Shauno ROLLED the Dirty 30 in Coffs • Does it survive?

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[Music] we're up here the silly look at this bub coughs Arbor the reason being I'm gonna check out those hills over there because that's where we're going the reason I'm standing here in the coughs region goes back a couple of weeks you say we put a post up on Facebook asking for a few of the locals to show us around we got an overwhelming response hundreds of people but there were two whose knowledge of the area and knowledge in general meant that we just had to have them I tell you what it has paid off these blokes are gonna show us coughs like you've never seen before my advice to you sit down grab something cold make yourself comfortable because this is gonna be coffs harbor four-wheel drive action style and trust me when I say you've never seen anything like it epic does it even do it justice joining me for a trip that I'm sure none of us will ever forget his old mates sure know Candy's tough as nails dirty 30 way down the back is Chris from superior off-road with a wealth of mechanical experience his skills might just be useful on a trip like this of course brento needs no introduction he absolutely loves coughs the harder steeper and more extreme the better up front we've got our two readers and who are acting as guides for this trip grant any slick gqu and Rowan in his flaming beast of a g60 starting just north of town we're tackling tracks that all coughs locals know about and I really the testing ground for anyone heading up here looking for a challenge a little later in the trip we're gonna head out Bellingen way to the promised land to cool off straight off the blacktop and we're all airing down right away it's directly down to the low 20s for most of the convoy this is serious terrain requiring serious attention to traction back in cuffs on back you are my mate I love this place yeah you do it's a bit of a it's almost like if you're really informal drives this is Sydney four-wheel drive is backyard Apple audience all make sense what does make sense my dish is probably the top of a single series of tracks in Australia no you won't get out you Trump right now you gotta go be yeah be fill around like sha na RI up here where Brooklyn like dishwashing water might absolutely limit looking forward to it hey Chris you got a copy way back there mate yeah by the way back here will you get a load of this convoy out front we've got the greatest four-wheel drive have a building and aligned it probably the second grader so we drive over bill grant gotta go meet MA thanks for the invite this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it like we need what we're gonna ask of you that was just one favor can you just drive it about half your ability that'll be bad it's not me you need the wiry bear Graham it's surrounding the artists it might really shows everyone I'm growin here the copyright I learned to drive in a vehicle I was gonna say similar than ever I was actually know in here it was a 60 but it wasn't so it was a bit of a basement all I'm looking forward to this boys what are we gonna burst there grant oh we're just gonna tackle the bottom of commando and just get a feel for it then we have been a little calm up the math grandpa which is a lovely look at let's get into it boys tell me man of the first David ever done before drive actually yeah nearly rolled the 60 put on a full body wagon literally had 33 s on and that's it I nearly rolled it on its side and Camino I never drove it past the base of commander hmm there we go Shaw knows already had one attempt in the past and he nearly put the 60 on its side let's see how he goes in round two tell you what coughs Arthur we've just had breakfast literally just had breakfast just finish me bacon and eggs we've only just stepped off the blacktop in fact if you were to turn everything off sit down and listen you probably hear the trucks on the highway this right here let's go commando I got no idea why it's cool commander I reckon that's pretty tough name we'll go with it I was not called commando because the commando role you know what I'm talking about the boys are having a look they're picking their lines I got nothing will decide them to shake my head this is coffs harbour thrills room you've always confident [Music] I like that quiet confidence well let's get into a god again no thank you no thank you sir really really serious no feel like a letter a fellow for driver down something tells me the great needs about zero of my help zero in fact uh pre be a hindrance [Music] grants up first and he set that JQ up to be low light and geared right down I've seen him in action before and his approach is calculated and precise he's gonna eat this that's insane that's a tough line grants made that looks so easy look at that straight up the hill he really did make that look like nothing and this is commander no that's good Matt I heard you all the way it was you just got to listen to me a bit more that's all I'm saying you know I'll do my best for the next time I do my best as