The Track that damaged EVERY 4WD + we find Australia's BEST BEACH CAMPSITE! Glasshouse Mountains 4x4

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come on saerom oh my that is a proper hill up there absolutely boozy hey you're looking yeah we bruised bike there's a good old dent there so it's throwing a grapefruit it's not really it really is a bruise but yeah re out southeast Queensland we're on day 1 we've got a 5:00 four-wheel-drive convoy every single one of them is done panel damage to some degree we've got to mow down the back a gentle slide step pretty badly pretty badly there is no there's no still left unfortunately been trodden we've got em yeah like this but he's taking it he's ready for you chop let's just put it that I don't to talk about Sam's too much mines nothing almost all the show you've always told us shown is actually pretty good for your see this is a pretty good well some might say I've done I missed you I mean to me is it as easy access mate if I need to get to the letter R for example yeah I can get to that easily get to the UM you got yep and the back this is what I call auntie dust version your side you're struck to well they're expensive I don't want to go to sell her exactly like keep that despite the damage you know hasn't exactly gone to plan that's for sure we can say that we can take that box but the boys are small from ear to ear having the time of their lives this is a science and attracts day one don't roll anymore now gonna be one heck of a long weekend we're going to go from the bush to the beach to all the hard tracks in between so sit down your favorite chair crack something cold and enjoy southeast Queensland forward Rob action style we are starting this trip off right down the deep end by diving directly into the sandstone track this one is guaranteed to get your heart racing we've got a fair old convoy with us on this trip which is fantastic directly behind me in the convoy is Anthony from opus campus the main mission out here for Anthony is research and development you see if these camper trailers can take a four-wheel drive action trip well they can take anything their customers will dish out tucked in tight behind the Opus camper of course his Sam from spares box Sam built that 80 exactly for these kind of tracks given the way the bloke drives I reckon he works for the perfect company and spares box good on your mate rounding out the back of the convoy is a fresh new face tea from its alloy at MIT's alloy Tim makes some of the Smits canapes you've ever seen they're all modular and they're made to fit a wide range of vehicles of course before we tackle sandstone we're definitely going to need to knock a few psi out of our tires however we haven't finished with the convoy just yet introducing Cory and Bryce these guys won the snatch competition to come on a four-wheel drive action trip life after this will never be the same now as I've mentioned we're starting with sandstone one of the toughest tracks in the region as such we're gonna unhitch the opus here come back and pick it up later that's the beauty of a camper trailer it's just so easy put a little bit of water and say what happens hair good a magic website this thing's a beast as all right look guys all right now Sean our 35 twin locked and just made it up that right all right let's give it a go this little trap she's no slouch I gotta say like I Anthony have a crack mine Oh strewth he's not holding back their ego [Music] big IT monster Tim's up next and that was a big hit Oh strewth Mike everywhere sidestep that sidestep is done exactly as it should protected the vehicle the step however well that's gonna need replacing at the vehicle perfectly okay up ahead the challenges are getting bigger an orican we're all gonna be putting our panels on the line this is probably a pretty good time to set some ground rules with price before I get out at any point and run I suggest you do the same Mike that's reasonably smooth if you guys hang on one thing I'll laugh they have a fold those clear view mirrors in means I'll come pick my line without having to worry about my side mirrors Anthony's just Africa wider than me and it's gonna have to be careful through here he's a me Paul it wasn't much in that now Tim's got one of these brand-new canopies on the back the last thing I want to do is seem scrape it up against this wall so we're gonna take this little nice and gentle yeah with that well driven might well driven gotta say that is not only I mean you can see that it's a quality canopy all the features etc on the back but you can see Tim has built that to do this kind of thing with I'm starting to get some ideas I really am starting get some ideas watch this space do the rock steps [Music] he's talking about warning oh is that the right show with the cut the eighties capabilities Victoria's there's asking about help how much does it got on the audience aw damn I said yeah what have another girl that Mike just yeah sure like mate it is a good thing you fitted black back seat covers to those seats because I reckon you're gonna need to change Cory's out when he's finished this trip welcome to driving with Shana Cory [Music] we did that way but we located up there twice work Sam I don't know that you even realize there was a rut there Tim you're up next mate something tells me you're gonna get a wheel lift [ __ ] he's absolutely loving it sandstone track has got a bit of everything coming up next we've got some big rock drops that you've got a pick your line perfectly on there this is probably not the best toilet tell you might but our brakes are a little bit there you go this really is one of those sections of track we're getting someone out and giving you a bit of a spot makes all the difference this is great oh I can't say much curry you poor bugger I feel sorry for you [Music] hopefully mirrors in because gonna get questions Bankia this is a certain type of jet ionizing that I'm gonna drive in don't you worry about yep I'm gonna eat me I'm gonna bill me yeah that'll hold us this missus sick alright yep yep thanks for coming and that is a classic example of bar work doing its job the d-max made it look easy [Music] anthony is down without incident Sam of course has got at everyone else down so he knows exactly where to go and Tim perfect lawn make the canopy she's still straight as a die next up we've got ourselves a committing off camber climb to tackle this looks sketchy he's gonna be quite a safe one just see I'm actually not 100% sure what automatic I'm sort of thinking stay in the raft then coming Toby's sort of Sydney Annalise rocks and go to the right a little bit all natives ride all night yeah yeah I know I saw you just might like that stick what this is gonna be a challenge and I'm up for it we'll get much skinnier it looks when you get an edge there's a really committing rocket at this one because it's slightly off camber that's what's the tricky bit about this one it was sort of wants to take the back into the bank and now I only got through with a virtue of the fact to have a front lock and sort of grabbed the front I just kept into it and grabbed me so those vehicles were there the front Locker I don't know they might have to come up with a different line we're moving now I want you wanna be really sketching yeah this is where you want your toy you want to come up here so you just have to see what happens so very easy that's way better just draw it draw it so that that doesn't go on that line I want to head that too if we do that bloody well to get our beer though it must have filled up within almost had it it's exactly moments like these when you're stuck between a rock and a hard place you're stoked you install a Dominator X winch to get you out of tricky