You haven't seen Fraser Island like this before...

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this is one very very different trip to fraser island we've got a cyclone just off the coast of bearing down on us and 100 plus k and our wings the surf was up the beaches were eroded trees were down and we are getting chased off the island we're stuck here right down these huge swells trying to get through but this isn't how it started let's go back and find out how we got ourselves in this mess the start of our trip couldn't be more different with the sun shining on a glorious queensland afternoon Sean and I've been burning the midnight oil getting our trucks ready for this trip so we're running a little late to meet some mates for a Fraser adventure mate if I'd said to you last night in the workshop we were going to make it onto the ferry today what would you have said to me I would have said you're absolutely dreamy I didn't think for a second I was gonna make it but here I am and I'm stoked to believe gotta say mate that truck of yours is looking I'd say a million dollars what I'm gonna give it a million plus one now I'm like jeez a lot of hard work and three max oh yeah that's a flash ride you got there but why do I feel like I need a shower before I get in this thing every time it's it really is it's a work of art make the back of it's just done up so nice it's gonna be beautiful to travel over this year mate right so the other famous instigate point this is where most people end up on Facebook pages where they get stuck around here who gets that oricon we get more into it I love the selected the for the 4-h sign and I don't want to be on that Facebook page let's get stuck into it mate the boys are already there they're waiting for us [Music] leading the mainland and taking the barge to Fraser Island well it's like stepping into another world and it would be an understatement to say that we're excited as we wait for the ferry a good night cost us runs this service regular as clockwork every day and soon has asked disembarking on fraser southern beach [Music] and just like that we're back in paradise and set off to find the boys my honor if you can see past me but that's a pretty iconic side up there there's five or six big rigs back on the beach and a dingo walking around in front one place mate Fraser Island look at that Hey good day hey there are some weapons in that convoy a little bingos down the front oh that's very cool these must be the boys like reckon we even stopped we got a lot of ground to cover I'll muscle these boys up we'll get goin when you say yeah I'll flash your lights give me a signal then here we go yep the boys are on we're outta here praise our art as good as it gets joining us this adventure is one good-looking lineup of rigs with a few rough heads thrown in for good measure first up is the dog himself our mates Jude from wholesale automatics the resident expert in Auto conversions he of course is driving his usual weapon a GU patrol set up for a motoring and tough adventures next up is Sam and Andy from spares box these guys are the go-to for online purchasing of vehicle parts and they put together a trick Prato in just a few days using parts from their catalog now how cool is that then we've got Shane and Doug from fulcrum suspensions not only if they get it out the d-max with some Smit suspension for myself but also they're neat looking highlights dual cabin next in the convoy is Tim and Aiden from I Drive makers of one of the smartest throttle controls on the market they'll be wheeling and Avera with a real sting in the tail thanks to their very own throttle controller at the back of the convoy is one weapon of a 79 piloted by Darren of custom RV crashes and one happy customer whim and it's an absolutely meet 79 series set up specifically for a motoring now of course there's a good reason we're late and catching up with the boys you see the paint is still drying I'm of d-max complete with look I've got livid lighting on here I've got done a lot sand drawers in the back for the first time in ages I've even got a wart attack this thing is our weapon and it's kitted out for remote touring and tough after a heck of a lot of punishment on the tracks Shaun's finally given Sudi dat a facelift with a full-body Raptor protective coating not to mention straightening most of the panels and hasn't it come up a tree looks absolutely smick mate stood up mister doc copy back there mate makeup babe if my sources are correct and I often are this is your first time on Fraser Island booth of a phrase why don't we use their mics we wiill dogs love the sand mate you're gonna have a ball up here a little big fan of the immunity but everything else is pretty spot-on I don't know well you're not a fan of the humidity might you ever got any hair to worry about hey I'm Andrew I can't see you back there you boys got a copy it's hard to say anything us cheese caribou but yeah we're back here I had to see anything past you you're right first on my Fraser or not after embarrassing they say yeah this is my first time actually in Queensland let alone phrase over here Barry make you can you can get a shot when you get home and he'll get over pretty quick now it's a beautiful part of the world I think you're gonna love Fraser shine even on fries before I've knew I have numerous funds it's my billion that hasn't as we get further up north we get these sort of honky dues that care on the beach now I reckon if you wanted to test out that's a special setup it's a beaut man come on we'll be faster so don't try keep up okay speaking of gone fast Tim you're the copy I'm gonna take apart and suggest you haven't done phrase it before I've never done before but laughing it hasn't even started yet mate it hasn't even started there's when you boys with me on phrase before I with a few days up our sleeves and a few fresh faces to the island we're putting together up best off piped INRI of places to visit but speaking of losing the beach we're in the midst of a strong spring tide that's really starting to push in so it's time for us to head off the beach and explore some of phrases amazing inland lakes the Orlan gets its fish here in water and it's not long before we're taking the clean edge off the four-wheel drive hick playing cars of a city slickers anyway boys let's get into it [Music] there's few better ways to open the fraser account than a one of the jewels of the island lake mackenzie lake mckenzie is one of the items freshwater lakes and perhaps the most photographed and famous part of the entire island itself it's a unique body of water because it is only filled through rainfall there is no rivers or streams entering this lake for us though it's just the perfect location to cool off mate like Mackenzie v Mackenzie's fantastic you know a lot of people think that serious pool drive that's all you're doing around Fraser on the sites around Fraser is just as exciting some of the sites are round lake mackenzie i tell you what get the blood flow folks honestly though even on a busy TT i but a couple of tourist buses in as you can see it's quite crazy down through there but this section here look at the boys having the blinds having a well-deserved bath here without the n I'll be out do the same like you need to but quick swim then we'll get goin yeah guys this place like McKenzie I love this place after a long night in the workshop this has got to be the perfect way to freshen up unfortunately we can't hang around here all day there's plenty more to see so soon we're back on the road fraser island is connected by a maze of inland sand tracks Criss crossing the island they're usually pretty well driven but there's still the occasional challenge to be had it's a bit of a Junie Hill thing here and I mean there's much in it but you might want to get into it this sand will be soft step up here how do you get awesome [Applause] never listen to that ring ashore it's goodness gracious doesn't sound good right you make an offer astute is never one