ROOF DEEP water crossing causes CHAOS! Moreton Island adventure gone wrong...

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[Music] if us aussie fool drivers had one dream it'd be to escape the daily grind and drive as far away to a place of white beaches and perfect waterfront camping where the fishing and the beers are on tap it is like a postcard up here sometimes though just such a place can be hidden right under your nose like here at the amazing morton island we're here for the ultimate summer getaway and a special mission to grant the wish of some very very deserving young fool drivers what are you doing you're driving the thirty he's coated [Applause] [Music] our adventure begins on the morton island ferry a 90-minute journey that takes you from the heart of brisbane and across the bay to a totally different world ahead of us lies three days jam-packed full of fishing wheeling and beach camping and being the salty sea dogs that we are we've soon found our way into the helm well i'm gonna say i'm like this is a site that i love morton island is right there we've got the vehicles obviously on the ferry mate i'm ready to go okay in fact when they called me up the steer i thought now we'll give sean again because he likes boats more than me exactly right mate i've got a four and a half meter fish nipper so i got this you're gonna put the brakes on soon or do you just hit it how does that work straight in we've been hearing reports of some possible wild weather on its way to the island over the next few days but for now what's more concerning is that we've got sammy hitzki in the convoy and somehow he's pinched the keys to the immaculate ultimate 9 gu patrol how accurate is this already on 18. i reckon we got a stick division it's not working now i don't know how he's managed to borrow pete's pride and joy but i do know he's gonna have a blast and with the ferry about to drop us off on the beach we're all soon airing down as well and with morton island being 100 a sand island we're going straight down to 18 psi and just like that the city is left far behind and paradise is right up ahead hey how good is this grime how good does it feel mate i love this place i really do this is a go i love it every time i get on the sand dead here important mate absolutely frothing i'm pretty excited to be taking point on this one too mate is good looking convoy back there well apart from second in line is a good looking convoy i saw a kayak on sammy's roof i know i've got a fishing rod in here mate i want to have a bit of a plan of attack mate because i've got a bit of a mission for this trip it's not just all fun and games mike i'm looking for a few different items of seafood and we're going to sort of go around the island to collect all these ingredients i'm thinking get it all together and we're gonna have one main feed well i'm going to tell you what i'll take control of the squid the flathead the oysters and the sand crabs i'll get later tonight might if you just catch one of those things i was gonna actually get you to be in charge of the oysters mate because those ones you just have to pay money and you'll get them down the southern end of the island so if you could take care of that it's now a good time to point out the amount of chat you've thrown graham you didn't even bring a fishing rod i got a phone call from you last night saying could i bring one for you mate if i was to get my tackle out and show you what i usually use keyblades wouldn't even bother catching a seafood feast might be one of our objectives for the trip but right now we've got other fish to fry you see we've gotta catch up with some mates of ours who've trekked all the way across the island to meet us and we're due to catch up with them a little further north at the next township for this trip i'm back in my trusty isuzu d-max which are fitted with some new lights from hardcore along with some new wheels from dynamic wheels while sean's 30 is looking pretty schmick with a brand new alloy canopy joining us for this adventure of course is reuben from dmw in his weapon of a 200 series followed by tony from hardcore who's brought along this mint little off-road camper trailer bryce is joining us again from fulcrum suspensions along with jeremy from direction plus and he's kidded out weekender [Music] australia is having a la nina summer this year and the rain never seems to be too far off with the occasional rainstorm blasting through but while conditions are getting a little gray spirits couldn't be higher as we head up to meet our newest members of the convoy the legends we're meeting today are britney luke and tyrone we've made a wish to come out wheeling with us for the day and have a ride in the full drive 24 7 rigs they're here with family and friends and we're going to make a day of it over on the north side of the island with all that rain about i've got a feeling that today could be pretty interesting [Music] hey tyrone's uh he's had a couple of uh he's had a couple of decent decisions made about you and he's been spot-on [Music] that'll be right that'll be right what are you thinking mate we can do a couple of uh water splashes if we can find them no copy that copy that i've got a spare seat in here there's a big splash on your left mate but i suggest you don't do that one hopefully there's no rolling the car today he'll probably get scared let's be fair but he's scared and always he's always a bit of a chicken yeah i hear you i hear you i agree yeah he is and what car do you have brittany my nissan navara oh yes and where are you going in december two glass house mountains wow and they're gonna call me the roller one hey you wait till you see brittany out there i didn't roll it yet now morton isn't exactly known for its tough wheeling but after a wet wake the water crossings can get a little bit hectic and this one up ahead is looking pretty darn deep [Applause] pretty deep would it be one of the deeper water crosses we've ever done if we attempt that right through that you're gonna be able to run away if you come with me yeah okay now the last thing i want to do is flood the dirty 30 so i'm prepping the maxtrax recovery gear in advance in case i need a quick pull out backwards get a bit of recovery here ready now i'm pretty confident about this one i did go and test it it is about that deep so super super deep it does pay to be prepared it does don't embarrass myself for the dirty 30. here we go here we go all right [Music] i shall get ready well holy heck there's deep and then there's that that's pretty deep she's deep that is wild the 30 might be many things but she's not waterproof watch your thumbs like oh yeah what's the plan here i don't know did you get any water in yes just all of it i could go a little harder yeah then you might get stuck stuck yeah it's really deep it's probably i might have to go around that taking a sideline can be a risk in itself as the last thing you want is to find one side of the vehicle in a deep rut deep but in this case we've seemed to made it through okay we set the guinea pig in and the guinea pig come out soaking wet and there's water all through