EVERYONE HAD TO WINCH! Bush Mechanics, Angle Grinders, Chainsaws & Shauno’s funniest cook up yet!

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oh this is the biggest Lane I have ever been on folks we are a little spot called cobalt in Victoria it's about one and a half Adam Ellen if that and off tap the tracks out here are insanely cool and what I love about this place is it's tiny you can get between tracks and it split second rock it over a bit I think you're underselling what's happening right at the moment I'm just not used to this semester to study on literally resting on the side of a bank yeah if it wasn't for the clear he's probably bouncing back off but he would've been on each side for sure whenever put a bit of a strap on here yeah we have will have to try and getting back on his wheel summer folks for now we've got a bit of work to do to get the top of this hill this is not where we started as you can imagine you're not just poppy to a track like this why don't you go to the fridge grab yourself something out crack it's gonna be cold sit down your favorite chair for drive action cowboy you ready rocket yeah our journey begins in the hinterlands just north of Melbourne as we head towards the hills of COBOL State Forest our first stop will be to meet a couple of locals who promised to show us around they grind me to copy mic night loud and clear loud and clear you know it's like these Melbourne weekenders make really tough I've never been out here before so I'm pretty excited I've been out here once many moons ago mate and it was with some big off tap jeeps and it scared me and it's a lot of fun there's some good camping area too from memory mate ah perfect hi Jay mate we're are not too far from your local no I'm only about 20 minutes from here I might I reckon you're gonna spend half the trip Elise with one wheel in the air because it's some of the rights we're here supposed to be massive I'm getting used to that that's a bit of fun Thank You Koby Mike all right Mike you love tough driving and came to chuck your vehicle through it looking for and you ran the convoy elf none other than rocket rod Knight here you going good night I can tell you I'm looking forward to it I put all the tools or the recovery gear everything that looks like it weighs over a kilogram in the front of the car to try and hold the front down Oh Mike we're gonna need oil we can get from what I've been told these tracks are absolutely insane like that looks like our guy down there on the right these two legends right here I George and he's make Peter no no this part of the world like that back of their hand sawed it I can't like for this one see what sort of trouble we can get ourselves into I'm right here to say all right so you little bit of a magnet for us on this don't do more this rig boat I'll probably have no dramas but talk it up Shore no this beast right here is an ex are six turbo bearer pushing 450 rear-wheel horsepower this thing is our weapon George is soon mapping out a route for the day and I'll tell you what this place is jam-packed full of lard tracks with plenty of campsites to put this is formal dry paradise I can't wait super pumped to be hitting these tracks mate never been here before what are we gonna find up here cables pretty much got it all Sean there's a lot of good tight technical tracks a few boulders and tricky sections pretty good in the Troy in the wet can be pretty crazy too that's what I hear might a bit of a challenge look at that Matt look like they're all pretty close to each other or as tracks around here yeah that's the beauty about these place nothing's too far away from each other my I'm loving the sound of this I reckon I'll call you and place the first okay [Music] with the tracks starting right off the main road stop and knock out a few PS eyes now Sean eyes will and his weapon of choice and of course equipped with a front end rear Locker hopefully that improves your driving mate heee I'm running 18 psi for this trip on my eyes ooh d-max a little Rick that always surprises me in tough conditions Jay from Clear View towing mirrors is running his twin lock to dual cab equipped with a host of clear viewed towing and camping products next up we've got Pete from I Drive he's here to put one of their high-tech throttle controls through its paces rounding at the convoy is none other than rocket rod willing a dinosaur come four-wheel drive complete with an auto conversion with pressures sorted we head on to our first appointment and set enough the first challenge is right there George is leading the convoy and with a rig built exactly for this kind of driving it's up and over a hard line with no drivers I'll add a super easy that was super easy there you go I was expecting more sparks to be honest it's like it like a little explosion a bit of mud flinging that just crawl that that that's exactly what I'm not gonna do first little challenge for today you know just watching George attack that he didn't really use too much pace and made it look really easy in fact you know there's two things I wanna be sure of number one I probably will use a bit of pace and number two I'm not going to make it look that easy let's give this a read up go hey I tell you what a thought he might not have had it there for a second but he's through well done mate take it nice and slight through here a little bit juiciest career for you so there's two lines here and the left is better suited to a single locked vehicle it's still gonna be a challenge though there are guys who was that how do you see all the second and faded trick which is usually works for me holy heck that made that look easy alright Jays next and he's opting for the right line yeah there's a nice move on life you're gonna let the wheel but drive through it Oh easy no I did not throw a watch on Troy that's it that's it worldwide worldwide that's it that's what I call smooth glass wine well we've seen everyone else mixture of tracks left and right here I'm still not sure I don't think rocket is either as to which way he's going to go until he gets here one thing though rocket will be spectacular this will sound sweet oh you heard that yes I'm terrified it's an understatement my knees are shaking alright mate let's try the left line [Music] well my wife's convene graphs of saying he was his legs are physically shaking appalled that drive he's doing the open he'd not back off he couldn't have backed off here if he backed off there yeah just drive through it and ah alright I feel tempers hit for the man I'm yeah lucky we're feeling manly cuz I ran a bend is another committing obstacle yep George as the lion doll a big GU who crawls his way over with pinpoint accuracy [Music] now Shawn can barely hit a dartboard at the best of times but look at that he's spreading it through them perfectly that's it boy they get might just do it Hey tomato tomato tomato fraction here that's it get on that Oh yep okay go on hey go on you got a little wheel spin there and some big wheels but that's the take yes just keep on drawing they are through it you got this you've got this with a lot of encouragement from the peanut gallery plates very easy [Applause] what a rocket this is gonna be entertaining Oh got your madman he would you look at that that's practically a work of art and I stopped in time well done this is such a big rig to be taking down a track like this and rock it really nice to keep focused have a TV snack there on your passenger seat have a TV snack that's it go rocket how do you feel right this is a track that just keeps on giving and I reckon we're gonna see plenty of great drives before the day is out so what are gonna hug this Bank much as I can oh no flare trick of course thighs back here that front waka has really changed the White City