to hold back and I think he's get on yet [Music] [Music] good try but may that beauty go let's go this would have to be the perfect corner track to really test out the suspension so come on boys show us what you got oh here we go spanking a testing port for the test of throttle control rise are all and softly on the power pretty good drawing board what I'd dad's I'm elites the big seventy-nine mate let's see what she's got with the day getting on the tide should be on its way out so we push back to the coast to cover some more ground north up the beach where some of the islands bigger challenges await us hey Eddie you got a copy mate yes don't go ahead back my time listen more in that prado just follow me there in the convoy you were telling me it can't the other day that you guys built that in a day in a heart that's what is it correct it's a pretty big feat but could have done pretty happy with the outcome that's amazing obviously what you've built it so fast cause we got all the parts at hand it's where the box here yeah that's correct it seems to be building a you know when the biggest range is the one-stop shop online auto whatever store so everything from your servicing needs right through there yeah very nicely my so what any anyone can just jump on your website and order modifications accessories in there yeah exactly jump on the website put your car details in and tell you exactly what fits and deliver to your door these that mates have your brakes up on the weekend just jump onto your website get the new part and you'll be back at it in no time at all exactly we're gonna keep people on the road join this later because I'm sort of in this perfect weather it's really hard to believe the reports of a storm sell off the coast but a telltale sign is the abundance of sea foam and the waves that are pushing way up the beach on what should be a low tide it's with a lot of caution that we continue on timing the gaps between the waves as honestly there's nothing worse than a belly full of saltwater over the top of your vehicle [Music] it's not long before another phrase of iconic site appears on the horizon well that's a familiar sight the wreck of the MIDI now up here the story of the Mahina very quickly the Mahina was built as a luxury passenger liner which it did really well it was used in the First World War as a hospital ship and then of course afterwards it commenced its regular duties in 1935 it was decommissioned it was sold to a Japanese ship wrecker and it was whilst it was being towed to Japan that in heavy seas probably much like we've got today the towline snapped and she washed up exactly where she is it's war history continues because in World War two poor whole thing doesn't mean through enough it was used as target practice by the dad double AF in the commando school that was actually based on the island today as you're about to see if what I can see is true it is a bond in a completely different way photobomb get a dollar for every photo taken of the maheno you'd be able to afford a 79 series I'm gonna go through a couple of photos of yourself out of the cars it's obvious there's a big change in the air and the wind is really picking up waiting conditions like this where I can see exactly why the Maino washed up yeah exactly imagine being in that in that in those conditions like about this day we've timed it exactly the perfect time I mean we can't do the fun party anthem oh yeah this is pretty good never seen anything like it not like doesn't know name condition enough this is fine well over the pages of plan I sniff 40 knots yep I can just stand up lovin life I always like to come here stop this sort of yeah okay now is Fraser on dingoes the maheno lake mckenzie a library backpackers and then you're done right only I get a closer look well you reckon maybe we get too careful mate if camp has got swag set up beach at the front and cold beer at hand boot camp and soon enough a perfect spot appears on the left up in the Jews [Applause] as this for a magic camp spot where right up above the beach but we've got plenty of grass spots to choose from which if you ask me pretty good for a sand on we don't waste any time in getting the camp set up of all the important fridges at an easy access I'd plus a few other things to make camp life more comfortable all righty what I've got myself here is a bit of Kings mesh flooring now you can sing good have the grass down here so it's not gonna be too much of a need for this but it's pretty humid tonight I reckon tomorrow morning it's gonna be pretty damn when we pack up camp when you pick it swag up as you know when it's gotten damp full of sand sticks to it that gives me the ear it's so I'm gonna use me met tonight not so much to keep me off the sand but says when I roll up my swag tomorrow morning she's nice and flames we're gonna be on the island foot Ellen we've caught Shawn five days about five days don't try and keep me old Swagger's plain as possible for that time just why I'm not lending this blow so use this night [Music] [Music] those weather reports are looking pretty accurate and with some rain pass and throw the boys are opting to put their awnings up [Music] big fella like cheese but cheese here good today yeah good Fraser eyes on that site you don't really need much on phrase art like so you come to a camp saw like this cracker Carl one open it's just grass all I have it's perfect camp size it's really good camp saw it only concern I've got my did you check it where the repository lift and it's a it's not improving okay I just checked it on the beach before one by reception yeah they're talking maybe 140 km railway now I'm nobody I don't know that means that means that means it's really rough out there hold on to your hat mate it's an exercise very nautical yes it's a real sock line of actually 9 that which is canto concerns me a little bit yeah when buildings of cyclones though they're very unpredictable okay that's really out at white say yeah well that's what I'm thinkin bin Luther because I think we be following the weather now so it's not too bad we're just keep an eye on it let's rip up the coast tomorrow yes I can get pretty gnarly if it's like I need to vote we've been here before and no like it wasn't even cyclone and what off the beach gets washed away yes crazy place speaking of an alley super gnarly yeah you're cooking like it's gonna be sorry I mean nothing compared to I'm gonna whip up us as your oh where you gonna do it here yeah I'm just be able to just really just starting to sort myself I'm getting in the mood yeah I got yep and then learn it if it's okay with you have another cheeky beat and then I'll I'll be your assistant more I'm like doing stretches because you can't get you can't get into this house what's it mean Mike yeah with Sean's beer stretches done it's time to get dinner on chef while you're up well I gotta come out and say it camp it Fraser Island I reckon it doesn't get much better that's one of my favourite places in Australia and tonight I'm gonna cook up a bit of a feed it's chicken burgers I've never done chicken burgers before this is a new recipe actually thought of this recipe on the drive up here I thought what could I make burgers a few blocks it's going to be a top feed so I'm gonna dump me the ultimate and get the first ingredient then I make burgers you're always use mins now of course you your boy chicken mince so that's exactly what I've done here yeah here comes trouble when you get any might might and I'm gonna make some burgers tonight and chicken burgers chicken burgers I've never done chicken burgers more in predicts a lot about it so yeah new recipe I just might up so this a while or some no this is a this is yours truly mate I I'm living in a comment always going to be like until we have a bite because I have got no idea I'm gonna need just jump in there maybe think of minute yeah boy you're in there like I've got some carrots and also some zucchini or when I chuck in there got a big man I bet this roll of the