This track caused HUGE carnage... Bush Mechanics and Breakages on tough NSW Tracks!

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I’m a big 4wd Action fan. Graham and Shauno are hilarious!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/-stuart- 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
Oh Mike that's definitely power steering fluid in it you can smell that and we thought it was defile its power steering fluid we've got a vehicle down the bottom of the hill with two broken TVs as well we don't know if it's done a rack as well as Tuesday's our hose there's a lot of problems right now and at this moment in time we don't know if we can get the vehicle out of the way I don't know I think we have to get the tools out try and diagnose vehicle and we're gonna have to come up with something absolutely magical oh yeah yeah I think so it's midday at the moment but don't be shocked if it gets dark real quick because it's not going to be easy getting the car out I get our tools out and go get the tools out and up why don't you sit back and see exactly how we got to this situation with bonnets up broken stuff everywhere tell you what this is one heck of a track our journey starts right here in the water guns region of New South Wales we're on our way right now to meet up with jock and Sam they've got a new rig and I'm dead clean to check it out I'm stoked to be back behind the wheel but things just aren't quite right there's a bit of residue left over here Hey right there probably late yeah I do a mate I just should really I feel like disinfecting the steering wheel I don't particularly want to talk into this microphone it's through got a favour to jump over it it doesn't make it smells like young man and regretting here but it is good to be back behind the wheel buddy yeah good to have you back too mate and speaking about young Jocko we should be out the ever seen in this beers box it's 200 brand new one sure enough he is trouble Peugeot this bike look at the big 200 my goodness that action that looks well it looks pretty good I'm gonna pull off in dark chase it quickly that looks sick have a go at this will you what our transformation from stock as a rock to this off rodent beast in just seven days using spares box parts I can hardly believe it boys have a girl with this anklet weapon a absolute please mate it's got fire work all over at 8:34 as far as yeah it's got a mad touring setup it's got everything one thing it doesn't have though Mike it doesn't blow a lot of black smoke true and one does yes is something guys come on I reckon I might actually go a little bit better than you what might we put it out there we've got an lancret this is a brand new e yeah I see Kate yeah I've got one that's sort of 30 years old roughly put her head to head yes all right boys if you can keep up we probably will hit the power button on the tracks let's put it this part of the test sounds good alright this get annoyed this is the ultimate battle of old versus new and I reckon sure now hasn't got a home as the boys air down and get ready to battle it out it's time for us to meet the rest of the crew Sam from spares box is riding shotgun with Jocko in the 200 series heat from I Drive is behind the wheel of an insanely capable GU patrol that sporting one of the latest I drive modules he's keen to put it to the test offroad now Pete's gonna be battling old versus new with a wide 62 driven by Anthony from opus campus Anthony's why 62 is an absolute fire-breathing dragon and he's built it up to tackle some of the tougher tracks whilst also being able to tow a camper trailer absolutely effortlessly speaking of which he's got a brand spanking new opus behind him that they are really keen to put through its paces on some of the toughest tracks in the wat against region next up we've got old mates shame from fulcrum and he's running the exact same suspension setup that I run in the d-max so I know he's gonna have zero problems out here speaking of which Shane and I have got our own little side bet goin so you could say there's a lot at stake on this trip I reckon let's get stuck into it the unseasonally wet conditions mean that the tracks come up are gonna be insane for our first challenge we're gonna head down to Creek Road we're just get to the track is a challenge in itself so slippery on this first obstacle you can see the Bank and the rock associated with it is gonna cause us some real problems we don't pick our line perfect right here I have a go of this give it a moisture on the track today in it's proving to be quite slippery this is gonna be one heck of a challenge I reckon [Music] looking at clothes that he's oh oh first time I drove the technics I'm driving a big wide 200 series how do you think I feel pay off hazy not yeah they just crawl about that well you reckon yeah yeah it's an arrogant little passage and I'm in a very very wide expensive what a what a what if it might just so you get a headspace right so you're good to do this with all confidence in the world don't know don't you get down you get in the vehicle this actually Sean's backache it's probably oh you really want to do damage yeah yeah right oh I'm slipping down yeah you feel about you but I'm a little bit nervous driving it this is by far the most expensive car ever driven and probably will ever drive yeah there's a good Drive sorry false ID good job guys good Drive should laugh because that could be paid yeah yep yep checking that box and they go oh I love my hide your love Mahalo well let's really want to avoid that boat one smooth motion mate so hands a little wheel I don't even know if I'm gonna fit through Sam's looking a little concern oh look how bad it is you know I kind of decide yeah go away no don't coach - oh it's flex well doesn't it though strike those wheels up Jacque I probably go back and give it one go like living down it's nice having a twin-turbo v8 and the Ordos well yeah lawsy dad that's a tough act to follow like he's I won't lie I'm really quite nervous cuz of that back you spot me thrill do exactly what you say okay all right all right I suggest oh yes yes just get dr. DRA the day max I can't even get me out of this rock step but that fall on your bum Tim from its do the best I can right there mate okay since breaking my arm in a mountain biking accident this is the first time back behind the d-max with the new canopy I won't like I'm nervous as heck oh here we go you always drive fast when you're scared hey Marilyn I swear it's got an arrow yeah indicators are asking for a mile a fifth-rate weights in that car without scratching it right I need special a special Oh really close on this side good draw yeah it's