ridiculous least I will come on what's your secret just lies the way to go in Coffs Harbour yeah just keep them low lots of off camber stuff here so that reason so what I want to touch on you purposely built this it's a low truck that's a very low in comparison to what you say running around to any official and you're driving everything's are today nothing nothing soft everything now we'd like to challenge yourselves don't get me wrong we do winch yep but majority the time we're able to drive it solo sly you pick a good line it's the way to go what's your spotter that's it watch my spotter I did nothing wrong are we doing the second bit I'd love to yeah let's get stuck into it those really are some words of wisdom if you're chasing super tough terrain build your trap load and hit the challenges slow it also helps to be able to pick killer lines like grant [Music] commander John [Music] all I can either be please start up you don't miss that in the chorus she sounds like a Mack truck I'm so keen to see the big g60 in action yet I'll look at that piece will you what Ilana I'm pretty sure Rowan just picks the hardest lines to have fun how good is that reek I reckon you could pretty much transplant these truck from here [Music] put it into something in America and I would look just as home yep put a machine gun on the roof and it wouldn't look out of place that thing is a beast [Music] super impressive here we go sean-o versus commando round two a couple lockers for this one I'd be lying if I didn't tell you I wasn't a little bit apprehensive I mean this is big heels big rats big rock steps and it's Bob Costas really famous for this is one of the most notorious I think tracks in cops are yeah yeah my Mike you're back here again you're like an Atlantic salmon have another crack okay pause that first obstacle that's all positive so let's hope I get fast there hey I've got nothing but 100% confidence right everything you eat these for breakfast it's always good to come back or I can have a crack at something baby before I think you're gonna kill this yeah comité I'm gonna bring her up all day let's do it the dirty 30 to the top hey wait orphne oh you can't leak ill dive Duvall's I've gone to him oh that was a committee wine when was the first video actually rolled on that bit before okay he's past the point defeat him last time and he did so with ease well uh Struth that is some wheel whipped right there right on next up stage to the big ruts do i right I saw a maneuver then that I haven't seen since the 2007 Summer Olympics he came down both came up this wheel came off whilst this way was off the air the other one came off and you pivoted and came back down two wheels up in two wheel drive you're gonna walk up this it's pretty scary though it is I mean you can see you folks I'm one of the taller but you like that and I'm only just able to look through the windscreen walk up walk up yeah trying to bounce around too much that's all you really be a bouncing ball now you're good that was easy walk up it I'll leave you with Raja next up stage to the big ruts you've got this bud this is it arguably the hardest section on commando the crux make this and you've knocked the top of it yeah good Drive Mike good Drive yeah good line to start your night now the big rock step mate this is it the toughest part come on Mike well yep we sure this vehicles not going anywhere now you can't physically can't you up against the bank okay I'm tech foot off the brake then wheels out on the ground dude the brakes got through with it this is probably the most gnarly angle I've ever been on yeah don't get much more they don't get an earlier show really yeah we can get to that leaking distraught really I might I might oh I got before run it all there my legs do you want to hop out children and check it out for yourself but you say yeah okay it's a boat off I'll tell you what walk you have my seatbelt on oh wow well don't even I had to get out of you just waiting for a mic not a great situation yes to be honest with you I don't think that needs an explanation why number one makes your nose okay number two let's just everyone calm down we're going to make sure we can get the vehicle into a position where it's safe because right now it physically could go back over so we'll we'll try it we'll try to get it back up on those wheels or at least stabilize so we can get Shawn away I'd never look at it that's the thing number one [Music] [Music] daddy's money that's the other side of my god yep wait I might at further the last one you did you're nearly at the top on I and I third time's a charm they say it'd be Bulls you wanted next time you drive this [Music] [Music] well we've had a bit of a think tank and this what I've come up with we've got um a winch from grants going right out to a tree offer up a pulley block to hold the vehicle and hopefully pull it across we've also got a backup winch which is Brent O's Dominator on the GU there so if anything does happen which is very unlikely one of the straps to break asunder there a second winch on the vehicle I've even got my Dominator out