back there I think I think it is to ends my mama it's a boy oh I didn't know any different but every sorry you want a carrot in there as well might there's actually a homegrown my mate straight out of my garden first man you don't take out for your veggies I'll give you carrots you take beauty all your because they they that they are my beers correct excellent she is man alright so first things first obviously get your chicken mince whack that straight into the pot yeah I'm making patties is what I'm doing here you know over that like goodness gracious it's like what you want to do with that one Mike Thomas you're on cable to end grab that and great that we're sorry we need to North Dakota slightly smaller pieces for your it yeah that that's a so I see what I'm doing it yeah so I'm making my chicken patties up so I've got chicken mince I'm gonna whack bitter zucchini and I'm also gonna whack here to carry in grade it as well instead of using usually normally graders of Kenya great at that light what does hold a zucchini underarm and I'll just use the greater honor that's that's the best way like striking a cat so put that last carrot in there we go so put the carrot with the zucchini all and yeah I'm biting ass that means if you wash your buddy playing pretty plain so I think it's time if you can crack a couple of eggs over my head that would be they'll be doing instead of interest the movie goes I have actually there's a for the scene there memorizing it's brought making a well here it says hang on oh okay Mike there's also some coriander in the little tube over there this is the guy fresh stuff but when you're at camp and you try and get this sort of gear whack all that in there coriander and chicken they go together great so do they I think so Phibes oh yeah when you do a burger right you have a few little bits of pieces I've got some beetroot I've got some pineapple Jack on there but you need a good sauce right so light key no no no light cheese unfortunately I would polite cheese in there though don't put washes in perfection but life is anything it's illegal this stuff here is y'all I've got I pronounce it wrong it's a Japanese thing I call it creepy mayonnaise could be pretty creepy so what do you do put that in there yeah so it's just a my and I is this a Japanese mayonnaise you want to get technical beddit so I'm basically just just go nice and oil with it and then come back down that table I see you got this hot chili sauce oh I'm Mike easy making a bit of a yep got a cocktail I know it's a bit of a cocktail got one more little ingredient though Oh have an arrow the hottest one you can get double the Tabasco family let's go that's just really shake it in this well anything that sauces involves a lot of shaking are found here does to get the good sauce anyway that's it it's good it's really not that it's really hot it's got it's got some spice in there in a burger you know it's got a new cooker - I do yeah good is that that's a hell of a sauce right well we're on we're on so what I'm doing it fair bit of olive oil in there some heat there boy olive oil yeah this is the sort of meal whole family get involved you know you get the kids involved like router would not see what kids do let's grab a feral child Micah patty Michael patty I am ready all right well a lot of fat just you know we've done it before we use the lid of the battery yeah the battery is like your one-stop I do I'll just use it for everything a few minutes later wait we got to see you extinguish up any oh no it's dressing it you're gonna get that up it shouldn't be like that melted through the table little tape Phil young pliers whoa careful and with some folks if you haven't got a well you wanna leave that on the table and go on the floor he come back yeah how's that speedos you know those it's a 15-8 they're cast-iron you say look the properties have cast on the heat will transfer quite slowly through the metal but when it does get right you do the same it'll go all the way in it that's what happens there right now we're good we're good now we're talking yeah yeah these looks pretty good man they do look good look em that's oh look at that beautiful I'm salivating so much I can hardly talk a bit of pineapple onto the hot plate you have to caramelize just like Graham said yep and be super tasty boys come on in he's got a bun there we go let me Apple Apple one point a pelant I like a bit one yeah yeah here we go cheering spitter sauce chuck that on yep yep don't be shy boy be shy chilli chilli sauce for everything go look at that look at that whack that on top on it you wanted to come well you're a boys mark why that just when you think you know ice on that hot comes right up an uppercut yup these burgers real easy like chicken zucchini carrot to make your own make your own patties up and chuck we have a feelings you like I like a bit of chili sauce I made that up with a bit of mayonnaise and some chili and some Tabasco folks what do you reckon 10 deer ten here we go back really good I reckon all right guys here on campus and know your talk about yeah are you serious or something [Music] as the Sun rises on another day on Fraser you really do have to pinch yourself at the beauty of this place still that persistent wind doesn't bode well and it's now official that a cyclone is actually hanging off the coast but we don't know at this point whether it'll cross the odd or continue out to sea [Music] there again one of the best nods no dad in the in the swag it was certainly no shortage of breeze okay I'm right in there a weakness got Mike what do you agree is 30 odd not very easy 30 knots blowing a gale and now what's it expected to get to Kazan in hopeless with wind like I get a lot of bumpy locals with it they're forecasting at least double this so you wanna be honest and on this journey you have to hold on their neck is cuz that blah what's the plan for tonight alright now I can see you up the all these boys haven't seen a lot of they are who found the best bit so alright can we get on up Indian head even the gala often trial ever hit the cake tonight well I'm gonna go for the best fuel efficiency ever by turning the atop of a good Bible to silence you do about 50 knots upper bait I'll let's make these boys up yeah I know it is pretty good why might might this is an absolute rig I thought I'm gonna come over and have a quick look at exactly what you've done folks this is Darren Vassily a good mate of mine he's the owner of customer of a this is actually your work is the home of their full direction vehicles but a lot of wicked custom vehicles come out of your shop and this is one of them like not necessarily steppin on because you've done a lot of work you've taken a stock setting on and might at this latest brand new car when it came in to us first thing went straight up J max J max done a full GV upgrade on it okay so and coil rear end in it so the leaf springs been taken out and a full J max room has been put in so it's coil sprung front Maria we've also done a hospital makes transmission conversion so it's got the six-speed Tiptronic automatic in it okay and it goes like a tree canopy this is obviously you've made this one from scratch you've um and what you guys do is basically exactly that whatever the customer wants you make it so run us through exactly what you've done this canopy cuz it's a work of art oh yeah look we cater to the customers requirements within the rules and we've create something that he's been off for quite a while so we've got a 1800 canopy with which is hidden spare tires on the back they do drop down is to give that extra element a feature he wants some completely different and that's hopefully what we've given him so we've got you clear your fridge slide and custom-made draw so we've done the full video on this as well and along with all the electrical it really is something can see it shower at the back yeah yeah there's a shower the shower as well a little hot and cold water so it's off a heat exchanger within the car lots of