pretty good yeah I need to come up in one go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah slippery huh yeah come on stole it off with a hammer yeah Oh mas look a backup wrecker yeah you got Apes probably not much more than that all right give it nervous I am okay yeah you're ready to do it just go back a bit more back he gone he gone it stopped all right good guy for a week but maybe winch off the to undo it all back up okay I'm happy to keep the panels straight in this instance and take to the winch winching off the 200 means we can put our anchor point exactly where we need it and give me a straight line pull so I don't touch any of the banks and keep every panel straight and that's exactly what I'm looking to do after all that island needed to go about a car length and I'm out of trouble oh thank goodness for that okay shines the narrowest vehicle here so he's got a good chance on this one [Music] look at that he's got mobs of room but that track ain't getting any drier in fact it's getting more and more slippery by the minute go back and do it in one go yeah good neck yeah that's it boys right 80 series in it probably get out there maybe got a little bit more back yeah over there how much uh more than I just got hard just go from there again yeah you put on the [ __ ] I stored up a bit before you draw a little bit of pouring your belly from the narrowest vehicle to perhaps the widest with a camper trailer in tow Anthony's up next but that wire 62 is a very capable vehicle one is a little highway for him twin locked twin locked production gears in his auto auto ah who's cast I think I just went this way all cars are doing so well pika he got a Miss Daley's listen to him Oh that was so close that's a better Spade for you as Anthony gets closer to the peach between the bank and the tree roots we see that we might just have a problem here you can pretty much only go straight okay it's just saying hello it's fine okay night yeah you will it's just Ameri the 200 did the same thing just pumps the durian because of the mirror what do you mean you punch the door because this is going into here in cuffs adore him yep Anthony's just the entities door that's mine yeah no it's bigger than that Anthony's gonna have one more crack but alright she's a big girl he's wide a very wide now it's gonna is gonna do the all that Emma just yeah get back at out well that's a first a four-wheel drive that's too wide for the track now he's got to reverse out turn around and meet us somewhere else it's not every day you see a vehicle it literally does not fit in the track and um with the 200 series can make it up now you theories bite it grain with you canopy what stitute not even close so turning around and up significant message I mean it like if it was a bit wider he would have beside me more but I would have my tits not worry spot if you can't even get to the track you can't draw it that's it that's I know for me okay let's see how the old patrol goes he'll walk out this all three later II what Hill what Russ yeah yeah he's happy till the happy noises yeah like that you can see well so far like the old is losing no he's doing really well oh sorry you're right yeah it's going really well it's one of the new cows couldn't even go on the track so that's a big big nardoo that's a old is actually winning mike yeah okay see you you all know this is just one track might I'm just coming in to I like to warm up slowly naughty young blokes just stick it straight in there and then just that's exactly right how about we continue and I'll show you how to drive thank you got to watch this the tracks around here all linked up pretty darn easily so it's not much longer till we're back in convoy with Anthony the 62 and the Opus there's been days of rain out here and simple tracks are becoming extremely difficult 200 takes it in its stride the day max eats it up also but Shane's lion is ever so slightly off and he just keeps getting hung up Shane gives it a bunch of tries but due to the wet and slippery conditions just can't seem to clear that rut it's just one of those situations where despite your best efforts you've got a winch well I guess this goes to show these conditions out here doesn't take too much with this clay for the top layer clay to sort of come off and just it reveals what really is like ball bearing grease and as you can see here multiple attempts but just keep sliding off into that rut and it doesn't look like much I guarantee you probably think it would has used rubber bit of it he's given up multiple attempts but just no go and that's the nature is part of the world short wench and Shane's out of trouble I tell you though if he's having difficulties right here Anthony is going to have to put in one monumental Drive but something tells me Anthony's ready to deliver ever listen to this one of the ways also noise wave hit me site before tire pressures are absolutely everything but then there's power that was pure downright disgustingly enviable power I would like that noise I'd like to be out of my bed noise myself much less in a truck alright spanking the power play later here we go [Music] Anthony's throwing down the gauntlet there but Pete basically idles his way up with that throttle perfectly dampened that to me is a masterful drive soon we're on to our next destination I want you to think money lots and lots of money [Music] this one right here looks like it could swallow a four-wheel-drive hole yes we check it out goodness gracious Reagan doesn't look that pretty another quick quick not easy the bubbles on the mud that's a strong indicator that there's a bit of depth there this is we're paying that late vehicles not a good idea when it comes to mud anyway yeah someone's tried to walk across it messing it up well for you to go yeah get into it you'll be right mate I have to do this there's some bog holes that you just look at you think I shouldn't be driving anywhere near that and this is one of them it just looks really to save me and it's not Davis in the waters not Davis there's lots of mud and it just keeps going on forever thank you I'll give these a readout guys oh all right come on anyway oh he's gonna do it easily Oh Thanks yes get in a few of those whoa cats right in front of the boys now I'm a witch hey if you want maybe back adil something 200 and clear for and then you can have another good I got a bit more power than you might so macho we got to get through sexy true yeah sometimes despite all the help from your mates around you now any help you really need is to get the winch out [Music] they're all home [Music] there's like to cuba dirty funny right now i that is disgusting god what a fine that was