the cab of the dirty 30 which if you're gonna get water in a vehicle that's the one to get water in in my opinion you need a bit of a washing site anyway and i think we've done a good job at that it's nice and clean now what do you rate our chances at out of ten zero oh here we go hem ten us zero yeah oh that's harsh we're doing it yeah nothing but confidence in there the whole way we'll try and go as deep as we can hey look well this is pretty exciting cause i know how deep this is reuben doesn't want to go around he wants to go through the middle and i don't blame him big 37 inch tyres and i think if he commits he's only going to make it or he's going to get proper stuck in the middle so it's a really risky maneuver but there's a bike who's going to set a coconuts to do it erect this roofing reuben we're unsure of your chances in here mate well mate there's no fun being high and dry we're going to go swimming and see how far we can get good luck mate [Laughter] oh went down the window too quick and i've got a nice muddy shower well ruben has absolutely nailed that it could be a hard act to follow [Music] that's cool [Music] the other boys have opted for a slightly less heroic line they've made it through no dramas jeremy's gone straight for the deep line and luckily that rig has a backward-facing snorkel because the water is practically over the roof oh there's a bit of water in here okey-dokey that just leaves sammy well it's not as deep now he took half the water with him yeah what is that big sammy's gonna have a crack through the middle line i do believe should get through piece of cake twin lock 35's no weight in it let's see how he goes i think he's a bit nervous to be fair shawna has giving you some words of encouragement if you don't drive it you're soft hey sorry mate if you're watching this i didn't egg him on um somebody just really wanted to drive it and he's gonna give it a go if there's such a thing as famous last words those could just be he's counted go backwards she off now getting stuck in deep water is bad enough but i've got a feeling something more sinister is going on yeah i just stopped lost power what actually happened here of course is sammy has hit the water a little bit too fast probably because of my advice and water's gotten through the snorkel and it's actually cut out the engine we jumped straight onto the run but in short order the big gu is out of the water [Applause] wet i'm pretty sure that amount of water in the cab is a good thing if i had to guess massive shout out to ultimate nine for letting me use their car at this stage i'd like to apologise a little bit of a negative situation um air box is full of water so i reckon a bunch of water coming through the circle in the air box and i think it's shut off hopefully there's not any significant damage yeah we might just pull it apart here and just check inside sammy kind of stick the fishing they're not good at this fool john stuff damn that's some harsh criticism there sammy what can i say bad luck mate luckily for us we've got plenty of tools and these old patrol motors aren't too difficult to get into so we crack right on with some repairs i think we've found the problem now tony they're meant to have water in them yes this is the new water cooled model yes roger got that so everything's performing as normal uh situation normal carry your body yes we all know the end of that sorry pete [Music] say brittany you know how you love the dirty thirty well you're driving that right you're missing yes and you love nissan's yes what would make the dirty 30 better with a missing badge oh i reckon so what did what do you reckon we put this on the 30 30 somewhere yeah come with me quick [Laughter] this i reckon will fit perfectly in the snorkel so if you can just hold the knife and one zippy let's see what we what do you reckon of that he's not even going to notice that let's hope not for a war what we're trying to do here is just pull the uh glow plugs out so we can crank it over hopefully there's any water left inside the cylinder will come out squirting out [Music] looks just been chatting with the boys uh we've got a new design it's called submarine sammy i can sync anything you've got just come and see me right at the bottom you quickly learn on four-wheel drive 24 7 trips that too many tools is never enough and we seem to be missing the one that we need to get the job done so we've done everything we can at the moment we've got right down to the glow plugs we can't pull them out because we have the right size tool to get in there like a glow plug remover would be fantastic or a 13 deep socket might even fit down there but at this stage we can't get the plugs out so bit of a problem could be a uh could be a 200 versus the gu towing test all the way to the south end of the island at this point we'll see how we go we'll keep persevering with plenty of hands on the tools reuben's taken over chefing duties once again and in no time has the dmw kitchen whipped out and lunch frying up meanwhile things are getting a little creative over in the gu camp so we're gonna try and make a bit of a custom tool here we're gonna make a 12 and a half it's got the body of the 13 with the the head of the 12. very bizarre very specialized tool just as we're going full macgyver on the problem the camera crew have come to the rescue with a kit they probably didn't know existed which was stashed under a mountain of camera gear finally got the right tool we were looking for a deep socket 13 we were grinding down impact sockets and all sorts of stuff and then we realized the camera car's got a tool kit camera can't save today all right this is the moment of truth this one will it go or will it tow i think we're in luck i think we're in luck that's just pure fuel coming out fuel yeah so i'm not much of a mechanic but people are saying good things which is making me feel a little bit better all good peter all right all right let's back this back together when things don't go to plan it's nice to know you've got mates around who'll jump in and make the best of it and tony is no exception lunch is soon on the go and a broken 4b isn't about to ruin the day after a bit of hard yakka the intake is coming back together and we'll see if the big gu will live to fight another day that was pretty impressive we got that whole thing fixed up just under an hour haven't lost your time folks have had an absolute blast out here sammy's looking a little sheepish and so he should but i reckon we'll get everyone packed up get back on the track head south well our new mates have managed to pack in some wheeling some stuff ups repairs and even a trackside cook up into the day which i reckon makes for a pretty quintessential four-wheel drive 24 7 day and most importantly it looks like they've had a blast well jeremy i reckon you and i mate we did the uh best gallant effort out of everybody what do you reckon i reckon we did too everyone kind of washed out and went around the long way and we were the only ones that went through the middle sammy gave it a good go but he didn't quite get there hey luki what have you got to say to sammy mate