situations I'd like to point out here that it will assure know that said doe doe goes it's gonna happen also easy sometimes just same thing happen to me that the rear sort of shot back out and I'm gonna clip the stump unfortunately all got away with it um unfortunately bright chrome didn't put that back in there anyway alright he's due for new canopy anyway is it alright with a Buffett it'll probably polish it right you'll be right [Music] good drive a good drive back off the hill that Anthony's seen what happened to me but he doesn't have a canopy on the back mop in with the chance in very similar wanna cry and Mike cept you don't have a canopy you have a winch yes sensible call might you are up against that Bank let's win two out of the way and get you up over that obstacle [Music] Sam's got bigger tires and a bigger lift as a chance you just pop himself up and over that lip and not do any damage here okay you're cool you're cool it's like right on there you haven't done any damage yet every time guys that grab that back to our and pushing your bathroom oh yeah yep you played it you played it down over the back guy well Sam we've got positives and negatives you deep drive it but you also dented the rear of your truck good news is it'll probably polish it up fair bit of better policy no don't look at it don't look at it don't have any car Oh what did you do well go team mister I was just giving the boys a bit about not been out drive all that sort of stuff and so I've come back to bite me we've got as real as actually the same fear to even know it's even be lit you just fight that dirt off say it's dented there's no dad at the end of it the Raptors actually held together huh there's not even a scratch on that I was a little funny scoff there's basically no scratch on that paintwork and sir team of course with a brand new canopy on the back has seen exactly what every single car in the convoy has done he's opted to take a bypass tract and mate I reckon that's a good move okay with those obstacles out of the way we finally get to sandstone proper and it is a doozy oh this this feature right here is a logo strike a cool sandstone of course is a massive sandstone Boulder there's another one beyond it and then there's a huge one to finish the track now we have done this once before it looked completely different with Jessie he drove straight up here and I think Sean's gonna have a try it the rest of us are gonna try and snake our way around there holy egg was just like this is gonna be epic it's not going to feel comfortable bike wanted me dude straight up we go I'm sweating hearts racing well I'm going straight up as well that was one hell of a drive but it's not over yet straight up you gonna commit you got to commit to it brakes the hospital right oh sure no today is a sketchy day for you my friend you just got that back on four wheels the culture with it's like spongy you're gonna have to go back one meter or so it's got no brakes you can't go forward then I got a little bit of absolutely a try that but just people you know I want to go back on that if you can't stop is I'm getting it join our winch yeah yeah just just put the winch pop on foot to the floor that's on the boards at the moment so nice managed to get up over that rock but as you can see pesticide tie it's hard up against a tree nothing to go backwards because these brakes are really dodgy so what we're gonna do is attach into this tree tension team up then I'm going to get him to winch out and go backwards attorneys will winch in come up and around the tree they're gonna be pretty happy to see the top of this rock winch out this is it third time's a charm and we're gonna miss the tree how good our winches not only do they get you up hills but they can sometimes get you into a far better position that's exactly what we've done here was your name hey that bill yeah pretty free time no that really is it our little tiny wheel it's Auto peace or do you see the we'll come up with a fraction with ya what's the matter flex through mostly it it hit it but I lost brakes at the top yeah look a Mac then in a hurry I was going up I saw Corey swag and I thought how are we gonna get that out from underneath the book the good news is going up first I probably given the boys a stack of confidence with this no not ready for this at all this corner there's a really tough lon it's a lot more technical than going straight up of course it's just got a big off camera Drock step it's going to get you close to that Troy he's gonna pick a good line to get through here stridor off go go back a fair bit and just have one go at it alright guys I got any more I'm gonna do death penalty to come forward ya know what he wants to roll back I can't stop it you've done it door yeah probably best to winch nearly a lot of lot of damage being done brutal track so far I've done the rear canopy and now have done the side doors as well sandstone you're getting the best of me mate there's nothing for it here but to winch off that tree stump and cross our fingers hope we don't do too much more damage okay that gets us about a quarter of the way up and the hardest bits are yet to come on that that's deer up the hill until I've opted to take a completely different line to Shawn here it's supercommittee let's hope it pays off the way you look at yet drive that's it that one there yeah how about taking it slow and steady no wheel spin perfect just get at me pee your pants okay Anthony's opted to take the same line as me I think that's a good plan you're just gonna get him around that first corner slow it down one stay on your left that's it that's it cogito yes spinner in Britain yes yes and he's done it he's picked up perfect yeah Anthony that is boss mode man is your daddy perfect draw a textbook well done mate how's a good Drive you committed it held it and that's the good thing about low center of gravity you know it's no canopy on the back no no wait up top so just be able to hold that through lockers bang things up line [Music] well that like I say you're up my what law are you gonna take he's coming in slow Sam has opted to go straight up the guts it's a lot steeper when you get there hey looks a little bit bigger here at the front of it you get one chance at these things in life [ __ ] grab em by the horns mate how long you can do this you've got this Sam this is your time to shine if he rolls that I want nothing to do with you nothing at all all right you've got this Stila come on move yep yes come on [Music] samo stay there you didn't listen to me I said if you've got to do it do anyway we'll have to eat chittim they're right it's not gonna go no I wouldn't take it wouldn't touch anything about don't try and do anything was gone hey you're right that's how I go great here I'm not I'm not okay it feels absolutely terrible you know move does yet whatever got us freeze for you put around Rory for now yeah just stay there Sam just stay there just roll over the winch out manually at the moment just go just a little bit more than eight oh yeah yeah that's enough yeah I'm gonna put that winch back in this is just so he doesn't crawl it she's got to reverse he can't come forward here he's got to reverse a tiny bit that'll hold him hopefully we get right out of the way though now you're not gonna love this but you're gonna have to reverse and as you reverse you have to winch out honestly though thinking you go over that's it kick down a little more I'll ever look hang on stop stop go hard left in the annual cleanup here hard left hard yep keep going hard left yeah and let the winch do the work let the winch do the work little Drive right anywhere else Hey gently gently you got to come a day away think I'm a thief Kaimuki Kevin Kevin boss I'm like yeah alright