stories around here and that little touch just like this like you've got laser-cut LC 79 to there yeah it's actually a lighting behind that my body behind it he lied again and it changes colors as well so that will restored storage box now he's got some compressors and whatnot actually in behind all this yep so the spirit got along in the handi the water pumps on the other side remote water system pickup as well so if you need a water source you can go and collect with a bucket and you don't use your tank water put a hose in it flick a lever around and you can actually suck on the bucket yeah and ease that so what's this vehicle being built for it's obviously been built for a bike to ring off yeah for desert so a lot of clean done for desert for gentle irons if he does a lot of desert trips so that's what the primarily set it up for an absolute work of art well I've seen anything in the convoy though if you pack up and we'll get too much things are looking up again as we approach the first real test of the arm Indianhead now this place is usually a good indicator of how soft the sand will be across the island which of course changes frequently depending on the weather and how much traffic at Scott oh yeah boys Indian hat 33 degrees outside it could be able soft I'll go through first see some sand spitting from the back of that d-max mate got into manual mode here second gear and it's giving it a heard for it's not too bad not too bad [Music] there we go a little bit soft in the middle mate not too bad not too bad at all I'll be that man I'll come through that's well done gee whiz I tell you what those waves are picking up that's a big swell out there is it about low range fourth gear I wanna give it hates this first bit it's a bit what most people get stuck I've sailed touring here so far it's all pretty soft until you get up over here the problem a lot of people make note is they stay into it for too long there's a couple of big whoopee those up here if you hit those too hard actually seen people get their radiators and crack their radiators through here so just back off a little bit for the air copy mate hey - a mention coming through here let's send the dog up [Music] stew dog is a bug that never backs off he's building up plenty momentum here this could be interesting oh crap the wheels off the same Mike that was impressive someone filled where spares box boys have done a picture-perfect they've come in hot get through that soft Sam but then washed it all off before those whoop-dee-doo is taking it nice and easy sailed through the other end really good right boys I don't doubt that Shane's gonna want to test out that fulcrum suspensions earlier but see how he goes holy heck there's testing and then there's through your thinking boys if your suspension can handle that it can handle anything looks like the hard drive boys didn't get the memo either I've come through pretty hot as well dad Aaron knows phrase a lot the back of his hand he's also know slaps behind the wheel you'll handle this textbook you watch that's it washes off your speed aim of the whoopsie does powers back out perfectly done mate well it's getting that time of day again when the features are becoming impossible but there's a heap to do inland [Music] I'll tell you what that is a good-looking convoy and everyone makes short work the phrase is soft in land tracks [Music] our next destination is something you'd think your tighly impossible on an island made of sand but this place is full of surprises just like this the valley of the Giants [Music] the tracks whine down into you guessed it a valley and you can see evidence of the islands logging history in the form of these huge wooden bridges soon we're deep in a lush rainforest and you'd be forgiven for thinking you'd arrived in the Daintree it's absolutely amazing yeah good as is the land of the Giants have always wanted to come down and see it's myself and you get a load of some of these trees you realize just the sheer size and every group or show this place it's amazing the wonder they come felt even Giants may have feel like I'm a [ __ ] how good to contrast the fraser people are victorian simply seen fraser island is nothing more than sand on top of volcanic deposits neither one of which holds anything that can grow live so how on earth in the v rainforest dry woodlands grasslands this entire and changing ecosystem well it comes down to one fact and that is that there is a type of funky that's right a little tiny mushroom that lives in the sand over here upon which other things can feed and that circle of life continues right the way through so you get these mighty trees here in the rainforest starting off with bacteria that feed on that funding if we were to lose that one funghi a couple to diet tomorrow from some rare disease fraser island as you know it now it ceased to exist everything would die even a road away the women bow the sand away and the ocean would do the rest so next time you're having mushrooms with your bacon and eggs Spira thought fraser island and all i'd exists while we've been exploring the forest conditions have been quickly changing and the eastern wind is turning into a gale there's a real possibility of fallen trees blocking these inland tracts but we're determined to show the boys as much of the olive as we can it's time to head towards the biggest challenge on Fraser Nagala rocks we've had many run-ins with this place in the past recovering vehicles well into the night as with much of Fraser you really have to suck it up and see as to the track conditions they change almost daily still we've got to get there first and up ahead is the first of what I think will become a regular problem on this trip down week after not at all mate this is not the first order I'll get the heaviest bit boys all right we can hear that wind absolutely howling up in the trees and soon we come across a serious obstacle blocking the track [Music] Oh straight without a shutoff a deadweight oh yeah Charlie's a really bad writer guys hurt you did actually well they're pretty thinking all right can we put a winch over yeah way over here yep that'll come down I'll redo that yep and then I'll back up into their bit for CBP malpractices we just try it out I think would be out well I've got a good chance yeah yeah huge tree it's big enough though to stop us if you don't you don't do that we out down this way I get the recovery here yet all right here we go we're well equipped of course for these kind of situations and pretty quickly we've got everything set up to attempt which [Music] just decided to put a winch block on this tree to get the angle right trying to get that tree over this side right off the track so doesn't go in the middle of track it's a big tree and not much room to work with so a lot of it sure is going to work to be honest yeah but can't sit around here for that give it a go anyway the winch is in position but even with that pulley block in place this big old tree is putting up a fair amount of resistance market we're heavy but slowly but surely we're slowly progressing our good our winch is a after a quick reset to straighten the line pull out we've got the large tree off the track in no time [Music] not too bad not too bad a bit of a cleanup and I'll just track out in a couple of minutes the boys jumping to help and get the last of the branches off the track and just like that the track is opened up again all right well I reckon you've just it through there yeah I'll come I'll come real close yep easy only there'll be a few more I've said it before and I'll say it again I which is something I wouldn't go bush without these days for those at home looking to spend a week on Fraser one thing you'll have to consider is how much gear you'll be running off your batteries I've got a fridge in here that the boys like to hang around a lot I've got camp lights all mine 12-volt need so I need a pretty trick 12-volt system which I've got there's no dramas about that one thing in particular is the little