can you learn to drive better harsh but fair mate harsh but fair i reckon i've got a bit of a part to play in why sammy drove the hard line i don't regret it for one bit sean i've got some insider information in here mate in regards to your first drive apparently you um were shaking like a uh like a small school girl did you tell you about the tears she didn't mention the tears when she said the sobbing was getting on the nerves yeah apologies for that we've also got some information in this car as well that's true heck i forgot we swapped yep um anyway it's been a great day and uh the weather's held off we're all really lucky i think yeah we've had a bit of a discussion who the better is between you and me graham and it's unanimous in here mate i think i need to know the answer to that let's just say you come a really close second i made up a phrase several years ago you've all heard it sucking the guts out of life what are you doing it you're driving the 30 well i reckon britney's got that one down pat [Music] this is amazing my partner's gonna be jealous yeah he's like sean i won't let you drive his car it's been an awesome day out on the tracks with these legends but sadly for us it's time to head back and drop them at the ferry i'm stoked to say that all the kids told us this was one of the best days of their lives and we couldn't have been more stoked to share it with them the make-a-wish foundation has made over 10 000 wishes for aussie wish kids come true over the past 35 years and you can support their amazing work by donating at the link below i was complaining she was a bit down on horsepower i now understand didn't even realize that was that you making a wish come true for a sick child can be absolutely life-changing for both them and their families and we look forward to the opportunity to support make-a-wish long into the future well i don't know about you folks at home we have had an absolute blast of a day i want to say a huge thank you to sami hitsuki where is he has he even made it he's not even here he's not even shown his place he's stuck at the beach mate everyone what'd you think you died you enjoyed it yeah good fun yeah amazing how'd you go driving that car you okay you're not shook no you're good it's fun absolute stitch up absolutely thank you so much for today it's been ripper of a day after all that fun i reckon it's high time we push on and find ourselves a campsite and for that we've got a little spot lined up down the southern end of morton island the sand around these parts can get pretty soft once it's seen some traffic and setting up your vehicle right is super important hot little tip those of you that haven't done a whole leap of beach or sand driving obviously tire pressure's a big one i've got my bridge stones down to 18 psi now the beaches along here at low tide they're quite hard there's not a problem but on some of these inland tracks like i'm on right now they're soft but they've also got some very distinct tyre channels in them by sticking in the ruts you're not forcing any new sand in front of your tire that's so much easier to drive saving on fuel it's better for the entire track it's much more comfortable and it does mean you will not get stuck anywhere near as easily pretty much staying these rods and it makes it so much easier on the beaches now i mentioned that rain was on the horizon and suddenly it seems like the heavens have opened conditions are looking a little different as we hit the southern end of moreton and search for our first fishing ingredient and camp hey does this look familiar to you this this part down here yeah it sure does this is where i sort of pinpointed um hopefully i would be able to get one of my ingredients mate maybe a couple of ladies around these uh mangroves yeah copy that well i think there's some nice little campsites just down around the corner down here man look at the mangroves they're all through here what do you reckon we uh we find a spot yeah carefree he'd be good because this tide he might be able to get the crab traps out as well all right sick i'll keep my eye out mate we'll find a campsite soon enough we found a spot and it's going to take more than a bit of rain to dampen our spirits everyone thinks it's all beer and skittles when we go camping but sometimes you know the heavens open up and yeah there's no skill there's no skittles just here there will be a lot of beers in a second because it's raining a lot yeah like a lot now graham unfortunately lost his audience after a hectic run on the thousand buck track but he's looking a little bit regretful that he didn't fit a spare meanwhile bryce seems to be all over the conditions just just uh digging a trench you know to stop the water from going into the swag so i'm just trying to veer it off to shawno there so he's gonna know you can have a nice uh shower or bath in the morning and once that's sorted happy days oh there we go i reckon i'm like cheers buddy look at the top one with captain frothy how good is that have we got the boys mate no one's deterred no they're warnings they're all setting up and this is sort of test your camping setup anyone can can camp when it's not ideal conditions but it gets a little inclement exactly right that really tests out the quality of your camp setup i reckon i might finish this beer mate yep i might even get the crab pots i reckon we walk him out take him for a walk yeah for sure and uh maybe we'll get a fire going under one of the awnings or something yeah cook up a feed have a couple of brewskies just when we're setting up for a wet night the clouds roll away and a perfect sunset looks like it's on the cars just goes to show you've got to be in it to win it and beers on the beach is the perfect way to celebrate [Music] speech to ourselves camp just meters away pretty darn good if you ask me our first target for our seafood feast is some crabs and for that we're gonna need to set the crab pots up overnight with some bait that sammy's pre-packed for purpose the aim is to drop them right out in some deep enough water ideally where the sand meets a bit of weed what we're targeting here are sand crabs or blue mana crabs depending on what part of australia you live in now these tasty little crustaceans are pretty prolific around moreton bay and hopefully we can get a couple for our feed [Music] unlike fraser campfires are usually permitted on morton and the boys have soon got the drifter fire pit whipped out and a fire cranking we've got a heck of a lot planned for the next few days but for now it's time to kick back and enjoy a cold one with some good morton hey how good is it [Laughter] [Music] conditions are still a little drizzly this morning but that's not going to put a dampener on our plans because we've got a cracking day ahead [Music] sammy of course is a keen fisho and he's a good bloke to have around if you want to catch a feed and he soon spotted signs of another ingredient that we're going to need for our seafood feast tonight so as you can see it is a low tide at high tide this is all underwater but this is where we're going to be chasing floodies and just having a quick look