hands and Shaun is doing this Drive we've very little possible get up nice and close here and see ya think [Applause] okay with a line like this is expecting wielding and knowing that you've just got to drive through the wheel lift keep that momentum and stay on your life do that you'll get it well they're pretty to watch but it worked holy heck J's up next and how handy is that the click of a button and spawn trees clear views in to avoid damage like perfect law and phurba Kline is hard that think yep yep yep that's it yep yep all right in there yep that's it that's it yep follow it through rot AJ you're gonna have to keep an eye on the bank mate we don't want to do any canopy damage here we'll lift but he's kept going truck and that's it that's done that's a really good Drive mate alrighty let's see how Pete handles this one aragón the iDrive Ronal controller should really help him out here here he comes here he comes you know what well control just held it he's held it's like a bucking bronco so as you get 8 seconds right and doesn't matter what walk or walk you're flying with 8 seconds is pretty good so some of these tracks out here just off tap and reversing back down them to have a second crack at him and really put the wind up you but been relying on the old power Falls here from Clearview and I tell you what these mirrors are the bee's knees what I like about them is that if I come up on a really tight section of track let's push the button inside the mirrors go would you close up for me soon as I get past it push the button look they come back out again [ __ ] check this out hang on I'll get me keys here this is a new feature they just put in it's called the auto fall basically it's a little module hit the lock button look at that they fold back in so when you're in tight shopping center car parks or something like that you can fold your mirrors back in there J who can have these on their vehicle any model that we do powerful for yep can have the auto fault function right these things saved my bacon speaking of bacon that's gonna draw some more tracks let's do it up ahead we've got some seriously off cambered ruts the tricky is gonna be keeping the 4b off the right hand back George however is opting for a committee line it's down the tree Holden go that much but I guess it's working he's done that before yeah [Music] pull drive on all right massive center rocks here huge center outs swinging at that line right because I think of a fall-off the ruts I'm pretty bit of work so it was a lot of banging crashing going on two ways he might now this is gonna be one heck of a challenge for the d-max but I'm keen to give it a crack take it a bit easy though try and crawl our way up and sort of see a line here gonna get a big wheel if they're and yeah I had what that's done is cost me momentum and also with no front Locker in this thing I can't pull myself through it 11 other couple of cracks at it and see how we go won't be had to drove into that okay all right we got one rocket on the side now let's see if that gives me the tax my name damn thing is going to do it boys with the Dominator hooked up I'm soon over that pinch and I'm pretty stoked we've got this far on thirty ones tell you what folks where's the hardest place you've wheel and ifs vehicle let us know in the comments pleats a bit wider than us and again only got the one locker let's see how he goes you know what I thought he had it there but he's just been hung up on that deaf winching really is the only option for it luckily there's no shortage of good anchor points around here and with a bit of teamwork we've got in winch threw in no time Rockets Alaska through I've got a feeling this could be spectacular [Music] looking good so far but yeah now this is the biggest lane I have ever been on you can see the boys have just bought a Hercules tree trunk protector at the front of the four-wheel drive there both of them and is hanging off that just try to pull that front end down and stop it from going over any third alright Godspeed my friend okay this job operatic rocket has thankfully lost a bit of that crazy Lane but he's still not out yet with the back of the four-wheel-drive still in the run I think you might have to winch broke yo you're rolling is a time and a place for using the winch locations like this to see a lot of action it really does make sense to jump on the winch before you do track damage it keeps these tracks open and that means we can all come out here and enjoy them so don't come out this way without recovery gear and don't be afraid of using with that obstacle done we're approaching the end of our first track and it's been a heck of a good first day this has been a great introduction to the tracks of cobalt and George assures us that we barely even scratched the surface of what's on offer silt we're not out of the woods yet and down the back of the convoy there's a problem it looks like Jay has busted a CV you got to pay to play and these things happen that's it well Jays had a tremendous day to die on the tracks and unfortunately it's pretty common with a lot of life s vehicles he's broken a CV there's come a lot of live axle vehicles too so we're just going to take the CV out one takes too long and then he's got blockers front and rear so this have three wheel drive for the remainder of the track and take that off from Jacket vehicle it's amazing what you can fix out on the tracks now our first step is to try and remove that busted CV well we come across a little bit of a drama here now this is must be a common thing for Hilux owners but you need a 34 saw is not thirty four mil not to go over that well it looks a bit we've got up to 32 so we can't quite get that off of trove of the screwdriver so winning deck cut it out that's what I'm gonna do here now is grab the grind up cut this end here started the axle out the back of it will just fall straight out and then you'll be able to drive the rest of the way and then we'll get to a workshop be able to get this insight cutting that CV off might seem like an extreme solution but with the right tools it's actually a really quick method it means that J can drive out of here without that busted CV crunching around and causing all sorts of issues this one you said wool that's important that bit the old surfer that that insight grab that well then hold on this leave me out J is gonna be able to drive outta here no worries since we're so close to Melbourne we've already been on the blower and got a replacement CV lined up well Mike I'm a little naked oh it's been a big days I mean a thousand I tell you what I've been so small and although these tracks so much funnily sofa good yeah they are committing super technical yeah em any wheels you get the air and every one of them is like you had to really think that's what you probably use also from just to thinking I'm not normally doing that nothing I think very much at all have a look at the elevation gain you can see right at it's just yeah yeah beautiful but a little but give Amadeus hoping you're gonna say this nice boy beers oh nice five beers yeah let's do that I'll lay the like all right let's go to you we've had an amazing first day in Cobourg but sadly it's time to say goodbye to George who's gonna head back to the real world I've gotta say thank you for today Mike those tracks were unbelievable so much fun you're welcome fellas thank you very much for having me been fantastic awesome day Oh might you um you probably gotta hit the road we're gonna go left to camp yeah I do guys thank you very much for the experience and down catch your necks on taking drive safe might get you next time oh thanks now like I mentioned cobalt is a pretty compact area just around the bend is our first camp with night falling we jump straight into