today's been nothing short of eventful I mean epic the boys are still small and we've got to last be able to come up the hill and just get out to get dark now so everything team thought in you about this tracks just about the challenge because as soon as it goes dark all that's out the window no we've got him up but it's going to be work out here especially I watch and see him have a go of this one I'm nervous on in the car I do how you feel and the good news is you've seen how everyone else has done it probably haven't come out this side and let's give it a go away now because of that tree stump on the left-hand side tim has option to go directly up the gutter you can't make it we're just gonna reach and that is probably a very sensible move ready gone left I reckon he went about a great deal of panel damage little idiot let's wait yeah so I'm gonna try and getting straight up this big rocket which i think is gonna be a really really easy which looks gnarly but there's literally hates attraction here he can drive a little bit he's got an auto it's a straight ball up this tree back here getting my pair maybe even winch that second part then it's camped on that can always captain's be it's on you must be upon good talk [Music] McKnight very good [Music] my night I want there will not one even it's better big one I'm oh my gosh ESP happens I'll my this is full-on see how these coins lay and it turns it on we've got this started with a cracking track what a day okay the best one day it's been awesome hasn't it whoa quite a little bit of that paying off this build four drawers we don't baby them we take me out to enjoy them and what kind of he didn't enjoy that's alright that's alright look every time we break something that usually it comprised me to go bigger and better so who knows my good ideas are good good or I can we get to camp me out we're getting up pick up the camper travel hope you back up show Danny takes 30 seconds to look that up and less to put it up yeah up site lets you know also know where this Kobe's not my compete we're more free job better give you thank you very much we'd won hick of a cracking day under our belts we've hooked up the camper trailer and made our way into camp now although you can't see it at the moment this is a camp to remember but the boys will have to wait till tomorrow before they can face their eyes on it I really enjoy seeing how everyone tackles camp setups you've got the ultra high tech like the opus camper that inflates itself and then you've got tim with these really smick canopy going on there everything that folds out and slides out to make life so much more comfortable in camp we've got swags we've got rooftop tents we've got the lot no matter how you choose to set up camp you've got to be comfortable and we have got all bases covered one thing's for sure after a day like today snag on a bit of bread with some dead horse and a cold beer well I tell you what that was about as good as life gets call it Boise might get him in get him in you know boys come on dinner's nearly out for you tonight big tracks big meal coming up we got wheels day tomorrow well more hard track Simonian boys in the survivor that will you feast your eyes on this absolutely cracking view this campsite right here is Bluff Creek Campground and it's found just outside the little town of Kenilworth check out the opus camper will you perched up on top there that thing looks fit for a king let's have a closer look at this bad boy and also check out what's for breakfast night I'm salivating I reckon this is an amazing free meal mr. cook breakfast I bought the kitchen I cook breakfast hey listen even on a few trips now yes you've shown me multiple times how quick it is to put this bad boy up but the comments we've been getting are that it must be extremely hard to put back down to get them it has to be a catch with the antics I reckon I cannot faster than your swaggin audience all right I like that well let's get the boys fed and then I'll stand back and watch you put this bad boy on let's go mate well that's quite the challenge first and foremost though let's get some breakfast into us and then we'll see can I put my swag away quicker than the Opus can we pack down to be fair both processes are pretty darn easy everyone's packed a swagger way before and I guess - look at that camper you would think it does take a long time to put it away it would appear the proof is in the pudding though look how easy it two flights right you're totally right you beat me I still gotta put my swag on the roof over there you're all done and you're hitched up ready to rock and roll go to the annex everything involved wait a couple of minutes five I reckon that's what pops so I guess with a camper like this matter really does show that it doesn't need to be difficult you don't have to worry about poles and setting up hoops and canvas go on everywhere kids scream and wife upset you can see that it goes up quick that's very visual putting it down though just as quick that's it even with the ax I do that with the full animal anything that this goes in there stays attached to everything everyone yep done mate you're already hooked up give me five I'll put my swag on the roof we're gonna hit the tracks ah I said the [Music] now speaking of speedy pack ups look at Tim he's got a place for everything in that canopy and I got to say it just makes camping so much more comfortable [Music] we can't packed away it's time for us to get back on the tracks but before we do we've got one very important stop to make this absolute weapon right here belongs to our good mate Jesse Jesse is joining us for the day to show us a few of his local tracks and he's going to be doing so in this beast this is Jesse's GQ Patrol in which truck [Music] hey Jess you gotta call me Mike you're gonna company so you what follow the rear of your patrol mate that give me all sorts of ideas yeah you're gonna turn into a missing man I don't know about that might know that drastic but holy heck that thing looks like it can draw a track so what's the plan fight oh you know what it's like I need a real real big hill so we're going to defeat Hills pretty banner is the most savvy good cheering yeah well I thought you might be a bit of an issue I this place is off tap it sound a lot of fun tracks Danny with Sean admitting that he really is a Nissen man through and through it's time for us to get him behind Jessie and tackle some of his local tracks yeah we go now this particular track right here is what Jessie terms and access track this hill is what gets him to the hills and he considers to be tough I tell you what we're in for one heck of a day [Music] this Hill is just super steep and it is so surely they haven't had rain out here in several months and the dust is unbelievable when [ __ ] is throwing dust and rocks behind you know you're on a proper Hill I tell you what this little truck does a damn good job at it yes [Music] now you can see Anthony has got his work cut out for him here and that's exactly what he wanted but that camper it basically just follows the four-wheel-drive where it goes the camper follows that's something I love about these Opus campus they're designed for this kind of treatment good lord Wow I can smell rubber or your smell cross to the things in order big Sam's got his tongue out and both hands on the wheel so you know he's serious get into it son [Music] and of course up the back Timbo is having the time of his life he loves this stuff he's putting that canopy to the test in the best way possible we're not doing any damage to it welder ever trying to be a little bit smoother today thank you thank you now of course what goes up must come down and I tell you this is one heck of a descent so steep is it