one huge reach job but we finally got him out of it [Music] whoa tripod whoa that's disgusting get it I'm gonna be sick lucky I didn't never big nor last night oh yeah Sean seems keen to get out of it all right what do you reckon mate well Sean's pretty much cleared yeah a couple of key word turd out of this bothers to think there's a lot of mud in there oh yeah you got your winch yet good man let's see what this big girl can do I yes yes oh she's body might it's NZ slaughter stopping you I really not enough clearance though Wow look you'd be quiet' animal yeah - why all right you nearly might at the sign is the ID oh my I think I might've been fry did my Diablo the horsepower doubled the turbos double the plugs in the Sun yeah boys Pop's the new cars got further than the ID yeah it did and I'm like you know dab it a bit under morning you know that's just funny when you get stuck you just stop yeah especially now the 200 ain't no lightweight and that is some super thick mud this is gonna be quite the winching evident the boys are through so what guess that means it's my go I like the good news is you've got the least amount of clearance the smallest tire sizing the convoy or any absolutely fine in this bowl olivet so yeah my main concern this is I'm being serious now as a you boys didn't pull very far forward up there I don't have mislaid anytime let's give this a red-hot guy that was good but you're supposed to keep going although which please that's about as far away you got I'm firmly dipped out here there's no way I'm getting out of here without the winch but there's a couple of techniques I've still got up my sleeve it's gonna be really gentle on the throttle here because I want to spin the wheels too much like spinning the wheels peeps isn't gonna help me a whole a whole hey you want to try and rise up above the mud just go understand silly in a puddle like this but if you're spinning the wheels crazy you tend not to go as far TV an idea I'm at 1200 rpm this is where these clear views are so good because I can use the bottom half the clear view to see really well just what's going on at the back of the vehicle I'm done I'm free I might you've got this yes oh my sir I just wanted to be 200 just making a little score here actually Shane out in the highlights number one yeah boy 200 well that's me right there but what's important about this team X is right here what's very important if I take a huge step this way that's a fabric source therefore we end up at the old you haven't fun though right well to be honest Mike to be honest it's like in order of who's got the biggest dream school because because down this end you've got someone that you're pining if I wanted cami first the old vehicles still won't have this because the big Ju at the back I reckon the G yous got this if I just on the fence with I'm just gonna go with your ego shines on the pointy end of the winch and is just about out of trouble it's Anthony that's up next what happens is gonna sound good alright let's let's call it through and stand right back ready when you are buddy give it everything coming in hot I'm pregnant holy you're all my stop I'll turn the lock is on the up scared the hell out of me that's how you throw a bunch of girls we measure that way out a bit here oh yeah oh my god their mud has been wet fish and butter that's not only dislike there's an explosion look away you can't say just stand there help us so you need to top that now okay yeah power well so far the new cars have got a voice arms man in convoy I reckon this is it for old cars to come back to come back mate I'm gonna might get passed right Oh Pete there's a lot riding on your mate it's a slow start but we're hoping he's gonna build on this step I believe in you do better go unfortunate here we got it did fourth gear Oh [Music] I got brought this now unfortunately I think this has gone under the new vehicles and that was that yeah that was a gallant ever though I reckon that's that big pumpkin on the front I wake up awake I have pre-sold second year it says it all burst you well that's one to the old and wonder the news so far we're currently tired but the winner at the moment is the amount of fun we're having good is this Pete sound clear of the winch and more importantly clear that boggle something we're all glad to say goodbye to the days getting on and the rain starting to fall again which means the tracks are getting even slippery up I personally reckon it's time we push on and find a camp will leave the rain to do its job and prep the tracks for another mad day tomorrow [Music] our camp tonight is at the back of the pines now look the weather might be a little bit in Clement but the mood certainly isn't we are in for a cracking campsite all the vehicles are filthy muddy and the Opus is no exception it might not be looking very appealing right now but the thing is well sealed for conditions like this and Anthony reckons will be amazed and our claim to the look once it's set up [Music] we're expecting a lot more rain tonight so everybody is about to hunker down we're getting awnings out warning walls and putting swags on stretches where possible we've all barely got our bloody swags unrolled and the camper trailer is already set up sure enough we've checked the seals and there's no mud inside it's gonna be a wet night tonight so I'll be great to have this kitchen under cover we're all soon done and I'm absolutely stoked to have my setup finally to myself the full MIT's canopy all to me and soon it's time for the fridges to be slid out and beers to be cracked [Music] and look at that not a bad setup for a cold wet nights camping it's time to prep have a couple of beers and get ready for chef wale I use the term chef very loosely very loosely indeed [Music] what I was my baby before but I reckon with a bit of rain on the track I've never sent like that today was there that wild well not exactly a hard hard track but we had our work cut out yeah yeah no sections three other day I thought I have to winch on a flat piece of rock all right what the heck it's been having our work cut out the kitchen and there's a toilet roll shortage truth look I just want it I'm not gonna tell you I'm coming tonight but you've seen the side of the 80 series right it's covered in mud I'm missing guards panels are all buggered are you making a reference to him what you're gonna cook we're gonna look as bad well I'm just making reference I'm gonna it's been a bit of a money on the ID to my head good so I'm in a bit of a budget when it comes to this meal I didn't go all out I went to the special section in Woolies it's just got white rice it's gonna be good though I'm gonna show