lighting a fire winter camping is a lot of fun if you prepare correctly and with a fire crackling it's time to crack a couple of iron jacks and relive the day [Music] [Music] unfortunately camp isn't gonna set itself up so eventually we've got to jump into it ourselves the temperatures around here in winter tend to fall to a few degrees overnight and being Victoria the rain is always about somewhere so in ordering and some thick canvas are definitely useful we're pretty well set up when it comes to little extras that make camping more comfortable after a massive day and we've dinner on the go you can forgive the boys for being fixated on the contents of the barbie plate stick around folks because our cowboy adventure is just getting started [Music] we wake up to a perfect winter morning in a COBOL state forest I gotta say all the forbs really impressed me yesterday on the tracks and when you think about how these rigs take us all over the country it's hard to imagine life with Adam setting a vehicle up right for your needs really isn't art and whether it's camp accessories are aftermarket mods it pays to get the right gear with another big day planned it's time to down a bit of brekkie which this morning is a bit of the old chorizo mongrel mix not bad for a cold day [Music] one thing you'll notice about cold camping is you've got a lot of pressure on your batteries see I'm running a lot of 12-volt accessories and a couple of our 240 volt ones as well I'm running two fridges inside my vehicle what careful light switch I like to leave on for most of the night little light I'm also running the electric blanket off my Verta 240 volts so my power consumption is quite high I run two batteries but the most important thing is how you charge those batteries is even more important in the cold climates because your batteries well I don't like the hard charge as well as in the warmer climates I'm running a mangie of thirty which pumps in 30 amps of charge into those batteries so doesn't matter if I'm at idle or driving around in low range I'll get a lot of charge of those batteries so every night my batteries are in 100% tip-top condition and that major three is a really intelligent little clever unit and knows what sort of batteries I'm running and charges them I check the major 30 just a moment ago and it's sitting at 76% now that's pretty pretty good considering I've been running the electric blanket all night I've had camp lights and a couple of fridges on the go you know it with power consumption like that you need to make sure you've got a 12 volt system they can handle extreme climates before we head off this morning we're just gonna do a check over of the vehicles one of the joys of old trucks is having to keep an eye on the oil levels but just to make sure and feel better I'm gonna do the same thing as well and then it's on to camp back up [Music] folks it's vitally important that your leave your campsite as you find it and especially to make sure you put out your campfire before you leave that always means that using a bit of water and really make sure that fire is out now it goes without saying that you got to make sure you check for local fire bans before you do go and a lot of campfire it wouldn't be Victoria if the weather didn't change every five minutes and the clouds are rolling in as we had just up the road to our next track the camera car is soon leading us back into the forest one of the camera boys is silly enough to try and get a close-up shot from the side of a mud puddle bad luck mate up ahead the track is starting to climb and on cue is our first challenge it's a mix of loose Shaylee rocks and slippery roots alright first obstacle of the day first vehicle up the obstacle for the day it's gonna go and take it pretty easy just got the relocker on at the moment Muir's track I've done this before but it'll look like this that's the funny thing about tracks they change over time you get a bit of rain you give it a weather they get washed out you get trucks on them this looks considerably harder than did when I do the last if anyone's gonna make it look hard my weight sure they're hard that way so I was gonna give this one a go without a front Locker yeah yep it's a no gala is it locker yet traction is the issue Lakoff I think what we need to do is pack this whole up down here so I can get a bit of a bounce up so slippery yeah you don't fact that haul up how can you go back out of the way you give me a go to I to the lockers and still my good side you get it with a bit of speed get on the bus but I think just a little bit of track buildings a sense watch and hear donít practice V's and humps and lights and stuff walk up there now look at that the whole white that was pretty slippery very slippery all right so that's how you do it I this is what I love you just Saints you wanna come up here and struggle thirty fives twin locked big old 80 series I'm gonna come in here in the d-max vehicle I've grown to love and give this a red-hot go in a truck you could take to work on Monday let's give this again [Laughter] the first time and I thought oh just do you underst see what the left lawns like yeah I think you might fly them in the same spot yeah but you could also make it let's see what happens yeah you got that about guy he ever went I think so yeah look you don't need much I'm pretty stoked with that drive but I'm gonna have to resort to the winch on this one with a winch blanket I can safely pull the d-max up and out of the ruts this is how I envision myself driving it just try a little bit of wheelspin and also notice we always use a tree trunk protector and you can see here just why without the protector the winch throat and top blowing venturi and ring pocket he's gonna guys throughout the middle there yeah up that rope right all right that's me are you gonna make it yeah yeah take a mate for driving yeah Jay has given that a red-hot go complete with a little beep of the horn just to show us he's still in come on but he's gonna have to reach for the winch in order to get over that rock step this is proven to be a tough incline even for a twin lock big rig we might see the other boys struggle as well [Music] Pete's tried his luck on a different lineup that card left section the ball move see if it plays off for it and it was looking good but now he's got caught in two wheel ruts at the same time don't back up rack out we just Chuck Chuck the couple of rocks in there and one in this little thing here I'll get the perfect rocket and said well who carefully oh is that you do hear me whoa under your vehicle [Applause] so close my rocks you got up on them and then sped in there just don't get yourself in a good spot to winch you got good a right n down it's unfortunate but I think he's gonna be able to get out of this one time to the winch [Music] [Music] you can see there just how slippery those rocks are this is a pretty wild place don't wheel what are you doing rocket start out the guts gotta give me wheel around and that'll have you up on an angle already yep let's see what happens might [ __ ] guarantee it'll be hectic it's gonna be spectacular are we go I always block boys or something goes wrong slowly go back have another guy the other guy swinging it back around a bit on you yeah all right not so much ah oh you're just being it heavy I'm sorry I know I've been told that boy mini the cars are pretty heavy as well right yeah I can almost push it back over here I mean I could give it a read up go but I would suggest we don't they Laurent I can see you drinking that Trey's begun with rockets safely hooked up to the Dominator we can breathe a sigh of relief alrighty bring it up mate you take winter with an order it makes things so much easier well done well that's not a bad start of the day