battery monitor I've got in here I can see exactly how much charge I've got left how long it's going to take to charge it back to 100% and also how many AMSA boring give them the confidence to know that I'm always gonna have enough 12 hour power just like that the infamous the garlock's is up ahead what the cameras can't show you is the howling wind blowing up the track but trust me this is as wild as I've ever seen it still we came in a wheel so let's get into it karate this right here is the infamous Nagala rocks look if you're gonna get stuck on phrase wrong it's gonna be right here I'll break it up into sections for you this part going through right now usually pretty good it's a coffee rock section through the canyon you can see why that cork pop you're off you can actually stop through here you know this is not a part where you need to have massive and hits of momentum but now there's always a puddle here sometimes as shallow sometimes it's deep as a rule this pipe will here has got a pretty good surface on it so I'm gonna give it a go now you'll step up to get into it and when you get through this puddle heading north of course there's another spot you can stop take a breath and get your bearings all right here's for the pump here we go very narrow you'll notice is when you do it which is a bit deep today let me get into it a bit it's a little bit deep okay once you through there you back out on this soft sand and take a breather here reevaluate once you get through this bit it's go go go the whole damn way jeez soft boys really soft that wind is made it so now he the camera crew can't even get their cameras out they using GoPro stand Phil you can't even see the track in front we had four four-wheel drives come through not five minutes ago they got stuck up in this entrance part here and to put Mack tracks down to get through I've lost their tracks we're doing it we're doing it all right that's it you do it go to the d-max that is as soft as I've seen it coming up the other end that's going to be next level all right then go rocks well my favorite spot to Fraser this place is savage at the moment look probably about 50 knot winds they're increasing through the afternoon and here we go Graeme has made it so that's a good sign gonna make sure I'm in the right gear here just don't back off or get it wrong because that's when you go to end look at that wind I'm gonna see sand just gonna the same floor up the page this is walls alright anyway back off here all the time though the guard rocks when you think you've made it just keep going just keep get on this you are goodies that we gather ups who a thought shall I'd stuff that with that weird gear change in the middle but he's minor that's the beauty of a bit of power on tap alright let's send the dog this is a really soft day despite having one of the more sophisticated autos in the business Jews only got two gears go and stop right now he's using the go to gear and look at him he's gonna make it through there unscathed right eye shine let's see what you got mate what are our prices buddy [Music] [Applause] we say [Music] Tim and Aiden have got all the power in the world there thanks to the subtle control of their currently right I don't think this is gonna pose any problems at all however having said that there's been a few four-wheel drives in front of them and that yuzu makes the sound a bit softer or thank goodness the camera crew opted to use GoPros for this part of the show because you wouldn't be playing on the sander of those expensive cameras for the next 10 years woman's managed to get the keys up Darrin for this section camp I don't blame you with a track like that I wouldn't hand the keys to anybody even the bloke that built it all the trucks are through and there unscathed but the tide has turned and the wind is pushing the waves right up the beach in preparation for the cyclone local Rangers have been moving people south meaning we're the last visitors up here this might be the end of the line for us from the other Beach quick running at a beach this is a bit like turning around for the summit of Everest when you only got out or meters to go I want to take these boys to the tip of Sandy cave as much as anyone does dolemite I really believe that we're not even gonna make around the corner because soon as that tide comes up early two hours after low tide and this place is just throw the tide booking out the window because the cyclone is just causing the waves that has come up on the beach every frozen Beach every minute we stand here now I'm not consider me to camp somewhere up high if we can get there what I'm concerned about is getting six cars stack up against to send you down here yeah and having a wave come in hit everyone I think the best bet we've got all could be sheer some lovely campsites there on the back there yep I reckon we might have to just go back to in Angola hopefully we don't get stuck that's a bigger ask exactly you don't get stuck yeah yeah it might be for summer camp it's so close to CD catch the thing is you do get stuck out there and ice and those seven meter swells do come in and then four weeks breaks my heart it does it does that's a kickin it goes all right but there's plenty of oh it's just you know my love of that part that's fantastic all right let's turn around boys sorry to say it we're gonna turn her out it's not often you get to tackled Nagala rocks twice in one day but that's exactly what we've got to do right now they're boys I've been stuck coming in northbound I've just stuck down out southbound let's see what the day brings I think this might be a bit of a challenge up through here but we'll see I'll give it a go probably my darling heart I'm gonna knock through this section here oh oh oh momentum he's not Katie yeah yes yes he's done it he's done it no ever these sections through here influence being soft it's all about momentum and keeping the rep range up now I've gone into manual mode second gear low range and I'm trying to keep my ribs at around three three two rpm if I start to feel wheel spin I'm actually gonna back off but I won't wheel spin I'm gonna back off a bit and see if I can feather it plus a little bit here and the gala rocks it's all downhill from here if I can just get to it she's pretty good she's pretty good that is very cool big girl you did me proud I didn't look too bad night gonna come through my third gear this is the question I wanna go second this it's more than a bad decision oh stop that we're spectrum again that's all good come on Stu yeah yep so if that were me my father left a bigger gap between yourself and the student all right he will catch you in seconds epilogue there's nothing I had a slide am but I boys the dogs called your tree give it to her Smashbox Prado handle no sugar on a couple of realism nice to see strewth Shan entertaining as always and the girl rocks is not going to get the better of him Aidan's behind the wheel for this drive and he's rooster tailing his way to success they've got this I know they happen with the light starting to fade it really is time to head to camp there might be a storm on the horizon but this place is still absolutely stunning [Music] [Music] [Applause] it doesn't take long for us to have the swags rolled out you can't set up then it's time for her very very well and there Fraser you're one heck of a place [Music] with early morning comes a new report that cyclone is bearing down on the coasts and only just hours away we're not wasting the time you're getting packed up and hitting the road if we miss this low tide we could be stuck here for a long long time so absolutely no time to waste [Music] well that's looking pretty good pretty good you know life on fraser lives by the tides high tide let's stay in camp read a book drink a beer low tide get on the beach get where you gotta be however when you get these conditions a big stormy conditions cyclone offering off the coast strong winds the tides can be a little bit unpredictable this morning we've got up