you how you can make a budget meal okay I'll get your B what do you need me to get well I want to go into the open I reckon peanuts looking red off I'm gonna go in there make a mess in there so you get a body plate on there I might that's a boy any chance we get to zip into town and grab another meal [Music] Oh tell you what you can't pick the weather but here we are the first rule of a budget barbecue is to bring a stacker meat to the table now you boys have seen this before no debt houses with Mike it's just it's absolutely buckling down it's because it's wet there's puddles everywhere but to be under a can of a trial off my this is all change this is absolutely super my keep an eye on I have all this corrugated straightened around I don't buy them because it's nice and warm in there what I'm gonna try and prove tonight it's a bit of a size experiment you can get the cheapest cuts of meat yes and still make them taste really good really yeah yeah have a little sleepy yawn Jack a shifter well wanna grab this yep but what you're gonna make a bunch of barbecue worse yeah all in the sauce well it is it is it is girl that one something didn't quite work out you you put the right sources down on a bit of mate yep and you're gonna get yourself some flavors that absolutely irresistible yeah firstly only grab the chicken out you ever know I've had to be good yep yep so these these cuts of chicken I think the fancy paper call in the Maryland you know cheap economy district oh this this thighs apparently 11 we've got the binds in them nothing that makes them a little bit cheaper well I think it adds a lot more flavor to be honest I'm talking these in the other areas I'm chocolate in the camp oven is because I'm gonna do a bit of a marinade sugar piece of raw chicken all that making is this probably good start of the noise look at off my knee I want to get into the marinade and this is the exciting bit because you're doing two types of marinade so you've got a couple of seasoned travelers here you got a couple of guys here that don't drive in New York you know 200 series they encourage you got way the big JCC whatever they are you know the big ones so only to America it's gonna sort them in from the boys this is your old verse new we've got men verse boys boy something as simple as that this one here is a key ingredient for this marinate is because y'all the Franks red hot it's hot but it's not ridiculous it's got like a got a bit of spice but not too much so look the key is take the lid straight off pour the whole thing in that's pretty hot bro simple as that sauce fam next Nick well we haven't even started here we haven't stopped on this marinade okay yeah I've got this the sriracha chili sauce the boys are excited does a brand new one where you got now that's it this is actually gonna be quite good okay so now is the point of the recipe that all I want to introduce that if you're eating a hot if you're eating hot chili yogurts gonna counteract my chili so I've got another source I had to eat hot chili well this is actually really hard this one this is a sriracha proper chili okay open that up open that up just just a fair bit fair bit fair bit the boys are aside they can't wait do heliplane Isaac just that's why I got those it's a one-way be honest it's a one-way street for me it's like that yeah it's Whitmore Vice you just want to put a fair bit of those it just basically all of them if you can we're not done yet yeah just aren't even a Tabasco okay blonde juice we got straight into the middle on dude I'm not stoked on this you'll be right you you're right like I said separate the men from the boys here well I'm surprised there's honestly not that bad because I've got a yogurt sauce on my concern like I've always said like I'm a trained chef and one of the things in our friendship so I'm just gonna basically just school them all what just real seems are you getting more of that marinated as well and it's gonna help them cook a little bit quicker as well so so next up basically I've got some lamb I've got some sausages yeah nothing goes better with lamb than like a yogurt sort of sauce great however so actually I'm actually burn up in EMI okay so on paper you crack a bit of salt and pepper in there there we go there we go I'm going a bit of garlic what it's with your salt it never comes out little tip if you live in humid temperatures salt my fridge put yourself the Phaedo what are you offering that top there little bit yeah girls look at that let's see how I guess incoming what it was his voice this is what don't hang back while you never said it before yep how much you putting in there that's probably too much that much nice always were a bit lemon if you massage it before you rub it before you squeeze it because a lot of things really yeah and then squeeze it you get sleep that it's squirts really hard if you do so we can I for something have a taste of that okay is that it really is actually quite that's what you ties it first off oh man Philip this names what just a little bit of chilli this is the whole point the cat's why you're sure yeah yeah yeah you know and if you sausage you know something all that all right because we're gonna have that bit of meat go on the barbie so you bring the best of both worlds together is what I'm getting at okay perfect get to get on first now then I've got some lamb four quarter chops if you're on a budget yeah Liam Fall Quarter chops are the go yes it's a fatty meaty sauce buddy it's medium it's got a big bone right through the middle yeah cook that quite fast on that on the hot plate introduce that you imagine that what well when it's cooked inside wait I have sausages as well just your basic sauce those a real cheap cut of meat and the best thing about it is though you get all the dip it in chili yeah or deep it straight in the Eiger that's what it's designed for these guys are add a little bit of tanta merit I really have you'll get them struggle they even got if you notice in the back eat I've actually got some [ __ ] tiger mushrooms what I just went strained of all these in Bergen we're gonna have a [ __ ] like a freight this tomorrow actually put that straight on the on the hot pike and I wanna follow you straddle the back okay this grab just gets fried earlier Godspell that well solving is just about perfect the meat is done and the veggies they're done to invest or not that's gonna be hot there's a big follow make noise it really is a big bottle make the lamp he's a bit of a bit of a bit of chicken he's gonna lose you bit of shaking yep thank you okay that chicken is absorbed the chilli like you wouldn't believe know what we've got a little bit of chilli gotten on