and literally around the corner we've got this alright got a little rough here I'm just gonna go in the rock to start with and only is the rear Locker I'll tuck a locker on ya couldn't lock her up the old cheat button engaged to look in with the crap Locker in he's just walked up there we go you're probably wondering why she does things so easy these days I do have a front Locker in that makes so much of a difference the twin lock vehicle it is almost cheating and one of the reasons I didn't go twin lockers because I I did like to challenge myself a little bit I think with two lockers now becomes a lot easier to drive this point to shoot less reliance on what sort of flaw in your pick and it really comes down to the vehicle now which eye is it a bad thing now of course I don't have a front Locker and with a bit less clearance I'm gonna try and straddle the rut look at the sideline but the Bacchus for me this is actually a really tricky situation with that lanes of the left-hand side going around the bend is the real possibility of caving in the entire left-hand side that's right big angle it's not gonna be able to clear that rut grab these Mac stacks off number one because in a really good position he's on such an angle makes it really easy but to just to get him a little bit height on this side will to clear that dip away from the rut and also making a little bit more stable we've got those these max tracks extremes are great in sand but I tell you what they're not just limited to that they're also fantastic in conditions like this what those mechs tracks have done that would mean to crawl up and slightly settle down I could not no way have done that under my own steam we're gonna leave these max tracks in the rut for the rest of the convoy which should make a big difference we're all grabbing Mike there you go for it Jay's got his serious face on as he drops out of the pocket and then using those max tracks watch straight on well done yeah all right get those max back D dopey Mike ya got clearance that extra traction there now Pete being 40-foot wide has been able to straddle that rut like a boss what ruddy says wasn't even there legend of a year legend of this product thank you Mike preciate it rocket he's gonna use horsepower and pure determination well I feel sorry for those max tracks oh here we go the big eagle [Music] goods that I max tracks for the wind hey you were driving this thing like you stole it might better ball control has been the name of the game for you this whole weekend I would have thought with that little high drive thing you've got in there need to be on or off the accelerator but you know same thing you know the great thing about it is the flexibility it offers yeah everyone has a different driving style and that's the one of the real benefits of this unit couple of times yesterday those technical tracks I had it on an economy mode so that's softened the accelerator and a fair when I was under a winch cable or not everyone's gonna use it under a winch cable but for me yesterday I managed to keep the revs of the motor and the wheels slowly turning so uh some shock loading the cable gave me really good control now a little birdie told me you've got a new one coming out yeah we do our ETV CX so we're taking a great product and we've just thrown a few more extras at it but the noticeable one for us is the throttle lockout just another security device that we built into the unit they can literally remove the unit yep take it with it someone gets into your car if they manage to get it started there'd be no accelerator it's just a dead accelerator and drive with a dual core something 50 unit up lift the riders Styrian upgraded the hardware just a trick little bit of kit I made if it makes you drive like that I reckon I should put one in question alright well maybe we can fit one to here like get him down a bit quicker and quicker I realize in the morning she's real sluggy she's got that tow bar they closing good morning speaking about ravine you jump back in good on you let's go take a ride boy cheese Michael things are getting pretty slippery as we head into the next Valley oh just a passenger I think rocket leave the body can find you a little bit of room I reckon oh whoa that's why you don't put your hands inside the steering wheel holy heck doubt a break on my wrist well there seems to be no shortage of places to lift wheels in this part of the world and we're soon waving wheels in the air as we head to the next obstacle no lock is this time nice little climb here I reckon if I get the wheel placement just right even without the lock is it should drive it here we guide picks a different line here let's fight off so easy oh that is a really high every guy [Music] [Music] hi Derek and okay you can put your wheels back on the ground now bye I want to give a special shout-out to the kneel on GU camera car that rig has gone up and down every track we filmed on this trip and I gotta be honest it has spent a lot of time on the end of a winch rope but of course it's fully kitted out to handle three blokes and all our filming needs the camera boys well they just love hunting it up the tracks ahead of us cowboy has put on a great show for us today but it's getting that time and we need to go and find and next camp luckily said though there's so many choices around here I reckon the learning takers about five minutes to find another campsite I sure know have you actually noticed we have time to change like ten years ago we're lucky to be one automatic in the group and now there's only one manual in the group yeah and I might I'm feeling a little bit outnumbered to be honest with ya if you said ten years ago I'm gonna buy an automatic filler drive-in will probably laugh at you but now but laugh at you didn't but even you have succumb the dark side is just around the corner for you and on the board so mate I can't wait just to have that control on the tracks and then I'll stop on I want to stop yes ah me up mostly this sort of technical stuff you'll notice there's a technical stuff the automatic just wins hands down without it then wait give me yeah look for a game saw boys are the sons get a bit low on the sky and it's eally fast beer o'clock let's bring it on I mean I like the are Jack as we roll into camp the weather you start and look a bit ominous now you'd be forgiven for thinking the camping and the mud like this could be a bit miserable but I guarantee you when you see the camp all set up you'd wish you were here so I got away boys Shaw's been raving about this new 270 degree morning and I tell you it does provide a huge amount of cover for a wet night I've been rocking an awning wall extension of my set up and that's really made my camp more spacious and comfortable rockets sticking with these trusty Kings rooftop Tora tent now set up he takes all over the country and even has a little luxury edition in the shape of a doormat Jays truck is packed full of Clearview innovations including a bunch of their famous easy slides and that nifty fold-out kitchen now Sean's been lucky enough to test out his new deluxe escape swag from adventure Kings and of course I've got the Big Daddy deluxe edition these are two very comfortable swags indeed no damp night is enjoyable without a decent fire so getting a big stack of firewood is a must and look at that folks what did I tell you that's a good-looking camp now steel yourself cuz well Shawn I was cooking tonight well here we go what a little campsite super cold super wet so I thought just heck let's bring out the big guns now it's not very often I'll go on about a meal that let's face it is absolutely a 1 if I was to cook for the Queen right now this is the meal I'd cook it is the number one meal is passed on from my mom to me and I'm gonna butcher