50M IN 5 HOURS – Bogged to the sills in Cape York! Why we cross a croc-filled river at night!

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early season Cape York the waters deep the tracks unpredictable and the mud is dead-set insane did they will really drive this right now we're running winches on the middle of the Frenchman's track things are getting wild yeah with a real pickle here because the bank's got such an angler we can't get his booster pulling off out of there so we try and do a double I important behind him here using a snatch block I'm right on the edge of it just do what this track see is a doozy at this time of year four days ago things couldn't have been more different as we visited Cape York's most iconic destination here is how'd you go mate a couple of Mike just released you know you couldn't relate it's just out of you you actually are correlations out of my view well folks this doesn't make me introduction we're at the tip of Cape York right here that's normal what the Australian cotton from here it's all Daniel the exactly right mate they look a lot of people come here yeah this would be the end of their trip there to get their photo and then rock off home yep we're not doing that our adventure begins right here we've got a track south as everyone does from this point but we figured well let's stop in a few of our favorite spots and yours is oh my gosh a point we're gonna be one of the first of the season to get in there yeah I don't even know if we can get to the beach but hopefully we can because I've got a little spot I wanna test this rod again reckon we can have a crack at the Frenchman alright well hasn't been driven yet I'm gonna say yes it has not been driven that knowledge across the pass code all the water levels are really high this time of year yeah I reckon we give it a go and see yeah yeah let's have a go so basically our trip south who's gonna be the veteran itself yeah absolutely you boys can head south all right saddle up a lot of lawyers yes let's get into it now the road into Usher point leaves the peninsula Development Road just north of the Jardine ferry and we're soon on our way towards this remote bit of coast as well venture begins boys once you get onto that East Coast it's so warm and so remote out there hottest love it couple of cracking camp sauce to enter might even get the wet line boys if you came so you guys have been talking about for a while now it's not pretty fun to see what is the end of this track I'll guarantee might you say nothing like it before and Anthony make that camper trailer of yours but one of the best campsites I reckon on the east coast of the Cape coming up the amount pretty keen to see if I'm definitely painted the picture in my head yeah might will get stuck into it but this track is gonna take some beating because that will be along first and I reckon this season sure will lavertus a bit rotted I'll just follow you might get where I can't go too far I'll do it is again copy that the wet season in Cape York can literally obliterate the tracks each year and already the track ahead is starting to look pretty hectic I reckon it's time to add out right here boys I'll make sure noise up front in [ __ ] the 80 I rigged famous for coding anyone behind it in a fine layer of diesel soot and well bugger that's me I'm willing my usual weapon of choice and I Zuzu d-max dual-cab you now aside from some touring mods and a bit of a lift I'm running the d-max pretty much stock and I gotta say it's loving the Cape less stock are the lads behind me I'm talking Sam and Andy from the online auto parts store spares box closing up the convoy is Anthony from opus campus towing the most innovative camper you'll probably ever see it's a self inflating little beauty that sets up in minutes it blows me away just 10 much one wet size of a little track I mean look at that that's a does that even happen yeah by water must just be ripping down this track and just completely erodes it out and this is a lot of this dark so don't ever work cut in what concerns me sometimes too is it doesn't take I mean that's a fairly big washout but what if there's one that you just you can't get through yeah I'll make me more through some track build us up make if it gets so bad there's a will there's a way might with some careful wheel placement this washout isn't really that bad it's just a case of keeping both wheels firmly on either side of the rack with a trailer in tow though Anthony will need to be pretty careful here yeah that's nice work mate you made it look easy the track to the coast involves around 60 kilometres of off-road driving so we've got a fair bit of ground to cover with the road full of wash outs and ruts from the wet season it's definitely a bit of an adventure well it's the age-old question isn't it do you carry one spare tire or do you carry two well look I'm on the road traveling Australia nine months of the year and in all honesty I can't remember the last time I actually used my spare tire so for me these bridge stones that I'm running at the moment has such a tough tire I don't bother with carrying - only father was one and I can't remember the last time I'll use that one anyway but what are you guys reckon what do you do do you carry one spare or you carry two spares let us know in the comments below cuz I'd be really keen to find out just exactly how you two are around at long last we make the coast we get to visit some pretty amazing places on this show but I tell you what this bit of coast really does take my breath away Oh mate if it views your after I reckon this doesn't get much better on the east coast of Cape York bloody spectacular might look at that it's just so wild over here that we just brought across the sea coral reefs termite mounds notice the vegetation hasn't got a chance to grow very tall I reckon I might have been born in a strong wind might be I dare say vite I'll tell you what I love this feeling jumping onto the beach just up to me in the bush all that time one of my favorite beaches in I was Jesus clean-looking it is might easily par 4 + T here what an absolutely stunning beige mate all little river crossing look at that be careful look you gotta count pop that little lit yeah it's a bit soft oh man this beach is epic look at that mate look at that this is stunning mine I love this part of the coastline sound about it so raw it's just unexplored out here the coastline up here is often full of rubbish that washes in from the shipping lanes but the beach today is looking particularly pristine and the reason why soon becomes apparent like your removal I'll say and down we've got there ash I had a little mission for us yeah catch a bear that was a sort of an unrealistic mission Mike but uh how about the mission and that's um to introduce you to a couple of fellas I made up a time ago and these guys doing some really awesome things to keep tracks like this - yeah alright what the heck is that thing yeah that's them - then we've got the AK wheeler here these guys are cleaning up all the bait just taking a lot of plastic away and stuff like that pretty much dedicate themselves to our just cleaning these places up but by hand there's two blokes just two votes make no funny no nothing and we drop in a second a I wanna check that boost yeah yeah I reckon the let's take it for a run or something yeah we're gonna ask these two legends are bene and Jeff they spend up to eight months a year in Cape York camping and cleaning up the beaches all around this part of the world they've seen got us pitching in to fill a few bags and as you can see there is so much rubbish here to remove from the beach would you believe it before heading