we're decided to send the camera cow first just to see how it goes there is one massive rut that goes from the very top of the hill to the very bottom now you can either stay in it or you can straddle it or if you're Jesse you just drive straight through it this is a nice big state deal this one and the key with this of course it's just first gear low range a little break as you need to go down here and a nice controlled man up you know it's pretty straightforward and you just got a normal four-wheel-drive one time city here but when you tell on a trailer down a hill like this you've got the trailer actually pushing the vehicle down the hill which makes it a lot harder a lot harder to keep control so I've got a Brett our tow Pro a late in my vehicle I know that if he's got one as well and that's what's gonna be holding to break the trailer independently from the vehicle make sure that you're keeping control of both as you come down here cuz otherwise it's very very unsafe to get out of here like this with a trial after the good thing about the red arc tow Pro Elite is that it's got two modes it's got an automatic mode which would be perfect for most situations but it's also got a user control mode which allows you to quickly on the fly adjust your trailer brakes to make sure that you get the trailer brake in just right you don't want the trailer skidding because that will make it sure that the trailer is out of control and I might have any brakes and also you don't want the boats not dialed up and after I'll be pushing the vehicle down the hill really concentrated out this business a bit yeah little bits loose I didn't realize that up to this big watch out then a little bit of break the camera never doesn't justice but I'm gonna say without a word of a lie this is the steepest descent I've done this year it is incredible oh boy don't trust my brakes at all yeah Sam not the kind of Hill to have no trust in your brakes buddy Toyota life a the exit to this track is actually the hardest part as Sam is demonstrating right now that however is a good Drive mate with that out of the way it's time for us to push on and up and with no way around the camera car of course is got a tackle it first have a look at that car this is one steep and Shaylee hill there's a big rough on the right-hand side that is what is causing the grief here like a well-oiled machine we get to winch ooh righto Jesse shall mount start mining I was really doing it second perviness Damien Rice rock and I've been the guy here that's absurd looks bigger when you're on the track well I can see it that's my dad you got it walked up that a dusty and it's a little bit sickly time and rail lockers in the middle one and the run in the back as well the fridge got locked as well it's a little bad if it all right let the best clear and then let's get stuck into it what I think omentum is going to key here one more going one of the big problems here it's really washed out there's a big hole in one side there's heaps of this really loose rubble so the veer will get unloaded all that sort of talk goes that we look spinning and then it doesn't make any more momentum up there so the only way he's gonna really do it and pick the line up here you keep the wheels on the ground the most turn in keep that momentum up and hopefully you use that really Locker a bit of traction and just get up here you know I'm like ready alright we're gonna give this one a real guy I suggest you get out of oil put an epi on well I tried to use every trick in the book there but we just couldn't quite get over that lip and to push it any harder that's CVT territory so yeah with the winch well I needed to winch a vehicle length and we're done all right bring up the rest of the crew but he Anthony he's not holding back and he's gonna need that momentum if he wants to play this we bother him but no it's just way to Shaylee the traction here is almost nil that's a good effort I mean to get that far for Hill it's really shyly you got a big trailer on the back and the trials not that heavy but when you combine that with a hill like this is massive washy outs it washes the speed completely off the vehicle and you come to a bit of a stop so they get this part really good effort again as you can see Anthony only needed to winch maybe a vehicle length and then he's off under his own state all things considered that's a damn good effort yeah that's a that's a good Drive pull a camper trailer up that the trailer was still down in the ruts and he just gave that the everything it has been amended we get that drawbar through that lip of the hill once he hit those rocks tow banks laid upon a lot of dust I could actually see what happened at the top they don't think he's up there to get the next vehicle up yes good Tim's heard that it's steep and he's got his right foot to the football come on up babe oh the hick Timmy's not hanging around look at him go Tim that was nothing short of spectacular yeah kind of crazy the beauty of the Kenilworth region is that you're never far from another track once you've finished the one you're currently on in fact this area is crisscross with some of the hardest tracks in this part of Queensland speaking of hard tracks we finally arrived at one that Jesse considers to be a little bit tricky goodness gracious what are we in for Jesse's up first and yeah he makes them look easy am i short I see what you can do here we go definitely stay down [Music] this is that real shyly Connor Rock should get over here and Kenilworth fridge until your what you wouldn't be doing this and anything other than a good set of rubber because traction is absolutely everything in fact but waiting on a second will be up here changing from your OE tires will set a quality aftermarket rubber like well I've got the MT Bridgestone's realistically it would have to be one of the first mods I would do to a big debate you folks like what do you reckon is the best first mod you can do it with four-wheel drive top my new who are doing great as well like it right I might not be done that way Anthony rim the opus upright [Music] you can see Anthony's scrambling for traction right here it just doesn't do it justice on camera for this steep hill with all hands on deck we'll just see if we can winch him over this small pitch with these super steep and Shaylee hills out here stopping is often your biggest issue because getting started again can be super hard that's up there who stopped the spicy have a look at the dust wheel yet that is one epileptic vehicle ain't sounding great though yes we check this out there's a long way to go on this climb and this isn't the best place to diagnose what's going on under the bonnet we could be in for a very long week that is a great idea mate he finally we had say a racing winch truck on hand hang on Jesse's gonna reverse down and attempt to pull both the Ranger and the opah scamper up what can only be described as a severely steep hill you said the strap that got to make sure there's no kinks in it and also the way you lay it out why it out nice astride as well as ice on top of each arc fire Jesse's gonna have his work cut out none of the vehicles in our convoy would be able to snatch a vehicle up out of this it's just to shyly find out driving it all right here we go here we go stand back boys [Music] let's let that dust cleared almost check with a stache strap is cuz you might run over [Music] even this is all but it's just too steep where he's trying to snatch alright so we're gonna do now we're gonna join a few straps together so that we can get Jesse's vehicle up onto that flat well when I say flat flatter better terrain at the top that'll give him a lot more purchase he's just spinning his wheels in the moment so they get him a bit