it no doubt what are you doing mate hey that's boyfriend you you probably haven't realized that's actually [ __ ] over there what's that your fridge one yet well I'll grab my there but it's not gonna cook carried sausages up and it's a perfect meal for naught while this but a little bit of water on the ball here because that's very important for this meal oh sure all right the line to kick off the night first things first it's off to use I can use my fish yeah sausages how many you want Oh a lot yep you get all the sausages because hey this is a meal that keeps on giving blokes out there just just take note get a pen and paper out right now and start taking notes usually I'm surprised most most of the cooking scenes you're surprised we're on surprise but this is one that's a staple favorite that's powerful so jump in there and um we're probably going to go under the old orange handle sleeve oh you just generally make it slightly everything here okay give us give us a little sharpie I'm just gonna grab one of those mate and just whack him straight into there so normally you wouldn't get this many but yep so the hot the whole idea behind this is we can actually boil the sauce years so when these guys get off the boil there's a liberal of hands-on work you want to jump into the Albert Dometic actually yeah I've got some frozen veggies I've got in the freezer section over there I see them there should be some cream as well might be a little bit of milk right give it and there's some garlic as well ah is the chilli you want chili I'll bring those it might well when you got the old sauce I'll on the boil you'll know who and it's done because the skins will start to come off the old sausage so a couple of chilies obviously is I sort of know I get a couple of red Rockets couple of green rockets up there we go five chilies five chilies I know it's a lot but it's so cold out here so I'm figuring oh that's getting really close to good then if you do cook the sausages a nobley be thinking no way but honestly give it another five minutes and I'm sort of look at any better but it'll be done I said this before but if you got one middle Mike yeah this is maybe an impressible idea I don't know just Coco curry sausage I'll tell you what if she lives through this yeah she's a caver all I'm gonna do is get these balls off you this is actually on my furious it's actually one of the best Iceland came in as you ever had no serious obviously [Laughter] right they've been on the boil for about 20 minutes so is it a chum placed right on the plate and look like it yeah well they've actually grown a little bit we can only wish now I'm just gonna literally kill the heat yeah I've got a little tiny minutes are you Jeff I'm just gonna put that in a bowl or get a bit of heat back in that panel now normally what you do usually get the cheaper sausage you can find pork sausages and you grab all of these and you ideally take the skin is straight off it these ones actually aren't too bad to be honest with you I'll just leave them leave them just cut them cut them I've got a bit of heat in this pan I'm gonna put a bit of olive oil in it and next up we're gonna whack in the onion onions the first thing to go in when you get a hot pan like that I'll just cut these up chef yeah that's exactly right you want to cut them into bite-sized pieces next up is the chili so good actually have a favor - lot of us it always said just just take the chili down in your own pace it's gonna grab a bit of garlic pasty mmm shuttle down you so it depends how much garlic you like but I like a fair bit that's something good so I'm gonna grab a good old helping of garlic here that's a bit half a ton worth half a pop one and a half bits at on worth all right now now where it gets tricky I'm gonna put these this plate oh please please don't please no straight in straight in that goes straight in that's a little bit of capsicum this is where all sorts of take place crony chicken curry this is this is the secret if there was one secret through the carrot sausages see I'll creamy chicken carry now I've got two packets so we're cooking for a fair few fellows and cook I'm just gonna chuck that straight in sternum up Blattner all right that's a bit of thick and creamy you don't have to do that but I do this because I want it to be extra craning on a Japanese the medic two seconds hang on should I put these actually I mean whack them in I feel like I've stepped up you just school here damn is a lot happening in there bro I'll just go a little bit of milk a little bit of milk put about that much milk in how much is that chef that's probably about how much hundred mil maybe 200 that's right 400 mils probably maximum sausage juice I kept that for a good reason then I whack a bit of sausage juice in and that's look look see now start look really well it's it's looking what do you got there frozen corn corn and peas and carrots whack those in oh heck you sure about that much just look at the consistency yeah what you're looking for it make sure you got enough sausage juice in there what is this juice doing well just it's like a stock okay I see we've cooked the sausages in this water juice comes out so we're not dealing with a straight-up water you know no you're not you hate the sausage up and the juice comes out correct yep no I'll put some in here then we need a little bit more there you go rolling now we're gonna basically just turn the heat right down longer the better always say yeah but if you can start me you know if you can get do a quicker job well even better so I'm gonna leave that for maybe 10 minutes was a fairly decent time and maybe we just let that simmer a tiny bit to get the cut ah one little thing what do you want little thing a little bit of extra color if you want to actually get the taste go on through and I just so you got a couple of chilies in there but a little bit of curry powder you go a long way so just kind of you know there we go about three four five tosses of curry patta there we go yep we put a lid on that 10 minutes 10 and we come back to register all right all right here we go take the old pot off look at that we've got curry tells you again I've actually blow these up laser spicy out the microwave but I've just chucked them in a bit of boiling water bring the boys in Sona well yeah if I see choice favorite of rice in here hey you got a boys you stir that in oh my here we go there's no doubt about it boys this is one one guy two meals I'm gonna call whether you've already impressed that one is what I cook the old carrot sausages right what do you reckon voice oh you're ugly you're on all right gonna get around the floor and really enjoy it I'm really enjoying it what a cracking day here at Kobol tomorrow we have got more to come plus we're going to be meeting a very special little four-wheel drive action fan [Music] it's our final day here at COBOL State Forest now we're gonna be checking out another awesome local track first though when taken over Jays Clearview kitchen because it's a handy fold away unit that neatly fits everything away that you could need the camp cooking okay that night dear I'm so excited about Mike what's that well double on down sausages for dinner for breakfast for brekkie all those kinds of skin comes off nice exactly right that's makes it easy a bit of bacon sausages eggs call a style of driving hard traffic it is a solid brekkie like this my toe got the bread ready y'all's gonna be outside if you want me to go first just taste test this make sure that it's all just I mean it they're all right go for it might serve them up yeah boy oh that's a Farrell serving but you've got my rocket comes bearing gifts as well skipper I know you chucked it already yeah daddy's been on fire Oh hands and a lot of fight though