around and see if i can see where they're lying that's what we're looking for that's got a bit of weed in it but that's what we call a flathead lie a bit of a kind of diamond d shaped thing but that's where the flathead nestles into the sand the cool thing is if you find them from the top four there's a fair chance they're going to come back there uh that following tide so that's a good sign i'm going to be casting here and i'm not going to tell sean that was there [Music] while we wait for the tide to head in we've got a job to get into and that's to check the crab pots [Music] it's always a bit touch and go catching these little fellas and at first we look to be off to a shaky start exactly zero but after a few more traps it looks like we've got a few at least oh you got one oh that's a female all right i checked my pot i've got quite a few crabs but only two males the rest are females blue swimmer crab that's the only one that i reckon will be legal you can tell the males so this is a female it's got the wide flap at the bottom this guy's got the narrow one also you see the color difference males are all bright colored females are lighter brown but that's the one the boys are coming in i'm hoping they've got the goods as well sean do you have the goods yeah yeah heaps of peeps any males no no miles suck we walked about three kilometers out to sea to catch that one crap which you're not going to put on money for we've got a couple others but that is where size are all females yeah that's our well i don't even know if he's sized yet i don't even put a ruler to double check all right moment of truth crab measure you've got to measure notch to notch this determines whether we're having crab with our feast or not [Music] that's uh that's a no no undersize no crabs we'll catch him next year here in queensland we've got some pretty strict rules that help keep the crab population protected and unfortunately this time they might be off the menu but that's okay because we've got some other options on the list to get on with those with the k9 i've probably noticed that the whole setup has changed on the dirty 30. so i thought i'd take a second to show you around it because this has been a bit of an idea that was born in cape york last year and i was talking around the campfire with ruben and we wanted to come up with a lightweight solution for the dirty 30 because when i built it obviously it had a steel tray and a steel dog box worked an absolute treat but the weight was starting to get up there it was getting very very close to its gbm so we sort of went to the drawing board reuben had a new prototype alloy canopy and trey and i've seen him abuse his one and it's super strong i thought maybe that is a solution so as you can see there's a brand new alloy tray and canopy now there's two things that are worth noting about this setup number one is i've got a heap more storage space so i've got undertray tool boxes i've got a big slide out trundle tray drawer as well as a big water tank i've got a big fuel tank everything's really accessible but the cool thing is i've actually saved about 300 kilos so it's a lot lighter setup more storage and lighter that's a double win in my books very excited about this setup and i reckon it doesn't just work really well but it looks super cool as well so i might get this packed up before the rain comes in and hopefully we can make a mile and catch a couple of fish today with just a day left to get a dinner feed sorted we're splitting up the convoy for the morning with a few of the boys heading south in search of some tucker [Music] right down the bottom end of morton is a secluded little hideaway that provides the perfect breeding ground for our next ingredient morton bay rock oysters and luckily for graham somebody's already done the hard yards to catch him wade is a former cattle farmer and butcher who spent more than 20 years in the oyster business and he's been cultivating some of the finest oysters you'll ever get your hands on right here on morton island mate i've been challenged with the hardest part see what we're doing over here is we've got a seafood cooker beautiful so far we've failed we put the crab pots out they're getting crabs but i guarantee them i could catch a few oysters well we've caught some yeah but i this this utterly fascinating man how does this all eddie farm a bloody oyster yeah it's interesting actually we put these slats out yep and smash these out and we put them in billets so we built billets up like this yep we put them out in the water and oysters are like coral so they spawn every year yeah the oysters spawn every year the larvae wants to hunt we've built them a home right they put their foot down then they build the shell yep so then we come along pull the catches out yep bring them in give them a twist and you've got oysters and that stuff there is a baby oyster that's right it looks like gravel it does and there's all different sizes in there so we'll knock all that off we'll run it through the grater put it out in bags and then three years later you're eating it well i'll tell you what i think probably the next part of this process for me could we shuck a couple and try a few fresh off the old uh would you call them off the rock off the bag off the boat off the barge off the processing room call that processing room let's [Music] did you know i found grab yourself an oyster the chucking challenge has begun oh the race is on oh crikey watch your eyes it's the glove it's the glove it's not me let's have a look at that is that past muster yeah that's a well shucked oyster have you read that one too no mate she's a beauty oh she's struggling there is only one way to eat oysters in my humble opinion there's a whole heap of different ways you can prepare oysters only one way to eat them first give a little tickle just tell them that you love them and then every year i say it the best oysters i've ever had you can feel them right down to your toes i feel like i'm stronger so i still can't open one i can eat them all right well a couple of dozen oysters wrangled something tells me we've got the easier part of the job here even though i had to shuck an oyster i'll tell you what that is grueling work we've got the oysters and i've got a special thing for the boys tonight too with those oysters wait till i see that let's check back see if those guys caught any fish back in our stretch of the island the tide is rolling in our lines are out in force and the fish are biting yeah boy first fish oh it'd be nearly close that's not too bad that was second cast a little bit too small this one so we're gonna let him go hopefully we get a couple of bit bigger ones [Music] [Applause] there we go starting to come together two to me zero to sammy i guess uh morton island's not his island now look it's not like sammy and i have any rivalry when it comes to fishing but beating him on the scoreboard once and for all would be a good thing and so far so good and the comeback starts a little tackle but i've been informed it's a numbers game and that's the start just wanted to touch base with you guys real quick and just let you know that