridescent red year there is no traction now and we're stuck of the solids Benton we're about to winch a truck up you one thing I love about this might more I walk on this the taller I get place to get votes Fanta this is hard enough to walk on we decide it would go for the light run Ruby back ready for dinner about six six ish yes the time right nine nine o'clock Amy we're not done yet we got miles to go yet so folks we sight all the time and I think it's very good advice advice you really should have heed grab yourself something cold and it can crack it sit back down in your favorite chair and check out imbel pull the drive action stano these sleeves up make them going right in your really should alright let's get him up you ready side hug up here as we wind our way into the deep forests and import it's hard to believe this place is just a few hours drive out of Brisbane let me tell you this place is a hidden gem for tough fall were driving and these hills are full to the brim with steep climbs and some of the slipperiest clay to be found anywhere it'll come as no surprise that the boys are pretty excited as we approach the tracks we're starting our adventure by taking a locals favorite south of Kenilworth a challenging track that will be perfect for shaking down the 40s and speaking of it's time to air down Sean is running as usual weapon of choice Sudi a real locked 80 series sitting on a four inch lift in 35 s should be almost enough to make up for your driving mate just jokin rocket of course is behind the wheel of his auto converted 79 and it's an absolute track monster lady that Jill Capps is my eyes Zuzu d-max which i reckon is going to give the big rigs a run to their money on these tracks Shane is wheeling a Hilux youth which like the d-max is running quality off-road fulcrum suspension perfect for these conditions rounding out the convoy is Anthony in his Ford Ranger Anthony is going to be camping in comfort thanks to an opus op4 joule fall camper it's complete with air beam technology a real revolution in camper trailer design yeah good is it Mike back in Kenilworth II live mini before when we came here last time and I remember I said to you so many times I just fell in love with this part of the world really didn't enjoy it yeah I've got a regret mate this is so much variety in here just brought fun tracks and dumped some red clay and the water crossings it's a place of a good fun for driving be pretty tough if they've had a bit of rain when you say we've had we've had a lot of rain so I dare so I've gotta have our work cut out my lead on ain't gone mate hang on just around the bend is our first challenge of the day got a little clay run up here now does look kind of watch they're a little bit extreme but I'm gonna jump in there and give it a go John's taking a punt I'm trying to ride the ruts the end if it is a big step up on the right tire track could be a problem in yep it's just eating that tire that's a no-go not a chance boys that that rut is quite state making you go down on your side a little bit too far it's a more sensible line sorted all that [Music] this mud is just so slippery and Shawna has to give it a fair bit of right move to get city out of the rough up ahead is one monstrous bog hole now we've tested the depth and reckon it should be okay but being first in the convoy is always risky so Sean's taking no chances and Gatti's dominator winch out and ready I'm ready to go whoa watering spot have a guy right there was bought a lot of water in that might better firm base came up over the bonnet at the shore and came in a little gap of window and wet my pants it looks like I was a lot more scared that I needed to be all right rockets next the 79 is seriously heavy so getting out of the rough in the left hand line who's gonna take some effort Oh Rockets got the wheels app but look at that that is what you call slippery gonna be really careful you there's a bit to slipping the edge here rocket you make me nervous there behind you it's gonna give it another go [Music] justice from falling into the rack straight right you nicely done boys alrighty it's time for the d-max and I'd like to say I'm totally confident first track of the day slippery oh yeah I can see you come across me I'm like this pig I'll kick up tonight hey get invoice for every vehicle bulldogs going in there then sorry no I again chocolate milkshake again that's where chocolate milkshakes go wrong yes that's a win for the d-max too easy Shane you're up Mike the left line is getting worse with each vehicle so Shane is gonna have to give it the berries to get out of that rut oh I did a little way haha do that's getting a shot did I get you there man well I'm gonna kind of worth we're running pretty low pressures here and Shane's pop the bead on the way through quite slippery this sort of terrain to the vehicle just slide around but we shouldn't go to Jack that up and doesn't look too bad at all the compress I'll just get that straight back on the wheel you'll be right Anthony's up next and with that left lawn getting worse by the minute he's in for a serious challenge [Music] getting what might have to keep this some fairies those rust just a little too much bad luck mate I thought you had that get it right take it out take it off with the winch in position we've seen got the Ranger out of the rut and Anthony then brings the camper out under his own steam that allows like Shane the camper has also rolled a bead off the wheel but fortunately opus comes equipped with a spare so it's just a matter of - before we're back on the road with the first challenge of the day down we push deeper into the forest it's not long before the next obstacle is up in front now there's been plenty of rain in the last few days and the bug holes well and they look at nasty there's water coming in that's good [Music] jor-el's making this one look pretty easy navigate to the right through these ruts with a minimum of fuss that's a good job Mike [Music] that's slippery this place got summer supriya smart anywhere in Australia I reckon it kills the people she's a lot longer than Sean oh yeah watch out for these trees there's not a lot of steering here it's more of fully enough that 79 is a heck of a vehicle to navigate between these trees but Rockets got a lot of experience behind the wheel and has it lined up to the exit now rocket has a secret technique for dealing with situations like this it starts with some careful maneuvering and ends with well let you sleep yourself oh don't be a live action [Music] will you look at that he's not on back [Laughter] that's like a Disney cartoon except that is not a drunken Evo that right there is one madman rocket in the 79 I don't know how he does it but it ain't for me watch how I negotiate this gracefully with skill and panache these rocks are deep through this first people just law it's pretty gross for that little bit of aggression I'll try and stay over here yes better line much better line would you look at that the d-max is just sailed through this section and with a bit of left hair down I've managed to avoid that rut and get it through so easy Shane's now seen how it's done pretty easily gets the highlights between the trees and lined up for the exit that's good reeling but