to Cape York many spent seven years cleaning up the Whitsunday Islands and these guys are entirely self-funded absolutely amazing and heroes in my eyes to get around the beaches and mangroves the boys wheel this insane little 8 wheeler and fibia s-- all-terrain vehicle Sean and I are itching for a drive fortunately we've got an excuse as the boys have a bunch of bags that need collecting up the beach [Music] nice now Benny reckons that he and Jeff removed about half a ton of rubbish a week that means hundreds of tons of rubbish during their time in Cape York at an average of 100 kilos a day in just one morning's work the boys have cleaned up to a 100 meter stretch of beach and the bags no Brittany to pick up it's as easy as that really it's a hundred meters of beach yeah what we've got a dozen bags and those two fellas picked all that rubbish up in one and a half was the water but now they take it out this all gets sorted recycles but the best thing is it's off the beach and it takes a nothing they've got the rest of themselves now exactly right it really doesn't take much at all whether start the Turner air motor I do we get these back let's get out of here people often think that cleaning up a beach is too hard for any one person but these guys are proving just how achievable it is all right I can't believe the job you guys are doing on this piece mate I've been here for many years and I've never seen it this plane thanks or no remarkable mate so what's the big message here obviously pick up after yourself that's a no-brainer but you guys aren't Athene up yourself you're taking other people's rubbish all right well you know we'd like to see if everybody could just take one bag of plastic off one of these beautiful places yep it really would make a huge difference certainly well it's an easy thing to do really took us what a couple of minutes to fill a bag up whitey chocolate in the four drops I get with you if everyone did that imagine the difference of the Mike but it seems insignificant one bag but overall if everybody takes a bag we can say a hundred vehicles visit one of these places in the year this sort of problem wouldn't exist well Mike we can all make a huge difference you are making a massive difference in your keeping pace like this open which is very important to all poor driver side food right that's what I said thank you for for doing this why it's a big job and um it's amazing we love doing it and you know if it helps everyone be able to come visit these place for every servant that's off to you might well I'm gonna take one of these are putting the ATO that's a go right we'll take this out for you good on you so no now look I know what many of you are thinking how can I fit a full rubbish bag in an already loaded vehicle but you know what there is always a spot where on a month-long trip up here and all of us managed to squeeze a bag in somewhere what do you reckon folks would you be willing to collect a rubbish bag next time you go camping or let us know what you're doing to keep your tracks open in your local area with our mission done Sean our leads the convoy on to our next destination then what go down to these cliffs down here there's actually some caves down here I want to show the boys they're full of bats and just really cool little place to explore the caves that I shot are only accessible at low tide but it's absolutely worth the wait to go and check them out now you usually come to try and spot some bats but sure I've found another prize simony bat Stan this guy they're all hanging up on the wall there must be 50 100 through 20 bats just hanging out you know some points to watch the financer this is the corridor and now you spoke about far idea well I think it's a little bit strange putting a live crowd into your fridge straightaway but what actually happens the cold makes them go to sleep and it's actually the most humane thing you can do with a lot of muddy to mention if we kept nice and fresh it tastes even better after a great first day at a touch a point it's time to find a spot to camp the wind is absolutely howling in off the ocean but that's not going to put us off this stunning coastal cam [Music] we've soon got the fridges out and I on Jack on the go and camp set up underway [Music] the swags are out and Anthony does his push button setup trick on the op2 camper which is inflating almost as fast as Shore can get his rooftop tent flipped over and out cool is that [Music] we can't set up it's time to watch the weather roll in and share a few well-deserved beers as night falls the wind calms down and chef Shawn o rolls in mate I'm just setting up the old op2 here got the kitchen going on mogera this a bit more sophisticated than your setup mate just a little bit made that commercial break isn't your B goes there Norah G fridge is right here I'll spoil that pantry here about to start getting one dodgy setup going and awful fire then what if actually use the kitchens not because the meal or cooking is quite sophisticated I got the feeding kitchen to go with it so if I can take over you set up all right dump yours I want to do that you see a fridge don't pantries there you guys put all mater sewing me up because it's about to get walls well Shawn I've got me a bit worried now what are you planning mate well I'll tell you what how lucky is this I've got a real kitchen to you tonight so it's probably fitting that I cook something that is that'll do this pitch injustice so I'm thinking the old one Potts bag bog let's get right into it so first things first familiarize myself with the kitchen first thing jump into the old Dometic we've got an ear Anthony welcome tell you what tell you what oh yes this is not bad is it good look each other thank you suit this well I guess chef like me might I can adapt to well position the shoreline I cook like you doesn't even deserve this but this is Japanese pantry as well because can you catch a lot yep let's go go go go get me go got it just chili place grab that thing we got it yeah yes oh here we go Tabasco and Italian herb mix that's part of it we're gonna leave that first these first this grab a cutting tool out very sharp later be careful all right what I want to do here is just cut a couple of onions up this is your thinking spag bomb so I don't know how to make this but you've never done on one pot wonder like this one before let me tell you that for free a couple of onions and cut them up gonna hate going yeah yeah jumping the dimeric this should be some garlic in there and should be some Chili's two men all right first things first a little bit of onion get right in yes chef onion always first wait about a minute till the onion goes a little bit translucent that means see-through for those that don't know and a little bit of garlic you can't make any meal at the bush without a few chilies near this you've got a couple of red Rockets a couple of green ones I'm going seeds and all I think there's a rule with chilies the bigger they are the less hot they are try one of them I can't can't me to order ready big ones that shouldn't be that [Music] got rid of it a little bit of go to it a little bit of go yeah that that's good not to what that's alright there are really great ones a lot probably a lot capsicum actually good let me go better alright oh I gotta put them all in all right put that I'm gonna Spidey with those straight in with those chilies onion I'll go away so you don't need to know how to cook but if you can get some onion going in a pan you get rid of garlic and some chili you're halfway there probably ya got one toss of the old that's it there we go that's a favorite that's a that's enough that's enough if you're in