here and secured to a tree up there so at the end of the day my vehicle can't go backwards I only come across so on the plan now is to get it back onto our wheels now probably to pull it back off this bank and position it back in the middle of the track there is a lot of advanced winching techniques of play here and it really is a team effort the key here is to take it slowly and double-check everything as well as keeping clear of all straps safety first with the dirty thirty back on its wheels we now need to reposition the straps and which is in order to pull the truck off the left bank and back onto the track where it's on some sort of level ground there is a total of three winches all working simultaneously here it's like conducting an orchestra with the 30 now as level as we're going to get it it's time to call christen and make sure the engine is folk' to crank over having been on its side for quite some time oil or possibly caught has moved and could have flown into the cylinders we all know that liquid doesn't compress well so starting an engine with some of us full of oil will be the last thing that engine does well this one's fairly lucky actually normally being right hand down being that the air cleaners on this side that normally fill up with oil so no damage at all besides the superficial stuff mm-hmm which is a win it's good news it is are you saying we ripped these injectors out yes before you start it so for me no that's all right so what will happen if there's oil inside the inlet it'll want to fill up the valve and the valve comes up the piston like lock the piston yeah sure so just an available meet because of it all trying to compress the diesels need to have glow plugs remove the dirty 30 doesn't have any so direct to the injectors and each one is removed in turn the engine is then cranked over forcing any oil out into the engine bay that's what that blanket is for to catch the oil and make sure that it's free of the cylinders with Chris now giving the old player Shawn I was able to get the big rig running with a minimum of fuss that's good work boys okay from here the general consensus was to winch over the rock step to a small section of a level ground this will give Shawn out the best chance of continuing under his own steam it's great to see the old girl back upright and it's just in the nick of time a huge storm front is rolling in and we've now got a limited window to get to the top and off this hill before it all turns to mush you think commando is tough in the dry try it in the wet utterly insane grants twin locked GQ is doing it easy he's done this track dozens of times and it shows perfect lines and local experience are worth their weight out here then of course there's Rowan in that weapon of a g60 mate you're making it look way too easy [Music] not to be forgotten breno in the GU is now up it's got to be nerve-wracking having seen and might go over game face time buddy [Music] come on three-button she filled one before my crisps in the day 40 right on the Spanish and a Phileas good behind the wheel [Music] that way they're closing in he's amped to get to the top and he ain't holding back [Music] fire is on consent it's a ballsy effort to get back behind the wheel after a nasty roll halfway up a hill like Amanda big respect right [Music] with the rain now starting now is not a great time to have any issues with the 30 now I take my hat off to you make big big effort well done Sean I will save the proper celebrations till the pup because some savage weather is rolling in which could shut this track down Sean I was shown away now stand to Brenna on Chris to follow [Applause] like cats and dogs out there brother that is one of the ballsiest drives I've ever seen really to get back up off the ground tell you what point yourself at a hill that's killed you twice it as it was the first time I put it on its side it should have been a good enough I'm and yeah as it was but see I got this and I didn't I fell on my side and I tell you what that was even the hardest bit kick down it was even harder videos I was nervous I was yeah you know I dented my pride my car everything and I'm just so happy to be at the top of commando yep gone oh I don't reckon too many people would've stood up as you did it so I was never not gonna drive it when you put on its side you gotta get up you're gonna go right out I'm getting this off this hill right let's go go captain [Music] fine I'll tell you what over the years I've had some pretty intense first days on adventures all around Australia I'm gonna put this one down yeah the most intense first day of any trip I've ever done we're gonna finish up here Baloo this view heading to camp tell you what folks cops Arbour get up [Music] [Music] we're back out in the hills above coughs and after an epic first day coughs locals grande and Rowan aren't easing up on the tough stuff but first we might just be adding one more to the convoy hi gret gonna copy other yeah man I got you you ever bring your young like that man but he absolutely loves it as as often as I can he misses it out all of the night