higher should be right we've got that strap equalized behind Ricky's four-wheel drive which should let him and get to some level ground before he has to take the way [Music] we get a lot of dust and the noise this is incredible look at that dust I've never seen anything like it holy heck I've seen a lot of things off ride that was off tap all right in fact I didn't even get to say this how much - that was pretty pretty epic what we gonna do now though is just diagnose what's going on with y'all Ranger there and get to the top of this very topic augers are not quite there yet we'll just see what's going on with that boys that was worth the price of admission that was well he wearing are you going to come up yet sorry boys run on down it's not that far something like kilometer up with [ __ ] back in the big 80 you can see just how much he's scrambling for traction which gives you some idea how steep this track is Tim in the lux making it look easy mate really well driven with that Hill out of the way it's time to get back down to some flat ground lick our wounds and make a bit of a plan I'll tell you what it's been a hectic day on the tracks quite a few breakages all around just thought I'd take a second there just to have a quick once-over I'll sort of here just before we do hit the highway ahead down a DI van of dusty track yeah I'll be out near the front of the convoy and even still it's a little bit dusty but um it should be right well she should go and organize another spare because that's you know a little bit a little bit secondhand speaking of spares I might actually go check on Sam and see how he's going and a big day out in the tracks all around and um to go down to the beach I reckon for the second bit of this day I reckon is going to read just paradise because I know exactly where we're goin right at this spot my good cool and please change the air filter mind got a bit dusty especially for down here in the convert the backspin it's been a spice a little situation like my fielder's buggered only have to put it order in the spares box yeah I think a lot of people know spares box has been the home of all the spare parts maintenance parks and Ally you guys do so much more than that don't you yeah mate it's not just maintenance stuff and the essentials I mean you want to pimp your car out you know get your full Drive really trip ready we've got your card and then means what all the aftermarket accessories on this is just the right light ships UHF spotlights you know winches tire accessories snorkels and all sorts of yeah you can really keep your full drive out from from know to go yeah so you can do all the maintenance on it you know all the spares that you need to take on your trip plus kitted out so it is trip already yeah will drive these sort of transfer drives exactly right well don't forget to put me down for a couple of airfields was made on like I said if you've made noelker drivers if y'all a bit slow up and watch this guy through the catalogue and everything I do later speaking of parts with Anthony's vehicle back on flat ground we're able to take a bit of a better look at it as a looking bud good news is yeah I'm not a CV it's not a say that bad news is there's a little auto fluid there yeah transmission related transmission as we suspected at the top of the hill folks we've done a bit of a mission is pop the top of the hill the specter miss chip has been the order of this trip we've done a few little bits and pieces but this one's going to take a little bit longer to fix than a day we've got the weekend ahead of us and you don't want to miss out I'm heading up the beach do you might know eckstein excellent so what we're thinking of doing is this is gonna take about a week or so to fix we're not gonna wait for that we're gonna get this bad boy in a tow truck get it in and they can't get it fixed for the camper trailer he's coming with us and we heading up to di for the night okay let's go who's right Chuck your beers in someone's fridge jump in let's get this bad boy hooked up and get up the coast let's go the plan is simple leave no man behind we're gonna quickly swap the camper trailer around put it on the back of the d-max and head out towards di point one of my favourite parts of Australia where we're gonna set up camp and enjoy the best of both worlds bush and Beach you gotta work oh my that sucks buddy but I tell you what I will do for you set up on the beach and I'll ever be here in your honor mate well big thanks from me mate at an absolute glass and catch next time we're up here Oh with Jesse heading home to get ready for work tomorrow we need to eat up just a little bit of black top to get us down towards di we're gonna tackle di from the south so in order to do that we've got to jump on the ferry first the ferries run all day every day there's no need to book simply turn up pay your fare and on you get it's only a 5-minute trip and you're on the other side and ready to access one of the longest stretches of beach driving in Australia it's an absolute cracker after a few days of eatin dust in the heat this is a welcome paradise get a load of it look at this look it is a good day for a boys boys blue water coming down on the sophomore up to give it a little bit coming through mate coming from the southwest of Western Australia one of the greatest places on planet Earth it's a bit like going home for me every time we touch Sandman anyone else got a copy oh I've got a little bit of static of it interference comes through and the radio then look at that you're after a good time mate you've just signed up for it because it doesn't give up better in there so I'll tell you on the top of a good day I'm even thinking about live an Aussie day food good old-fashioned bait we've got double beers Beach shot oh cooking two out of three ain't bad this is to uart Beach one of the best stretches of beach on the East Coast and today the crowds are down and we've pretty much got it to ourselves and how good is this some of the campsites up here you've literally got a seat to believe grassy flat sites right on the beach I mean come on this Lobby the pick of the crop boys my this is dare I say it this is as good if not better than Fraser but this is um especially when the crowds are white up here and tell you our Mike doesn't get much better than this look at this look at this this is coastal views like this I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited with everyone pumped to be here we're wasting absolutely no time getting set up [Music] speaking of setting up anthony's throw me one last challenge for the day alright Anthony has challenged me to a duel he reckons he can set up the Opus camper fully with the annex before I can set up my awning my swag I reckon he's got Buckley's you ready don't now I'm feeling pretty confident here so I've set up my mesh floor my awning and my swag and I reckon I've got this [Music] done there were seconds in that make absolutely seconds in it absolutely seconds ahead if I didn't get my swag off the roof and put ass a mat down what head yeah truth be told you I saw the whole thing like yeah yeah and I gotta deny you kind of extremely close in fact you came second that's a close yes I'll be in later but the fact that you're so sweaty and I'm salt air to breath thank you good man boys she is boys here's to setting up camp no matter where it is place like this I Caroline it takes pretty darn special and I think you'll agree with me folks look there might be nicer spots to have a beer in Australia but I've never seen them this spot right here is red-hot my timing is impeccable mate go no further I've been eyeing this box off I'm not to sign this I think is one of the better canopies I'm saying I reckon this looks absolutely