the old school measurement probably about three cloves it look at this this is beautiful I'm already looking good but I want a job in the Dominican to meet up tell you what it's it's harsh on the eyes we've got chilli and garlic and onions down here I've got the old up beef mince beef mince is um a staple of any spag bol what I've got here is we've got the old pork spareribs now these things extremely fatty and you want that in a swag bog but that really complements the beef makes it really nice talking a bit of bit of beef in it straight from the butcher or cryovac you see when we do a big trip like to get meats out of cryovac because i can last few weeks in the old Dometic no dramas whatsoever and next up we've got the pork when i get those out and we're gonna cut them into smaller pieces because the whole idea is this is going to infuse with the beef and create a little bit of fat which is good if you leave it for a couple of hours on a can for or on a styles like this you'll get yourself poor Katniss literally falls apart so just cut these in a small issue of the pieces there you go that Mike Mike looking good oh I'm about to chuck the pork in gives the otter are my workout is gonna be the first on this trip what about no no so we've got but the pork was what the mass ground burn yourself Italian herb mix I'm gonna rip a bit of that Irish are you go in there might be a bit of that oh boy we got chili flakes cuz for chilly just ain't enough sometimes know the best go this one here is a habanero how much chill here putting in these things he's gonna we got a know about this one you know the camera crews gonna eat this yeah you know it's gonna make it run faster up the hills wait that's true it's true I'll run somewhere looking good it's gonna need some time bro it's gonna need some time this is the thing all I like to add what all the sauces into the pasture now so it actually cooks in a bit of moisture so Italian diced tomatoes any diced tomatoes they came before I always keep these in the food would drive seemed to have gotten the raw end of the deal here man I'm like a like a stirring machine we're at that risk to earlier who says this early in the night this is looking really good fun here's the old Posada Oh Jew I didn't expect that the pom good I'm good there you go just all that in sorry chef hey what's the rules were using Sonos kitchen if you make their mistake best like that well that's what I thought this is like that the bolognaise slippery hands they're slippery obviously but always do that one go normal is you know I mean just super hands alright okay so that's a bit of the old pasta sauce you can't forget you got to do this site you've got to do this put about half that's starting to look like a spag bol yep we've got the mince we've got the pork we've got chillies with onion garlic we've got tomato paste we've got diced tomato we've got basada which is arm right as you think - looking phenomenal one of the hella that this is this deep ruby red look at the height pork is looking good that's cottage yeah that's ready to go so that's been about 1 hour on the boil here so I've got it simmer down nicely if you're at camp a little bit earlier I'll suggest two to three hours gonna that the pork would literally melt in your mouth we call that a one pot one if a very reason mate see the water over there yeah now typically you'd cook the pastor in another pot not with this recipe you know whack that water straight into them so one cup probably probably two cups of that well that's all of it yeah I've got a little bit of beef stock here so I want to grab a little bit of beef stock open that right up so I bet a tablespoon of beef stock in there now as you can see it's through a lot more liquid about two cups worth yep rigatoni time straight into the pot now that goes with the past of the sauce give that a stir and that's what you do you just put it in there exactly right because the water I've added a little bit more right moisture to the our recipe here that's gonna psyche up into pastas gonna reduce it down past it and cooking not ten minutes so it's quite a lot here so I really have to lunch and probably tomorrow I seen it too much Wow look at that well there you go the past is in it's looking really good and I reckon we give this about ten minutes maybe one more beer sit around the fire and that will be good to go what do you reckon mate mate that is looking looking one way to look past the cooks yeah look at my smell and good smelling good oh yeah all the moisture is gone we'll get the boys up you'll get the boys up or they come quickly want to jump in the Dometic ah local realities yeah Canada pasta with that cheese mozzarella sprinkle mozzarella nice and high nice and high helps that'll nurse very tomate see look at that just get in line rules are like if you clean it I'm pretty sure this might you've getting some of it in it it's burning it's very hot subscribe my super hot I'll give you that for free ah but my face is what this is what is important about this one just because you do it one pot you don't corners mate except for the washing up now one thing I love about this is everyone again you're going to get a little surprised me I feel a bit of pork in it and I think that just adds that next little dimension of flavor but I reckon boys we on best you've done really best meal you've done yet I don't say that lightly that is the best man it's not bad is it let's get around that for us let's try this out folks that is the best he's done we wake to a wild morning a tush appointment that wind is pushing the waves right up against the cliffs it's spectacular to look at but it also puts a stop to our plan to head further south to some mangroves to fish still I guess that's part of traveling this time of the year so we down some brekkie and come up with a different plan [Music] with some coffee on board we've so got a new golf the day and pack up camp ready to hit the road [Music] mate I'm wild a night of it I'm eight yeah we need super we hurt ourselves probably the windiest that ever been up in the rooftop tent he's still here though so that's something you lose this tide to try and get out of it get off the beach yeah we gotta get about Hill yeah and then I can't way up go down south Frenchman's okay the boys are super pumped all right we could be the first one to try my across the Pasco this year you can handle yourselves I said try because that's a person illusion it's gonna be hard getting up these page all right it's already go Holly boy Zeus for that exit off the bay chief from every is pretty soft you guys I get stuck there is copy whoa settle down that sand is looking pretty treacherous and showing us to give it a fair bit of right boot to get through I've got the advantage here of lighter weight and the d-max is up and out with no problem at all [Music] good line there [ __ ] easy done Anthony's giving it a riddle go here here but I'll tell you what that sand is just a bit too soft these stuck boys this is the perfect scenario to use a snare strap the strap of course is flexible enough to allow the car in front to get up to speed before taking tension and limits the chance of the recovery vehicle getting bogged itself and that's the beauty of a snatch recovery with that little pull Anthony is out of trouble and back on the track up ahead is the start of the hill climb off the beach now look this is going to be a heck of a challenge oh that's soft boys that's really soft [Music] Sean is giving it absolutely everything but you can see that even he you starting to bog down go go go go go they're gonna got it got it that's ridiculous that's so soft [Music] that was close fight buddies up