super early some has only just popped up over the horizon in order to get down the beach on what is predicted to be a pretty good low tide but even now you can see right my speech to deal with but the only bird gets the worm that's exactly what we're gonna do Sean copy mate yeah go to my plan to get up early mate looks like it's paid off this is a pretty good time pretty good tide yeah gone you're planning this on mate I reckon if you left it another hour I would be there for most of the day and that's the problem mate I think the next low is like 2 o'clock this afternoon it's just that can't happen we got to get moving probably the fastest packed the other camp ever seen always it behind me so we're good to go but I'm gonna reckon the plan is we are let's do a bit of England scouting when you reckon yeah good call mate cool cool follow me mate follow me boys you cane yeah Mikey nose for sure my let's get it let's get that bread I'll tell you what fries Iran is one of the most stunning destinations in Australia even if there's a bit of a cyclone off the coast in all weather conditions there's always something to do and to see on Fraser yeah two little tips want to give you things that take me there you don't need a lot out here mind you but definitely take a tighter flavor get those tires down to fifteen eighteen psi if you need to so you can drive anywhere in the oil not get involved and the second thing of course is a tide chart without a tide chart on this trip we would have been absolutely buggered so those two things you'll have an amazing tolerant fraser island speaking amazing talent fires are old it's exactly what we've had but the weather is quite inner we need to get off this beach I think want to hit fill in and try and make the last very birthday better luck might just make it as Sean said the plan now is to get back south to the ferry an orchid beach when Glen the island is being closed to visitors and the ferry won't run after today until the cyclone is passed through we've got one chance to make it back to the ferry in time and while the tide is high' inland is our best bet at the moment back on the coast the weather has taken a real turn for the worse conditions are changing by the minute and we're soon in the midst of driving rain [Music] hey Shawn I gotta go yeah but your bike doesn't happen often mate but one of the good things about a quick short shower like that on Fraser Island is it just gets rid of that salt and sand off your track yeah I couldn't agree more my god don't know why water jets working on the windscreen so this is a blessing for me yeah I thought the same thing when it came bolting down then I can get me shiny new paintwork back it's true mate I know you're fraught on these trips you said you're putting new was a computer in your auto I don't understand these things mate oh yeah the new copies you're free which is a standalone controller that we've always had with the new ones neo lr3 raided and set up welcome to the future Bluetooth so what does that mean you can be a little app on your phone and you can adjust it yeah that's that's correct I mean all-sky can download a program from the cloud if we want to change things etc from the from the main office as well that is unbelievable so yes what do you recon there's a bit of a testing trip I yeah or are you calling this an absolute holiday you know the big beastie hey mate hey gallon hey listen you are eating this soft sand up I'm gonna put you on the spot with this how much do you attribute to your throttle controller the throttle controller probably does help to make us look a little bit better a little bit more of a skillful driver than I am now as me just to get better control over the wheel speed yeah so when we need it punchy we can put it into the ultimate mode yep when we are in low range and trying to crawl and walk over things we can put it into the eco mode and slow it right down that is so cool and you've got a third mode and there's the automatic control mode which allows it to adjust based on your pedal pressure so you accelerate generally come-ons less aggressively yeah sorry comes on more aggressive well let's let me get this right big gala rocks we want to get on with that throttle right away get some power up get some speed up well through Nagala rocks we had it on eco walking through okay and then when we got to the water you bumped it up to you five yep and that gave us the punch to get up the hill that makes perfect sense to me and that's a quick and easy to adjust so that's just it's just pushing some buttons just pushing some button and you can do that on the fly and you can do it on the fly man that is so done handy well it's proving yourself here I'm seeing the proof in the pudding I might keep it up if we need to snatch someone out I've got you on speed dial cheers mate or good boy to it okay [Music] phrases in land tracts will only take you so far and eventually we have to head back to the beach to head south according to the tide chart we should be coming up on the next low but what greets us and the coast is not a pretty scene [Music] whoa look at this speech look at this speech mate there's not much left it has been thrashed and we're just got to get south we're gonna get off the allah might yeah well no work cut out my dad about it I think we'll be wrong a few waves to get there if we get there timing is everything mate I think it's just gonna be a case of spreading out a bit and keeping your on those wives skinny pedal and hope for the best it's quite ominous that wasn't just big long stretch of beach whitewash everywhere windy yeah right it looks like here in somewhere in the bottom a Tasmania at the moment I'm looking hang around hola catch it with a strong wind pushing us along we make good progress down that eastern beach butter the next headland we encounter another problem [Music] this is supposed to be an outgoing tide right here but the waves have literally eaten the beach way this could be a game-changer this is the entry up into champagne pools of course we're tracking south of the moment I've never seen the ocean here like this and this is the calm before the storm ever look at this we've got about four meter swells at the moment the waters back right up check this out this is the entry to the track look at that we're gonna get down through here soon as that tide of eights below what's his write-up over the camera guy that the reason we're doing this right now is we've been ordered to head south I'm gonna let a camp on the beach we are the only ones up here at the moment there's other than the locals living at orchid they're totally safe we are the only ones this far north Fraser on right now we've got to gets out well that is heavy man camera crew stop look at this here the massive tides and the massive waves that coming through are gonna you done date all of the camping up here so whilst I might look like what we're doing is a bit reckless we have to do this we have to get south right now so long as we time this right this peach is okay I am glad I'm not going that way that looks diabolical [Music] because every 100 pinkie bands in the bakery should be okay plan is to move white comes in this is gonna be taught alright we're going we're going [Music] I'm not lying around yeah it's gonna be I'm just got at times perfectly and that win the same coming back at me here is inside as you can see I've time that to perfection I've got heaps of beach to play with but what you're not saying is what would happen if I got it wrong waves are smashing up against these sand dunes so timing is everything that was that was something else okay so all matter of timing so I want to found out is there's going to be one big wave huge surge that will come out but on the biggest wave just after that you go for it you don't stop you're gonna get about five meters down the beach it's a good drunk lion we were that time to be ethically not all wing on this road follow me go on that one time that one and go mr. Sonali amazing throw