already time for the camper Anthony's got a pretty long footprint but that camper is designed for these exact conditions nobody feeling he might just surprise us and would you look at that like I said he's made it through that's a heck of a draw well done right Mike I wanted to test that trial oh well they're doing it it's just it's just hardcore for a trial attorney it really is they can make it through this unscathed and we open up not there's no mud no dust no critters from the water in there that well she's done well this is not the end of the yet so you put the eggs in his kitchen yeah [Laughter] on these steep hills it goes without saying you really want to put a lot of faith in your brakes and that goes double e if you're talking about a fella get all over that control you can see here Anthony is relying heavily on the trailer brakes which is a great little tip for any forward driver especially if you're taking trailers in steep terrains like this now the trailer brakes will take a lot of the pressure off the vehicles brakes and really make it a smooth controlled motion down there so what that prevents is the trailer trying to overtake the vehicle on a hill like this you're doing well mate doing well manual road is a really good tip as well to use when you're going down steep trains are there so when Anthony's driving he's actually only using the trailer brakes when he's on these steep sort of hills now I've got a tow for a lady in my 80 series here if I throw in all what forward drives and a be honest I wouldn't come on terrain like this with a trailer without one with the day getting on it sliding it out to our next destination it's a spot that I reckon will give you another reason to put imbel on your four-wheel-drive bucket list hey rocket you get a copy mate yeah but my epic little track Kenilworth files disappoint again might change the paint color maybe the d-max oh really it's going red on red mode I kind of like it to time yeah Shane here to copy mate yeah mate I know so you're given that super pro Hilux every rock go I'm a really got to try to test out the suspension in all terrains yeah yeah exactly right my balls easily keeping up so it's got a bit of height about it what it's got about a two inch lift they're made to ensure it lifts all around yeah it's working well out here mate well good news is attracts only get harder from now on bring it on mate oh well you're Ike and boys get the care butts getting that sort of time of day where would one crack in a car one and jumping in the rooftop tent how long is gonna take you to set that camper up there Anthony's you need a bit or what I recommend like I say it's not fast and you can straight and swagger right well I'd put a beer on it hey I'll sign up before my tiny jug and I don't doubt it push your bloody button on sit down never beer it's cheating me all about you laid off or like ever since I can play this magic little spot is Kenilworth camping it's actually a working dairy farm with a Riverside camping section just minutes from the tracks as the Sun Goes Down we roll into camp with the thought of a few iron jacks on our mine and of course sure knows cooking yeah good is it [Music] [Music] everyone jumps into setting up camp and soon enough we've got swags rooftop tents and of course that self-inflating camper are up and ready for action so I'm enough for a few cold ones before dinner what's on the menu Shawn oh here we are down at Kenilworth camp you know what a place this is yeah I've got to make special mention of this place because we've been here before we're back again and that's not by coincidence this place really is a hidden gem of southeast Queensland so I probably need a a meal that's gonna be I don't know somewhat symbolic in the tracks where drive I'm thinking something bit sloppy maybe a bit red in color like the mud out here on the tracks I'm thinking maybe a stew good old stir you can't go wrong this year I've got a fair bit of ingredients II will get this straight into the old buttery and I think will be on here so I want to find the ingredients first cut back I need um we've got some meat there you got some beef oh my god babe I think you've got everything on this help yourself in you know what I'm looking for though well there's that yeah that you made a lot of that I'm gonna need how you doing strikes on the barbie Oh some carrots but that's not the main ingredient on the barbecue I'm gonna grab that's not for the barbecue no I'm cooking too I'm gonna sue up a bit of a stew in your doing ass to ass ooh nah nah man why well you can't cook stew for love nor money oh you're you can't do it this is simply you cook I like your cooking I do but you can't cook you gotta come clean here look what Graham's talking about is the time I try to cook us to your last time and absolutely failed try it yeah well because I was fishing on me and peas and Sabo so this is true and I'm not gonna fish tonight so chances are I'm not gonna forget about it okay so this court redemptions dude I'm gonna redeem yourself yeah but you have got you have got a huge thing to redeem well the last one was probably I'm not gonna exaggerate the single worst thing I've ever eaten in my life wasn't good was it it was not fit for dogs dogs no I'm a man I've got this sorted because this is one of the great things about this particular stew is it really is easy to do that's mine yeah exactly right because I got it out of my ID Dometic and yeah that's good and it's more be you've got one hey there's one here first I cook you in the first time he's he's got to be able to view though friend she's gonna meet quite quick basically what you want to do is just cut all your ingredients up and you don't need to go you don't need to go crazy cutting nothing no no and one she is but yeah here hide one left lucky I thought I didn't have me at all I would have thought of chairs but touch on redemptions shoot yeah I'm a big fan of redemptions to check this out yep cut the onion put them straight in that's what you do the quarters in a gate carrots yep new you know thing you know yeah you gotta cut the carrots up and stuff like that fool yeah but I'm not gonna cut them up that much okay real talk yeah rip the ends off yep and just go in half exactly just just in half as cutting these on that yeah couple more rip a couple Horine all right bit of potato straight direction boy rock can be very pretty yep and best bang we have had good steak you can boy if I if I called this up this would feed eight people yeah maybe like four tours of steak yeah and it's one of the better spatial everything absolutely so wrap cap folks we're talking about don't tell them that because the price are go to your butcher and don't ask for a rump but you get the old rock cap which is the in bit that speaking of which you're getting sorry what i'm doing here i'm actually gonna bear all bits and the reason i'm doing big bits as well because i'm gonna have this on the cooker for a fair bit yep so if you cooked small bits are making like a shoe off I find that the flavor doesn't permeate and infuse enough all right the line that and Jeff's cool is it the real thing show the folks that show the that you're making you're making steaks so you wouldn't cut them like that but not you