let's see how the day max hands that's it for the power third gear low range I eat that for breakfast now that climb was hard enough for suti and the d-max and Anthony's got a trailer to think of so he's wisely opted to stay hooked up to the spares box three nicely done legends well that's a sure point folks it's wild it's windy it's unforgiving but it's worth a look if you're adventurous for us though it's time to catch a ferry so we're heading back to the development road when it comes to driving down the PDR you really do need to be on the ball you got to be able to stop at a moment's notice an inner four-wheel drive it's not too bad sometimes you get a scrub ball run down the road you might be following a road train that stops in its own dust but if you're towing a trailer it adds a whole nother dimension in and safety is absolutely paramount now one thing you'll notice about telling the Opus here in the PDR I've got one in Surrey and actually all my vehicles is a read up tow Pro Elite now that is the latest when it comes to electronic brake controllers what I like about it so much is that you can actually set it up to manual mode so you can actually find shoeing the electronic brakes to suit exactly what you're towing and their conditions you're tying on in my opinion it's a must app especially and your time out here in Cape York heading south of course means crossing the Jardine ferry now this barge is pretty much the only way to get to the top of Cape York and back return tickets can be bought at the ferry kiosk when you first arrive Jardine third pretty iconic if you ask me it's not a long journey but the crossing of the Jardine is one of the more unique Cape York moments and it's not to be missed thanks bud have a good day with the Jardine done it's time to punch to our next destination the Frenchman's track and I for one cannot wait now factor not too many people think about when they're heading up the Cape is the condition of the PDR and the damage that it can do to your vehicle you see we're all in such a rush to get up and do the tele track the Frenchman with all those ikonics up there that we don't think about the corrugations and its impact on your vehicle drive too fast and you really are going to do significant damage so here's my tip for tackling the peninsula development Road on a PDF ashore firstly drop your tyre pressure so I go down to about 25 psi just to smooth out those corrugations and make us so much more comfortable on you and of course comfortable for the vehicle with that though comes a lowering of speed my max speed on PDR would be about 80 kilometres an hour and yet I've had people overtake me in the dust of one hundred and ten hundred and twenty the PDR has long straight sections that can lull you into a false sense of security corn has come up you hit those too fast oversteer understeer sends you off into the bushes of course I've got the added benefit my D max here is already pretty darn comfortable but by following just a few basic safety out here on these dirt roads not only gonna be comfortable but you're gonna arrive safely speaking of arriving I reckon this right here turn off the famous Frenchman's track well here we go Mike the Comfort excited about this want to be honest all right what I want to know from you is one thing one thing only can you see tire tracks in front of you that's a big negative mate no I don't believe I believe some people have gone into the track but I don't believe anyone has crossed the pass code just yet well the best Scout at the best of times is a doozy so how do know mate let's just get in and ever look do you want to take the lead mate not me usually the first person in the convoy has to go in the water first there right that's how that works mate yep yeah copy that copy that yo your I might get a recovery point on the back Oh guess what osakan say to get their arm on a hare thief it is uh more about how fast it's closed yeah I'm not thinking is it at depth it's always the speed that that does concern me a little cuz a lot of snap and handbags in that river we've barely even started the track and already there's signs of old bottle water now Sean mentioned the Pascoe and before that we've got to get through the wind lock River and a series of mud holes this is gonna be wild all right this one here is a serious bitter mud locker is on relocker free us as bad as I thought this is what I love about this Tommy you just don't know you've got no idea you can get through this section you think and we've got this they have the major river crossing no but that is where we come up here at this time of year I'm pumped if you can't tell I'm gonna drive this second gear manual fly range and a little bit of boot so far so good [Applause] [Music] oh that was window up job well there'll be a lot of driving theories when it comes to driving deep bog holes like this but I'm going to adopt the old that second gear low and try and push that skinny pedals through the floor pan that's usually worked out well for me so second gear let's get right into this one yes just like a bigot didn't get what our next bit we've got like half a like to get through yet second gear that work well let's go again he's done easy done easy done no I'm gonna stop writing thing I've learned I believe it the hard way deep water crossings that I mighty like this one right here for sure we know sir otherwise you're weird better go to snatch strap on the bonnet ready to rock and roll but I think we'll neither we've got this [Music] we got this [Music] okay if you're supposed to be hardest on you word legend Torah yeah and it gets thrown around too much these days and thinking of no one's ever called me that but now I know the man we could get stuck dinner yeah pretty slight with that light dissipation is killing me here we go all right let's get dirty [Music] the smell of DCs mud success several days in the bush without a shower god it's good all right Anthony show us what that while I can do Mike [Applause] [Music] I tell you what these trailers really are impressive and that is a good Drive mate by the big rig she's doing so good a lot surprised it is an 80 series after all but it hasn't skipped a beat on this trip why don't you go through some of the pre trip preparation you've done to get the big girl in such good form for KP or well mate you said it KP or we're up here and you know it's some of the toughest strategy over driving with older trucks it's so important the maintenance side with this girl we did all the bearings wheel bearings greased everything actually rebuilt the swivel hubs as well because they decided to let go after a recent trip and a full service as well was on the table so it's all your filters the oils cool and all that kind of stuff as well we did it's the sort of things you need to do before a cake your trip really go through the whole vehicle and all that sort of stuff so like that's a good thing about spares bolts go that you can get all of that sort of stuff what straight on the website and deliver to your door yeah that's exactly right but as well as all your service essentials mate we've got all the accessories as well so really want to kid out your full drive for a Cape trip with you you're calm striving right snorkels all the back here we've got it all for you one-stop shop mate so order online call up and you can get a derivative or door get Cape your Freddie and B are here enjoying the tough tracks step it up yeah good as SCM mate all right well thousand finished yet so I'm gonna get back into it and try keep up with ya let's go go as predicted around the bend there's more water crossings to tackle we check the depth and then get into it yes