that's the equalizer number five buddy that is seven six yeah leader as it turns out sammy's not too bad at catching fish but he just doesn't have it in him to catch the big ones so that's where i come in good fish lovely fish mate that there is a prime eater beautiful beautiful fish well there you go that's uh maybe seven all we've sort of lost count there's a couple of good ones in amongst it so a little seafood uh feast tonight well it's getting better with our quota of good sized flatties bagged it's time to make tracks and head down to meet up with graham before he eats half of his catch hey graeme copy mate you got to be kidding me mate here's your timing you get a flatty did i ever mate did i ever they call me the new flatty master of morton speaking of ingredients mate if i smell a bit fishy it's because i've been right in there with the oysters mate we've got plenty to go around ah how good it's coming together boys with dinner on board it's time to hit up our next destination the remote southeast corner where you'll find some stunning coast and great swimming [Music] you know i had a lot of you guys ask questions regularly about suspension what suspension should i get from my four-wheel drive well you know i've been running fulcrum suspension in all my rigs now for a few years and one thing i like about it and i've got no hesitation recommending it is that it's at a very good price meaning that it's affordable but more importantly it gets the job done so it doesn't matter if i'm driving a place like this in morton island or right up in cape york my suspension works and it doesn't break the bank if you ask me when you're trying to modify a four-wheel drive the last thing you want to do is blow all your budget on one component because you want to spread that around the whole vehicle to make it capable and to come to places just like this [Music] and how's that for a spot bloody magical this little number is one of several hidden gems on the island and well worth a visit after a hard morning on the tools not a bad way to freshen up well this here is mirror pool right in the south end of the island it's actually changed a little since i was here last i think it shrunk in size ever so slightly but have a look at the boys they're loading it in there having a bit of swim it's actually fresh water so it's really quite inviting [Applause] the entire east coast of modern island is one immense beach run and at low tide it's possible to drive from one end of the island to the other on the beach but right now the tide is heading in again so we're going to be ducking inland to make our way north where we've got a cracking camp planned and of course a cook up of our freshly caught dinner [Music] [Applause] [Music] after a few hours of inland touring and with the tide receding again we're back on the eastern beach ready to roll out canvas and enjoy a well-end beer [Music] mate i was talking to a bloke just the other day in a car park funnily enough told him i was going to morden and he gave me his secret campsite mate i've never seen it before but i reckon we're going to check it out what do you say i'd say that you probably speak to a few blokes in car parks mate but i like the idea of that a secret campsite a morton mate it's got my ears standing up i've got no promises but let's go and check it out mate and i reckon we've got just enough ingredients but you sir well it's gonna use the word chef you're cooking anyway mate it's gonna be a morton island smorgasbord i like the sound of that mate sun's going down roll out a bit of canvas crack a can stop it stop it stop it count me and mate all the campsites on this side of the island are hidden away behind the shelter of a few coastal trees and this one right here is a bit of a perler with enough room for the whole convoy how mad is this blue skies beach just over there absolutely stunning weather at the moment just setting up camp rooftop tent's about to go up you have to get myself a nice cold beer oh this is living guys what to say graeme wasn't half wrong about this campsite pretty bloody spectacular little hot tip though when it comes to setting your camp up normally i'm the first one to grab the fridge out not today set the camp up first get the fridge out second crack of beer number three camp is done enjoy your beer properly i reckon that's the best way to camp [Music] you can always tell the measure of a man but the first thing he does when he gets into camp grab yourself a cold beer and watch everyone else get set up i'll worry about mine later don't you worry about that now there's a controversial question for you folks be a first or set up first let us know in the comments tony hang on man good mate i just i can't believe how quick you set this thing up i mean i just finished mine i've got a pretty basic set up and the whole camper set yeah we're not walking around i just want to go have a look because i didn't think it had a kitchen in it for one because i thought it was too small for that get a full kitchen get a weber barbecue you've got sink you've got heaps of storage massive pantry area may anywhere two to four people this thing is set to jet it is good that's super cool because you don't sort of get that idea it's such a compact trailer it toes so easy it's super lightweight isn't it yeah definitely so under 1300 kilos dry but you can load her up to just under two tonne that's gonna be thinking as well i need to cook a bit of a meal tonight and i need a bit of preparation space we've got a favorite going on tonight so definitely so if you don't mind i might be commenting on my friend let's go let's see you shouldn't say that too loud i noticed a fridge at the back oh yeah definitely mate we have got the flagship of my coolman that's the big one it's a 96 litre i can't believe how much you can fit in this trailer dead set you just assume it's a very compact trailer which it is but the fact you've got storage all around it you don't have a water tank dude oh yeah definitely 180 liters 150 liters i suppose at that weight as well you'd be pretty confident towing it just about anywhere we're not 100 built to go to the cave and come home so anything you can throw your vehicle at this thing will just tag along behind so it's set up to not just be comfortable but obviously very practical off-road as well easy to tow take it just about anywhere yeah definitely unreal well i'm just going to have a quick squeeze in here mate are you hiding in the eye yeah it's that time of day mate beautiful well tony cheers mate thank you thank you for the call one mate i'm gonna get a fire going and uh no doubt i'll be back pretty soon definitely let's get some wood and get it up now yeah [Music] well that's another cracking down morton done dusted if this place isn't on your list for a visit it really should be and things are about to get better because my chef hat is ready to go [Music] well a bit nervous tonight because chef whale has tasked me with looking after the entrees for tonight's smorgasbord so i've got something a bit special for the boys we're going to make oyster shooters yes you heard me right oyster shooters first