one side of the plate more than a little bit more chilli a bit of chilli isn't it then you get the lamb with a bit of the yogurt sauce together as beautiful get hot yeah it's cool it hot yeah not so hot let me have a go oh oh that is so I just got a big bit of talking about yeah tell you what get this inside because tomorrow if you are on the tracks you deserve to be there this actually worked out really really well I'm actually really proud this one yeah this is one simple simple cuts of meat and just made a really good result as simple as that matter with you move it he was just gone he's gone full-on any ordinarily which site let's go sit behind the fire which we might do a bit lighter but still running down here thank goodness for the Opus this is so nice I don't want people here let's get in there Jacque York don't see that butterfly you're an animal now you get out there let's get out of here and just enjoy parsley that's actually not bad it's not bad is it really good really what you enjoy well after watching that if you're still with us stick around coz we've got more to come [Music] there's a bit of chilly regret bursting this morning as everybody packs up camp and gets ready for another wild day on the water guns tracks [Music] been pretty awesome to be wheeling the big 200 with Sam from spares box over the last couple of days and know what you're probably thinking why are 200 series well one of the main reasons we decided to build a 200 is we want to prove that it doesn't matter what for drive you own you really can build any vehicle to do this type of fall very cool thing about the boy some spares boxes it doesn't matter if you've got a new vehicle or an old vehicle they have a massive amount of parts to suit the fall drive you have and the best part is because Fair's box is online you can order pretty much any part you can think of for your vehicle and be delivered straight to your door but if you have been liking watching the 200 out Drive Sean in the 80 series make sure you check out the build video we did with the boys and spares box there's a theory going around that blokes with camper trailers can put on a pretty good breakfast so we decided to put that theory to the test by checking out anthony's camper airs breaking up [Music] two sausages for me drive scrambled eggs please so breakfast might look a bit rough but this camper trailer is not it's luxury ad in the bush we've got a big plan for the day we're gonna try and take on two iconic tracks in the area we're talking CPT 80 and then heading down to the killing loop you see there the old opus well that's got a place for everything packs away so easy organization is a must in the 4-wheel Drive especially if you're serious about touring I see it well we are a well-oiled machine and before long we're ready to hit the tracks big day ahead big day ahead and the tracks are wet this is gonna be interesting our first appointment for the day is CPT 80 but it's only short but it is damn gnarly with a whole heap of options that are keep you busy for a full day for us it's also another chance to keep the old versus new rivalry going [Music] Anthony's been telling that trial up like a boss but for the next lot of tracks we're gonna unhook it and let the wire 62 have a hand you got that sweet we have got quite a few options to get out of this track at the other end down there and they're all tight we're really really gnarly so and it takes us two minutes to drop that trailer off right there now you're probably thinking yourself why do we take the trailer on these tracks the genuine answer is that opus really like doing R&D on their trail and I've got a fantastic product but they believe that can always improve on in these tracks I'll tell you what they will show up any weakness they've got so far we've had zero problems weathers gonna leave it down here gonna play after last year's torturous trips with us they've already made some changes that make the trailer tow even better we're talking weight distribution which is one major change they've made by putting the batteries further back to reduce a little bit of ball weight and of course that allows you to carry a bit more in the box up front and still have it to perfectly and let's be honest this is exactly what you want companies to do constantly making improvements so that you get the best product you possibly can for the type of travel you want to do it's where you're gonna travel you ready to go mate let's go [Music] it's step into the bigger things here this is CP 280 that water Egan's the home of tough tracks I'm so worried about the panels are we so captain tides power just a peek just oh stop it it'd be a lot of rank yes yes give it a bit here just gonna step on it a bit here try and if you throw the bit of a mention yes Robert into right yeah go on look at that [Music] what ruts what ruts up ahead the first real challenge of the day here we go boggle I only go to Harlem that was in the bottom of this one oh that's a there's a favorite of commitment Wow I was impressive was high counting red hot first goats you never know it's in the bottom of these bolt holes a lot of people cap it's a log and stuff and chuck them in there I highly advise by the way don't do that come to boggles so you got to take it really easy it's done I want you get yourself into I have you guys got a tree trunk protect up he's only your early call to the recovery year this is brilliant no confidence he's got no chance not with that attitude mate say oh yeah big 200 Sean Sean plenty of its twin turbos ran back in 88 I thought that's what I thought so he's gone and cleared the white matter days even the big bus to come through oh you in that line we're not done yet though we're not all right strap yourselves in folks all right come on son there's a good test bar over you even got power lot of noises might a lot of horseplay out I'm so stuck yeah a couple of goes and that's a feature sale for that exactly right better about old trucks in that exact moment well let's see we've got what do you reckon half the horsepower tenth thank you mate three letters only I'll say in three liters it is a carton of milk wait I think they be coming through should be only Saudis in all vehicles is Oliver Co here we go he's gonna come through here and I reckon even with a tenth of the horsepower website its second year that the second it's gone you six he's taking a very conservative approach Drive oops we had this chat this morning Mike we said we were going to do this weird app or enas a case of the new cars just dug it up for you I like it what happened not any came through a weight or horsepower made some holes even go to plan Sean I didn't