that's why that nice and slow later it it's sticky 12 the end apparently keep it going up and down here we go keep going don't get out the other end just like that in the third gear forget a show started up a button how does that water and water itself this right here is our first big river crossing it's the Wenlock with soft sand banks and the real threat of crocs this one is not to be taken lightly and it's certainly not one to be attempting as night falls go be up front there shortly right that sounds getting real whoa yeah up to you but I think there's a good campsite on the left here before we go down to the wind lock what do you reckon ah yeah it's a good one just uh it's actually I'm a bit of an opening here I reckon we are we might care might and tackle it in the morning yeah we strike a brewski good and have a look at it worry about it tomorrow I like your style of vigor mate it's out let's do this I'm caught in there this little beauty of a campsite is just metres from the water so we'll be able to tackle the crossing first thing in the morning after a big day out we're pretty keen to put our feet up around the fire so we jump into getting camp set up hey listen what's your favorite camp setup look like do you go luxury or do you go simple we'd love to hear from you [Music] lickety-split and we're all set up and that oppa scamper is looking pretty damn comfortable time for an iron Jack or two or maybe three I'll tell you what haired towards Cape York campus this place has got to be on your bucket list folks [Music] before we commit to crossing the Wenlock we decide to head down for a quick look and check out the conditions [Music] well that's as deep as I've ever seen it man and that's a spooky place to be at night torture is but I think I think I mean you can see the crossing I think patches there and it's blowing like really fast this is the problem I think in in the morning hopefully it'll make sense but at the moment I'm thinking yes then you're saving you across first this one yeah for sure I'm thinking that's really risky because of the other water punishing down there yeah it's deep soft sand so I'm saying it's not things you don't wonder if acrossing well this is not tom let's so it looks like in the morning I think yeah for now though let's just say yes yep head back up to camp have another beer and well tomorrow's tomorrow okay let's do that now a few of you might have been wondering what happened to that mud crab well let's just say it made the perfect end to a cracking day in Cape York [Music] in the light of morning the wind lock looks as daunting as ever on the menu today are the hardest challenges of the trip full of deep water and thick mud if you think the trucks are looking dirty now I reckon you haven't even seen the start of it so yeah well this time in Cape York is still actually quite warm and it really pays they were set up that'll allow a lot of ventilation to come through it keeps you cool at night but more importantly than that allows it to breathe now this one here the adventure Kings tore up it's got really fine mesh on every single slide so it doesn't matter which direction the breeze is coming you're going to get the breeze and it's gonna keep the mozzies and the mid G's out you know grams in the Big Daddy deluxe now that swag as well same sort of concept both sides can roll up and allow that cross breeze to come through it makes a really comfortable camping another really important factor when you're trying to buy a rooftop tent or a swag is the quality of canvas that's used in the fields now this one here uses a very good quality canvas which actually allows it to breathe which doesn't allow condensation to form which is really important because we're using these every day we're going to keep them nice and fresh with the challenges starting just meters ahead it's time to pack up and get back into the action I've got a feeling that today is gonna be epic all right well first challenge isn't fight this morning I'm gonna check that crate yeah this morning fast line really deep it looks a bit better than good last night but still we're gonna have our work cut out well I can't thing at a time let's get to the creek first oh now you are up yeah more does have another look at this before I drop it right in this drop into the river is a panel denting doozy picking the right line is gonna be essential here to avoid damage now this is one of the times I'm glad Shauna is up first it's a nice estate this one I've no choice but to really follow the ruts and just hope man touch the body on that wall it's gonna feel pretty nollie look at that will you it's millimeters in that function come down snow areas on that line yes a little bit write it down yep get out of here yeah there we go biking trucks [Music] well you go to the harbour yet yeah Mike come on throw I can't actually see what I'm doing here put this mirror in because you get a bit of issues ooh yeah handy is that all right so here we go that's really shake dad is this like a mini gunshot a and it gets steeper well since that was sketchy glad to be down that one d-max is actually pushed a fair bit of that dirt into the whole business probably it'll help you guys out a little bit it's looking like a cape your highway get up Sam show us what the DoD's got like no just not that access that service won't read Alaska's keep this it's doing it I'm gonna try and do what you did Sean snakes up with you yeah we're no longer in control and I was spyhopping City bleep down much well I'm gonna bring anything any now I don't think he's gonna problem I don't think so while the motor just worry about the trailer here in a bank their bill pretty tough though so I will probably just even does hit the banker who takes it nice and slow and just yet once he gets to here right now always for future me to worry about all right let's go yeah might bring it in now this is tough country to be towing in but Eric and Anthony is gonna surprise us on this particular challenge that's good today a fraction they've gone gently Anthony's leaning on that brake controller to get the vehicles safely down the slope and then well hopefully who the trailer should follow [Applause] [Music] and look at that well yet that is one tough trailer not a scratch on it and a good drive to you mate look at that yeah with everybody down it's time for the Wenlock now the crossing here snakes between trees and over a couple of sand banks walking this one is pretty sketchy given the risk of Crocs so we're just going to have to take a chance with the vehicles they understood hit hug those rocks yeah all the way up and then get a fair way up and then this cut across I think with any river crossing like this preparation is the key so we're not gonna muck around while you're stuck in there I'm gonna say you're gonna get stuck but we're not gonna muck around if you get stuck in this I end every worst-case scenario you know covering gear ready and just the region for a spool so you literally grab that would pick the tree out already got the recovery gear ready don't let us drive it yeah I think you will just drive it yeah but it's gonna be a big commuting line so I've law the tire pressure so I've taken another about seven thirty so I out the metal oh yeah good luck alright I'm not even gonna put the windows up because I'm gonna go quite slowly through this and just crawl I've actually got a knee in the vehicle with me now if something does go wrong is that the recovery keys gonna literally jump out the window beside him walking through this water could be some big nasty lizards in this water just don't notice we're not taking any any chances yo they're committed now Mike haha