things first that right there is a cup of morton bay's finest oysters one pickup here we go we've got any left over i might even double them up there might be some lucky guys that get two i reckon there's going to be i reckon we can double up we're going two oysters per cup folks now a server v8 spicy vegetable juice oh yeah that looks pretty darn good but it would not be a shooter without something just a little bit naughty say oh well you could maybe use some vodka just because you're gonna make it a little bit something special when you got a little bit of tabasco in each one just a couple of drops and then because we get gourmet on eye you're gonna want to stir that around and mix it up you could use your finger you could use a stick you could use a spoon uh-uh we ain't doing that here we go a couple of stirrers now the idea behind the celery of course is so you can stir all the ingredients before you gulp it down so boys come and have a go shawna grab anyone you like mate i don't care anyone you like this is the best one anyone i haven't spiked anything there's nothing special you can tell he's got a little oyster bottom give it a stir boys look at that look at that couple of oysters if that doesn't float your boat i mean here's to oyster shooters boys cheers cheers seafood face begins cheers mate here we go very tasty i'll tell you what that's a great way to start the old seafood banquet no 11 to you mate all right let's get the main course on the go you boys want to sit around the fire i need to do me stretches mine in the hand as well i've got this i'm limited well i've got to be honest with you it's not every day you have to commandeer a camper trailer like this to make a mean feed and it's not every day graeme does an entree so i'm thinking all right first course got a little bit of line jacket second cause we're gonna do kilpatrick oysters and then straight into the old seafood banquet i reckon that will be us oyster shooters mate they're not for everyone they're not for everyone mate though i see everyone lying down over there yeah yeah yeah there's like a title like going through camp couple voices what are we doing kill patrick because i come on top of the boy cover the boys say they really prefer kilpatrick oysters you said it was straight into pasta it was going to be but then you just want to be oh yeah and i was like you know what i've got to match this oh no i'm going to put three oysters in each shot or you can fire this up i'll get some bacon on the go let me go look around you've got to keep moving it now the whole thing with your battery it's really easy to make so the oysters are the hardest thing to gather now you got your hands on some oysters today i did mate down in the morning by uh oyster past three million they've got down there in the least right now there's three million i reckon we had about a third of those we really didn't we had to go this one here is a bit of barbecue sauce squeezer in there mate don't be shy probably like like a good old squeeze like that's what you're looking for yep all right bit of whisper worcestershire sauce again there's no measurements really well there is if you're if you're doing it for real but that's enough i reckon for real what are we doing we're just having to go right and i'll guarantee it'll taste pretty good it looks good we'll basically put that mixture on top of the oysters they go on the grill on top of the fire pit i'm actually so stoked we've got this part of the night and we've still got some oysters left just look at those those these are some of the nicest oysters this one is in the way i'm going to eat this as well you can't have another one now he's in the way a lot more in the way oh suck for a new sound you go from that end no whole one for you okay if you don't like oysters or someone that's a bit squeamish about the look of an oyster have a kilpatrick yeah you can it's a gateway drug if you ask me once you're starting the kilpatricks you'll be on the raw dog in it before you know your dog before you know it grab that chest chuck him on the boil got it i've got these ones let's go egg what's this [Music] oh my goodness they smell so good they are unbelievable they're very hot yeah it's not um they are better than you get at a restaurant hot though i reckon we get the boys to try those feel better because they are honest they are lovely aren't they why oh they're fighting over them they're fighting that's amazing what do you reckon boys all right oh beautiful that's what dinner's going to be like the hot dinner's going to even be so we can't promise you good work we can i promise you that i'm more here to get they it so good are they so what i'm doing here i've talked through a little bit of onion on the go oh that smells good already i know i know i think it's going to compliment it so basically you've got some onions and some mushroom in there a bit of olive oil how many chilis do you want cause i got them all you're not gonna put all those in there ah probably not yeah probably well drop me into the garlic if you can do that i just i just noticed that i think the water's on the boil you're going to put the pasta in there yep for a bit of linguine mate it's actually already pre-opened because the back of the 30 mate's been a rough ride so this here is anchovies my god and they're going to go in just like that so this is pizza pizza sauce i know i don't know i don't dig this bit well tommy reckons it's the go it's basically like a like a tomato paste just to try and explain himself what's the go with that bro it's just concentrate what's up for everyone mate he's in front of camera stuff difficult we lost him it's just concentrated so what do you mean by that a little bit goes a long way yeah you want to keep it nice and fresh and that you just need a little bit you don't need to overpower your pasta just a light coating okay goes one way okay so what would you use in you as a fish we're using flatter tonight anything yeah it's unreal have you ever caught any flooded today if if we were to say today let's just get be clear i caught one less than sure now that's the only time that's ever happened one less how many capers did you get i caught one lesson we're going to add those tomatoes a bit later i'm going to get the fish out now oh basically yeah we've just we've filleted all the good floodies skinned and we've chopped them off into small little pieces there we go so those flutty little pieces and that's what we're dealing with here it is actually quite a bit when you look at it like this just cubes of fish they're just going to go in there so normally if i was doing the full seafood banquet would have maybe a bit of squid a bit of crab you know what i mean however we don't have any of that we don't have any of that we just got flathead because my shoulders are sore actually from carrying the team most of the day and samuel was supposed to get the crab but we've got no crab the only person that's letting us down the crab traps his favorite crab and spot but anyhoo that is looking absolutely sensational smelling good it's tasting good honestly this might be one of the best cookies i've