know well I think we've definitely got to chalk that one up to the new cars let's see what's up ahead nice going we're on Wow we had a drive through one the route we've taken up CPT 80 today would be relatively easy in the drive but in the wet something tells me it's going to be pretty darn hectic right sorry you're all set we've got mud on the interior that's a good sign winch Rovers ready and we're gonna eat this go straight on straight up so what happens when you're twin locked on 35 now this rear Locker might amazed at how quick you can get that locker under I'm gonna say it's worth remembering that the 200 is unlocked and weighs a heck of a lot however it's got plenty of power and big tires the Dragons would once though trouble is you've got so much mud on those rocks now that's alright others get a bit of heat the tires [Music] origami I can get this cut it there might cut it there buddy this is this is the line for our vehicles only mate cyclize go back this to frack I joke I turn your seat warmers off I'm just gonna do a little bit of track building here to give him a bit of a helping hand but look around the back it's already done that was actually really good Drive was all right there's not bad you know you turn on all the features you know do anything because the two under probably did it all for he must coffee machine going in the front easy copies as he drives I think I might add a little bit to the back quarter but we want to tell the boss on we want oh all right I'm gonna try and take that left hand line big line yep [ __ ] slipped off my line and headed to the left toward that Bank I'm gonna have to be really careful here pig on pig on now I don't want to do that gonna be which is up I'm happy to call it early on stuff like this I really enjoy the way the vehicles set up at the moment and I want to keep it straight for as long as I possibly can I was so damn close there - just a short winch to pop those rear wheels up and I was done almost there today almost had it Shane's coming out slightly wider around to the right which looks to be a good line but this is the undercut bit here though okay hard riding back watch your back right come left in down I want get out this ha this why see if you can put the rear drive off it's got a bit it you've got a bit of background down he's gotta go oh yeah she's just sliding back on that real well if the winch it I think once again short winches needed here and that rain that's just gently falling just taking this up a notch perfect you cut it down that faster you would have driven it that easy hey since that can I get the rear to drive the same time as the thrice the problem you got those two steps you're trying to get up at the same time yeah okay Pete's got a score to settle let's see how he goes he'll be go pieces taken 30 seconds there just to adjust the settings on his I Drive he's actually gone from Ultima she's had it on for the bog holes down here to economy motor right now and what that'll do is just soften that accelerator pedal just give him so much more control just to pop all over the steps really is a handy bit of kid and just like that he's nailed it yeah easy he didn't even break a sweat you know I doubt about him that was a top drive buddy thoroughly enjoyed it was really good to live it on economy mode you did yeah with the economy might I just wanted to dampen that accelerator so just a little bit more control when I needed it yeah I wasn't spiking the the drivetrain I feel working on where's the trade I don't exactly the same thing fantastic come on push on all right thank you circus eerie voice so Pacific good luck for that jogger that is pull on soon as that car gets it you know a set of tires on it good luck progressed the Bellas and just got this now he does wait wait wait no that is super slavery this red Kleist up the second you get a set of tires on it this takes its the tops of it and it just becomes a slick the boys are going to do really want a gap here this is one of those times are gone first certainly has the advantage I can stand up for me they're really good yeah - to get into it yeah get rotten off Wow how good's a v8 hey rod I joke I watch carefully might let me show you exactly how to do it this little class never ceases to impress me this is tough country for an ifs on thirty ones but the diamond god you're fast loving it one go is a good stout okay that's cpt eighty done and dusted now we're gonna push a bit further south down to the notorious killer look now but then you can't be on the back and I gotta say I'm absolutely loving it carrying a little bit more weight but to be honest it's had absolutely zero effect on the way I Drive other than to look out for tracers that I want to damage it but showing the boys a fulcrum when I first mentioned that I was gonna put the canopy on they did say to me we're gonna have to adjust your spring rate for it so that we can account for that extra weight and I gotta say a bloody nail I've done it absolutely perfectly because this vehicle with the canopy on the back a little bit more weight so much more livable but also extremely easy to drive I've tested the hell out of a Formula suspension all across Australia it's bloody good quality and you know it's way way more affordable than a lot of other suspensions going around so just keep that in mind if you are gonna upgrade graphic yourself a canopy and I recommend you dude this is fun just think about your spring rates when you do it suspension is going to be changed Anthony's had an absolute ball ease how to play now it's time to pick up the camper trailer head down to the killer loop putting the camper trailer on only takes us about 30 seconds Kelly loop is a notorious local track but for us just getting in is half the fun with the trailer parked up in the bush we get stuck straining boys a couple of rocks up here and [ __ ] it's quite slippery start to go boy [Music] the kilee loop is a maze of deep ruts bog holes and rocky climbs and there's plenty of options for four-wheel drives of all different sizes and abilities we get stuck right into the many challenges on offer and soon enough tyres are squealing winches are out and some good drives happening from rigs old and new but up ahead is the biggest challenge of the killing and things are about to get a heck of a lot more serious this really represents one heck of a challenge with a whole heap of different routes you can take let's just get down to the bottom of the belly see how we get back out again I'm not sure which way Shawn's gonna go here he's got about three or even four different lines you can take I guess we'll gauge it on how he goes coming up through here job