would yes per day you go so it's got a bit of fat on them these are quite large paces but the whole wide here is I'm gonna get this on the ball for a little bit yep we have a bit of stock in there this is this is real stock beef beef stock stock you tuck that in all right got a bit of the old wish to share sauce whoo what is it mr. Shi yep boy stur alright you come from the northern part of bloody I don't but yeah that's about about 2 tablespoon no three time yeah 3 tablespoons you want to chuck in basta my toes yeah go straight in I'm actually lucky divide those of it look at this one this one is been in the back of what a long July is that student so annoying that's all everyone gets every dog gets they're dying right this is a safe this is a sacred this is if there was one but that's not like she's a grave oxy brown onion grave ox some people are Jesus they just you whip that in the muddy out here animal let me tell you nice red and sloppy and I'm gonna I'm gonna whack in a bit of branding and gravy I'm feeling like about four tablespoons as well don't you need to put that in water first I don't know Sherry's motor in there mate okay guys sorry chef that's a bit of gray voxel okay there's a fair bit in there I'm working a baby in yes that's that's alternate yep you know one squeeze of the old tomato paste yep vote back that in and we're looking good Mike we're looking good yeah I'm feeling good okay oh that's right yeah Chablis we'll get it get a bit of a bigger up damn boy hey thoughts that looks that looks fantastic looks so good doesn't it imagine ripping you off and gear around that can I walk this thing up you're under experience yeah get that get that on the guy huh how'd he do it yeah yeah Oh positive matter might run on I I saw the Hat is open how long's that been your track for though mate ah where do we do animal in talking it to where so I reckon if we get down the board loop yeah put a lid on I can come and check it probably every half hour and just give it a yep it's folded over so they're saying Jeff see what you just fold that no that's actually that's biking same get that on get it on the boil yeah if it starts to boil we're gonna turn that heat right down on the lit for about two hours it's free we better if you got into camp at 4:00 yeah me our boat yep you whack this one on seven or eight o'clock it no I'm talking a long cook a couple of orange x2 any of the four come back and this will be okay long my patience Joe I'm back it better be we're deaf just sure it'd better be good what I'm real calm all right all right let's leave that one hour later never we are there we go for a little pasta the beauty is that possible is all the wrong way [Applause] here we go lovely what do you reckon my layout in the layout two beers - two times - beer here we go it's been about two hours on the olive oil is fun holy heck there we go we got a flare up here right what do you got doesn't want to say yeah I think - you ready your honor remember that told me Arlene yeah and I'll buy that's - and won't be should have forgot about this remember the little black little calls in the bottom of the place yes yes that is nothing like that Tom and this is proper redemption isn't it oh it's not bad that's like a that's a reduction there's a it's all happen the right to you tight so I can tell them mate this is gonna hold apartment utterly reducing I'm gonna start serving our pie oh so you gonna read Lydell got the old camp cut all right you got a ball keep rocket some there we go yes okay here we go the boys are bringing bigger balls what do you reckon boys like he's a mate Oh seriously hmm evan is that I owe that or aster that you've pretty much cut things in big places yep set it forget it I have a couple orange acts more on the floor that is but more than that I think I've got to be the one to say I was on the opposite end of your last to attempt yeah you've redeemed yourself to thank you for you've really you've done it you've done it eventually no that's not bad at all and I'll let you I'll let you do another one all right and pull up a little pubis other for what for I was doing good too yeah all right I'll do that rocket there's plenty thanks left as well that's actually pretty good that'll be good to last remark yeah absolutely you know we get to camp in some pretty amazing places around the country but I got to say this has to be amongst the best what do you reckon it's pretty good right we've only just scratched the surface of the tracks on offer in this part of the world but already the four B's a show on the size of some fun times in the mud and the crew seem like they need resting up for another big day lucky for us though Anthony is up and about and has fired up the opus camp kitchen with a hot brick aeon the go the smell of bacon and eggs soon draws the rest of the boys in smell cooking bacon bacon boy called a sign of any successful day - here have a coffee nice Juliet there everything's wet with all the warnings are wet we had a pop in here morning this would be really really good this Morni use a lot of rock and roll as well that's good way that quick it sets up but still got very mr. Foyle we don't even really use the word stuff puff tracks you know it's like an e like that red clay for as many years you've got and dump use all your rpms or physics yeah just yeah I you could take it but um the only thing gonna suggest in line okay buddy we got by school yeah and we can wait stop at me because that's a good thing that this area it's all the tracks are very close to Kenilworth warranty so the other beauties we get back like some on this is already set up yeah I'm a teen grab dinner yeah alright let's go get breakfast ready yeah this lamppost a somebody might know go crazy yeah okay okay this way don't use we could as well I wouldn't mind that with some brekkie on board it's a quick job to unhook the camper and lock her up before we head back into the hills safe in the knowledge the base camp is set up and ready for the evening little do we know though it's gonna be a very long time till we make it back on today's menu is a stack of tracks that branch out through the forests of imbel let me tell you these bad boys are about as steep as they come that looks freakin steep [Music] get a load of that hill super steep super shyly absolutely love the tracks around Kenilworth EMU and animal and the cool thing is it's three different state forests sort of all back onto each other so you can literally spend a couple of weeks adding these tracks and never drive the same track twice now to find all of these tracks you'll find them just off the main sort of fire trail so we've actually just sort of fall out noses on this trip and found a bunch of new tracks so super fun super cool you're going to find a stack of red clay out here which makes it super slippery and obviously really steep hills like this one in front of me so what I've done I've dropped my tires in about 15 psi traction is absolutely everything especially when you're the first vehicle going up it's making a which you get right into it now [Music] as we warned our way through the dense undergrowth it's not long till the first serious challenge of the day is up front well we've got an a-grade four-wheel-drive hill in front of