the time for now but we know I've said it a couple times in this trip and it couldn't be more true problem is when it's low tide you go to bed and never either side of the dead of low tide to get anywhere on the beach otherwise these huge king tides and a cyclone just eat up the beach waves it's making for some very interesting driving your Fraser and this is what it looks like to get the timing wrong whilst you've got plenty of beach and those waves go out once they come in you've got nothing and you would be absolutely nailed by big incoming surges not only back to your vehicle a lot of damage it's actually very unsafe right ice Joe let's get that timing spot on mate moving down the dog doesn't hang around at the best of times and I guarantee wifey here [Music] he's hit a small way there you can see the water wash up behind even he ain't stopping that's smart just keep going mate we can wash that off like Abigail that well yet that's the surge after snooze being through like I keep saying timing is everything right i boys give that Prato its head get through there you've got this [Music] I thought of your smile thor's you got that way that was sick okay that's guy come on top and floor it that's guy and floor yep never a truer word spoken and we're through I think it is a relief I gotta admit I know exactly how you feel boys all right this is sketchy here we go didn't do it unleash the power even to use that product controller mate if ever there was a time this is it if their speed limit so when you're racing the time [Applause] okay let's hear the big 79 sing come on we don't want to make another artificial rapier get into it the excuse if you sit at home right now thinking to yourself what are these boys talking about it looks absolutely farming on the camera and it does what you're not experiencing of these winds right now which are I've never actually felt anything quite as strong as these winds this is nothing yet cyclists want you to hit them later on today or even tomorrow but what there is absolutely no way we can mask is that out there it's almost black out there and 134 in the afternoon that is the cyclone coming in we've been given instructions to get south get off the beaches and so whilst it probably looks pretty damn good on the TV screens trust me when I say conditions are fairly wild out here but we're in control we're in control we know we're doing now that we can see a bit of beach up in front of us we're starting to make some real progress the last ferry is fast approaching so we really can't afford to hang around John you got a copy back there mate yeah Graham mate and I'm down along look at this split air I listen with word in your ear when it comes to setting up suspension for trips like fraser simpson desert the sort of the more sandiest sort of terrains that we like to try conquer what do you what do you recommend mate what's what's the go for you well it all depends on how you have your vehicle set up with your accessories right okay so would you suggest to someone that they've just bought a new vehicle they put the accessories on it first then deliver suspension so they've got their weights right may that would be preferred because honestly the the difference in spring rates for a full bar winch compared to nothing at all you really don't want the heavy one if you haven't got anything on my tie bar currently in an ifs vehicle half a place I'm tired I'm a big convert towards some of these days tell me about suspension setups on the IFS vehicle clear as wise it cetera et cetera well when you got the weight on there that comes in - how much clearance you got so if you've got a light spring heavy full bar and winch you're not going to get the clearance you get if you put the right spring in there for that load if you don't gain that extra 15 mil clearance from doing a lift everything underneath is going to act like a boat anchor I guess at the end of the day mate suspension is one of those things that really can make or break a four-wheel drive oh yeah mate that's what you've always talked to someone who's a bit of an expert on the subject yeah I guess that's across the board with a lot of things but yet suspension being one of those things I've seen a car setup well I've seen a cow setup poorly and the difference is chopping Jason [Music] as the next wave of the front pushes up over us we start to see some of the casualties the wild conditions they've got something interesting up on the beach up an idiot we pick our way around the wreckage that the beach is starting to disappear again we're getting a bit nervous so I don't like having this cliff on my right-hand side right yeah it's a little bit concerning Mike then the waves a puppet on one side and you can't even jump into the turns and the other he's got a stuck here here no man said yeah like right now right right em now just like that a big wave hits the side of the d-max I've got nothing I can do here but slow up and try to stop myself from flooding under the vehicle back off lucky I stopped got waves breaking in front of me now what do we got about 12 cows to go to get to the ferry yeah bad they made about that all right we've got this we've got this let's try and let's try and get this done well need to make meter too much like left you know and they stopped the period about five I think let's check the hurry up shut up student leader you actually ask your mate your ex with my wife it's a juice bottle I'm getting to it by the way your boy Loki's with this right your have you enjoyed fries roll Mike to see your first time up here that's been really good most of all it's been quite the adventure Yanis it's been a few little curveballs thrown our way courtesy of Mother Nature but uh yeah a good trip be nice been awesome so it certainly likes to come back again for sure about 7:00 any from Spears box he buys some weight then having a ball no it doesn't get any better Sam's been looking at real estate wants to move up here yeah yeah it's a guy that's he go Jane you about a ball Mike give a test and suspension he has everything for you made my favorite part of it and the most challenging part look wasn't the garlic rocks yeah that's playing a favorite of mine for a long time a dancer it's one of those one do you want to take off the bucket that you know I've made in Goa rocks and good that everyone get on this trip may I came close I lost all momentum at one point but pull truck that's ego attend from I Drive you've been having a good time mate what's your favorite part bait funnily enough the speeding the tides has been quite a challenge so that's probably one of my favorite parts has been just the the challenge of getting ahead of it to be honest has been to the heart and mail sort of stuff but arm it adds a whole new dimension to the on the gaspé there have you gone Mike you and wind up the back there you've been cape they're going lon yeah might night well he beat you join it I'm always might come neither Fraser and now I still haven't bought a rundown 79 made us peanuts in a bunch of different conditions soft sand to embrace it our wives stand really well yeah might like whims on winning here mateys these help us build a beautiful truck night and IV enjoys driving the ferry is getting real close now it looks like we've timed it just right all being well we should just catch the last ferry of the day at last we round that final corner I'm not gonna see the manta ray barge up ahead sure like over on the left night till verse the sad side to save it at the same time we made it I was going to say it's bittersweet mate we've been headed to the ferry there's a couple of moments there incoming waves eccentrics is where our thoughts truth I might become a local on frozen guys to show Mike nothing wrong with a bit of bad weather just bad preparation will stop even having a ball and Fraser that's exactly right mate but for now I reckon we line up she's really going to get choppy all right back to reckon we haven't seen the worst of it yet might love this place