ever done what are we doing i think that linguine is on the go we always forget to do this but we need a way to drain that you're gonna have to use the chopping board i'm sorry about this ah far out why do you have to hang on my shorts are really tight covering on the back of me yeah but i can't i gotta fill up my shorts all right ready ready that's the lengths you go to for a good meal not even weird there we go it's perfect shake it out if it feels weird shake it out always get out i think uh i think they might have followed through unfortunately as a chef occasionally it gets intense all right yeah we're looking it's looking unbelievable that passes that looks fantastic that really does now we have to transfer that into that just pick it up with you this is the hot side mate oh goodness sake i'm born in wa born in new south wales yeah right hey mate how many flattered did you get today no no it's getting oysters yeah look at that put that put that all in that is so the pass is going you're trying to stir it too much you're gonna break the fish right up yeah you don't do that that looks so perfect that's looking really good i reckon we get the boys up i'll go you first mate oh you would always there you go that's the way that yeah i'm just making sure it's edible before i serve you boys that's that's the main thing holy moly look at that oh that fish it's got a real deep sea taste to it to me we have been all over morton to try and make a seafood feast yeah it's been a mission it's been a bit of a mission we've had the weather you know against at the start at least and now and now we're here in that section what do you reckon sammy needs a bit of crab but only we knew someone looking catch crap you can't just buy him graham mars is true well boys there you go that's the fourth and final course that's absolutely lovely i reckon we sit around the fire boys we reckon rip our life and gear around this stuff and uh that is a true the amount of effort we don't do that it deserves to sit around the fire engines that is beautiful really for does day that started out empty-handed i reckon we turned that one around pretty well [Music] [Music] day three on morton island and our final day is looking like it'll be a pearler this would be the perfect spot to park up for a few days and settle back but for us we've got a ferry to catch later today so we're going to be packing up camp [Music] like always reuben's never about to let the convoy go hungry it's almost becoming a four-wheel drive 24 7 tradition for the dmw kitchen to be cranking with a hot brekkie in the morning [Music] sammy is a really good mate of mine so i think i can do this he knows a heck of a lot about the ocean and fishing more than sean i could ever hope to but he knows nothing about cars or four-wheel drives and i've noticed that he's been driving along in ultimate one i'm just gonna play a bit of a prank on him this morning i'm just gonna crank this up what the heck let's go all the way right there you go she's on ultimate nine i just want to see his reaction when he jumps in this thing this morning and takes off up the beach speaking of tradition there's another crew custom that sammy has yet to experience and i reckon today could be the day to initiate him we just found out that one of the members of our campsite has a brand new camp cup so when you get a new cup as part of your camping kit one of the rules is with us is someone in the group has to kick it so unfortunately sammy's got a new cup but it's a great cup at that but the boots are going on because it needs a kick just a tradition we've been doing this for about eight years or so and uh every single cup has added at least one kick in its life how's that coffee going sammy my cup we can't go until we kick it unfortunately i don't make the rules up well this should kick pretty well to be honest yeah it's got a nice weight about it check the win here he goes yeah that's a good kick oh that's [Laughter] that'll still drink though yeah that's a big one oh that's one of my better ones and the good news is as long as it still holds liquid you're still in the game mate yeah it's lovely and it didn't go in the sand it went i don't want it happening [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] with tradition served the canvas is soon rolling away around camp as we get ready for another big day [Music] alrighty let's get this day started right all right all right let's do this boys this morning yeah i'll go have a good sleep full of beans hey graeme you got a copy there mate yeah buddy sure do all right i've got a little little story for you i am jumped in the car this morning took off and uh just about pinned to the seat the old ultimate dyn trucks got a fair bit more pep this morning and i think you have something to do with it mate i sort of took a bit of a punt on saying that someone with a limited driving experience that you got offroad probably hadn't felt what a throttle controller could do before so i thought well what better place to explain and chuck it in ultimate nine to get you on the beach mate if you want to get somewhere with a bit of pep i reckon nine is the way to go she's got some pick up and go that's for sure i'm gonna leave it on nine enjoy mate you enjoy the whole classic throttle controller stitch up when you jump in the vehicle and you're used to it on a certain setting and you've pumped it up you do get a bit of a surprise they really do just take away any throttle lag and as soon as you put your foot down you take off incredible difference we might be booked on the afternoon's ferry to the mainland but with a few hours up our sleeve we're going to make the most of our time here and head out for a little more exploring for our first stop of the day we're ducking across the island on some of the inland tracks and by the looks of things there's plenty of water about the beauty of morton is that you can drive it from end to end in less than an hour but it's still jam-packed full of spots to check out as you make your way around the island morten island is the perfect place to dip your toes into the world of four-wheel driving but as you start to build up your rig with accessories and weight beach driving like this can really start to put pressure on factory components which is something the guys at direction plus know exactly how to deal with hey what's the biggest issue when it comes to things like cooling etc etc i reckon probably uh overheating transmissions uh is probably a big one uh of course you've got large high pressures and obviously the sand itself yeah absolutely and like obviously um more load you put on a camper trailers all the gear in the back and all the rest of it puts a hell of a lot of load on the transmission and all that load turns into heat probably the best thing to do is um put on a aftermarket transmission cooler like obviously the factory one was designed to to work with the car uh under certain situations but when you're asking uh every little bit out of your car and then some more putting a bigger cooler or additional coolers on your car is going to increase the surface area and obviously help