runs but during the day we like eating me out on the weekends what's he yeah what's today - the school day what's the guy he still be I was sounding it early hey that's cool die to die but hey you think maybe get ready for school day outside what do you reckon we're we give the little bugger surprise my that would be sensational to give them do something that he just really Moffat won't lead the way might let's go past your place might he's gonna be a study with this all right yeah let's go get him excited introducing grants young bloke danger he's a massive four-wheel drive action fan in fact he watches the DVDs every night before bed good on you mate he helps grant work on his GQ and he can crack a mean whip to boot excuse me are you danger Do You Know Who I am can I shake you you better go to school what do you reckon we just sign out of school and just like that a day off school out four-wheel driving how good is that I just hope dangerous teacher isn't watching with our convoy complete we head back into the hills that's the great thing about coughs tracks are so close grant and Rowan have promised us one of the single best water holes in the region only catch is it's a little tough to get to this just dead-set drops away off the edge of the earth we always looking at state that is down there yeah we can see the dip in the g16 poverty going down no knockers going up not going down you just want to use lockers all the time just in case oh oh no no not yeah well you know a bit later oh yeah guys here we go this is one heck of a steep descent it's all about engine braking here first gear low feet off the brake pedal and let compression slow you down concentrate instead on picking a good line is it nice in the manual section don't speak too soon now that is a slide that Ju is just such a capable bit of kid I love it you you know attracts deep when he arrives he brought locked on chris has done a lot of work on his d40 and it really shows on hills like this nice Drive mate my grandkid a copy hi all these Reba's a lot along that road and saw how do any of these got any day some swimming already hi can you access them can you get anywhere and swim just up the ride up you actually go to a swimming house it's a bit of a grip dear the last one a little bit of his downfall [Music] that's crazy talk [Music] [Music] [Music] what you doing there mate putting some waypoints in well for this water hole mate oh I uh I've been here twice before once an awesome camp a trail of DVDs and I've been wanting to come back to this particular waterhole River but as you know this place is just a sea its tracks are here so mate we're just right you can see it right on that little pinch there that's the spots go menu waypoints call it secret waterhole ahead Waypoint at location Bank Waypoint done brilliant because that's more VMs I'll get to go back there all the time well you bet no that's if you don't want to copy that GPS that's a really good joke but the fact is you can actually email me that really yeah just download this all the software or whatever you need on your computer download those waypoints you can stick them into an email yeah straight on you can't do that if you're a nice guy if you don't get that emails probably lost somewhere in the mail no no no I remember where this is because I think I'm never gonna see that again thanks mate well we're nice and refreshed after that swim and now we're heading into the rainforest for possibly the most brento friendly hill we've ever seen coughs has such a variety of terrain steep shale one minute rock steps the next an around the corner thick rainforest and crystal-clear streams it's a good idea that you prep your rig for anything because that's exactly what your might encounter at the back of coughs now that little cameras still got me oh sorry mr. cameraman I owe you one GoPro whoops Bren I next and we can expect an alley line here that's a good Drive make perfect throttle control [Music] this is a beaut bit of rainforest but it's almost time to head to camp the way out however is a hill the boys have been talking about all day even Brent our shop what do you reckon what's that what's the technique here what would you do with you can every remote-control car the ballsy line we're taking that exact lon definitely gonna need the locus face one [Music] how much does danger loveness so good to say fire is that fire is what it did count come on thanks give it a go that j6d is pure animal [Music] so close Sean oh so close I think there's just too much weight in the back mate let's win che the idea behind this little setup of course is to get 16 ton of g60 up the front which is going to act as an anchor point and of course we've got the secondary anchor point here in the GQ and the reason we're taking these measures is twofold firstly that he loses remarkably steep and secondly the dirty thirty despite being only half a four-wheel drive why is more than about four four-wheel drives so I'm going to double line pull off the back of the JQ as well these are just anchored vehicles and primarily in this country here I