and this will go down as a very memorable trip Fraser Island you can get us any cake that we feel a great moment that football of course it will I mean to you know to be kicked off the arc of a cyclone and to see that weather in the waves and the wind that we experienced ooh good time and with that it's time to say goodbye once again to Fraser Island look this is definitely not being what you'd call an average Fraser trip but I've got a feeling this will go down as one of the more memorable visits we'll have here the boys of lined the four-wheel drives up and soon we're heading back to the mainland [Music] [Music] right there was a couple of moments there where I thought I wasn't gonna see this Nick the exactly right we've done it we made it it's gonna be a little bit forward or off a journey that I'm used to Elsie was angry that hey listen I think we have proved conclusively it doesn't matter what the weather is doing you can have an absolute blast I'm pleased but absolutely are you gonna pack right yep and I just have a little bit of sense of adventure and holy Hank I've had it I've an amazing I would I would do it all again that's just to see us eat just one thing Plus that this one thing I wish this lifeline was just a bit bigger therefore it would probably stay another form of days on the island it'd still be a Kingfisher probably drunk older down the pub crawl Kingfisher halibut idea wrong Jo next time daddy's not bones or idea drop I just want to come along okay well you know we'll invite us on YouTube examiner oh free subscribe subscribe pick that button if you like this stuff to see a lot more the good stuff yep boys what do you think good bikes you will catch us you might catch some Fraser you might not but if you don't you'll catch the next time on stick around because coming up is something you don't want to miss that's right I'm talking my favorite part the four-wheel drive action outtakes g'day folks I hope you enjoyed our Frazer on adventure you've got a pool right there can you not now look folks our vehicles both them are kitted out with a whole heap of here that make our trips around Australia just so much better than would be didn't have that year and I'd like to take this opportunity what we both would to go through a few of those products will explain what we've got installed on the vehicle now obviously we need you at Jeff's now I've got the unit in uh90 8-0 installing my vehicle and what I love about it it all Bugalugs here at the best of times talks got miles in his mouth so it makes it so easy to be able to use the replay function on there but I can hear him again give me a second chance to understand what you said there's a few products I'd like to share as well now obviously the tires are not on my vehicle I've got the general grab at X threes but they're in a size 35 inch now I think I proved that those things work really well in the mud you expect that of a mud tire and like they obviously worked a treat in the sand I think I proved that it didn't get stopped once so I think they'll work well more importantly have to pull your way out of there now everyone needs suspension on their four-wheel drives you can't get away without it I have it I'm running the Volcom to itch kit onto the d-max now what I really like about that is that we put that in after we put all the accessories in the drawers in the back all the other bits and pieces so it has been created to fit my vehicle and over here on the bar speeches on the eastern side of Frazer on we if you come to the speed if performed absolutely faultlessly but on the inland tracks we get into that bumpy horrible stuff no problem at all so far from suspension on the old MX we're gonna treat like look I think this product goes there saying you must have it no matter where you go camping Australia but especially on a bait I'm talking about my fridge yeah the Dometic in there that the CF 65 litre it's a dual zone I love about that 65 liters worth of goodies that means I can fit all the beers all the food and even enough beers for grains you keep stealing half a mile on so that's been a real train on the confuse anyway you can right now phrase your honor for those that don't understand is a stand also saying we the biggest sin doll in the world there you go now a lot of that sand is gonna end up in your vehicle mine is just about brand new so having troop it covers on the floor floor mats inside the vehicle has meant that every other day I just pull those out tip the senator and there's no sand inside the vehicle itself I can put it back I'm actually growing the island basis so those true few floor mats absolutely spot on no right there a beaut but I've actually gotta fit in the ami well another part of a lot to run through in fact there's two products that made life a lot easier over there I'll talk about the fridge before you get that free gear of course I've got a drop side I'm not the tallest boy and neither you mate it's not the news to you but the old drop down from Clear View the easy slide that makes life so easy pull it out pull it back you does matter here here that fridge is it can hold hundreds over a hundred kilos that fridge slide so fantastic in the back there and also I've got the Clear View tiny mirrors so again you've got a big rig I can't see through the backs I need all the vision I can make wrong makes life easy yep there you go there's just a few of the many for us we've got fit into our vehicles that makes life a lot easier the bush and considering we spend what seven months of the year here up having the scrub and beautiful plays like Frazer and get all the butterflies here in Australia we need all the help we can get to make my better off ride so on a say a big thanks for watching our phrase roller adventure we're gonna get out of this iPhone you can get to the next destination which is the rainbow beach pop stop let's figure out the next spot this is a freshly fallen tree and I reckon with these winds in getting employment sorry pain out of me try I like the fact that we get to see in space but regularly and really close to like you would never camp right there like we're gonna use your tent peg to put my swagger you get it all out get it all that [Laughter] what Santa might have specifically on Fraser II every time a Nissen breaks down another going to say it's fine we'll just move away from the baby chill hey everybody one banana so you can imagine at all of these big it's a lot of disappointing news tinnitus that called the circle blood the circle of life all right just dump how do I look Zen everywhere since a while the reality is through his hard work right it's very hard work Chuck a couple eyes in the air but I'm actually reached James shine that was supposed to be rings yeah didn't read the label did not read the label now this light so definitely sauce no no just put him know I'll be a messy like a client it'll be bigger sample of horrible well I'm not gonna hang around hola Khachaturian jugs I'm gonna go pick out the camera for Pfizer all and was basically big saying on yeah I wasn't the best one I've never done brain for steering my wants me a lot box we carry truth [Music] I just can't do sorry does good just ladies this is sherry he's single and he's looking to mingle she's my buzz it's pretty lush that boy but I was just submitted aside blush this could only be described as as luscious your hair if you had anybody but it's beautiful this is the finaland car the fraser island adventure you guys have been great [Music] give it up it's all folks listen to your heart listen to the fun [Laughter]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,824,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, fraser island, cyclone, cyclone oma, beach, queensland, idrive, sparesbox, 4wd 24/7, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails
Id: jCOovLG-DJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 21sec (4401 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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