now I'm gonna have to city I think well IRA can we get this into us mm-hmm a favor to pack it up though yeah let's get that done and in IRA can we tackle one of the harlot racks idiom straight up off the bat why not well I think they're breakfast all this under your belt what could go wrong well what but I don't think it any point and putting it off till this afternoon gotta skate it's got a reputation it in and I think we owe it to ourselves you to go it all tracks are so close so just there love it alright Bob a lot you ate that that's gonna be look at that oh he's got a birthday no with everyone apps for the track ahead we jump into camp pack up well it's a time of mourning we're just about to pull down can but before I do that I want to quickly take you around the camp just show you exactly how I've set it up because but a lot of different camp setups over the years without a doubt this is one of my favorite now about the 270 degree or and give me a stack of protection but how I sleep is super important I'm ready deluxe escape singles way of course on top of a stretch in auric and that combination is an absolute we're not keeps you off the ground so you're not got a dirty old wet swag to put away it also keeps you nice and warm as well so fantastic little setup and it's perfect for just about any climate around Australia the other fun bit pull it down get out the tracks state forests like this one right here really are a playground for for drivers trail bike riders horseback riders and even hikers and of course it's free to access and camp but of course that means sharing the place with other bush users and it's especially important to clean up after yourselves take care of the tracks and respect other users and that means we can all enjoy places like this for years to come soon enough we're on the road and heading to the start of our next adventure but we've also got to say goodbye to one of the convoy bait that time of day you did say you're gonna have to get off early this big show the National School of Life full show coming up so yeah yep we're gonna be there absolutely my absolute EVM is such a born list tracks as well Mike now I know he's been honest there are now he knows you're gonna be the show so I'm gonna catch up for Bruce people get stuck you know what get set up and re can we get back on the track sounds like a plan boys this right here is the start of the stumpy track another little gem of the area with some gnarly challenges alright let's get into it oh boy will you look at that this is off-campus rainy one thing I've been finding on these tracks out here that are so off cambered having that rear sway bar in just helps me feel it's hard to describe a lot more planted I think is the right word lot more stable on this uneven ground and it's a it's a comforting feeling to be honest especially parts like this it just feels like you're more Square to the ground you're not got that body roll that's gonna tip you over or get you off balance and as such it really really nice feeling yep my fulcrum suspension setup has really been eaten up the tracks out here and I'm loving it alright Jay show us your moves mate nificant keep it coming keep it coming that's it rocket just does not like keeping all four wheels on the ground but he looks like he's having a heck of a lot of fun in this flexi section okay now we're getting into the more serious part of this climb big rocks there he is hugging in attraction is good of a crashing tackle so we're distinct lines here another quick gal this left one that can I feel awkward as heck yeah I reckon you could be in serious danger go over there if you go back and you're gonna get higher up on that side there's no better right hand the end of it it's super hard to see on camera here but Shamu is so I've said about once that it wants to push the Vig you're caught on a rock on this side you're really enough awkward position okay I'll go you can't go back ah there's no way are you gonna have to wait yeah what about if I take to the right then no it's the rock on that side just digging that old liebe you're gonna you're gonna go over it's exciting Wow hey wait at escalated very quickly John I just can't poop on tree root here rock on this side and then it drops off on that side of the vehicle so he reverses I'm almost positive he's gonna tip over I don't think any choice here but to reach him out it's a tree right there that'll do the job I'll start right on the winch rope out mate you are on the edge on the edge I like to live life on the edge it always I could almost push you back over if you wanted me to it's very light on the old yeah on that side if I got that folks these tracks are so technical out here you've really got to take your time crawl through them I guess this sort of raised a question for me what's your favorite type of track I think I'm really funny it's the technical stuff you love this yeah you're making little tiny decisions yeah you know real danger if you if you get stuck like I am you just put the winch on and you're right what about mud yeah it's fun fun but like anything make you you pay for it oh please do pay for it I've had this on it what about beats driving roll up these strong as you may then go through fees to dusty does to folks and the comments below let us know what's up it's rain you like driving best I'll be really interested to find out actually put the now I think the best rain you're gonna drive is awful with Saudi safely hooked up on the winch rope Shawn can winch out of their sketchy ruts and up to flatter ground that was really touch and go for a few moments there although I probably didn't look like it on camera I think come the boys really think I could have thought over there it feel a bit like that passenger side I think it's just always better to be safe I'm sorry I agree mate and like I've always said that's why we have winches all right let's do this whoo-hoo as with a lot of the tracks out here there's a few different lines you can take now shot I've been twin locked one two five that left hand boy I've seen another line on my wife and I reckoned I've got this good long drive and Google and also the benefit of seeing someone go first is you know what to avoid and I've done just that look at that later look easy walk straight up and I just did that in high range by mistake what a beast whoops I should put Hilo raised here well AJ's up next he's seen me come true you know go into it hold on hold on well done son birthday [Music] [Laughter] yeah it's serious get it on whoa what a monster nice drive rocket but don't get too comfortable mate because things get worse up ahead is this such a technical little track just gotta get your line just right I'm going in front of the convoy so you can get this sort of bit of trial and error really thought I did an error then oh this looks like a challenge in a little bit Wow [Music] these children he's stuck in a rut he can get on this I'll just go you're on that rock there that's your problem I don't know where you go from here bro can I go back a fraction and go left Yeah right that way yeah I look at say it would good for this rocket which I simply can't move it sir we've got and it's on an angle and you'll just go out there give it a little bit of heard yeah okay ah yes tsu'tey give another guy doesn't feel safe this is actually a pretty precarious situation so I've got himself in here again hard to show on camera but that left hand side that lien was actually quite dangerous he could go over on the left hand side now whilst he's not gonna go anywhere it would do a heck of a lot of damage you need to be over by about that much that way that way yeah nothing longer one of the affiliate Shawn I was just trying to get into a better position here he's got these rocks in front