good Sybok there we go not too bad not too bad at all not neither recovery gear but Hayes why have it all prepared all right try and follow Shaw nose round across this she's in here onto these rocks and up the river second gear low range here we go Edda momentum up for the bow I that's in it but there we got this easy easy easy like a Sunday morning one hand on the wheel straight out look at that it's gonna be about 40 meters PUD went up to that stand back there that keep going up [Music] okay I'm just got a pond out the other side that's my time now good get wet oh there he is let's gonna attach this snap strap to the back of Sam's vehicle because if the camper trailer gets stuck it's gonna be right near this exit and its really soft there so we'll just put that on Sam I'll be ready goofy out time straight outside we were in a prevention want to save the day all right Anthony last man across good luck mate Anthony in the Opus I'm making pretty good progress so far but the hardest part is gonna be the last section because it's already cut up after a few form drives have been through like we thought that last piece proves just a bit too much but that's why we've got the recovery ready so that we can jump into fishy mountain we've seen so many people over the years lose their vehicles because they haven't had a recovery strategy in place before attempting something like this a good strategy really will save your vehicle well we talked about preparation before I don't think we could have got that vehicle out any faster than that we saw it go down straighten with its neck strap it straight back out again you'll notice it took a couple of guys because this river sounds super soft with that water moving through it actually erodes under the tires that's why you want to be so quick because you would go down even further the longer you leave it the more and more stuff you're gonna get so it's pretty quick Mike you only got wet carpets you didn't touch your engine so you are sweet to go I wouldn't wear that for a while though I don't know why Mike she's clean now don't forget this carpet chatter yeah well that's the wind lock done and dusted but if you think that was deep wait till you see the pesco and since I know you like to sit here's the camera cars run on the wind lock the boys would hate to get their cameras wet so they're not hanging around [Music] we're gonna say that's probably the deepest I've seen that went locked by about about four times it's coming a bit concerned about the next one the Pasco game eight I mean you know the Pasco it's on the best day it's a hard deep flowing river with a lot of a lot of obstacles underneath so I don't know what it's gonna be like the best we can do it just get down there never look at it yeah copy that mate hopefully we can make it throw because I'd like to take the boys through the whole range line here yeah I agree with you I'd like to finish it I hate that to backtrack but safety concerns etc etc all we can do is guide up a look Oh folks you've seen us do the went lock regrettably the Pasco very soon what is the deepest water crossing you've ever been involved in comment below and let us know if you'll be looking through the comments and I'm keen to see what you guys have been up to I think one item that a lot of people don't really pay enough attention to when they're setting their vehicle up for places like Cape York is their batteries you see there's all different types of batteries out there that'll go in your forward drive but only a handful are built for actual forward Drive conditions now I'm running the Overlander 4x4 batteries from century now one of the reasons why I am running these particular batteries when sitting here and actually throughout all my forward drives is that they're built to handle the conditions are us poor drivers going to so Cape York has to be one of the toughest proving grounds for any product from corrugations to deep water mud dust you know the toughest conditions in Australia without a doubt if your batteries got to be able to stand up to that and perform each and every time that's so true mate and speaking of performing the next challenge is that the head we come across as level crossing is like forward there's a different ripping through the middle of it here I've not seen this before which means that in the dry season this is nothing there's nothing here um it's really soggy and it actually comes down a bit deeper you got those two back to the other side and you've got that there absolutely do is you have an exit I've just done up we're gonna get out of that first four-wheel-drive mic'd up it's gonna be fairly dry for them second no way third not a hope first car is the camera car so we'll send shooing through see how he goes and the camera car is usually the first car through a challenge while we're filming the ju is sure making this one look hard it's just not enough traction near the exit and the boys have had to box the witch look at that final pinch will you now that is slippery [Music] it's fun supersoft that real sort of KP op clay that soon as you get any moisture on it it comes like most slippery service you never drive on money it's not a little hard [Music] what's the minimum enter would help there but didn't really good [Music] all right my turn [Music] there's no floating across this one I've gotten to the same spot as Shawn but it's just got no traction yeah winch and drive winch and drive but the winch do the majority of work here thank goodness for a good quality week take it away Sam it's written or paid here as another for these files to make the exit [Music] but look at that as soon as Sam gets realism he's coming out under his own steam that was a nice Drive what are we doing taking a camper trailer through this well typically you wouldn't I don't think a lot of people who do this track would leave the camper trailer probably at Graham wall or something like a swap yep and come and do this as a day trip night in two days if they're lucky yep and um but we're in then we're going to keep a trial testing game mate Anthony wants this properly tested and if it could handle what Cape you throw at it I reckon I'll handle just a bit anything it's going to come out with a couple of little dents and scratches that's going to be normal but if you can get through running and I reckon no water in it Rangers Hopa yeah true if it is so let's send you through this he's gonna get stuck here yeah but we're ready we're ready what do we got fifteen seconds we're down to 15 seconds is the target of bait all right come on boys limber up one more to go don't cramp up and recovery a team coming up let's do this Anthony's got the winter already spoiled out and in free spool so it's a matter of seconds before it's gotten up and out of the water and the trailer valve it just obediently follows suit as Sean mentioned before it's often possible to do the Frenchman's as a one or even two day trip but with so much water on the track we're making slow progress and the day is starting to get on at this rate I don't know if we'll even make it to the Pasco before dark and I think any of us wants to risk our nighttime crossing as the Sun starts to sink on the horizon suddenly there's more delays just give it a pump mate go again that's a caliper min little little problem here with the spares box 80cm notice that the pedal went a bit soft it's come out and inspected a straightaway he's seen that he's done a caliper looks like one of the seals inside the caliper is actually let go it's not gonna be an issue cuz always to be able to clamp it off so we won't embrace to this one anymore he's actually a gentleman satphones right away all the one from