speak from the outside thanks for the inside might well a does it all work what's a guy unreal so we've got one of our 1600 canopies sitting on a 1,800 trade package so these are tray under there and it is completely lifts off not jack off right so that's what these four four four points are well Gaston yep lift it right off four bolts she comes away so what 10 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes you good to go you're good to go clarify wood on the tray yeah guy can't be next week yep keep camp keep you out you've got me so far internal drawers big deep drawer with a little workbench you can lay out the internals who have you like if I come into the shop yeah do I get to choose how the internals Godoy yes so the way our internal canopies work is we have our own extrusion run throughout yep and it it locks it in so we design our draw systems to suit so you can have shorter drawers deeper drawers you can have an upright fridge you can have a big fridge your smaller fridge you're gonna have drawers on the opposite side you can have absolutely nothing what about what about if I go with exactly this but then next year I want to change this and put another fridge in mate too easy it's four bolts to undo this and four bolts to undo the fridge slide 10 minutes you're done I've let this slide wide open just like with swags load your gear up yeah we've been filling it up pretty full on camera crews giving you hard time they they have been a for sure they saw a bit of space and jammed it they could end all your letters tucked away neatly what I really think about this is you've got lighting already in here ready to rock and roll yes from locking make tradesmen campus the other way like you said a lot of tradesmen use is their kind of piece for work yeah in day out and then on the weekends they just want to flip their fridge back in put the drawers in pull the drawers in and out you can have shelves that are adjustable up and down I've not seen anything like it you could literally cut this in half an hour have nothing in here that is absolutely crazy you got this and take it to work on the Monday to Friday yeah put the stuff back in the two beers on Friday night yeah fully go camping with a completely set up camper 100% we need to talk more we do we really do it for now yeah I'll leave you to continue setting up mate but non ously I've not seen anything like this before it's in my mind there's a bit of a game changer Thanks it really is it's been an absolutely huge day and I can't think of a better way to top it off and by sitting back with a nice cold iron Jack and this view check it out will you now I speak for myself and the rest of the boys I am absolutely starving short oh it's time to put your chef's hat on mate who's this to our beach now it's a few hours from my house it's really the jewel of South East Queensland you can do hard tracks and it comes straight the end of the beach probably about an hour's drive if you're lucky careful and some of the most scenic coastal camping yeah it's all going a fair bit but I'm cooking up a feed tonight that's gonna be an absolute weapon of a feed you see it's Australia Day well it's close to Australia day and that's all that matters to me because I'm gonna Australian omit eat what are you done in there Mike yeah but television I got blood on there right of me have you got many one what you want ABI if you could destroy a nice sort of feed mate no ongoing all that tonight it's gonna be steaks like a barbecue we're doing whistles but not only our risk I'll the nura special type of result stay game hey champion yeah what is that cheers buddies and then um I think I think to top it off I'll do a bit of a salad as well like a mango salad like and I'm thinking what's wrong funny little tree I rub chillies on all my beers inside the fridge because I knew I knew it what did you do that there's a couple of beers in there yeah what a start what a start oh I felt gonna be seen gonna be on me I'm free jump in the old the Medicare as this might yeah broom it's okay kangaroo mints for Christie might give proper Australian results here yeah what's wrong with your face no Gordon is trying to read my lips decisively the fire coming out that's very funny my sister should be done with it I can something like that what's your finger I'd hate for you to hurt yourself alright so we got the kangaroo mints in there that's one massive onion can I start massaging your Ken Ken all right just jump in there alright breadcrumbs the breadcrumb sort of caper to actually now it's the eggs that keep it together breadcrumbs I don't wanna fall but you always put them in a result I'm gonna grab a little bit of chilli sauce Oh God this on here is the old chilli garlic just taste it the warehouses very add too much of this because not everyone likes paper chili Oh baby oh okay come on keep put it in there before it looks too bad you go in Tabasco it's funny chipotle sauce also if they blend it's a blend of the chilies that's estimate there's a I can't feel my fingers is that right actually I think this garlic feral bit of garlic in it you saw that you have seen apples what a good shift you basically season the Mesa is the Cape eggs eggs that's okay yeah we have to Michael well Joyce that's fantastic this is from a hot bang yep this is an old taco spice mix so just move the meat around mostly got it in there we go you're making balls are you doing yeah and Ilia sir it's one of those things that you can do with you my silly look you yeah you wanted a sense it not really well more is over the Opus all right cool solid give me that there give me that there you clean up here we go be gone I'm gonna be gone I'll be back in a second just give this a quick wipe then and real quick fun cool think in the county board though got to so I'll use that side I've got a rip into the debate quickly cuz I'm gonna make a salad we're gonna do the steaks bro me coming back right yeah right that's a big chunk of meat that one really is jeez a good noise yeah well that's the that's the Victorinox yes wave okay right let's get that pan hot get that pan hot right here I like this kitchen I can't even drive you sell it in a bowl red onion should that be that hot I turned down a fracture got too excited you know I love a better good knife I've just got blood and juice left my hand yeah these knives have got like a rippled appearance on the handle it means that when you are covered in a little bit of you know yeah hey you gone there's no slip-ups which is dangerous I love this thing yes move that and if you can't do that with your steak well what can you do all right now I've got meat hands well the thing is made as well so you're cheeky that's gonna kill you if it's raw what a Steve nice you know cut lazy yeah Dumon Hobbs I reckon it's a fraction I shouldn't be using mine north on the steaks actually yeah poor hygiene practices Amanda go back to the salad wait I'm gonna go over to paper towel hang on yeah I've got some mangoes damp mingoes in the salad there you gotta get more Australia in that you cannot I'm gonna put this heat back on and get these bad boys going tonight give a little pro tip yeah go use a little bit the fat mister just a round pan we're talkin go MIT Oh lovely that's a nicely then what was fake okay another little tip as well Pro tips coming in hot to see where your site needs to be now most life a medium rare a little bit rash on the bloody sort of thing you want to have that one that one there you go can I help ya so you touch your palm here that's rare medium rare well done tiny that's all getting so give you give you made a quick touch and you should I reckon regulate Mike they've rested just long enough that they look at moods touch that they ready mate I just