us we're talking clay or my zero attraction huge ruts off camber sections and of course it's super steep sean has gone first I love it when he does that because this really tells me what I can expect these struggles up here the rest was in a struggle if he walks up we've got half a chance I'm gonna send him up rocket you see what he does rock is just smaller he's not sure either all right let's do this [Music] these slippery clay tracks require a fair bit of paste sticking to your line and not backing out and Shawn has done just that that he monsters his way up this field the tongue is out and he's picking his way through the roughs that's a committing drive mate well done sighs in the right space writes all the difference well strewth it's funny you know I don't line in my head as I was walking up here that I was driving in my mind then I saw sure when I come through and you actually see the size of the vehicle on the track I'm all of a sudden the line that I tore my head it's gone right out the window got a rethink it seen what he did so that's what's rocket see how he goes now if anyone can commit to a line it's rock that semi nine is pretty heavy in the rear and he's gonna have to be pretty careful not to bounce the front up too much on the RUS he's picked a different lawn to showing up the left hand side same software I think of myself where's rocket goin but he just had to straddle that route so didn't fall in the problem if he fell in that really would have dropped tire in the air he's used to driving on three wheels but we're gonna safer that for all right time for the d-max now I'd like to say I've got a careful plan in place here but honestly I'm just going with right boot and let the dmax do it stink and I'm up what I Ripper coming in hot boys Oh better way not afraid to stare not afraid to drive that d-max tell you it doesn't have any money that rig I was pretty aggressive but we got there Shane's up next and I reckon that vehicle is gonna be a bit of a dark horse on these tracks come on come on look at that he's up without a problem that's some smooth driving mate righto time for Anthony in the Ranger he's taking a slightly different approach to shine and fight that's a feat really but he's found a line and bounced his way through now this second stage of the hill climb has huge ruts on the Left wheel track and you can see the marks where other vehicles have scraped the treat right here we go Ivan's gonna made this tree up here I had a quick look at the track State Troopers day the rapper nearly rose it on the other side that is a heck of an angle might come back there now another guy come over more yeah Jonah's gonna need a fair bit of momentum to get across to that right or left-hand side he's reversed back down bewildered but as you can see just not quite enough to get him across getting to that secondary right now you can always tell how steep an angle is when the vehicle cuts out sure I have the key started again to get going [Music] well I thought you're going on your side then no that's all right I thought I could drive it so how about halfway up this hill right here and main problem we've got is nothing more than traction if this was a rocky oil big wheel lift but he make it up it's just a traction issue I don't know how you overcome that to be honest yeah I don't even take it but can I go straight on that line I've come out of it no I don't really you need to be over that way yeah then yeah you do like you can go straight from there you need to you needed to see it right but then I want to go another big wheel if I was thinking that it was gonna like this gnarly one but I go anyway extang's here and I'll come down and then that was my thoughts my hopes as well but when I saw your rear and then either a quick moment probably gonna land on the side I was hoping I could just pull you back over here yeah ah I think you'll have to winch it but you can this give us a quick look yeah Sean makes a quick assessment is going to come up with a new plan yeah you try that well Sean has jumped out of a block and he's decided rather than sitting on the right-hand side of the track which he was going to do because of this tree he wanted to get away from this tree by staying on that side of the right he's now decided to come right up close to the tree but hopefully lean that way is it gonna work my prediction is you won't even get to the tree but we'll see how he goes Sean's tried to ride that right hand bank and it's a good idea the problem we've got of course is there's just no grip all right well that that solves that then doesn't it a shame I can't ride that one I thought I did really come down sort of rod itself and I want you I'll lead but everyone's gonna do it and I wasn't a community out of that and that was 100% commitment all I've got nothing left in the tank it was winch try and get past this bit and then I should be right after that just a short winch on the Dominator X and Sean o is now straddling that troublesome rut I reckon from here he'll Drive this Sean's in a far better position now in fact he's perfectly straddling that troublesome rut as predicted sean-o has made it up that hill that is still one committing drive and one heck of a hill that's ill that's hill my biggest concern right now our ace cket rocket man okay Rockets up and as you can see he's adopted his customary position one hand on the wheel one hand bracing himself we are in for some fireworks here folks all righty rockets into it and straightaway he's on three wheels but hang about he's made it past that first rut the act is an incredible bit of driving safe I think in a different line and it's working here look at the control rockets got with that order it's really allowed you to take off gently but unfortunately that tree is perfectly positioned in the wrong spot better repositioning and rocket is in a far better place and then with an expertly smooth drive he screamed straight up past those ruts it looks like you're going to do this without winter gomen commit and drive stomping steer whatever you want to call it that's a heck of a drive okay my turn in the d-max the plan here is to try and ride that right hand bank as you can see I've slipped off exactly where Sean I did too not enough momentum didn't commit and now I'm gonna try again do the same thing as you the rear two squatted down into it lost traction [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] second attempt and I'm stoked with how this is gone I've made it past that first rut okay now I'll just got a straddle this middle right hand people I think I've got this I think I've got it yes old girl it's already out picking a line we say it so many times but that is the truth it's all about picking the right wine and that right there that was a line that always does some amazing things it really does it surprises the hell ahead of you Shane's up next and he's got a fantastic start but he's just been caught out by that darn rut the key to this climb is getting a millimeter the perfect you don't do that you're not going to make it and you can see Shawn Otis lining Shane up for a second attempt that trees caught all of us out and Shane is no exception [Music] on that line just give it one go righto sha nose reposition Shane and