mean it's just so slippery we'll pull one vehicle don't know from the Royal so hopefully with two [Music] [Applause] thank you rata this should be good this is a swamp this one debate Friday tonight you say are away another technique that I like to call the key large Chris so close buddy that was a good Drive [Music] [Music] [Applause] we've been given the keys to a private property with a perfect campsite overlooking the cops Coast directly above a banana plantation makes sense to go grab a bunch given the monkeys I'm traveling with I know a thing or two about bananas and those suckers are green you can't eat them can't eat those right but Cole was good enough to give us some real rock ones yep and down there the ones what are you gonna do is there gonna be the wrong way because dude I've had your courage sausages about 18 times now and every single time you haven't had all right that's not a bad key ingredient to banana fritters so we've got we've got chicken farmer la rag style over here Brent oh that's that's Panama good you've got your deep fried banana gristle yep what are you bringing to the time be good man you know we got those bananas today yep I've got a bunch of ripe ones off Cole you did and I'm gonna do something with them I can't just leave them go to waste no it's too nice for that actually so what I'm gonna do yeah fritters for dessert banana fritters cook them well you need to set it to the table was I never all ingredients right so I know what I usually doing is make stuff up on the floor yeah really yeah there's an old rule that says you can't put bananas on your boat that's correct now what's that a bit my only superstition I have so you believe that I do why was my energy I don't know any bad luck on my fish all right oh you know what I usually take it with you ever guys I don't anything else that could have contributed life but that isn't all these are all fine here no no might who actually had browsing by just one speck up here on Rory's boat in the bar he's rolled he's but you've got a lot in common with all right here we go drinking these are done these ones all right yeah better Jackson pulling on in all seriousness folks I tell you what we've had one heck of a meal tonight we've had we've had the old chicken parmigiana Bruno stop and and now we've had fires sure Shaw knows bananas in custard and I'll tell you what neither one has looked terribly other doesn't but they both tasted remarkably good and I tell you I've got to say if I was served that up in a restaurant I would think I had really won a lot maybe that just looks like you've done a great job may not choose coming up on this very memorable DVD short a Bren a Chris myself plus locals Rowan and grant tackle the toughest that costs can throw our way with some unforgettable results [Music] damn had to sleep in with a bunch of blacks cracking whips next to your swag thanks boys still who'd wanna sleep with another day [Music] [Music] well I'm so I don't absolutely so and who can argue with a bloke that drives a tank for a four-wheel-drive man up indeed the Bellingen State Forest is an untouched paradise of virgin rainforest and crystal-clear creeks it's even better than it looks [Music] [Applause] my daddy look at that that was now good does that look just seen a fish though no one's there to swim in till I have a quick cast because you can wait you can sit on the rock you can't swim until I catch a fish this is what traveling was Shawn I was all about pretty much somebody some people go by times of day when they can eat sleep all those all those basic things it's about when we can fish I've got no problem there is a perch or a Basara Barracuda Mundy I'm not sure mate they're gonna try to catch it Shawn I can't take him anywhere that bloke was born with fins I reckon okay mate come on that's enough can we swim yet [Music] [Music] [Music] I just can't convey how cold that was that's like water you would just get out of the fridge and pour on yourself it's absolutely freezing yeah done the ice bucket challenge [Music] [Music] just failing oh yeah both my little one but put it in let's do it I'm not gonna hand best little co-driver any bloke could ask for something tells me the danger ain't gonna owner two-wheel-drive when he gets his license the last time Rowan and grant were out this way on rocky track they had to help out another poor bloke who had just rolled his truck coughs tough as it gets but grant makes it look easy this is one of the more popular tracks around costs pretty notorious - it's called Rocky is actually a couple of names for it there's a bit of discussion over what you should call it it could be called rover could be called Rocky let's tip with rocky because it's great me rock right here I like a little bit probably this would be the pinch the little the little tough part on the track we had to recover the camera car from here the big 84 and I drove like an absolute madman but just unlocked didn't quite make it up I've seen Grant carpet and as everything grants done this trip so far it looked like he was going to pick up a pizza from Pizza Hut