remembered one thing what if you got have a toss oh you got a toss you do you don't the challenge your hand all right grab all of these things you know make little bit of salad II forgot ask Cory Ross when you saw lined up for this bike did you think a gourmet chef was gonna cook a meal for you but boy you think if you think in Australia tie everything in what should I cook up we've got a fair people come and I have a bit of a party put a bit of ripeness I've got a bit of chilli rule on the barbie couple steaks and don't be scared don't be scared to share them it might vary superb man you've done yourself that is absolutely superb I'm out I'm gonna say yeah what is that boys it's waking up in a picture-perfect campsites like this one right here on an uncrowded beach on morning's like this that well set it before and I'm probably gonna say it again many more times into the future but this folks is why we own 4-wheel drives because as far as I'm concerned I'm sure you'll agree this really is about as good as life gets and Shaw knows got a couple of tips to really help you put the icing on the cake in my opinion it doesn't get much better than coastal camping but Otto give you three tips that's going to make it a heck of a lot more comfortable so you can enjoy summer number one is shade now an awning is almost a must-have for any vehicle but I've gone for the 270 degree kings awning give me stacks of shade right around the front and back of the vehicle number two is trying to get your swag or you're sleeping setup up off the sea and if you're looking Graham's camp he's actually got the kings mesh flooring this rag on top of that so when he gets into his swag he's not dragging a stack of sin inside and number three of course is a position of your vehicle you say we know there's an oddly breeze so you always put the vehicles on the side that the breeze is facing therefore our aunt and I thoroughly flapping around and also no one likes to wake up in the morning the Sun in your face so trying to position the awning so the sun's gonna rise up behind the vehicle is another good tip to make sure that in the morning we're covered in shade never the set up like this you could stay here all day even for a whole week if you like but we're gonna keep moving so I'm gonna go talk with grey and see what the plan is hopefully we can get stuck in a few more Beach tracks see you bye bye did you get invited you knock you've got the pick of the crop in here oh yeah have a look you out there you got the breeze coming through yeah yeah why say now stunning I could I could literally do works up here what do we got flavor today we're a bit broken and busted we were at least a few days we have had a big few days mate one of the biggest course not with us at the moment yeah we're all a bit bruised and battered we are calm caring a few new walls rocks you know lady you got some bumps but I reckon um we don't in the trip now I think we continue north mate wouldn't want getting up to double on points on the boys and Lagoon up there that's starting if there's ever place to be on the beach on a summer's day yep get up there and have a look like what put the awnings out throw the pigskin around BAM Mike that is a cracking plan I think the boys are just about done out there get straight in all right all right done cool Mike that's it you leave me in peace I couldn't think of a better way of rounding out what's been an incredible trip and once we let the boys know the plan well never seen blokes so keen to pack up camp given just how perfect this campsite is we've decided we're gonna take the camper with us today because it's no trouble to tow it and we really don't know what our plan is tonight we may move on to somewhere else and with a trailer like the Opus taking it with you it's really not a hassle at all we've also times leaving camp to absolute perfection right on low tide [Music] take care of that table [Music] Molly out for drives come here Erin see so it's like this paid taxes in Australia I reckon prices you can tighten it for drive get though your family damp on the plate [Music] here's a D knock sounded very lovely how that build opus just tracks along nicely make my wheel length is not too bad she's pretty much in my tire tracks I know it's not bothering me at all of yours the end of the road for us or the end of the beach in this case is the double Island Point Conservation Park from here it's only a short stroll up the headland to the double item point lighthouse it's a feature of lighthouses that they almost always come with a stunning view and this one is no exception will ya get a load of this the double island point lighthouse was erected in 1884 pretty sure they didn't have air-conditioned four-wheel drives dropping them off at the base but ourselves a little bit of a baked eggs that can get a bit softer here so I'm gonna gas it and be surprised it's been these tires and the earth versus light sean-o the only thing that's likely to move mate is the body on the chassis of [ __ ] you just watch yourself there we don't like I'm into it yeah course we'll make it the d-max was designed to toe join up with these Sam that rigging there was sounds like an animal like Tim didn't have a sandpit as a kid but I tell you what he's making up for it as an adult look at him go there's a short inland track that takes you from the eastern side to the western side of di and I tell you what it's a completely different world okay and Bryce you to copy yeah my boss for you in particular might have have you gone been a passenger of a crime for a few days be nice it's been great yeah you've enjoyed yourself and Mike Cory's Cory's learned a lot about himself over last few days mateys I'm decided to my seller agree why a fleet of our land for his 80 series whose armies enjoy yourself I don't know about the 80 series but I tune from lifting wheels out in the bush to Danny a one of the nicest beaches on the East Coast what do you reckon mate is definitely showing me a good time southeast Queensland is an absolute glamour here are we back here for the out of death yeah good is it mine Anthony right you obviously don't have your ranger with you anymore mate but the overs made it through and here you are mate you didn't bow out you wanted to come explore the beaches I bet you did now definitely I didn't prime a few quick teams we had a toe in the sand you know rookie but we got there we got there Kalani's harder forming our you'll be a crime I got a good enjoy too I reckon might and saving that big ID did remarkably well lay out in the bush man you've got a few years little battle scars but I'm what do you reckon overall by the ad who's definitely seen better days but I say that just about every morning I draw the feet but it's bad I this has been absolutely this is a lovely part of Spain guide with a fantastic mother voice as well voice it's playing a good trip so far but it's not done yet as soon as we get over this middle and track you wait until what you face your eyes I was gonna be absolutely outrageous the western side of di is really well protected and it offers a completely different feel to the eastern side no boys cast your eyes on that that's officially paradise see how these planes let go I know I was gonna turn right in the head down here and see if we can't pull up you up somewhere on the lagoon maybe make a bit of a daycare throw the pigskin er area I'm saying I've decided to turn around so that I can run my warning out towards the water but I've made a bit of a rookie mistake going back up yeah I meant not Dani the ward I'm not in the middle of the beach Oh gonna be safety reasons you should be back about the fact hey this is good there's a good idea you get your toys nice and low in the sand I'm anchoring