he's in the perfect spot let's see how he goes [Music] no one go wrong [Music] what are on there's a lot going on stop finishing yet tone up Anthony seemed for four-wheel drives attempt this hill now and I'm sure he's got a line mapped out in his head let's see how he goes he's going hard yeah holy heck Anthony's got three things going on here he's hanging on by the city's picked a good line and he's got a lighter momentum he's made it up that hill and made it look easy holy heck good drive very good drive EP picked a good line pick the good line see what that was a pretty hectic moment I really thought um at one stage I was gonna end up oil it but a good little tip for fires out here you don't just need a winch you need a battery that can handle the wing so that's why sort of here I'm running the century overlander battery when it comes to choosing the right battery for your four driver you want one that can basically do everything so brain accessories like a winch of course is gonna drain a lot of power out of your battery so you don't just need a good starter battery that will kick-start a full Drive like this you also need a battery that can be drained and semi cycles that's why I've gone for an Aussie made battery so every time I go to turn the key I know sudhi he's gonna start I sure are you got a copy you got your mic hey buddy since we've set that camper up I don't see any move to get back early yourself no I will Auto they got a roof top ten takes two seconds anybody check up what do you think a night run yeah I remember that trick we've done it once before mate it's down here it's slippery as heck yeah and I that'll be unreal before people love that I remember that pin of a heart-stopper but yeah righto night roadies all right boys are gonna be flicked the old light bars and Spotty's on and get right into it boys we've got a little bit of a hill climb actually it's not so little I think it's a quite steep and buy big have a look at that will yet that is long steep and that clay is so slippery we've got nowhere to winch off sure it's all about you mate do not want to slip [Music] Oh No Shawna's got this up until that right-hand turn what you can't quite see is just how deep those ruts are and of course off-camber slippery ruts that means technical driving and when a state disease went into the boundaries looking a bit scared it's quite slippery up that little top bit as always the cameras just don't do justice to how steep this track really is Shaw knows managed to piece that old sweep which is good news because now rocket gets to have a go oh yeah talk about stalling I'm sweating a lot for a time or not when it should be cold [Music] well it's coming up to that right-hand turn it's gonna pick up a wheel here but he keeps momentum it doesn't back off he's got this that would have felt sketchy but Rockets done that means I'm up in my favor the d-max has a very low center of gravity so I don't think this is gonna feel too bad at all that said it's still super steep the rest of the convoy follow suit and I can speak for everyone insane we're all glad to be over that sketchy bit of track after our first taste of embalm ugh for the night we push on into the forest in search of more slippery goodness you don't have to go far in imbel to find mud and that's exactly what we've got here sure eyes up first and with all the grace of a drunken hippo peaceful noise and tackling one of the slipperiest tracks you'll see anywhere [Music] Oh Noli that was it that's a funny neuron [Music] Rockets up next and if nothing else this is going to look and sound fantastic get a load of that 79 will you [Music] [Music] rocket might you are slightly unhinged that is some crazy driving now it looks like I'm concentrating here it's cuz I am the previous four-wheel drives have not the top of this mud and what I've got to deal with now is just a slippery slide let's see if I can do it [Music] I've got my right foot pins given the name axe everything she's got that's full rads full noise I'm Mike and grant and how good is this well yet when I said there was zero traction here I meant to come down nowhere you're later maybe haven't Crawley boy Jim the Omaha me naughty [Music] organ if you went that couple of days I am already I trying to get away with biker even really having yeah that's it back to the airport good everybody just stop pushing it backwards again something pushed me out the hill I'm making the model or MSI's slowly I'm gonna do this I'm inching forward gonna make this get out come on I'm moving forward I'm moving forward I'm moving how we talk to Shane well hold on oh oh is that news the HTF I go down there you get all this ah boy four-wheel drive it's as much fun as you can have with your clothes on give me AK I do not believe to litigate pull send it he's up that's the coolest thing I've seen this week Shane's offers a perfect start here he's got just the right amount of momentum and chances are he's gonna do this he seems to be doing this without any effort at all there's just that lip at the top that could catch him out a little bit of wheelspin but he's over he's done it that is a masterful Drive right let's see how Anthony goes Anthony's off to a cracking start but that track has just got no traction left and you can really see it here as he starts to enter the steepest part Anthony lines up for a second attempt but as you can see there's just nothing coming back from that track at all it's all against him here we're gonna opt for a very short wind shear just to get him over that pinch and then see if he can continue under his own steam it's absolutely essential in places like these and tracks like this that you come out here recovering here in which Anthony's over that pitch the which rope is put away so I've been able to get back on the lab pen I mentioned angry I'm over that lip and make it to the top that's Sam your confort we got to get out of here yeah all right we'll go faster or the old shell pulls well knows none of those you're in your swag what that you like might do that look at you you are after a big die on the tracks and an even bigger night we're stoked to jump back in the four V's and head to base camp where of course we've left the opus ready set up from there it's easy to cook a quick meal have a couple of beers and psych ourselves up for tomorrow where we're gonna have another huge day on the tracks of innit it's a picture-perfect morning at Kenilworth camping the trucks however aren't looking quite so perfect there's no point in cleaning them though because today we're back out on the tracks for more of the same first up though while the trucks don't need jump-starting we do and that means a cup of good coffee grams we could happily spend a week at this campsite however we've got another big day on the tracks and no time to waste so it's time for us to pack away tents and roll up swags and get back into 4-wheel drives it important fit for the track [Music] the beauty with the Kenilworth in ville region is you're never far from some sort of gnarly track and within a very short drive we're pointing the bonnets of the four bees had another big challenge set off the bat we've got a short climb to get us up and into the hills and the camera car the new lawn camera cow is