Spears box head office and probably within 24 hours have on down in Mareeba so it's no big issue here let's clamp this on and be on our way just quite the quick fix we've run out of daylight we've made it to the edge of the pesco and quickly check out the water but with dark setting in we decide to park up and take another look tomorrow [Music] [Applause] with morning comes the realization that it's not just the river we need to worry about there are trees down all across the track and just opening up the track could take us all day but everything hinges on whether that river is drivable sad to say that is not gone down overnight well as it made it looks pretty deep but we were only gonna find out mostly champion I reckon this is a part of the day that I don't like that there are things in there that will take good be look it's as fresh water beginner be too sure or fresh water fresh water without salty crocodiles in them and just gotta be careful so I reckon we seen gravity first I'll go close to a hole I can swim fast in that's right that's right yep nothing on me might want to eat this we in the middle and it's like if it's up to here I'll call it I don't think even I'll update up to there on who like sniffing me work on this that's women but I've got a swim we're out it's gonna have a look as we jump in the water the answer becomes pretty clear not only is the river deep but there's a powerful current that could easily take a vehicle and stranded on the rocks or worse I might not see the cross he was leaving that book right there's one there was one point I wasn't just worried about not being out here to fool all across this was our life mate because I I went into a holes develop some sort of over my shoulders and the current I couldn't swim against know it now so I'm gonna have a moment of panic I think what is the old rule if you can't walk it don't drop ya know why you get sort of gots me in a way yeah that come this far yeah but this is the last challenge really in a lot of trees who's the one trees over there we had a quick look from the drying as well I leave some I go a little bit too early this reason I think another month oh yeah anybody doing yeah that's the thing that goes the one across things we've dropped yeah sandbars yeah but that's a cushy you might we can't leave you oh the tracks behind yet not to mention even the gone back through the well off we got a fair all day ins all right well the mission you mission get out of here to the exchange hotel it's a good idea let's go well now we've got a massive day ahead of us we've got to redo the entire track but barely even started when we hit our first setback this stuff reminds me of black soil country that you get in the Kimberley region of WI we've got through okay one way but now the track has gone to hell just get a load of the camera Cowell yeah failure to man up ahead here the track just feels like a sponge every time you're standing on the track this water's coming through your toes heaps of mud second gear low and I'm gonna have a very spirited Drive [Music] did not make it far there we go this is mud supersoft as you saw I try to take a slightly different line to where the wheel tracks were didn't make much of a difference this fell straight through and I think it's the same sort of consistency right through this is black soil country so once you go down here it's a pretty big pool to get you out the boys get on the winch but because of the length of the pool here we're gonna have to do this in stages this is going to be one epic day of winching and if you're thinking why don't you just drive off to the side that's even softer to get that win just a little bit of cool down Norwest say it but y'all grow with 30 seconds on 30 seconds off is just good practice for any winch shawne's might have been a progress but it's gotten softer and he's digging down into the mud it's time to switch to a double line call the advantages of a double line pull is that it's having the amount of work the winch is doing Edwards this Ottaway Frenchman's they said it wasn't gonna be easy all right this is quite a challenge the last stage here we're winching off the camera car which itself is secured to a tree we'd be stuff without the Dominator extreme [Music] after nearly an hour on the winch Shawn Isaiah what an effort now I'm opting for a different technique here go on low and slow the plan here is to avoid bogging down deep in the muddy that's as far as I can get it's time for the winch but as you can see the d-max is sitting nice and high up in the mud real key to this winching operation is zero wheel spin I'm not touching the accelerator pedal at all under winch I'm just literally letting it just idle across the top as soon as I go down break that crust it's game over if you saw say my pick of slightly different line to the other boys here I've come up on to the high sides which is still super soft Sam's just forming them with the poor bugger and I'm just idling along I'm not letting any wheel spin happen at all even if I fall in I'm not gonna I'm not gonna power out of this and kinda let it chip away at it and seems to be working a beef on yeah well as you can see I've gotten through without too much drama we're still a long which but nowhere near as hard as it was for some of the other boys I reckon we could fill another episode with the time it's taken us to get through this you can see here Sam's opted for a very similar technique to my own low and slow and let the winch do most of the work we've had to use an extremely long extension strap here to try and get Anthony to pull straight through the mud rather than sideways and that seems to be working there you go five hours 50 meters no joke that black soil country is just absolutely deadly just clean up everything out we've still got the web life to get through before we even think about getting back on the PTR so we ran out of lights running cancer we do this to the knife that I make there at alongside look at these recovery gear in the back of vehicles and up ahead we found a shortcut around the mud section the cortisol out yesterday now it's a bit of a risk trying a new line but it looks to have been driven and with the day getting away from us Sean decides to chance it and the result well it's way worse than we thought the people really drive this it's time to get on the winch now it's only a short pull but that Bank is steep and soft Shawn's got the front up but now the rear is in the river doesn't want to go any further situations even worse right now look at that the water is flooding into the back of the vehicle things are starting to get a bit stressful now in a real pickle here because the banks have got such an angle we can't get his whips to pull him up out of there so just try and do a double line pull from behind him here using a snatch block I'm right on the edge of it just do what this track see is a doozy at this time of year even with a combo of both winches the four-wheel drive is just suctioned into the mud it's time for a new plan we're gonna have to try and pull runner out backwards first we're going to dig away a lot of this Bank to try and clear some of that dirt then I'm gonna hook the d-max up to Sean oh and the rear of the d-max to the camera car is an anchor point let's see how that goes for variety finally something's going our way this seems to be working well that was a no-go we're gonna have to go back to the original line [Music] Abigale this will you how soft is it down there we are making progress though it's slow and it's a race against the clock but we're getting there this is Cape York how good is it [Music] [Music] good is this my cat is next level is it