of these tires that are offering here heap of resistance if you can move out of the way you'll be able to crawl himself forward Oh straighten up a bit now you want to follow that around just feel sketchy it's gonna get worse yet there you go oh yeah nice bro [Applause] if you lay some track for us I'm fun it's super slippery man I hope there's a line in or what I had it yeah you got a big slippery back rock everything's against do you shy guys for another cracky but on a slightly red line guys just a no-go just can't get the rear over that rock Oh Oh another which then that was a heck of an effort but sometimes you just got a call we'll hook him up and get him out of strife with that winch other way Shawn muscles he's way up to the last part of the climb now it's time to the d-max all right I mean low range for this one now Shawn I was taking the crust off the top of everything up there all I can do is give it a go as I get to the bottom of that step up it's starting to look bigger that's a big ask for any vehicle I think I'm like I'm just not gonna get up there I think I'll just winch [Applause] even winching on this club is pretty hectic you can say the vehicle wanting to slide into that left-hand bank Oh check that rock on my left-hand side yeah it's gonna hit the panel's like oh don't do that now what we're going to try and do here is maneuver around that rock otherwise we could be here all day I thought that in order to do that successfully we're gonna have to reset that which folks you really do want to think about your anchor points and where you're pulling your four-wheel drive from because it's from there but the four-wheel drive will move if you're pulling from the wrong direction you can actually get yourself into more strife than you were in before you even reach for the windshield with the winch at a new position we managed to steer the d-max away from panel damage this will be a challenge for the bigger canopies I've got to tell you okay Jake you're up good luck mate that's it you know what yeah I'll come on oh it's a great lawn Mike great line just you can if you want to try and get that back up just go back a little bit sort of bounce it up a tiny bit that's it what do you undo winch yeah yeah for sure Jays called it it's out with the winch we're gonna try a slightly different strategy on this one it's going to use it extension strap on this tree because I believe in one winter you've got to get through both these parts so instead of changing the winch from two differing goals we'll get it right in the first beam since and you've got to win straight up here on this angle we should be able to keep Jay off that Bank and avoid panel damage let's work like a train alright rocket send it up mate [Music] rockets coming at this one with some superior spice he's got the front and the back side yes I spot short I was he got that one there yeah but it's scary to be outside what's it like in there dude I can't go anyway tonight right have a girly boy good all right oh okay looks like it's time for the winch once again as you can see rocket is just millimeters from doing big damage to the side of that canopy but that right angle in which position has worked again and it keeps you off the back last one below you're unbelievable heck of a weapon and I end up overhead with that rock step out of the way it's a short flex up the ruts and back to the main road that's the great thing about tracks around here they're short they're hard and they're easy to access unfortunately it's almost time for us to end this adventure but first we've got one more appointment on our list my ex been a trip to remember I reckon these tracks I've had so much fun Eddie Mike couldn't agree more this is um I've just never been here before didn't even know this place existed and I can guarantee I'll be coming back because I don't think I've even touched a service on this place for such a small area might I think there's still more to uncover Jay you live close by I wouldn't be surprised if you snuck out here for a little after work better bloody fun I will now this place is just sensational and rocket my angles for you it's all been about angles some pretty horrible angles Eddie I tell you the k-bar State Forest has certainly brought me some challenges open my eyes a little bit but I tell you what there is so much in this place I have enjoyed it thoroughly open your eyes my open-air eyes as well what times there are Thor's going to pick you up off the floor but you can drive that rig I tell you what none of us would want to get behind the wheel out hey Sean oh what's the plan from here might might I'm just pulling here because this is where I want to introduce you to someone a very special so to pull over here the little champion we're about to meet loves fishing camping and four-wheel driving especially up steep hills but looking at this cheery little guy you'd find it hard to believe that he's already had more than seven open-heart surgeries and has been in a fight for his life from the moment he was born Ollie and his dad Jordan are here to meet the boys and also let us know a bit about the charity heart kids that cares for kids and families just like this when they need it most well I take this opportunity to introduce you to probably LITTLEST yet one of our biggest little fans so this here is ollie this is he's Dad Jordan and we're about to take you for a little spin in Graham's d-max so we're all on a jumpy yeah yeah pretty quick thank you so much yeah yeah yeah Ali's story is truly amazing born prematurely with a severe heart condition that left him with a quarter of his heart's function doctors thought Ali wouldn't survive his first few days open-heart surgery just 36 hours into his life was only the start of his story with his family thinking each day would be the last as he went through complications blood poisoning heart failures and ruptured bowels Ali's condition isn't curable and he'll need continued surgeries until he gets a heart transplant but Ali and his family have never given up and reckoned that the charity heart kids has played a huge role in supporting them and others like them karate so tell us a bit about this charity I don't know too much about it right what's the guy how kids is just foundation that gets one kids with heart defects and all sorts of problems like all of us had yep and I'm here to help you through ever sent in the data support yeah I helped me out with lots of little things like you wouldn't wouldn't expect look we spent over nine months in hospital as him in nine months of $10 parking tickets oh yeah it all adds up yeah when you're not working because you little fellas in ICU very little bit help so you just it's really just the little things that people I guess don't think of yeah yeah costs costs of absolutely phenomenal yeah you're off you're off work it's just that just an organization of people come together yeah was there alarm donations yes yeah so the general public can donate yes yes so yeah hey I bet these folks I bet if everyone watching this episode out there right now just gives one dollar that's just a dot you can't even get a coffee for that yeah if you just gave $1 what a difference that would make a huge phenomenon with Oracle so I'm gonna challenge your folks put in $1.00 every single person that watches this just give one buck Holly may that's big Poteau we got a big puddle DNA a big one look at the size of this one night huge look at it look at it you ready let's go here we go here we go come back yeah you know is that Oh what you reckon right what was your favorite part was muddy come yeah here's the big question though do you think crimes a good driver or a bad driver pretty pretty good very good I'll buy that Oh gonna say a big thank you to come in the car with