exceptionally heavy with all the gear for three blokes plus camera equipment and hasn't missed an update yet in fact it's handling it like an absolute champ made that thing look like an anthill well check out this it's just a big red fire bonding job everybody back I can see a arcing in the way that I rephrase that that would be impossible rocket has a tendency to lift wheels let's see how he goes on this short but steep get a track [Music] that's it I quit yep that's it I want a new job let's give the bazooms enemy time for the d-max was there even a hill they no drama at all why shine show us what you got Oh bit of scrambling at the top but he's made it around that tight left-hand corner vato Anthony let's go my campus are gonna be built tough to handle this kind of workout and the Opus is eating it up [Music] mate nice that's not a hill you take a camper trailer up normally we thought would come up here do some R&D we've kept it really simple with the office and it shows one piece a z4 mil thick awesome two-part triangle independent core suspension and the trailer body it's also aluminium so it's kept that weight right at the end for me it's really helped me out that hill so the end of the story that is you can just pin it up that hill and not even worry about what's the back it's go for it worry about your car the trailer will pollinate I like that philosophy worry about your four-wheel drive and let the trailer take care of itself that's it mate I like it I like it alright we're a lot of this to go mate so if that's anything to go by I'm not even gonna look back in the river in here oh you've got this living for don't like this guy yeah Graham get a coffee mate shirt over my Danny Hammond war now pretty cool at all these sort of forests of linked by dirt roads there's actually word of a few hard tracks are in it take me to the may take me to the Malaga but like a ball to a red ray the hills of am amor us are an unknown quantity so we've decided to leave the camper trailer under lock and key and continue exploring with just the four B's [Music] good is this imbel Kenilworth part of the East Coast and I'm having an absolute ball at me in what four many people might be considered along with good reason the d-max is a cracking work vehicle but it does such a good job at being that crossover vehicle you've seen how good this thing is offroad in fact I'm doing it right now this is a heck of a hill but what we don't show of course is just how capabilities come the weekdays take the camping gear out put your tools in and away you go to the job site of course it's got massive amount of storage in the back of that canopy I've got two seats in the back with the workmates in their cabin Friday night Chuck your camping gear in the back and you've got yourself the best in my opinion all round vehicles get out on the weekends enjoy them and during the week and a wait with one vehicle and that is what is so very important the d-max does the best of both in my humble opinion it does it pretty darn well and it doesn't take us long to come up with an absolute doozy of a hill check this out we get here is a gnarly little hill just all quite off cambered big ruts slippery green locker on I'm gonna be giving a barrel drive [Music] there's off-camera ruts and then there's rocks like these so Shana lanes over anymore you know touch his rooftop tent on the ground [Applause] tongues out the wheels in the air there's a few tense moments going on but he's made it through right [Music] I did not feel comfortable well this is gonna be a real step up here you're gonna have to do a bit of a commitment yeah if you've ever wondered at a pure phenotype check out little ganache advice [Music] it's gotta be a llama trust between father and son right now although American - jump out if he could that's a hectic angle but in true rocket style he refuses to quit and slowly but surely continues to the top [Music] like is a madman I haven't told rocket don't drive this one I don't think is for you I can't believe you did that that was he was on the edge of his sidewall it was about that much in it I said - I said we're just gonna have to do a commitment run here and just go for it while the 79 hands thought he might have made that look pretty darn gnarly I reckon I've got this in the bag that's a really bad angle that's a really bad angle I love the fact that even when you're gone should I be aware it was really tippy it's just I'm a convert mate I'm a convert that was cool that was cool I might have just get at the end of the quiet little life James proved himself in the past and I don't think this will be any exception he's picked his line perfectly and as I suggested he's made it up unscathed Anthony's taken the perfect line up here and as you can see despite that angle he's made it look easy as well so I'm gonna push on from here we're basically following our noses to a fire tower the locals tell us has a heap of steep tracks radiating off the base let's see what we can find they we're talking some big ruts bumps and these little breakaways you don't mean steep sex when you drop over them and then back into it again it really does work out your suspension I'm gonna pick a line up here it's climbs like this when you really get into it like I'm doing now just giving it a bit like that oh it really does knock your suspension around not only a suspension but pretty much your driveline everything underneath the vehicle copy Shane better coffee grab like that is a hill of consequence get into a but on my way up oh going up Mike what's your call on the impact pardon the pun tracks like this have on your suspension and wheel alignment oh man if you're out on a weekend doing these sort of tracks you definitely want to get it done after it just to make sure you have enough to wear and Lohmann out so you suggest a checking your suspension very often and be not just checking error will alarm and after a new set of tires but pretty much up every weekend out Oh mate it would be recommended especially if you want to keep some life into your tires and what's the importance of a we'll all we just tell us what exactly there's a wheel alignment made it's all about that the footprint when you're driving you know get you the traction on offroad it also keeps it so you get some life out of your tires and you know you're not walking out a thousand bucks every couple of months so I guess what you sayin is wheel alignment is a cheap way extending a life your tires which are expensive item yeah definitely mate alright well we're at the top of the hill and what goes up must come down I think we take a left up here but let's get into it it's not long till we found what we've been looking for in this one he's an absolute doozy night I don't know honestly it's not often I say I'm sitting on the fence on this one I don't I don't like it but I want to give you guys everything I like you know you are you're a very optimistic or ever Mike it yeah and um well it's funny go down to the top of the hill oh no well like that get a few things on a lot of things line up yeah yeah you'll do it you know what I'll do I'm gonna get ready for the worst-case scenario I'm gonna get all the witch and I've looked at it all right now wait three times there's three