turned out to be one of the most wild Cape York event I don't know one like it Mike this is not if we haven't even this is the best thing of air that we we didn't actually cross the French minutes but this is so nice yeah near the Whitlock oh not it's right on dark now and we're back at the wind lock because we've done it before we decide to give it a crack good to go born ready mate right you might say I've got Graham hooked up at the moment it's not taking any risk right now and crossing the wind lock at night this is pretty wild look at that current heavy I don't want to get stuck and on him to get stuck so he's a light a vehicle that floats we're gonna do the same with a camper trailer boilers exit camping out on people at before before before go go go please is that with Sean and I through Sam hooks up Anthony in the Opus and starts the crossing I gotta say the wind lock just done nightfall flooded mix was one of the crazier things we've done is that true you'd only that child got real close [Music] wow what an adventure I reckon I'll remember this one for a very long time oh my action point all the way down here to the I've never seen the Frenchman's like this didn't even go to Vasco yeah absolutely insane right let's goes to show though like we've just come the right time of the season like it's thirty walls pretty wall like if you're actually make a Frenchman's probably telling another month later I'd go six weeks this is really turned on this has been one of my favorite Cape York adventures the share of these blokes well next level you mind you they've never better Cape York before what a way to do it break you mean the hard way straight near the Frenchman's in the wet folks that is the Frenchman's antosha like you've never seen him before we have to come back because we have been beaten by this one we've got to come back and do it again definitely will be - okay so now folks if you've ever down deeper river crossings then these bad boys that we've just done on this trip I want to know put them in the comments below you've done a couple of deeper once they're only just just basic there was a couple that really heavy worried today I've got a couple if you just like the trip in general actually just write a comment we're always on there having a good new look so like subscribe you know the deal all that stuff we'll see you next time on for drive action see folks stick around folks put my favorite part of any four-wheel drive action episode that's right the outtakes but first some info you should know about the gear that makes these adventures possible this is the point of the trip that we like to go through a few of the products and the companies that make these trips possible now first up we are we given their Spears from its high absolute it's the only place to go as far as we're concerned all the Spears the old lady and I didn't need too many on this trip actually seeing prom Spears box even needed to call up and use the satphone and organize a couple of spare parts but that's all part of football driving if you go forward driving you got to break stuff you're gonna need to get the spares from somewhere so why not get them from one of the cheapest and best places on the internet that spares box.com that I use they make it super easy to die absolutely so please make delivery which is probably that's music my ears now speaking of super easy opus campers might literally you name a camper that you can walk up to push a button crack an iron Jack I can't believe that and then this blows up yeah crazy and then when it does go up you got all the creature comforts an eagle to the lands room in here you consider you will watch telly if you want to mention the kitchen like kitchens fancy side a mess on that one you didn't do slide out drawers via fridge you got everything in it but I routed that feature push up walk away so what we've been able to do open up up here in the Cape is just live like kings out of a back of a camper trailer and the super nice for us the fact that it's actually withstand of the wind at a point you don't go anywhere following in any morning's gonna be somewhere look it's down water crossings mmm million corrugations everything's still nothing's fallen off it check them out if you're in the market for can't patrol have a look at opus campus they are the bee's knees yeah he's a little product that you might have seen us use around we're certainly using them every single night soon as the Sun went down the old head torches came on the torches we've got a bunch of lights from NIMH oh now these things are absolutely amazing you haven't checked that niebo do yourself a favor get on the website they make lights for every application I saw you Larry actually using one on the side of the old day it's got a little internal magnetic base I'll whack it on the side of the d-max just there putting on the morning you switch it over to the red globe stop see six and they're all USB charge walk yeah that's really smart even something can be used as a power bank so if you want to charge your phone or devices get Road you can do that really easily I think that's a smart new feature now other fees news you can take a minute to and bright holy heck get the Big Daddy yet and your honors know a bright is turns a nodding today so we use that actually on the wet lock to a tee trying things look for Crocs look for cross I mean if I got carried away is that horrifying cherubim we did that's true we did actually we can't get carried away quite easily bikes look for drive action the best for drive show in the universe I don't know there's anything better I've not safe so folks subscribe get notifications so you know we're putting out a new episode and if you did enjoy this one you won't have a in this part of the show if you didn't like this but exactly put some comments down the bottom tell us about your recent trips have you done the Frenchman's I guarantee you ever done at this year because we went as far as we possibly could no one's been down there we check all the comments that we don't go out there we check that website see them down there subscribe to it and we'll catch you next time I'm sorry but it's better you'll be a little bit of metal whoa one name's Graham Taiyo [ __ ] in death I'm from Southwest W I love it down there Balto janitor ease you guys don't happen yeah who's who [Applause] talking a bit a bit of beef you know you gotta cut that up knock 92 yeah this means oh oh it's already cut by cutting this really small pieces I used interpretive dance to displaying sake that I'm gonna do sorry I think you go through the ingredients for the folks at iron my feets in the hot slippery fingers I'm us an onion juice on there something zone pressure I'm feeling the pressure of you wanting to sleep next to me [Music] I'm just gonna pour that over your knuckles or that that's fine man your honor that's a the movie Ghost like holy batteries crazy now we actually on raising Diana Walker it is just before any Sun he's gone that's not how it seems probably better foot they turn into an Arthur [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] that's a good mother having all that it's really quite difficult dive that's a good man that's a con man that it's a con man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 2,026,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, troopy, cape york, frenchmans track, usher point, old tele track, The Cape, 4wd 24/7, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails
Id: -LkG5oTM7z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 37sec (4537 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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