absolutely froths on this stuff and his great when comes to helping to pick a line slippery yeah off their commit to that a little bit more as Sean lines up to the exit things don't exactly go to plan I'm not fully hung up on even close I got that was the right line now it was like I'll go through the side of the rod and I might have to go yeah yeah that sucks Mike but that's what you go to winch for now that line is definitely not going to work for the newer vehicles we're gonna have to pick a different route wow that's a steep slippery one even this looks quite menacing right we'll see how we go up this sections do a little bit of course [Music] it looks straightforward but that's just not yeah go back you have to give it a little bit up here I think we'll winch this one I thought that really undercut sort of thing where yes Evy territory it wants the grip and then it just goes yeah yep that's the technical term for sure let's winch him up [Music] it's gonna come down okay my go yeah right I might come up that's good Drive exactly the same problem as jakka it's quite a challenge so 235 s gram had 30 ones I think this hole here is just too big for most of the vehicles but shame knows how to wheel that Hilux and it's not very heavy so interesting to see how he goes I don't [Music] I think that sorry right oh man that was close I think Shane's more than happy to hang off the end of a wind stroke that was close well then I have this is gonna work out but I dunno it'll be spectacular eyes it's like that's good good speed perfect speed [Music] touch the left my knee - just give it a little bit more there's a tree root you gotta try and bump over Oh Jacques you might come to regret that instruction mate that's it you're pretty much up yeah yeah that's it baby winching I think it can meet more don't I jeez now that's good noise whoa that sounded really bad no I think you just didn't say hey yeah I'm sure but the big thing is the wheel cap came off yeah otherwise if both that's impressive when you get off right it is sometimes common to break a CV now this is something I haven't seen before both CVS have absolutely smash into a million pieces you get the toys spinning fast enough it's been really quick then they slide back down they get traction and that shop white is my freight CVS and in this case two holes this one's actually come out the side of the river one of the Seavey's is so bound up we can't even get steering we're gonna have to which Anthony back down that hill and check it out in the bottom is also have a lot of oil left on the track so originally I thought it might have been defiled liking but once we back the vehicle down didn't look like before so that's about your thing is that it smells like power steering fluid definitely yes there's something definitely more sinister going on so I might have to are your reckon I flee it's the hose because if it's a hose you might be able to get this vehicle out of here yeah if it's a rack then it's gonna be fun from here to there very difficult so anyway but I get the tools out general know when we start pulling a few things apart I reckon sounds like a plan now the boys all started to lend a hand jumping on the tool but then we learnt that Shane used to be a Nissen mechanic so we let him take center stage you look at it actually see the torque forces in that as its rotated around and snapped off yeah there's a huge amount of pressure at play here both of these Seabees it's gonna have to come out so Shane's pulled the CD out on this side we're actually gonna leave this side with no CV that's for two reasons the first thing we only have one spare but the second is the spline that snap has actually seized in the hub of might have twisted or expanded when it exploded so we're gonna leave it in there make sure everything stays in nice and tight and that'll be fine to get us off the tracks but once we get to a workshop we can look at replacing that hub if we need to so for the moment everything's going back together on this side and then we'll replace the CV on that side and he can drive with his front Locker in so technically he'll have three wheel drive as the boys start to tackle the left-hand side CV they can also have a look at what's going on with the steering so now we've got the CV out we can actually see into the top of the steering rack a bit better and from what I can see it looks like one of the hard lines into the top of the steering rack has split and bent and we're thinking if we can somehow put a bit of rubber hose on that and crimp the line off it might be enough just so we can limp the vehicle out here without wrecking the pump so I think that's the game plan but we'll see how we go our Goods a bit of bush mechanics the boys are gonna use an old bit of hose here to try and clamp off that leak we're gonna need a lot of power steering fluid but that doesn't matter if we can limp the vehicle out then we're winning what you guys haven't seen is that this has taken hours but we're nearly there have you got two big CVS pulled out and one you unput in so I just got to get tyre on then we're good to go like that thing is not sounding great no it's not it's got no power steering and free wheel drive we're gonna have a work cut out for us yeah but I think if we just get him in position to winch and get him out of here and from memory it's not too much more I think there's the last major challenge yes the last major challenge for me he's gonna have his work cut out for him he's gonna have some arms when he gets a big car yeah easy I get you in there and do it for him but what does he did it - you get off the track Anthony will of course have to winch this section but we're hoping that once he's up he can continue under his own steam [Music] sure enough he's moving now it's time for Pete right Oh Pete so Shaun absolutely cooked this line but I've got a bit of faith in you and the light to unlock gee you what we'll have a little look what are your again bring it off left I repeat yep that's beautiful found that look at it go look at it go yep that's perfect coming better right on down my peeps on exactly the same line as Shaun and he seems to have it it's nice and slow it's nice and slow stay on that sound that's down that whoa bit too slow that's all right mate I remember my first time driving a manual [Music] yeah yeah why awkward time on a drive what a weapon light twin locked mic bomber that's cool so good we've got a long way to go to get a broken vehicle out here let's keep go kill elope still got a heck of a lot in store before we get out of here Anthony is just creeping along at the back trying to do the best he can [Music] that's off to Anthony he's