control those temperatures again preventative maintenance we've seen a lot uh it's going to get a little bit softer up here so um yeah let's get stuck here sounds like a plan [Music] get a load of this weather will you 30 seconds ago if you couldn't even see five foot in front of the vehicle now beautiful blue skies the ocean is flat and calm picture perfect it is like a postcard up here morton offers camping and beach driving virtually everywhere around the entire island and there's plenty of sightseeing and offer too if that's what you're into but for us we've got a different plan [Music] this wicked little spot is called yellow patch and it's the perfect spot to weight out the high tide and chill out as we wait for the ferry in fact i reckon there's even enough time to pull out the cricket set and to be honest with you i reckon it would be unaustralian not to yeah look i reckon uh probably open the batting today keep that average of about 99.8 up there [Laughter] now look when it comes to wheeling and fishing i reckon we might just know a thing or two but as for cricket well let's just say maybe we should stick to the forbids still if you want to see miss hits miss catchers lbws leg buys and a lot of wrongins we got you covered [Music] [Applause] [Music] and with that our morton adventure is almost done and dusted all that's left is to park up on the beach and enjoy a few final moments this magical little patch of paradise folks put this one on your list it really is as good as it gets [Music] well shall we mate that has been a trip that's put a smile on my doll here mate absolutely mate morton you can't go wrong full stop but that to me is just one of the best morton trips i've ever done morton steals the show for me i love the place it's it's amazing every time i come here i'm reminded just how cool it is you can see brisbane city lights yet over there even in peak periods it's not even that busy it's another world folks if you haven't put an island on your bucket list i truly truly ask you to do so well mate before i go and pump the tyres up i might have one last glimpse at morton island catch you around next time on full drive 24 7. see you guys coming up is a full drive 24 7 outtakes but first let's check on some of the gear that makes trips like these possible well mate morton i'll tell you what i reckon we're just about to get off before the storm arrives but what a trip has been i know mate and i know this is not the section where we get out the flathead award because obviously i i feel bad taking it you've got to flatten some heads off i reckon we should go through some of the gear we've used it's a good idea possible mate because there's been a lot of gear that's really helped us on this one 100 i'll start bridgestone tires i run them on all my vehicles absolutely every single one of them they've just never let me down it's as simple as that mate and i reckon if you're going to be going all over australia like we do whether you're on morton soft sand or whether you're in the top end the kimberley cape gotta have a good rubber quick mention for snatch clothing mate because we've been using and testing snatch clothing right around the country and i'll tell you what if it doesn't pass our test you will never ever see it on our online store because it's got to survive the harshest of full drive conditions it's made by four-wheel drivers four four-wheel drives that's the whole motto of the company we've got a bit of lunch on one too yeah you're a bit of a grub mate will handle anyone now looking backwards is always handy and when you've got a canopy on the back of your four-wheel drive you need to use your side mirrors i've been using clear views for ages hey i'm just about to put them on the y62 as well yeah awesome wish i had a set for this one because i tell you what you when you've got them you just think that's normal vision see everything when you don't have them you really understand just how much you can't see terrible no they they make such a big difference if you're towing of course yeah gotta have them another question we get asked a heck of a lot is who does the maintenance on our vehicles because obviously they go through hell and back so many times a year our vehicles are probably subject to more punishment than just about any other four-wheel drive out there now we rely on pinnacle 4x4 to do all the work and maintenance on our rigs to keep them going again and without them doing that maintenance i'll tell you what we would probably do about a quarter of the shows might be broken down all around the countryside they often drop tools and just make sure the vehicles are ready for us to rock and roll so yeah i want to say personal big thanks the good thing about those guys is they speak full driving yeah one of the one of the big tips i want to give you guys if you've got a full drive make sure you only trust it with people who understand four-wheel drives a regular mechanic might not know the conditions you're putting these things through so someone who understands four-wheel drives worth their weight in gold right here mate what about we finish on a high outtakes the outtakes have a laugh at this one what is that annoying nights i think they're cicadas well like i reckon before i go pump up my tyres i won't have one quite quick cut quack quack cast cast i'll catch them finally got time to get off and do something else because you know we're here to do stuff and did you know pillows were invented in 1842 i'll take care of the oysters leave it to me i had a hunt for an oyster that's something you could do all right first of all you've got to make a noise like an oyster well yeah where's it coming i'm a flathead boy he's a sea cucumber give me the old knife then i don't have an old knife that one there what's that blocky end of one is that a really good one that's called a spoon that's good that's what i want here's the camera crew they're having a feed oh yes reuben's on the camera all right budget cuts there is nothing more weird than a bromance between two blokes it's it's that's not have you opened yet thing use your teeth did you yeah don't blame him and just get that together that's i didn't know i thought that was a milk cow for a second but you got it you got to keep yourself strong if you need a hand landing or whatever you call it pull me up right landing loud i get nervous i just grabbed yep all right what do you reckon weird little spasm ready all right that is looking good we can cut that out that was just weird [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,287,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gu, 80 series, 60 series, 79 series, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, BOGGED on Fraser Island, Bog Holes FROZEN OVER!, MOST BOGGED WE’VE EVER BEEN, moreton island 4x4, moreton island, moreton, flooded 4wd, deep creek crossing, seafood feast, fishing on moreton, beach camping, river crossing, drowned 4wd, flooded engine
Id: Q-uI8njqOI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 36sec (3996 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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