there's no big deal I have a feeling though this next line could be very spectacular I'm gonna see how we go here but I'm looking forward to watching the boys come up this should be good fun we're gonna drive the rock on rocky then we're going to Rove up and over over stick with me clear as mud complot I bring up the g60 [Music] oh yeah a seatbelt might be a good idea around [Music] now that was a tough line but rowan made it look like a curb in a shopping centre car park a bit of fun driving the camera truck up here the patrols should do it a lot easier I'll tell you what I don't envy Sean right now I've been in situations not as bad of a role in not anywhere near as bad of a role as Sean had but I do know how much it shakes your confidence so full credit to the blog forgetting backup dust himself off and go back out and hidden some more tracks um but you could not blame him for a single second for taking this one easy because I know I'd be taking it easy say if you fall off a horse you're gonna get straight back on it and that's exactly the one today yesterday of all the vehicle in corpse and all these people right I'm gonna get back on that horse and don't drive these tracks are all the same sort of tracks up here across the state they rub it and we try a little bit more Niveen next unfortunately and you were that close what down over was it really you can try that again gonna reach it it'll just be a disaster I thought I thought it was gonna all happen again then put a wrench on it put a wrench on it good call make good call safety first all hands on deck let's get this done that's actually that's a good law Madeline I'm gonna build a brand without locking him up this up this hall yeah so you say out [Music] say well that was a pretty ballsy travel insurance uh-huh he's been through the wringer the poor boy that was a pretty nollie and big winch drum as well but many here's little size 30 monthly spine that was a good pardon me out that was almost a repetition of the other days that was a little bit scary I am I think Shawn I thought was even if I'm gonna get the patron give it a go hi Grimes yep tub gotcha night bring her up for a night [Music] EPIK dr breen oh that was classic that d40 impresses me nearly as much as Chris behind the wheel so I got the chance to have a ride in the g60 and this is why I got soft ops they really put you in touch with your environment I'm buying one this best managing their buddy clothes on [Music] this is an old logging area with a maze of tracks [Music] yeah well but Logan they've done a detour our state forests by then there's a little bit broader you talking to me yeah we still got a bit of looking down and Thompson nothing to use on the area another Steven the other day all sort of north of it there's a lot of a thing done Roger this type are so I guess the good thing about that is that they maintain all of the tracks we're gonna get the water truck through which made City okay [Music] [Music] [Music] time for one last short steep rutted climb coughs just doesn't give up its gnarly right to the end [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh right now that is some wheel lift might - wheelies that's a good manner where these [Music] Chris that was a clean line well driven Mike well what an absolutely amazing adventure I don't think any of us will ever forget this trip big thanks to Sean and brento for providing the entertainment and also huge thanks to Chris for picking up the pieces and keeping us all in our wheels and making sure we can continue day after day I really want to say a big heartfelt thanks to of course Ron and grant for bringing us out here and showing us not only these tough tracks but places like this in little danger something tells me we got to keep an eye on that bloke I reckon he's going to be on another for drive action DVD one day showing up whoever it could even be me you might even be presenting but I tell you what he will drive better than I do now let's put an argument to rest once and for all coughs Abba as the greatest number of tough tracks anywhere in Australia that's it done and dusted without a doubt but to be able to come down here and contrast all those tough tracks with a place like this crystal-clear streams beautiful camping I tell you what coughs has really grown on me I'll be back absolutely for sure maybe you'll see me here maybe even beyond this rock maybe you won't you'll definitely see me next time on four-wheel drive action for more on this adventure and to find out all the details that you didn't see on camera read my article in the mag believe me you'll want to know this stuff to view our video extras visit the four-wheel drive action website video page and the four-wheel drive action Facebook page and for the coordinates of this trip sign up to our e-newsletter [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,239,753
Rating: 4.903286 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, rollover, recovery, coffs harbour, commando
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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