it it makes no sense you like your drawers and stuff so much I don't to be using the drop slot all the time you're wearing a mechanism and say it's that guy any chance you could do me a favor yeah they are max tractor again just a little quick sleeve of the next jack steamers give me a little pull yeah or a little tiger or something we'll get out using these I'm worried about Ruger in the vehicle I'm okay Tuesday kinder can you'll be out thanks my love Anna are you bear the army yeah you sure do he in all seriousness though folks when it comes to getting bogged on the beach the number one key is don't spin your tires and bog yourself down too far watch how easily I get out of this situation using the max tracks look at that no tricky camerawork there folks that is literally how well they work I'll tell you up next tracks you wouldn't go in the beach without them everyone thinks their uses a traditional recovery device and they are they're fantastic at that but there is another use for them now that everyone's facing the right direction it's time to roll out the awnings fold out the camp chairs get the barbecue out grab a 40 and get stuck into a little bit of Australian tradition hang it on the beach with your mates and your four B's doesn't get any better than this [Music] have a look at that crystal-clear water white sands Sun Shade from the awnings and a bunch of four-wheel-drive folks if you think this looks good it isn't it's fantastic [Music] of course try on the pigskin around is all fun and games but there's some beachside activities that we take very seriously welcome to beach cricket four-wheel drive action style as far as Australia Day activities go you can't go past a bit of Beach cricket classic catches one hand one bounce six in your out as well as a CD bloke polishing a cricket ball Beach cricket it's got it all and you gotta love it I honestly couldn't think of a more fitting way to finish what has been a fantastic trip so like this right here there's no backyard southeast winds pretty much my it was been a couple hours a drive for more house I'm gonna say it it's gonna hurt me to do it I have to take a big deep breath got some pretty darn good beaches it's out these points they're not bad mate they're not bad if we can come out and do this on the weekend we really do live in a lucky country I mean I Australia what is it it's the best place on earth and you've got tough tracks just an hour that way you've got camping just down here that cost you very very little you've got don't want all that no for Drive Mecca Mike it really so lightly I hope you guys celebrating the Australia Day period just in absolute style just like you asked me yeah burn a few snares up on the Barbie I reckon gonna be lame on there who knows what we're gonna get sunburned head back the camp and that is how you enjoy Australia Day and Australia as far as I'm concerned get you four B's em put em on the beach get those warnings out key camp chair standing in the water P use your for drives for what they were built for exactly exactly mate I reckon we get back to camp have a cold beer but for now we're we gonna see these fine folks next night of course on Australian for arrived action now folks don't go anywhere because up next you want to find out more about the gear we use to make these trips possible and then of course my favorite part it's the four-wheel drive action outtakes southeast Queensland tough tracks the beach the boys have loved it yeah I've actually had a ball and this is the part where we go through some of the products that we've used on this trip that have really helped us really helped us now speak of helping some of the trucks we did in the bush super-tight yeah you would know about this and I saw you in a couple of occasions getting your man Friday to reach out and pull your mirrors in for you yeah I know you've got the Feherty cleanup pay out the power folds push your button I come in he's a question we get asked all the time actually get this one on the Instagram a lot of what Sonny is always oh I was thinking of but we've been using the same Sony's for many years now I use the Mako GTS is the model number yeah I got the blades like my ABS these are my favorite Sony's in the world yeah I'm like I'm everywhere well they're Polaroid's they're really good quality glasses yeah I wear yep and they're just perfect for I think for fishing before driving basically anything outdoors a good quality set of polarized Sony's like these Makos here neither the bomb just super comfortable they're great for your eyes he said protecting yourself yeah well he talking about mate I've never seen dust like we saw believable and the old dame accent she's got brand new sights in there and they look brand new because we've got black duck seat covers on yeah I don't particularly you might not notice but I don't really take care of myself out there I jump in it in whatever condition I can't be in and those seats if you take those Black Ducks off mmm brand-new that's the thing like from the dust but also coming out of the Beach FC and they're like everywhere I've got wet bodies on the minds been swimming jump straight back on the Black Ducks and down the seats or in Mickey Mouse Keynesian wouldn't worry too much about a vehicle like this but if you've got something quite special like this one here get yourself a quality center so it comes like the olds like Bugsy look there's one other part that we've been using a lot behind the scenes that you guys probably haven't seen yet yeah that's a snatch weekender bag now that's a collaboration we've done with crash pad to make the ultimate fool drive up weekend bag now we say weekender because it is a cool little small bag that you can fit in the pool or drive it if it's enough gear in it you go I've got the week obviously bush for two weeks that's all I need mate when you save up yourself you'll see it's just been made with the best quality canvas super quality zips you're not gonna do anything to that back you give your team rankings absolute sure there's on to get dirty Mike so the bags they are top quality look I hope you've enjoyed this episode as much as Bugalugs and I have and make sure of course if you haven't liked you obscure I don't know a little comment as well because we love getting on there and seeing what you guys think of the episode once again big thanks from us see us 3 it's gonna feel seven shades of awkward that was awkward not awkward as in the plane okay come back make whoa yes we got you know I'm illiterate man I was very hot whoa fatal in the pan binlong pan Guinea man whoa Crocky on being cheese diver yeah those bags are an absolute bomb I hope you fight to enjoy this episode and don't have that spice up and say this is this really doesn't come out no all your public hold a lot that Sydney because because it warms up the glass really faded him yeah [Music] [Music] I say yeah much better that's working you holding up sardine as well without worry about I got a really key that at that uh [Music] one thing with with broom is just check it's not pet food because I didn't this is looking good this is looking alright it's looking pretty good you want to open it right up okay so the picture of the dogs just for oh it's not picture the dogs just going on Jasper animals though is it [Music] we're gonna put a favor - mango in Oh in Lauria we did that mango [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,290,320
Rating: 4.9276695 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd 24/7, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails
Id: qmMgfZ1q7PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 55sec (4675 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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