us yeah I was pretty scared at the start night but you gave me the confidence to sit let's go in the car any me five what a little legend folks I really do urge you to consider a donation to Hart kids they are committed to the day-to-day support of families like Jordans providing support services through all of Australia's major hospitals funding research in the heart disease treatment and advocating for sufferers of congenital heart disease their families and carers you can donate at the link below in the coming weeks we'll also be organizing a raffle to raise money for the cause so please stay tuned we're out of folks cope or the best book you've never heard of and in terms of bang for buck makes it half fun as a teen I recommend on more than that 5 car that we've done a handful of tracks through these forests having a go at all that a bit like you said a couple of kilometres and obvious had it's more for me to eat cuz I've loved this place well the thing is if the tracks are supercommittee they're super hard but you can't get revenge oh yeah you're not gonna do you might do anything and the good thing is is there's harder tracks if that's taking a fancy there's also easier track so Depp you've had an absolute more Holly has had an absolute blast I've never had someone so excited at my driving before yeah it's good day all around for ya it's a good I'll tell you what if we can is wide apart when I get a cold beer guys don't get much better when I face we're gonna get ready for the Melbourne I'm so lonely decided to go fantastic but soon as that's finished we go next where North NYX can't wait a little bit warmer comments it's gonna be a little bit more that will be nice but we will catch you next time on stick around for all the laughs of the four-wheel drive action outtakes but first some info you should know about the gear that makes these adventures possible well first I want to take this opportunity to thank you for watching our show we've had an absolute ball out here it's been super cold but really enjoyable its own time fun tracks and some pretty good company as well I mean I suppose now is the time that would go through some of the products that have really made this trip quite achievable and to be honest we were really well prepared for winter camping down here winter for driving tough tracks and I think without the following products you probably couldn't have done this trip and one thing I think that you gotta have an every 4-wheel Drive and I care what it is quality suspension I've had fulcrum running on the old DMX here for quite some time now and it's never let me down and I think that's a measure of good suspension it's I've never blown a shock out I've never had any issues with them they just it just simply works gives this truck an incredible ride and on tracks like this I'm disabled to send it and let that just do its work I recommend ilyich absolutely my look when it comes to campaign especially cold weather climates are key just need to be prepared and from I set up I've actually mile at this time around I believe I was at the old guy Adventure Kings 270 degree awning that's giving us protection out of the rain out of the cold and also to have more little swag on the stretcher yeah that's the game changer might I'm just happy you have got it all set up at I reckon this works very cool I'm not just Victoria though it worked just as well in Cape York so it's for the Sun obviously back in the old day max I've been using video lording - I saw that now look bit of a myth out there that we just finished these trips and these trucks over to someone they clean them and it's all done for us that is not true we look out for our own trucks we clean them and I hate vacuuming I just don't like vacuum in the inside of the truck so the truth it captains that I've got on the floors down to the floor mats that I'm using means I can get in with me money old boats all I've got to do when I get to the car wash is just take those floor mats out any little clips on the side of the car wash I just will come on those clips hit with high-pressure hose chuck them back in if you've got a new vehicle the are watch yourself look after if you're lazy like me and I like vacuuming yourself set true fit floor mats cuz I just keep the floor completely clean right that's a fair testing tip and another for you as well do a little less smelly Christmas trees you can actually have well that doesn't smell like good in their little little heads up anyway look when it comes to my camp set up another part of it which i think is funny Mary you guys have seen me use this product right around Australia it's the Dometic I've got a 65 litre fridge in there and I like the fact it's a little bit higher than the 50 later yeah that means that it's harder for you to reach in and get beers right at the bottom harder not impossible not impossible you actually do fly through the odds a few times there and got the last B area yes that's like a good mate you are but on the older me 65 I think he's an absolute Kraken and one of those things if you've never had a full drive 12 art fridge oh it's an absolute game changer that one product will transform the way you can as far as I'm concerned yep well folks COBOL you never heard of it you have now trust me you want to put this place on your bucket list actually got really nice care sites too we stayed in two or three the episodes we've been out here cracking campsites there's plenty of foil with a don't know what happens but the trees just seem to drop these perfect limbs perfect firewood edit we've only seen a handful of people and the best thing about it it is winter yeah there's no one on the track so I think a lot of people - able to come to winter but I think as a full wheel driver you are yourself to get here this time of year have the tracks to yourself and enjoy this winter care penis it'd be pretty cool if you're prepared right we'll catch you next time for action for the truth say what it looks at self in the mirror through me we'll choose an extent to strap off this tree cause a finding is ready to winch from one side to the other well I reckon these are the show rocket you're gonna be there Juliette Shaw nice bye absolutely playing on sorry Tuesday's are cooked get him out rip the skin off what was on these desire you're doing this on your own now come on Jay you can do it if you can't do it no one can do it alright get into it a third gear pin it okay I got to do this again sorry hang on and I say don't go it too far professional all the way through the other door alright I'll give him a lot that's what we do with that sausages I think you might need to sub me up get Janey pretty we get these off of the pot they good keep going hey that was one heck of a driver Michael thanks grime thoroughly enjoy yourself it's a great place we can drive enjoying yourself I'm not used to working with amateurs I gotta say it's a terrible position cuz I uh I was hoping to go a lot quicker I need to go to the toilet pipe bender the whole thing is gonna try and get this I can't leave you as part of dynein cook I get my remote but everybody climbing it Oh [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,062,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wdaction, shaun whale, graham cahill, 4wd, 4x4, victoria 4wd tracks, 4wd action victoria, 4wding victoria, 4wd action melbourne, 4wd tracks melbourne, 4wd melbourne, 4wd action episodes, 4wd action full episodes, 4wd action new eipsodes, victoria 4wd, melbourne 4wd, 4wding, 4wd action, 4wd 24/7, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails
Id: g7mq-invrmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 32sec (4772 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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