possible winch points I don't like the first one you throw that out the window probably like it all right well let's save you yeah look let's say let's grab some recovery you know I brought up the top there's a pinch up there it goes invert people to drive under a cave all right okay so on a hill climb like this well it's it's inevitable that I'll probably winch but I want to make sure that I'm absolutely ready so I've got my control um making sure everything's going really well it is it's all working groans no tree trunk with Tector he's also got a blanket he's gonna walk up the hill where I probably lay the winch I don't go anywhere without my Hercules recovery kit and Dominator X winch and the combination of both of those gives me the confidence to drive heels like this right wish me better luck I don't like my chances right I might gently gently that's my advice it's obvious this track hasn't been driven in a very good start good so it's a complete unknown to us but one thing we all agree on it's steep that's just this that's no attraction in that that was speed-dating though in the quickest date ever another another five foot by five foot Shawn I only made it a few truck lengths into this track of Aurora T on the winch but a long way to go getting past this section and then getting back under his own steam it's funny when you get rolling the wheel you're halfway up you think yeah I am shut up don't don't ruin my confidence you think this hill it's a lot bigger than my money if you just forward right I could've just put it out or doing so easy Johnny's underway again and he's making good ground until he comes upon a tree root which completely holds his focus looks like we're jumping back on the you know that angles steep when Shawna keeps Concord out and he's continually restarting the vehicle this could be a real problem for Shawna he's concerned about rolling backwards and rightly so so vertical like I'm not even sitting back in my seat um I wish you could see just how vertical this is little the trees they're not line you can see the trees I can lick my bums not on the seat this Hills turned out to be a lot more than we bargained for and as you can see everyone's pitching in to get you a nice safely to the top that's it's all winch might you hang up on your your app what about now sean-o starting to question whether this was a good idea or not already better late for that bit like it lighting the whole piece of driving the track when you halfway and you down it huh Daisy its workplace bullying which always have another crack while I run the winch cable up in front for him and it's from this angle that you can really appreciate just how steep that track years [Music] [Applause] [Music] no option here but of course to get back on the wedge we've run a fair bit of cable out here because I think it's best we just get shot as high as we possibly can there's an immense amount of pressure on that winch rope right there in Shawano is understandable looking pretty darn tense problems sean has got down there is he's not only diff daddy's chassis daddy's completely got all four wheels spinning on that Ridge so we're gonna try and lift this recovery point up high so it lifts the truck up instead of wishing him down into the ground which is what we're currently doing so take up that up there then we'll see how we go small adjustments to anchor points can make such a big difference by raising our anchor point here we've been able to pull shine up and out of those ruts which is meant you can keep winching safely what's going on here is this hill hasn't been driven in a very long time and the weathering process has meant that the rain has washed a lot of this stuff back into the track causing it to be extraordinarily slippery lucky for us there's an abundance of quality trees all along this track which means we've got no shortage of anchor points Shawna's had another crack at driving but unfortunately has literally only got a couple of meters this hill she's the hill that keeps on givin to make matters worse sue Dee's got a few technical problems that's certainly aren't helping this is super steep you're not wrong mate I don't envy you in the driver's seat I've got an idle problem - it's not idling very nice on that Bobby a fuel pickup problem or it's just an issue with the idle no it's just dance to low but it's making this hard hill extremely scary even just stopping on this hill is proving to be extremely difficult to slide backwards would mean well don't even think about that there's a lot that could go wrong I destroy that in a little bit Shawn's came to have a drive here but we're all against it it's just too darn risky I'm gonna ride the clutch just unhook me this is a fold and risky plan but Shawn's adamant that he wants to have it all right let's see how this pans out [Applause] [Applause] well even a fraction of an inch on either Sami out I'm gonna bring it right here right a water ball the car built the accident well right I don't think anyone was ever get that if you're in a contract with it yeah yeah yeah probably my center gravity for all parents and stuff you don't have to which muscle force in that's a proper track that's what killed me though is that problem with either the pickup with the fuel or there's a vacuum issue of his there's a few issues until you know buddy it's not wrong the way another thing we noticed which you probably didn't is that track hasn't been driven in now that hasn't been driven in a very very long time well that will probably go down as one of the toughest active ever driven and just at least for the steepness of it out of me all I know though put in the comments below if you've actually driven this track because I want to know what the secret is how you drive what you drive not if you're Mike's uncle driver or you sort of follow us on once ignoring 33 that driving in a Model T or something but I wouldn't and speaking of which look what's the hardest track you've ever driven that you shouldn't have nobody's been on that hill right I'm gonna try to go through every single one of these coming yeah we don't put a list of ones I'm gonna try later let us know how does track you should never have driven probably didn't drive it but right we gotta get cracking on his newly dark yeah we're gonna turn you around first so let's do that and then another big day on the tracks draws to a close but for us we've still got one more night out bush so we push on back to base camp well boys that's a some of the most fun of that off-road for a long time rocket but that noisy or v8 engine mate I'm gonna listen to that my sleep for a long time I doesn't sound weird no I tell you what yeah no is this thing makes you know it puts me to sleep each night in the dreams all right I'll tell you what shine you ate that track up I really like this style for Drive it was it was a dark sea for the crew really but yeah it might did really well mate was extremely happy Anthony mate you've done extremely well but told a trailer and it set up a base camp for us so we can just get back straight in I feel good good night bud because um Jeff's not off here mate what something so for you don't worry about that no mate no to really pick up on it all camps not to fire boys I'm gonna slip down