got to use strong I'm steering to get himself out of here but he just keeps going [Music] sorry soon enough we're near the end of the track and another adventure well what an epic epic trip we came out here to try a bunch of tough tracks and improve which is better old versus new I'm gonna be honest with you I don't have a winner I reckon whatever vehicle you drive you got to be stoked with old on you as long as you're getting out here have an absolute ball so I'll put the question out to you guys in the comments below let us know what you prefer I'll burst new what do you thing you might or it can go on another campus or something right what if I told you I know of a campsite that's got flat grassy areas you can have a big campfire if you want one the only downside to it is it's at the back of a pub don't tell me the beers cold as well these are a bit too cold mate if anything fried I might if I have to you can twist you'd rather armless let's go down there and check it out you thought it the wall oh I bet 100 percent I am might well I pop a lot my favourites busted truck is often the end of a trip but we've got a bit of time up our sleeves and with a bit of good bush mechanics we're able to limp Anthony out of here and head towards camp what an absolute cracking spot you got cold beer big flat grassy areas to camp and you are so close to the tracks the boys at spares box have arranged for some spare parts to be sent out to Anthony at the wallenberg pub so it's time for us to settle in and enjoy some country hospitality this is what it's all about crackin campsites tales after big days on the track with a bunch of good mates tell me I'm wrong this is what we all live for [Music] but Mike we've done the whatõs a few times now and I still goes down some of the most challenging tracks in Australia you get a little bit of rain on them I'll tell you what slippery why I'm gonna have mud in that vehicle for the next decade I reckon if it lasts that long I reckon you should put some mud in the cooking now folks this has been an absolute cracker of a trip we've had an absolute ball and I guarantee you guys have enjoyed it as well so why don't you take three seconds to click the subscribe button for the best for driving content 24/7 absolutely cheers boys oh what a trip stick around now to find out the gear that we used well a lot of cracking adventure now was a toy like to go through a few products that have made these trips worth in the clockwork manner that they do yep they are first up on to talk about something you don't see but keeps our vehicles running really really good you might notice a new sticker on the windscreen now I've been running the Castro oils and lubricants in all three here and in fact all my vehicles and I gotta say they've never been running better I'm talking about oils I've done all the barony bearing grease all the bits and pieces I'll tell you like just that maintenance that we do behind the scenes is what keeps these vehicles running like an absolute dream if there was ever a vehicle that needed is this one right here I tell you right now that this term gets thrown around all the time but I'm gonna use it because in this instance it rip no okay because in this instance it really has been a game-changer yeah and that's one you can it be on the back of the d-max from mid seller utterly change the way i camp on these trips it is so comfortable so user friendly I don't know what I did before it when I didn't have one you don't ever come to be on the back of your four wheel drive you if doing it wrong you're all night your setup is actually hats off to you mate you got jealous of it yeah I am happy you've got it all sorted and I like about it you've got things in the right spot it just makes it so much easier and salt where I need a little bit it makes all the difference like speaking of show cars yes we would but we should because this thing right here this thing right here in his head I measure it the other day it has done 40 plus trips consecutively you said 44 yeah I think this is a lot of Ford of action trips so it's a lot of rats a lot of steep overgrown tracks a lot of hitting the bank rocks I've done it a few times on this on this whole launch one these illicit on this adventure exactly right by this parts the yeah but I've got the back to Cody on here and to be honest with you despite the rough times had offroad you gave it a wash the other day remember I said ok complain real marshy did oh it's real clean so for the folks at home what they've actually done to get this rap the finish in the way it is I get asked this all the time is this is obviously a tinted Raptor which they do they do have but it's also been thinned out as well so it's not as coarse as the bar work for instance so this is quite course this is just the black Raptor and this one here is tinted and in do you know yes I reckon it really works it looks cool but yeah might look she's looking an absolute dream and it's suits you this vehicle it's kind of a little rough around the edges but reasonably runs out locator does flow a little bit smoke occasionally that now folks the next part is probably my absolute favorite and that is you acting like a goose in the arrogant dog goes good dot goes on this one stark and people say see you next time Joey enjoy this but tell you what the first rule of a bud on took the air go with this weapon it's an absolute place I can't get my eyes off again either have a go this high absolute weapon it's a basement by work is like a modern version of come on let's be professional come on come on I'm odd they're gonna be in row look if this is not too late to ask doc over a couple tips but he drove the d-max so well Denning tazzy especially through that Tazi mud ear point the mic at him and I'll just I'd like to ask him what he's dressed sighs his place now go on put it in you I do it someone's left in there it's do anything just want a drink and I can't evolve walking that's true mm-hmm you could just drop this Lou be more like a man okay big thirty fives hahahahhaha Bella yeah and a witch anyway well it's all we get he was not down in a [ __ ] for the intense amount of money yeah and Graham K 10 K well he's [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,110,271
Rating: 4.9420919 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd Action, 4wd 24/7, Y62, Watagans, Newcastle, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno, 4wd action, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails
Id: RbehxeghdQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 40sec (4180 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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