this right here and I'm looking for do it back of the car one maybe how good is having a set up base camp the Opus camper well it's one of the best I've ever seen and the fact that it all goes up at the push of a button that's my kind of camping trailer folks honestly a more more Kenilworth all these areas out through this way just push a little bit further out pass the glasshouse get out to the rainforest areas out here you know the time your life these guys having a blast and that's the beauty of setting up a base camp we're here tonight we've got snaggers on we got plenty of beers good it really is good for probably not here we're gonna move on from here oh I know here we go next year you excited what we have a cake next so cool on the way north folks we might catch up Cape York if you have a holidays if not we'll catch you next time look we are now as you all know this is old news now on YouTube free now to pay a cent so please subscribe like it and leave a comment leave a call it how long go through the call that's out every we put we answer them yes put a comment in there and we will catch you next time Cheers okay boys get them all that's for sure coming up we've got my favorite part of any four-wheel drive action episode that's right our funny side with the drive action outtakes but for now let's have a look at some of the gear we use to make this adventure possible right Kenilworth imbel region err good as it is as far as I'm concerned one of the real hidden gems of Southeast Queens and tough tracks insane camping doesn't get the crowds at like glasshouse and di and all that sort of get the glasses it's just I've not far you merely go you can go to the glass earth why the tracks in fact this is a problem that's we get so carried away with four-wheel driving we don't actually do it we're here to do which is to let you folks know about some of the bits and pieces we used on this specific trip that really helped us out gently go first yeah sure Mike look one that stands out for me of course on that night drive these bad boys I really hope to see out now I'm running a set of six and a half inch Explorer LED lights by livered now these things are insane super good quality a really bright white light that actually makes driving on highways and stuff a hell of a lot easier dirt roads and a lot safer - but Ellen track season performed so I've got the best combination I reckon I've got six and a half inch lights and also a 22 inch night armored light bar that's out of the same sort of stable as delivered and fantastic combination I see you're also running the old 22 inch yep might I had to be careful but being behind people are gonna blind rock if I put that on which is why I was glad you're at the front because I really are that damn bright these are bad boys where do we be without quality set of handles might add on the tracks for spotting even just finding out how far ahead you have you go to a problem bikes if you are gonna get the bush-era can just from a safety perspective have one of these with you grab yourself a set of quality handheld radios and for me the unit and set absolutely fantastic they make a quality radio I've dropped this jim filling the mud and stopped on the ground little given over him they just keep on going like the charge last I've not charged this the whole trip but store but all the battery the whole battery still on there still ready to go it is a five water this one here we've also got some two waters at the camera crew used occasionally picked I'm living the camera crew right now they're got one around their neck so grab yourself a unit in get out of the bush one thing I suppose they're probably I don't get a big mention but it's a very very important part of setting your fall drive up for the bush and that is for more batteries now I'm running the sanctuary for work for Overland batteries now what I like about those is that they're a fair dinkum start battery is they've got a lot of cold cranking amps so they can pick a big forward island they got easily every morning but also that they can be somewhat sinned discharged so they've got the same principles of like deep cyclist exactly right so when they're using things like your you're discharging your battery time and time again you're driving lights with all those night runs a lot of batteries don't like that these ones they love it that's brilliant so it's actually for a specific said that not two seconds go today and last but not least when it comes to the end of the day one of my favorite parts I love the Wheeling I really do pulling into camp at the end of the day in cracking a cold beer doesn't get much better in there and you've got to be comfortable I've always said that and since I've adjusted my set up a little bit yeah camping for me has just become a bomb at the moment so what I'm running at the moment is the King stretcher I've got an escaped single swag set up on top of that super cool and of course I put that under the awning so we got quite a heavy G last night I wake up bone dry this one it was absolutely fantastic we got on the life of luxury mate okay I've got the old that to a rooftop tent and I've got to save it it's not tense I just find that the difference in height I get sort of snoring sort of goes under that I can get a good noise is that true or not it's not I've actually got the good news is if I'm snoring hopes yes because I'm super comfortable inside that swag has been fantastic really really enjoyed it look honest I a big thank you for watching this episode I hope you learned a little bit and got some inspiration to get there and hit these tracks yourself so make sure you're always subscribe to the floor direction channel turn your vacations on so you don't miss a second of the action where we go next because oh it's gonna with Bob they do a great or in deco and look at this well let's go sit down the begun done last one me I don't Nick I feel the sickness don't cut yourself adults only kids yesterday's it's five o'clock on a Saturday [Music] underbelly's on that Ridge down there so the winches oh hey I'll tell you what [Laughter] [Music] it's me they put somebody look at me I wanted to get a bit playing a lot now I'm gonna be yeah yeah alex tomlin camera to point pants up yeah I was in fourth gear it makes you feel any better my suggestion you know a lot of space a lot of solid for driving this leave these mics and because they're not used to you we've got better things to film don't film something other than list look at that you know I can listen to your hold that go pros all that girl pistol recording ready um remember that well [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,114,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd action, kenilworth camping, imbil state forest, brisbane 4wd, imbil state forest camping, mud 4wd, imbil state forest 4wd tracks, imbil state forest 4wd, kenilworth 4wd tracks, amamoor state forest 4wd, 4wd tracks, 4wding, 4wd bogged, 4wd, 4x4, overlanding, shaun whale, graham cahill, off road, 4wd 24/7, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Shauno, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 9sec (4449 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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